How to throw a party at home - what you need to know. Radion Rozadeev, former partygoer. Fun and games at the party

How to organize and host a great party? Useful tips and recommendations for girls on organizing a party.

1 place

Everything depends on the choice of location. If you're going to school, that's one thing. Here you are watched by teachers, security guards are provided, you can play music loudly, you obviously won’t disturb your neighbors. And at ten you will all be sent home.

If these are gatherings in a cafe at the parent’s expense, that’s a completely different matter. There is no freedom there. They will only give you good food and a dance.

A house party is separate song. This is where you can go your separate ways. However, not every parent will allow their apartment to be trashed...

A picnic in nature is also a good thing, but of all the listed options it is the most dangerous; in the forest you are not protected from the appearance of uninvited guests, and besides, you are not insured against any troubles, for example, rain, midges or a fire that does not want to flare up.

2. Reason for a party

To ensure that the party is a success, it is better to specify in advance the occasion for which you are going. End of quarter or school year? Official holidays? Even for a “just like that” meeting, it would be good to come up with a reason - the thirty-fifth rain of the year, the first snow, the release of another book by JK Rowling.

3. Organizing a party

Who will collect the money, who will decide what to buy? Who will cook?

“Of course” you won’t succeed. There must be a boss, responsible for everything. Usually this is the owner of the apartment where the upcoming riot is planned.

At a school party, don’t trust everything to the teachers, it will be meager and boring, take matters into your own hands, there is probably a leader in the class, he will need two more people to help him.

Sit down, make a list of participants, a menu, calculate what and how much it will cost. Start collecting money and purchasing provisions within a week.

There are several parts to any party.

Arrival of guests - set aside half an hour for this, someone will certainly be late.

Table - from salads to sweets. Menu - according to your wishes.

Dancing. This is all clear. Tape recorder and free space. Someone has to be in charge of the music. Call this position loudly - DJ. There will certainly be those who want it.

Entertainment - more on that later.

Surprises. What's an evening without gifts? A trifle, as they say, but nice.

End time for the evening. It is better to agree on this in advance. Give or take half an hour for all sorts of preparations - and that’s it for everyone!

4. Number of invitees

A school party limits you to the kids in your class, that is, it forces you to communicate with those you can no longer see. Well, everything has its pros and cons. But you can recognize guys you know well from an unexpected side. For example, someone dances well, another plays the guitar, and a third can perform magic tricks.

A house party allows you to choose. Eliminate rowdies, loudmouths and bores in advance. All those who will create problems.

❢ And one more thing - correlate the size of the room with the number of guests. IN one-room apartment It will be difficult to accommodate twenty people.

5. Security

This is the sad reality of our life - any event needs protection, at school you are protected by regular guards and locked doors, it is better not to go into the forest without adults.

At home, warn your neighbors that you will have guests. Otherwise, because of the noise, they will decide that the apartment was raided by a gang of criminals, and they will call the police.

Lock the doors if everyone is there and don't open them to strangers. The words: “You have music playing, and we have come to the light” should not mislead you.

6. Party food

❧ Here is a recipe for a quick and tasty salad. To prepare it you need: two cans of canned beans without sauce, two bags of rye crackers (not sweet), mayonnaise. Pour the beans (without water) and crackers into the pan (if they are long, they can be broken). All this is seasoned with mayonnaise. Let it sit for twenty to thirty minutes and delicious salad ready. There is no need to teach you how to make hot sandwiches. Bread, a slice of tomato, sausage, a slice of cheese - all this goes into the oven. Once the cheese has melted, you can take it out.

Of course, you’re not here to eat, but to have a good time, but it’s still worth taking care of food. Moreover, it is desirable that these are not just sandwiches. Buy or order pizza, make the simplest salads.

The ideal party option is not sitting at the table, but freely moving around the apartment. All food is placed on the table against the wall, next to a stack of clean plates and forks. Anyone who wants to have a snack comes up and takes what he likes. It’s more convenient to communicate this way. Again, the place is free for dancing.

For sweets, it’s better to buy cakes, which require less fuss, or portioned ice cream. If you wanted it, you ate it, but if you didn’t, you left it in the freezer until better times.

7. Fun and games at the party

This also needs to be taken care of in advance.

Just dancing is boring. Firstly, not everyone dances, and secondly, not everyone has enough space in the space that you have left for this activity.

Therefore, it is worth thinking about games. Anything will do - from board games before playing forfeits or the children's game “Hot and Cold”. If your imagination completely fails, call out, your friends will throw you a dozen competitions.

IN warm time go outside every year, in good company you can play any outdoor game - from tag to Cossack robbers.

Do you consider yourself too old for such games? This is pretentious. You start, and you won’t notice how the game takes over you. Have a great time.

After all, you have a reason. What's there today? Neptune Day or One Hundred Days from the Beginning of the School Year? So mark it accordingly. With everyone ceremoniously dipping into the bath or dancing in flippers.

Don't forget about one more fun - masquerade. It will be fun.

Karaoke is also a good way to pass the time.

8. Precautions

Security and hooligans have already been mentioned. But I would like to say again that there is more than one person who wants to ruin your holiday. Therefore, you should not spread information about the upcoming event to the whole world.

Remember the fairy tale about Sleeping Beauty, the king and queen notified everyone about the birth of their daughter and called them to the palace, but they forgot about one witch, she decided to take revenge - she gave the princess a terrible curse.

Those who are especially offended may come to you, and they are unlikely to come with good.

In order not to cause global discontent, you shouldn’t turn up the music at full volume and stomp so that your neighbors’ chandelier falls down. You will leave, but the owners of the apartment will still live here.

You should also not experiment with unfamiliar dishes - they may not turn out well, and it will take a lot of time to prepare them. Don't bother with complex culinary masterpieces. Everything should be simple. Buy not only soda, but also mineral water, juices. Girls need to watch their figure and complexion.

To avoid the hassle of brewing, buy tea bags.

9. Party Wear

The most convenient! The party is a time for relaxation, so nothing should get in your way - not a scratchy sweater, not tight jeans.

If the party is indoors and you plan to dance, then you should not dress very warmly.

I’m not even talking about the fact that you should be dressed neatly, your face, hands and head should be well-groomed.

10. Surprises and gifts

There is nothing more boring than predictability. Now we’ll drink some tea, hang around in one place, and go home.

How boring...

Long live surprise!

This is also on the conscience of the organizers.

Come up with something original, or go into the yard to set off firecrackers, or just light sparklers.

Give partygoers surprise small gifts.

11. Music

It is better to find out about the musical preferences of the guests in advance. Someone is a fan of techno, someone loves rock, and someone perceives only a bard song. It would be nice to please everyone and compose an album “according to requests.” The DJ then won’t have to get confused among dozens of discs and hundreds of cassettes.

If you don’t have a tape recorder or radio at hand, but you want to dance, turn on the TV to music channels. True, you won’t dance much during advertising, but it’s better than nothing. I know one company that danced to the sounds of mobile phones.

By the way, guitar, piano, button accordion, harmonica and others musical instruments also belong to the category of music.

If you are sitting indoors, alternate live music from a tape recorder.

12. No alcohol and tobacco!

❢ You want to seem like adults, although in fact you are not yet an adult. And when you excitedly start bragging about who drank how much, you look like mere children.

Tobacco and drugs are extremely harmful things for your growing body. And it will no longer be growing. Scientists have proven that smoking stops growth, deteriorates skin and teeth, and worsens memory. And drugs in general are a slow death - you know about this, you just think that this won’t happen to you. If you experiment on yourself, you won’t last long. You can no longer dream of becoming smart and beautiful. This is physiology. When the body is poisoned, it malfunctions.

So it's better not to even start. And your party will turn into a mess. Boys go crazy from alcohol, girls generally stop understanding what’s going on. You will do something stupid and you will regret it later.

13. A smile makes a gloomy day brighter

A party is a fun time; when you go to visit, get ready for fun. After all, what we fear most often happens. If you're afraid that nothing will work out, it will. So think positive. As the song says: “Share your smile. And she will come back to you more than once again.”

14. Party Echo

It's always nice to remember a good party. Don't forget about your camera or video camera. Don't push yourself and take photos of everyone.

It would be nice to call the organizers the next day after the party and thank them for a great evening. Ask the apartment owner if there have been any comments from neighbors or parents.

And to ensure that these same comments certainly don’t happen, don’t forget to clean up after yourself before leaving. Wash used dishes disposable plates and throw the forks into the trash can. Put the furniture back in place.

This also applies to class parties. If you want to be allowed to gather at school again, return to the class original appearance. Wash the board, line up the desks, arrange all the chairs, sweep the floor, visual aids and return the flowers to their place.

IN Lately house parties are becoming more and more popular. And there are reasons for this. Firstly, everything at home can be arranged exactly as your company likes and is used to doing. And secondly, only those people whom you invited will be present at such a party. There will be no face controls spoiling the mood, pestering you after the nth number of drinks the guys have had, and you won’t have to pay for entry. If you decide to organize such a party at home, then I hope that this article will be useful to you.

So, the first thing to start organizing a party at home is to decide on format of the event. Perhaps they will be calm,
cozy girls' get-togethers with freshly brewed mulled wine or martini, sweets, fruits and something ordered in the restaurant fast delivery food. This kind of party can be called "pajama". I really love such meetings with friends at someone’s home. Such bachelorette parties usually happen spontaneously, without preliminary preparation. And it will never come down to entertainment. After all, with close friends there is always something to talk about, laugh or gossip about. It would be nice if you all wore some cute, fun pajamas. This will add zest to your bachelorette party, and all the girls will feel comfortable.

The most common entertainment at a “pajama party” is watching girls’ movies together. romantic film. You can also do to each other during get-togethers unusual manicure or funny hairstyles. Don’t forget to capture all this on camera, so that you can all laugh together later while looking at these funny photos.

Organizing a party at home for a fun company.

To host a memorable party for cheerful friends, you need to prepare in advance. First, you need to determine where you will treat your friends and where you will have fun. If someone plans to stay overnight with you, then you need to take care of additional sleeping places. Explain to guests in advance where smoking is allowed and where not, so that there are no misunderstandings later.

I am very pleased with the fact that we are gradually starting to take root European and American manners of receiving guests. This is especially true for young people. Nowadays, few people organize lavish feasts with salads, hot dishes and desserts. Much more popular is to order pizza sliced ​​into a quick fix sandwiches, cheese and cold cuts, fruits and dry snacks purchased at the nearest supermarket. This is very convenient and makes life much easier for the party hosts. You don’t need to stand at the stove all day; it’s enough to beautifully cover a small buffet table and arrange holiday napkins and prepare glasses for drinks. When we have a lot of people over, I usually place all the food and drinks on a small table located in the corner of the room. Guests come to the table, put food on their plate and sit where it is convenient for them. Everyone feels comfortable and at ease.

Another important point when organizing a party - properly selected lighting. Of course, a lot depends on how the company is having fun. If you, for example, play poker or mafia, then bright light will come in very handy. But if the party format is dance and music, then dim lighting is best. It will be enough to light a lamp or night light, and a cozy, club-like atmosphere will be created in the room, conducive to communication and dancing.

It’s also better to take care of entertainment and competitions in advance. If there are a lot of people in the company strangers friend friend of people, then first you can do a few warm-up funny competitions so that people get to know each other and get comfortable in unfamiliar company.

“Describe yourself” competition.

All those present are given pens and small pieces of paper. Everyone must write several phrases describing themselves, but not naming names, you can in a humorous manner. For example, " big eyes», « long legs", "muscular arms", etc. After this, all the leaves are rolled up and collected into a hat or bag, which is passed around. Everyone must take out a piece of paper and guess who is encrypted on it.

Game "Guess who you are."

To play, you will need stickers that are easy to stick and peel off. Everyone writes some characters or animals on such sticky pieces of paper. The leaves are collected and mixed. Then everyone pulls out a sticker and sticks it on their forehead. The point is that no one knows which piece of paper he pulled out. The game takes place in a circle. Participants take turns asking their friends questions, trying to guess what kind of character he is. For example, actress Angelina Jolie has a mystery. Questions could be: “Am I a man?”, “Do I speak English?”, “Am I a show business person?” etc. It all depends on who you wish for. Sometimes you get very unexpected and funny assumptions.

"Sensitivity test."

For the next competition you will need several chairs, depending on the number of participants. Participants turn to face the audience. At this time, the leader places small objects on the chairs. It could be candy (necessarily hard), a hair tie, a bracelet, a ring - in general, everything that your imagination tells you. Players sit on chairs and try to determine what kind of objects are on the chair. The one who guesses the item faster wins.

On the Internet you can find many portals dedicated to competitions and entertainment for parties. There you can easily find ideas that suit the genre and format.

Recently, it has become very popular to celebrate holidays themed parties. For example, I recently received an unusual birthday invitation from a friend. The invitation said that all familiar Komsomol members and dudes were invited to the Cocktail Hall (the address of his apartment was indicated in parentheses) to celebrate his birthday. Please bring with you any items that reflect the era of that time. I had to get dressed in the style of a dude 50-60 years.

Of course, the event was very fun and unusual. Already in the corridor of the apartment one could feel the spirit of the retro era. Posters with loud slogans from the times of the USSR hung on the walls, fake Soviet rubles printed from the Internet were pasted on the doors and windows, and, of course, there were gramophone records everywhere possible. The host of the party did his best and got hold of an old gramophone somewhere, so the ambience was quite in keeping with the spirit of the times.

The dress code deserves special attention. Everyone in our company turned out to be creative people and took the choice of their outfit seriously. The boys wore bright jackets, shirts and contrasting ties. Well, most of the girls wore fitted dresses, belts, stockings, and some even tied bright scarves on their heads. Definitely, this look would not be complete without a lot of beads, earrings and bracelets. Important role Makeup and hairstyle play a role in a woman's stylish look. These are necessarily arrows from the outer corner of the eye, thickly painted eyelashes, bright shadows and lush hairstyles.

Most of the entertainment at this birthday party was related to dancing and music. There was a competition in which they had to dance boogie-woogie in pairs, first holding an orange with their foreheads, then with their backs, and finally with their butts. The couple that never dropped the orange won.

In another competition, participating couples had to dance rock and roll on a newspaper. If someone steps outside the newspaper while dancing, the couple is eliminated from the competition. To the next musical composition the newspaper is folded in half and the competition continues. Then the newspaper is folded in half again and so on until one pair remains. Participants had to come up with interesting poses and movements to win. It was a lot of fun to take part in the competition, and the audience never got bored.

At the end of the party, the hero of the occasion held an auction of retro items brought by the guests. They could be bought with fake rubles earned in competitions. The auction included posters, postcards, Belomorkanal cigarettes (the packaging was made by one of the guests himself), pioneer ties and badges, someone even brought a jar of canned food and pickles.

In addition to the stylish one, you can beat gangster party, pirate, Hawaiian, Italian, or arrange New Year's masquerade ball. It all depends on your imagination and creativity. If you have already decided what kind of theme party you want to organize, then do not forget to first familiarize yourself with the era, country or heroes of this theme.

Celebrating holidays at home has its pros and cons. A lot depends on how you prepare for this event. At proper organization both guests and party hosts will be satisfied. If you think through everything carefully and plan a party at home, then your company will probably remember this party for a long time as one of the most fun, exciting and unusual!

Wishing you bright holidays and unforgettable impressions!

Sincerely, Natalia Maksimova.

Contemplating good party, you need to know that dishes for a party are a very important point in the organization. After all, hungry guests are not the best the best option, agree :).

Banquet menu for a party designed for guests who will most time to sit at the table, which means they will consume more food and drinks. Such party food should be plentiful and varied.

Buffet menu created for a buffet - a situation where people easily move around the room, communicate, dance, and take part in competitions. In this case, the presence of a table, chairs and hearty dishes can only spoil the impression of the party. Food for this style of party should be light and easy to eat without cutlery.

So when deciding what to cook for the party , where are supposed active actions, choose light snacks and drinks, as well as something that you can unceremoniously eat without a knife and fork :).

Buffet menu

  • Appetizers on skewers- cheese and sausage strung in turn, mixed with fresh vegetables, fruits and olives. The skewers can be any size, which means you can adjust their satiety yourself.

  • Hot and cold snacks– sandwiches, canapés, etc.

  • Simple snacks, easy to prepare. For example, stuffed eggs or tomatoes.

  • Various types of cutting: fish, cheese, meat, vegetables and fruit.
  • For dessert You can opt for a regular cake or ice cream with various fillings.

Banquet menu

When developing dishes for a banquet party, it is necessary to take into account all the preferences of the guests. Perhaps some of those present do not eat meat, and others cannot stand fish. In order for everyone to be satisfied, you need to create a small but varied menu.

For main course, choose some quick-cooking potatoes. Perhaps it will be simple mashed potatoes or home-style potatoes. You can also prepare oven-baked potatoes with rosemary or any other spices.

  • From meat You can stop at pork and cook it: chops, or bake it in foil. Also, guests will enjoy well-cooked poultry: , .

  • Don't forget to serve at least one type fish– marinated herring, mackerel (smoked or), fried silver carp or salted red fish.

Any person, even one who has never watched " Apple pie", sooner or later he is faced with the need or has an irresistible desire to throw a loud house party with his own hands and become its king. TTR interviewed local art directors and partygoers about how to throw a party even better than the Project X heroes, and with a happy ending at that.

Vladimir Olovyanishnikov (Jeff D), art director of Gm Family campaigns (Oj Bar, Nebo Summer Restaurant, Teahouse No. 1 Lounge):

— House parties are parties that are built only on the atmosphere, which can happen by itself or be carefully thought out! Positive mood - main basis any home party. Among friends and beautiful girls everything will work out by itself. The amount of alcohol at the party, of course, is also not small. important factor(I only recommend high quality ones). Our basics are over here, perhaps I’ll talk about those moments, or rather about what is needed in order not to spoil these basics. I won’t write about themed parties, everything is clear here: Halloween, so wear a vampire costume (as an example). I'll tell you about a house party with music and dancing:

  1. Only verified friends. Girls are an exception, although even here you need to be selective, because you don’t want to ruin your mood in the middle of the party.
  2. Service. You are the host of the party, make sure that you and your guests are comfortable, think through everything to the smallest detail.
  3. Music. 40% have a good party- this is a musical mood, if you don’t want to tear your drunken friend away from the computer, remote control or tape recorder, you’d better call a pro! It could be anyone: a professional DJ or just your responsible friend.
  4. Purity. I don’t understand people who shit at guests, so I recommend it plastic dishes for drinks, but still depends on the level and budget of the party.
  5. MS or Language. There is always a person in the company who will amuse or rock your guests with his stories, but if all your friends are boring, just call cheerful guy, which will not let you get bored.

Radion Rozadeev, former partygoer:

— The key to success home party- this is alcohol, neutral music, responsible friends who drink a little, at least two or three people (after all, you want to know your home in the morning), unbreakable dishes, but the most important thing is to distribute flyers about the party to people you really want to see, even if they are unnecessary there will be more than enough characters.

Vlad Revkov,event manager in the music industry:

Everyone at least once in their life has tried or wanted to throw a house party in the style of American films, but I think that not everyone succeeded as intended. I'll give you a couple of tips based on own experience. The most important thing is to create an atmosphere so that your guests feel relaxed and at home!

The music should be chosen according to the tastes of the guests, since these are your friends, only you know what they prefer. Now every second person calls himself a DJ, so finding one for your party will not be difficult for you, choose from those that you like and that suit the music format. And you will also need a ringleader who will encourage and energize your guests.

The more guests, the merrier, but guys should only be invited to those with whom they know and have communicated personally! More than once there were cases when strangers ruined a party and destroyed the apartment, leaving only ruins.

An important point is the design of the apartment. It will set a contrast for your party, work on light music and garlands. Take ultraviolet lamps, or just paint regular lamps with paint. The ideal solution there will be strobe lights. I also love fog generators! At all inexpensive item, which you can rent, but it will crash your party and your guests will be delighted. The rest of the design depends on the flight of your imagination.

You need to think over an entertainment program, some active games. They will help make friends with your guests and introduce those who have not yet met. Drinking games, twister, and those where girls touch boys and boys touch girls.

Of course, you can’t go without drinks. Everything here is limited only by your budget. Buy enough to have enough for all your guests until the morning. Be sure to buy sparkling water.

If suddenly your mother comes home, pretend that you are all cleaning the house. She will be happy.

Roman Romanov, “Choose” magazine, “Radar” media group:

The main thing for a home party is to invite your close friends and everything will work out right away, and there will be activities for every taste.

A party is a great time. Unusual parties at home are good because here you can arrange exactly what you and your friends love.

How to throw a party at home?

A party, of course, involves a lot of investment and a large number of time to prepare. To avoid spending hours and hours buying groceries and preparing food, you can order ready-made food at home. This will not only save time, but you will be able to choose options such as pizza, sushi, Chinese or Korean dishes.

When ordering food at home, you can always make it easier for yourself to prepare for the party, but you can make the idea of ​​cooking the theme of the entire party, and already the absorption of what has been prepared as the end of the event.

In general, for a party you only need treats, minimal decor in the form of balloons, lit candles or something else (you can do without it), a few good people, some interesting games, pleasant music, a large room, several rooms or a spacious courtyard of a private house.

Games for parties at home

The good thing about house parties is that... entertainment program You can include a huge number of different games. There is, for example, this exciting game. Participants are divided into 2 teams. One of them thinks of a word and tells it to the player of the opposing team, and he must depict this word so that his team understands what it is about. In the same way you can make, for example, sketches classical works and fairy tales that everyone knows.

There's another one original variation this game. Participants enter the room one at a time. The first one receives the text on a piece of paper, reads it and depicts it to the second one without words. The second shows everything that he understood to the third, also without words. And so on until the end. At the end, all participants tell everything they understood in reverse order.

It is very interesting to give gifts through participation in a quiz. That is, who can answer more complex and intellectual questions or cope with big amount tasks, he receives the most valuable prizes.

Party ideas at home

Great idea for a bachelorette party – “ pajama party" The participating girls dress in cute pajamas, order sweets and other foods to their house, paint each other’s nails, do their hair, and watch romantic films.

Recently more and more popular themed parties. Only guests who are dressed according to a certain dress code are allowed to attend. For example it could be retro party, pirate, Hawaiian, Italian, gangster party.

Or the theme of the party is set by food, such as a sushi party. Moreover, you can either cook all kinds of rolls and sushi yourself with a friendly group, if you have a large kitchen, of course, or simply use the “food at home” service. The courier will deliver your order within the specified time, and all you have to do is eat it to the accompaniment of heated sake.

The editors of the site advise organizing home parties more often, because they are a great way to relieve stress and unwind psychologically after everyday work.
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