How a pregnant tummy grows. Belly during pregnancy - changes by week What determines the size of the belly during pregnancy

The belly during pregnancy is the object of close attention of expectant mothers. Often, only after learning about an interesting position, a pregnant woman begins to look at her still flat tummy. Some mothers are looking forward to the appearance of a rounded tummy, while others are afraid of changing their figure.

Indeed, the belly during pregnancy changes most of all and informs everyone around about the proud title of the future mother. Moreover, not only the size and shape of the abdomen is changing, the skin also undergoes changes, pigmentation appears, and possibly stretch marks (read "").

How the belly grows during pregnancy.

The size of the abdomen in a pregnant woman depends on many factors: physique, muscle condition, the size of the baby, its location and the amount of amniotic fluid. In large, tall women, the stomach may visually appear smaller, while in thin women, compared to the complexion of the mother, it is large.

Naturally, with multiple pregnancies or polyhydramnios, the abdomen will be larger. The shape and size of the abdomen during the first and second (third) pregnancies will also differ. Most likely, in subsequent pregnancies, the tummy will become noticeable earlier than during the bearing of the first baby.

The uterus begins to grow almost from the first days of pregnancy, at eight weeks it is already the size of a fist, at twelve - the size of the head of a newborn baby. But the abdomen is not yet visible, because the uterus is very low and closed by the pubic bone.

Only after 12 weeks, the uterus begins to emerge from the pelvic area, and the doctor can feel the bottom of the uterus through the anterior abdominal wall. The longer the gestation period, the higher the uterus rises.

At 16 weeks, the bottom of the uterus is midway between the pubis and the navel, and at 24 - at the level of the navel. The height of the standing of the fundus of the uterus before 30 weeks increases by 0.7-1.9 centimeters per week, at 30-36 weeks - by 0.6-1.2 cm per week, after 36 weeks - by 0.1-0.4 see a week. After 38 weeks of pregnancy, the uterus, on the contrary, may lower a little, which is associated with the lowering of the fetal head and the early onset of labor.

Doctors of the antenatal clinic after 16 weeks of pregnancy begin to control the size of the abdomen. To do this, in a horizontal position using a measuring tape, the circumference of the abdomen and the height of the uterine fundus are measured.

There are no strict norms for abdominal circumference by weeks or months of pregnancy, since every woman initially has a very different complexion, waist volume, and fatty layer on the abdomen. With the progress of pregnancy, the abdominal circumference should increase and the doctor observes its change in dynamics.

There are many errors in the measurement of the abdominal circumference and the height of the uterine fundus, therefore, these parameters are not of great practical importance. However, if the height of the fundus of the uterus is much less or more than the norm, then some deviations can be assumed. In such cases, the doctor sends the pregnant woman for an ultrasound scan.

A strip on the belly during pregnancy.

Due to hormonal changes, almost all pregnant women sooner or later develop a pigment strip on the abdomen. Most often, a strip on the abdomen appears in the second, less often in the third trimester, but sometimes it may appear in the early stages of pregnancy.

Typically, the abdominal stripe starts at the very bottom of the abdomen and extends to the navel, and sometimes to the chest. Our ancestors believed that if the line is light and ends near the navel, then the mother is expecting a girl, and if it is dark and stretches to the ribs, then a boy. But these are just folk signs that have no confirmation.

You will not be able to get rid of the strip on your stomach during pregnancy, and it is not necessary, because this is just evidence of your position, normal hormonal changes during pregnancy. But after childbirth, the strip will gradually turn pale and disappear, so you should not worry. In rare cases, the strip remains forever, but in any case, over time, it will become pale, almost invisible.

Belly hair during pregnancy.

All the same hormonal changes sometimes lead to the fact that a woman begins to grow hair on her stomach. In principle, hair grows all over the body, but it is light, soft and thin, however during pregnancy this vellus hair can become darker and therefore become noticeable. Also, the life cycle of hair is lengthened, that is, they are less likely to fall out.

These side effects of pregnancy hormones can make body hair thicker. After giving birth, within a few months, the hormonal background returns to normal and excess hairs fall out.

Of course, moms are embarrassed by the cosmetic effect, but it is contraindicated to remove abdominal hair with an epilator, hardware procedures or hot wax during pregnancy.

Body hair can be shaved off, but this procedure is fraught with skin irritation, infection, and it will have to be done often. It is better to have a little patience and everything will return to a pre-pregnant state. Many women during pregnancy are faced with the appearance of hair on the abdomen, but after childbirth, this problem disappears.

A pregnant tummy is what distinguishes the expectant mother from the crowd of other women, attracts attention, causes affection, and even envy in some. There is no need to be afraid of the changes that occur to your belly during pregnancy, because all this is temporary and after the birth of the baby will gradually return to its previous state.

All expectant mothers know that their body will change significantly during pregnancy - their breasts will increase, their belly will grow and, of course, extra pounds will be added. Women pay the most attention to their belly. For example, at the beginning of pregnancy, many mothers are worried about the fact that their belly is not growing fast enough. How should it grow and how will its shape change while carrying a baby?

Let's say right away that the way the belly looks and grows during pregnancy depends on many reasons: a woman's physique, the structure of the pelvis, the condition of the muscles, the growth of the uterus and the baby, the amount of amniotic fluid. Therefore, for some people the belly grows faster, for others it is slower, for some mothers it is big, for others it can be almost invisible. But still, there are some general patterns of growth and size of the abdomen during pregnancy.

Growth rate of the abdomen

What do the sizes and shape of a pregnant belly say?

From about the second trimester of pregnancy, during each examination, the obstetrician-gynecologist determines the height of the uterine fundus and measures the abdominal circumference at the level of the navel. Why is he doing this? The fact is that this is the easiest way to control the growth and development of a future baby.

One of the formulas for an approximate estimate of the weight of the fetus by the height of the standing of the bottom of the uterus (VFM): weight of the child (g) \u003d VFM (cm) x abdominal circumference (cm) ± 150-200 g.

By the way, earlier they often tried to determine the sex of the child by the shape of the abdomen. It was believed that a round belly foreshadows a girl, and an elongated, oblong, "sharp" - a boy. However, these predictions did not always come true, since the shape and size of the abdomen does not depend at all on the sex of the child.

  1. In large, tall women, the belly may be small and not very noticeable until the long term of pregnancy, and in thin, petite women (especially with a narrow pelvis or a large baby), the belly seems very large.
  2. The condition of the muscle tone of the anterior abdominal wall and uterus has a significant effect on the shape of the abdomen. During the first pregnancy and good muscle tone, the abdomen may look more "toned" than in subsequent pregnancies. In addition, in case of repeated pregnancies as a result of reduced muscle tone of the anterior abdominal wall, the child does not occupy the final position until the last month of pregnancy. Because of this, the shape of the abdomen can also be "stretched".
  3. If a woman is expecting twins, her belly will be larger than in a singleton pregnancy.
  4. And often the belly can be big simply because a woman ceases to limit herself in nutrition, eats "for two."
  5. If the baby is growing quickly or is large, then the mother's belly can grow faster and be larger.
  6. Children are located in the womb in different ways. With some types of presentation, the abdomen will be less noticeable, with others, it will begin to grow earlier and appear larger.

Why does the stomach hurt during pregnancy?

The belly of the expectant mother changes not only externally. From the 20th week of pregnancy, the mother begins to feel baby. At first, they look like light flutters, over time, the movements become more and more intense, because by the end of pregnancy, the weight and size of the child increase, and now he does not have as much room in the uterus as before. The number of movements gradually decreases, but their strength increases.

The movements of the crumbs, especially intense ones, can cause unpleasant sensations in a woman, especially in the right or left hypochondrium. This is explained by the fact that with a cephalic presentation (the child is located in the uterus with the head down), the blows of the baby's legs are projected into the area of \u200b\u200bthe mother's internal organs: liver, stomach, intestines and spleen. Such sensations and even pains are natural and do not require treatment.

And sometimes painful sensations appear in the lateral parts of the abdomen. They arise due to the fact that during pregnancy, the ligaments that support the uterus and ovaries are stretched.

In addition, changes occur in the fallopian tubes (they thicken, blood circulation increases in them), in the ovaries (they increase somewhat in size, cyclical processes stop in them, and the position of the ovaries changes due to an increase in the size of the uterus).

Mild painful sensations in the lower abdomen can occur several times during the day, but, as a rule, they quickly disappear if the woman is in a comfortable position for her. Sometimes recurrent discomfort in the lower lateral parts of the abdomen appears with constipation, which is also common in pregnant women. During pregnancy, hormones are produced that relax the uterus, and they have a similar effect on the intestines: its peristalsis is disturbed and eventually occurs.

Having learned about her pregnancy, especially if she is the first, every expectant mother begins to listen to herself in search of some changes, both internal and external.

When the tummy finally appears, how fast will it grow and what size can it eventually reach? Every pregnant woman asks herself such questions, because from now on, life has changed dramatically, and it is extremely interesting how and when these changes will affect her appearance.

Belly growth during pregnancy

Of course, the growth of the abdomen during pregnancy by months depends on many factors, because each expectant mother is individual. Many factors play a role, and among them the main ones can be distinguished:

  1. Body type - small and slender tummy is more noticeable than larger girls (tall, full). A lot of funny things have been described on the Internet when an employee goes on maternity leave, and no one knew about her interesting situation.
  2. What a pregnancy in a row. In primiparas, the tummy becomes noticeable somewhat earlier than in multiparous ones. This is due to the fact that if the expectant mother is not pregnant for the first time, then her ligaments are already stretched, they are ready for this process and in no way restrain its external manifestations.
  3. How many children are in the tummy. Obviously, with multiple pregnancies, the tummy appears faster and grows at a faster pace. Although each baby ends up being born slightly less than average, in total they significantly exceed one baby both in weight and in volume.
  4. Nutrition for the expectant mother. The myth that during pregnancy you need to eat for two has long been dispelled to smithereens. When a woman gives birth and the uterus returns to its previous state, she will see the results of her nutrition - they will not go anywhere, but on the contrary, will become noticeable! Improper nutrition can lead to a set of unwanted weight that goes beyond the limits of the norms, moreover, both the expectant mother and her baby. Hence, the fetus is too large, the accumulation of excess fat deposits and a large belly as a result.
  5. Genetics. The size of the fetus is influenced not only by the lifestyle of its mother, but also by the genetics of both parents: if both of them, or one of them was large, then there is a chance of passing it on by inheritance.

Growth of the abdomen during pregnancy by week

As a rule, a woman can begin to notice the growth of the abdomen from week 12, that is, closer to the beginning of the second trimester, and others may suspect her in an interesting position starting from the 16th week of pregnancy, and from 20 weeks their last doubts will disappear. It is from this moment that the active growth of the abdomen begins during pregnancy, its circumference will henceforth increase by an average of 1 cm per week.

The belly begins to enlarge due to the growth of three components:

  1. Directly the fruit. For 9 months, he should, on average, gain 48-54 cm in height and 2.8 - 5 kg in weight.
  2. Amniotic fluid. They can reach 1500 ml at the end of pregnancy.
  3. Uterus. Increases in weight up to 1 kg.

The baby, as he grows and develops, begins to actively move from the 8th week of pregnancy, and his mother can feel it at 18-22 weeks. Again, this is all strictly individual: a multiparous mother or a mother of a lean physique will feel it earlier. Many people compare these sensations with the fin of a very small fish - if a woman is pregnant for the first time, she may simply confuse this with the natural processes in the stomach.

Until the 12th week, the uterus, although it grows, is deployed in the small pelvis of the expectant mother, which hides the belly from outside observers. After 12 weeks, it begins to clearly be felt through the anterior abdominal wall, and from that moment it will rise up. By the 20th week, the bottom of the uterus (upper part) is felt two fingers below the navel, and the tummy becomes visible to others. At 38 weeks, the uterus reaches its highest state, and in 1-2 weeks it descends - one of the first harbingers of childbirth is abdominal prolapse. The baby descends back into the pelvic floor, which eliminates the possibility of changing its position in the abdomen.

The amount of amniotic fluid or amniotic fluid has its own norms, but sometimes it can go beyond their limits for reasons beyond the woman's control. This also has a direct effect on the growth of the abdomen; the doctor, if any deviations are found, will correct the course of pregnancy.

Feelings with the growth of the abdomen during pregnancy

Clothes are gradually becoming tight, and it is extremely important for the expectant mother to get loose breathable things on time. The tummy should be comfortable, nothing should interfere. Narrow things can disrupt metabolic processes, which has a direct effect on the supply of the crumbs with the necessary oxygen. This also applies to underwear - for the time being, you will have to forget about the beauty of thongs and switch to special cotton panties. Since the breast also increases, it will be necessary to attend to special bras - you can safely buy them in a store for pregnant women with special easily detachable shoulder straps - it will be more convenient to feed the baby.

As the abdomen grows, the skin tightens, therefore, a feeling of light or, on the contrary, unbearable itching is possible. There is an immediate risk of stretch marks. So do not be lazy, and every day lubricate the risky areas (chest, abdomen and thighs) with a special agent. Alternatively, olive oil is suitable - it perfectly moisturizes and at the same time has a low cost compared to promoted cosmetics.

What not to do with a big belly during pregnancy

We have already found out that the active growth of the abdomen begins with the beginning of the second trimester. From now on, you will have to make some adjustments to your daily lifestyle:

  1. You can't sleep on your stomach. The fact is obvious and no explanation is required. Every mother-to-be understands this instinctively - it is both dangerous for the baby and inconvenient for her.
  2. You can't sleep on your back. With the growth of the baby and his weight gain, he puts more and more pressure on the vessels passing behind the uterus. This has a direct effect on the deterioration of blood supply and oxygen supply to it.
  3. You can't walk in uncomfortable shoes. From now on, only a flat sole with a wide toe. As the abdomen grows, the expectant mother's coordination is seriously disturbed, it is more and more difficult to maintain balance. If you add heels to this, then the danger of falling or stumbling increases significantly.
  4. In the later stages, it is better to give up driving, because in addition to reducing the ability to concentrate a pregnant woman, her impaired attention becomes impossible to tie herself with a seat belt so as to avoid pressure on her stomach.
  5. You can’t take long walks with a big belly without a prenatal bandage. Indeed, as the abdomen grows, the load on the lower back also grows, it is necessary to remove this load periodically by putting on a bandage. It is periodically - if you wear it constantly, the abdominal muscles will finally relax and it will be more difficult to bring them into shape after childbirth.

These rules are unquestioning, but in the conditions of life in the 21st century, it is extremely easy to follow them. For example, for a comfortable sleep, you can purchase a special pillow for pregnant women. It will also be useful after childbirth - it is very convenient to feed the baby with it.

Heels are, of course, beautiful, but their constant wearing is extremely harmful for any girl, and even more so for the expectant mother! It's good that today there are many flat-soled models - they are not only comfortable, but also insanely beautiful!

If for some reason a woman cannot refuse to drive, then the modern industry can offer her a special belt for pregnant women - it tightens under the belly, without putting any pressure on him.

Every expectant mother should have a prenatal bandage, and, preferably, such that it can be worn after childbirth. So the stomach will go away faster and it will be easier to walk with it immediately after childbirth, especially if you have a cesarean section.

In a word, it is much easier to be pregnant now than 20 years ago - there are as many inventions as your heart desires!

Proper nutrition during pregnancy

As we already said, everything that mom puts into her mouth has a direct effect on the growth of the abdomen. Improper nutrition leads to excessive weight gain for both the mother herself and her unborn baby. It is much more difficult to give birth to a large child, the process of labor can go according to an unpredictable scenario, and this is extremely dangerous for both of them.

So, just some of the basics of proper nutrition for expectant mothers:

  1. Eliminate or minimize the consumption of fatty, fried foods, as well as starchy foods and sweets. If you can't do without a sandwich or a small candy, eat it for breakfast, but never at night!
  2. Eat 5-6 times a day, of which 3 times are the main meal, 2-3 times are snacks in between.
  3. Lean on meat, chicken, fish, cereals, fruits, vegetables, dairy and fermented milk products with a low percentage of fat.
  4. Forget about unhealthy fast foods during pregnancy!

Photo of the growth of the abdomen during pregnancy

Let's sum up

The size of the abdomen depends on many factors, but most of them are under the control of the expectant mother. Eat right, exercise more, lead a healthy lifestyle!

With the growth of the abdomen, you will have to make some adjustments in your life, but the modern industry allows you to do this with a minimum of discomfort. Remember that pregnancy is the happiest period in the life of every woman, and nothing beats it, except for the birth of your little copy!

Video: belly growth during pregnancy

A rounded belly is one of the signs of pregnancy. It becomes noticeable from 16-17 weeks of gestation, however, the woman's shape and body type can hide the new "interesting" position of the mother for a longer time.

The forms of pregnant women increase due to the growing uterus. The fetus in the womb goes through several stages of development, and throughout the embryonic period does not have much weight or height.

In the early stages of gestation, it forms, which attaches to one of the walls of the uterine cavity. The form and peculiarity of its growth depends on the place of attachment.

As soon as the fetus reaches medium size and unfolds in a comfortable position, the external forms will change.

Rounding of forms comes from the pubic plexus. At first, a slight bulge is located below the navel, and then gradually rises above.

The size of the pregnant "belly" directly depends on the gestational age. In the first trimester, it is absent, in the second, proportional rounding of forms occurs. In the third trimester, it bulges high, starting in the solar plexus region.

Why the abdominal cavity increases when carrying a baby is completely understandable. The uterus enlarges and protrudes forward, shifting the surrounding organs to the side. A "pregnant" belly is nothing more than a uterus, inside which a baby develops and grows.

Depending on how the placenta is located and the presentation of the fetus, the shape of the abdomen is acquired, but according to external data it is difficult to determine the sex of the baby and its weight.

External characteristics bear the following epithets:

  • a round girl will be born;
  • sharp - boy;
  • small - the baby's weight will be low;
  • large - large fruit.

The data is questionable and not scientifically supported.

Factors affecting the growth of the abdomen during pregnancy

The growth of the abdomen and the change in the figure of a pregnant woman is an individual factor. Some mothers in the early stages boast of a rounded tummy, while others do not have it even at 20 weeks of gestation.

What does it depend on, and how to discern possible pathology.

By body type

The female figure is of several types:

  • "Apple" - feminine fullness, in which the external sign of pregnancy may be invisible until the very end of the gestational period;
  • The "rectangle" of the hips and shoulders are in the same plane, but the growth of the uterus and its external manifestations depend on the muscle layer;
  • owners of the "hourglass" and "pear" figures can boast rounded shapes from the 14th week of pregnancy;
  • with the type of figure "inverted triangle" (the shoulders are wider than the hips), pregnancy becomes visible a little later, but when the parameters are measured in the gynecologist's office, the uterus grows and enlarges.

The denser a woman is, the more her position is hidden. Weight gain is considered a consequence of poor nutrition and the distribution of the fat layer over the muscle.

A lean body type implies a clear protrusion of the uterus, without unnecessary deposits on the side. However, the hormonal background "thing" unpredictable can affect the external parameters of the pregnant woman.

By the number of pregnancies

In primiparous mothers, it is located high. The muscle layers of the uterus are not stretched and keep their shape well.

The more births in the history, the stronger the abdomen is attached to the bosom.

By the number of babies in the stomach

It will not be superfluous to use hygiene products for stretch marks.

Interesting video: How the belly changes during pregnancy

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