Do you have facial moisturizer on your dressing table? Typical mistakes in everyday care. Do oily and problem skin need moisturizer?

How do moisturizers differ from nourishing products? Once upon a time, I would have considered such a question a manifestation of extreme “stupidity.” Of course, nutrition consists of vitamins and fats. Our skin especially lacks them in winter, with its frosts, icy winds and the dwindling supply of accumulated skin in the summer. useful substances. Moisturizers primarily contain humectants. In the spring, when the skin, weakened during the winter, begins to peel off, become irritated, and crack, the main emphasis in care was on moisturizing. But today “everything is mixed up in the Danish kingdom.” Fat thick creams Our grandmothers have long been out of honor. Moisturizers contain the same vitamins and fats. And cosmetics manufacturers from time to time joyfully report on the emergence of “universal” creams that can independently “diagnose the problem” and where necessary - moisturize, where necessary - nourish, and at the same time fight excess sebum (oily sheen). Perhaps, indeed, such a division and the recommendations associated with it have lost their relevance?

“In fact, by and large, nothing has changed,” says Tiina Orasmäe-Meder. - In my opinion, there has been an even greater division between moisturizing and nourishing products. First of all, this is due to the emergence of low molecular weight application forms of hyaluronic acid. But here we need to clearly understand what goals we set for ourselves when choosing a means.”


Moisturizers today solve two problems. The first is the introduction of moisture into the upper layers of the epidermis and the method of retaining it in these layers. The second is the introduction of moisturizing components into the deep layers of the epidermis and dermis and, again, enhancing the ability to retain it.

It is also very important to provide the skin with moisture from the inside, which depends on the activity of transdermal water exchange. To do this, cosmetologists advise drinking more fluids, introducing green tea(biologically it is absorbed better), limit the consumption of caffeine-containing products.

Moisturizing preparations today include:

  • Film-forming agents based on artificial fats (vaseline) and natural origin (aloe juice extract, marine collagen). By creating a film on the surface of the skin, they prevent the evaporation of moisture from the epidermis. By and large, basic winter creams are also moisturizing.
  • Preparations with substances capable of attracting and retaining moisture - based on glycerin, collagen, high molecular weight hyaluronic acid, also working at the level of the epidermis. They are especially needed in cases where the skin is injured (cold air, wind, sun, chlorinated pool water), and it urgently needs to be “closed.”
  • Deep-acting cosmeceuticals containing low molecular weight ingredients of hyaluronic acid, Indian tamarind, Asian centella. They allow you to suppress the loss of water from the dermis and achieve a greater influx of water into the dermis.
  • Cosmeceutical stimulating agents based on peptides. By overcoming the protective barrier of the skin, they stimulate the synthesis of their own hyaluronic acid in its deep layers. This group of products is aimed more at aging skin, which is already beginning to lose its natural moisture retention mechanisms.

What's new:

There is still a point of view that moisturizers should be used with great caution in winter. When you go outside, water can freeze to “crystals” and damage your skin. “This is a myth,” explains Tiina Orasmäe-Meder. - Yes, moisturizing creams contain a lot of water - up to 70-80%. But our skin is not a freezing organ. Its temperature, even with hypothermia, does not fall below 32 degrees. Getting into the skin, the water very quickly heats up to its temperature. Another thing is that regularly going out into the cold with a wet face can lead to dehydration.

Therefore, in winter, cosmetologists recommend using thicker products that help the skin retain moisture. Moisturizers can and should be applied, but protective properties creams in winter should be more pronounced. Good decision- use regularly decorative cosmetics which will help protect the skin.


The main task of nutritional supplements is to compensate for lipid deficiency (lack of fat).

Which, indeed, we especially need in winter. By supporting lipid systems, they not only protect and nourish the skin, but also secure the natural moisturizing factor on its surface. That is, in winter we treat normal skin as skin with a tendency to dryness.

Nutrients today include:

  • Preparations with fat-soluble vitamins, primarily D and E.
  • Lipid-based drugs varying degrees availability. If previously lipids and fatty acids of synthetic origin (vaseline and lanolin) were mainly used in cosmetics, now they have been replaced by plant ingredients: for example, palmitic acid. They can exist both in the form of independent fatty compounds and in combination with peptides.
  • Preparations with Omega 3, 6, 9 fatty acids. They not only strengthen the lipid layer, but also have a powerful antioxidant effect.

What's new:

If ever nutritional products were heavy and dense, today cosmetic fashion has changed. Thanks to new technical capabilities, it has become possible a large number of excellent microwaxes, lamellar emulsions, microemulsions. They allow you to achieve good things nutritional effect without covering the skin with a sufficiently voluminous, dense film. Moreover, latest research They say: it is better to leave the upper layers of the epidermis free. The drug should seem to “fall” through them into the skin. This is due to the fact that it is the state upper layers the epidermis reacts with the basement membrane. When they are “clogged” with a dense film, the membrane reduces activity and cell renewal slows down. Skin cell division 30-35 summer woman increases from 24-28 days to 35-36 days. And this is the path to accelerated aging, hyperkeratosis and hyperpigmentation. On the contrary, with open upper layers cells divide according to their biological age.

Why the confusion?

The mixing of nourishing and moisturizing preparations occurs because their functions often overlap, explains Tiina Orasmäe-Meder. - The same kernel oils - grape seed extract, cranberry, apricot - increase moisture retention in the skin. And to a certain extent they stimulate the synthesis of not only collagen and elastin, but also hyaluronic acid. On the other hand, Indian tamarind or low-molecular forms of hyaluronic acid, by stimulating fibroblasts, enhance not only the synthesis of “hyaluronic acid”, but also collagen and elastin, which at the same time puts them in the category of nutritional preparations. Any products that restore moisture retention in the upper layers of the skin help restore lipid fractions, giving a certain nutritional effect. Therefore, for myself, I divide nutrition and hydration according to the predominance of functions.

Preparations that work more to retain moisture and increase the volume of water in the epidermis and dermis are moisturizing. Preparations that include lipids that enhance their synthesis and prolong their life are nutritious.

By and large, purely moisturizing preparations are needed primarily for freshly injured skin: after chemical peels, dermabrasion, sunburn, chapping. And purely nutritious - with atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, in which there is a deficiency of cyramides and fatty acids. They must also be present in care after menopause, when lipid deficiency almost always occurs.

Such confusion, our expert believes, stems from the fact that many articles today are written by non-professionals. No matter what drug you start reading about, they always say the same thing: moisturizes, nourishes, softens the skin, reduces the number of wrinkles, they become less pronounced. Therefore, consumers do not understand what is meant.

“Universal” creams

But according to Tiina Orasmäe-Meder, information about universal “smart” creams that can “diagnose” the skin with the help of special liposomes and at the same time moisturize, nourish and fight oiliness should be treated with a certain degree of skepticism.

“I’ll tell you as a cosmetics manufacturer: we haven’t been able to put more than 5-6 ingredients into any of our products. The fewer ingredients the product contains, the higher the concentration of each, and, therefore, better effect. In addition, the ingredients, especially active peptide ones, are not very friendly with each other. And technically it is very difficult to imagine how the same cream can contain the necessary concentration of liposomes with nutrients that dry skin needs. And the necessary concentration of sebum-regulating components necessary for oily skin. And how can you make seboregulators not work when they come into contact with the skin, if it is dry, how can you make liposomes select. IN cosmetic chemistry I don't know any such mechanisms yet. This is a tempting idea. But for now its implementation is a matter of the future.”

Ask any friend, colleague, or even yourself: what beauty product starts and ends your day? The answer will be the same for everyone: moisturizer. We can no longer imagine our life without it, just like without a smartphone and coffee. What if it would be better without it (like without a smartphone and coffee)? ELLE reveals all the secrets of moisturizer.

What is a moisturizer? Most often, this is a combination in certain proportions of water, silicones, mineral or natural oils, alcohol and preservatives. Their main task is to quickly correct the problem of skin dehydration. Instead of smooth, nourished, glowing skin, we get only a temporary illusion that works as long as there is cream on the face. The situation in the deep layers of the skin does not improve in any way, and perhaps even changes for the worse. So, what did you not know about moisturizer:

1. Moisturizer slows down the natural exfoliation process

Every month the skin exfoliates itself. It happens like this: new skin cells rise from the lower part of the epidermis to its surface, along the way they age, and at the top they completely die and flake off. To make way for the next party. At least they should.

Moisturizer interferes with this natural cycle, preserving old, dead cells on the surface of the epidermis, instead of letting them go away in English. What does this mean? Dry, dull skin- once. Slowdown in the process of cell renewal - two. The accumulation of dead cells in the upper layers signals the epidermis to slow down in the creation of new, young cells. That is, what happens is exactly the opposite of our dreams of moisturized, radiant, youthful skin for as long as possible. Oops!

2. Moisturizer disrupts the skin’s own hydration processes

According to global studies, only 15% of the population have genetic predisposition to dry skin types that really require moisturizer. The rest have dehydration acquired as a result of uncontrolled and overuse moisturizer. This is such a paradox.

Here's the thing. The skin by its nature is designed to moisturize itself, without outside help, be it cucumber water or cream in a golden jar. But when the skin gets used to taking a moisturizing product twice a day, it stops synthesizing its own moisture from the inside. Why, if every day your face carefully receives a fresh portion of healthy cream?

Further - worse. Skin cells from the surface of the epidermis, the same ones that regularly treat themselves to moisturizers from jars and tubes, send messages to the lower layers that everything is okay and they don’t feel like drinking. As a result, the cells in the dermis are in a state of rest, that is, they do not produce moisture. The skin becomes dry and less elastic.

3. Moisturizer increases skin sensitivity

Constant use of moisturizer (and we can't live without it) changes the natural balance of proteins, water and lipids in the skin. As a result, the barrier function is weakened, the purpose of which is to keep moisture and nutrients inside, and leave bacteria and external irritants outside. Impaired protection leads to imbalance, which means skin sensitivity, that is, its susceptibility to external factors. The more moisturizer for sensitive skin you use, the worse it feels and looks.

4. Moisturizer clogs pores

Too thick textures can clog pores, causing blackheads and inflammation. But even those creams that seem weightless and airy can be comedogenic. The reason is silicones. They are responsible for our favorite silky consistency and really instantly solve the problem of dryness. True, temporarily and simultaneously filling the pores. They are not absorbed, but remain on the surface along with fat, dirt, and dead cells. This mixture fills and expands the pores.

How to wean yourself off moisturizer

To test whether your skin can live without moisturizer and feel great, try an experiment - separate them. Now is the perfect time for this. After all, in the summer, during elevated temperatures, the skin is forced to produce more of its own natural oils. And it can easily do without outside help. It will take time for the skin to get used to being independent again. Here are some tips to make this transition as comfortable as possible:

Switch to whey. Instead of cream, use serum or lotion water based. This way, you get the same moisturizing benefits, but without compromising your pores or cell regeneration process.

Wash your face with a sulfate-free product. Sometimes the skin is dry and tight just because of this. What happens every day? detergent on an aggressive sulfate basis. If this is your case, buy a gel labeled sulfate-free or rely on micellar water.

Don't forget about exfoliation. Regular exfoliation can correct grey colour faces. Instead of scrubs with abrasive balls, use beauty products with acids. The best ones are milk glycolic. They will help to delicately get rid of the dull top layer, giving the skin a natural glow.

Use Sanskrin. Sun protection is still of paramount importance. To avoid the standard moisturizing format in this category, switch to sprays, foundation or mineral powder with SPF.

When is moisturizer needed?

However, moisturizer is not always a bad thing. Firstly, don't forget about those 15% of people with genetically dry skin. They need cream. You also can’t do without it in extreme situations. weather conditions, like wind and cold, that is, Russian winter.

My day starts with cleansing, toning, and drum roll, moisturizer. This sequence is familiar, convenient, and how could it be otherwise?!
And then I started thinking, do I really need moisturizer? Yes, it’s a habit, a well-oiled mechanism, like getting up in the morning and doing exercises, brushing your teeth or drinking cocoa coffee.

I begin to think that yes, after the next jar of cream has come to an end. And there are dermatologists who agree that the habit has become obsolete - it’s time to get rid of it. About the facts that speak not in favor of moisturizer, in detail:

1. Moisturizer can slow down your natural exfoliation process.
Our skin gets rid of dead cells daily and does this naturally, without any help. New skin cells form in the deep layers, rise to the surface, where they die and slough off to make way for the next layer of cells.
Moisturizing cream interferes with the process of removing old cells, it seems to glue them together, and thereby slows down the work! This not only worsens appearance skin, causes dryness, but also slows down the regeneration process of all cells. According to dermatologist Zane Obagi in his book The Art of Skin Health, the accumulation of dead cells on the surface signals that the epidermis is slowing down the rate at which it creates new cells, which is exactly what the opposite result as opposed to what we want to achieve.

2. Moisturizing cream can cause the skin's own hydration process to stop.
Only 15% of the population has a genetic predisposition to dry skin that requires moisturizer,dermatologistRachel Eckel, dknows that we are the main culprits of our skin becoming dry. Vicious circle, the more moisturizer, the more it takes to eliminate dryness. Having gotten used to moisturizing twice a day, the skin does not feel the need to “work” and start the hydration process.

3. Moisturizer can make your skin more sensitive.
Those with sensitive skin use cream more than others to soften and moisturize. Is this really necessary...or is it not necessary?
When you use the cream, it changes the natural water, protein and lipid balance. It may weaken barrier function, which is designed to retain moisture and nutrients inside and also cause bacterial growth and skin irritation.This research , for example, has shown that long-term use of creams with certain ingredients increases transepidermal moisture loss. PA compromised skin barrier can lead to dehydration and sensitivity.

4. Moisturizer can clog pores.
Often the cream leads to clogged pores, followed by the formation of acne. Yes, creams are different, but textures that are too heavy can definitely be an irritant, as can silicones in the composition.Silicones are the main culprit and can be found in most skincare products because they act as cheap "fillers" and leave the skin feeling (temporarily) hydrated.Since silicones are on the surface of the skin, they work as absorbents, collecting everything - oil, dirt, dead skin cells.
All this debris easily ends up in the pores, leading to enlargement and causing acne. Even more alarming is that the blockage can interfere with the entire cell regeneration process (more on this above), potentially leading to dehydration, dullness and premature aging.

How to stop being dependent on moisturizer
To understand whether you need a moisturizer or whether there is no dependence, you need to conduct an experiment. It's cold now and resort to such radical measures not recommended, but nothing prevents you from changing the approach by eliminating the cream three times a week, using only in the morning, if necessary in the evening. By spring, establish your own routine, which includes no moisturizer.

Some tips to make it easier transition period(spring Summer):
Switch to whey
Try swapping out your cream for a watery hydrating serum. So you will get easy remedy based on moisturizing components, you also won’t need to worry about its density, which will clog pores and stick together dead skin cells.
Hyalogic LLC, Triple Impulse Hyaluronic Acid Collagen Serum, 13.5 ml
Hyalogic LLC, Stem Cell Hyaluronic Acid Citrus Facial Serum, 13.5 ml
Hyalogic LLC, Episilk, Relaxing Facial Serum, 30 ml
Hyalogic LLC, Episilk, CoQ10 Facial Serum, 30 ml
MyChelle Dermaceuticals, Ultra Hydrating Hyaluronic Serum, Dry Skin 30 ml
MyChelle Dermaceuticals, Peptide + Anti-Wrinkle Serum, All/Combination

Use a sulfate-free cleanser
A logical connection: after cleansing, the skin feels tight and dry, so we reach for a moisturizer. You need to check whether this cleanser suits your skin. If it fits, gently and gently removes, it means discomfort there shouldn't be any after. Exceptions apply to those with sensitive skin; look for a mark on the tube for sensitive skin; the composition should also contain soothing ingredients. Or look towards cleansing micellar water.
MyChelle Dermaceuticals, Cleanser, Fast Cleansing Micellar Water, Normal Skin, 120 ml
MyChelle Dermaceuticals, Cleansers, Clear Skin Cranberry Skin Cleanser, Oily Skin/Blemishes, 124 ml

Exfoliation stage
Regular exfoliation can help improve your complexion.
Lactic acid is well tolerated by most people, although most dermatologists believe that glycolic acid is the gold standard.
Pixi Beauty, Glowing Skin Toner, Exfoliating Toner

Transition period
Be patient - it may take a long time for your skin to learn to do what the moisturizer did before.
At first, your face may feel uncomfortable, be tighter after cleansing, the second point is the secretion of excess sebum to compensate for hydration.

Conclusion: Despite all the facts presented that are not in favor of the moisturizer, I do not consider it useless or even harmful. For example, 15% of people have a genetic predisposition to dryness, and should use the entire available arsenal of moisturizers. It is necessary to use the cream in the cold season, when there is wind, rain or snow outside, for additional protection! DFJ537 , get a 5% discount on your entire cart.

The skin really needs moisture - without water it looks dull and lifeless. But up to a certain age, the skin itself is able to maintain the necessary level of hydration. Over time, the epidermis becomes more and more difficult to cope with this and needs help. For this purpose, special moisturizing creams have been developed to solve the problem of dehydration.

Why do you need moisturizer?

To keep our skin young and healthy for as long as possible, we need sufficient moisture and nutrients. Until the age of 25, the body itself copes with providing the epidermis with all the important components that it receives from food. But closer to 30 years old internal processes slow down and our skin needs additional care.

After 25-30 years it should become an integral part daily care for woman.

A good moisturizer must contain substances that will normalize the processes occurring in the epidermis. His the main task- deliver and retain moisturizing components, thanks to which the skin for a long time will be able to remain elastic, fresh and young.

The first thing you need to pay attention to when buying a moisturizing cream is the composition. It is desirable that the list include the following components:

  • hyaluronic acid- humidifier No. 1, contained in the cells of the epidermis, but over time its production decreases, so it is necessary to replenish the reserves additionally;
  • vitamins and minerals to maintain beauty and health;
  • wax, lanolin, petroleum jelly, silicones - their presence ensures moisture retention inside the epidermis, thanks to the thin film that these substances create on the surface of the skin;
  • In order for the cream to bring maximum benefits, be sure to select a product suitable for your skin type;
  • When purchasing, the age indicator is also important, because creams marked 40+ and 20+ contain absolutely different ingredients, which are necessary precisely at the specified age, so there is a high probability that an incorrectly selected remedy will simply be ineffective;
  • pay attention to whether there are special marks on the packaging, such as a UV filter or hypoallergenic, check the expiration date;
  • it is best if the cream is in a tube with narrow neck, and not in a jar, so less harmful bacteria will get into it.

5 best moisturizers

So how can we not get confused in the store and choose the best one from the great variety that manufacturers offer us? After all, everyone claims that their product is the best.

Of course, this does not mean that any of the listed remedies will be ideal for you. Worth considering individual characteristics, due to which the cream may be ineffective.

Natura Siberica “Nutrition and hydration”

Contains Manchurian aralia extract, hyaluronic acid, plant ceramides, vitamin E. Natural composition The cream perfectly retains moisture inside the epidermis, making the skin soft and elastic. Does not clog pores or create a film on the surface. Suitable for dry skin types.

"Black Pearl. Liquid collagen. Self-rejuvenation"

A unique cream that stimulates skin cells to use their own potential, which helps to enhance recovery processes in the epidermis. It has a light texture and is instantly absorbed without leaving a film or greasy shine. Suitable as a base for makeup.

Aasha Herbals moisturizing with aloe vera

An Indian product created based on Ayurvedic principles. Contains shea butter extract and vitamin E. Moisturizes and tightens the skin, stimulating the production of its own substances. Lightweight, with a pleasant aroma, suitable for any skin type.

Skin hydration - required element skin care of any type. Lack of moisture leads to premature aging and the appearance of deep wrinkles. Moisturizing face creams can be purchased at cosmetic stores, pharmacies, or prepared yourself.

Means for different types Skins differ in both composition and texture, and in order to choose the right moisturizer you need to take into account some nuances.

There is a common belief among women that only dry skin needs to be moisturized. In fact, even oily epidermis needs additional moisture.

Moisturizer is a cosmetic product designed to fill and retain moisture in skin cells. The cream acts in several directions:

  • retains moisture in cells, creates a barrier to its evaporation;
  • attracts water into epidermal cells;
  • supports the moisturizing function of cells at all levels, keeping the skin healthy and elastic.

Moisturizing cream consists of a complex of ingredients that can be divided into 4 large groups:

  • film-forming substances;
  • moisturizing components;
  • emollients;
  • lipids.

Some components can perform several functions at once.

Film-forming substances help retain moisture in cells:

  • mineral oils;
  • petrolatum;
  • lanolin;
  • synthetic silicones.

Some ingredients can be harmful to the skin if you choose the wrong product. For example, mineral oils, if they come into contact with oily skin, can clog pores and cause inflammation.

The humectants included in the cream are able to attract moisture from the outside and evenly distribute the existing moisture. These include:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • lactic and fruit acids;
  • collagen;
  • polysaccharides;
  • elastin;
  • panthenol;
  • plant extracts.

Emollients are substances that restore the upper stratum corneum during peeling and soften it. This group includes:

  • mineral and essential oils;
  • lanolin;
  • petrolatum;
  • glycerol;
  • squalane;
  • ceramides;
  • linoleic acid.

Some of these substances can clog pores.

Lipids or fats restore lipid balance, protect the skin from moisture loss and external influence. This group includes:

  • natural wax;
  • cosmetic oils: apricot, peach, soybean, olive, shea;
  • lanolin;
  • lecithin;
  • ceramides.

Just like emollients, lipids have the disadvantage of clogging pores when wrong choice facilities.

In addition, the moisturizer contains vitamins (E, PP, B5, C), plant extracts (aloe, chamomile, cornflower), antioxidants, purified and thermal water.

Some creams may contain components that are hazardous to the skin:

  • parabens and propylene glycol - cause allergies;
  • benzocaine - with prolonged use inhibits nerve reflexes;
  • Aluminum acetate - dries out and provokes peeling.

Using moisturizing creams brings undoubted benefit skin:

  • stabilizes PH level;
  • softens;
  • evens out tone;
  • maintains elasticity;
  • slows down the formation of wrinkles;
  • restores cellular metabolism.

Despite these advantages, even a light moisturizer can cause negative reactions:

  • rashes;
  • clogged pores;
  • inflammation.

These shortcomings can only occur if the product is chosen incorrectly.

Classification of funds

The concept of “moisturizer” combines several types of products. There are several classifications based on the following criteria:

  • compound;
  • skin type;
  • additional action;
  • time of application.

Moisturizing creams are usually classified according to their main active ingredient:

  • with hyaluronic acid - for deep hydration all types;
  • with aloe - has a calming effect;
  • with collagen and elastin - for aging skin;
  • non-comedogenic (oil-free) - for oily skin prone to the appearance of blackheads;
  • natural - recommended for any skin, ideal for sensitive skin;
  • with extracts seaweed, placenta and snail mucus- for sagging skin.

Moisturizing creams are also differentiated according to skin type:

  • for oily;
  • for dry;
  • for combined;
  • for normal;
  • for sensitive;
  • for young people (20-25 years old);
  • for problematic;
  • anti-aging (after 35 years).

Moisturizing creams are classified according to their additional action:

  • nutritious;
  • matting;
  • with a lifting effect (against wrinkles);
  • hypoallergenic;
  • cleansing (not clogging pores).

All facial moisturizers are divided into day and night. Daytime ones have a light structure, nighttime ones are denser and contain more nutrients, moisturizing and healing components.

When to use

Lack of moisture manifests itself differently in each skin type.

Dry skin begins to peel off, becomes flabby, the color fades, wrinkles appear and a feeling of tightness appears after washing and during the day. Normal skin with a lack of moisture, it behaves the same as dry, but the intensity of the symptoms is lower.

The following signs indicate dehydration of the oily dermis: increased sebum secretion, excessive expansion of pores and worsening acne. When dehydrated combination skin The boundaries between zones are more clearly visible, the problems intensify.

There are no contraindications to the use of facial moisturizer, however, there are some restrictions:

  • cream for a pregnant woman should only be natural;
  • components should not cause allergic reactions.

Terms of use

In order to get the desired effect from using a moisturizer, you need to follow certain rules:

  • The product is applied to the skin after washing with gel or removing cosmetics with milk;
  • after cleansing, you need to use a tonic - it normalizes the acid balance on the surface of the skin and makes the cream more effective;
  • the skin should be dry;
  • The cream is applied with sliding movements without pressing massage lines(from the center of the face to the temples). Do not apply cream to the skin of the eyelids;
  • After 15-30 minutes, you need to blot your face to remove unabsorbed cream. If this is not done, black spots and inflammation may appear;
  • In the morning, moisturizer is used 20-30 minutes before applying makeup, in the evening at least an hour before bedtime;
  • day and night moisturizer should be from the same series;
  • In winter, it is better to replace the moisturizer with a nourishing one, because when low temperatures The product may cause peeling and irritation.

Even a small cosmetics store or supermarket can offer its customers a wide range of moisturizing face creams. To buy a product that is truly suitable, you need to pay attention to what type of skin it is intended for. The packaging also usually indicates the composition of the product:

  1. Dry dermis needs intensely moisturizing creams, which include hyaluronic acid, oils, animal fats, glycerin, and panthenol.
  2. Normal skin needs a cream containing water, vegetable oils, plant extracts (aloe, chamomile) and antioxidants.
  3. Moisturizer for oily skin should contain: string extracts, aloe, calendula, oil tea tree, sulfur, panthenol, ceramides, caffeine, retinol, salicylic acid. The base of the cream should be water, the amount of oils and fats should be kept to a minimum.
  4. A cream for moisturizing combination skin should include vitamins E and A, calendula and raspberry extracts, hyaluronic and salicylic acid, and water.
  5. Moisturizing cream for sensitive and problem skin should consist of soothing and anti-inflammatory components: vitamin A, decoctions medicinal herbs, panthenol, thermal water.

It is advisable to purchase hypoallergenic cream, its composition does not contain synthetic components, dyes or fragrances, so it is suitable even for very sensitive skin.

You definitely need to look at the expiration date of the cream; many stores offer good discounts on products with an expiring date and even sell expired ones. The components of such a cream are an excellent nutrient medium for various microorganisms.

When choosing a brand, it is better to give preference to well-known manufacturers or those about which there is positive reviews from friends.

Today one of the most popular brands are:

  1. Vichy, France.

Issues natural cosmetics based thermal waters. Moisturizing creams from this company have a pronounced healing effect, moisturize the deep layers of the skin and are safe even for very sensitive, combination and problem skin.

  1. "Clean Line", Russia.

Issues budget cosmetics based on plant materials. Moisturizing creams of this brand have a light texture and a pleasant herbal scent.

  1. Librederm, Russia.

The main component of moisturizers from this company is hyaluronic acid, which fills cells with moisture and restores skin elasticity and a healthy appearance.

Recommendations for choosing a moisturizer can be found by watching the video.

Homemade natural moisturizer

Most commercial moisturizers contain synthetic substances that can cause allergic reactions. Organic ones are also available for sale. cosmetical tools, however, not every woman can afford their cost.

An alternative to such products can be a face cream you make yourself. It is made from natural ingredients, which can be combined at your discretion.

Any product consists of liquid, fat and active ingredients. Prepare the cream in ceramic or glass containers, heating it to no more than 60 degrees. With more high temperature active substances are destroyed, and upon contact with metal they oxidize.

Cucumber for dry and sensitive skin

Composition of the product:

  • 1 medium cucumber;
  • chamomile decoction - 10 ml;
  • wax - 5 grams;
  • almond oil - 15 ml.

Melt natural wax in a water bath, add chopped cucumber pulp and herbal decoction. Stirring, keep on the fire until it starts to boil, avoiding boiling.

Oatmeal for normal type

Composition of the product:

  • glycerin - 1 teaspoon;
  • flour from oatmeal- 1 teaspoon;
  • ripe strawberry big size- 3 berries.

Mash the strawberries and squeeze out the juice, combine with glycerin, add oat flour. Stir until smooth and leave to infuse for half an hour.

Gelatin composition for oily and problem skin

  • mineral water - 100 ml;
  • gelatin - one teaspoon;
  • natural honey - 1.5 tablespoon;
  • glycerin - 70 ml;
  • salicylic acid −1 pinch.

Pour gelatin with water for 30-50 minutes in a ceramic bowl. After this time, place the container on water bath and, after dissolving the grains, add honey and glycerin. Bring to 50-60 degrees and add acid. Remove from heat and whisk until thick.

For combination skin based on oils

  • natural wax - 10 grams;
  • jojoba oil - 30 ml;
  • liquid vitamin E - 5 ml;
  • aloe juice - 5 ml;
  • rose hydrolate - 10 ml;
  • sandalwood oil - 4 drops;
  • rose oil - 2 drops.

Heat jojoba oil and wax in a water bath, add water and leave for 5 minutes, pour in aloe juice and remove from heat. Continue beating until cool, adding esters at the end.


Composition of the product:

  • any cream (even suitable for children) - 50 ml;
  • linseed oil - 5 ml;
  • essential oils (rose, thyme or sage) - 8-10 drops.

Add oil to the finished cream and mix with a sterile plastic spatula.

Self-prepared creams are stored in the refrigerator for 7-10 days, taken out only before use.

No matter how good a moisturizer is, it alone is not enough to maintain healthy and youthful skin.

Following some simple recommendations will help fill your skin with moisture:

  • forget about bad habits;
  • wipe your face with ice cubes;
  • spend less time in the sun;
  • must use sunscreens for face;
  • wash with lukewarm or cool water;
  • reduce the amount of coffee;
  • moisturize your face hot weather thermal water;
  • apply 1-2 times a week soft scrubs to remove dead cells;
  • make moisturizing masks from milk, fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • Avoid dry indoor air.

In addition to external hydration, the skin needs sufficient quantity moisture in the body itself. To do this, you need to drink 1.5-2.5 liters of water or herbal teas daily and include foods containing natural vitamins and minerals in your diet, necessary for the skin: liver, carrots, tomatoes, greens, butter, cottage cheese, milk.

Review of moisturizer for oily skin

The only thing that doesn’t suit me about myself is the condition of my facial skin:

  • very wide pores;
  • almost constant oily sheen;
  • frequent acne and, accordingly, traces of it;
  • uneven surface of the face.

I’ll add that I’m already 38, so there’s dark spots and my face tone is uneven, so I use a dense one every day Foundation, but by lunchtime the skin is shiny and I feel an unpleasant tension.

I tried a lot of products before buying CLINIQUE Pep-Start Hydroblur Moisturizer, whose manufacturers promise that it will mattify and moisturize at the same time.

The cream is quite thick and has heterogeneous structure- you can feel small grains on your fingers, but despite this, it is applied very easily.

I didn’t have much hope for this cream, however, it pleasantly surprised me:

  • There is no feeling of tightness on the skin, despite thick layer mattifying foundation;
  • eliminates oily shine for 5-6 hours;
  • smoothes the surface of the skin, closes pores (apparently due to its texture);
  • The foundation does not run almost the entire working day.

Overall, I am very pleased with the cream, it almost completely satisfied my desires. I use it in the morning all year round as a base for makeup. In summer I apply it all over my face, in winter only on areas with wide pores(nose, forehead and chin).

Polina Vakulova, 38 years old

Moisturizing components are present in any face creams, however, if the skin is very dry, the use of a special moisturizer is necessary, this will help you prolong the youthfulness of your face and avoid early appearance wrinkles

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