Where are the sexiest and most temperamental women. Rating of the sexiest nations in the world: what kind of lovers they are

It is hardly possible to make any objective rating of the best and worst lovers in the world - it all ultimately comes down to luck and to the personal qualities of this or that man. However, national temperament is a real thing and we can talk about trends.

Several years ago, based on surveys of women around the world, a guide was compiled to find good and bad lovers of different nationalities.

Worst lovers in the world

Germans who smell bad

In the first place in the anti-rating of lovers, the respondents put the Germans. Their main negative quality, according to women, is insufficiently good personal hygiene. Smell is undoubtedly one of the most important criteria for attractiveness. The editors of vznayvsё.rf advises: if you have a heightened sense of smell, do not mess with the natives of Germany.

Englishmen who don't try at all

The inhabitants of cold England, according to the women surveyed, are lazy and incurious creatures. In bed, they will have to do all the work. This has some advantages: for example, you can fulfill all your fantasies without encountering much resistance. But it should be borne in mind that you won't get much enthusiasm either.

Swedes who are in short supply

The surveyed women responded very disapprovingly about the inhabitants of Sweden: in their opinion, the descendants of the Vikings finish the process too quickly. Fortunately, this is the 21st century, which means that there are many devices and "magic pills" that can help. And if the partner is ready for a dialogue, you can tell him a well-known anecdote about impotence, ten fingers and tongue.

The Dutch who are too overbearing

Contrary to the widespread stereotype of the reserved and pragmatic Dutch, these pioneers of European democracy are overbearing in bed - at least according to the women interviewed. When you find yourself in a romantic situation with a resident of the Netherlands, try to remind him of equality and freedom.

Americans who are too rude

It is not for nothing that in recent years so many scandals about sexual harassment and rape at university parties have arisen in the United States (the editorial board of learnvse.rf notes that Lady Gaga was nominated for an Oscar in 2016 for the music for a film about college violence. ).

The women's community is no longer afraid to say that their compatriots are too rude and forget about voluntariness and informed consent.

Greeks who are too sentimental

They say that gentle and sensitive men are rare, as mostly boys are taught to restrain their emotions. Greek lovers fall into this rare category of emotional partners. True, this is considered a disadvantage, not an advantage: according to the women interviewed, in bed with a Greek, you risk drowning in his tears.

Scots to go deaf

The descendants of the warlike Picts were not used to holding back. This is probably why in bed Scottish men express their feelings so violently, as if they were uttering battle cries during a battle, and not expressing tender confessions of their beloved. Well, some people like it.

Turks who are too emotional

It seems that life in the mild Mediterranean climate leaves a mark on men. Like the Greeks, their Turkish neighbors are overly emotional with their partner; however, unlike them, they do not differ in increased tenderness.

Russians who are too ... hairy

The female part of the editorial board of the site does not know where the foreign women interviewed saw Russian men with increased hairiness (are ours really hairier than the Greeks and Turks?). Perhaps they were referring to some specific parts of the body. Here we will agree: intimate haircuts are not preached among brutal Russians.

The best lovers in the world: top 5


Irish men are often reproached for their modesty. They say the Russians are much more decisive. But those who managed to melt the ice and get closer to the Irishman say that it is difficult to meet more attentive men who respect their partner.


Sex with Norwegians is fun but dangerous because they don't like condoms. At the same time, men from this country know how to make a woman feel like a queen. The editors of uznayvsё.rf still advise to insist on the use of contraceptives - and enjoy.


In addition to the ability to dance, sing bossa nova and play football, the people of Brazil are naturally famous for their sophistication in love. 82% of Brazilians say they make love three times a week on average - with this practice you can learn something. It is in Brazil that people are the first to lose their innocence - but this is a dubious argument. It is not quantity that matters, but quality.

Has anyone ever wondered why so many supermodels are natives of Brazil? The simple answer to this is because Brazilians are one of the most ethnically united nations on the planet. This results in a large mixture of different shapes, skin tones, hair and eye color. Such a mixture of races creates, perhaps, the most ideal bodies. And Brazilian women not only have such forms from childhood, from which we know the expression "Brazilian ass", but they work hard on them, be it a fitness club or a plastic surgeon's knife, because Brazilians love to live on the beach, like, for example, in Rio. If you go to any fashion shows around the world or just open Sports Illustrated, you will definitely find a Brazilian beauty there and most likely more than one.

50 more photos and nine countries.



Next to Brazil is Russia, which is most likely the nation with the most stunning women per square kilometer. If you even ride the subway in Moscow without going deep into the wilds of Siberia, you are guaranteed to find a girl there from whom it is impossible to take your eyes off. By the way, supermodel Irina Shayk was born in Siberia, and whether we like it or not, Russia has some of the most beautiful women you could ever find.

If you talk to gentlemen who prefer blue-eyed blondes, then most likely you will think that they will tell, first of all, about Sweden. But will you say when you find out that the most stunning blondes can actually be found in Slovakia? Countless women around the world spend small fortunes every day on what the girls in Slovakia have quite naturally. And it doesn't take long for them to get attention from the opposite sex.

Even though blondes are not uncommon in Slovakia, Swedish girls deserve to win in the category of the most beautiful blondes, and thanks to this they have won several world beauty contests.

As for the Miss Universe and Miss World contests, many countries are concerned that the beauties from Venezuela will again take the victory with them. Women in Venezuela spend a lot of money on looks as everyone knows that female beauty has become the biggest source of national pride. It really doesn't matter that the capital city of Caracas is completely unattractive. Gorgeous women make this city unforgettable.

Okay, the reality is that not all Colombian women will look like Sofia Vergara. However, there are many who have come close to her beauty. Colombian women are proud and try to show their forms. Who can deny that they are so sexy? Make sure you can control your urges when you go on vacation to Bogota.

Why does it happen that different people on the planet take brides from Ukraine? This topic has already been discussed in beat and many times. The answer is simple, Ukrainian women are well-dressed women who take very good care of their figure and have alluring charm and attractiveness. Walk around Kiev and you will have all the answers about these beautiful girls.

Not everyone agrees, but we argue that in the Middle East and the Arab world, Lebanese women are the most beautiful. After one of the photographs from 2006 was published in one of the magazines, many photographers around the world began to pay attention to this fact. The photograph depicts young and tanned women in Beirut, a war-torn area. The radiant and cheerful mood of the people will amaze all guests of the Lebanese capital.

It may be a bold statement, but the most attractive women in Africa can be found in Angola. This nation is one of 2 sub-Saharan countries to hold the Miss Universe title. Models from this country are really popular all over the world. Ladies in Luanda are currently constantly competing in local competitions to get noticed by international modeling agencies.

It is highly unflattering for America that it has a well-known reputation for being home to the largest number of overweight people in the world. With such a diverse mix of people, there isn't one particular type of woman in the United States. From Eva Mendes to Jessica Alba, from Jennifer Lopez to Rihanna, there is a great variety of types, skin colors and personalities.
But there are some cities inland that stand out for how many hot girls there are. If you take cities like Los Angeles or Miami, then there is the highest concentration of beautiful women on the planet.

Often, intelligent women, behaving modestly and chastely in public, with loved ones show a wide range of acceptable actions. Of course, this happens only in cases of absolute confidence in the adequacy of perception. Otherwise, this woman, feeling the condemnation or bewilderment of the man, will withdraw, become constrained - and the path to disharmony will be open.

Mostly men attach importance to how a woman relates to the opposite sex. The more a woman is selective, the more desirable she is. But if a woman is not available at all, this is frightening, because she seems to men unnecessarily serious. On a psychological level, people are attracted to a person who punishes and then rewards. This "technique" has been used more than once by the best seducers of world history!

The feminine temperament is especially acute in force majeure situations. To attract a man, it is enough to survive with him the circumstance of emotional uplift - whether it be a rainstorm or a walk along a turbulent river in kayaks. Scientists have repeatedly confirmed the fact that adrenaline brings people together precisely due to the disclosure of the true temperament of partners in such situations. In force majeure, it's hard to pretend.

As a rule, temperamental ladies are sexy. They value men first of all, consider them to be good friends. Sincere sympathy for people of the opposite sex is one of the secrets of sexual attraction.

In the course of a series of polls, it turned out that men were more attracted to a woman who was serious at first, but by the end of the conversation began to feel embarrassed and flirtatious. Therefore, ladies, do not be afraid to seem ridiculous! - Be natural - "great in great and small in small" - as you are - REAL to the last drop!

Sexy young ladies are more playful. Don't confuse playfulness with stupidity. The ability to laugh at yourself and have fun is very much appreciated by men. An overly serious girl will scare off a man faster than make him fall in front of her cold beauty. Fools laughing for no reason are not attractive at all, moreover, most gentlemen simply consider them a burden.

So ..., speaking about the social model of behavior, the question of appearance is of increasing interest. How to determine a woman's temperament? It is known that we are a reflection of our inner world. Therefore, having studied the peculiarities of the types underlying, we can, with a certain clarity, be able to present the desired partner, comrade or life partner.

Temperament (from Lat. Temperamentum - the proper ratio of parts) is a stable combination of individual personality traits associated with the dynamic aspects of activity - that organic soil that was given to us as a legacy by our forefathers: the past of our race. It carries in itself the physical and mental capabilities of ourselves, enclosing character, appearance, determines the duration of life.

The power of the senses

Teaching about temperaments dates back to ancient times. Differences in the characters of people were explained by the superior influence of one of the four elements: water, fire, earth or wind.

The influence of the earth, which is cold, was credited with the emergence of a melancholic temperament, water - the appearance of a phlegmatic temperament, fire - a symbol of hotness - influenced the temperament of sanguine people and, finally, choleric people should be grateful to the wind.

In the V century. BC NS. the great scientist Hippocrates lived in Greece, in whose family there were seventeen generations of doctors. Experience and observation helped him describe the now well-known types of people, arguing that life on earth is in the harmony of the four elements, and the unity of the four principles is in a full life. Later, the Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov noted that the Greek genius caught the capital traits in the variety of options for human behavior.

Currently, Pavlov's theory is generally accepted, which proved the dependence of the type of temperament on the properties of the nervous system. Nevertheless, to this day, the so-called morphological theory, which correlates temperament and appearance, is clearly popular.

Temperaments in appearance and behavior

Sanguine temperament
(sensory-ethical subtype) is a strong stable type of the nervous system.
Such a person is more and more known as active, cheerful and good-natured, has a strong, balanced character. He is an optimist who, as a rule, is in a good mood. His reactions are always clearly expressed, easily and quickly change.
Personal characteristics: demonstrative, egocentric, anxious, attach great importance to love. Charming, optimistic ... But they like to take revenge. Plastic.

Such people are energetic, lively, emotional with a variety and richness of facial expressions, a loud and fast pace of speech, have good control over themselves, balanced, efficient, confident in their abilities. Impressionable and sociable, they, as a rule, easily come into contact and quickly adapt to the new environment, strive for frequent changes in impressions, easily and quickly respond to surrounding events. Working for success, they know how to captivate others, maintain a good atmosphere in the team, are witty. In difficult situations, they become more collected, without losing their sense of humor. They are prone to solving tactical problems. Often they come up with ideas and get them implemented. Failures are relatively easy and fast.

Among the shortcomings - there is no concentration, lack of purposefulness, they do not finish what they started (but persistent if they get carried away with the work), unjustified haste of actions, superficiality. Tastes and interests are fickle.

Appearance has its own readable features.

Women- the most feminine (high, large breasts, rounded hips). The skin of the face is white, delicate, sometimes a blush, snub-nosed. Figures are generally pycnic, round, streamlined, with no sharp corners or athletic build.

Pay a lot of attention to appearance. Stand out with a sort of personal flavor. They have good taste and want to please others. They need to be loved. Lush and light hairstyles are preferred. Gravitate towards light hair color. They love jewelry, select with taste. Clothing styles - classic, romantic (stiletto heels, ruffles, frills, flared skirt).
Rounded shape, tall, rarely medium height.
Emphasis in the center of the torso on the rounded abdomen.
Convex muscle relief.
Low metabolic rate.
Wide chest.
The head and forehead are rounded.
The chin and cheekbones are not protruding.
The nose is not pronounced or slightly upturned.
The neck is weak or short.
The legs are not long.

Representatives: Masha Rasputina, Alsou; Sophia Loren, Monica Bellucci, Dita von Teese, Jennifer Lawrence, Salma Hayek.

Choleric temperament
(intuitive-ethical subtype) - a strong unstable type of the nervous system. The type of nervous activity is mobile - unbalanced; excitement in such people usually prevails over inhibition. Emotions are bright, strong, but unstable. In decision-making for choleric people, the human factor, emotions and relationships are in the first place.
Personal characteristics: aggressive, persistent, adventurous, risky, love changes in life, new experiences and communication. Energetic, impetuous, perky, courageous. They are easy-going, they love the effects. Demonstrative and extravagant. They are benevolent and not greedy.

Confident, decisive, proactive, recklessly take up work, at a critical moment they can work for a long time and irresistibly with the maximum concentration of forces, quickly solve problems and overcome difficulties, grasp information on the fly, quickly remember, without even having time to realize.

Among the shortcomings: however, hot-tempered, impatient, straightforward, self-confident, poor self-control, do not know how to calculate strength and do not know the measure of anything. Lack of endurance when performing monotonous, slow work. Waiting or failing can drive them crazy. In pursuit of quick results, they begin to get ahead of the events, to fuss. They are especially depressed by the need to restrain their feelings and excessive activity. They are distinguished by sharpness, strength of movement, impetuosity. They are prone to sudden changes in mood (from joy to sadness, from laughter to anger), inconstancy, are prone to emotional breakdowns, sometimes they are aggressive.

Appearance has its own readable signs, among which the fragility of the external appearance stands out.

Women have a yellowish complexion, the skin is rough, prone to dryness, allergic reactions are possible. Facial features are sharp, rough. By the physique of asthenics or athletics. Choleric people are athletes in terms of their image. They prefer a sporty style of clothing, a variety and mixture of styles at once, short haircuts, daring experimenters. In makeup, they are defiantly unrestrained. They love jewelry that is consumed without taste. Bright, phosphorescent colors prevail in clothes, the deepest cuts on skirts. Hair plays with all the tints of the rainbow. The look is direct, energetic.
Thin and dry physique.
Elongated body parts. The emphasis of the figure on the limbs.
Lack of tendency to obesity.
High metabolic rate.
The ribcage is narrow.
Forehead without protrusions.
The upper part of the head is larger in volume, with a pointed parietal region. The chin is pointed.
The cheekbones are moderate or strongly pronounced, protruding, pointed.
The nose of a pronounced shape is pointed, elongated.
The neck is long and thin.
The legs are long, thin, the knees are thin, angular.

Representatives: Leah Akhedzhakova, Yana Churikova, Anastasia Volochkova, Milen Farmer, Reese Witherspoon, Jennifer Aniston, Charlize Theron, Natalie Portman, Uma Thurman.

Mela ncholic temperament
(intuitive-logical subtype) - a weak unstable type of the nervous system. Usually inert - unbalanced, characterized by inconstancy, excitability, high fatigue and indecision. Feelings are slow and unbalanced, and his mental capacity is usually as good as it is unstable.
Personal characteristics: aesthetes, subtly feel harmony and beauty. They are pedantic, conscientious and accurate.

Are prone to unreasonable fears and worries; for the most part, insecure, timid, lack of initiative, passive, fearful, touchy, suspicious, loving loneliness, with a depressed mood. They get tired quickly, do not easily master in a changeable world, have difficulties in communicating with an unfamiliar social environment. The voice is quiet, speech is slow. Obey the rules and authorities. They can work successfully, but in favorable conditions and not at the limit of their capabilities. They are thrifty and prudent. Under unfavorable conditions, increased emotional vulnerability, isolation, alienation may develop. Therefore, they more than others need the skills of psychological protection from overloads - not only physical, but also intellectual, emotional.

Among the disadvantages: alarming, hidden aggressive. Owners. Jealous, vengeful and vindictive. In difficult moments, they are lost, high mental sensitivity, and with a predominance of negative emotions.

Appearance has its own readable characteristics: modest, restrained, moderate.

Women- have sunken cheeks, gray complexion, sensitive skin, thin. The look is mirror-like. Do not offer themselves to the whole world - introverts. Very gentle, neat, neat. Asthenics. The hair is smooth, but not loose, but arranged in the same hairstyle. Make-up, jewelry - everything in moderation. Classic style prevails in clothes. Heels of medium height, wide, firm. Conservative in dress. Old clothes are loved more than new ones. "Pontovites" inside, like to show off (for example, a hairpin of the 18th century) - they like eye-catching clothes, but bright colors are not for them. They take great care of their appearance - their dresses and suits are very neat. They are very proud.
Refined facial features, fragility of appearance, thinness.
High metabolic rate, no tendency to obesity.
Elongated parts of the body, the emphasis of the figure on the elongated limbs.
Flat, weak muscles, flat chest.
Relatively wide pelvis and shoulders with a narrow waist.
High square forehead, the upper part of the head is larger than the lower one, the pointed parietal region.
The chin is pointed and protrudes forward.
The cheekbones are moderately or strongly pronounced, protruding.
The nose is pointed, protruding forward, pronounced.
The neck is long, of medium thickness or slender, often curved, seemingly separated from the head and body, and the Adam's apple pronounced.
The legs and arms are long, thin, the joints are sharp and angular, the feet and hands are narrow, elongated.

Representatives: Anna Akhmatova, Ekaterina Guseva, Christina Orbakaite, Juliette Binoche, Jessica Bill, Keira Knightley, Victoria Beckham, Nicole Kidman.

Phlegmatic temperament
(sensory-logical subtype) - a weak stable type of the nervous system. Usually even, calm, he has weak emotions and a stable mood. Seems confident in himself, but somewhat lazy and indifferent. With all the external slowness, the phlegmatic achieves the best results in terms of volume and quality of work.
Personal characteristics: restrained, moderate, demanding of themselves and others. Pedantic, conservative. They are prone to manual activities. Productive and accurate.

Balanced, patient, hardy, purposeful, productive, with a sense of responsibility, persistent and stubborn workers - they are capable of long-term hard work, it is difficult to offend or irritate them, they are slow. Difficulty adapting to an unexplored environment and a new circle of rotation. A calm, even, usually constant, mood prevails. Speech is calm, with expressionless facial expressions. They speak mainly of business, they do not gossip. Enterprising, however, after careful weighing. They often hesitate for a long time when making a decision.

Among the disadvantages: under unfavorable conditions, a passive lifestyle, lethargy, indifference can develop. Aggressiveness and vanity. Depending on the environment, both special lazy people and purposeful fighters come out of them.

Appearance has its own readable characteristics: 6–8% of the entire human population. They stand out from the general row as "white crows", because they act according to all the rules.

Women- persons are often secretive - loneliness is comfortable for them. They have no energy, they are all in themselves. Picnic or athletic build, white skin and no blush. Hairstyles are uncomplicated, do not change for centuries. They practically do not wear jewelry. However, a wedding ring, like a totem, is a permanent attachment. They dress as they please, regardless of the fashion and opinions of others - in moderation and ordinary, but adhere to the classic style. They always do what they want. Conservatives are everywhere.
Slow movements, calm, floating gait.
Square-rectangular body. Dense figure, angular shapes.
Identical development of the body and limbs: the emphasis of the figure in the center of the trunk, on the chest and rounded abdomen.
The musculature is massive, strong, strong. Short to medium round legs and arms.
Moderate to low metabolic rate. Obesity tendency.
Wide chest.
Elongated head, slightly tapering forehead.
The cheekbones are weak or moderate.
The nose is straight, protruding, the tip is lowered downward.
Relatively short, straight neck.

Representatives: Marina Tsvetaeva, Irina Muravyova, Tamara Gvertsiteli; Catherine Deneuve, Renata Litvinova, Renee Zellweger, Kate Winslet, Drew Barrymore, Sigourney Weaver.


Taking into account the influence of society and upbringing, which largely shapes the worldview, women are not free from the laying of a manifested temperament also according to their blood type.
- At the first, or zero blood group: this is both a very passionate and strong-willed lady. She knows how and knows how to make shy men blush, it is impossible to get enough of intimate joys with her. ... on the other hand: she has a restrained character and a strong will - even experiencing passion, the swindler is unlikely to be able to seduce her. All the ardor and sensuality of this woman goes to her constant partner.
- With the second group blood lady is most often busy with her own affairs and career. Closeness does not bother her much, she often gives in (you have to live like that!) To the requests and caresses of her partner. Reason and calculation more often allow her to achieve success in business than in experiments in bed. This is a more practical lady for family life - "storms on the side" are unlikely to be of interest to her.
- Third group intimate blood, in principle, loves, but does not attach much importance. Such a woman often compares the bed with the theater, playing the role of a sexual lioness, or untouched naivety ... And she easily succeeds in any role. Relating to everything easily and free of any complexes, this woman goes through life "playing". You should not lay a lifelong road with her. The frequent change of partners occurs more and more out of curiosity.
- Fourth group the fair sex is capable of "curing" any man from sexual complexes. This woman is sensual, achieves orgasm easily and loves sex. She can adapt to almost any desires of a man, and she herself is not very opposed to experiences in intimate life. She is very serious about love and rarely changes partners, but the man who managed to win her heart can not only resolve everything, but she herself will stimulate a variety of options for sexual contacts, enjoying what her partner likes.

Summing up ...

Women most often experience two types of fantasies - sexual and romantic. But readers of romance novels will be more inclined to experiment than girls who prefer more serious literature.

It is probably hard for a wise soul to languish in the body of a choleric ... in everyday life to be a sanguine, in important events - a melancholic, with regard to impressions and deep interests - a choleric and, finally, in the implementation of decisions made - a phlegmatic.

Such small tricks will allow you to maintain harmony - to find the very "opposite" XY-chromosome (?), Without which it is impossible to create a single whole.

Where does such confidence come from? .. You are not the first, and not the last! .. I wish you good luck ... and I have a rest ... or "... the dawn has already dawned somewhere, although it is early, but it’s summer ...".

Leading the heading "TESTING BY BEAUTY"
Based on materials from Internet sites

The "hot temperament" of some peoples is not a fantasy of travelers, but a very specific national trait that must not be forgotten. We will tell you about which peoples do not hide their emotions, and how to behave around them.


Italians are born actors, and their whole life is a continuous game. As Martin Sulli, author of These Strange Italians, writes, they are always in public, only the scenery and the audience change: family, colleagues, friends, tourists ... Charming and passionate people who are lucky enough to live in la bella Italia - they think that Italians themselves and want to look like that in the eyes of foreigners.

And they are also very emotional and from the point of view of northern people, completely unrestrained. Personal space in Italy is a very relative and flexible concept. An Italian who is well-disposed towards you will not be shy about his feelings. After five minutes of dating, he may already pat you on the shoulder, hug and kiss you in a friendly way. Or, on the contrary, exchange critical remarks with you on the most obscene curses, with which the Italian language is rich. Restraint and conventions among Italians have been thrown back, replaced by a special Italian "quality of nature": liveliness and emotionality.


As one Russian ethnologist D.E. Eremeev: "Turks are southerners and their temperament is southern." True, much calmer than that of the Italians. They are not fussy, not talkative and prefer to avoid the excessive gesticulation that the inhabitants of the Apennine Peninsula invariably resort to. But a dormant volcano is easy to wake up, especially when it comes to wounded pride. For example, when debates are taking place in the Turkish parliament on painful issues, the deputies can jump out of their seats and attack their opponents with their fists. According to Eremeev, a fight engulfs the entire hall in an instant. Books, briefcases, benches are flying. And after a minute or two everything calms down and the work continues.

“The Turk is made up of contradictions,” says analyst David Hotman.

In his soul, pride and an inferiority complex coexist, indifference to the opinions of others about him and an absolute intolerance to criticism, apparent calmness and incredible irascibility. Outwardly, they can be serene and unhurried, but if there are reasons for anger, they cannot be contained. The irascibility inherent in all Turkic peoples often becomes the cause of quarrels, fights and stabbing.


The character traits, including the temperament, of the Mexicans are very similar to the Spaniards, who, during colonization, mixed with the local population of Central America. This is a proud people, whose representatives can flare up for no reason. Mexicans are also characterized by an almost complete lack of personal space - immediately after they meet, they will strive to reduce the distance separating you to arm's length or they will want to put their hand on your shoulder. At the same time, you should not shy away from their touch, for the Mexicans this will mean dislike, and they will never forgive this in their address. The rest of the Mexicans are very friendly people, whose hospitality is famous for their fervor.


Speaking of temperamental peoples, one cannot fail to mention the Georgians, among whom the Gurians who inhabit the historical region of Guria in the West of Georgia stand out. Even at the beginning of the 20th century, Russian ethnographers noted their irascibility, which often led to bloody massacres. As the doctor of medicine E.V. Erickson: "Gurians are much more hot-tempered and irritable than Georgians and even Imeretians, their pride is more pronounced, while they are brave, brave and cunning."

He calls them poets at heart, who live more with emotions and passions than cold prudence.

Today the Gurians are a small people living in the Lanchkhuti, Ozurgeti and Chokhatauri regions of Georgia. Despite the low social conditions, they are real patriots of their land, confident in their own national exclusivity, which definitely should not be questioned.

In history, this woman remained as one of the most dissolute persons. Despite her high status (she was the wife of the Emperor Claudius), Valeria literally became the personification of lust and fornication in Rome. Messalina lived in the 1st century AD. Contemporaries say that she was more dissolute than Nero himself. But he became famous for wild orgies, harems with children and a palace that became a brothel. About Messalina they say that she came to one of the brothels of Rome, taking the place of a prostitute there. Only this could satisfy her passion. Valeria herself did not miss a single handsome man. For a long time, her behavior got away with her, the blinded husband did not notice anything. But Valeria also decided to elevate her next lover to the throne - Guy Celia. The conspiracy failed, and Messalina herself was killed by order of the emperor at the age of 28. Historians say that at that time the woman was already struck by syphilis, so that such a death was not the worst end to a dissolute and shameful life.

2 Cleopatra

This woman is considered one of the wisest mistresses. Also, Cleopatra is one of the most scandalous characters in the Ancient World. Because of her, powerful states were at war with each other. The night with Cleopatra cost each of her new slave lovers life, nevertheless, the fatal beauty (some sources say that she was not a beauty outwardly) attracted men to her. Each of them dreamed of conquering a woman with his strength and love skills, and in the morning to wake up not only alive, but also the king of all Egypt. Nevertheless, Cleopatra continued to kill her lovers, reluctant to compromise. Experts in Ancient Egypt call the queen one of the first adherents of free love. It was believed that she was an experienced fellatrix, that is, she skillfully gave a blowjob to her chosen ones. Perhaps this is what tied Antony to her? The ancient Greeks nicknamed the queen Meriohane, which literally means "open-mouthed", "women with a thousand mouths." Another nickname for the mistress was "fat-lipped". Although Cleopatra had all the makings of a good ruler, her own desires hindered her ability to rule skillfully. She also indulged her own famous lovers. For Caesar, Cleopatra seemed modest and intelligent, but for Antony she became a mad hunter for carnal pleasures. Love for the latter became tragic, the couple decided to resist Rome, for which they paid with their lives.

3 Phryne

But this Greek hetaira became famous for her beauty. She moonlighted as a model. From her, the ancient creators sculpted and painted Aphrodite herself. They wrote that Phryne was very bashful and extremely reluctant to get naked. She even met her men in the dark. As a result, the getter was convicted of negatively influencing the most enlightened citizens of the republic. But when she was led to execution and her clothes were torn off, the public saw the perfect body of Phryne. Geter was immediately acquitted, since it was decided that a dissolute soul simply could not dwell in such a divine body.

4 Thais Athens

This impudent hetaira became famous for seducing Alexander the Great himself. Although she was a prostitute, she became famous for her inaccessibility. She attracted the greatest conqueror by the fact that she did not want to surrender to him for any treasures or riches. The woman told Alexander that it was necessary to win her heart and then the whole world would fall before him. Subsequently, Thais was able to marry the Egyptian king Ptolemy I.

5 Wu Hu

This Chinese empress from the Tang Dynasty announced the advent of the era of female domination in the country. For this, the custom of licking the "lotus stamens" even appeared in court etiquette. The Empress demanded that all government officials and dignitaries who visited her show her special respect through cunnilingus. This ceremony has remained even in old paintings: Wu Hu holds her dress, and a guest is kneeling in front of her, kissing her genitals.

6 Scheherazade

This woman became famous for her intelligence. Naturally, she worked with the Sultan not only with fairy tales. After each love affair, Scheherazade began to tell an interesting story, which she interrupted at the most interesting place. At first, the sultan even wanted to send her to the lower harem, as a wife who no longer satisfies him. However, it turned out that no one else is able to tell such interesting tales to the ruler. Shahriyar continued to listen to his concubine. This is how the book of fairy tales "A Thousand and One Nights" appeared. It took the ruler so much to regain common sense and stop killing virgins. And what happened after that to the most coveted wife of the Sultan is unknown. They say that the cause of her death was some kind of infection.

7 Elizabeth Bathory

This woman went down in history as the Bloody Countess. She had many lovers, the most famous of whom is the painter Caravaggio. They say that she became for him not only a model, but also a real muse and goddess. Contemporaries recall that Bathory was unearthly beauty, until her death she had a face like a young girl. This effect became possible allegedly due to the fact that the countess bathed in the blood of tortured and murdered virgins. In total, she killed about 600 women, among whom were not only peasant women and maids, but also noble persons. Bathory is said to have invented terrible mechanisms. For example, a metal coffin containing thorns inside. They entered the body shallowly, not killing immediately, but causing only bleeding. Thus, the victim died gradually, giving his blood to the insatiable countess. They say Bathory invented several thousand sophisticated tortures and devices for this. Only in 1611, the 50-year-old sadist was convicted. There are several versions of her death. They say that the angry crowd simply arranged lynching for her, walled up alive in the walls of her own castle. The popular story is that Bathory got away with it. Her family was too influential. The bloody countess was sent to the dungeon to live out her term, away from human eyes. It is believed that Elizabeth was slandered. The fact is that she was richer than the king himself, who wanted to take all her property from her. After the death of the countess, five of her children disappeared somewhere, and all her gold and land went to the ruler. Bathory went down in history not only as a bloodthirsty killer, but also as one of the most beautiful women of her time with unfading beauty. In Hungary itself, the woman was nicknamed a vampire, believing that in the number of her atrocities she was in no way inferior to Count Dracula.

8 Marquise de Pompadour

This favorite of the French king Louis XV was not only a skillful and indefatigable mistress, but also played an important role in the politics of Europe. They say that she owes her passion to celery. Every day, the Marquise consumed two of the strongest aphrodisiacs at once - chocolate and celery root. In the morning, she drank a mug of hot chocolate, adding ground root to it. During the day, she ate a special salad with apples, walnuts and celery. Although it is unclear whether she knew that these particular products helped her maintain her love, Pompadour could make love up to 10 times a day with different partners. Celery is generally a well-known pathogen. So in different countries, peasants put a bunch of this plant at the head of the bed on their wedding night. The very same Jeanne Poisson, the future Marquise of Pompadour, was promised the love of the king himself at the age of nine. What else can a young girl dream of? The origin of the Pompadour remains a mystery. It is believed that she was generally of low origin, just one day she successfully found herself a patron in the form of a nobleman and got to the court. There, at a masquerade, she met Louis XV. The monarch was intrigued by the behavior of the girl, who flirtatiously hid her face under a mask. And when the mask was removed, the king finally fell in love. It was not easy to achieve a high position and the status of a favorite for many years, but Jeanne was able to do it. She did not limit her activities to bed only. The Marquise Pompadour took up the development of the arts, patronizing many artists and writers. Until her death, she remained for the king not only a mistress, but also a close friend. In itself, this is a great rarity.

9 Josephine

At the time of their meeting, Napoleon's chosen one was not young, she was already over thirty and had two children. Outwardly, however, she looked flawless. Although Bonaparte himself gave orders of authority to the others, he was shy in front of Josephine and felt now tender, now passionate feelings. The secret of the victory over Napoleon was simple. Josephine was not only a beauty, she was also an excellent listener. A wise woman always approved the actions of her lover, no matter what he did. And as a reward for this, she became the first Empress of France. The couple's divorce took place only for the good of France - the country needed an heir.

10 Inessa Armand

Although this woman was right in the center of revolutionary actions, her role was shyly hushed up by historians. After all, she was the mistress of Vladimir Lenin himself, which somehow did not fit with the immaculate image of the leader. Armand met him in front of Krupskaya in Paris. Inessa's personal relationship with Lenin was so close that Nadezhda Konstantinovna herself was in the background with her husband. Krupskaya was forced to forgive her husband's passion for his mistress, if only it was for the good of the revolution. Inessa herself was wholeheartedly devoted to her occupation and to Lenin himself. Armand left behind three children who were born even before meeting the leader. And she died of cholera in 1920 and was buried not far from her beloved - under the Kremlin wall.

11 Mata Hari

This courtesan made her living by performing exotic dances. At one time, the whole of Paris admired her. Many high-ranking officials of France and Germany have become lovers of the artist. According to legend, during the First World War, Mata Hari was a spy, while cooperating with both warring parties at once. It is not known if she was able to extract really valuable information from her patrons. Nevertheless, in 1917, the French shot Mata Hari for her spying for Germany. She herself became a legend, embodying the images of a femme fatale and a fearless intelligence agent.

12 Isadora Duncan

This American dancer lived a bohemian lifestyle. She is considered the founder of free dance, from which the modern style was born. She had many fans, some of whom she reciprocated. Having survived the death of her two children, she went to Russia, where she met Sergei Yesenin. He became her lover, and then her husband. Isadora herself, in the opinion of her contemporaries, did not captivate with the brilliant beauty. But she was very natural and had a natural sexuality. On stage, Duncan performed barefoot, and her every movement was filled with grace and natural charm. All her dances said that she was open to life and madly in love with her in all forms. She herself wrote: "If my art is symbolic, then this symbol is only one: the freedom of a woman and her emancipation from the stale conventions that underlie Puritanism." Contemporaries believed that Duncan's work opens up new horizons for women of the future. Her dances were called genius, she was able to change both art and everyday life. But the relationship with Yesenin did not work out - two gifted creative people were jealous of each other's fame.

13 Lilya Brick

Men were drawn to her by her sense of inner freedom. This woman had many admirers - Pablo Neruda, Marc Chagall, Louis Aragon, Sergei Parajanov, Fernand Leger, Yves Saint Laurent. But the most famous lover of Brik was Vladimir Mayakovsky. The poet even lived with her and her husband, embarrassing the inhabitants with such a love triangle. Brick herself said: “We need to inspire a man that he is wonderful or even brilliant, but that others do not understand this. And allow him to do things that are not allowed at home, for example, smoke or go wherever he pleases. Good shoes and silk underwear will do the rest. ” As you can see, the secret of seduction is not so difficult. Lilya Brik often appears in the form of a femme fatale. If a man attracted her, then nothing could stop her. The story of Brick is steeped in legends, there was some kind of mystery in it that attracted the most famous men of that time to her. When talking with people, Lilya skillfully and intelligently emphasized her interest in her interlocutor. Brick has always been up to date with fashion, dressing tastefully and hiding her flaws in clothes. It was she who became the first woman in Moscow who dared to wear trousers. The straightforward Akhmatova recalled Leela in this way: “The hair is dyed and on the worn face there are insolent eyes.”

14 Marilyn Monroe

This mistress is one of the most mysterious in history. The 20th century sex symbol had a close relationship with US President John F. Kennedy. But this connection, like the subsequent death of the actress, is shrouded in mystery. It is unclear whether Monroe's death was a suicide or whether her love for Kennedy began to interfere with someone and she was simply removed. During her lifetime, she managed to tarnish the reputation of an excellent family man and the pride of America, John F. Kennedy. It is still unprofitable for someone to reveal the secret about those events. One thing is clear - the sexy beauty Marilyn Monroe was deeply unhappy in her personal life. More than half a century has passed since her mysterious death, but she still remains the standard of femininity and sexuality. And the actress herself has become a well-promoted and popular brand. With the help of her name, billions of dollars are earned in the world every year.

15 Edwina Curry

The mistress of British Prime Minister John Major made his political career much more difficult after he decided to break up with her. Although the woman was even threatened with violence, she did not want to remain silent, having written the whole truth about her relationship with a powerful admirer. Written at the risk of his life, the book quickly became a bestseller, and Major's own career went downhill. Curry said that she was not only threatened, but also attacked and beaten twice. The criminals demanded silence from her and promised to kill her if the book was published. But she did it anyway. Maybe she was motivated by a sense of revenge, or maybe the desire to prove that even influential men should be held accountable for their actions. In the end, the truth about the premiere was overwhelming. Not a single British politician was told as many humiliating details as about him. The most intimate details of his life have become the property of the public. And this happened because one day he decided to leave the one who loved him. Career fear and threats only exacerbated the unfortunate lover's plight.

16 Sylvia Christel

This beautiful woman became famous for playing the main role in the sensational erotic film "Emmanuelle". Her attractiveness has not gone unnoticed by the most prominent men. Valerie Giscard d'Estaing, President of France, became Christelle's mistress. Moreover, their romance began even before he took this prominent post. D'Estaing himself never concealed this relationship. As a result, Sylvia was even invited to all official events related to the head of state. She acted as a hostess at his receptions. And on foreign trips, the president often took Sylvia with him. Thus, Christelle seemed to have received the status of an "official" mistress.

17 Anne Penjo

As already mentioned, mistresses often caused a scandal around their politician admirer. So it happened with Anne Penjo. This mistress of François Mitterrand even settled in the Elysee Palace. But when the new president, Jacques Chirac, came to power, the first thing he did was order to evict Penjo and her illegitimate daughter from her predecessor from the state residence. Biographers say that the loving Mitterrand had many mistresses. Penjo was just one of them. That is why the French themselves were calm about the fact of its existence. But the fact that the president allocated her free housing in the Elysee Palace, and even denied it, the citizens of the country could not forgive him. After Mitterrand's death, another scandal erupted. The mistress, along with the president's illegitimate daughter, wanted to attend the funeral, which his family vehemently opposed. Now Ann does not lead a luxurious life - she works in a museum, barely making ends meet. And Mitterrand's illegitimate daughter, with the help of the court, achieved the right to her father's surname and hit politics.

18 Monica Lewinsky

This mistress turned out to be very selfish. She not only had a strong influence on her partner's career and family, but also did not fail to make several million dollars on it. Monica told the press about all the details of her intimate relationship in the Oval Office. After this connection became known to the public, everyone was literally amazed at how an intern unknown to anyone earlier managed to carry out the operation she had conceived. She even kept for history the dress in which she made love with Clinton. For the president, that story almost turned into resignation and even prison for lying before the court. Monica herself, with memories of those relationships, traveled the whole world. Lewinsky wrote a book about her intimate relationship and even shot the documentary Monica in Black and White, for which she received a multi-million dollar fee. And Clinton himself is frankly sorry, even his wife forgave him. It is not clear only what the charming and popular politician found in the plain plump Lewinsky.

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