Contraindications for feeding breast milk. Relative contraindications for breastfeeding. Postpartum lactation mastitis

Contraindications for breastfeeding

Temporary contraindications to breastfeeding

In situations described below, it is recommended to postpone the feeding of a child with breasts. Subsequently, it is possible to try to restore and continue breastfeeding. Deadlines when possible resumption breastfeeding Solved together with the doctor in each situation individually.

1. Deep presence, when the child still has no swallowing and sucking reflexes (the child feeds through the probe).

2. Children born with severe generic injury, respiratory disorder syndrome. Score from the apgar scale does not exceed 6 points.

3. Heavy Diseases respiratory, cardiovascular systems, etc. in a child. Various defects requiring operational treatment.

4. Congenital anomalies Development of the maxillofacial apparatus (wolf mouth, hunger lip, etc.).

5. Hemolytic disease in a newborn, caused by the incompatibility of the blood of the mother and the fetus in the rhust factor and / or by blood groups.

1. Acute infectious, purulent-inflammatory diseases.

2. Mastitis (inflammatory breast disease).

3. Operational intervention In childbirth and after them, massive blood loss.

Absolute contraindications for breastfeeding

Contraindications from the child

Diseases of metabolism in which the child is appointed by therapeutic nutrition (phenylketonuria, galaktozhemia, etc.)

Mother Contraindications

1. Heavy chronic kidneys, liver, cardiovascular, respiratory systems and etc.

3. Infection of Mother Syphilis in the third trimester of pregnancy.

4. Hepatitis S.

5. Open form tuberculosis

6. Mental diseases of the mother

7. Malignant neoplasms

8. The use of some medicines (antibiotics, cytostatics, hormones, tranquilizers).

Causes and measures to combat hypoglactics?

Under hypoglactics, a decrease in the functions of the mammary glands, manifested in the form of violations of milk production processes, maintaining lactation after its start, dairy and in reducing total duration lactation period (less than 5 months).

Types and causes of hypoglactic development

Hygogalactia can be early when the shortage of milk arises from a woman within 10 days after the delivery, and late, when the flaw is revealed somewhat later of this period. It can also be primary (true) and secondary, as well as false (when Momchka only seems to have a child lacking milk).

Primary hygoglactium is rarely observed (only 2.8-8%) and is expressed in a shortage of milk from the mother from the first days of the lactation period. It is often developing against the background of neurogormonal disorders, the growth and development of the mammary glands. Hygogalactium Against the background of the general underdevelopment of the dairy glands occurs in 20% of cases. Similar condition may develop due to bleeding after delivery, heavy toxicosis In the 3 trimester of pregnancy, postpartum infections and traumatic operations during childbirth.

Basically, secondary hypogalactium occurs and develops due to the impact of any adverse factors, among which are the cracks of nipples, mastitis, diseases during pregnancy (epilepsy, tuberculosis, angina, flu, etc.). More often there is a secondary hypogalactium, in which the mother has been observed with the beginning of lactation sufficient number Milk, but gradually the level of it is reduced or persisted at a level that does not satisfy the needs of the growing baby. The condition in which the mother after the birth does not have milk at all, they call agalactium.

Keeping the development of secretory lactation of the mammary glands and the depression of lactation can such a factor, as not frequent (with long breaks), the attachment of the child to the chest. This reduces the sucking activity of the baby and leads to a violation of the function of milk formation (insufficient irritation of the breast).

Another essential condition affecting the occurrence of hypoglactics is to ingestion of the air during feeding (Aerophagia). This happens almost with all newborns, only in some of the phenomenon wears physiological natureAnd others have a pathological when too much air is swallowed. As a result of the child's stomach stretches, a false feeling of satiety is created, while the amount of milk is not suused by a child.

Consider the production of milk and provoke the development of hypoglactics can take some drugs (progestins to pregnancy, gestagens and androgens, ardor and its alkaloids, diurets, camphor, etc.), use in the genus anesthesia and stimulation. Significantly reduced its level can violation of the day of the day of pregnant (elevated loads, lack of sleep).

Video: The essence and causes of hypoglactic development.

Signs of hypoglactia

1. Anxiety kid.

2. Small weight gain (per month).

3. Reducing the daily volume of breast milk.

4. Tight and meager toddler chair.

5. Reducing the daily volume of urine at the kid (the child should urinate up to 15 times a day).

When suspected of hypoglactic, it is necessary to accurately calculate the total amount of milk eating the child per day, weigh the baby before and after feeding, the results are summarized.

Treatment of hypoglactia

Treatment of this state is beginning, first of all, with what the baby translates to more frequent feeding Breast (alternate applying to the chest every 1.5-2 hours).

Special meaning In the normalization of the function of the breast, the daily mode of the day and the power of the mother. Any woman has the ability to breastfeeding, only rarely due to some diseases, it is necessary to abandon it. So that there were no problems with lactation after childbirth, and the milk was high quality future mammy It is important at the very beginning of pregnancy correctly organize the mode of the day and nutrition. In the first trimester of pregnancy, no special measures should be taken, special attention should be paid to walking on fresh air, Rest, to be guarding your health and consume exclusively useful foods.

But in the period intensive growth The fetus (second and third trimesters) woman needs to be "leaning" on food rich in nutrients, namely proteins and microelements. Experts recommend to use in this period 200 g of cottage cheese, 0.5 liters of fermented products, 300 g of fresh vegetables and 500 g of fruit during the day. Such a number is due to the fact that the development of the fetus has a direct impact on lactation in the subsequent. To female organism Rebuilt, hormones, vitamins, nutrients, and in such a volume, so that they are enough for and for the development of the fetus, and for rearrangements in the body. If their fruit is not enough, then on other processes and is suppressed. That is why food during pregnancy is of paramount importance.

During breastfeeding period, a woman should eat more often, to drink a glass of liquid before feeding. Power should be diverse, saturated with vitamins and microelements. In the first month after childbirth, a woman cannot be limited to eating and drinking, to do this in need, but at the same time not to forget about the boundaries of reasonable. Preference should be given to dishes prepared for a pair, stew, boiled. No sharp, pickled, smoked, canned and fat. Excessive use of fat can increase the fatty of breast milk, which will not benefit the baby.

Needless daily rate Products for women during lactation (approximate indicators):

2. Milk I. dairy products (up to 1 l).

3. Vegetables and fruits in the fresh form.

4. Sour cream, creamy and vegetable oil - a small amount of.

5. Honey or jam (a little) - in the absence of allergies in the baby.

Some moms immediately after childbirth are trying to regain themselves former shape, Including sitting on diet. It is impossible to do this in any way, it is negatively affected not only on quality, but also the amount of milk, as well as lactation duration.

To strengthen the generation of milk, doctors recommend taking additionally nicotine acid, vitamin E, herbs decoctions (nettle leaves, hawthorn extract, parsley greens, etc.). Methods of physiological stimulation of breasts give effective result (Procedures of UFO, massage, ultrasound therapy, acupuncture, compresses on the mammary glands) in the treatment of hypoglactics.

But, unfortunately, in some cases there may be contraindications and obstacles to breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding Contraindications:

From the mother:

  • operation in childbirth;
  • severe toxicosis forms during pregnancy;
  • strong bleeding in the birth and postpartum period;
  • violation of a general condition due to chronic liver diseases, kidneys, hearts;
  • oncological diseases, chemotherapy;
  • blood diseases;
  • HIV infection at the mother. For positive Analysis on HIV - milk can be stirred and give the child after sterilization;

The last five points are resistant (absolute) contraindications to breast feeding. This means that the child of a woman who has this pathology, under any circumstances cannot be applied to the mother's breast.

Temporary (relative) contraindications from mother health can be: caesarean section (postal sleep stage, syphilis, tuberculosis (open form), sharp intestinal infections, infectious diseases: raw and returnful typhus, Siberian ulcers, tetanus in the acute period, purulent mastitis). If the mother has acutely prosesed diseases (corrosive inflammation, types, blood infection), it should be arched, sterilize milk and give the child. With influenza, angina - breastfeeding is permitted, but at the same time the mother has a hygienic mask.

In the presence of gynecological diseases, breastfeeding continues, but it is important to observe hygiene. If the mother is sick with syphilis, the question of feeding is solved depending on the period of infection: when infected after 6 months of pregnancy - feeding is prohibited, when infected before this period - it is possible to breastfeed. In the case of Mother's disease, a tuberculosis, a child is isolated from it for 2 months, but it is allowed to feed with a sterilized milk.

From the child:

  • severe condition of the newborn;
  • deep prematurity;
  • serious malformations of development (heart, maxillofacing, digestive system and etc.);
  • violation brain circulation;
  • pronounced jaundice newborn;
  • metabolic diseases with impaired development in the body of certain enzymes;

Such children need to be fed with recreational milk, since because of their weakness, they cannot suck him from the mother's chest.

Breastfeeding difficulties:

From the child:

  • the defects of the development of the jaws and the nose (it is necessary to adapt or, at first, feed the child with a written maternal milk through a probe or with a spoon);
  • fungal defeat oral cavity - thrush;
  • sluggish, lazy sucking;
  • air swallowing, frequent joining;
  • nasal congestion;

From the mother:

  • the changed shape of the nipples (drawn, pointed, poorly developed). In this case, a packer massage will help, the use of linings special triangular shape (in the form of a "clover sheet") for the physiological contact of the nose of the child with the skin of the mother;
  • tight chest (Milk Stagnation). To improve milk outflow, it is necessary to push a small amount of it to feeding the child, making a massage of the gland;
  • cracks and abrasions of nipples. For treatment, you can use the UFO, in a day 5-6 times, lubricating cracks with creams containing lanolin;
  • mastitis. In this case, feed the sterilized milk;
  • increased selection Milk - Galactere;
  • offensive new pregnancy In a nursing mother. Usually it does not affect the lactation and composition of milk, so a woman can apply a child to the chest to 5 months of pregnancy;
  • reduced allocation of milk - hygogalactium;

But no matter how important breastfeeding for mom is, this is not a comparison with that benefit that brings maternal milk kid. Breastfeeding has a multilateral impact on the physiological, emotional and mental development Children, the formation of their behavior, resistance to the action of adverse external factors. Until now, a decent substitute for female milk is not invented. After all, it contains the most important for little man Substances in the most accurate proportions given by nature itself. The maternal milk includes: proteins, perfect suitable kid, including serum al ...
... There are a number of contraindications to early applying to the breast from the mother side and from the child. IN lately from these lists excluded delivery by cesarean section for prosperous outcome. The child is applied to the chest after a few hours after the end of the anesthesia. During the first day it is done several times. Important for full lactation It has free feeding mode from the first d ...

There is a fairly widespread opinion that during breastfeeding a woman cannot become pregnant. In fact, this is not always happening. In this article we will talk about those cases when breastfeeding can really serve as a method of contraception.

In any case, the occurrence of contraindications for continuing breastfeeding is justified by the fact that under a number of diseases, causative agents or their toxins can penetrate the blood of the mother's disease and, accordingly, in breast milk, thereby contributing to the occurrence of the disease and in the child. Another prerequisite that may complicate breastfeeding is the need for a nursing mother to take during the disease. Medical drugs, unwanted or directly contraindicated small children due to their toxicity. Consider each of the possible situations ...


Hello! I wanted to know, I got sick with flu, the nose forgotten throat hurts, cough. I have a daughter for 4 months, she does not take the chest of a little cough. What to do?

03/14/2018 21:00:28, Kenzhegul

I remember at that time my cold was accompanied by a dry cough. My doctor said inhalation to do with the spoken. Breathed through a nebulizer. GW did not throw, there was no need for this, because the medicine penetrates directly into the focus of inflammation. Cured in a few days.


Hello, I got a pressure, drank ana 5 mg, after how much to feed the child? We are 1 year old

05/12/2017 19:21:42, Oksana

Vovremja prochla etu statju, poka 2dnja po nocham kormila grudju, i tselyj den malchika muchala deorea, emu 12mes.poltora mes .nazad tak ze 4dnja po nocham dovala grud i sejchas u malchika na shekah kazdyj den pokrasnenija ... projdjot li eritromitsin? - Dovolno Sejoznyj Preparat? I Mozno Li Srazu Po Okonchaniju Terapii Nachinat Kormit GRUDJU ZANOVO?
zaranee Blagodorju.
S Uvazeniem Alla.

12/17/2008 00:16:45, Alla

So why is a long breastfeeding now such rarity? And this is despite the fact that contraindications for breastfeeding or its full impossibility are extremely rare. But sometimes in order to establish lactation, the woman just needs a desire, patience, a friendly atmosphere in the family and properly selected accessories for a nursing mother. Nor a drop by! Absorbent gaskets for bra - necessible subject "Wardrobe" is nursing, and in some cases a pregnant woman. Future Mamo ...

Do not risk by choosing the contraception method yourself. Remember that you can choose the optimal option for you only together with your doctor. The main features of choosing a method of contraception in postpartum period Related to the fact that you feed the baby with breasts. The selected method should not adversely affect the lactation and health of the baby. It should be noted that in breastfeeding it is often necessary to combine various methods Contraception. Breastfeeding is very important not only for the newborn, but also for a young mother. It contributes to natural recovery reproductive system Women after childbirth (cutting in the uterus), and is also a method of natural contraception. Separately, we will focus on the situation when a woman initially does not breastfeed and the child is located ...

Contraindication for breastfeeding may be the reception of the mother of drugs representing potential threat For the health of the baby. But it is necessary to keep in mind: almost in any cases it is possible to choose treatment compatible with breastfeeding (in Russia, information on this topic is distributed by EMBRIOTOX). And if it is impossible (for example, if it is necessary to carry out a course of chemotherapy to combat cancer), it is always possible after a break for the treatment of resume ...


It is better to argue that Yves is better than GW, can only those who do not want / lazy / afraid that "tits will be dispersed." Solidar with the author in everything (the exception is impossible to become pregnant). Quick breasts, ladies, and your kids will tell you thanks. My after Sisi smiles happily in a dream. And your after the mixture?

01/04/2010 13:49:24, Mom

However, what is the prolific one! Straight spaced in the eyes of the collusion of articles. It seems interesting thoughts flashed, but mostly solid cliches, and sometimes it's just some kind of dense. And the main thing in the articles with a large number of negative comments, the bunch of positive anonymies "Nastasy", "Ann" and others who say a big human thank you in the same expressions :))))) Well, a bunch of apples, the author apparently followed himself.

Brilliant quotes:
GW- "Free and harmless contraception" (C)
Hichiiiiii. And of course scientifically confirmed facts! I have two girlfriends who checked the first quotation on the experience. Here they were stunned when they found out that they were pregnant with the second!

"I have very sensitive skin on my nipples. Sucking the chest with a child hunked me hellish pain." Believe me, all the above obstacles are imaginary! (C)
Well, it is generally ingenious. How Someone Cool told on the forum: "You will argue with me, what did I hurt?"

I ran through a couple of other articles. It seems that the child should hang on the chest of non-stop. This is communication and food and contraception and calmness. In general, he only burned, has not yet been crying, immediately rush his chest! I'm just wildly when I imagine such a picture for myself .. A child will be born. Let's see course, but I really hope that in life is wrong.

E. Extremely severe condition of mom) in chronic diseases of the heart, liver, kidney and other organs and organism systems; malignant tumors; sharp mental diseases and others. From the side of the child with absolute contraindications to breastfeeding are phenylketonuria, galactosemia, leucine ("maple syrup disease"). With these hereditary diseases The body of the baby "incorrectly" processes some components of milk, and they turn into toxins. Currently, everything without exception, children are examined for this pathology immediately after birth (analysis takes in the maternity hospital). What is hypogalactium? It should be noted that the true hypo ...
... To reduce the swallowing of the air, tilt the bottle so that the milk filled the nipple, and the air rose to the bottom of the bottle. Let after feeding the crumb to spend a few minutes in a vertical position until the air removes, so that the likelihood probability decreased. Coordinate with the pediatrician the deadlines for the introduction of adhesive your baby. For artificial feeding The lore is introduced a little earlier (in 4.5-5 months) than with breasts (not earlier than 6 months). Possible mistakes I would also like to mention the most common mistakes that take place when feeding children from a bottle. The most common mistake - the kind of the child. Most women healthy baby It seems a chubby baby in pretty folds. The desire to feed the child is very natural. But...


Of course, nothing will replace Mamino breast milk. But now, thanks to the new nutrition, children still can be replaced by maternal milk !!! True and costs such food is not cheap!

Control weighing are not informative.

With breastfeeding during this period, no other food is usually required, as well as water. Maternal milk is the best food for a child. Milk of animal origin, milk mixtures, powder milk, teas, sweetened drinks, water and cereals are significantly inferior in their value to maternal milk and often can harm the child, causing a number of diseases ( allergic reactions, intestinal disorders, etc.). Ma ...
... in the presence of testimony to some children on the recommendation of the doctor's doctor enters from four months. Breastfeeding can continue until a child achievement of one or two years. Newborn must be together with the mother, they should be applied to the chest in the first hour from the moment of birth. The only contraindication to breastfeeding is the presence of diseases of such diseases as HIV or hepatitis. The contact of the newborn with the mother should be as long as possible. It is best when mother and child are located next to one room. The child needs to give the chest as often as he wishes. Beginning of breastfeeding The beginning of breastfeeding is shortly after childbirth stimulates the production of maternal milk and helps reduce ...

When should I give a mixture? Absolute contraindications against breastfeeding Active form of tuberculosis. Mama needs to undergo a course of chemotherapy, to prevent the child by isoniazid and make it b. BCG. After that, breastfeeding is considered safe. If the mother has a closed form of tuberculosis and it takes anti-tuberculosis drugs, it is possible to breastfeed. Diseases of typhoid and malaria, blood infection and some mental illness. Congenital metabolic disorders in the child (phenylketonuria, the disease "maple sir ...


We are since 3 months. They began to fit with nutrilats. We started with the basic nutrilaka from 0-6 months. for healthy children. From six months, the premium from 6-12 months from 6-12 months was switched to the Nutrilac Premium from 6-12 months. And from 5 months. began to enter vegetables one by one.

"In the market, it may be doubtful which vegetable can be caught, and children's puree The famous and recognized manufacturer should match quality standards. My youngest is now Human organic puree eats - there are no extraneous components. "
Naivety itself! I called on hot line "Kids" (my crumbs sprinkled from apple puree, OTHER QUESTION What kind of grade of green apples they used (seven, Antonovka), then I was explained to me a hundred devices that the Krasnodar Territory would put and pray and if there is no "hypoallergenic" bank - then contact your pediatrician.
As for the additives and the courtesy crumble, probably only semi -mer is not bent to write in the composition " rice flour", not bonal:" Mashed pots from zucchini "or" specially cooked water ".
I have twins, and one simply does not tolerate the can, you have to turn vegetables and grind a blender. I only know one thing - frozen vegetables should be of high quality and not spoiled, or then they cannot be freezed.
Choose yourself than feeding the child, but with chemistry it sooner or later will ever meet anyway ... the main thing is not to salt and not to "sugar" at the first babies - here is the key to healthy nutrition.

During pregnancies, practically refuse meat and birds, i.e. Meat - no more than once a week, mainly vegetables and fish. There were no threats, the nipples are very sensitive, because of this, the feeding turned out, and then it would still feed. Somehow the question stopped feeding did not arise. Before a year, there was such an installation with me, and I did not find pregnancy in contraindications to feeding. Isaev Daria, Mom Vadima (3.5 years) and Artem (2 years). Age at the time of the second pregnancy is 29 years old, the older child is 9 months old. I fed to the year (that is, 3 months of pregnancy), the behavior of the elder did not change in any way - he eaten with pleasure all the time. Feeding mode either also did not change - the last month reduced, as it was planned to finish the ...
... if the child is less than six months, and its main food is breast milk, you need to carefully follow the condition of its health and weight gain. A child who has already been entered the lure, you need to diversify it, respectively, and gradually increase the number of other food than maternal milk. Mom, resolved on tandem breastfeeding, dare to calm: milk during and after childbirth under the influence of hormones passes the poles. Therefore, the newborn in the first days of life will receive a colostrum, so it is necessary, and not mature milk. There is also the opinion that the involution at the occurrence of a new pregnancy begins not after the fulfillment of the age of the child, but before. If the situation is critical, there is a threat of pregnancy and you need to post the baby from ...


Hello. And I have such a question. Dress 1 year and 3 months. And here I learned that I am pregnant again. Employed. Metal. Scorn breasts. But it torments the question and how to be 3-4 days when I am in the hospital ... Although the son is now eating but more often suset ...

Highly good article, and most importantly on personal experience.
I have a second pregnancy, the first 9 months, and the teeth go out. She planned to overcome from the chest, and now it's so hard to do it. After reading your article, I realized that it was not worth doing this and I will continue to feed.
It was even calmer.
Thank you

07/08/2017 12:38:25, Anastasia

Hello everyone! Tell me pliz I have a strong strong for the first time in life. Straight in the mirror I see "pimples on the throat" Iodine Iodine + Salt + Soda and splashing bioparox. what to do? Can my disease harm the baby to us 4 months from the chest do not want to take away ... thanks


I went to the doctor prescribed antibiotic cefotaxim 2 times a day after the injection of one feeding to skip; (I don't know how to give her a bottle ... But it's impossible to try everything very bad ....

Can. But if you breastfeed, the risk is minimal.
We must be coated alternately with soda, eucalyptom and furacilin (five pills on a glass of water) - so more efficient.

I think that mothers just born babies are very important to know this, so as not to ruin their own life and the life of their baby. Absolute contraindications for breastfeeding: septic conditions; active form tuberculosis; Tiff and malaria; malignant neoplasms, leukemia; kidney disease, accompanied by renal failure with azotemia; congenital metabolic disorders in a child (galactosemia, phenylketonuria, maple syrup disease); Postpartum ...

I will give a complete quote, which often out of context:

Table 41. Breastfeeding and medical treatment of mothers
There are few absolute contraindications to breastfeeding, although in the past such contraindications a lot was given. In the literature published in the former Soviet Union, they treated renal failure, heart failure, cancer, psychiatric diseases, thyrotoxicosis, acute viral and bacterial infection, High temperatures of unknown origin and hemolytic disease of the newborn, but now all this is no longer considered contraindications. The main contraindications are the infection of the mother with some viruses, especially HIV, and some drugs that are accepted by women during breastfeeding period.

What do you see? That this list is not Existing contraindications. The most which are caused by the mythical.

07/21/2003 18:14:18, a, p.

Please indicate the source of information.

07/21/2003 09:39:26, Some where

Girls Hello. I want to consult. Situation Next: A child from birth to mixed feeding (Now we have almost 10 months) Recently began to give up the breast in the afternoon, and at night it sucks, but it is not enough for a calm night sleep, you have to do with a mixture, sometimes eats up to 180 ml (during the day there is a big rarity). But I still gave / offered the chest, for better falling asleep, to calm down .. And then there were 3 days in the village of the parents, so there the people threw the people ...


Even a teaspoon of breast milk per day is useful to a child.
I have a child in general with general Table. Fully feeds from one and a half, if you are interested in my experience. :-) But I use the opportunity to give baby breast milk and all those bonuses that the child gets simply from sucking the chest.


c 12 / 08-14 / 08 It is better to immediately call (tel.8 * 9O3 * 515 ** 7874) Olga, since in the Internet I will rarely leave these days

Period lactation
Neof formation
Disease period

Spain, Russia)

See you.

The Krasnoyarsk City Center of Breastfeeding is now working as part of the Children's City Hospital No. 8 and Polyclinic No. 3. The work of specialists continues, and young mothers have the opportunity to get professional consultation On issues of rational feeding a healthy or sick child of chest and early age. Consultants will help to establish breastfeeding just giving birth to a woman will give advice on the organization rational nutrition nursing mom help solve ...

Hello! The holiday period is in full swing, therefore I invite you to put the figures in order. Moreover, I invite those who have all-inclusive behind, and respectively, the brooded barrel!) My name is Olga, I propose on this forum to correct the correction of the figure and combating cellulite. I have been engaged in massage since 2004, mesotherapy since 2011, basic education - Moscow Medical Academy I am I.M. Sechenov, training massage - at the specialty "Medical Massage in Pediatrics", Institute ...


New service. It has access to the house to the client. Mesotrichology.
it modern technique Recovery and revitalizing hair follicles using micro-lineage directly into the scalp. Visible effect It comes from 3-4 procedures. Treatment is carried out by introducing certain cocktails into the skin. Their composition includes useful for hair follicles substances that prevent hair loss contributes to growth, strengthening hair, will be "sleeping" bulbs, improve the microcirculation of this zone.
The procedure lasts about 40 minutes. From injections there are small bruises, which will dissolve in a week. After the procedure, you can not wash your head for at least two days. You can not swim in the pool or take a bath during the first day. For effect, it is necessary to spend about 8-12 procedures with an interval 1 time per week.
Period lactation
Neof formation
Disease period
Inflammation of chronic diseases
Before starting the procedure, a beautician should be warned if you take any drugs.
we work with drugs Mesoestestic, Mesopharm, Toscania (Italy,
Spain, Russia)
For this service, the departure is possible. Write to mail.
See you.


2. Myomas of the uterus,
3. Infectious diseases,
4. Mental diseases,

6. HIV infection, hepatitis

10. Pregnancy, menstruation

How are these factors combined? The question for me is still theoretical, although, maybe not quite ... Something monthly delayed. I heard that during a new pregnancy will have to elder from the chest, perhaps not immediately, but at some certain stage. Which? And what is it connected with? The activities of some hormones oppresses the activities of others? Too big load for the body? Please explain. Here is the Danil in a week of 7 months, we are on the full guv, the first ...


A year ago there was the same problem - a large delay, nausea, test +, worried about feeding, and the pregnancy itself "distributed", in the sense, it was the usual dysfunction after childbirth. I ran to the doctor 3 times, she said that it was useless to look, to come after a month of delay, after 12 days the monthly came.

Hello! Spring is not far off, let's give figurines in order. My name is Olga, I propose on this forum to correct the correction of the figure and combat cellulite. I have been engaged in massage since 2004, mesotherapy since 2011, basic education - Moscow Medical Academy I.M. Sechenov, training Massage - Wuns in the specialty "Medical Massage in Pediatrics", Institute of Replacement Medicine, Specialty "Medical Massage", "Anti-cellulite massage", "Limphodnaya ...


Who planned to come in April!
For April, you are writing in advance, girls))). There are quite a lot of people. Plus, from 16-18 participating in an intershchamber, accepting these days will not be.

New service. It has access to the house to the client. Mesotrichology.
This is a modern method of restoring and revitalizing hair follicles using micro-lineage directly into the scalp. The visible effect occurs already with 3-4 procedures. Treatment is carried out by introducing certain cocktails into the skin. Their composition includes useful for hair follicles substances that prevent hair loss contributes to growth, strengthening hair, will be "sleeping" bulbs, improve the microcirculation of this zone.
The procedure lasts about 40 minutes. From injections there are small bruises, which will dissolve in a week. After the procedure, you can not wash your head for at least two days. You can not swim in the pool or take a bath during the first day. For effect, it is necessary to spend about 8-12 procedures with an interval 1 time per week.
Period lactation
Neof formation
Disease period
Inflammation of chronic diseases
Before starting the procedure, a beautician should be warned if you take any drugs.
we work with drugs Mesoestestic, Mesopharm, Toscania (Italy,
Spain, Russia)
For this service, the departure is possible. Write to mail.
See you.

Hello! My name is Olga, I propose on this forum to correct the correction of the figure and combat cellulite. I have been engaged in massage since 2004, mesotherapy since 2011, basic education - Moscow Medical Academy I.M. Sechenov, training Massage - Wuns in the specialty "Medical Massage in Pediatrics", Institute of Replacement Medicine, Specialty "Medical Massage", "Anti-Cellulite Massage", "Limphoded Massage", "Wrapped". First Professional Institute of Aesthetics ...


There are contraindications! Please pay attention and perceive seriously! Listed by the second point in FAQ. But still copy again!
Contraindications for anti-cellulite massage:
1. Skin disease in the acute period
2. Myomas of the uterus,
3. Infectious diseases,
4. Mental diseases,
5. Proliferative diseases of the small pelvis (uterine mioma, hyperplasia and endometrial polyps; polyposis of the large intestine, ovarian cyst, endometriosis, etc.).
6. HIV infection, hepatitis
7 thrombophlebitis, varicose veins 3 stages
8 Blood Cut Disturbances
9 Endocrinological diseases ( diabetes, Zab. thyroid gland, etc.)
10. Pregnancy, menstruation
In any case, I strongly recommend consulting in the attending physician, if necessary, to undergo a survey (especially the gynecological and ultrasound of the small pelvis organs).
Contraindications to wrappers:
1. Hot wrapping is contraindicated in varicose veins. With varicose veins, only cold wraps is allowed.
2. Any types of wraps are contraindicated in gynecological diseases (on the abdomen area, warming the pelvis region), cardiovascular, hypertension, during pregnancy, menstruation should be avoided.
3. Wraps with algae are contraindicated in diseases of the thyroid gland.

3. It is possible to carry out the procedures for getting rid of cellulite and correction of the shape with breastfeeding.

Do not. Debris products and toxins released during massage in some concentrations can penetrate into breast milk. Therefore, it is better to complete breastfeeding and only then do the correction of the figure

Cosmetics used:
1 Armadjases (Russia) - massage oils, essential oils To add to basic cosmetics, gels for wrapped
2 ALGOLOGIE (France) - active compounds for wrapping,
3 ART-DE CORE (Spain) - Bandages, Cryogel
4 TEGOR (Spain) is an active concentrate for massage and adding to wrap.
5 Jean Klebert by Baldan (Italy) -Kosmetics with ozonides, ampoules for outdoor use, Bandages for wrapping, paste for modeling and detoxification.
6 Mesotherapy - Toscani (Italy), Mesopharm
7 Massage oils of Siberica Nature - for other types of massage.
8 Algae Layers (Russia)
9 Tambukkan dirt for wrapping (I do not use temporarily)
10 Collagen Cosmetics COLLAGEN3D, Under Ultrasound and For Appliques

Girls, you need advice. The daughter is almost 6 months old, on the full GW, the lucky has not yet begun to enter. Then the eldest child brought viral conjunctivitis from school. Despite all our precaution, my husband and I also got infected. Feeling very brushing, eyes swollen, barely open. My mom offered a daughter to take to him, while we do not recover, so that it does not become infected. And this is at least 2 weeks - according to the experience of the Son. I am in disheveled feelings - I feel very bad, two types of drops ...


Konuctivitis cured for 2 !!! Day Tobraks. At both children. I would have a conjunctivitis, I would also use these drops.
PS: small on gv.

i had conjunctivitis in the summer, my daughter was not infected. The main thing is to wash your hands after touching the face, more often to change your pillowcases and not put the child on them. Everything will be ok, the main thing is to breastfeed. My conjunctivitis was not killed by anything, waited until myself passes, 4 weeks

Just please do not throw slippers into me (I will even write anonymously :), just torments the question, I understand that it is nonsense and in the signs to believe sin. One friend said that if you start to leave the child from the chest, and then start feeding again, then the child will be smoothed, it will be smoothing everyone, it is not wanting himself. On my objections about faith in signs, she stated that it was not a sign, but the life observations of grandmothers, pro-about ...- grandmothers. What do you think?


Not quite anonymous :) And about the signs - nonsense :)

I don't know about the signs, although it sounds harsh :) I have been able to understand: first to overcome, then start feeding again - and so do it at all ?? I can not understand, why - the excuse is a stressful thing ..

Hello. I want to get comments to the situation that happened with my friend. Situation. The child at night (he was 8 months old) vomiting happened. It is on active attachment, but with breast milk. The raise is ambulance, the ambulance arrived and answered the child with mom in infectious. Revivans again on the road was in the car and no longer nauseous. In the hospital diagnosed: angina. Gave bottles with water, said to poke. The doctor came the doctor. To the question of Mom, it is possible to feed the chest ...

Horror! I passed the analysis of the feces, and the eggs of Askarida were sown: (((I have: ((The same analysis of infants - worms were not found (here I read on the website of Gabrichevsky, that the worms are generally difficult to hang out on Kala - so it can also have a child too ??). How is it treated? What to do? Where does this biaca come from? What do you like to do with the rest of the family? With your doctor, I will certainly be consulted, but I want to know your opinion and, alas, someone personal experience!! Child 6 months.

Today I had to remove the tooth (there was a rather problematic operation), the doctor insists on the use of the naise (1 tablet 2 times a day 3 days). A child at GW (a doctor warned), but the doctor replied that either tolerate swelling, or to drink Naz. On the Internet I read that lactation-contraindication to use ... So what should we do?


I often have pain in the neck, and no doctor can say that it is. So you only have to swing pain until it goes. Having tried different medicines, I discovered Nimeson. With pain copes with a bang.

The composition of the soluble pill hill is included 50 mg of the active component. The same dose of nimesulide is also contained in 5 ml (1 teaspoon) suspension. Dispersible tablets are packaged in cellular packaging from polyvinyl chloride and aluminum foil for 10 pieces.

Instructions for use can be found here: Contraindication to early applying is also incompatibility with a child in a rhesus factor. In the presence of inflammatory processes in the breast, the child does not give the chest, but fed with reclining milk. In these cases, the doctor will tell a woman how to preserve the production of milk. Not only the state of the mother but also serious complications The child's health is excluded early applying: severe brainwater impairment, inhibition of central nervous system, absence of swallowing and reflex In prematurely born (weighing up to 1 kg).
Contraindications should be considered as temporary limitations of normal breastfeeding. Mother In these cases, it is necessary to grind milk and keep breast ability to lactation. The approach to restrictions should be individual. As soon as the state of the mother and child is normalized, it is possible to apply a baby to the chest. Do not forget that he needs your and only your milk!
There is an article

I have :-( The doctor said - the inflammation is strong. According to the idea of \u200b\u200bantibiotics. But so far they decided to wait. Calcium gluconate intravenously and drops of candibiotic. They are in annotations too - contraindications during lactation. I speak again with your doctor. She said that all anti-inflammatory Drops of a tricky plan will have this contraindications. I can either make and feed the baby with a mixture, or not to be treated at all with the threat of a hospital when it becomes completely bad. or drip and feed, since dose, cat ...

It is necessary to focus on what treatment takes a nursing mother. By itself, the virus is not dangerous, because the antibodies with breast milk immediately come. But some drugs can cause breastfeeding to be suspended.

Great when young and inexperienced moms It is possible to consult and get answers to exciting questions. After all, it is often moms to ask a question, despite the fact that there are many advisers around a lot (sometimes they give not reasonable tips that can harm)

When many pediatricians should be fed to breastfeeding in Russia, and abroad believe that the child should be fed until he himself refuses the maternal milk, which is usually happening, by the end of the third year of life. WHO recommends breastfeeding up to two years and continue feeding further if you wish my mother and baby. In favor of this position, statistical data is often given that children who fed more averages, usually possess more strong health and...

Human health is formed long before his birth and depends on the set of factors. Affecting some of them can be prevented by the development of many pathological conditions. One of the factors determining the health of the child is breastfeeding. Breastfeeding undoubtedly has a number of advantages: 1) breast milk contains all nutrients needed to a child who are quickly and easily absorbed. 2) It consists of the most balanced and suitable child ...


Of course, breastfeeding has an indisputable advantage over artificial, but at a certain stage it is still necessary to introduce lures of which depends on the quality, there will be or not a baby to disturb allergies with diathesis. For some reason I have left good memories Only about products Heinz for children. And in other cases I had to observe allergies.

Breastfeeding is contraindicated with such diseases of the mother:

  • oncological diseases;
  • open shape of tuberculosis with bacillomodulation;
  • especially dangerous infections (Natural OSP, Siberian ulcer);
  • HIV-positive mother's status;
  • acute mental illness;
  • hepatitis C in the active phase of the disease.

Contraindications for breastfeeding


Breastfeeding contraindicated


With chronic heart failure IIB (according to the classification of Vasilenko-Strazhestko) / The question of the possibility of preserving lactation and breastfeeding during heart failure can be solved individually taking into account the peculiarities of hemodynamics, the state of the patient under the supervision of a cardiologist.

With infectious endocarditis.

For all acquired pounding of the heart IV and V stage (with the III stage, exclude night feedings).

With all the "blue" defects of the heart.

With all heart defects with manifestations of pulmonary hypertension.

With severe heart rhythm.

With rheumatar.

With dilated cardiomyopathy.

With arterial hypertension II stage.

In severe course, the presence of acute or severe chronic brain circulation disorders

Disease of the kidney

In the presence of acute or chronic renal failure of all stages

Liver disease

With the development of lack of liver function, portal hypertension, extended esophageal veins

Disease of the respiratory system

With the development of respiratory failure stage II and further


With severe forms of the disease in the stage of decompensation (diabetic ketoacidosis)

Contraindications for breastfeeding from the child

Newborn, not corresponding to their gestation age

Such children may have a ns only low body weight for this gestational age, but also a delay in development. It depends on the factor that has affected during pregnancy. It is known that arterial hypertension Mother B. III trimester It causes a delay in the growth of the body mass of the fetus, and the transfer of rubella in the first trimester is a height delay. The greater the delay in the newborn during pregnancy, more problems When feeding such a child. The newborn in this group is more often developing hypocalcemia, hypothermia, hypoglycemia. Breast milk promotes full development digestive tract. 

Pathological states of the fetus and hypoxia of the newborn

Newborn, the state of which needs to be observed or carrying out intensive therapy, have a low estimate on the apgar scale. Depending on the clinical state, applying the chest must be delayed by 48 hours. Sometimes this period can be extended to 96 hours. Hypoxia leads to a decrease in intestinal peristaltics and a decrease in the level of stimulating hormones. Such newborns may have neurological problems and do not always adequately react to breast feeding attempts. For such children, the pose of a ballerina or a soccer ball may become an optimal position near the mother's chest. When a child is located ahead of the mother, the head and face of the child stabilized by the mother's hand and are directly opposite her chest.

Gastrointestinal disorders

Disorders from the digestive tract are found quite often both in newborns who receive breast milk and in newborns that get a mixture. The only rule is newborn in the event of a disease should receive breast milk, as far as possible. Breast milk - physiological nutritionwhich does not cause dehydration and hypernatremia. Mother of the child is needed corrective diet. Allergy to Mother Milk is rare enough.

Lactose tolerance

Lactose is the main carbohydrate of milk, hydrolyzed by a hydrolytic fermented flavoringlukoside lactose, an enzyme of a small intestine. Congenital lactose deficiency is an extremely rare violation that is attenuated by autosomal-recessive type. The enzyme hydrolyzizes lactose, florenetalkuroside, glycosylceramic.

In most cases clinical manifestations decreases aged 3-5 years. In prematurely born babies, there is no lactose tolerance, the correction of the mother's diet, the introduction of hydrolyzed lactose breast milk is necessary.

Galaktosemia is a disease due to a deficiency of galactose-1-phosphate - uridentityransferase. Refers to congenital pathologies. Clinical manifestations:

  • jaundice;
  • vomiting;
  • liquid chair;
  • brain violations:
  • electrolyte violations;
  • reducing body weight.

It is necessary to translate the child to feeding therapeutic artificial mixtures, because high levels of lactose in milk contribute to the increase in glucose and galactose in the child's blood.

Phenylketonuria is a violation of the sharing of the amino acid of phenylalanine, in which it accumulates due to the lack of enzyme. The child with phenylketonuria has a low body weight at birth, microcephaly, congenital heart disease. Phenylalanine levels in female milk - from 29 to 64 mg per 100 ml, for newborns with this pathology it is necessary to feed with breast milk with the addition of a mixture of LofenAlac (with a low content of phenylalanine).

Female milk It has a low phenylalanine content in comparison with artificial mixtures. Forecast mental Development It is favorable if the treatment has begun early and the level of phenylalanine in the blood does not exceed 120-300 mmol / l. Enter thick food is perhaps not earlier than in 6 months.


Breastfeeding is carried out with the addition of proteolytic enzymes. In severe cases, the use of hydrolyzed mixtures is possible.

Exepathic Aquermetraty (Danbolt-Closs Syndrome)

Aquarmatimatis Enteropathica is a rare, unique disease, is transmitted by autosomal-recessive type, characterized by symmetric rash around the mouth, genital organs, in the field fold bends. The rash is an acute vesiculobular, eczematous, often coming secondary infection with C. Albicans.

The disease is observed when healing from the chest is accompanied by diarrhea, lottery hair, excitation, low zinc in the blood, women's milk contains less zinc than cow. The treatment should include zinc drugs in the form of gluconate or sulfate.

Down syndrome

Newborn with Down syndrome does not always effectively suck the chest. Help mother and medical personnel need to teach the child correctly and adequately taking the chest to use the child's position near the mother's chest, in which the child support is ensured, given the hypotension of his muscles, which is corrected by the coordinated motion movements. To correct the position of the child, you can use a pillow. Mother's care for child care is provided by a pediatrician, cardiologist, genetics, nurse And other medical experts. Especially important for such children is breastfeeding, because they are inclined to infectness and have an increased level of development of generalized infection.


Newborn with hypothyroidism is necessary breastfeeding, as milk has high levels of thyroid hormones.

Hyperplasia of adrenal glands

Newborns who got breast milk during neonatal periodThere were a smaller frequency of jigsaws, a stable clinical state.

Breastfeeding newborn with perinatal pathology

If the patient has a newborn baby does not get breast milk, then:

  • there is a longer course of the disease, it is especially true of perinatal infections, sepsis;
  • high level of invasive therapy complications;
  • the child loses more in the mass and renews it longer;
  • we need a longer period of infusion therapy, partial parenteral nutrition;
  • the newborn does not receive factors of immunobiological protection with Mother's milk, which predetermines both greater duration of the disease and greater volume of drugs, including antibacterial and immuno-opacterial therapy;
  • there is no psycho-emotional contact with his mother, the child does not receive emotional pleasure when feeding. Today it is known that the contact of the mother and the patient of the newborn baby contributes to the improvement of the blood circulation of the child's brain;
  • the amount of breast milk has a mother;
  • the newborn may refuse to suck the chest after feeding; Enclosed milk.

Endorphins, the level of which increases in the case of psycho-emotional contact of the mother and child, reduce the spasm of vessels, including brain, intestines, lungs, which can be one of the mechanisms to improve the results of intensive therapy and the healing of premature babies and babies with perinatal pathology that have gotten breast Milk in constant contact with mother,

If the sick child continues to suck the chest or feed with maternal milk, it gives the opportunity:

  • maintain optimal water and electrolyte balance;
  • reduce the term for the treatment of the child and the duration of its stay in the hospital;
  • reduce volume invasive procedures, namely, infusion therapy, parenteral nutrition;
  • reduce the amount of medicines (economic effect for health care institutions);
  • reduce the herogenous effect on the child;
  • get emotional pleasure and psychological comfort when feeding;
  • maintain and resume lactation from the mother with breastfeeding;
  • ensure immunobiological homeostasis of the child's body.

From the point of view of use, maternal milk will always remain out of competition. Even modern adapted dairy mixes are not able to replace so valuable product. Often there are situations in which breastfeeding may not benefit the mother or newborn baby. In these situations, young mothers are forced to switch to artificial milk mixtures.

To failure to breastfeeding should be present weightful reasonswhich defines the attending physician at individual advice.

Mother Contraindications

Unfortunately, not every woman can afford to breastfeeding a newborn baby. In some circumstances, this procedure is categorically contraindicated. On the part of the parent organism there are such contraindications for breastfeeding:

  • HIV infection and AIDS. In milk infected woman There is a sufficient amount of viruses that can cause infection with a newborn baby. Positive test on the HIV infection It is an absolute contraindication for breastfeeding.
  • Light tuberculosis (open form). If a young mother has been diagnosed with an open form of tuberculosis, she is prescribed an expulsed course of antibacterial therapy, which is incompatible with breastfeeding. In addition, close contact with the baby will cause the child to infect the child with a tuberculous wand.
  • Infection with hepatitis of type C and B. These viruses are able to penetrate the maternal milk in large quantities. If the child timely introduced a vaccine from hepatitis B, it helps to reduce the risk of transmission of the pathogen when natural feeding. The risk of infection with hepatitis C through maternal milk is lower than in the case of hepatitis B, however, the newborn baby is not 100% insured. Absolute contraindication For natural feeding is the infection of the parent organism hepatitis A, in which the risk of infecting the newborn is 85-90%.
  • Reception some medicinal medicines. The overwhelming majority of medicines have the ability to penetrate the maternal milk. Breastfeed is strictly prohibited in the case of acceptance of drugs such as immunosuppressors, cytostatics, antiviral tools, Radioisotopes, as well as anticoagulants and lithium preparations. Also, the prohibition concerns anthelminthics and antibiotics (macrolides, fluoroquinolones and tetracycline).
  • Tobacco Smoking and breastfeeding are incompatible, because when the components hit tobacco smoke In the children's body, the child becomes irritable, it decreases the appetite and the dependence on nicotine is formed. If a woman decided to breastfeed, she was recommended to completely abandon smoking for the entire lactation period.

  • Incompatibility in the rhesus factor. If there is a rhesv conflict between the mother and child's body, then breastfeeding is under strict ban. IN otherwise Kids develop a state incompatible with life.
  • Hard chronic diseases liver, kidneys, respiratory and of cardio-vascular system.
  • Mental disorders in a nursing woman.
  • Malignant neoplasms in the field of mammary glands.
  • Heavy infectious diseases (scarletin, face, diphteria).

Contraindications from the child

From the side of the newborn baby, much less contraindications to natural feeding.

To basic contraindications from children's body You can attribute:

  • Hereditary pathologies of metabolism (phenylketonuria, galactosemia, the disease "maple syrup").
  • Birth ahead of time or low weight at birth (less than 1 kg);
  • Severe condition at birth (respiratory failure, shock, hypoglycemia, excacosis);
  • Congenital development pathologies (vices of the cardiovascular system, the disease of the central nervous system, the wolf fall, the hunger of the lip).

Often, young moms have situations under which it is recommended to temporarily suspend breastfeeding with subsequent renewal. Throughout this period, it is necessary to grind milk to prevent the lactation stop. Breastfeeding should be temporarily stopped in such situations:

  • With the appearance of herpetic or other rashes in the field of mammary glands. If the child continues to use maternal milk, he risks infected with infection.
  • With pronounced pain syndromeWhen a young mother needs to take analgesic drug Treatmentincompatible with breastfeeding.
  • After transferred surgery, when a woman has a rehabilitation period.
  • In case a woman has improved blood pressure.

In addition, a woman needs to consult with the attending physician about the possibility of breastfeeding in such cases:

  • When infection with influenza or angina. Ability to continue natural feeding Depends on severity pathological process. If the woman was prescribed antibacterial drugs, many of them should not fall with milk into the body of the child.
  • For infectious diseases gOOD SYSTEM. This concerns the infection with cytomegalovirus and toxoplasm. With such states, it is not recommended to continue natural feeding.
  • With the development of purulent mastitis. Most medical professionals recommend not to stop breastfeeding in the development of lactostasis and mastitis. This allows you to improve the drainage of the mammary glands and reduce the intensity inflammatory process. If mastitis is accompanied by purulent discharge from the nipple, then feed the baby with such milk is categorically prohibited. The lactation is recommended to postpone until complete recovery, and the kid in the meantime it is necessary to translate into artificial milk mixtures.
  • With severe complications of generic activities in a woman. If the process of childbirth was complicated by bleeding, then the woman should not apply the baby to the chest for several days.

If necessary, the temporary or final interruption of lactation of a young mother is recommended to discuss alternative methods Freshing a newborn with a doctor. The infants will be individually selected adapted milk mixture, which will replace his maternal milk. By the way, the list of all sorts adapted mixes, their characteristics and prices you can find the link.

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