What signs are typical for childbirth? Psychological mood before childbirth. Changes in the body that indirectly indicate the approach of childbirth

Pregnant women on latest dates Pregnant women usually look forward to the approaching date of birth. Many people have not yet finally decided what to consider as signs of the onset of labor.

One experienced friend says one thing, another says another, and in specialized literature there is third information. You will get confused here... And it becomes scary: “What if I don’t understand that this is childbirth, that it’s time to go to the maternity hospital? No matter what happens."

Such thoughts appear because, due to scattered reviews from experienced friends or after reading specialized literature, the difference has not yet sunk into one’s head preparatory stages(harbingers) of childbirth from true signs their beginning.

This article about the signs of the onset of labor will answer as many questions as a pregnant woman may have about the onset of labor. birth process. So that all questions are resolved, fears dissipate without a trace, and all that remains is the expectation of the happiness of motherhood.

Causes and mechanisms of the onset of labor

From about 37-38 weeks of pregnancy, the female body begins to prepare for childbirth.

The main triggering factors for the onset of labor are:

  • Hormonal changes in the body of a woman in labor. The production of progesterone, the hormone that maintains pregnancy, decreases. The production of the estrogen complex, female sex hormones that stimulate labor, is stimulated;
  • Contractile readiness of the uterus. The muscle fibers of the uterus (myometrium) fully mature. The sensitivity of the uterine muscles to oxytocin, a hormone that is the main stimulator of contraction of the uterus and the entire labor activity. In the last stages of pregnancy, the uterus loses its ability to stretch freely. As a result of mechanical irritation of the uterus by the descending head of the baby and an increase in the concentration in the blood of hormones that stimulate labor activity, an increased contractile readiness of the uterus is formed and it begins to contract;
  • Placenta maturity. The placenta is the so-called children's place in the uterus. Through the placenta, the organisms of mother and child are connected and the fetus is nourished. The body already “knows” that the placenta has fulfilled its function and will soon become unnecessary. Natural processes of aging and destruction (degeneration) occur in a fully mature placenta;
  • Fruit maturity. Extreme accumulation of metabolic products in the fetal body, decrease in volume and decrease in the rate of formation amniotic fluid does not allow maintaining exchange processes at the same level.

All of the above reasons and factors are closely interrelated. It is their implementation in combination that triggers the mechanism for the onset of labor.

Possible signs of labor (harbingers)

The harbingers of childbirth are whole line signs that are observed in a pregnant woman in advance, several weeks or days before the cherished event. They indicate readiness female body to the process of childbirth. Depending on the characteristics of a woman’s body, the combination of these signs will be strictly individual in each specific case.

So, first things first. One of the first signs that labor is approaching is decreased fetal activity. Already a few weeks before giving birth, a woman may notice that the number has decreased and they have become less intense. Since the baby has grown enough, and there is little free space left in the uterus, he physical activity difficult.

You know, there is one life situation when the room or, for example, a trolleybus is crowded. We then say: “It’s so cramped here that you can’t turn around.” Or don't move. This is the situation with the baby. He also can’t turn around, can’t move.

The stomach drops, the pelvic bones move apart.

This happens as the baby descends, preparing to pass through the birth canal. At this time, its head is pressed against the entrance to the pelvis. The fundus of the uterus (its highest part) moves downwards. In primiparous women this probable sign may appear 2 weeks before the onset of labor. For mothers who have already experienced the joy of motherhood - a few days before the cherished event, but more often immediately before childbirth.

The pregnant uterus, having descended, no longer puts as much pressure on the diaphragm. At the same time, women say that it becomes easier for them to breathe, and heartburn practically does not bother them. Although not everyone notices an externally drooping belly.

Since the baby's head drops and puts pressure on the pelvic bones, a pregnant woman gait changes. In gynecology they call this “proud gait.” The woman moves her shoulders and shoulder blades back, the center of gravity shifts, and the pregnant woman begins to walk, swaying slightly.

Due to excessive pressure of the fetal head on the pelvic organs (intestines, bladder) the frequency of urination and the urge to defecate changes. A woman feels the urge to urinate more often, less often, but there is even urinary incontinence. Due to mechanical irritation of the intestinal walls, constipation occurs several days before birth. And sometimes it may not be constipation, but diarrhea.

Before birth volume increases vaginal discharge because of hormonal changes. They become less viscous. Sometimes women may confuse this discharge with leakage of amniotic fluid. To differentiate the discharge, special tests are performed in the hospital.

What do you need to know about this? If the pregnancy is more than 37 weeks or there are prerequisites for premature or rapid birth, then if you detect heavy vaginal discharge, you need to urgently go to the maternity hospital.

Sterile gauze test

If there is not a lot of discharge, but more than usual, you can do a simple test at home using a sterile piece of gauze folded in several layers. Amniotic fluid is usually clear and quickly absorbed, leaving no traces. The discharge is poorly absorbed and often stains the gauze.

This test is simple, but involves a subjective assessment of the results. But not every woman can figure it out on her own. Therefore, it is better to go to the hospital for timely diagnosis.

If the doctor confirms that it is just discharge, you will be sent home safely. But if it turns out that it is leaking amniotic fluid, then you did the right thing by going to the hospital as early as possible. Long anhydrous period very dangerous for the baby's health.

Before birth the expectant mother may notice weight loss(from 1 to 2 kg). Due to the influence of the changed hormonal levels the body gets rid of excess fluid. This happens a few days before birth.

False contractions

False (training, preparatory) contractions can begin from 36-37 weeks of pregnancy and occur periodically until childbirth. The closer to the date of birth, the more often the uterus comes into increased tone. Expectant mothers describe this as a “petrified” uterus. At the same time, nagging pain appears in the lower abdomen, less often in the lower back, and sometimes there is a troubling pain around the body (from the sacrum to the pubis). The intensity of the pain can be compared to the sensations during menstruation.

False contractions, unlike true contractions, are short-lived (40-60 seconds) and do not have clear regularity. One more distinctive feature false contractions is their disappearance after a change in the position of the pregnant woman or a short rest.

Training contractions do not lead to the opening of the uterine pharynx, but accelerate its maturation and prepare the muscles of the uterus for the upcoming active contractile activity in childbirth. Be sure to inform your doctor about the occurrence of such a precursor as training contractions.

Thanks to all the factors described above, cervical change. Mainly under the influence of estrogen, the cervical canal shortens by the time labor begins. The cervix itself softens and opens by about one centimeter (“let one finger through,” as obstetricians and gynecologists say). Despite the fact that this sign can only be recorded by a doctor during examination, a woman needs to know this important warning sign.

Since the cervix opens slightly, mucus plug comes out, which performed a protective function throughout pregnancy. That is, this plug prevented infections from entering the uterus. The mucus plug is a thick, light mucous secretion, sometimes containing streaks of blood. Sometimes there is a traffic jam light brown. The plug may come off entirely. In some cases, it comes off in portions.

When exactly does the mucus plug come out?

The timing of the onset of this sign can vary from 2 weeks or several hours before the onset of labor. If you notice that the mucus plug has come off, you need to inform the gynecologist who is observing you.

Very often I come across the fact that women later they get tired of pregnancy, it’s hard for them, they look forward to the due date. But at the same time, many expectant mothers experience emotional upsurge on the eve of childbirth. Women actively prepare their home for the arrival of a new family member (washing, cleaning, rearranging furniture and even small repairs).

By analogy with the animal world, this strangeness is explained by the “nesting” instinct. And if you suddenly felt any of the manifestations of this “nesting instinct”, for example, you wanted to urgently rearrange something in the apartment, then consider this also a harbinger starting soon cherished event.

Reliable signs of labor

These include the appearance of regular contractions (true) and the rupture of amniotic fluid. It is impossible to establish a cause-and-effect relationship between them. It is impossible to say clearly what is primary and what is secondary. In each specific case, the onset of labor occurs individually.


The occurrence of regular contractions underlies the onset of labor. True contractions determine the first stage of labor, when the cervix dilates. The woman in labor cannot control the strength of the contraction. Thanks to contractions, the cervix softens, smoothes, and the cervix opens up to 10 cm (full dilatation). The uterus and vagina unite to form a single birth canal, along which the baby passes when born (II stage of labor).

Primiparas sometimes find it difficult to distinguish between false and true contractions. There has already been a description of false contractions above. Now let's talk in more detail about true contractions.

Nagging pain appears in the lower abdomen. In first-time mothers, these pains often begin in the lower back. Their duration and intensity increases. And most importantly, there is a clear regularity of their occurrence.

Many people ask the question: “At what frequency of contractions should you go to the maternity hospital?” Only the doctor who is observing you can give a clear answer. In multiparous women, labor progresses more quickly. They shouldn’t stay at home with contractions. As soon as you felt the contractions, go to the maternity hospital.

In primigravidas, the first stage of labor lasts longer (on average 12 hours). In principle, they can wait at home for a while with contractions, but first they need to consult with their gynecologist on this issue. But it’s better to go to the maternity hospital as soon as you are sure that these are real and not false contractions.

I will provide a table (more clearly) of the average duration and frequency of contractions.

Temporary characteristics of labor

Rush of amniotic fluid

First, the anterior amniotic fluid recedes. The anterior amniotic fluid is the part of the water that, when entering a dense ring, is called pelvic bones remain in the amniotic sac along with the fetal head. The volume of anterior amniotic fluid may vary. And they can pour out simultaneously or in small portions.

During a normal pregnancy, amniotic fluid is colorless, odorless, and may have white inclusions (particles of fetal cheese-like lubricant). Greenish, foul-smelling amniotic fluid mixed with meconium (feces) occurs during pathological pregnancy.

As a rule, the membrane of the membranes ruptures with the release of anterior amniotic fluid in the first stage of labor when the cervix is ​​dilated by 3-7 cm.

It happens that the amniotic fluid recedes before regular contractions appear and the required dilatation of the cervix. In any case, with the rupture of amniotic fluid, the woman should immediately enter the maternity hospital under the supervision of specialists. A long period without water (more than 6 hours) is a risk of infection for the child.

Advice for expectant mothers in late pregnancy

Better in advance. Wherever you go or go, always have pregnancy documents with you ( exchange card). It's more reliable. It is impossible to predict exactly when labor will begin. But, having an exchange card with you, no matter where you find signs of the onset of labor, you will always be ready to urgently go to the maternity hospital and avoid unnecessary worries.

Harbingers of childbirth- this is a set of signs indicating the imminent onset of labor. It should be understood that every body is individual and in every woman the signs of impending labor can manifest themselves differently, sometimes far from meeting generally accepted standards.

The main precursors of childbirth

Harbingers imminent birth can be quite varied:

  1. Increase in quantity and change in character;
  2. Removal of the mucus plug;
  3. Loss of body weight;
  4. Appearance ;
  5. Decline;
  6. Changes in urination and bowel movements;
  7. Change in gait.

Abdominal prolapse

Abdominal prolapse is one of the signs that labor is approaching, but it should be remembered that it is quite difficult to determine the approximate date of birth only by changes in the height of the uterine fundus. Thus, according to average statistical data, in primiparous women, abdominal prolapse should occur 2-4 weeks before the onset of labor, and in multiparous women, a few days or immediately before childbirth. However, this process can occur individually for each pregnant woman, depending on many factors.

Cervical changes

Of course, the woman herself cannot determine the changes occurring in the cervix before childbirth; this is only possible for an obstetrician-gynecologist during an examination on the chair.

information Under the influence of increasing levels of the hormone estrogen, the cervix begins to prepare for the upcoming birth: it shortens, softens, and begins to dilate. By 38-39 weeks, the cervix should normally be mature: the length is no more than 2 cm, the walls are softened, the external os allows 1-2 fingers to pass through.

Changes in genital discharge

Under the influence of the same estrogen, discharge from the genital tract becomes more fluid and abundant. Often women, noticing an abundance of mucus, get scared, thinking that it is amniotic fluid. In this case, you should consult a doctor for a refutation or do a special test yourself to rule out leakage of amniotic fluid.

Removal of the mucus plug

May depart to different terms pregnancy: in some women it is released already 2 weeks before the birth of the child, in others it may appear only with the onset of labor and dilatation of the cervix. In addition, the plug may not be released all at once, but may come off in small portions over several days.

Weight loss

If a pregnant woman regularly weighs herself, then some time before the onset of labor she may notice a decrease in body weight of 1-2 kg. This is due to the removal of excess fluid from the body, which causes increased blood clotting and thickening. In this way, the body also prepares for childbirth and is protected from large blood loss during the birth of the child.

In addition, weight loss may be associated with loss of appetite in last days pregnancy, which is often noted by pregnant women. Some women also experience severe nausea before childbirth, which also does not contribute to weight gain.

The appearance of training contractions

remember Closer to the beginning of labor, the uterus often begins to become more toned, which is manifested by a feeling of heaviness and pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region. A woman must be able to distinguish training or false contractions from real ones, which are symptoms of the onset of labor.

Differences between training and labor contractions

Signs Training contractions Birth pains
DurationIrregular, rather short-term. Over time they do not intensify, but, on the contrary, subsideRegular Intensifies and lengthens over time
SorenessAccompanied by mild pain, reminiscent of pain during menstruationPain gets worse over time
Stopping contractionsContractions disappear spontaneously or after a short restDo not disappear normallyThe cessation of labor pains is a dangerous symptom
Condition of the cervixDoesn't changeThe cervix dilates

It should be remembered that real contractions are the first signs of labor, so a woman needs to see a doctor and go to maternity ward.

Decreased fetal movements

Towards the end of pregnancy, before birth, the child becomes quiet, which is primarily due to his rapid growth: the baby becomes cramped, his movements are constrained. In rare cases, women, on the contrary, may notice increased fetal activity.

Changes in urination and bowel movements

After abdominal prolapse, women may complain of disturbances in physiological bowel movements.

The pressure of the baby's head on the bladder causes frequent urination, and often urinary incontinence during physical exertion.

Compression of the rectum also leads to disruption of bowel movements: pregnant women begin to suffer from frequent bowel movements, some, on the contrary, complain of diarrhea before childbirth.

Change in gait

A change in a pregnant woman's gait can also indicate that labor is approaching and appears after the abdomen drops. The pressure from the baby’s head causes a kind of “duck walk”: the woman begins to waddle.

Signs of labor in first-time mothers

Precursors of childbirth in primiparous women have their own characteristics compared to multiparous women. Signs, as a rule, have a large time difference, because they can appear a few days before birth, or long before its onset, so it is extremely difficult to judge from them the time of birth of the child. In addition, due to their inexperience, primiparous women may simply not pay attention to many precursors, and they go unnoticed.

Signs of labor in multiparous women

The precursors of childbirth in multiparous women are in most cases more pronounced, which is associated with a more active response of the body to hormonal influences and women’s familiarity with many signs. In addition, it should be remembered that when repeat pregnancies precursors may appear much later, often just before birth.

Premature birth

Premature birth is considered to be a birth that occurs between 28 and 37 weeks of pregnancy (according to WHO - from 22 to 37 weeks and 6 days).

Signs premature birth :

  1. Cramping pain: labor pains or false contractions up to 36-37 weeks;
  2. Feelings of heaviness in the lower abdomen and lumbar region;
  3. Abdominal prolapse before 35-36 weeks;
  4. The appearance of bloody or brown discharge from the genital tract;
  5. Feelings of pressure on the perineum and bones pelvis.

Signs like these indicate that labor is beginning. Due to the immaturity of the fetus, this condition is dangerous for its health and life, so the woman must be urgently hospitalized to maintain the pregnancy.

It is not always easy for a pregnant woman to determine the onset of labor, but there are certain signs, which indicate coming soon baby into the world.

In the last weeks of pregnancy, women feel impatient and increasingly ask the question: “When will the baby be born?” Define the exact date childbirth can be quite difficult, because sometimes labor begins at 38, 40, or even 42 weeks. If a woman carefully monitors the changes occurring in her body, then, of course, she will notice signs of the onset of labor.

The emotional state of women on the eve of the birth of a baby can be different: some feel overexcited and are on the verge of a breakdown, while others, on the contrary, say that they experienced a feeling of calm and tranquility before giving birth.

For most pregnant women, on the eve of childbirth, the so-called “ nesting instinct" The woman begins to prepare for the arrival of a new resident in the house: she washes, tidies, cleans. But most importantly, do not overdo it, otherwise childbirth may take you by surprise. Also, do not overwork in the last weeks of pregnancy; save the strength that you will need during childbirth.

What happens to the body, or symptoms of the onset of labor

A pregnancy is considered full-term after 38 weeks - the woman’s body begins to prepare for the upcoming birth. In the blood of a pregnant woman, the level of hormones that are responsible for carrying a pregnancy decreases and the level of hormones that stimulate labor increases significantly.

Labor begins when the concentration of certain hormones reaches its maximum. Naturally, hormonal changes have an impact on physical and psychological condition pregnant. There are quite a few signs of the onset of labor, but the woman does not necessarily observe them all. The presence of at least several signs together may indicate the onset of labor.

Shortly before the day of birth, the baby's head fits more tightly into the pelvic ring, due to this A pregnant woman's belly swells . Many pregnant women note that it becomes easier to breathe and sit, heartburn goes away, and obstetricians record prolapse of the uterine fundus. Prolapse of the head can occur a couple of weeks before giving birth or right before the birth.

Before giving birth, pregnant women increasingly experience , which can be quite intense and long-lasting. Thus, the body is, as it were, training, preparing for the upcoming labor. Fluid retention in the body of a pregnant woman in the last days before childbirth decreases, and, consequently, the woman may lose a little weight and swelling disappears.

Also, preparing the body for childbirth may be accompanied by loose stools . Often in primiparous and multiparous women, nausea, diarrhea and even vomiting are signs of the onset of labor. The urge to urinate often increases, thus the body cleanses itself in preparation for childbirth. These signs often precede the onset of contractions and may persist even when the cervix is ​​dilated.

Some women feel pain in the lumbar region , others feel the pressure of the baby in the lower abdomen. Also, expectant mothers may notice that their baby has become less active; indeed, as the baby grows older, it becomes increasingly difficult to move in a small space. This symptom appears a few days before birth.

For first-time mothers, labor begins, as a rule, with not too intense contractions, which can intensify over the course of a day or even more. In this case, you should be patient and wait until the contractions become constant.

Many women believe that being in a calm home environment facilitates the process of contractions and helps ensure that childbirth is quick and easy. Primipara women can afford to stay at home as long as possible if their water has not yet broken. During the second and subsequent births, you should not delay a trip to the maternity ward, as the birth may be sudden.

Contractions that repeat at intervals of 10-15 minutes and last at least a minute are the most exact sign the beginning of labor. When a woman experiences such contractions, she needs to go to the maternity hospital.

Women who are giving birth for the first time may consider false contractions a sign of the onset of labor. They can be quite painful, but stop after a while. False contractions may recur after a few days. This training is very important for a woman’s body; thanks to false contractions, the cervix prepares to open at the right moment.

The main signs of labor beginning

Throughout pregnancy, the cervical canal is tightly closed and filled with special mucus, which protects the baby from various infections. Exit of the mucus plug is a sign that the cervix is ​​ripe and ready for childbirth. The plug may come out a couple of weeks before giving birth, or it may come out right at the beginning of labor.

It is almost impossible not to notice the passage of the plug; this may happen if the mucus comes out along with the amniotic fluid or during childbirth.

The second main sign of the onset of labor is considered contractions . Primipara women may find it difficult to distinguish false contractions from real ones. However, it is worth noting that real contractions do not go away, but, on the contrary, become more frequent, their intensity increases, bringing more and more anxiety to the woman. Contractions often resemble periodic attacks of pain. Often during contractions, a woman experiences pain in the lower back, rectum, calves and thighs.

The main sign of the onset of labor is the development of contractions. They increase in intensity and become longer, and the interval between contractions begins to shorten.

Often a sign of the onset of labor is chills , which accompanies a woman during contractions and pushing. No need to worry - it's quite normal reaction body.

Rush of amniotic fluid - another sign of labor beginning. Ideally, effusion should occur shortly before the start of pushing, in other words, at the moment when the cervix is ​​already sufficiently dilated. But sometimes the waters pour out much earlier; they can recede even before the contractions begin. It is worth noting that there are cases when contractions do not come after the water breaks. Then stimulation of labor in a hospital with the help of medications is prescribed.

If your water breaks, you should go to the maternity ward immediately, as the baby cannot for a long time be without water, the longer this period, the greater the likelihood of complications.

There are situations when the doctor independently opens amniotic sac to speed up the birth process. Considerable attention is paid to the color of the waste water; the liquid should be light or slightly yellowish. Green amniotic fluid indicates that the baby was experiencing a lack of oxygen in the womb.

It is worth noting that the signs of the onset of labor in multiparous women and women giving birth for the first time are the same. The only difference is that the second birth, as a rule, proceeds more rapidly. Therefore, when the first signs of labor appear, a woman who has given birth before should immediately go to the maternity ward.

Many women worry that they will miss the onset of labor or will not be able to recognize in time that it is time to give birth. All these fears are unfounded. Even if you didn't pay attention early symptoms the onset of labor, it is simply impossible not to notice the passage of the mucous plug, the rupture of amniotic fluid and contractions!

What to do if you have signs of labor starting?

You need to keep everything Required documents ready so as not to look for them in last moment. It is also worth thinking in advance about how you will get to the maternity hospital, and agreeing with relatives if someone plans to accompany you. Try to plan everything so that the onset of labor does not take you by surprise. The main thing when labor begins is not to panic and try to relax and ease the contractions. Do not even think about driving if you are showing signs of the onset of labor; it is better to call a taxi or an ambulance.

If the expected due date has approached, but signs of the onset of labor still do not appear, you should consult a doctor to undergo necessary examinations and make sure everything is okay with the child. If signs of post-term pregnancy are detected, the doctor will decide how the birth will proceed.

It is worth remembering that childbirth is a unique process, it can begin ahead of schedule or completely unexpected. That is why every woman, starting from the 38th week of pregnancy, should be attentive to all the changes that occur in her body, so as not to miss the moment of the onset of labor.

Have an easy birth and health for you and your baby!

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The content of the article:

There is one interesting opinion among the people that the child himself chooses the time of birth. But scientists say that this factor is directly influenced by the level of hormone activity, as well as how prepared the female body is for the upcoming birth. That is why doctors can determine the expected date of birth as accurately as possible. In some cases, it may be necessary to carry out certain calculations and also do an ultrasound. Due to these indicators, the due date may be adjusted.

But the predictions made by doctors are not always completely true. As a result, future parents become constantly nervous. But every woman who is expecting a child should increased attention monitor the condition own body and notice even minor changes, follow the “signals” that the body gives.

Preparing the female body for childbirth begins long before the first contractions. Before the birth of a child, women can experience a variety of things emotional condition- ranging from complete relaxation to extreme overexcitation.

Psychological mood before childbirth

The female body is completely unique, because nature took care to prepare it naturally for the upcoming birth. But many expectant mothers last weeks pregnancy is haunted by the question of when exactly this happy moment will happen. In order not to be nervous over trifles, women need to try to fully understand what signs appear before childbirth and do not forget to follow all the instructions and recommendations of their doctor.

As a rule, all pregnant women pay close attention to changes in their own body. In almost all cases, it is very difficult to miss the signs that indicate the imminent approach of labor.

It is extremely difficult to determine the date of birth with an accuracy of one day; this moment can occur at the 38th week of pregnancy, and in some cases at 40. This process is strictly individual and has many aspects, which are sometimes simply impossible to calculate as accurately as possible.

After the 36th week of pregnancy, the onset of labor can occur at almost any time, which is why you should always remain very careful and, if you feel the first feeling of discomfort or worsening of your condition, immediately seek help from a doctor.

How to understand that labor will begin soon?

The main signs that indicate the onset of labor include:
  1. As a rule, swelling disappears almost before childbirth, and with it a few may go away. extra pounds. The fact is that at this moment excess fluid is removed from the body naturally.
  2. In some cases, the onset of labor is indicated by a drooping belly. This happens because the baby gradually moves towards the birth canal. If this is your first birth, your belly may drop around 37 weeks of pregnancy. And for those who are giving birth not for the first time, this process may occur a little later. At this time, the pressure on the diaphragm and stomach begins to decrease, and the fundus of the uterus gradually drops by several centimeters. Most pregnant women notice that it has become much easier to sit, heartburn and shortness of breath have ceased to bother them.
  3. As a result of the increased pressure on the bladder, the urge to urinate becomes more frequent. There is a feeling of pressure and severe heaviness in the lower back and sacrum. This phenomenon is directly related to the change in the position of the child, as well as the expansion of the woman’s pelvic bones. The fetus may press on nerve endings, which causes leg cramps.
  4. Most pregnant women, including in the case of their first birth, may notice a decrease in the baby's activity - by the time of birth, the child has grown enough, so it becomes difficult for him to move in a small space.
  5. Intestinal motility increases as the body begins to active preparation to childbirth. Possible loose stools, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.
  6. As birth approaches, the “nesting effect” often appears, which was created by nature itself. Signs of childbirth may also include a change in the usual behavior of a pregnant woman - for example, there is a desire to stay alone or do things in the house. general cleaning. Sudden bouts of activity are also unexpectedly replaced by peace, apathy and a sense of calm.
  7. Braxton-Hicks contractions, also called preparatory “false” contractions. These are the fights that take place effective training body and softening of the cervix before upcoming birth. In these cases, tension occurs and the woman practically does not experience discomfort. This type of contraction is not regular, and they are also not capable of dilating the cervix.
  8. Bloody mucous discharge in small quantities. This sure sign that the uterus begins to actively prepare for childbirth. This symptom may be a thinning or expansion of the uterus.
  9. As a result of shortening of the cervix, the mucous plug is released (in whole or in parts), which served as a natural barrier between membrane and vaginal microflora. Pulling sounds may indicate the upcoming separation of the mucus plug. painful sensations in the lower abdomen. Most women simply notice the appearance heavy discharge- the cork comes out gradually. If it goes away immediately, a mucous lump appears, which a woman can notice while visiting the toilet. From the moment the plug comes out until the start of labor, quite a long time can pass - a couple of hours or several weeks.

If at least one of the signs listed above appears, you can be sure that the moment of childbirth will come very soon. Therefore, it is necessary to go to the hospital as quickly as possible.

Today, experts distinguish several main signs that are sure harbingers of the onset of labor. They need to be monitored very carefully, since you need to apply for a qualified license in time. medical care. As the due date, set by the doctor, approaches, it is necessary to collect all the necessary documents and things that will be needed in the maternity hospital.

Leakage of amniotic fluid

If the pregnancy proceeds normally, and there are no abnormalities or complications, the discharge of amniotic fluid occurs immediately before the onset of labor, at the moment when the cervix dilates.

Quite often you can encounter a situation where there is a risk of rupture of the amniotic sac before labor begins. In this case, the woman will not experience any accompanying sensations that portend this phenomenon (for example, spasms, contractions).

In such a situation, it is necessary to go to maternity hospital. The fact is that the waterless period cannot last longer than 12 hours. During pregnancy, upon reaching the 37th week, the breaking of waters indicates that premature labor has occurred, so doctors may need to prepare the baby for independent breathing.

If there is constant, slow and periodic intermittent leakage of amniotic fluid, there is a risk of premature labor, development intrauterine infection, as well as others serious complications, both for the health of the child and the pregnant woman.

If one of the above reasons occurs, you need to go to the hospital as soon as possible. If there is no onset of labor, the doctor will prescribe medical stimulation.


The appearance of contractions (regular labor contractions), which are accompanied by unpleasant and quite strong nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region, promotes the onset of dilation of the cervix.

In primiparous women, signs of the onset of labor may be minor contractions, the duration of which often reaches a day and at the same time they gradually intensify.

At first, the contractions will not be too strong in terms of pain or duration (about 10–15 seconds), and they occur periodically. In the pauses that appear between contractions, the uterus relaxes, which allows the pregnant woman to rest a little.

Happening gradual development labor and contractions begin to become more frequent - both the pain and their duration increase. Now the rest period will be approximately 15-20 minutes, and at the time of birth 2-3 minutes.

Contractions also include pain that manifests itself in the lower abdomen, lumbar region, calves, thighs and rectum. Quite often these symptoms are accompanied by chills. After a 10-minute break is reached between contractions, the duration of which is at least 60 seconds, this is a sure harbinger of the onset of early labor.

Both primiparous and multiparous women exhibit exactly the same signs of labor. In this case, the main difference is the greater speed of births subsequent to the first.

Experts say that when repeated births quite common premature passage water before contractions begin. If none of the above signs of labor have appeared before the 40th week of pregnancy, you should be examined by a doctor to determine the condition of the baby.

What is the difference between true contractions and false ones before childbirth?

False contractions have all the features similar to prenatal ones. However, their main difference is the interval and dynamics. If you lie down, move around a little, or take a shower, the discomfort may stop.

Unlike prenatal, when false contractions occur, a pregnant woman can fall asleep. Training contractions are irregular in nature and interval, but they will not increase in intensity and will not begin to lengthen. When they appear, the cervix does not dilate.

The appearance of false contractions at 39 weeks of pregnancy may be perceived as prenatal. But in some cases they can appear at 30 weeks.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that in each case the pregnancy proceeds in a strictly individually, but the woman will not necessarily exhibit the above symptoms. That is why the expectant mother needs to closely monitor the state of her own body and listen to the signals it sends that indicate the onset of labor.

How to determine when you need to go to the maternity hospital, watch this video:

When there is very little time left before the onset of labor, every pregnant woman begins to think about exactly what symptoms will tell her about the beginning of this. important event. Of course, this question is very important, because every woman wants to be in a specialized maternity hospital during the birth process and be under the supervision of doctors and obstetricians. If a woman knows everything she needs about the signs of labor, then she will worry less. If there is no such knowledge, then the pregnant woman may begin to panic, but under no circumstances should this be done.

Signs of beginning labor

Signs of the imminent onset of the labor process are one of the parts that are included in the period of precursors of labor. The first signs of labor should generally appear approximately 7-14 days before your due date. So, the list of precursors of childbirth includes the following changes in the body: expectant mother:
  1. The stomach begins to drop down. This condition can easily be explained by the fact that the presenting part of the child begins to gradually descend into the woman’s pelvis, and the uterine fundus also descends due to a decrease in the tone of the abdominal muscles. A few weeks before birth, the baby's head will be directed towards the entrance to the mother's pelvis. If the birth is the first, then prolapse may begin 4 weeks before birth. If a woman is multiparous, then prolapse, in most cases, occurs immediately a week or two before the onset of labor.
  2. Increased secretion of the cervical glands, which are located on the mucous membrane of the cervical canal. This provokes the passage of the mucus plug, and mucous discharge begins to appear from the vagina, which is astringent secretion from the cervix. Over time, the discharge may become increasingly clear.
  3. Gradually it becomes easier for the woman to breathe. This condition occurs due to the fact that the child moves more in bottom part The abdomen and stomach with the diaphragm begin to feel freer. At the same time, other rather unpleasant consequences moving the baby. Many pregnant women experience discomfort while sitting, heartburn, frequent urge to the toilet due to pressure on the bladder.
  4. There are quite severe pain in the lower back. This occurs as a result of an increase in the weight of the child and its pressure on the woman’s pelvis, and the stretching of the iliosacral connective tissue increases.
  5. Quite often shortly before birth urge increases not only on urination, but also on fecal defecation. In this case, many experts recommend starting to take laxatives, which are aimed at preparing and cleansing the body before childbirth. Also, some hormones affect the body in this way and prepare it naturally.
  6. There is also a significant sign woman's weight loss. Before giving birth, a woman can lose an average of 1-1.5 kilograms. This is due to increased excretion from the body expectant mother liquids.
  7. It is worth noting that significantly the baby's motor activity changes. Some babies become quiet, while others begin to behave too actively, especially when compared to how they behaved throughout pregnancy.
  8. Before giving birth, a woman’s loss of appetite. Also, a few weeks before giving birth, a woman’s mood begins to change very quickly and dramatically. This is influenced by changes that occur in the endocrine system.
  9. In most women, the “nesting” instinct begins to manifest itself when she intensively prepares for the birth of a child.

Signs of approaching labor

The first symptoms of labor, which can begin approximately 1-2 weeks before the birth of the child, gradually move into the preliminary period. The preliminary period is considered normal when a woman’s pregnancy is full-term and she begins from time to time to experience pain in the lower abdomen of varying duration and frequency, somewhat similar to contractions. It is worth noting that the normal preliminary period lasts no more than six hours. This period does not affect the rhythm of sleep or wakefulness in any way.

If during this period the gynecologist examines the vagina, he will see that the cervix is ​​mature and ready for childbirth, and also note the presence of mucous discharge in the woman. Preliminary pain will eventually turn into real regular labor contractions, which are evidence of the beginning of the first stage of labor.

Signs of labor in primiparous and multiparous women

Signs of labor will not differ depending on what kind of child you are giving birth to. Of course, the only difference will be that the second time the harbingers of labor cause less fear and anxiety. In addition, the woman already has experience and knows how to behave in this or that case. Interesting fact There is the fact that in multiparous women, signs of labor may be more pronounced and begin closer to the onset of labor.

Start of labor signs and symptoms

When the body has finished preparing for childbirth, you can notice some changes that may indicate this. So, there are several signs that your baby will be born very soon:
  • regular contractions appear. After they appear, the pregnant woman turns into a woman in labor. Contractions can be compared to rhythmic pressure on abdominal cavity women. Gradually contractions will become more frequent and stronger, and accordingly they will increase painful sensations and discomfort. During each contraction, you will feel that the uterus is becoming very hard. Between contractions, the body will completely relax.
  • The mucus plug comes off. This is a dense lump of mucus that can disappear a few weeks before birth, or a few days or even hours. It is worth noting that in most cases there will be a small amount of blood present in the mucus from the plug.
  • The cervix begins to gradually smooth out, which ends with the opening of the uterine pharynx.
  • Amniotic fluid leaves. Depending on exactly how and in what place the amniotic sac ruptures, the water may break at one time or may break in small quantities several times. It is very important to notice the condition when water is leaking and promptly consult a doctor about this problem.

Signs of premature birth

I would like to add that if the birth is premature, then its symptoms will not differ in any way from the timely birth process. It is worth noting that premature births are those that occur from 27 to 32 weeks of pregnancy.
  • There are a few clear signs, which may indicate possible start giving birth prematurely:
  • the cervix becomes soft and begins to shorten (you can see this on an ultrasound);
  • the woman experiences sensations that resemble contractions;
  • arise vaginal bleeding to varying degrees difficulties;
  • water begins to leak or completely recedes;
  • The child's activity decreases very sharply.
If signs of labor appear long before your due date, you should immediately call an ambulance. You should not expect that everything will go away on its own, because if this is really the beginning of labor, then you and your child may need not only the help of doctors and obstetricians, but also resuscitation procedures.

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