What does a pregnant girl want from food? Gnawing a cactus and sniffing sleepers: the most ridiculous “wants” of pregnant women. Vitamin C - the body's little guardian of defense

Drowsiness during early pregnancy - characteristic feature the onset of conception and the beginning of the development of the embryo. This phenomenon is experienced by a significant number of expectant mothers, and for some it causes concern. The causes of drowsiness in different trimesters of pregnancy can be various changes that occur in the female body. Doctors explain that this is a set of protective reactions of the body, designed to protect the pregnant woman from potential hazards, which can lead to embryo rejection.

Such risks surround a pregnant woman from all sides - stressful situations, negative nervous conditions, rapid hormonal changes and effects on the body. During pregnancy, you want to sleep, because it is in sleep that energy reserves are replenished, physical and mental strength. In the early stages of pregnancy, the appearance of drowsiness during pregnancy rarely becomes a sign of pathology.

Causes of sleepiness in a pregnant woman

A woman who is carrying a baby not for the first time is aware that during pregnancy she wants to sleep quite often, and at certain periods this becomes a habitual state. Sometimes, focusing on the experience of the older generation and her own, a pregnant woman is sure that this physiological state throughout the entire period preceding the birth of the baby.

The first trimester of pregnancy usually does not pose any danger, but a later period, marked by an exaggerated tendency to sleep, sometimes indicates excessive physical and emotional overload or malnutrition.

The second trimester is the time when the final formation of the placenta occurs, toxicosis should go away, taking with it drowsiness. But if this does not happen, the reasons should be sought and eliminated.

The second and third semester may be marked by a state of lethargy and a desire for constant sleep. But if in the second trimester this is explained by a lack of iron (anemia), then in the third trimester pregnant women sometimes want to sleep for negative reasons. A woman can carry out minimal diagnostics on her own if drowsiness is accompanied by negative signs:

  • late toxicosis;
  • severe swelling;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • vomiting;
  • headache;
  • failure of visual function.

Such a set of signs can signal a pathological course of the child’s development, for example, eclampsia, which requires immediate surgical intervention.

Sign - drowsiness during pregnancy

Drowsiness in the early stages of bearing a future baby back in the days when the presence of pregnancy was determined only by physiological signs, served as one of the signs by which they could unmistakably determine that a woman would soon become a mother. Now exists modern methods determining pregnancy, and why woman starting to sleep more has a reliable scientific explanation.

In the early stages, the cause is almost always the onset of pregnancy, associated with it emotional experiences and hormonal changes in the entire body, which is preparing for a special stage.

The main function of the female body in this state is maximum efficiency. building materials, emotions and necessary substances. This will require effort, and any costs require compensation.

Therefore, if sleep is not pathologically constant, there is no need to be afraid of it. In the third semester, doctors recommend setting aside time for nap and give a woman’s tired body additional rest.

The baby will be born soon. After giving birth, a woman will have less time to sleep.

Pregnancy symptoms and sleepiness

Early pregnancy progresses individually for each woman. One has practically no sleepiness, the other feels so tired that she cannot bring herself to get out of bed in the morning.

Fatigue can accompany a working woman who has conceived. However, increased weakness may be a consequence of the development of the disease. Lethargy is explained by poor health or seasonal vitamin deficiency.

The beginning of the gestation period for a new life is also manifested by accompanying hormonal changes and a radical restructuring of the body:

  • Basal temperature remains high throughout the luteal phase. It is recommended that women monitor this parameter when planning pregnancy.
  • Absence of menstruation (although not always).
  • Morning sickness, present in many pregnant women. However, some never develop toxicosis.
  • The breasts change - they hurt and ache, the nipples enlarge along with the areolas and become hypersensitive, veins appear.
  • Are increasing vaginal discharge, daytime pads sometimes have to be changed several times a day.

If, in addition to all these signs, you really want to sleep, it means you are pregnant. As a result, hormonal changes in the woman’s body began, which are aimed at preparing for gestation and birth. Progesterone, otherwise known as the pregnancy hormone, is also produced. Relaxation of smooth muscles by this hormone, aimed at maintaining pregnancy, which is sometimes prevented the immune system, provokes a decrease in blood pressure and causes hypotension.

This is the scientific explanation for why the first trimester for a pregnant woman in position is marked constant desire sleep. This is normal, and during this time it is not only harmless, but absolutely necessary to get more sleep.

Sleep norms during pregnancy

There are no unambiguous rules that could be useful in every case. American scientists believe that a woman should sleep at least 9-10 hours during pregnancy. In order for sleep to be beneficial, it is advised to go to bed at a strictly certain time, and avoid physical exertion before falling asleep.

Domestic researchers also call the 10-hour norm optimal, but they believe that before this it is useful to take a short walk on the fresh air. The early period, with its hypertrophied desire to sleep, which can last the whole day, just like the late term, when the load increases significantly, suggests that in the middle of the day it is possible to highlight Extra time and rest for 1.5-2 hours.

Sleeping too much is not recommended, especially if it is sleeping before noon, followed by further lying in bed. This method of compensating for the costs of pregnancy is harmful for a woman, because it leads to a disruption in the biorhythms of two people and disrupts blood circulation, causing a depressed state.

Main causes of drowsiness

Although the main reason for the sleepy state during pregnancy has been identified (this is the pregnancy itself), but in different trimesters There are specific reasons for the desire to want to sleep.

First trimester

The visceral theory suggests that during pregnancy you constantly want to sleep due to the restructuring that occurs, which the nervous system controls and regulates. Since the process is intense, the central nervous system requires more time to control and regulate than before.

The endocrinological aspect explains this condition by increasing the level of progesterone in the blood, its role in relaxing smooth muscles and lowering blood pressure. Psychology suggests that the phenomenon is due to the emotional and psychological stress that a woman experiences during pregnancy. An adequate explanation is a combination of three aspects.

Second trimester

Expectations that drowsiness will go away by the 13th week are sometimes not justified. The main justification during this period is that the baby is already grown up. The fetus sets the woman's periods of wakefulness and sleep, which do not always coincide with the mother's, and the close relationship between the two organisms leads to the fact that the mother wants to sleep with the baby.

Sleepiness in the second trimester is not laziness. That's a coincidence life cycles, which is necessary because at this time the baby’s basic abilities are formed. An additional aspect: the intensity of development in the fetus has increased, more building materials are required, and its mother limits herself in food so as not to spoil her figure. Flaw nutrients can cause a strong urge to sleep.

Third trimester

Explanations for constant fatigue, lethargy and the desire to sleep are related to hormonal status, fetal growth, possible complications caused by increased size putting pressure on internal organs. A child may behave restlessly at night, looking for comfortable position, and the immune conflict still requires the body to make efforts to preserve the fetus.

If the doctor examines you regularly and sees no cause for alarm, it means that the woman is pregnant.

Seeing a doctor

Pathological deviations can also cause increased sleepiness. The most common of them are:

  • anemia;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • lack of vitamins.

Anemia is diagnosed by hemoglobin analysis, but there are also quite obvious signs: hair becomes dry and brittle, falls out, skin becomes pale and seems thinner, nails peel and break, soles and palms begin to peel. Treatment of the pathology depends on the degree of its severity. The first can be compensated for by diet, while the third requires hospitalization and intensive care.

Hypothyroidism this difficult period may occur against the background autoimmune processes or iodine deficiency. Fatigue, forgetfulness, sharp set weight, dryness skin, heart problems, and fluid retention can easily be attributed to a complicated pregnancy. Therefore, if there are a combination of symptoms, it is better to consult a doctor.

A lack of vitamins manifests itself in much the same way as anemia, with increased bleeding gums, blurred vision, dental problems, ulcerations on the mucous membranes, red eyes and swelling. Lack of a particular vitamin or mineral has its own distinctive features, but the overall picture is quite typical, and with a complex of symptoms, a doctor is vital.

If drowsiness is natural and not accompanied by pathological signs in the early stages of pregnancy, then there is no reason to fight. But women work even while carrying a fetus. Therefore, this condition becomes a serious obstacle to the performance of official duties.

Drug treatment pathological conditions will have to be postponed, but vitamins, iodine-containing preparations and a specialized diet will help get rid of the problem if it is diagnosed at the beginning of pregnancy and is overcome under medical supervision.

There will be no harm from the fact that a woman eliminates the state of drowsiness on her own during the working day if she goes to bed on time and at the same time. The body will sleep for the prescribed number of hours and rest productively. If you can sleep for 1-2 hours in the middle of the day, or just lie down and give your body a rest, that would be ideal. After all, drowsiness in the early stages of pregnancy is not a pathology, but a natural consequence of the emergence of a new life.

Pregnancy is a time of new sensations and various complaints. Expectant mothers may notice drowsiness or irritability, pain in the head and lower back, changes in taste or nausea, and weight gain. Sometimes they notice that there is an increasing desire to drink a lot of liquid. Is extreme thirst associated with pregnancy?


Moderate or severe thirst is not a sign of pregnancy, although it is quite common during this period. Typically, the desire to drink a lot arises in the early stages, in the first or second trimester, and is more often noted during the day. However, night thirst also occurs. In the third trimester, the appearance of such a symptom along with swelling is often noted.

The causes of this condition can be both physiological and pathological. However, the appearance of such a complaint should alert the expectant mother. It is best not to delay consulting your doctor in this situation.

If severe thirst develops suddenly, in the midst of complete health, and is almost impossible to quench, a trip to a specialist should be made immediately.

Physiological reasons

Bearing a child is impossible without complete hormonal changes in the female body. The volume of substances changes, blood flow increases, and the rate of chemical reactions increases.

The expectant mother must ensure not only the normal functioning of her body, but also the growth of the fetus. All this requires additional fluid intake into the body and is manifested by the desire to drink a lot.

Physiological causes of thirst during pregnancy include:

  1. Changes in metabolism. Water is the basis of all chemical reactions. If their number or speed increases, then the need for fluid increases.
  2. A change in blood flow, which entails an increase in fluid volume.
  3. Appearance amniotic fluid. This leads to additional fluid consumption and thirst, especially in the second and third trimesters. The desire to drink may become strong if the volume of amniotic fluid increases sharply or if there is polyhydramnios.
  4. Intensive kidney work. Since a woman’s excretory system has to work for two, all processes in them occur faster. This explains the more frequent desire to drink.
  5. Changing your diet. Expectant mothers often note the need for spicy, sweet or salty foods. After such dishes, thirst will increase, sometimes quite strongly.

If the desire to drink is due to physiological reasons, there is no need to be afraid of it. However, only the attending physician can determine the nature of thirst after conducting certain tests.

Pathological causes

Although most often thirst during pregnancy is a natural phenomenon and can be easily corrected by changing your diet or drinking regime, sometimes it can become a symptom of a dangerous disease.

Most Frequent pathological causes thirst when carrying a child is:

  • Diabetes.
  • Toxicosis.
  • Preeclampsia.
  • Concomitant diseases.

Pathological thirst cannot be ignored. It can be suspected when you constantly want to drink and cannot satisfy this desire with any drinks. This condition requires full examination and quality treatment, since its outcomes can be too serious.


Diabetes mellitus, or diabetes, can develop before conception or only during pregnancy. In the second case, it is called gestational and, with appropriate treatment after childbirth, disappears safely.

If a woman has not previously had any changes in blood sugar levels, then a sudden feeling of extreme thirst may be a sign of the onset of gestational diabetes. In addition to the desire to drink, the expectant mother may also notice other symptoms:

  • Very frequent urination, or polyuria. Sometimes this symptom is called diabetes, so often you have to go to the toilet.
  • Increased appetite, or, conversely, lack thereof.
  • Weight loss.
  • Dry skin.
  • Nausea and vomiting.

The combination of such signs with the first appearance of severe thirst indicates the development of gestational diabetes and requires immediate determination of blood glucose.

If a woman was sick diabetes mellitus before pregnancy, a pronounced desire to drink is associated with decompensation of this disease. This can happen during pregnancy, as sugar levels and stress on the body change significantly. But as a rule, people with long experience diabetics know the warning signs, and if they are constantly thirsty, consult a doctor promptly.


Toxicosis in the early stages is often accompanied by vomiting. It can be one-time or, which happens more often, multiple times throughout the day. This condition can easily lead to dehydration, especially during the hot season.

At severe vomiting the expectant mother will experience constant strong thirst. If you cannot cope with toxicosis and dehydration on your own, the woman will need hospital treatment - intravenous drip administration of fluid.

Increasing thirst against the background of vomiting is a dangerous sign.


In the second half of pregnancy, the expectant mother may experience gestosis. More often it is observed in the later stages, in the third trimester. Like toxicosis, it is a specific complication during pregnancy.

In this case, first of all, women begin to complain about the appearance of edema. However, they in no way indicate excess fluid intake. On the contrary, it is a symptom of impaired kidney function, due to which water is not retained in the vascular bed, but accumulates in the surrounding tissues. She practically does not participate in the exchange. That is why, despite the growing swelling, the expectant mother will constantly want to drink. And it is impossible to limit the flow of fluid in such a situation.

Concomitant diseases

During pregnancy protective forces decline and various diseases begin to attack female body. Most often these are ARVI, colds, pathologies respiratory system– pharyngitis, tonsillitis and bronchitis.

These diseases are often accompanied by an increase in body temperature, which causes thirst. Also, the desire to drink arises due to the emerging dryness of the mucous membranes.

The more fluid that comes in during an illness, the faster the expectant mother will cope with it. Therefore, a wise organism reacts to pathological process increasing thirst.

To distinguish a pathological desire to drink from a physiological one, a doctor’s consultation and a certain examination are necessary.


Suspect the real reason The doctor is able to detect thirst during the interview and examination. However, there are a number of tests that are required when this symptom appears. First of all this:

  1. Blood glucose to exclude or confirm diabetes mellitus.
  2. General urine analysis. It allows you to identify a protein that appears there only during gestosis.
  3. General blood analysis. Its changes indicate an inflammatory process.
  4. Biochemical blood test. These are many indicators that help assess the functioning of the liver and kidneys, markers of inflammation, and the protein composition of the blood.

If necessary, other examinations may be prescribed - for example, ultrasound.


It is impossible to get rid of pathological thirst without treating the underlying disease. And the therapy will be different in each case:

  • Insulin for diabetes.
  • Saline solutions for dehydration.
  • Protein preparations for gestosis.
  • Anti-inflammatory or antibacterial medications in case of concomitant diseases.

However, it is equally important to maintain the correct drinking regime. And in the case of physiological thirst, this is the only treatment option.

Drinking regime

While pregnant, not all drinks are healthy. Some are categorically not recommended for quenching thirst. Pregnant women can drink:

  • table water.
  • weak green tea.
  • compotes.
  • fruit drinks.
  • fresh juices.
  • herbal teas (allowed during pregnancy).

Sweet carbonated water of all flavors and varieties, energy drinks, tonics, strong black tea, and coffee are prohibited.

Thirst may be common during pregnancy. But not to miss dangerous disease, you must definitely inform your doctor about it.

Pregnancy is not only the happiest time for the expectant mother, but also an extremely responsible event, which not every woman can go through with honor, having avoided all temptations. On the way to the birth of a healthy and strong baby, each of us faces hundreds of dangers, temptations and superstitions every day, which can only slightly harm us and our beloved fetus, or can take us to the hospital to save the baby, or even provoke premature birth and other extremely unpleasant troubles.

So let's figure out what should be avoided by pregnant women. I will not dwell for long on the well-known truths that smoking cigarettes, hookah, tobacco, drinking alcohol, i.e. vodka, other strong alcoholic drinks, as well as beer, wine and similar liqueurs are also highly not recommended, because then it will inevitably affect the health of the gestating offspring in a negative way (including dementia, frequent illnesses and even miscarriage).

I am silent about what you can't use drugs- this, in my personal opinion, goes without saying.

Let's talk about less obvious, but no less pressing topics about the dangers and benefits of this or that behavior, the use of certain products on our body during this wonderful nine-month period intrauterine development our baby.

First of all, I want to say that the widely advertised benefits of Kegel exercises for the vaginal muscles often bring expectant mothers to the hospital ahead of time, they are put in storage because they, with the persistence of fanatics, did these exercises 3-5 times a day for 5-10 and more minutes, thinking that in this way they will help themselves during childbirth.

Therefore, dear ladies, Don't overdo Kegel exercises! They are effective and harmless only when performed for no more than 10 minutes a day! Otherwise, you may end up in the gynecological department much earlier than planned and with completely disappointing fears about the future.

Secondly, physical exercise, this is also, of course, class, but in moderation. Modern doctors do not see much difference between the birth of a woman who led an active lifestyle and a passive lady. But the former more often end up being retained, again due to excessive fanaticism and increased effort.

10-15 minutes throughout the day will be enough to wave your arms slightly, move your legs, twist your neck to disperse the blood throughout your body.

Follow the rule of the golden mean and be sure to listen to your inner biological voice.

Thirdly, the benefits breathing exercises during childbirth, of course, is great, but not so much as to rehearse them more than 5 times a day before, and so that the total number of these rehearsals again exceeds 10 minutes a day.

After all, before women They calmly gave birth to babies without any respiratory complications, and everything was fine.

Therefore, in the last months of pregnancy, it is much more important to go to motherhood school and learn to listen to your body in order to become an ally with it, than to indiscriminately apply those techniques that may be completely ineffective for you.

Also it is undesirable to experience negative emotions . If the doctor observing you upsets you, change him, and perhaps even change the maternity hospital to another one, with a more “friendly interface” - fortunately, now there are such institutions, and not just casemate maternity hospitals.

Involve dad in communicating with the baby - let him stroke your tummy, give you a massage, because everything he does for you, he now does to a greater extent for his child.

Avoid such harmful foods during pregnancy, like tea (black, green, herbal), coffee in large doses. Drink them no more than 1-2 times a week, even if you really want to.

Eliminate from your diet chips and crackers in bags - they contain too many carcinogens.

Also, carefully read the labels on product packaging in stores and try to consume as little as possible those that contain a lot of E-additives, contain GMOs, or are unlikely to be natural for the money.

By the way, most of dairy products (I would even say 99%) in stores are simply oversaturated with chemicals, so I recommend buying healthier ones natural products from grandmothers at markets, who bring them from villages.

If possible, take your husband under your arm and let him take you to the nearest village, where you can buy milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, which are extremely useful for the development of your baby. It is also better to buy chicken, pork, beef, fish there - they contain less growth hormones than those sold in supermarkets and chicken “boutiques”.

Even non-alcoholic beer is definitely harmful, it contains a certain percentage of alcohol. Although, if you want to give birth to a future alcoholic... This is your personal business.

Kvass is useful, but only if it is natural. Therefore, it is better to buy kvass from barrels, which is brought and produced at bakeries; bottled kvass is usually oversaturated with various preservatives and flavorings.

Computers and laptops are not harmful for pregnant women if they take at least one break per hour for 5 minutes and do not sit staring at the monitor all day. Get up, go to the toilet, take a shower, have a snack, look out the window, stretch (but carefully!), in general, diversify your sitting with some kind of movement.

Ultrasound for pregnant women is not harmful, but also not useful, especially often. There is usually no point in doing an ultrasound more than 3 times in 9 months. Ultrasound is a delicate thing and will not harm one million children, but the first million may be very sensitive.

So don’t tempt fate and just wait until the last months, don’t rush to find out whether you have a boy or a girl.

But before giving birth, I highly recommend an ultrasound to make sure that the baby is developing well, and to take (required!) a photo of him with the genitals, so that after the birth, if something happens, they won’t tell you that you had a boy, if on the ultrasound there was girl.

Solarium is harmful for pregnant women. It is already harmful: in the UK, many middle-aged women (30-40 years old) die from cancer because... for poor English ladies it is not a luxury, but a means of spending leisure time, which often ends in the grave.

But sunbathing in the gentle sun from the morning until 11 o’clock and after 17 o’clock in the afternoon is just the thing. But if it doesn’t last long, because everything that’s too much is too much.

Among the harmful jobs, I would highlight carrying heavy loads - they must be excluded: in the early stages this can lead to miscarriage, in the later stages - to premature birth and difficult childbirth.

It is also advisable to exclude nervous work: no amount of money will compensate for your health, and treatment will later be more expensive for you and your baby.

Self tanning, decorative cosmetics, sprays and antiperspirants, as well as other chemicals and perfumes, it is advisable to completely exclude them from your makeup. By the way, just recently scientists suddenly discovered that antiperspirants cause cancer. Surprised! The smell of them always made me sick, even before I was pregnant.

In general, you need to listen to yourself, and if in doubt, refuse what you doubt.

Of course, scientists do not yet have scientific evidence, that hair coloring has a negative impact on the child’s health, but this does not mean that this is really the case. Therefore, rather than risk it, it’s better to go unpainted - you’ll still have time to be beautiful later.

Household chemicals are also harmful to pregnant women, so try not to come into contact with them. If it is impossible to force your husband to clean the toilet with a toilet duck, at least do it in rubber gloves and go out and breathe air more often.

Masturbation and sex during pregnancy are beneficial, not harmful.. But not for everyone. For those women who have special contraindications, they can cause harm and provoke premature birth, especially in the last two months.

But for most ladies and their future children, both masturbation and sex with a beloved man are a blessing.

But it is harmful to stimulate the nipples in the last trimester - this can be done artificially, ahead of schedule stimulate labor ahead of time. The same applies to washing floors in a pose, excuse me, cancer, and lifting weights.

Crying for pregnant women It’s possible, but not very often. Those. Hysterics can be fed to us women like bread, but for pregnant women, periodic outbursts of emotions are the norm. But do not revel in your suffering, remember that it is not only meaningless, but in your case it is also destructive - in this way you are instilling a whiny character and a defeatist attitude in your baby. So be strong, be strong for his happiness.

The news of impending motherhood evokes a number of conflicting feelings: at first it may be filled with delight, then - doubts and anxiety. A pregnant woman may be overcome by fears about whether she can cope with the role of a mother, how her usual way of life will now change, whether her partner is ready for the changes that are taking place, and, ultimately, how the birth will go.

In addition to such thoughts, nausea, heartburn, vomiting, fatigue, and drowsiness appear. Feelings, tastes and preferences change. Physical ailments low self-esteem, depressed mood, irritability, even rage - this is not a complete list of sensations that can overcome a woman. It is not surprising that in such a state, even the slightest reason can cause tears.


Pregnant women are characterized by sentimentality, anxiety, suggestibility and resentment. But the reason for these feelings is not only fears for the future, but also hormones. Namely: hCG, estrogen, relaxin, oxytocin, prostaglandin, cortisone, prolactin and placental lactogen - being catalysts for the necessary physical processes, can have a huge impact on emotional background.

But the most big influence on mental condition A pregnant woman is provided with adrenaline, norepinephrine and endorphins. These hormones are responsible for increasing the heart rate. Endorphins, moreover, are a natural pain reliever; their levels gradually increase and reach their maximum at the time of childbirth.


Hormones are a common, but not the only reason for sudden tears in the eyes of a pregnant woman. Doctors say that about 10-12% of expectant mothers suffer from real depression, and the same percentage also overtakes postpartum depression. The symptoms are still the same - fatigue, anxious thoughts, sadness, tears. But with hormonal fluctuations, at least from time to time, hormones of joy will also appear, and that the mood will periodically improve, and tears will be followed by laughter. And if such a depressed state continues for more than 2 weeks without being replaced by positive emotions, perhaps it makes sense to consult a specialist. This problem can be solved together with a psychotherapist, possibly with the help of antidepressants, which can only be used with the approval of a gynecologist.

It is impossible to predict exactly how pregnancy will go emotionally. Much depends on individual characteristics body. For example, if during PMS a woman experienced apathy, self-pity and a desire to cry, then with a high degree of probability we can say that this will happen again during pregnancy.

The main thing to remember is that tantrums and outbursts of rage cause excessive adrenaline release and spasms. blood vessels in the uterus, which negatively affects the baby. Mom's feelings and emotions can affect development nervous system child and even leave an imprint of pain in the brain cells. Therefore, despite hormonal changes, it makes sense to take control of your emotions and try to cope with negativity for the sake of your baby’s health.

9 months of pregnancy are the happiest and at the same time tense and exciting for a woman. It becomes difficult to avoid nervousness and breakdowns at such times. The ability to cope with emotions and listen to your body will require some time and understanding from loved ones.


During the first trimester of pregnancy, significant changes occur in a woman's body. People around will not be able to notice them from the outside, but the woman feels everything on an internal level. Hormonal levels, attitudes towards oneself and others, well-being and general worldview change. It has been repeatedly noted that changes in a woman’s character and behavior are felt most strongly by those closest to her - her husband or relatives. It is believed that in this way a woman instinctively tries to prepare her husband and loved ones for the birth of a baby. Prepare for, without sleep and some difficulties.

The first and third trimesters are considered the most nervous during pregnancy. In the first, the woman does not yet fully understand what is happening to her body, which, in turn, is controlled by hormones and instincts. At this time, a woman cannot reflect on the changes in the body, but can only take them for granted, which is where unnecessary nervousness and irritability appear. Some changes are not entirely clear. Taste preferences change, favorite smells may become disgusting, and toxicosis begins to manifest itself. All these changes sometimes confuse us and make us nervous and worried. Many women themselves cannot understand where their nervousness and irritation come from. Why loving and caring woman in an instant she is ready to trample everything in her path.

The cause of increased nervousness may be uncertainty about the future. When pregnancy is complicated or there are life circumstances that frighten the mother, it is difficult to remain calm. A woman may ask many questions about future life, the relationship of father to child, financial problems.

A woman can also become nervous due to physically unpleasant sensations. They intensify as labor approaches. The uterus stretches and begins to put pressure on neighboring organs, increasing the load on the legs and spine. It becomes difficult to move and perform simple actions. A woman may feel helpless. The approaching birth makes you worry about the birth process, the well-being of the baby and life after birth.

Doctors came to the conclusion that the increased nervousness of the expectant mother leads to strong jumps in the level of hormones in the body of both the woman herself and her baby. Therefore, it is worth learning to hear yourself, your baby and loved ones and not expose your unborn child to unnecessary shocks.

Constantly changing mood is one of the difficulties of female nature. Unstable emotional background, sudden depression or hyperactivity - all this is associated with two cycles that control the fair sex.


A woman’s state and mood directly depend not only on events occurring in life, but also on the physiological (menstrual) and lunar cycles. Representatives of the fairer sex react quite strongly to new moons, full moons and eclipses, and are also dependent on hormonal changes during menstruation and ovulation.

A woman who is due in the near future, in most cases, has a very unstable mood. This is explained by both hormonal changes in the body and the spiritual aspect of what is happening. After all, menstruation means that in this cycle the egg died without giving a new life. Feminine nature is designed in such a way that the desire to become a mother is constantly present at the subconscious level. This is why women become irritated too easily during menstruation, lose their temper and cry often.

Ovulation in this case is perceived as a potential opportunity to give this new life. Usually during ovulation (somewhere in the middle menstrual cycle) women look especially good, their mood rises, they seem to glow from within. Accordingly, the closer the day of the start of menstruation, the more depressed the woman becomes, the closer ovulation is, the more cheerful she is.

Women react differently to lunar cycles. It depends on individual characteristics, energy portrait, and the position of the moon in the horoscope. However, some general trends can still be identified. For example, representatives of the fair sex experience elation and positive emotions and the waxing moon, respectively, the new moon marks a loss of strength and depression.

There are also special days which are called "Ekadashi". This word in the Hindu calendar refers to the eleventh day after the new moon or full moon. From a religious point of view, Ekadashi is The Best Day for fasting and spiritual cleansing, but for women this is a difficult day, full of quarrels, irritation, misunderstanding and tears. At this time, it is better to leave the woman alone, alone with her experiences. This makes it much easier to get through such a difficult day.

Don't assume that mood swings are a trait feminine character. It is necessary to understand that these are completely objective processes caused by the characteristics of the female body. And understanding the causes and timing of emotional “outbursts” helps the woman herself and her loved ones experience such periods much easier.

The feeling of a woman who finds out that she is expecting a child is unforgettable. Now, it would seem, all that remains is to calmly and happily await the arrival of the baby. But time passes, bringing both joy and sorrow. And any little thing can bring an expectant mother to tears. At the same time, not only she herself suffers, but also her loved ones. How to understand pregnant wife?


Sometimes you begin to feel as if your wife has been replaced. She alternates between being angry and crying for any reason. He digs into himself, into your behavior, starts quarrels on empty space. In general, he will always find a reason to be offended in the environment or in the behavior of other people. Believe me, this situation occurs in many couples who are expecting a child. Try to understand that the expectant mother herself is not happy with her whims. It’s just that a woman’s hormonal background changes over time. This causes increased susceptibility to external factors. This means that the wife’s behavior is not at all spoiled by her character. Remember: everything expressed in the hearts, with tears and bitterness, is dictated not by her consciousness, but by hormones. After a while, the spouse will calm down and will be ashamed herself. offensive words. Step on male pride for the sake of family peace, hug expectant mother and tell her that you still love her.

Pregnant woman needs increased attention and care. Not receiving this (in her opinion), she . And grievances develop into quarrels. Take an interest in your wife’s well-being, help more around the house. Ask your spouse about pregnancy, stroke your belly more often, and talk to your baby. This will help awaken paternal feelings and affection for the child. It will be easier for you to understand the expectant mother.

It would be wrong to attribute everything to hormonal levels. Sometimes a woman just doesn't have enough maternal care. Offended and scandalous, not wanting to grow up, in this way she tries to attract the attention of her husband, to find this care from him. Talk to your wife. A woman’s experiences cause discomfort not only to her and her loved ones, but also to the child. Go to an appointment with a psychologist together to help your wife understand herself and make the time of waiting for the baby joyful and happy.


  • how to understand pregnancy

Misunderstandings often arise between members of the same family. Exactly overcoming together difficulties is an indicator of a strong union. Pregnancy is a period that is best experienced together.


Frequent changes moods during pregnancy can really drive you crazy. Often, loved ones in despair begin to think that it is simply impossible to understand a pregnant woman. And this is true, moreover: often a pregnant woman does not understand herself. Hormonal changes in her body no longer depend on her, and she, like those around her, does not understand that simple things have become complex, a trivial problem makes you want to cry all day, and being close to loved ones is sometimes so annoying. Hormonal surges in the body are reminiscent of adolescence: you also want everything at once, but in the case of pregnancy this is aggravated by poor health and, often, toxicosis.

It will be easier if the man’s attitude towards the pregnant woman is adequate. The option “not to take it seriously and fulfill every request with emotion” is just as worthless as the demands to behave as before. A woman carrying a child wants to feel like never before full-fledged family and society, and her condition during this period makes this impossible. Her life is no longer her own. For the expectant mother It is not easy to come to terms with such a paradox and get used to it. Her body is no longer suitable for long walks And long trips, which she most likely loved so much before pregnancy. After another quarrel with her husband, she cannot relax with a friend over a glass of wine. It is the woman who bears the responsibility for her own and other people’s lives for the coming years. She herself wanted this, and nevertheless, it is hardly possible to get used to all this at once.

For the most healthy woman pregnancy will still be a difficult test and is unlikely to go without a hitch. A man should remember himself during a period of illness: the sensations are similar, only the burden of responsibility is greater. Lower back pain, a growing uncomfortable belly, toxicosis, swelling - all this together will not add to anyone’s health. good mood and cheerfulness. If you remember all this when communicating, it will be even easier to understand a pregnant woman. A woman is afraid of the upcoming birth, and who wouldn’t be? You should not assume that the program for pregnancy and childbearing is built into the female body by default. This has nothing to do with reality. A woman’s psyche is just as unprepared for childbirth as a man’s psyche, and if he simply tries to imagine how this process happens to him, perhaps all the misunderstandings will end there.


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Nine months of a woman’s pregnancy is a special period not only for her, but also for her loved ones. This is a happy, joyful time, everyone is preparing for the birth of a child. But during this period, troubles, stress and health problems for the pregnant woman also occur. The husband must support and take care of his wife, be gentle and affectionate.


Your wife is now responsible for two lives, you must be a reliable support and assistant for her in any matter. Take on some of the responsibilities of your beloved woman around the house. Do not allow your wife to carry heavy weights, because this threatens miscarriage. Buy groceries yourself according to the list your spouse gives you.

Late dates are especially dangerous. You will have to wash the floors yourself and hang out the wet laundry. Consult the doctor who is monitoring your wife, ask what is allowed and recommended for her, and what is strictly prohibited. Watch how the pregnant woman follows the instructions, because a woman, due to instability of mood during these months, may be capricious and refuse to monitor her health.

A girl “in pregnancy” is especially sensitive to everything beautiful and romantic. Give her flowers every day, buy cute trinkets. Arrange joint evenings of relaxation with a healthy healthy food, walks in the fresh air and watching a new movie on a comfortable sofa.

Some women are unhappy during this period overprotectiveness, others complain about lack of attention. In this matter, rely on your spouse; it is impossible to give a single recommendation. A pregnant woman's mood can change several times per minute.

Pay attention to your unborn child. More often, place your hand on your wife’s bulging tummy and say something affectionate to the baby. Doctors have long proven that the baby hears the voice and feels the touch of the father. Your wife will be incredibly pleased with your attention and care for her and your child.

Please your wife with compliments, because pregnant women do not feel very confident and are afraid of their rivals. Don't stay late at work and don't give any reasons for jealousy. Hormonal changes in a woman’s body can lead to severe depression and stress if she suspects infidelity and betrayal on your part.

Sex with a pregnant wife will only bring benefits if there are no special instructions from the attending physician. A woman will feel much more confident if you keep the rhythm sex life and you won’t get tired of whispering to your beloved how beautiful and desirable she is.

Don’t give in to your wife’s provocations and hysterics, don’t get angry. It’s better to calmly and gently dispel all her fears and concerns. Be logical and reasonable, speak confidently to your spouse and do not raise your tone.

Whether she's crying or laughing hysterically, either way, hug her tenderly and tell her how much you love her. If your wife wakes you up at night and asks you to bring a cake with smoked fish or salted pineapple, run to the store and buy strawberries and grilled chicken just in case.


  • Pregnant wife: relationship features
  • how to communicate with pregnant women

Pregnancy is very special important stage in the life of a woman preparing to become a mother. She is at the same time happy, realizing that inside her there has arisen new life, and worries: is the development of the fetus proceeding normally, are there any complications. Sometimes a woman experiences great fear before childbirth: what if it hurts unbearably? More to this mixed in toxicosis, bad feeling, frequent mood swings, whims, tears. In a word, the husband of a pregnant woman experiences hard life.

You should reassure your wife, instill in her confidence that everything will go fine, that your baby will be born in due date, strong and healthy. Under no circumstances should you laugh even jokingly at her worsening appearance, like: “There used to be a chick, now it’s a donut”! or: “Oh, you’re my plump little girl!” It’s hard to even imagine a more serious mistake. Pregnant women already have severe complexes about their blurry figure, and such words can drive them into deep depression. On the contrary, you need to make it clear to your wife in every possible way that she is still the most beautiful, beloved and desired for you.

Of course, it is necessary to protect the pregnant woman from excessive physical activity, stress, and unnecessary risks. You should take on at least part of the household chores and not allow your wife to lift or carry heavy objects. It is also advisable for you, if possible, to accompany your wife to work and meet her. And, of course, it is necessary to make every effort to ensure that the house is comfortable, welcoming psychological situation. You should not talk about sad things or discuss any tragic events. Contacts with people who irritate your wife should be reduced to a minimum.

Breathless. All these fears have no medical basis, and, therefore, they can be considered very doubtful.

But in ancient times they firmly believed in this - they grew their hair, braiding it in a thick braid. After marriage, this braid was divided into two parts, which meant - part of his vitality the woman passes it on to her children. That’s why in Rus' people didn’t cut their hair, because it meant changing their destiny, often not for the better. Married women wrapped their hair around their heads and hid it from prying eyes under kokoshniks and scarves. During sleep, a long and thick braid could cover him, protecting him from the cold. It was believed that health depended on the length and condition of hair. And these days, long and shiny hair indicates that a woman is in good health.

The opinion of hairdressers on this matter is quite understandable - it makes no sense to change your hairstyle. Your hair will not fit into a new hairstyle, and if you decide to tint it again, the color may turn out to be the most unexpected. All this is due to the change hormonal levels, which disrupts the structure of the hair - it can not only react inadequately to dyeing, but also begin to curl if it was previously straight, and vice versa. During the gestation period, it only makes sense to trim the ends of the hair.

Another explanation that women should have long hair, is the opinion of midwives. Changes immediately occur in the subcutaneous layer associated with the production of melanin - yellow-brown spots may remain on the face. To prevent this from happening, some midwives still force women in labor to rub their faces with theirs, and when they cannot do this, they perform all the movements themselves.

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Is this whimsical desire to eat a salty bite with ice cream an attempt to tell us something important, or should we resist it with all our might? Why do some pregnant women’s tastes change radically, while others remain virtually unchanged? We are unlikely to ever know for sure. According to various studies, approximately 80% of pregnant women have food “fads”. Experts are still arguing about their possible causes.

One of several studies on this topic was conducted in Sri Lanka and published in the Indian health journal Indian Journal of Public Health. Of the 1,000 women who took part in the study, 47.3% had very specific requests: the majority wanted sour, meat and fish were in second place, then fruits (including unripe ones), and baked goods completed the list.

It is curious that, according to the observations of scientists, this kind of “whims” were “much more common among women who married for love, and did not marry by agreement of their parents,” as well as “superstitious women.”

Marcia Pelchat, PhD, who is also a physiological psychologist and a research fellow at the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia, notes that there are many theories about what causes certain cravings in pregnant women, but there is little evidence few. Cravings for ice cream and fruit may be a sign of a lack of vitamin C and calcium, which are essential for a child's development. But there is no scientific evidence for this, Marcia Pelshat once again emphasizes. Moreover: “The likelihood that our quirks are explained by the needs of the body is extremely small. Of course, we all like to think that we are doing something better for the child by indulging in salty potato chips, and perhaps we are, but we are not sure about it.”

But Kay Daniels, M.D., M.D., a midwife at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital in Palo Alto, California, believes that the body is wiser. "I've heard enough stories over the years that women often want the same things - especially during the first trimester - so I believe that this is truly what the body needs."

Some believe that the passion for meat, sweets and carbohydrates is explained by the Darwinian mechanism: it seems like the body requires high-calorie food so that the resulting energy is enough for both the child and the mother - especially if she has severe toxicosis. Others suggest that women subconsciously try to “eat up” poor health.

Sometimes cravings for carbohydrates and sweets appear in women a few days before the start of menstruation and in the first days of it, notes Marcia Pelshat, when many of the same hormones that are activated during pregnancy are activated.

“There is ample evidence that changes in eating habits are caused by hormones, but exactly how this mechanism works is not clear,” says Marcia Pelschat. “There is also a possibility that this is just a habit: a woman feels bad, and in order to somehow “comfort” herself, she starts eating, for example, chocolate.” This is followed by a release of endorphins and/or serotonin, and as a result we feel better.

True, it happens differently: some mothers complain that when they were pregnant, they did not want anything harmful at all; on the contrary, they happily ate a lot of fruits, vegetables and protein. But after the birth of the child, their previous food preferences returned, and they again began to eat things they shouldn’t.

Another American study on change taste preferences in pregnant women, was published in The Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. According to the results, the range of preferences is quite wide, but there are some common ones:

  • Salty. According to Marcia Pelshat, this is due to an increase in blood volume and, accordingly, an increased need for sodium.
  • Gorky. Sometimes, as pregnancy progresses, women's aversion to bitter things decreases.
  • Sour. Especially in the second and third trimesters. The authors suggest that this is your body's way of trying to add variety to your diet during pregnancy.

The fact that many fruits are both sour and sweet and sour may partly explain the craving for them, explains Kay Daniels. Additionally, sour-tasting foods help curb nausea. During pregnancy, Kay Daniels's mother literally went crazy for cherries, although she had not eaten them before or after. And Kay herself’s favorite dish for all nine months was rice with vinegar. “I remember how, sitting at dining table I secretly poured vinegar over my portion of rice,” she recalls with a laugh. “One day my husband caught me doing this and asked in horror: “Why the hell are you doing this?” I honestly answered that I don’t know, but I want it so much, so let him leave me alone.”

“Also, in my ‘normal’ life, I was a real fan of chocolate, but during pregnancy I didn’t want it at all,” says Daniels. Nevertheless, immediately after the birth of her son, before leaving the recovery room, she demanded a bar of her favorite chocolate.

For more information, see the Health Day website.

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