What a child should not eat. Daily food allowances. Vegetables and fruits that can cause an allergic reaction

When a baby is born, responsibility for his health falls entirely on the shoulders of the parents. Taking care of his nutrition can perhaps be called the primary task of mom and dad. Therefore, it is so important to know which foods, when and in what quantities you can give to your baby, and which ones it is advisable to refuse.

Criteria for choosing products for babies

No better nutrition for a newborn than breast milk. All doctors say this unanimously. But in order for it to be as nutritious and healthy as possible, a nursing mother needs to be more attentive to what she eats during this period. After all, the substances from these products will eventually enter the baby’s body, and it turns out that it is their baby who will “eat.”

What should a nursing mother categorically refuse?

  1. Spicy dishes or dishes seasoned with hot sauces.
  2. Alcohol.
  3. Canned food.
  4. Cow's milk.
  5. Seafood.
  6. Honey, nuts, chocolate and everything that contains these products.
  7. Smoked meats and semi-finished products , including sausages, bratwurst and bratwurst.
  8. Exotic fruits , as well as fruits and berries of bright orange or red color.

All of the products listed can cause allergic reaction. Moreover, it does not matter whether the mother has ever been allergic to this food. When choosing dishes for a breastfeeding woman, you need to take into account individual intolerance, as well as the degree of naturalness of the products.
Sometimes, for some reason, a mother cannot breastfeed her baby. In these cases, they resort to a special mixture.

What are the criteria for choosing infant formula?

  • How close the mixture is in composition to breast milk. According to this principle, all food for infants divided into 3 types:
  1. adapted substitutes;
  2. less adapted substitutes;
  3. partially adapted substitutes.

For children under 3 months, it is best to use the first type of substitutes, that is, adapted ones. Because they contain all the necessary components for correct formation intestinal microflora. In addition, they do not contain food additives (present in the second and third types) that can cause constipation in infants.

  • Is the substitute appropriate for the baby's age?

This is determined simply: the manufacturer himself indicates the number “1”, “2” or “3” on the packaging. 1 - formula for children up to six months, 2 - from 6 to 10 months and 3 - over 10 months.

  • Individual characteristics of the child. There are special substitutes intended for children whose health is far from ideal (for example, for premature babies).
    Complementary feeding is introduced after 4-6 months, depending on what kind of feeding the baby is on.

The first dishes your child gets to know must be made from the following products:

  1. hypoallergenic;
  2. containing essential vitamins(especially A, D and E);
  3. cooked (if the dish involves cooking) in clean water (and in no case from the tap!);
  4. not seasoned with anything, not even salt;
  5. containing no preservatives or dyes.

All these requirements are met by vegetables that do not cause allergies (for example, broccoli, cauliflower or zucchini), rabbit meat, which is also considered hypoallergenic, vegetable oil added to vegetable puree, etc.
After a year, the child discovers new tastes. The main criterion for creating a menu for a baby from one to 3 years old is variety. Because even the most healthy product can become harmful if you only consume it regularly.

What foods can be given to a child aged 0-3 years?

In order for a child to grow up healthy and develop harmoniously, you need to take care of a complete and balanced menu for him. Therefore, when the baby begins to eat on his own, it is advisable to give him vegetables, fruits, meat, cereals, and dairy products.

Kefir and milk. They should make up about a third of the child's daily diet. Of this volume, about half is allocated to kefir, which contains easily digestible protein necessary for the body, as well as vitamins and enzymes that have a beneficial effect on nervous system.

Cottage cheese. It is best to make cottage cheese yourself, but after 2.5 years you can gradually introduce store-bought cottage cheese and cheesecakes into the diet. The amount of cottage cheese is no more than 90 g per day.

Cheese. Of course we're talking about about mild and low-fat varieties. From a year to two years, cheese is usually given in grated form along with pasta and mixed with butter on bread. And only closer to three years can you give a piece of cheese weighing three grams every other day separately or with a piece of bread.

Egg. Until one and a half years of age, only hard-boiled yolks are given, and when closer to two years, whites can already be given. Daily norm- no more than 1/2 egg.

  • beef;
  • veal;
  • turkey;
  • rabbit.

Many children simply do not like pork, although it is acceptable. Until one and a half years old, a child should not be given more than 40 g of any meat per day. And closer to three years, it can be about 60 g.

Vegetables. The vegetables sold in stores are not always healthy. After all, to make them smooth, bright and beautiful, they often use chemical fertilizers that can make vegetables harmful. It would be ideal to grow carrots, cabbage, beets, peas and potatoes in your garden, but not everyone has this opportunity. Therefore, doctors recommend that purchased vegetables be thoroughly washed and peeled as much as possible.

Fruits. Doctors advise giving preference to those fruits that grow in the region where you live. This will make it more likely that they will be fresh. Total Fruits in a baby’s diet should be 200-350 g per day.

Cereals. Buckwheat and oatmeal. But you can also introduce rice, wheat and barley into his diet. Porridge is prepared from cereals; it can be cooked with either water or milk. The baby is fed porridge 3-4 times a week.

Oil. Vegetable oil (6 g) or butter (15 g) is added no more than once a day to porridge or vegetable purees. This product is rich in vitamin E, which is essential for children.

Bread. The menu for children from 0 to 3 years old should include mostly white bread (60 g), but sometimes black bread (30 g) can also be given. However, it should be remembered that black bread can cause fermentation in the stomach.

These products form the basis of the diet of a child up to 3 years old. In addition to them, the menu of boys and girls can include pasta, which is given instead of cereals and mashed potatoes. They do not have the greatest nutritional value and slightly slow down metabolism.

What foods should not be consumed by a child under 3 years of age?

When creating a complete, balanced menu for your baby, do not forget that there are foods that are contraindicated for all children under 3 years of age. There are not many of them, but every parent should know this list.

  1. Carbonated drinks. Strictly speaking, soda should not be consumed not only by children, but also by adults, as it increases acidity in the stomach, which can lead to gastritis and ulcers. Also, such drinks are dangerous because they contain phosphoric acid, which interferes with the absorption of calcium and leads to brittle bones.
  2. Mushrooms. They are difficult to digest by the body. Not every adult can safely eat mushrooms in any quantity, not to mention children. These eukaryotes attract dangerous and harmful substances - toxins and heavy metals, which, when entering the body, can cause severe damage to the stomach and liver.
  3. Smoked meats. Firstly, they contain a large number of salt, which retains moisture in the body, which is bad for the kidneys. Secondly, products are most often smoked using chemical substance, which is called “liquid smoke”, and it negatively affects brain function.
  4. Fast food and snack products (chips, crackers). Like many other products, they should not be consumed by anyone - neither children nor adults. There is practically nothing natural in this food, and if there is, it is simply “buried” under a layer of dyes, flavor enhancers, synthetic additives and fat.
  5. Factory-produced mayonnaise and ketchup. All the chemical additives contained in these sauces have an extremely negative effect on the child’s immunity and also provoke inflammatory processes in the esophagus.
  6. Sausages, frankfurters, sausages. The main danger of such food is that it is oversaturated with spices and seasonings. Also, about 80% of all sausages and sausages contain transgenic soy and fats, which cause inflammatory processes in the stomach and have a bad effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  7. Lamb and waterfowl meat. These types of meat contain fats that are very difficult to digest and absorb. The child's body is not able to cope with such food.
  8. Sweets. The child should try sugar and everything that contains it as late as possible. The point is that, besides negative impact on the enamel of baby teeth, sweets can disrupt the functioning of the pancreas.
  9. Canned food. Of course, here we are not talking about canned food for children, which are made specifically for children under 3 years old, but about ordinary “adult” canned food, for example, fish. They contain huge amounts of salt, dyes, and sometimes even antibiotics.
  10. Products in vacuum packaging. Any food packaged under vacuum is subjected to special chemical treatment for longer storage. And in an oxygen-free environment, bacteria that are deadly to humans multiply.

All of the products listed, according to doctors, should not be given to children under 3 years of age, and some even after reaching this age.

We accept with caution! List of products that cause allergies in children

Of course, allergic reactions are extremely individual. The immune system The baby may react negatively to the food that mom and dad ate completely calmly. This list is compiled solely on the basis of statistical data. So, what most often causes allergies in children?

  1. Seafood. Shrimp, squid, mussels, oysters and even black and red caviar are very strong allergens, despite the fact that they are extremely nutritious. In addition, they contain a lot of cholesterol that is harmful to the body.
  2. Red fish. It contains a large amount of the amino acid histidine, which promotes the formation of histamine (a substance responsible for the external manifestations of allergies).
  3. Nuts. Nut allergies are one of the most common types.
  4. Citruses, Exotic fruits, red apples.
  5. Some berries. Most often, allergies are caused by strawberries, strawberries, raspberries, black currants and blackberries.
  6. Honey. It is quite easy to check whether your baby will be allergic to honey, without even giving him this product. If during the flowering period (April-July) a child scratches his eyes and has a runny nose, then most likely he will be allergic to honey. This is because the irritant is pollen that gets into the honey (sometimes even a small amount of pollen remaining on the bees’ legs is enough).

Precisely because allergies are individual, you need to give your baby any New Product(even if it is not among those listed) in small quantities and carefully monitor the reaction. It happens that even the most harmless, at first glance, food can cause rashes, itching and swelling.

After a year, a child’s nutrition differs in that he begins to eat what is prepared for the whole family. But, parents should not forget that there are foods that should not be given to children under 3 years of age. These include those products whose safety you are not sure of, as well as those that are “heavy” for the body and can irritate the gastrointestinal tract and cause allergies.

What foods should not be given to children under 3 years of age? Let's take a closer look at them.

1. Rich broths.
2. Sausages, sausages and frankfurters not intended for baby food.
3. Cakes and pastries with cream.

4. Curd desserts and milkshakes industrial production. This includes curd masses and glazed curds.
5. Seafood.
6. Chocolate (chocolate candies, chocolate-covered sweets).
7. Butter buns and cookies.

Products that remain prohibited even after 3 years?

1. Mushrooms in any form. They are difficult to digest by the body.
2. Canned food. This does not include special canned food for children, but only canned food for “adults”, for example, fish.
3. Fatty fish and meats.
4. Duck and goose meat. These types of meat contain fats that are difficult to digest and absorb. This also includes lamb.
5. Industrial pates.
6. Horseradish, pepper, hot sauces, mustard, vinegar.

7. Natural coffe.
8. Juices and drinks made from concentrates.
9. Meat or fish aspic.
10. Mayonnaise and ketchup.
11. Products containing harmful nutritional supplements(dyes, flavors, flavor enhancers). Including chips and chewing gum.
12. Carbonated drinks.
13. Smoked meats. They contain a large amount of salt, which retains fluid in the body, and most often they are prepared using a chemical such as “liquid smoke,” which negatively affects brain function.
14. Fast food. Read about how harmful it is and why, read here.
15. Products sold in vacuum packaging. They undergo special chemical treatment for long-term storage.
16. Melon and grapes. They increase the load on the pancreas and increase gas formation.
17. Ice cream. It has increased level fat content, contains various sugars, harmful additives that can cause allergies.
18. Vegetable pickles (olives, olives, squash caviar, jarred cucumbers and tomatoes). Nutritionists categorically do not recommend giving such products to children because of the abundance of salt and spices in them.

Many of these products are not recommended to be eaten not only by children, but also by adults. In addition, you need to remember that children inherit their parents in everything and repeat after them. Therefore, if we want to prohibit them from something, we first need to reconsider our diet.

Separately, I would like to draw attention to the list of products that cause allergies in children:

1. Seafood. This includes squid, shrimp, mussels, oysters, black and red caviar. These are very strong allergens.
2. Nuts. Nut allergies are quite common.
3. Red fish.
4. Red apples.
5. Citruses and exotic fruits.
6. Berries such as strawberries, wild strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, black currants.
7. Honey

To salt or not to salt?

A child’s body cannot do without salt. Salt contains two useful elements - sodium and chlorine. But the need for it is not great, but an excess is completely unsafe.

The task of parents is to teach the baby to eat moderately salty foods.

And finally, a video about foods that should not be given to children under 3 years old:

Many parents feed their children foods that the child’s body does not want to consume. Such prohibited foods include: canned food, chocolates, semi-finished products, mayonnaise, sausages, glazed curds, sausages, cakes, frozen vegetables, lollipops, ketchup, potato chips and many other products. Only adults can eat such food, and not every day. But, unfortunately, the diet of many families consists only of their own food, moreover, they are also included in the baby’s diet. So why are these foods banned for children?

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Photo gallery: Forbidden foods: what not to give to children

Sausages and sausages

Sausages and various sausages contain heavy fats that are very difficult to digest (pork skin, interior fat, lard), in addition, they add dyes, flavor substitutes and flavorings. Sausage contains a large amount of irritants and salts, which have a very bad effect on the excretory organs, the digestive system and, to say more, they acidify the blood quite strongly. About 80% of modern sausages: sausages, sausages, sausages, are made from transgenic soybeans. It is also unknown what kind of meat sausages are made from, and whether they contain meat at all.

If you want to feed your baby sausages, then you need to buy only those sausages that are made specifically for children. But before purchasing, you should carefully study the composition of the product: it should not contain harmful additives or soy. Moreover, you can give babies sausages no more than two or three times a week.

Canned food

Canned food too unhealthy diet for kids, this also includes canned cucumbers, tomatoes, green pea, corn, beans.

Remember that canned food is food that has “died”, and your children need vitamins. Canned fish and meat are generally full of dyes, preservatives and salt. Canned food is deprived of useful substances, because before they are sent to the jar, they are carefully processed with heat. After eating canned food, the baby may swell, and problems may arise with the removal of digested foods. Moreover, if they are consumed frequently, liver, stomach and kidney diseases may occur.

Canned food can be given to a child only when he is seven years old and only in small quantities.


Pine nuts and walnuts are very nutritious foods; they contain many vitamins (walnuts have fifty times more vitamin C than citrus fruits and eight times more than black currants), microelements and protein. Nuts are very beneficial for pregnant women and children, but only in small portions and only in an environmentally friendly manner. pure form! Remember that nuts are high in calories (100 grams of nuts contain 800 calories), especially if they are sweet-coated (such as kazinaki) or salted. To a small child Sweet and salty nuts should not be given, because they will be harmful a small organism, and will also cause caries.

A child can eat no more than 20-30 grams of nuts per day. Buy only raw nuts, never salted, fried, or sweet. Remember that a baby can eat as many nuts as will fit in his tiny palm.

Semi-finished products

Moms, when they see ready-made dumplings, cutlets and dumplings in the store, they think that this is just a godsend. After all, it doesn’t take much time to prepare, you just need to cook, fry and feed the baby. However, many parents do not even realize that for small child This food is very harmful and absolutely unsuitable. Everyone knows that dumplings are meat and dough, which together are a very difficult product for a child’s stomach to digest. But ready-made cutlets, which only need to be fried in oil, have a golden brown crust and a very large amount of fat, all this is also heavy food for children. Moreover, when you fry frozen foods, carcinogenic substances appear, and they contribute to the emergence and development of cancer.

Under no circumstances should you give semi-finished products to children of any age; it is better to prepare your own meatballs or steamed cutlets.


Lollipops are the most dangerous enemy of children's teeth. They tend to dissolve slowly and remain on the enamel of children’s teeth for a long time, and as we know, caries develops very quickly in a sweet environment. Small children, as a rule, do not know how to suck candy, so they try to chew them, and this can damage the milk teeth, which are the most sensitive. In addition, such sweets contain a lot of flavors and artificial colors, which are so harmful to the baby.


Ketchup, which we usually buy in supermarkets, contains not only spices and tomatoes, as many parents naively believe, but salt, pepper, monosodium glutamate, modified starch, vinegar and preservatives. Believe me, all these substances are very harmful to the baby’s stomach, so before you buy this product, read the label. Better yet, make your own homemade ketchup, it’s not very difficult, but very useful. All you have to do is grind the tomatoes through a sieve, add sugar and salt to taste, and then boil for a few minutes. To thicken the ketchup, add a little potato starch. Here you have your healthy ketchup. You can give it to children.

Potato chips

Chips are very harmful for adults, but imagine how harmful they can be to a baby. This product is 1/3 fat! Moreover, they are filled with artificial flavoring and aromatic additives, and also have a lot of salt, which will not benefit the child’s stomach.

Glazed cheese curds

Children love glazed cheese curds, and mothers delight their children with them. But not only are they filled with high-calorie cottage cheese, they are also rich in preservatives, which should not enter the stomach of a child at least until the age of five. Chocolate shells and jam fillings are in no way compatible with cottage cheese, if you take into account food rules. In addition, some companies also add vegetable fat to the cheese composition instead of milk, and this can lead to the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases.


Seafood, for example, red fish, shrimp, mussels, black and red caviar, squid, seaweed, lobsters and other inhabitants of sea waters are quite strong allergens; it is especially worth paying attention to caviar and red fish. Of course, seafood is a very nutritious food in its content, but it is not so healthy for kids. They have a lot of cholesterol - from 1.5 to 14%, and salted seafood contains table salt (sodium chloride), which can disrupt fat and water-salt balance in organism.

Before the age of six or seven, seafood is contraindicated for babies, but after reaching this age, they can be eaten in small quantities. If a child eats more of them than necessary, he may become poisoned.

Exotic fruits

When consuming exotic foods, babies may experience allergies and indigestion. You can offer them to your child in very small quantities and observe the reaction for two to three hours.


This product is high in calories and difficult to digest, and contains many artificial additives, so it should not be given to children. Sometimes you can allow your child to be spoiled with a sandwich with mayonnaise or salad. It’s better to prepare mayonnaise yourself, with a minimum of sugar and mustard. It will take you no more than fifteen minutes.

Sweet carbonated drinks

No one should drink soda at all, especially little ones, even though they love them very much. They contain large amounts of sugar (this can cause obesity), carbon dioxide (irritates the esophagus) and caffeine (excites the nervous system). It’s better to give your baby non-carbonated and unsweetened drinks, or even better, regular baby water, which has the most optimal quantity minerals.

Proper nutrition- the main component of a child’s life. The baby’s health and his adaptation to environmental conditions depend on how well-balanced his diet is.

The consistency of the food should be in the form of liquid puree. After two weeks, when the child is accustomed to one, they begin to give the second one, and the child is also gradually accustomed to it. At 6 months the following vegetables are allowed: zucchini, pumpkin, potatoes, cabbage, squash, peas, beans, carrots. You can also give buckwheat, rice, corn, and later oatmeal. Semolina does not contain any substances that are beneficial for a child, so it is simply useless to introduce it into the diet until at least ten months. Barley, pearl barley, and millet porridge can be offered to a child no earlier than one year of age. To improve taste and healthfulness, add vegetable oil (olive, sunflower or corn) to porridge or vegetable puree, starting with three to five drops and adding up to a teaspoon.

Thus, by seven months the child should eat 2 times a day: porridge and vegetable puree. The rest of the feedings continue to be breastfeeding. Between main meals at 6 months, it is recommended to give fruit in the form of juices or purees, offering the child from 1 teaspoon per day, increasing their amount to 100 grams by the year. Apples are best tolerated. To avoid allergies, buy green or yellow color. Very useful for the child baked apple. It’s good if the child likes pear juice or puree, which is allowed for children from the age of six months. But bananas, peaches, apricots, and nectarines should be eaten no earlier than from seven months, plums and cherry plums - from nine months. All exotic fruits (kiwi, pineapple... the child should try only at 1.5 years old. Give the child a little at first, observe whether an allergic reaction occurs, if not, you can give a larger piece. It would not be amiss to remind you that all dishes, intended for infants, must be in ground form or in liquid form.

What a child can and cannot eat

Starting from 7 months, the baby can eat the yolk chicken egg, cottage cheese, butter. The yolk is added to the vegetable puree in the amount of ¼ part and by the year it is brought to the whole. The child must receive rabbit, turkey or calf meat. At first it should be puree, at 9 months it should be a soufflé, and from 10 months you can cook steamed cutlets or meatballs. It is not recommended to give children waterfowl meat, pork and lamb. It is advisable for children to eat chicken fillet from the age of one year. It is necessary that the baby receives beef liver and white bread. Offer homemade cakes and kefir when he turns 10 months old. Drinks include unsaturated compotes made from dried fruits, fresh soft berries, and still water. Currently, there are quite a lot of tea drinks for children in stores. They are intended for children from 2 months, but children’s tea from this age can only be given to artificial children. Those who receive breast milk can drink tea only from six months.

Sugar and salt in small quantities can be added to dishes from 10 months. If possible, instead of sugar, use fructose - fruit sugar, which does not require insulin for absorption, so it is harmless to the child. Green onions, dill and parsley will be useful.

Here is the entire set of products that can and should be fed to children up to one year old. When teaching your child to y, keep in mind that they are given before breastfeeding while the baby is hungry, otherwise, after eating his mother’s milk or formula, it will be difficult to persuade him to eat something else.

All of the above applies to the nutrition of healthy children. The presence of a particular pathology or disease in a child requires a review of the timing of administration and diet.

Taking into account the timing of the introduction of fruits and other foods, mother should always remember individual characteristics child's body. Offering the new kind food for the child, you need to watch his reaction gastrointestinal tract and skin, and if any pronounced changes appear, cancel this type of product, postponing its introduction for several weeks.

Nowadays there is a large variety of baby food on the market that you can feed your baby. However, it is worth using it only from time to time, because the food that is much healthier for the baby is caring mother I prepared it myself.

What can a child over one year eat?

In the second year of life, children's food changes significantly, although the same dishes predominate as before one year. The consistency of food and its quantity changes. However, for common table It’s too early to sit the baby down. What new things can be given to a child at this age?

Instead of meat, give him fish without small bones 3 times a week. This can be either sea fish (cod, hake, pike perch) or lake fish. Cook with it steam cutlets, meatballs, or simply simmer in its own juice with carrots and onions. Occasionally, after two years, soaked herring (herring) with a side dish may be given as an appetizer.

Sausage and ham are excluded from the menu for children of the second year of life. In the third year, occasionally, instead of meat, it is allowed to eat milk sausages, sausages, low-fat boiled sausage (Doctorskaya, Molochnaya, Ostankinskaya, etc.), lean ham. But such food should not become the rule.

The range of vegetables is also expanding. In summer, a child can have radishes, salad, eggplants, Bell pepper, tomatoes, fresh cucumbers, turnip. In winter it may be sauerkraut. It is useful to give vegetables to your child in the form of salads, grating them and seasoning them with vegetable oil or sour cream.

Instead of cereals, periodically cook pasta for your child, combining it with cheese, cottage cheese, meat or vegetables. After two years, you can eat dishes made from flour (pancakes, pancakes). But do not feed your baby sweet pies or shortbread. Let him eat dry cookies, bagels or white bread crackers. For dessert, after the main meal, the child can eat a small amount of marshmallows, jam, and candies. Unacceptable until three years old chocolate in any form.

First courses may be cooked in unsaturated, low-fat broths without adding any seasonings ( Bay leaf, fried onions, hot peppers).

Until two years of age, the milk that a child drinks should have 3.2% fat content, and after two years of age, you can give him milk with a reduced fat content. Prepare cocoa with milk for your child; this is a very healthy product that children in their third year of life can drink.

Basic menu for a 1-year-old child

The main menu is still milk and dairy products. The baby can still be attached to the breast and in addition receive yogurt, sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese, kefir, cow's milk. It is best if the dairy products are specialized for children, containing
contains less harmful fats and preservatives.

During the day you should eat about 1000-1200 grams. food products. Thus, at breakfast he will eat about 260 grams, at lunch - 360, at midday - 220, at dinner - 360 grams.

Protein food is a must for little ones, so the menu should include meat. It is best to use veal, lean beef and chicken. The meat must be cooked or stewed long enough to be safe and tender. Pates and puree soups are prepared from boiled meat, casseroles, meatballs, and cutlets are made from minced meat. Meat dishes usually included on the lunch menu.

The most useful are buckwheat and oatmeal, but to diversify the table it is best to alternate them with barley, semolina and pearl barley. The porridge is cooked in milk and served to the little gourmet for breakfast. You should definitely put butter in it. There should be little of it; you can eat about 12 grams during the day. Those lucky enough to have teeth can be offered a sandwich of soft white bread with butter for breakfast.

Sunflower oils, an essential source of vitamins, should also be present in the diet. A little sunflower or corn oil can be added to so-called “salads” for babies, which are pureed vegetables. Daily consumption rate vegetable oil is approximately one teaspoon.

Salads are best prepared for lunch. They can consist of both fresh and boiled vegetables, herbs, fruits and berries. Unfamiliar nutritional components should be introduced gradually: no more than one per day. This will contribute better work digestive system child and in case of an allergic reaction will narrow the choice of reagent.

Vegetable salads for a one-year-old child can be prepared from boiled potatoes, carrots (raw and boiled), cabbage, boiled beets, zucchini (stewed), pumpkin and tomatoes. You can add boiled egg yolk to them.

Fruit salads, consisting of finely grated fruits, are prepared from apples, pears, and bananas. In them, as well as in porridge, you can put fresh berries: raspberries, black currants, sea buckthorn, lingonberries and cranberries. Fruits and berries are excellent food for an afternoon snack.

It is advisable to add fish to the child. Will fit low-fat varieties, for example, pollock, cod, greenling. Boiled fillet with bones carefully removed is chopped and made into cutlets, soufflé or mixed with vegetables. A child is allowed up to 80 grams of fish per week. It, like meat, is best included in the lunch menu.

At this age, the mother has a great chance to teach her baby to eat first courses. Puree soups and pureed borscht for children are prepared using vegetable or secondary meat broth. It's easy to prepare. The broth, in which the meat has been boiled for 10-15 minutes, is drained (it can be used for “adult” dishes), the meat is poured clean water and start cooking again. Soup made with this broth will be lean and safe for the child’s body.

As a dessert, the child’s table may include fruit pastilles, marmalade, dry cookies, and biscuits.

Here sample menu No. 1 for your baby at 1 year:

Pearl barley porridge (buckwheat, semolina, oatmeal) 150 gr.

Tea 100 ml.

Wheat bread 10 gr.

Butter 5 gr.

Vegetable puree soup 100 ml.

Chicken pate with herbs 50 gr.

Mashed potatoes 100 gr.

Fruit juice 100 ml.

Wheat bread 10 gr.

Kefir (milk, yogurt) 100 ml.

Cookies 15 gr.

Banana 100 gr.

Curd casserole 150 gr.

Omelet 100 gr.

Milk (kefir, yogurt) 100 ml.

Wheat bread 10 gr.

Sample menu No. 2

Breakfast - 8.00 a.m.

Oatmeal porridge with milk - 200 g

Weak tea with milk - 100 ml

A piece wheat bread with cheese - 20/10 g

Lunch - 12.00 h

Vegetable puree soup - 100 ml

Steamed fish meatballs - 50 g

Mashed potatoes with broth -100 g

Fruit jelly - 100 ml

2 slices of wheat bread – 10 g each

Afternoon snack – 16.00 h.

Half a glass of kefir

Baked sweet apple 100 g

Cookies - 15 g

Dinner – 20.00 h.

Mashed cottage cheese with milk - 80 g

Carrot puree - 100 g

Cup of boiled milk

You can give kefir before going to bed or at night.

What to feed a one-year-old baby?

The menu for a 1-year-old child has varied significantly. Now it is not only milk and various mixtures, but also other products.

Let's take a closer look at the menu for a 1-year-old child


For breakfast, you can offer your baby porridge and half egg yolk. Fruit puree or fruits, they can be added to porridge.

What kind of cereals can a one-year-old child eat?

These can be gluten-free porridges (corn, buckwheat, rice), as well as gluten-containing porridges (wheat, oatmeal, semolina).

The volume of porridge should be approximately 150-200 ml. Add 5g butter to the porridge.

Tea, fruit infusion, juice.

Another breakfast option.

Steamed omelette. For the omelette, a piece of bread spread with butter or cheese. A baby from one to one and a half years old can receive up to 15-20 g of oil per day. For a child of this age, it is better to choose white bread, it is easier to digest (up to 40g per day)

Kissel or compote.

You can start your lunch with a vegetable salad. For example, cucumbers or tomatoes, or carrots, grated and seasoned with vegetable oil (5-7g) or sour cream (5-10g).

Milk with vermicelli. Remember: it is not recommended to give pasta to your baby often, about once a week and in small quantities (30-35g).

Vegetable (from cauliflower, cabbage soup, borscht, etc., including pureed soups).

On to the second.

Vegetable puree. By the age of one year, you can already add vegetables such as beets, turnips, green peas, radishes, and beans.

Meat dish. Remember that the meat should be cooked separately. Meat puree, meatballs or soufflé. Do not overuse potatoes, they have a high starch content.

Once or twice a week, instead of meat, you can give your baby river or sea fish. Definitely not fatty varieties.

Compote or jelly, you can have fruit tea or juice.


For an afternoon snack, you can prepare soufflés, cottage cheese with sour cream from the usual cottage cheese and kefir; for children closer to 1.5 years old, you can give pancakes with cottage cheese, if the child has enough teething. Of course not often, once a week. In addition, give fruit puree, maybe low-fat cookies, not every day.

Juice, or fruit tea.

For dinner, you can offer a vegetable-cereal or vegetable-meat dish. For example: zucchini soufflé with meat puree, oatmeal porridge with pumpkin, stewed beets with apples, vegetable stew with meat puree. Plus fruit puree or juice. A child is offered no more than 100g of fruit puree and no more than 100ml of juice per day.

Before bedtime.

If you continue to breastfeed your baby, then in this case, breast milk. Or a fermented milk drink (baby kefir).

At this age, the baby’s diet should not include: cakes, pastries, chocolates, no matter how much you want to pamper your little one. This does not mean that you can pamper your child; choose from sweets: marshmallows, jams, marmalade, preserves (if they contain fructose).


If you don’t know what to cook for your child for dinner and want to please your little gourmet with unusual dishes, read the recipes below. Below are original dishes from healthy products, which are suitable for a light dinner for small children.

Children's cutlets

This dish can be served with boiled or baked potatoes, mashed potatoes, and carrots.

2 tablespoons (28 ml) whole milk

225 g ground beef

2 tablespoons (14 g) crumbled white bread

Cooking on the stove

Whisk the egg and milk together in a small bowl. In a bowl, combine ground beef and bread crumbs. Add eggs and milk to the mixture, stir. Manually make 4 small cutlets from the resulting mixture.

Heat oil in a frying pan over medium heat.

Add the cutlets and cook, turning often, until they are cooked through.

Ready cutlets can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. You can also freeze them for up to 2 months by wrapping them in plastic wrap.

Quantity: 4 servings, one cutlet each.

Tuna casserole

Tuna is a high-quality source of protein and heart health benefits. fatty acids omega-3. This delicious light the food is perfect for dinner.

160 ml cream of champignon soup (boil the champignons with a small amount of potatoes and onions and grind together with the liquid in a blender)

1 cup (140 g) pasta whole wheat

140 g tuna

1/4 cup (38 g) fresh or frozen peas

1/4 cup (60 ml) whole milk

Cooking in the microwave

Combine mushroom soup with pasta and mix well. Add tuna, peas and milk. Cover and microwave until cooked through, stirring occasionally until the casserole is completely cooked.

Quantity: 4 servings of 1/2 cup (about 115 g).

Chicken with noodles and carrots

Kids (and adults too!) never get tired of classic combination products in this dish. Moreover, it is very useful.

100 g chicken fillet

2 small carrots

1/4 cup (40 g) boiled egg noodles

2 teaspoons olive oil

Cooking in the microwave

Boil the chicken fillet and cut into small pieces. Cut the carrots into strips and place in a microwave-safe container, add a little water and cook for one and a half minutes until the carrots are soft. Combine chicken, boiled egg noodles and carrots, pour oil on top and cook for 1 minute until all ingredients are heated through.

The dish can be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container for 3-4 days.

Quantity: 3 servings (1 piece of fillet in each).

Cod with egg

Serve this dish with boiled, baked or microwaved potatoes and spinach.

You can also cook flounder and halibut.

55 g cod fillet (fresh or frozen)

1 small carrot

1 hard-boiled egg

7.5 cm celery stalk

1/4 cup (60 ml) water

1 tablespoon (14 g) butter

Cooking on the stove

Remove skin and bones from the fish. Chop the carrots and celery. Place the fish, carrots and celery in a small saucepan, cover with water, bring to a boil over low heat and simmer for 5 minutes. Lightly mash the fish, egg, carrots and celery, put butter on top, sprinkle with egg.

Quantity: 1 serving.

Sauteed pasta and broccoli

Do not use garlic if your baby does not like the taste.

1 tablespoon (15 ml) olive oil

1 teaspoon finely chopped garlic

1/4 cup (45 g) finely chopped tomatoes

1/2 cup (150 g) steamed broccoli, cut into small pieces

1/2 cup (35 g) boiled pasta cones

Cooking on the stove

Heat oil over medium heat in a heavy-bottomed saucepan. Fry the garlic for 30 seconds. Add the tomatoes and simmer for 3 minutes, then add the broccoli and simmer for another 2 minutes. Reduce heat to low and add pasta. Stir until the mixture is thoroughly cooked.

Quantity: 5 servings of 1/4 cup (about 55 g).

Carrot puree

Carrots are one of the favorite vegetables of most children. It is rich in antioxidants, good for vision and helps prevent colds.

1/2 cup (55 g) chopped carrots

1/4 cup (60 ml) water

1/2 tablespoon (7 g) butter

2 tablespoons (28 ml) warm whole milk

1 tablespoon (5 g) finely grated Parmesan cheese

Cooking in the microwave

Place the carrots in a small microwave-safe dish and add water. Cover and microwave for 3 minutes until carrots are soft. Transfer the carrots to a blender. Add butter, milk and grated cheese. Mix well.

Amount: 1 serving, or 1/4 cup (about 55 g).

Tubes with peas

This dish is prepared very quickly. Use this recipe, if the baby is hungry and cannot wait. If desired, replace the peas with one of your child's favorite vegetables. Can be added to a dish

1-2 tablespoons boiled beef or turkey.

4 cups (950 ml) water

1/4 cup (25 g) dry pasta tubes

1/4 cup (33 g) frozen peas

2 teaspoons olive oil

2 tablespoons (10 g) grated Parmesan cheese

Cooking on the stove

Boil the water. Add pasta and cook for 5 minutes. Add the peas and cook for another 5 minutes until the pasta and peas are cooked and tender. Drain and transfer pasta and peas to a small dish. Add butter, cheese and stir.

Quantity: 1 child's portion.

Important to remember

There is a basic rule: a child from one to one and a half years old should be fed four to five times a day, with intervals between feedings of 4 hours. Observe enough strict regime nutrition, the baby must develop a conditioned one. The volume of food should be 1000 - 1200 ml, not counting liquid, per day. These recommendations should be followed for up to one and a half years.

Mommies, follow the rules for introducing new products, monitor the cleanliness and freshness of the products. Also, keep your hands and your baby’s hands clean, as well as your child’s dishes, to avoid intestinal infections.

After a year

Unfortunately, many mothers stop being responsible about their baby’s nutrition as soon as she turns one year old. At one year old, the child is traditionally transferred to the common table. But in vain. Nutrition must remain specialized.

Gradual development of the chewing apparatus requires the introduction of solid foods into the diet of a child over 1 year of age. varying degrees grinding. Still big role belongs to milk and dairy products, which should be included in the child’s daily diet (milk in any form up to 500-600 ml, cottage cheese on average 50 g, cream or sour cream 5 g). Cottage cheese, cream, sour cream can be given after 1-2 days, but in appropriate quantities.

Meat products for children over a year old Along with beef, chicken, chicken, rabbit, lean pork and lamb, and various offal are recommended. The number is increasing fish. On average, a child from 1 to 3 years old needs 85 g of meat and 25 g of fish per day. During the week, he can receive meat (100-120 g each) for 4-5 days and fish (70-100 g each) for 2-3 days.

A child over one year old can be given a whole egg (every other day, or half a day), and not just the yolk. However, this must be done with caution, as chicken egg white can cause an allergic reaction in some children. In such cases, the protein should be abandoned and only the yolk should be given for some time.

Of fatty products, we recommend giving 12-17 g of butter (for a sandwich, in ready-made dishes) and up to 8-10 g of vegetable oil (for dressing salads, vinaigrettes, various vegetable dishes), but not margarine and refractory edible fats (beef, lamb ).

Among the cereals, oatmeal and buckwheat are the most useful; barley, pearl barley, and wheat are allowed. You can also use specially enriched cereals. Pasta (noodles, vermicelli) is given infrequently, as they are poor in vitamins and contain excess carbohydrates. Legumes (peas, beans, soybeans) are given in limited quantities to children over 1.5 years old in the form of pureed soups. On average, a child needs 15-20 g of cereal, 5 g of pasta, about 100 g of bread (including 30-40 g of rye) per day. Bakery products (crackers, bagels, buns) are also suitable with a corresponding reduction in the amount of bread.

The main source of carbohydrates in the diet of a child over one year old is sugar, but its amount should be strictly limited. An “overdose” of sugar can lead to metabolic disorders, overweight body, sometimes leading to loss of appetite. A child under 3 years old needs from 35 to 50 g of sugar per day. From confectionery marshmallows, marmalade, fruit caramel, jam, jam, honey are allowed (if well tolerated).

The total amount of confectionery products should not exceed 10-15 g per day. IN baby food vegetables, fruits and berries are widely used as the main source minerals and vitamins.

A wide variety of vegetables can be given, including radishes, radishes, green onions, garlic, and leafy greens (dill, parsley, sorrel, spinach, lettuce, nettles). A child needs about 120-150 g of potatoes and up to 200 g of other vegetables per day. The daily diet should include fresh fruits, berries (up to 200 g) and juices (100-150 ml).

Up to 1.5 years of age, children are usually still fed 5 times a day, although some already at this age refuse the last (night) feeding and switch to 4 meals a day: breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner.

Between feedings, the child should not be given any food, especially sweets, as this leads to disruption of normal digestion and loss of appetite. The above also applies to fruit juices, which are sometimes offered to the child instead of drinking. In this case, it is better to use fruit drinks, compotes, and unsweetened herbal infusions.

Make sure he gets the appropriate amount of food for his age. So, for a child aged 1 to 1.5 years, it should average 1000-1200 ml, from 1.5 to 3 years - 1400-1500 ml (juices, decoctions and other drinks are not included in this volume).

Reducing the amount of food can lead to malnutrition, and exceeding it can lead to decreased appetite. It is especially irrational to increase the volume of the first course, which parents often do if they willingly eat soup or broth. However, having eaten a lot of soup, he can no longer cope with the second course, which, as a rule, is more complete, since it contains meat, vegetables, etc.

Culinary food processing for children early age has its own characteristics due to the uniqueness of their development. Until the age of 1.5 years, the baby does not yet have sufficient opportunities to digest coarse food, so he is fed purees, thin porridge, etc. But at the same time, the child must be taught to eat denser foods. If they receive only semi-liquid and pureed foods for a long time, their chewing skills do not develop well and subsequently they are very sluggish and reluctant to eat meat, raw vegetables and fruits.

Children over 1.5 years old are given boiled (but no longer pureed) porridge, vegetable and cereal casseroles, stewed vegetables cut into small pieces, meat and fish cutlets.

After 2 years, meat can be given in the form of fried cutlets, finely chopped stew, fish - boiled and fried, freed from bones.

Use fresh vegetables as widely as possible in the form of finely chopped salads, and for children under 1.5 years old - grated on a coarse grater. Salads from raw vegetables can be given not only for lunch, but also for breakfast and dinner.

To save nutritional value products must strictly follow the rules of their culinary processing.

Milk can be boiled for no more than 2-3 minutes, avoiding repeated boiling. When preparing porridge, vegetable purees In casseroles, milk is added to already boiled cereals or vegetables.

After thorough mechanical cleaning, it is better to cook the meat in large pieces, dipping it in hot water. At the same time, the proteins coagulate on the surface of the meat and the meat juice does not flow out. Meat and cutlets should be fried in boiling fat, which also contributes to the formation of fat that retains meat juice. The stew is prepared by lightly frying and then boiling in a small amount of water.

It is very important to process vegetables correctly. When cleaning, cut off as thin a layer as possible, precisely in upper layers contained greatest number vitamins For vinaigrettes and salads, it is better to boil vegetables in their skins in a small amount of water or steam them. Peeled vegetables should not be left in water for a long time to avoid leaching of vitamins and minerals, but they should be boiled in a small amount of water, then used for food. Cooking time is strictly limited: potatoes, cabbage, carrots are boiled for no more than 25-30 minutes, beets - 1-1.5 hours, sorrel, spinach - up to 10 minutes.

Vegetables and fruits for raw salads are peeled and cut (grated) immediately before eating, since when peeled and crushed foods are exposed to air oxygen, vitamins in them are destroyed, especially ascorbic acid.

What can a child from 3 to 7 years eat?

Between the ages of three and seven years, children's activity reaches its peak, so carbohydrates in food should be 4 times more than proteins and fats.

Children of this age can periodically cook fried foods, but it is still better to give them preference to oven-baked, boiled and stewed dishes. Avoid adding ketchup to them, soy sauce, hot pepper, horseradish, vinegar, mustard, adjika, mayonnaise.

As a seasoning, you can give children homemade mayonnaise prepared in lemon juice and from olive oil. Avoid fatty meats until at least high school age.

Use onions, garlic, as well as parsley and dill in moderation. To improve the taste of food, it is good to use fresh fruits, berries and vegetables, use cranberry sauce, lemon juice.

If you go out into nature with your whole family, you usually take the opportunity to cook barbecue over a fire. In this case, the child will certainly ask you for a piece. Therefore, make sure that the meat for kebab is not fatty and of high quality. Be sure to fry it well and give your child a piece that is not overcooked. It’s very good if the baby eats it with vegetables, drinks it with juice or compote.

From the age of 3, a child can eat sandwiches with hard or soft cheese. Include sour cream and cream, as well as yoghurts and cottage cheese in your diet. At this age, offer your child kvass, just be careful - the kvass must be natural, without preservatives or dyes. There are many recipes for homemade kvass that are healthy for the whole family.

In addition to kvass, in the fourth year of life children can be given regular black or green tea. However, you should not get carried away with them; it is especially not recommended to drink meat food with tea. Tea contains tannin, which slows down the absorption of iron from meat in the intestines. Natural coffee should not be consumed by children under 18 years of age.

A product such as mushrooms can be consumed by children only in school age. Mushrooms are healthy, but difficult to digest, so it is not recommended for preschoolers to eat them.

After age 7, normal healthy eating recommendations should be followed, similar to those for adults.

You can end this article with these words: “everything is good in moderation.” Let the child eat everything, but little by little. Of course, provided that he is healthy. In the presence of chronic diseases The child’s diet will be significantly changed by the doctor.

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