Chinese horoscope definition of pregnancy. Determining the sex of a child by the date of ovulation or date of conception. Reliable? The attitude of modern medicine to this method

Chinese pregnancy calendar - the oldest method of calculating the sex of a child

Possibility to find out the sex of the child expectant mother appears at 12-13 weeks - at planned first screening involving ultrasound. However, research results can sometimes be incorrect. This happens when future baby does not allow itself to be seen.

There are several ways to find out the sex of the future baby: traditionally, according to the lunar calendar of pregnancy and even by the date of conception. In all this variety, the most effective of them, of course, with the exception of ultrasound, is considered to be the method of calculating the sex of a child according to the Chinese calendar.

The Chinese calendar for determining pregnancy was invented in ancient times. It has survived to this day thanks to an archaeological find - chinese calendar pregnancy was discovered in the tomb of one of the sages.

It is believed that the Chinese pregnancy calendar, which helps calculate the gender of the child, was originally known only to members of the royal family. So they planned the birth of only boys - to continue the royal dynasty. The original of the unique archaeological find is now kept in the Beijing Institute of Science and Technology.

Modern medicine already has in practice laboratory methods, which can determine the gender of the child based on the mother’s blood. This became possible after scientists learned to isolate fetal chromosomes from maternal blood, which in small quantities pass to the mother from the baby through the placenta. It is possible to determine the sex of a baby using the blood of the expectant mother with 97-98% reliability in almost any modern laboratory already from the 10th week of pregnancy.

Child gender calculation table

The Chinese pregnancy calendar is a chart that can be used to calculate the gender of the child. How to do this: find the intersection of your age at the moment of conception and the month of conception - in this cell the gender of the long-awaited baby will be indicated.

The Chinese and Japanese conception calendar will help you plan the birth of a girl or boy.

All parents dream of finding out the gender of their unborn child. After all, you want to buy clothes of a certain color and make the future children's room in blue or pink.

It happens that future parents are just planning a pregnancy and they want to conceive a girl or a boy. The Chinese table will help determine the gender of the unborn baby. This is an ancient diagram that was discovered in the tomb of a monk who lived near Beijing over 700 years ago.

Important: After the discovery, archaeologists studied the table, and now modern women and men can determine the gender of their unborn child. This chart was used by noble Chinese families to plan the conception of children.

Today, Chinese women are prohibited from testing to determine the sex of their baby. Therefore, the Chinese themselves are skeptical about this table.

Gender of the unborn child - Chinese table

This manuscript was invented by Chinese ancestors. It is compiled taking into account the phases of the Moon - the eternal satellite of our planet, and certain features female body. These features include the change of blood that occurs every month.

Important: Chinese sages are sure that it is the monthly menstrual cycle affects the gender of the unborn child.

The Chinese table will help you quickly and easily find out who will be born - a boy or a girl:

  • The table consists of 336 cells with the letters “D” and “M”, where D is a girl and M is a boy
  • Vertical numbers indicate the mother's age. In order for the calculations to be accurate, add 9 months to the age of the woman in labor.
  • Months are indicated horizontally

Important: If you are planning to conceive a boy, choose the age of the expectant mother and look for the letter “M”. Opposite which months this letter is located, in those months you will be able to conceive a boy. This is also what you need to do if you want to conceive a girl.

The accuracy of this method is more than 75%. The main thing is to correctly determine the month of conception.

Japanese baby gender determination calendar

Another interesting method planning the gender of the child - Japanese calendar. These are two tables.

Japanese calendar for determining the gender of a child - first table

Japanese calendar for determining the gender of a child - second table

One of them indicates the birth months of mom and dad. At the intersection of these months a secret number is indicated. What to do next?

  • Remember the number and look down at the second table
  • Secret numbers are indicated vertically - find yours among them
  • Horizontal - months of conception
  • Look for who you want to conceive - a boy or a girl, and look at the month when you can plan to do this

Accuracy Japanese calendar determining the sex of a child is much higher than the accuracy of the Chinese table - up to 90%. This planning method was used by Japanese emperors.

Japanese and Chinese tables are easy to use. The main thing is to know the sequence of calculations and correctly determine the necessary numbers.

The Japanese gender chart for 2019 and 2020 will be the same for these years. Important numbers in the Japanese calendar are the birth months of the mother and father. Once the secret number is known, the sex of the unborn baby can be calculated.

Important: Using the Japanese calendar, you can both plan the gender of your future child in advance, and determine its gender once conception has taken place.

Relying on Japanese and Chinese calendars, do not forget that the one hundred percent method for determining the sex of a baby is ultrasonography. An ultrasound specialist will be able to accurately determine whether the baby will be a girl or a boy.

Video: Planning the gender of the child using the Chinese table

Article content:

The gender of the unborn child has always been and remains the subject of heated discussion among the relatives and friends of a pregnant woman. Also, women who dream of becoming a mother are often concerned with the question of whether it is possible to calculate in advance, even before the process of conception. gender child?

The Chinese conception calendar can help you calculate the sex of your child. But you should not completely rely only on this method of calculating the gender of the child, since even modern stage In the development of medicine, there is not a single technique that would allow us to calculate with one hundred percent probability who exactly will be born. But still, the most reliable method is the one that uses the Chinese calendar.

The history of the Chinese calendar

The history of the Chinese calendar goes back a long way. The Chinese fertility calendar dates back more than 7,000 years. It was first discovered in a Chinese temple located near Beijing. Even then, with the help of it, they tried to calculate the gender of the unborn child long before conception.

Today it’s an analogue modern calendar kept in the Beijing Museum. Every person who has shown interest in the conception calendar can familiarize themselves with it. There is an opinion that such a calendar can help calculate the sex of a child with a probability exceeding 90%.

Scientists Ancient China remained confident that the sex of the baby can depend on only two components, which include the age of the mother and the month of conception. Previously, the Chinese calendar in the process of calculating the gender of a child was used only in imperial families, since the primary task of a woman was the birth of an heir to the Empire - the gender of the child was of national importance.

Is the calculation method popular currently?

Today, the described method of calculating conception remains as popular as before.

China is a unique country with an amazing interweaving of ancient philosophies, religions and progressive scientific knowledge. Chinese scientists skillfully use the experience of past generations in practical activities, applying it in therapy various kinds pathologies. That's why it's so wide application also has Chinese.

Reviews of some couples who planned conception according to this calendar indicate the existing percentage of discrepancies. This may be due to the fact that the Chinese calendar has some error for Europeans. It is known that the calculation of age in China occurs a little differently than in other countries. For many centuries, the Celestial Empire kept chronology in accordance with lunar calendar. This is the reason for the difference in women's ages. So, for example, using the information provided by the Chinese calendar, a woman in the east will be slightly older women European part of the world.

It is also interesting that the years of life in China are usually counted not from the moment a child is born, but from the time of its conception. That is, the age of any person in China will differ by nine months.

How to correctly calculate the gender of a child

In order to correctly calculate gender, it is first necessary to determine the age of the mother herself, since, as mentioned above, there is a significant difference between the calculation of age in China and in the rest of the world. Most Europeans, when calculating the gender of the baby, make this very mistake, as a result of which they get incorrect results.

So how to determine the mother's age? To do this, it is necessary to add the “Chinese” 9 months to the European age of the mother. The result is the desired number.

In the column of the table located to the left of all the others, you need to select the age of the mother. In the line where the months are indicated, you can determine the month of the expected conception of the child. It is important to do this as accurately as possible. At the point of intersection of the lines corresponding to both indicators, the gender of the unborn child will be indicated. The letter "D" means the birth of a girl, respectively, "M" = boy.

So, for example, if the age of the expectant mother at the time of calculation is 23 years and 8 months, then according to the rules of the Chinese calendar, you need to add another 9 months to this number, resulting in 24 years and 5 months. Full age – 24 years. It is from this figure that you need to start from during the calculations. If a woman does not take into account all these nuances when making calculations, then there is a high probability of serious errors occurring, and this, in turn, affects the results of working with the calendar.

It is equally important to take into account that gender planning should be carried out based on the middle of the month, since when conception falls at its beginning or end, this only increases the likelihood of errors.

Using the Chinese gender planning calendar allows you to guess the time for the most good luck with your conception. For this it will be sufficient only correct definition the age of the expectant mother and its relationship with the time frame of conception. So, for example, a woman whose age is 30 full years, for the birth of a girl you need to pay Special attention conception between February and October.

Surprisingly, according to the calculation method, which uses the Chinese calendar, age and other information about the child’s father are not used at all when calculating gender, despite the fact that the fact of participation has already been proven male Y chromosome in the formation of the sex of the unborn child. Against this background, ignoring the father’s data looks at least strange.


The method of determining the sex of a baby using the Chinese calendar is undoubtedly a unique invention of Chinese scientists. After all, back in those days distant times they knew the factors influencing the functioning of a woman’s body. But still, you should not unconditionally trust this method, especially since at present there are many different scientifically based, and, moreover, safe methods for determining and planning the required gender.

The gender of the child begins to worry future parents, sometimes long before conception. Someone wants a daughter, and someone wants a son. Many do not want to expose themselves to chance, and begin to independently try to plan the gender of the child, using all sorts of options (diet, folk signs, Conception date).

Of course, not everyone plans the gender of their heir before conception. Many people ask this question only during pregnancy. It’s too long to wait for an ultrasound, but I really want to solve this mystery as quickly as possible.

Chinese gender determination calendar

We suggest you contact Chinese calendar for determining the gender of a child. The Beijing Institute of Science claims that the reliability of this method reaches 97%.

at the moment of conception

Using the data from this table:

  • If you are planning a child, then in the row of the table corresponding to your age, you need to select the months in which the birth of a boy or girl is most likely, and then subtract 9 months, determining exactly the one in which you should conceive a baby.
  • If you are already pregnant, then find in the table the intersection of your age and the month of conception (or the expected month of the birth of the child), and you will find out what gender it will be born.

No logical pattern was found in the table, or it has simply not yet been defined. But oddly enough, in most cases it shows the correct results.

Japanese baby gender determination calendar

Reliable in 80% of cases. This method takes into account not only the date of conception, but also the month of birth of the future parents, and consists of two tables.

Table No. 1 helps you find the “secret” number that connects the month of birth of both parents.

Month of birth
expectant mother

Future father's birth month

Then in table No. 2 in the top line we find that very cherished number, and in the column below it is the month in which conception occurred. Moving along this line to the middle of the table, we determine the probability of having a boy or a girl by the number of crosses (the more there are, the higher the probability).

M- boy

D- girl


x x x x x x

MarAprMayJunJulAug Jan
AprMayJunJulAugSep JanFeb

x x x x x x x x x x

JunJulAugSepOctbut I JanFebMarApr
JulAugSepOctbut IDec JanFebMarAprMay
AugSepOctbut IDec JanFebMarAprMayJun
SepOctbut IDec FebMarAprMayJunJul
Octbut IDec

x x x x x x x x x

but IDec AprMayJunJulAugSep
Dec MayJunJulAugSepOct
JunJulAugSepOctbut I
JulAugSepOctbut IDec
AugSepOctbut IDec
SepOctbut IDec

x x x x x x x x

Octbut IDec
but IDec

Information Baby gender reveal calendars, both Chinese and Japanese, are ideal for planning. These tables are easy to use and easy to use high probability offer us their opportunities. However, it must be remembered that the percentage of error still remains. Boy or girl? Who cares! The main thing is to be healthy.

Almost all future parents are curious - what gender will their baby be? In most cases, such information is obtained based on ultrasound results, but early stages there is little help from him.

The Chinese claim that their horoscope works 95%. Is it so?

Determining the sex of the unborn baby

The so-called Chinese calendar itself is a table compiled in a certain way, based on which the ancient Chinese could determine the gender of women with great accuracy. born child. Such a document was discovered in one of the temples near Beijing. Let me do it myself chinese table determining the sex of a child is very, very ancient - it continues to be used to recognize the sex of a child even now, when there is and modern means(Ultrasound, for example). This calendar is also used during pregnancy planning. Today, the Chinese calendar is kept in China - at the Institute of Sciences.

The ancient Chinese calendar, also called " chinese horoscope", is a regular table made up of horizontal and vertical columns. 12 horizontal columns are indicated by months - from January to December. Vertical graphs indicate age - from 18 to 45 years, that is suitable age for pregnancy. The sex of the baby is determined depending on where these values ​​intersect. As you can see, the calculation method is extremely simple - it will take about a minute. At the same time, the accuracy of the results obtained is amazingly high.

Pros and cons of the method

In ancient times in China it was believed that birth more boys - this is good, because physically they stronger than girls. The opportunity to use their work in agriculture was extremely useful for the state. Chinese parents believed that newborn babies bring nothing but unnecessary costs. They were kept in their parents' house, as a rule, until the age of 17, after which they were married off and gladly transferred all expenses onto the shoulders of their husbands. The choice of the sex of the child in imperial families was extremely important. It was this circumstance that was the reason that the table was found in the burial places of such families.

The table, which is used to determine the gender of the unborn baby, allows you not only to find out whether it will be a boy or a girl, but also to make a prediction high precision still at the planning stage. This method is often used by those future parents who would really like a child of a certain gender. Therefore, at birth it is no longer a surprise to them.

Many married couples Having decided to have a baby, they use the Chinese horoscope to be able to properly prepare for the long-awaited event.

The ancient Chinese calendar also has some disadvantages. Of course, this method (like any other) does not provide a 100% guarantee. Some sources claim that the horoscope is only 60% reliable, according to other sources - 90%.
At multiple pregnancy the calendar, alas, is powerless in determining the gender of children.

Features of calculations

Scientists are unable to explain exactly how this table works. The technique is based on large quantities intricate mathematical calculations and raw data. The result is that based on the initial data, either parent can determine the gender of the baby.

The ancient Chinese calendar is based on the age range of 18-45. You also need to know the month in which the child was conceived. Modern women They believe that the accuracy of this method is not very good - the explanation for this lies in the peculiarities of using the table. Here it’s all about calculating a woman’s age - it must be calculated according to the Chinese method. In order not to complicate the calculations, you can simply add a year to the woman’s age.

Application of the method

First, according to the method described above, the woman’s age is selected - in the top line of the table.

  1. In the column to the side, which lists the months from January to December, select the month when the baby was conceived
  2. The next step is to draw a vertical line from the mother’s age
  3. A horizontal line is drawn from the month of conception
  4. The cell where both lines intersect is the result.

If the letter “D” appears at the intersection, a girl will be born, if “M”, respectively, a boy will be born. “pm” is a large % error for a boy. “PD” is a large % error for a girl.

Despite the fact that, according to many, the Chinese calendar for determining the sex of a child gives highly accurate results, it should be used only in the form of recommendations. This does not mean that his forecasts are inaccurate - it simply means that one should not be completely confident in the result.

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