How to memorize large amounts of information? How to learn to memorize a large amount of information

Do you urgently need to memorize the text? How easy is it to learn? Similar questions arise in the minds of people before the test, exam and other important events. Our brain has endless possibilities, only it should be helped in their development. At the moment, there are a sufficient number of techniques in the world aimed at developing thinking and memory. It should be noted that absolutely all mental processes can be improved throughout life. Being engaged in self-development, a person can achieve a lot. We are used to seeing such successful people on the TV screen, reading about them in magazines and on popular sites on the Internet.

The process that allows us to remember and forget information is called memory. It has its own volume, i.e. a person can remember only a limited amount of information. But by developing memory, over time, its storage can be significantly increased.

In order to understand exactly what amount of information a person can remember, special techniques are used to determine the resource of not only short-term, but also long-term memorization. It is possible to quickly memorize a large text by following the recommendations verified by many people.

Types of memory:

  • tactile;
  • gustatory;
  • figurative;
  • visual;
  • auditory;
  • olfactory.

Starting from childhood, a person develops a certain type of memory. For example, if he loved to read books on his own, then in the future it will be quite easy for him to remember information from paper and other media, that is, which can be read on his own. Thus, visual memory will be well developed. Let's consider another variant of memory development. If in childhood parents read books to a child at home, then his auditory memory will be well trained.

How to learn text quickly and easily? In order for a person to quickly memorize the flow of information from any source, he should regularly develop his memory, and cover absolutely all of its types. In this matter, classes on various methods will help, which suggest regularly performing special exercises.

First of all, in order to remember the text, you need to read it and understand what the author wanted to convey to the reader. By understanding what each paragraph is talking about, it will be much easier to remember it than just a set of words. A sure way of memorizing is also visualization of what you read, that is, creating a small movie in your head using images of this text. Correctly fulfilling all the conditions of the methods, you can quickly memorize the work.

It has long been proven that it is easier for any person to solve a problem in parts, this also applies to memorizing the text. To make it easier to store information in memory, you should divide it into parts.

When studying the text, it is worth organizing a calm atmosphere around you. It is advisable to turn off the radio, TV and retire, since if someone nearby is talking on the phone, it is unlikely that you will be able to remember a theorem or a poem.

In some cases, it is worth writing out some words from a work that needs to be learned, you get something like a cheat sheet, and they, as has long been proven, are useful for learning. Records allow you to highlight the main information from the composition, visual memory works when writing. Also, while reading a book, memorize the font of the text, the pictures on the pages.

If it suddenly seems that you are tired and the brain does not perceive information, get distracted, drink coffee, rest, and then start studying with renewed vigor, having previously remembered the text you have already learned. It is much easier to memorize prose at home than in other settings, and it takes less time.

There are many methods and exercises for training memory in the world, almost all of them are effective. Consider the most popular of them with many positive reviews.

  1. Put the calculator aside during any math calculation. By counting in the mind or on paper and doing it regularly, a person significantly increases the amount of memory.
  2. Start your day with a score of 100 to 1. You need to count in that order and try to increase your speed every day.
  3. A fairly effective exercise is called Cities in a Minute. It is simple to do it: in just one minute you need to name 60 cities, one city per second. You won't be able to do this the first time, but performing such a task every day, after a week you can notice positive results.
  4. You can try learning new words. This technique will allow a person not only to train memory, but also to learn a foreign language. Such exercises should be performed regularly, since the picture will not change from one time, as with muscle training. It is recommended to learn fifteen words a day and to increase this barrier with each subsequent week.
  5. The simplest and most well-known exercise is the usual memorization of a poem. Important in this technique is its constancy, that is, you need to learn new verses systematically.

Quick Poem Study Techniques

Don't know how to quickly memorize texts? Using some techniques and guidelines, it will become much easier and faster.

After that, be sure to visualize the poem, doing this is a little more difficult than in the case of prose, but the result will be effective. For example, if the verse talks about a prisoner sitting behind bars (A.S. Pushkin), then you can even draw this picture on paper.

When memorizing a poem, pay attention to rhymes. You can also try to read the work in roles, create a dialogue, for example, with a close relative or friend.

Have you learned a verse, but are you afraid to make a mistake in the story? Write down the first words of each line on paper, this will greatly facilitate the task.

Reading quickly improves memory

Very few people know how to quickly learn a text by heart. First of all, you need to master the technique of fast reading, it is she who will help to select the most important information from a large text or from an entire book in a short time.

Reading can be different:

  • unhurried - it is referred to as reading works of fiction (novels, detective stories, etc.);
  • focused - required to study very important information;
  • fast reading - with its help it is easy to highlight the main thing from a large text;
  • fluent - the essence of the information is remembered without details.

Using the fast reading technique, a person can easily highlight the basic information in the text and not waste his time on excess water in it.

To master the technique of fast reading, it is recommended to initially read the table of contents of the book, this will help to form a general impression of it. Then read the introduction, chapters, pay attention to the highlighted information in the text, which the author emphasizes.

Train the speed of reading words per minute, each time take a new page from the book for the exercise.

We remember the information we read

Some people do not have a very good memory, and always wonder how to quickly memorize texts. To do this, you do not need to do anything complicated, just follow the recommendations that will help to reduce the study time significantly.

The surest way to easily memorize something is to remember. This is the name of the memory function, which helps a person remember information learned in the past.

Reading the text again, several hours after the first time, will strengthen it more in memory.

Having understood the information contained in the work, a person can memorize the entire text in a fairly short time. Also memorize the work in parts, it is easier than learning everything at once. Read thoughtfully, understand the words, understand what you are reading. A proven fact: what you read before bedtime is remembered better.

What helps your memory to be in good condition?

In the human body, everything is interconnected, this also applies to memory. In order for her to be in order, you need not only to train thought processes, but also to monitor the state of your brain.

  • both an adult and a child should get enough sleep every day. Experts say that people who sleep less than seven hours a day are prone to forgetfulness and inattention. Therefore, be sure to follow the daily routine;
  • our brain, like the entire body, needs energy to work, we take it from food. Therefore, monitor your diet, exclude semi-finished products and other unhealthy foods from it. Eat more cereals, vegetables and fruits;
  • do not forget about physical activity and walking in the fresh air, this will help to saturate the blood with oxygen more, which has a good effect on the entire body and memory.

The mysterious possibilities of memory

Our memory, as mentioned earlier, has unlimited volumes. You can memorize the necessary and unnecessary information in different ways. By training your memory every day, you can discover a lot of new and unknown things.

Sometimes you just need to quickly learn a large text. But, unfortunately, not everyone finds it easy and many of us spend a lot of time memorizing the most banal lines. Today we will try to solve this problem and offer you 5 ways to quickly learn a large text by heart.

Silence mode

There are no people who cannot learn something, there are those who do not yet know how to do it. If you need to quickly learn a large text by heart, then the first thing to do is to create favorable conditions for learning for yourself, a kind of "silence mode". Silence mode is when nothing else distracts you from the main task. Put your phone on airplane mode, log out of social networks and put everything aside. The main task at this stage is to maintain maximum concentration on the study of the text.

Get the gist

After nothing distracts you, the very thing to move on to the text. We read it three times: the first time you need to read a large text and try to grasp its main idea, the second time - remember the details and build associations to them, the third time - read the text very slowly trying to catch every word.

Despite the fact that this technique is very simple, it works flawlessly. After spending 15 minutes to understand the essence of what has been written, you will already be fluent in the text and will be able to retell it. In addition, scientists have proven the fact that, understanding the essence of what is written, a person is able to learn the text by heart faster than with mechanical memorization.

Write down capital letters

Did you know that text encryption skills can help you learn it? That's right, encrypting it will help you quickly learn a large text. For example, you can write the capital letters of each word on a separate sheet of paper, keeping the paragraphs and punctuation marks. Read the original first, and then put a page with capital letters on top of it and try to repeat what you read. After some practice, you can already read the text only in capital letters.

This method is useful in that it uses several types of memorization at once: by writing down a "code" you use mechanical memory, trying to repeat what you have written - associative, and if you do it by ear, then auditory. Thus, you can memorize a large text simply by playing the decoder and, moreover, have great pleasure from it.

Bookshelf method

After you are already able to freely read the text in capital letters, it's time to move on to reciting it. In order to make it easier for you to tell the text, I would recommend using the bookshelf method. It consists in the fact that you visually represent the shelf on which the books are. Each book is a block of meaning, and a shelf is a paragraph of text. To make it clearer, consider an example:

How to learn a large text by heart? There are several helpful techniques: reading thoughtfully, forming associations, and telling it in front of a mirror. You can also try to tell the learned text to friends, thereby consolidating it.

But knowledge without practice is worth nothing, so if you decide to learn a large text by heart, you need to try it right now and not put it off until "next Monday."

In this text, there are 2 books on the first shelf: one talks about useful techniques, and the other, what to tell the learned text to friends will help to consolidate it. On the second shelf, there is only one book, which tells that it is not necessary to postpone the use of learned techniques indefinitely.

Now that you have broken the text into books and shelves, it's time to tell it. Visualize one bookshelf first, then try to tell it. After you have told one shelf without hesitation, move on to another and so on until you get to the last book. Also, to make it easier for you to memorize a text you have learned using this method, come up with a bright cover and a title for each book, corresponding to the content of the thematic block, which will greatly facilitate the visualization process.

Conversation with reflection

The last stage that is needed in order to qualitatively memorize a large text is to tell it to yourself in the mirror. Many people underestimate this method, but only when you can tell the text without hesitation to yourself can you say that you have learned the text. This is really tricky, as the attention is scattered every now and then when your face gives a new grimace or you notice that the intonation is completely inappropriate.

Why is it important to speak to your reflection? First, you develop an inner focus on what you are talking about. Secondly, after such a difficult task, any performance in front of an audience will not be a problem for you, since you will be confident in how you look and what you are saying. And as you know, self-confidence is the key to a successful performance.

Bottom line: time to act

Now, after you have all the necessary knowledge, you can quickly learn a large text by heart without any problems. If you complete all 5 points with maximum efficiency, then the result will not be long in coming, and you will certainly achieve what you want. I'm sure you will succeed! Good luck and all the best!

Ekaterina Dodonova

Business trainer, blogger, memory and speed reading instructor. Founder of the educational project iq230

1. Understand

Very often people just try to memorize unfamiliar words and phrases without even understanding their meaning. Perhaps this will be enough for a few days, say, to pass the exam. Unless, of course, the lecturer asks to explain what you mean by ablation and what are the signs of those same chromosomal aberrations from the first ticket.

The brain perfectly remembers the words associated with associative. He discards incomprehensible letter combinations like rubbish, not wanting to waste time on them.

For this reason, most people have a hard time teaching. A strange sounding word does not evoke pictures that are familiar and understandable to the heart.

Therefore, for better memorization, you must first disassemble and understand all the new terms. Try to get a feel for the word and associate it in your imagination with familiar concepts.

2. Come up with an association

Having imagination is one of the most powerful tools for memorizing information. greatly facilitate the process of memorizing important reports, presentations, texts, including in foreign languages, due to artificial associations.

Let's take the word "Monday." What frames are running on your inner screen? It can be morning, terrible traffic jams, a thought throbbing in your head, a day on a calendar, a diary page from your childhood, or a humming anthill in your office. What do you see?

To make associative connections strong and durable, you can use the five-finger rule. Each finger has its own association, filled with one or another content.

Fingers Association
Large "Raisins". Original, absurd, absurd
Pointing Emotions. Use only positive
Middle "About yourself, beloved." Feel free to associate the object of memory with yourself
Nameless "Sensations". Connect your senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, tactile sensations
Little finger "In move". Make your subject move. The brain remembers information faster over time

Thus, the necessary information will be imprinted in your memory at once on all levels of feelings, which will allow you to use it for a long time.

3. Deceive the magic number 7 ± 2

The famous American psychologist George Miller found that short-term human memory cannot remember and repeat more than 7 ± 2 elements. The mode of constant information overloads reduces this number to 5 ± 2.

Nevertheless, there is a simple way to deceive the laws of short-term memory: the use of the method of stories, which involves the logical connection of disparate objects of memorization into one chain. You can end up with a funny, incredible and completely impossible story in real life. The main thing is that with it you can memorize more than 15 elements at a time.

As the director intends in the next scene, you have to swim in a pool filled to the brim with semolina. Yes, just imagine this madness in bright colors. Feel the semolina sticking to your skin with your skin. How hard it is to swim in this warm liquid, although the porridge is not too thick. It smells like milk, butter and childhood in the air.

4. Repeat correctly

Our brains can be programmed - this is a scientific fact. It requires awareness and daily work in the chosen direction. Therefore, if you have firmly decided that it is extremely important for you to learn English in six months, then the brain has already tuned in to intensive memorization. But in addition to regular training, regular repetition of the material covered is also important.

Use specific time intervals for the best memorization: repeat the material immediately after learning, then after 15-20 minutes, after 6-8 hours (preferably before bedtime) and the last time after a week.

5. Tune in

Perhaps there is nothing worse when a person thinks of himself in negative tones: "I will never cope with this", "It is impossible for me to remember this", "I will not be able to learn such a difficult report." Use only positive affirmations when programming your brain for work and results.

Tune in correctly, tell yourself: “I remember!”, “I have a good memory. I will remember ”,“ I will remember and easily retell in my own words in two hours ”. Customize yourself. The resource state of the brain is your area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility.

Knowing the five secrets of memory, you can easily learn to memorize really complex and versatile materials. In addition, there are many interesting and natural for a person ways of training memory and fixing the necessary objects of memorization, which Ekaterina Dodonova also talks about in detail in her book.

Happy reading and excellent memory!

Despite the fact that the number of people reading fiction in the world has declined, reading is still popular, and often necessary. This is especially true of students and schoolchildren who, in addition to reading, also need to be able to memorize what they have read. How to make it easy and quick to remember what you read? Is there an opportunity to facilitate the memorization process? Let's figure it out.

In order for what you read to be remembered easily, create certain external conditions - this is a calm atmosphere and silence. When reading takes place in a noisy environment, attention is scattered and, as a result, the reading in the head is not postponed. Agree that when reading, for example, in the subway, it is difficult to remember something. Sometimes you don't even know what you are reading.

So, lock yourself in a separate room, create silence, and start reading. If possible, find a secluded spot in nature, it helps to relax and focus. You need to learn to fully immerse yourself in the book. Nothing should be distracting!

Reading in the morning is optimal. After sleep, the head is clean and free, it easily perceives information that is quickly absorbed. Therefore, read in the morning, preferably even before breakfast. If reading in the morning is not available to you, read in the afternoon.

The worst time to remember information is evening. At this time, the body is already tired, and the information is not absorbed. It is not advisable to read information that requires memorization after lunch or dinner, since at this time the body is busy digesting food and, as they say, has no time to memorize.

Improve your reading speed

To understand how best to memorize what you read, you need to understand that visual memory plays a huge role in this process.

When reading, try to cover the entire page with your eyes, read from top to bottom. This helps to train visual memory, thanks to which what you read is easier to remember. Visual memory is very important. In a situation where you cannot remember something in any way, it is often enough just to imagine a page in a book where this information was, as visual memory immediately tells what was written there.

Reading speed is also essential. The faster a person reads, the better the information is absorbed. The ability to read well from top to bottom significantly speeds up the reading process.

To develop this skill, you can look like speed reading courses. These courses teach you to read diagonally. With this method of reading, a person covers the entire page with his eyes. As a result, he can assimilate and remember information quickly and clearly.

In the process of reading a chapter, do not return to what you have read, neither visually, nor in order to reread. This interferes with the holistic perception of information. Better after reading the chapter to the end, re-read it in its entirety again.

You do not need to say what you read to yourself while reading. It is also not advisable to read the text by speaking it with your lips. All this interferes with the perception and assimilation of information.

Summarize, fantasize, tell

Try to visualize the situation you are reading. This will help you remember the text. Relate this situation to something already familiar to you, create associations. Then it will be easy to remember what you read by association.

If you are reading educational literature, take notes. Write out the main points, make diagrams, lists. All this makes it easier to remember.

Discuss what you read with friends, parents. Try to form your own opinion. You need to learn to reason, consider the situation from different angles. If you have no one to discuss what you have read, just write a summary, but write exactly, because the letter leads to additional memorization, including visual.

If you have forgotten something, do not seek to immediately open the book and search. Try to remember quickly on your own, without peeping. If you can, you will not forget this moment. Tighten and train your memory!

Train your memory

If you have a serious memory problem, develop your memory. The best way to develop memory is to study foreign languages. Choose a language that interests you and learn it. You can do it yourself or sign up for courses. In any case, knowledge of a foreign language is not superfluous, but it will help develop memory.

To develop memory, memorize poetry, and to develop visual memory, train with memorization of the image. For example, look at a picture of animals or objects for 30 seconds, close it and quickly list the animals or objects that you managed to remember.

A great way to train your memory is to memorize a sequence of words. Ask a family member to write you a 10-word list. Read it 2 times and try to reproduce it without changing the sequence of words. Train until you memorize all the words. Make new lists, gradually increasing your word count. This kind of training will help you remember everything the first time.

Remembering the information read is important. According to scientists, when reading a book, within a day a person remembers only 20% of the information read. The worse the environment in which the reading takes place, the worse the information received is assimilated.

The older we get, the worse our memory works. Therefore, you shouldn't let her rest. Memory needs to be constantly trained. Then at any age you can remember what you read quickly and easily.

And one more important factor. If you enjoy reading, then the percentage of memorization is higher!

Ekaterina Vasilieva, General Director of the "Author's School of Vasilievs" company, Moscow; Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences

What questions can you find answers in this article?

  • How to memorize people's names easily
  • What techniques of mnemonics allow you to quickly learn a voluminous scientific text or poetry
  • How to quickly memorize foreign words, phone numbers or symbols
  • What prevents us from remembering information

They allow you to easily memorize complex names of people, large texts, dates, numbers, foreign words, etc. Their advantage is that you do not have to make great efforts to extract the necessary information from memory, it is enough to present several objects-images that are in a chain update the information you need. I will tell you how to learn how to memorize a large amount of information using the techniques of mnemonics.

Receptions of mnemonics. How is memorization

Our brain thinks in images. When a person connects several visual images in his imagination, the brain records this relationship. Further, recalling one image, a person brings to life others as well. The first minutes are most important for memorization - at this time it is advisable to speak the information out loud or to yourself. An hour later, speak again. In the future, increase the time interval after which you need to repeat the information, always three times, that is, after three hours, after nine hours, after a day, etc. If this is not possible, repeat the information three times: immediately, after an hour and before bedtime ... By the way, teachers of linguistic universities recommend that students refresh their knowledge every six months or a year.

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How to memorize people's names

To maintain motivation, it is best for a manager to refer to employees by name. Each person has their own peculiarity. We must try to see her and tie her last name, first name or patronymic to her in the form of some kind of image. For example, recently a girl studied at the courses who could not remember the patronymic of the boss - Stepanovna. I advised her to imagine that she has long ears on her head, like Stepashka from the children's program “Good night, kids”. At the next lesson, the girl said that this image helped her to firmly remember the patronymic of her leader.

How to memorize large texts

Popular science texts (articles). They are easiest to represent in the form of diagrams. For example, I transform information into a three-level hierarchy “system - subsystem - supersystem”. Let me explain with an example: the subsystem is the car parts, the system is the car, the supersystem is the type of vehicle. After reading the text, 7-10 keywords remain in the head, decomposed according to the principle "system - subsystem - supersystem". It is useful to present them in the form of pictures, which helps to understand how one term relates to another. According to my observations, two thirds of an article or book is occupied by details (subsystem), the remaining third is distributed between the system and the supersystem. Thus, you need to start reading from where the description of the system begins. Having studied it, you can return to the beginning of the text. This approach allows you to save time and better memorize large texts.

Literary texts (prose, poetry). In this case, you need to recreate every word in your head, so drawing up diagrams will not help. It is necessary to present images in the form of a certain sequence, for example: a place, a hero, a situation. Identify the positive with yourself and the negative with the other person. In fact, in parallel with reading, you need to “shoot” a movie in your head, recording emotions, sounds, etc. For example, you read the following text: “The Fiji archipelago is a large and small island. Most of them are of volcanic origin. There are sandy beaches fringed with palm groves, secluded coves ... ”Reading the first sentence, imagine that you are on a plane and see the island overboard. Then the plane descends below, and you see hotels. Then you walk along the beach, your feet are buried in the sand, you admire the landscape. That is, your movement to places (plane, beach, etc.) is the key to remembering. It is enough to remember the key, and the text will emerge from memory.

Preparation for the report. You should start preparing for presentations and public reports two to three days before your presentation. On the first day, the brain will process all the material received after viewing the text. And only on the second day, when you wake up, you will be able to extract the necessary information from your memory in a structured and compressed form. This is what our ancestors had in mind when they said that "the morning is wiser than the evening." The first thing to do, starting to memorize the text of the report, is to formulate the topic and the main theses. Then present the main thoughts in the form of diagrams and images (you can sketch them). Further, moving from general to particular, proceed to memorizing smaller details: additional facts, numbers, terms, amounts.

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How to memorize foreign words and other data

How to memorize foreign words

The word narrow in translation from English means "narrow". You can imagine a narrow road or tight pants. The Russian word "NERVNY" is consonant with it. You can build a general association, for example, mentally draw a picture: a person is driving along a narrow road and is nervous because it is dangerous or because he has problems with the car. It is important not only to present the situation brightly and emotionally, but also to say the memorized word narrow aloud or silently several times. I recommend using real-life images for memorization.

How to remember symbols and letters

Let's say you want to memorize the English alphabet. The English letter "A" and the Russian "A" are the same in spelling, but differ in sound. To remember the first one, you need to pick up another association, for example, by form. The English "A" is like a compass or a roof and is pronounced "hey", which is consonant with the words "lei" or "watering can". Now imagine that you are watering the roof ("A") from a watering can ("lei") at the dacha. In this way, you can memorize hieroglyphs, symbols.

How to learn to memorize numerical sequences

Use alphanumeric code. For example, in accordance with the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, the first letters of the words that mean them are put: "n" (zero), "t" (three), "h" (four), "n" (five), etc. Exceptions: "k" ("count" - similar to one) and "l" ("swan" - similar to two).

If you need to remember the number 739 812, do the following.

Divide the number into pairs of numbers: 73, 98 and 12.

Code the numbers into words: the first consonant in a word is the first digit of a two-digit number, and the second consonant is the second digit. For example, a pair of numbers 7 and 3 correspond to the letters "c" and "t"; you can use the words "honeycomb", "sieve", "one hundred rubles". Pair 9 and 8 are "d" and "v" (the words "door" or "girl"). Pair 1 and 2 are the letters "k" and "l", the words "glue" or "necklace" will do.

Make up a story from image words denoting pairs of numbers, for example: "The net (73) caught on the door (98), and a necklace (12) fell out of it." It is important to imagine this funny situation and at the same time say the number 739 812 several times aloud or silently. It is necessary to learn that you cannot pronounce what you represent.

Mnemonic techniques in stressful situations

During nervous tension, memory works much worse. When you are tense, no picture images appear in your head. That is, in conditions of stress and limited time, the techniques of mnemonics are useless. For example, working in an open office format, when there are a lot of people around and noisy, severely limits the ability to remember.

There is an old trick - to return to the place where you were thinking about something in order to remember what exactly. The technique is widely used in mnemonics: leave for yourself some symbol or sign that would be associated with the case. It can be a key on a computer, a check mark in a diary, a cross with a pen on your hand. By the way, mnemonics are anti-stress. Instead of relaxing or taking medicine, it is better to mentally reproduce the text you are reading or imagine and remember numbers, combining business with pleasure.

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What helps and hinders effective memorization

The worst enemies of memory are drugs, cigarettes, nervous exhaustion, high fever and an unventilated room.

Physical fatigue, on the other hand, has a good effect on memory: the brain begins to work better due to the fact that stress is removed from the body and blood circulates faster in the body. Therefore, if your work is related to mental activity, go in for sports. How much time you spend on intellectual work, the same amount should be spent on physical exercises. This is a prerequisite for maintaining yourself in a high emotional and intellectual tone. If, while working, you feel tension, it is better to go out, take a walk, get some fresh air.

To make the process of memorization easier, it is important to develop your imagination. Read, travel, experience more positive emotions, engage in spiritual practices - all this trains imaginative memory. Take vitamins periodically, drink more water, and be outdoors more often.

Training memory and attention: 10 very effective exercises

Exercise 1. Count letters. Take a newspaper or magazine, choose three or four paragraphs from any article. Count the letters "a" as you read. Read again, count the letters "c". Review the article again and note the word count. Write down the result. Practice with the text until the number of counted letters matches when counting.

Exercise 2. Remember yesterday. Remember in detail what happened yesterday (or a recently seen movie, or a summer vacation). The main thing in the exercise is to keep your attention on the process of remembering for a long enough time, at least five minutes, without allowing thoughts to jump to other topics. Then try to remember in reverse order.

Exercise 3. Draw in imagination. Draw letters, numbers, simple and complex geometric shapes in your mind. Do not confuse mental drawing with the representation of an image. You just need to draw, just like with a pencil on paper. Try to paint larger. Feel the movement of your hand, which should remain motionless.

Exercise 4. Manipulate images. Imagine a glass and a rowhouse of boxes of matches. Try to see these images as clearly as possible. Do a variety of mental manipulations with them: put a box in a glass, put a glass on a box, a box on an inverted glass, etc. Manipulate other two, three, four objects.

Exercise 5. Transform the subject. Imagine an object and change it, but so that it does not lose its specific name at the same time, that is, the cup should remain a cup in any case.

Exercise 6. Rotate objects. Imagine an object and begin to rotate it, looking at it from all sides, at different angles, moving closer and further away from you. Try to make the object spin by itself, and you would just watch.

Exercise 7. Plan your day. In the morning, ask yourself what is to be done first, second, and third. Imagine a diary page and fill it out in your mind.

Exercise 8. “Taking pictures of tasks”. Divide your workday into four parts. “Take pictures” of situations to which you have to return tomorrow (mentally place them in a photo frame and hold the image for 3-5 seconds). Instead of a situation, you can "take pictures" of a colleague's face. At the end of the next part of the working day, remember the "photographed" situation (face). At the end of the day, remember all situations and faces. Repeat this the next day and you won't miss out on important tasks.

Exercise 9. "Include" pleasant states. Recreate in your mind a positive state: calmness, inspiration, joy. Analyze its muscle components: a feeling of relaxed muscles of the face, neck and chest, slight tone of the abdominal muscles. Recreate body position and breathing rhythm as well. Fix the whole complex of these sensations. Subsequently, it will be much easier to re-enter the state memorized in this way.

Exercise 10. Disrupt order. Arrange items on your desktop not in the usual order, but so that their arrangement makes you pay attention to them. Correlate the position of each object with a specific action that you should take in the near future.


Ekaterina Vasilieva Graduated from Kuban State University with a degree in physics teacher. Owner of 30 copyright certificates, author of 50 courses (on memory development, rapid learning of foreign languages, speed reading), as well as 20 books, including six bestsellers. The owner of three patents of the Russian Federation for inventions: "A method of forming the skill of memorizing words", "Algorithm of thinking in foreign languages" and "Algorithm of paragraph" (formation of the skill of fast reading and memorization).

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