The abdomen is soft or hard at the beginning of pregnancy. Hard belly in later stages. Alarming symptoms accompanying abdominal hardening

Why does the upper abdomen sometimes harden during pregnancy is a frequently asked question to the gynecologist. There are many reasons for this condition: from uterine tone to ordinary fatigue. Many women who are expecting a baby face the problem of abdominal hardening. This condition manifests itself in all periods interesting situation and can occur at any time.

Why does the stomach get hard during pregnancy?

A hard belly during pregnancy can be a sign of uterine hypertonicity: the muscles of the organ contract, causing the belly to harden. There are many reasons for the development of hypertonicity and, as a consequence, hardening of the abdomen. The main experts include: change hormonal levels, problems in endocrine system, lack of vitamins in the mother’s body, problems with immunity, pathology of the uterus. According to gynecological standards, the state of the uterus in good shape refers to pathological pregnancy, however, proper treatment and compliance with doctors’ recommendations helps to level out the disease.

At times, the stomach becomes rigid during pregnancy in stressful situations, fear, and nervous exhaustion. The lower abdomen hardens when active movements, walking quickly, while doing some physical exercise. There is a petrification of the belly during and after urination.

At the end of the period of waiting for a child, when the size of the baby is impressive, the stomach periodically hardens when lying on the back, so doctors advise mothers to get used to lying on their side once fertilization occurs.

It is necessary to pay attention and immediately inform the doctor if:

  • a constantly dense abdomen at 36-38 weeks and is accompanied by pain;
  • bloody leucorrhoea from the vagina is noticed;
  • strong pressure in the lower abdomen, accompanied by spasms, pain in the lower back, powerful pressure on the rectum with a false urge to defecate.

Hard belly during early pregnancy

On early stages A dense, hard lower abdomen during pregnancy is often caused by compression of the uterus and causes it to tone. Contraction of the uterus at the beginning of pregnancy is fraught with decreased blood circulation in the placenta and a lack of oxygen inside the womb, which leads to hypoxia of the embryo.

At the beginning of pregnancy, the uterus is very sensitive, so even small spasms can provoke placental abruption, ovum or call early birth. As a result, if the abdomen is regularly compressed in the early stages of pregnancy, you should consult a doctor in order to prevent complications.

In addition to uterine hypertonicity, there are circumstances that explain why the stomach hardens in the early stages during pregnancy:

  1. insufficient intake of vitamins;
  2. viral/infectious diseases;
  3. illnesses genitourinary system;
  4. endometriosis;
  5. small uterus;
  6. bloating, early toxicosis;
  7. nervous tension, stress;
  8. physical fatigue;
  9. sexual intercourse, orgasm;
  10. drinking alcohol, drugs, smoking;
Hardening of the abdomen in women in the first trimester is not common, but it does happen. As a rule, with hypertension, pregnant women should calm down as much as possible, rest, if necessary, stay in bed.

Hard belly during late pregnancy

On later A hard stomach happens during pregnancy due to the same tone of the uterus. Experts note that in the second and third trimesters, hypertonicity occurs more often and this trend is due to certain aspects, typically at this stage gestation:
  1. low water;
  2. too much large fruit;
  3. disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  4. heartburn;
  5. viral/infectious diseases;
  6. problematic gestation;
  7. multiple pregnancy;
  8. increased fatigue;
  9. stressful moments, depression.
Towards the middle and end of pregnancy, the stomach “fills up” every month, which cannot but affect physical well-being mommies. A woman’s occupation, her specialty, and the specifics of her work greatly influence the course of pregnancy. In addition, a very grown baby puts pressure on the bottom of the belly, initiating painful sensations, pain in the lower back, causes frequent urge to the toilet, and as a result, my stomach turns to stone.

A hard belly during late pregnancy occurs during training contractions, when the muscles of the uterus are exercising for the birth of the child. You can relieve discomfort in the abdominal area by breathing exercises, some yoga exercises (“Cat”). During the period of hardening of the womb, doctors recommend lying on your side and fixing it between your bent legs. small pillow or roller. Visiting the pool and exercising on a gymnastic ball smooth out pain and prepare the body for childbirth.

Please note that if abdominal rigidity is accompanied by severe prolonged pain, bleeding, or fainting, you should immediately call an ambulance. Similar symptoms are characteristic of premature birth.

At 38 weeks of pregnancy, abdominal consolidation may be one of the signs that the baby is beginning to be born. Therefore, at the end of pregnancy, girls need to be vigilant for discomfort in the abdominal area.

Hardening of the stomach during pregnancy without pain

At times, the stomach becomes hard during pregnancy without pain, not accompanied by any unpleasant sensations. Painless petrification of the abdomen may be characteristic of Bextron-Higgs training contractions. Similar contractions, as a rule, begin from the 20th week, and, importantly, do not contribute to the opening of the cervix, but only prepare the mother’s body for birth process. In the minutes when the stomach hardens without pain, you should do some manipulations:
  • sit down or lie down;
  • relax;
  • take a few deep breaths through your stomach, stretching it.
Even when you do not feel discomfort during the compaction of the womb, notify the leading gynecologist about similar situation follows. After all, each person has his own pain threshold, and at times even a painless sensation with uterine tone can negatively affect the health of the child and mother.

Experienced mothers share their experience and report that during painless hardening of the abdomen during pregnancy, during training contractions, “knock down” the contraction of the uterus medications no need. This practice will lead to the fact that during the actual birth, contractions will be sluggish and this will lead to weak labor.

Women who find out about their pregnancy for the first time have many questions. Expectant mothers are interested in how their growing belly should be, hard or soft. The changing of its shape and structure is affected by the growing uterus.

Abdominal changes during pregnancy

The uterus begins to enlarge almost from the first days after conception. However, initially the woman does not notice these changes. Until approximately the 8th week of gestation, the uterus is not felt at all. In this regard, the walls abdominal cavity remain soft.

Towards the middle of the second trimester the bottom reproductive organ begins to rise above the pubic bone. The expectant mother, despite the fact that the belly is not yet noticeable to others, may feel compaction.

The uterus protects the baby throughout the entire gestation period. If there is a risk to the life of the fetus, the walls of the organ may shrink. This phenomenon is called “tone”. Tension of the uterus can be observed several times a day. But in most cases the stomach remains soft.

The consistency of the uterus also depends on genetics. A woman can go through almost the entire 9 months with a moderately hard belly. And this will not be a pathology if there is no pain. But if the stomach becomes too hard to the touch, nagging pain or bloody issues, you must immediately contact medical care. This is especially dangerous in the early stages of pregnancy. A hard belly may signal the onset of spontaneous abortion.

The consistency of the uterus changes depending on the position of the woman. When future mom rests, muscles relax. The abdomen remains soft, regardless of the period. During walks, the uterus becomes firmer.

The abdomen may become firmer as it becomes full Bladder. The uterus tenses so that neighboring organs do not infringe on the fetus, and it has enough space for full development. Tone is also observed when the intestines are full. A pregnant woman is not recommended to overeat.

After 30 weeks, pregnant women notice the appearance of training contractions. The uterus periodically comes to tone. In this way the organ prepares for upcoming birth. Similar condition not considered pathological. But if the stomach contracts at regular intervals and there is nagging pain, it is possible that labor activity. It's worth seeing a doctor.

When tone is dangerous

Regardless of whether the belly is soft or hard in the early stages of pregnancy, you need to register in a timely manner. The doctor examines the expectant mother and rules out possible pathologies, will order tests. You can’t put off a visit to the gynecologist if you have pain in your lower abdomen and a pregnancy test shows two lines. Timely seeking help will help prevent miscarriage.

U healthy woman Uterine tension is observed only periodically. If the stomach is constantly in good shape, this can lead to disruption of the blood supply to the fetus, premature detachment placenta, spontaneous abortion.

Unfortunately, increased uterine tone is a common pathology of pregnant women. This diagnosis is made in 65% of cases. The likelihood of developing pathology in women over 35 years of age increases significantly. Expectant mothers who work for hazardous industries, eat poorly, do not follow a daily routine.

Can provoke contraction of the uterine muscles physiological reasons(for example, sexual intercourse). Therefore, with the development of uterine tone, a woman is advised to avoid excessive physical activity and sexual intercourse.

The tone of the reproductive organ in the early and late stages of pregnancy often increases due to hormonal imbalance. The problem often occurs in women with high androgen levels and progesterone deficiency.

Compression of muscle fibers will be observed against the background of overstretching of the walls of the uterus. The organ rapidly enlarges, the muscles begin to contract reflexively. This condition is observed in women with multiple pregnancy or polyhydramnios. Provoke development pathological process There may also be anomalies in the structure of the organ.

Alarming symptoms

The expectant mother should seek help if there are any unpleasant signs. Increased tone of the uterus will be indicated by discomfort in the pelvic area, nagging pain in the lower abdomen, and increased hardness of the abdominal wall. The localization of discomfort will depend on the duration. In the first weeks of pregnancy, discomfort is felt closer to the pubic bone. As the uterus grows, the area of ​​pain will increase.

From the middle of the second trimester, hard uterus can be easily palpated through the abdominal wall. Against the background of organ compaction, expectant mothers have an increased urge to urinate or defecate. Fetal movements may also increase. The child feels uncomfortable in the contracted womb.

The pain threshold for all women is different. That's why discomfort with uterine tone they are not always observed. Sometimes a woman doesn't pay attention to slight tingling in the pubic bone area. As a result, a slight tone develops into a threat of termination of pregnancy.

Hospitalization is needed if:

  • cramping pain appears in the abdomen;
  • against the background of hardening of the abdominal wall, bloody discharge is observed;
  • the nature of the fetal movements has changed (the child began to move chaotically);

The expectant mother should be able to listen to her feelings. Abdominal tension is a reason to consult a gynecologist.

What to do if your stomach becomes hard

Treatment tactics are chosen according to the severity of the pathological process. If there is slight tone of the uterus, it is enough to reconsider the daily routine, rest more, limit physical exercise. You should avoid foods that cause flatulence.

If the tone is pronounced, the woman is hospitalized in the gynecological department. Therapy is carried out aimed at relaxing muscle fibers. To normalize the condition reproductive system drugs from the following groups are prescribed:

  • Antispasmodics. Lead to a decrease in smooth muscle tension. With their help, it is also possible to eliminate pain caused by tone.
  • Sedatives. They calm a pregnant woman and help overcome the fear of losing the fetus. If there is a slight increase in tone, medications for plant based. In severe conditions, tranquilizers can be used.
  • Tocolytics. Lead to oppression contractility reproductive organ.

If uterine tone is caused by a lack of progesterone, hormone replacement therapy will be prescribed.

During pregnancy, a woman feels a change in the consistency of her abdomen. The uterus either hardens or becomes soft again. This is normal if you feel good. If you feel alarmed, you should seek medical help. Correct treatment uterine tone will help avoid complications for mother and child.

There are minimal practical answers to the question why a soft belly during pregnancy is found in interns and medical textbooks. However, expectant mothers are interested and actively discuss this topic on pregnant forums. We will try to understand as much as possible the reasons for the “softness” of the pregnant belly.

Women in this position are extremely impressionable, sometimes terrible alarmists and, oddly enough, dreamers. And even having been “pot-bellied” more than once, with a significant amount of knowledge behind them, they worry about it, and without it. The question of the “tummy”: its condition, size, structure, texture is one of the most exciting and relevant for the entire period of being in an interesting position. Some people think their belly is too big size, to others - that it is too small. Some consider their belly to be excessively protruded upward, others complain that it is excessively low belly. Some people complain about a belly that is hard as a rock, while others, oddly enough, realize that the belly is soft during pregnancy. So what should a “pregnant” belly really be like: firmer or softer? Where is the “golden mean”?

It should be noted that pregnancy is a purely individual and unique process. Each separate pregnancy proceeds according to the plan drawn up by nature. And even if the first pregnancy proceeded calmly, it is not a fact that the next one will follow a similar scenario. As you know, the formation of a tummy largely depends on the human constitution, genetic data bank, and physiological indicators. The body’s reaction to the “hormonal revolution” also plays a role last role in the formation of the abdomen, its texture and the course of pregnancy in general. It should be noted that the “strength” of the abdomen (whether it is hard or soft) is influenced by many factors:

Depending on the number of births, the size of the uterus, the tone of the muscles of the organ, and the structure of the abdominal press change. With each subsequent birth, the uterus does not contract former form, her muscles become less elastic, and abdominal muscles if you don't watch physical fitness, loose. Therefore, the tummy is often repeat pregnancy soft, with peculiar folds. I note that soft belly during gestation it may be after caesarean section. In view of surgical intervention, the abdominal muscles a priori will not become elastic as before.

The position of the baby in the middle and end of pregnancy (the period of fetal activity) affects the constitution of the abdomen. For example, the baby has migrated from one side to the other, and in the segment where he is located, the stomach is usually harder. The softer side is where the baby rolled from.

The mental state of women during pregnancy is changeable. You could say it changes like the weather in London. For changing increased activity, fun, fatigue and inexplicable tears come. Unfortunately, the slightest mood variations, nervousness, emotional swings affect general condition uterus, its tone. Therefore, at the slightest negative, the stomach turns to stone. Great mood makes it softer.

According to experts, the lower abdomen becomes soft during pregnancy during the period of effusion amniotic fluid, immediately before the birth itself. Those girls whose tummy is soft and there is a possibility of leakage should be wary amniotic fluid. It is necessary to seek medical advice. You should not turn a blind eye to the situation when the stomach has become soft after injuries or blows to it. At the slightest indication of a problem, contact a professional for help.

A hard belly during pregnancy is a common phenomenon observed in most pregnant women. Each expectant mother During the period of bearing a child, she is sensitive to her health and pays attention to every change in her condition. She often experiences pain, heaviness in the abdomen, and muscle tension. This is cause for concern. After all, not every woman knows whether her stomach should be hard or soft during pregnancy.

Causes of a hard belly during pregnancy are: physiological processes or pathological changes, occurring in the body of the expectant mother. In a particular case, only a gynecologist can understand why the stomach became hard during pregnancy. A woman should visit him if the hardness persists for a day or more. Depending on the triggering factor, it may be necessary drug treatment or just rest with the exception of any physical activity will be enough.

A woman who has been diagnosed with this should not panic ahead of time. The causes of a hard uterus during pregnancy have been well studied, and the pathology can be successfully treated. The main thing is to consult a gynecologist in time and strictly adhere to all medical recommendations.

The physiological norm is the temporary appearance of hardness in the lower abdomen at any stage of pregnancy due to the filling or overflow of the bladder. Its walls put pressure on the uterus, causing its muscles to tense to prevent strangulation of the fetus. This condition, sometimes accompanied by moderate pain, is easily eliminated by emptying the bladder.

Other common reasons:

  • inflammation of the pelvic organs – , adnexitis, ;
  • urogenital infections, for example;
  • physical overload;
  • hormonal and endocrine disorders;
  • release of oxytocin during stress, fear, orgasm;
  • abnormal development of the uterus - underdevelopment, bend;
  • a consequence of cardiovascular disease, aggravated in a pregnant woman;
  • intestinal problems - flatulence, dysbacteriosis, colitis;
  • disruption of the digestive tract;
  • infections of a bacterial and viral nature - influenza, acute respiratory infections, colds;
  • bad habits - alcohol addiction, smoking, drug addiction;
  • a tumor in the abdominal cavity of a benign or malignant nature;
  • staying in one position for a long time, especially during sleep.

What are the dangers of a hard belly in early pregnancy?

The first weeks of gestation are very important period, during which the formation of organs and systems in the embryo occurs. A woman should get plenty of rest and protect herself as much as possible from stressful situations, reduce physical activity, get positive emotions from listening to music, walking on fresh air.

If in the early stages of pregnancy the stomach becomes hard, this is often associated with uterine hypertonicity. A woman with this problem has a high risk of premature pregnancy. spontaneous interruption pregnancy, especially when nagging pain lower abdomen and bloody discharge. It is necessary to immediately contact a gynecologist, or better yet, call an ambulance. For elimination pathological condition some require bed rest with hormonal and sedatives, others - treatment in a hospital.

Another reason may be, which occurs in some after the 20th week of gestation. They are rare and do not occur regularly, usually with an interval of 5-6 hours. This condition does not require treatment. More often than not, it is enough to lie in warm bath, take a walk in the fresh air or drink an infusion of peppermint.

What are the dangers of having a hard belly in late pregnancy?

The abdomen becomes hard during pregnancy, most often in the 3rd trimester, which is associated with the movement of the grown fetus. Tension of the abdominal muscles is often felt in the place where the baby rests against the leg from the inside.

If bloating appears and it has hardened, then you should reconsider your diet, eliminating foods that cause fermentation in the intestines. These are grapes, black bread, green beans, cabbage, etc.

In late pregnancy, 2-3 weeks before birth, a hard belly can be caused by precursor contractions. They are harmless, occur irregularly, do not lead to dilatation of the cervix, last no longer than a minute and go away on their own. This is how the uterus and body prepare for the upcoming birth.

If during pregnancy a hard belly is accompanied by pain that occurs at regular intervals, while they are shortened, and periods of muscle spasm increase, then, most likely, premature birth. You need to lie down and call an ambulance immediately.

A normal sign of pregnancy is a firm belly at 37-39 weeks, when the baby is considered full-term. But the appearance of abundant bleeding should alert the woman, as this indicates that placental abruption has begun.

What to do if your abdominal muscles are tense?

If abdominal hardness occurs rarely and is not accompanied by any other symptoms, there is no need to worry. If the condition does not go away on its own, then it is better to go to bed and relax. Regular use of a decoction or infusion of lemon balm and mint for several days helps.

In case of prolonged increased tone of the muscles of the uterus and peritoneum, pain (sometimes radiating to the sacrum or perineum), bleeding, symptoms of intoxication and/or dyspeptic disorders, a consultation with a gynecologist is necessary.

Measures to prevent hypertonicity of the uterus and hard abdomen

To eliminate as much as possible the factors that provoke the appearance of abdominal hardness during pregnancy, you should take preventive measures even before conception:

  1. Both future parents undergo a comprehensive examination to exclude STIs (sexually transmitted diseases) and inflammatory processes.
  2. For a woman to treat existing chronic diseases and avoid exposure to viral and other infections whenever possible.
  3. To refuse from bad habits.
  4. Adjust your work and rest schedule.
  5. Start eating right.

Yoga or Pilates classes and swimming in the pool will be a big plus. All this will help reduce the risks that interfere normal course pregnancy.

If alarming symptoms appear, it is better to visit a gynecologist once again. After assessing the condition, he will advise how to proceed further and tell you whether treatment is required in in this case. It is quite possible that short-term use of safe sedatives and drugs that relax the tone of the uterus will be sufficient. If the doctor believes that drug treatment is needed or the situation requires hospitalization for 24-hour observation, then do not refuse. This means there really is a need for this.

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As soon as a woman finds out about her “interesting situation,” she immediately begins to listen to her body. The expectant mother catches every signal from within, and very often they frighten and alarm her. It happens that a woman’s stomach becomes hard during pregnancy, becomes stiff and tense. If other troubles are added to such sensations, the expectant mother wonders whether this is normal. In fact, a hard belly during pregnancy indicates high risks gestation.

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Causes of this disease

A hard abdomen in the early stages indicates that spasms of the muscle tissue of the uterus are occurring, which leads to increased tone of this body. This comes with several dangers. With hypertension it decreases placental circulation, due to which the embryo experiences a lack of oxygen and experiences intrauterine hypoxia. Moreover, there is a high risk of detachment of the ovum or placenta, interruption of an “interesting position” or premature birth.

It is very difficult to determine for sure why the stomach becomes hard. The following reasons may lead to this:

  • emotional stress;
  • physical fatigue;
  • full bladder;
  • orgasm;
  • inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system;
  • viruses, influenza;
  • large fetal size;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • violations of the structure of the pelvic organs;
  • small size of the uterus;
  • smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages.

Moreover, the cause of illness during pregnancy can be prolonged stay in one position. As a rule, this is observed in the mornings and evenings, when future mommy lies on the side or back for a long time.

Usually in the third trimester

You should not be afraid of each of the above reasons, but to find out for sure why your stomach is hard during pregnancy, you need to visit a gynecologist.

Possible dangers

A hard belly at 32 weeks is certainly not a completely harmless symptom, but this may not always indicate potential danger. If the expectant mother has a hard belly during late pregnancy, but does not hurt, and this phenomenon appears infrequently, only after excessive strain, then obvious reasons no worries.

There are several cases when it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor. Mandatory consultation will be required if:

  • the stomach is very hard at 36 weeks and does not go away;
  • the stomach is hard at 38 weeks and is accompanied by pain;
  • this disease is accompanied painful sensations, as during menstruation, in the lumbar region, coccyx, sacrum, rectum;
  • there are blood or brown discharge from the vagina;
  • discomfort in the abdominal area is regular, often accompanied by painful sensations and increased tension;
  • present fainting states, gagging, severe nausea;
  • there are false urges to excrete feces.

If at 37 weeks of pregnancy the problem arose suddenly, you need to take 2 tablets of No-shpa, lie on your side, and call an ambulance.

Normal indicators

Let's consider what the belly should be like during pregnancy - hard or soft at certain times. Let's summarize the data in a table.

Weeks of pregnancyState
1-12 Pregnancy is always a very big stress for every woman. Feelings of anxiety are brought by symptoms that should not exist, for example, nausea, vomiting, dizziness. Because of strong feelings, as well as changes in the body due to new role the stomach may harden, become heavy, stone-like. There is no strong cause for concern, but if this condition does not go away after a few weeks, you should consult a specialist for advice.
13-30 While carrying a child, a woman should protect herself, rest more, not carry heavy bags and listen carefully to any changes in the body. Normally, the abdomen should be soft without any discomfort. If pain or bleeding occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor, as this may pose a threat to the baby.
31-40 Starting at 31 weeks, active contractions may appear. reproductive organ. If there is no severe pain, then we can consider this feature physiological symptom. At 39 weeks of pregnancy, a hard belly can act as a kind of indicator of the body’s preparation for the upcoming birth. Despite all sorts of cramps and discomfort, this does not pose a threat to the baby. The child grows, develops and needs enough space. Such sensations may indicate that the uterus is adapting to the baby.
Lower abdomen during pregnancy

Almost every expectant mother knows that the hard lower abdomen can protrude during pregnancy. indirect sign hypertonicity of the uterus. This pathology must be treated, since various complications are possible.

You should consult a gynecologist

If you have been diagnosed with this, the first thing you need to do is calm down. Stress and nervousness will only worsen the situation. Modern medicine allows you to successfully fight the disease, the main thing is to contact a specialist in time.

Often, a hard belly can be observed at 40 weeks of pregnancy or during the second trimester. Among the symptoms indicating this pathology, highlight:

  • feeling of heaviness;
  • periodic pain in the genital area;
  • painful sensations in the sacrum, lower back;
  • lower expansion.

Some of above symptoms They can only say that you are simply tired and need to take a break. These symptoms can also be caused by stress. First you need to lie down and relax. If you do not notice any improvement, consult a doctor immediately.

Hypertonicity is dangerous, first of all, because uterine contractions occur earlier due date, so the expectant mother is at risk of miscarriage. Such patients should always be under the close attention of obstetricians, because they are at risk.

Moreover, this deviation is dangerous because placental blood circulation worsens, causing your baby to suffer from a lack of oxygen and nutrients. Among the main reasons that can provoke the development of hypertension are:

  • hormonal imbalances;
  • insufficient development of the uterus;
  • malfunctions immune function the body of the expectant mother;
  • inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system;
  • stressful situations;
  • state of depression;
  • polyhydramnios.

Moreover, hardening can be caused by an embryo that is too large, as well as excessive physical exertion.

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