DIY road sign for the competition. Teaching traffic rules in a playful way. “Traffic light” - applique made of colored paper

Manufacturing master class game layout"City Street"

Norkina Oksana Sergeevna
Educator of MADOU kindergarten No. 21 “Rosinka” combined view of the urban district of the city of Kumertau of the Republic of Bashkortostan
The master class is designed for educators, but may also be useful for parents.
Purpose: training in game modeling, formation safe behavior on the roadway.
Target: making a model for play modeling when working with older children before school age.
- introduce children to the rules traffic, the purpose and signals of traffic lights, with road signs, expand knowledge about the rules of safe behavior for children on the street;
- activate children independent activity in the corner of the traffic rules,
Game layout can be used for development fine motor skills, visual perception, social and everyday orientation, orientation in space.

Stage I - basis for the layout To make the base of the game model “City Street” we will need: 2 pieces from an MDF panel (I have them 53 cm), a piano hinge, screws and nuts for fastening.

Using a drill, we drill holes in the MDF panels in selected places, and secure the piano hinge with screws and nuts.

So that our model stands at an angle of 90 degrees and does not fall back, we screw the corner stop on one side (for me it’s part of the fastening from an old curtain), paint over it bottom part our layout with black paint.

Now we will design the upper vertical part of the layout. To design it, we take 2 pictures depicting houses (I put together these for myself).

We print the pictures in duplicate and laminate them; if you don’t have a laminator, you can simply cover them with tape. The picture becomes brighter and it is easier to care for the layout - for example, wipe off dust.
We paste one copy of our laminated pictures, joining them to the layout, this is what we should get.

Now we will add volume to the card. To do this, we cut out buildings from second copies at our discretion, and glue them onto pre-prepared ceiling tile blanks - single background and double foreground, in my work I used “Master” ceiling tile adhesive

Cutting out buildings with a utility knife

We paste it (I still use the same “Master”) on the layout, our street now has “depth”.

Let's move on to the design of the roadway. We take construction tape and highlight it crosswalk, the dividing strip, that is, what we will paint over with white, cover everything else.

I use regular ones at work. aerosol paints in a can, sold at any hardware store, dry quickly, easy to use. We highlighted all the lines with white - remove the tape. The roadway and crossing are ready.

Stage II - Paper machines. Now prints templates paper machines, there are a huge number of them on the Internet, let’s take these as an example.

The image has been reduced. Click to see original.

We laminate the printed templates (1 sheet of laminated film - 2 sheets of templates with cars), fold the sheets with the white sides inward. We laminate them so that the cars become tougher, brighter and can be wiped clean. When the sheet is laminated, we cut it along the contour and we get 2 sheets laminated on the colored side, the second side remains unlaminated (paper) - the paper sticks together better, and laminated machines shine. This is what a laminated sheet with templates, cut on 3 sides, looks like.

We cut out the car templates and glue them together.

Stage III - road signs. Now let's move on to making road signs.
Materials: I used 2 sheets of regular white office paper, ceiling tiles(better washable), a stationery knife, toothpicks, master glue, mosaic 3 colors (red, yellow, green), laminated sheet with blank signs, I used this one.

The image has been reduced. Click to see original.

We cut out and paste 1 copy onto the tile, cut it out with a stationery knife along the contour, on the other side we glue 2 copies (if you wish, you can not paste the second part of the sign. We make a stand for our signs. Take a sheet of white paper and cut strips of 4-5 mm along long side leaf. For one sign, you need 5 strips.. Take one strip and wind it onto a toothpick, forming a tight “roll” - this is the upper part of the stand. Glue in long strip 4 strips, rolled into a roll. Place a small one on top of a large roll and glue it together. We dip the edge of a toothpick in glue, pierce our “rolls”, and with the other edge of the toothpick we pierce the blank with a road sign. Our sign is all ready.

To make the traffic light more voluminous, add a small mosaic of the appropriate colors to the lights, pierce the holes with an awl, and insert the mosaic.

Our fleet

Our signs

Thanks everyone for your attention!

Unfortunately, children quite often become involved in various road accidents. And all this happens because many of them do not know the basic rules. It is not difficult to memorize the rules of traffic behavior on the roads and streets of the city. Parents and employees of educational institutions should help the child in this matter. IN educational institutions are held quite often traffic lessons. And these lessons end with the children making various crafts. Therefore, in this article we decided to bring you crafts on the topic of traffic rules for children. Children can easily make these crafts with their own hands if they look at the photo.

What crafts to make on the topic: Traffic rules

Traffic light - simple craft. Several variants.

The simplest craft option is a traffic light. Indeed, even a child who attends can make such a craft kindergarten. In the process of creating such a product, do not forget to remind your child what the colors of the traffic light mean.

The basis of the craft will be - album sheet. It must be painted black. You can also draw a rectangle on the sheet and decorate it accordingly. Cut out circles from colored paper and glue them to your traffic light.

A traffic light can be made from a box.

In addition, you can use old CDs to create a traffic light. A kind traffic light who expresses his emotions can clearly explain the rules of behavior at a traffic light.

A traffic light that has the head of a policeman looks very interesting. Attach arms and legs to the traffic light.

The old bottle is great option for making crafts. You just color it in base color, draw traffic light circles on it. Don't forget to attach the legs to the bottle. Cut out pens from paper and insert the basic attributes of a police officer into them.

Applications on traffic rules topic.

Next simple crafts are applications. Preschool children can also cope with this task. Applications can be made of colored paper and cardboard.

You can also make applications from plasticine. At the beginning it stands on thick paper apply the drawing, after which it should be decorated with plasticine.

Another picture made of plasticine. She looks very unusual and bright.

Paper figures.

Crafting traffic rules for children should be interesting. You can make a lot of things out of paper various crafts about this theme. And they will all be interesting in their own way.

Complex applications.

It is worth saying that crafts about traffic rules for children can be not only simple. And if children use the help of their parents, then they will be able to do more with them complex applications, which clearly explain the rules of behavior on the roads.


As you can see, making crafts on the topic of traffic rules is very simple. In this case, the child fantasizes and remembers important rules, which will further help him maintain his health and life.

In kindergarten and primary school great attention focuses on teaching children traffic rules. Classes and lessons on this topic are planned. In kindergarten, each group must have a road corner, where children game form become familiar with traffic lights, road markings, the most common road signs and rules for crossing the street.

There are also events for children on this topic with the invitation of road service workers or artists. The competition “The Road through the Eyes of Children” is often organized. Crafts are done either in the garden with a teacher, or an assignment is given at home. Parents are also involved joint activities. This article will help moms and dads find interesting ideas for such a competition.

Making a traffic light

The very first thing children learn about traffic rules is the meaning and their correct location. Also in younger group kids consolidate their knowledge in classes visual arts. Drawing circles desired color or by making an applique on a black rectangle, children consolidate their acquired knowledge. Starting work for the competition “The Road through the Eyes of Children” with traffic light crafts would be a very right decision.

This kind of work needs to be placed at an intersection of the “road”, so you will need a leg and a stand. This can be done simply from cardboard, but it’s more interesting to take an old felt-tip pen, take out the rod and insert one side of it into a matchbox, and glue the other to the square thick cardboard on PVA glue.

All parts of the structure must be covered with colored paper, and placed on the matchbox in in the right order different circles. At the same time, the child will repeat their arrangement. Red is always on top, yellow is in the middle, green is at the bottom. Tell your child why the lights are positioned this way. After all, not all people distinguish colors. Some are guided only by spatial location. They know that once the overhead light comes on, they need to stand still. Bottom - you can go.

paper machine

The next option for “The Road Through the Eyes of Children” is crafts and cardboard. Remaining after use toilet paper cardboard cylinder need to be covered with colored paper. Cut out 4 wheels from black cardboard and attach two on the front and back. In the middle of the machine, cut a hole for the driver, making a cut in the shape of the letter "H". By bending part of the cardboard back we get a driver's seat, and cut the curved part forward with scissors to the shape of a circle. By painting it or making an applique, we get a steering wheel.

Small parts of the car are made from colored paper. The photo shows a racing car, but you can make just a few cars various colors and post them on different areas"Roads through the eyes of children." Crafts cars could t different. If you have a road planned big size, then you can make larger cars. Description follows below.

Plastic cars

Various foam plastic and wooden blocks are suitable for making machines, matchboxes and the matches themselves, Kinder Surprise boxes and egg cartons. Now we will talk about using used plastic cans and bottles for work.

The photo shows cars for the competition "The Road through the Eyes of Children." Crafts from plastic bottles often used to make some kind of figures. For the presented products, you need to take used plastic packaging from gel for washing clothes. Just wash the jar thoroughly first so that no chemical remains.

Using an awl, holes are punched for wheels made from corks. You can simply put them on PVA glue. But then the car won't move. In order for the car to be mobile, you will have to find either old wheels from another broken car, or select a rod for the wheels from waste material. These can be wooden sticks, metal rods, a felt-tip pen, a pencil, etc. To decorate crafts in the form of such cars for the “The Road through the Eyes of Children” competition, you need to use self-adhesive tape different colors or, as a last resort, use colored paper and tape.


All children understand that there are houses along each road. So, if a child wants to make a house, then such products are quite suitable for this topic.

Moreover, it is very easy to make crafts with your own hands in the form of multi-story buildings for “The Road through the Eyes of Children.” You just need to have a milk carton, cover it with colored paper and paint it, making windows, a roof and a door.

After reading the article, parents will be able to help their child choose required material for the competition "The Road through the Eyes of Children" (for crafts). How to make them is described in detail. You can come up with something of your own based on the options you see.

DIY Christmas tree decorations made from a disk in the style of a traffic sign. Master class with step-by-step photos

The master class is designed for children of primary school age, teachers, parents and people involved in creativity.
Purpose: this master class intended for production Christmas decorations with symbols of traffic signs, which can serve not only as interior decoration, but also to remind children about road safety during the New Year holidays.
Target: making a Christmas tree toy from a disk, felt and semolina.
- trace the technology of making the toy;
- develop Creative skills, observation, mental processes(memory, thinking, imagination, attention);
- cultivate aesthetic taste and accuracy.

Before the end of the term, it would be useful to remind children about the rules of safe behavior on the streets, focusing on specific “winter” dangers associated primarily with bad weather conditions. weather conditions. Children rarely focus attention on these features, so a regular lesson - a “minute”, built on the question-answer principle, is not enough. An explanation is needed why on a winter road it is necessary increased attention. The main rule of behavior on the road in winter is double attention and increased caution!
You can remind about road safety and traffic signs in class. labor training combined with class time. Signs made with my own hands, will serve as both a Christmas tree decoration and a reminder of safety.
The world's first road sign system originated in Ancient Rome in the 3rd century BC e. The appearance of the first self-propelled carriages on the roads required fundamental changes in the organization of road traffic. No matter how imperfect the first cars were, they moved much faster than horse-drawn carriages. The driver of the car had to react faster to the emerging danger than the coachman.
To resolve these issues, representatives of European countries gathered in 1909 in Paris at a conference on automobile traffic, at which the “International Convention regarding the Movement of Motor Vehicles” was developed and adopted, regulating the basic principles of road traffic and requirements for a car.

Necessary materials:
- felt (white, red, blue, black)
- cardboard
- scissors
- PVA glue
- disposable cups
- some water
- semolina
- food colorings(yellow green)
- wooden stick
- compass
- a simple pencil
- ruler
- awl
- ribbon
- disks

The prototype of my work will be signs
1. “No Entry” sign (brick)
2. Sign “Pedestrian traffic prohibited”
3. Roundabout sign


1. Let’s prepare “semolina sand”.

Pour a little semolina into an empty dry glass, add yellow food coloring and 2-3 drops of water.

Mix everything thoroughly with a wooden stick until a homogeneous mass without lumps is obtained.
Using the same principle, we make green semolina sand.

2. Take a disk, an awl and a ribbon.

We poke the hole with an awl. Insert a ribbon and tie it. Glue the knot to the disk.

3. Now we circle with a simple pencil disk on red felt.

Cut it out.

Glue with PVA glue.

White stains from the glue on the base will dry and leave no traces.
4. On white felt, draw a rectangle with sides 10 and 2.5 cm.

Cut it out and glue it onto the base.

One side of the Christmas tree decoration is ready.
5. Decorate the second side of the disk.

We draw a Christmas tree with glue.

Sprinkle with green semolina sand.

Let the semolina stick for a couple of minutes. Blow off the remaining crumbs.

6. Next, use glue to draw snow and snowflakes. Sprinkle with semolina white. Let it dry for a couple of minutes. We also blow away the remains of unnecessary cereals.

7. Place dots with glue - balls on the Christmas tree, sprinkle with “semolina sand” yellow color. After 2-3 minutes, shake off the unwanted crumbs.
The result is a picture of semolina.

Is our Christmas decorations ready!

The next sign, a Christmas tree decoration in the style of a traffic sign, is made by analogy with the first:
1. Take a disk, an awl and a ribbon. We pierce the disk with an awl, insert a ribbon, and tie it.
2. Glue the ribbon to the disk.

3. Trace the disc on red felt. Cut it out. Using a compass we draw a circle of 1 cm less than diameter disk.

Cut it out.
We also cut out a rectangle of red felt with sides 12 and 1 cm.

4. From white felt, cut out a circle equal to the diameter of the disk (Apply the disk, trace it, cut it out).

5. Glue a white felt circle to the disk. Then a red stripe diagonally from left to right. Then the red circle.

6. Draw and cut out the silhouette of a walking person on cardboard. These are templates.

In children's preschool institutions and schools, as part of the study of traffic rules, the competition “The Road through the Eyes of Children” is often held. Crafts on this topic are usually proposed to be created at home with the help of parents. What interesting things can you do yourself at home or in the garden?

Teaching traffic rules in a playful way

Every child becomes a participant in traffic every day, moving in a car or on pedestrian paths. In order for children from an early age to remember the most important ones, but at the same time simple rules road traffic, with them you can create crafts on the theme “The road through the eyes of children.”

Kids love to play with cars, and with their help you can create a craft for teaching traffic rules in the form fun game. Take a large cardboard box or its lid and cover the inside with self-adhesive or paper. Use postcards or paper to build a house, a kindergarten, a school, a store, or a crossroads inside.

How to make a road?

It’s not so easy to build something on the theme “The road through the eyes of children.” It is better to create the crafts, photos of which you see in the article, with the help of your parents. We continue to make a dummy to teach traffic rules. What is the best way to build a road in it? To begin, clearly draw it in black. After the paint has dried, stick on white paper markings or simply draw white lines. Draw green lawns on the sides. To create volume, use a sponge and apply a little light green paint to the lawn. If you don't have a sponge on hand, use a stiff glue brush.

This way, crafts on the theme “The road through the eyes of children” will be more realistic. Don't forget to draw trees on the sides of the box; they can also be made from plasticine, toothpicks, and cardboard. Draw gray sidewalks for passersby.

What to make a traffic light from?

Familiarizing your child with the rules of the road starts small. You should not immediately focus all his attention on a large volume of material. The road through the eyes of children - drawings, crafts using the baby's first friend on the road - a traffic light. This is what you need!

Where to start getting acquainted with traffic lights? Of course, from the game! The easiest way to build a traffic light is from a cardboard box, such as a shoe box. Cover the box with black paper and make an applique on it in the form of round traffic lights. Use a rolled piece of cardboard and a black circle to make a sturdy stand. Show your imagination and weave a traffic light from beads, mold it from plasticine, salt dough, crochet or knit. All these crafts on the theme “The road through the eyes of children” will really appeal to kids. Clearly explain to children the meaning of all traffic lights.

Don’t forget to build a two-color one, because this is what your baby will personally encounter on the road.

Learning road signs with crafts

Important when studying traffic rules and road signs. Their meaning is also easiest to learn through play. With children aged five and over, you can make a small book in which they will methodically paste the new signs they have learned. Always pay attention to signs and their meanings when walking. Can be built soft crafts for children, then learning the signs will be even more fun.

Take a piece of carpet (it’s better to take a looped one, since Velcro fits well on it). Take a piece measuring 60 by 60 cm. Sew a fabric road with Velcro onto the carpet wrong side. Make the markings using white laces. Build traffic lights, road signs, pedestrians and cars. All parts must be Velcro for free movement around the site. This game will help consolidate knowledge about traffic rules and will be very interesting for children.

Crafts on the theme “The road through the eyes of children”: how to make a traffic controller?

Children preparatory group should already be familiar with the basic rules of the road, know concepts, signs, and terms. With children 6-7 years old you can build a cardboard traffic controller. To work you need to take carton boxes, colored paper, cardboard, scissors, glue, compass, markers. Two oblong boxes need to be covered with blue or of blue color. Then the box bigger size we paste it the same way. The traffic controller's torso and legs are ready. We glue the legs to the body. On beige cardboard we draw the head of a traffic controller with two longitudinal stripes. Cut out the parts and glue the strips into a circle. Now the head can be conveniently placed on the box. So that it can be glued to the box, make flaps and bend them. Make hands out of paper blue color(draw two white stripes at the bottom). Cut out a traffic controller's vest from light green paper. Now we take a compass and draw three identical circles (two blue, one white).

Cut it out. We cut out a strip of cardboard, cut the valves on it, and glue the circle. We assemble a cap from the parts and cover it with red paper tape. Glue boots made of black cardboard to your feet, draw a face - the craft is ready!

If you use your imagination, it’s not at all difficult to imagine what the photo of which is in the article looks like, you can do it yourself.

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