Outline of a lesson on applique, modeling (preparatory group) on the topic: Summary of direct educational activities in the educational field “Artistic and aesthetic development.” Notes on plasticineography nodes for older children

Synopsis of direct educational activities By educational field"Artistic and aesthetic development."

Subject: "Rocket and Cosmonaut".

Target: To cultivate in children an aesthetic attitude towards objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, a sustainable interest in visual arts.

Tasks: Continue to teach how to convey the shape and proportions of an object; plasticity of movement in modeling; convey characteristic human movements.

Strengthen the ability to sculpt objects from a single piece of plasticine and in parts. Improve the ability to consistently perform all stages of work.

Equipment: I prepared plasticine in 3 colors per child, napkins, oilcloths, stacks, easel. Illustrations of a rocket, an astronaut in a space suit, portraits of Gagarin and Korolev.

Preliminary work: looking at illustrations of rockets and spaceships; portraits of astronauts, designers; reading fiction(encyclopedia): “Everything about everything - Space” - M., AST, 2000.

Individual work: Teach Roma Z. to tightly fasten the parts together, smoothing out unevenness with his index finger.

Vocabulary work: Activate the words in speech: porthole, man-designer, (depressurization).

Progress and guidance:I part (Introductory):

Guys, who knows what holiday is celebrated on April 12? – Cosmonautics Day (choral response). – Yes, children, on April 12, 1961, for the first time in the world, our Russian cosmonaut flew into space on the Soyuz spacecraft. It was big celebration for everything Soviet Union. – What was the name of the first cosmonaut? - Yuri Gagarin. – Yes, this is Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. Here he is, look (I draw the children’s attention to his portrait). - And the great man-designer Sergei Pavlovich Korolev helped us fly into space (pay attention to the photo). – Repeat, Bogdan, Roman. “He and his fellow designers developed space rocket ships. Here they are, look at the illustration.

Now, guess the riddles:

Miracle bird, scarlet tail.

Arrived in a flock of stars.

Answer: Rocket.

This bird has no wings
But one cannot help but marvel:
As soon as the bird spreads its tail -
And rises to the stars.

Answer: Rocket.

He's in a spacesuit, with insurance

Entered orbit.

He corrected the ship deftly

The cable is broken.

A man sits in a rocket.

He flies boldly into the sky,

And at us in his spacesuit

He's looking from space.

First they spun it in a centrifuge,

And then they dressed me in a heavy spacesuit.

He set off to fly among the stars.

I want too! They say he's not grown up enough.

He is not a pilot, not a pilot,

He's not flying a plane,

And a huge rocket.

Children, who say this?

Answer: Astronaut.

Today in class, as you may have guessed, we will sculpt a rocket and an astronaut in a space suit. Look at the picture.

You have plasticine of different colors on your tables. The biggest piece is the rocket. We will sculpt it from a single piece, in the form of a carrot (I show the method of sculpting). To make it light for the astronaut in the rocket, we will make a porthole. Children, repeat - porthole (choral answer). Roll small balls in a circular motion between your palms and slightly flatten them - these are portholes. But, in fact, guys, in a real rocket there are no windows, since the rocket has a very high speed, a lot of pressure is created, and not a single glass can withstand it, it will burst, and depressurization of the ship will lead to tragedy. – The rocket can be decorated as you wish. – Let’s start making the astronaut (I’m doing a partial demonstration). – We divide a piece of plasticine into 3 parts, one part is the head, the other is the torso, and the third will be the arms and legs. -What shape is the head? - Round. - And the torso? - Oval. - How will we achieve obtaining oval shape? (roll between palms). - Now let’s rest a little.

Space physical education session.

Musical accompaniment:
Earthlings “Grass near the House”, music by the band Space (Space)
A little movement
Let the child depict how they walk on the moon, i.e. feet shoulder-width apart and slowly jumps to the side.
The sun is shining in the clear sky,
An astronaut flies in a rocket.
(Stretch - arms up.)
And below are forests and fields -
(Bend over.)
The ground is spreading.
(Spread your arms to the sides.)
Warm-up “Preparing for flight”
The suit check begins. Does the helmet fit comfortably on your head? (Turns, head tilts to the right, left, forward, backward, circular rotations of the head.) An astronaut can move in space using a device placed in a backpack on his back. We check how tightly the backpack is held behind your back. (Circular movements, raising and lowering the shoulders.) Are the numerous zippers and buckles fastened well? (Turns and tilts of the body to the right, left, forward, backward, circular movements of the body, bends towards the feet.) Do the gloves fit snugly to the hands? (Rotational movements with the hands extended forward at chest level, alternating and simultaneous swings of the hands, raising the arms up in front of oneself with alternate flexion and extension of the hands, lowering them down through the sides, also alternately bending and straightening the hands.) How the radio works, does not act up ? (Half squats, jumping on two legs in place.) Are your boots too tight? (Walking in a circle on toes, heels, outer and inner feet, toe-off, side gallop to the right, left, single file step.) Is the “heating system” of the spacesuit okay? Is it easy to breathe in it? (Inhale - arms up, exhale - arms down.)

Well done, have a good time!

II part (Main):

Now let's get to work. Sit more comfortably. -Where do we start? (from a rocket).

Guys, you can also decorate the astronaut costume as you wish. If your astronaut will go into outer space, then do not forget to make (put on) a special “backpack” for him - with the help of which he will be comfortable in open air space. - Guys, the astronaut’s face is covered with thick glass, almost like a window in a rocket.

We bring the finished work to the “cosmodrome” (you can prepare a “site for space travel” in advance).

IIIpart (Final):

Children, look, many rockets and astronauts have appeared at our “cosmodrome”. – Which rocket do you think will take off faster? Which rocket will have the higher speed? What astronaut will feel good in outer space? (children's answers).

Well done! Today in class you showed your skills and abilities, how well you speak different ways sculpting. Until next time.

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Game summary - modeling classes in the second younger group

topic: “Rocket for Luntik”

Sarapul 2014

Tasks: 1. Teach children to sculpt a plane rocket based on a cone shape. Expand children's understanding of space. Show ways to create an expressive image using Additional materials(buttons for portholes).

2.Develop children's sense of form and fine motor skills; cognitive interest to the life of the cosmos; memory, speech, ability to analyze, draw conclusions; develop the ability to listen to each other, enrich vocabulary.

3.Educate moral qualities: kindness, mutual assistance, respect for nature, plants, animals; skills joint activities; interest in displaying ideas about space using plastic means.

Preliminary work: looking at illustrations: space, astronauts; making a group work “Starry Sky”, reading fiction, memorizing finger gymnastics, physics minutes about space

Equipment: colored dough, buttons, modeling boards, stacks, colored cardboard (background for work, decorated in mat), collective work “Starry Sky”, easel, black fabric with stars, clothespins and colored cardboard, toy - Luntik, sample work, multimedia, cartoon about Luntik,

Vocabulary work: space, planets, sky, starry, porthole, body, wings, Earth, Moon.

Children enter the group (hall), the teacher draws the children’s attention to multimedia.

Vos-l:- Guys, our magic screen wants to show us something. Let's see?

(children watch episode 1 of the cartoon “Luntik”)

Vos-l:- Children, look Luntik came to visit us today. Shall we say hello to him?!

Children:They greet Luntik and look at him.

Vos-l:- What do you guys think, where did Luntik come from?

Children's answers:from the moon, from space, from the sky.

Vos-l:- What else is in the sky, in space?

Children:- Stars, sun, other planets (considering teamwork“Starry Sky”, made earlier)

Luntik: Yes, your picture is very similar to space, I flew from the Moon and now I don’t know how to get back home. I really miss my family: dad and mom. Do you have a family?

Children:children's answers

Vos-l:- Guys, let’s tell Luntik “Who lives in our apartment”...

Finger gymnastics:

"One two three four,

Who lives in our apartment?

One two three four five

Dad, mom, brother, sister,

Murka cat, two kittens,

My puppy, cricket and me

That's my whole family."

Luntik:- Oh, what a big family you have, how cool.

You have a very beautiful planet Earth. There are many trees, flowers, animals and birds. Take care of your planet. I learned so many interesting things about it, I made friends here.

Vos-l:- Guys, I suggest you put the picture on the table for Luntik using clothespins.

Children post a picture: grass, flowers, sun, bunny.

Luntik:- How beautiful. What are yours skillful hands and play and make things. You guys are great, friendly. I really like it here, but how will I get home?

Vos-l:- Guys, how can we help Luntik return home? (children's answers)

How can you fly to the moon?

Children: - On a rocket!


“And now we are with you, children (claps)

Let's fly away on a rocket (arms above head)

Stand up on your toes (rise up on your toes)

And then hands down (hands down)

Here's a rocket flying up (raise your hands up)

We landed and sat down (sit down)

And they flew back" (running in all directions)

Vos-l:- What can you make a rocket out of? (from dough) Yes, we can make a rocket for Luntik from colored dough and then he can fly to his home. Shall we help Luntik?

Children:- Yes.

The teacher invites the children to the tables, where everything is prepared for modeling. The children sit at the tables.

Vos-l: (Children and Luntik look at the rocket)

Guys, look what the rocket has? (body and wings). Right.

What does a rocket body look like? (looks like a carrot).

What shape are the wings? ( oval wings.)

What else does the rocket have? (window)

That's right, this window is called porthole. Let's repeat this word all in chorus, one at a time.

So that we can get such a rocket (shows a sample) we need to divide a piece of dough into two parts, one large part is the rocket body, the other small part is the wings, and we will divide the small part into two more identical parts.

First we take most roll it out in your palms like a ball (circular movements of palms); turn the ball into a carrot: roll the ball back and forth (straight movements of palms) and squeeze harder on one side, the fingers are open at the top, and the palms are closed at the bottom - roll and get a carrot. Then we stick our rocket onto the cardboard with our palm. Then comes an explanation of how to sculpt the wings.

When the rocket is ready, the children take the button they like from the common box - this will be the porthole. The teacher monitors the quality of work.

Vos-l:- Guys, what beautiful rockets we have made, I suggest you make an exhibition of rockets that will fly into space. Everyone come to me and post your work. (children go to the table where “Starry Sky” is decorated on a black canvas)

Luntik:comes to the table with the children and analyzes the children’s work.

What a beautiful rocket body Katya created. Find the rocket with the red porthole (at Danil's) etc.

You guys are great, I really liked it, I want to give you gifts, but it’s time for me to go home, goodbye, see you again ...(Luntik flies home on a rocket)

Natalia Tinkova

Given the lesson was held in middle group kindergarten , age 3-5 years. The program “FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL” UNDER THE EDITION OF N. E. VERAKS, T. S. KOMAROVA, M. A. VASILYEVA IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE GEF. Class was held for Cosmonautics Day"

Abstract classes on artistic and productive activities in middle group.

Subject: « Rocket(modeling) »

Educational area: "Artistic aesthetic development."

Target: Promote the development of mental and personal qualities children.

Tasks: develop interest in artistic creativity, secure concepts: open space, weightlessness, gravity, planets, stars, satellites, meteor shower, comets, Martian, etc. Develop children's powers of observation, memory, and interest in the world around them. Teach children to be imaginative creative imagination Continue work on developing verbal communication skills.

Vocabulary work: earthlings, planet, alien, cosmodrome, space, astronaut, satellites, spacesuit, constellation, Mars, Jupiter, Moon, Earth, stars, sun, rocket etc. d.

Preliminary work:

Decoration of the hall on the theme "Space",

Introducing children to the stars and planets,

Getting to know the Moon and the Sun

Conversation about space

Examination of books and illustrations, albums about space, drawing, design and application on the topic "space".

Equipment: plasticine, board, napkins, Kinder surprise container.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher welcomes the children and offers them take your seats.

“The sun is shining in the clear sky,

An astronaut flies to rocket.

And below are forests, fields,

The ground is spreading."

On April 12, our country celebrates Cosmonautics Day. This is a holiday, first of all, of astronauts and those who participate in the creation of space missiles.

You can become an astronaut

Fly around the Galaxy

Past the stars, around the planets

And send greetings to Earth.

Who are astronauts? (guys' answers)

Do you want to fly into space? (guys' answers)

How can you fly there? (guys' answers)

Space is empty and there is no air;

There is nothing. Besides the stars and planets,

Except nebulae. Besides comets,

There's nothing interesting there.

But for some reason, I don’t understand it myself,

At night I look into the heavenly darkness,

Into the secret of the game of unearthly fire...

The stars attract, the stars beckon me.

I don't hope, but maybe suddenly

There, among the stars, a new friend is waiting for me,

He also sits on his feet in silence,

He looks into the sky and waves his hand at me.

Finger gymnastics:

One, two, three, four, five - Bend the fingers on both hands one at a time.

A squad flew into space. Place your palms together and raise your arms up.

The commander looks through binoculars, The fingers of both hands are connected to the thumbs, forming "binoculars".

What does he see ahead?

Sun, planets, satellites, comets, big yellow moon. Bend the fingers of both hands

Come on, guys,

Let's play astronauts

We will all fly into space.

We're getting ready to fly,

We are building a new starship.

Guys, today we will take a flight! Tell me, who can fly? Do people fly?

(No. Birds and insects fly, and people fly on airplanes, helicopters, rockets).

Who was the first person to fly into space? (Yuri Gagarin) Show illustration.)

We will do it now rocket and fly into space. There are many stars and planets in space. (show illustration)

Now let's build rockets! You have a Kinder Surprise egg and plasticine on your table. Take plasticine of any color and divide it exactly in half.

From this piece roll one large ball, and from another two small and three average.

Roll a large ball into a cone and attach it to one edge of the Kinder Surprise container. This will be the top part rockets. Flatten the small balls to form circles and glue them as portholes under each other. From average balls to make triangular stands - steps rockets.

Where is it flying? rocket? (Into space, up) .

What is there in the sky, in space? (stars, moon, other planets). (show illustration)

An astronaut must be a courageous and brave person, accept right decisions, healthy and educated. Must pass special training. Do you want to become an astronaut? Then let's practice.

Gymnastics: The children get up.

And now we are with you, children (Children march.)

We're flying to rocket.

Get up on your toes, (Stretch, raising your arms above your head, clasping them.)

And then hands down. (They lower their hands.)

One, two, three, stretch. (Stretch.)

Here it flies rocket skyward(They run in a circle.)

Carrying out work under the supervision of a teacher

Come over "run" rocket into space.

What did you do today? Who was the first to fly into space? How we did rocket? Did you like it? Well done! Class is over.

Exhibition of works.

Publications on the topic:

“Journey to the senior group” (integrated lesson in the middle group of kindergarten).

Children enter the hall to the music of “March of the Cosmonauts” and sit on chairs. Presenter: - Do you know? – Who flew to the planets first?

One hand and two hands, we sculpt a snowman! We worked hard, we sculpted a round ball, and then another one - it will be a big snowman.

Summary of the educational situation on modeling in the senior group of the kindergarten “Pleshkovskaya toy” Objectives: 1. Teach children to sculpt the image of a rooster based on the Pleshkovskaya toy. Strengthen the ability to sculpt in a constructive way, complementing the product.

Abstract of GCD on plasticineography " Space adventure" for children senior group with ZPR.

I present a summary of the GCD on artistic and aesthetic development (plasticineography) “Space Adventure”.
The summary will be useful for older children preschool age and teachers.

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge about space and the planets of the solar system.
1.Continue to master the technique of relief modeling.
2. Arouse interest in creating a relief picture with stars, constellations and comets.
3.Initiate an independent search for image means and techniques (twisting and twisting elongated flagella for the tail of a comet, superimposing one color layer on another).
4.Introduce the method of mixing plasticine colors, plasticine stretching.
5.Develop the ability to perform in a coordinated manner general work, agree among themselves on the details of the product.
6.Develop a sense of form and composition.
7.Develop fine motor skills of the hands.
Preliminary work.
Conversation about the night sky, planets, stars.
Reading fiction and documentary works about space; viewing photo and video slides about the first man's flight into space;
Children observe and take part in the production of the “Starry Sky” panel. A layer of a combination of several colors (black, dark blue, light blue and coral) of plasticine is applied to an A3 size cardboard blank.
Materials, tools, equipment.
Plasticine different colors; sequins; compositional base for modeling; stacks; panel “Night Sky”; spaceship silhouettes, wet wipes, boards, space illustrations.
Lesson content
Guys, guess the riddle: “The peas scattered on a thousand roads” ( starry sky).
Invite children to admire illustrations of outer space.
“Space is painted black,
Because there is no atmosphere
There is no night, no day.
There is no earthly blue here,
The views here are strange and wonderful:
And the stars are all visible at once,
Both the Sun and the Moon.
Ask the children what they saw in the night sky.
Listen to the children's answers.
Surprise moment. “Children, look who it is there! Some green man is waving at us. Oh-oh, yes it is. Ino is a planet, a guest from another planet! How funny.”
The guest invites the children to space trip on spaceships, fly between planets and stars in a race with comets.
“Guys, do you want to become astronauts? ”
The children agree, but first we need to complete our picture with planets and stars, and then build spaceship.
We clarify what we will depict with plasticine.
“It's so bright and colorful. And our planets and stars will turn out fantastically beautiful.”
First we depict the most big star- Sun.
prepare three pieces of plasticine different color and size (yellow, orange, red); roll out the balls; we attach them to the background, first the largest one - press it to make a flat cake; We put the middle one on this flatbread and also flatten it, put the smallest one on top and press it only lightly - we get a three-colored star that shines to us from far, far away space.
Next, we place the planets in their orbits, rolling up the flagella and placing them at some distance from the sun. From blue and green plasticine we get Venus, from brown and red we get Mars, roll it into a ball, then flatten it and place the planets in orbit. Saturn from a combination of blue, red and brown plasticine, girdled with a ring of brown sausage, we get a “ring”.
We make planet Earth from blue, green and brown plasticine. We add white color to the north and south poles of our planet.
Moon. To make it, roll a sausage out of plasticine yellow color, bend it into an arc and press it to the background.
Faithful companion, night decoration,
Additional lighting.
Of course, we must admit:
The Earth would be boring without the Moon!

Then clarify with the children how to sculpt a comet, and explain in an accessible form what it is during the show.
Spreading out its fiery tail,
A comet rushes between the stars.
- Listen, constellations,
Last news,
Wonderful news
Heavenly news!
“head” is a one-color ball, “tail” is a train of multi-colored flagella, single or twisted together, of different colors. It turns out more beautiful this way.
Let's decorate the starry sky with sequins.
And when the starry sky is ready, we make a spaceship. We listen to the children's answers on how to depict a spaceship. Let's make portholes from multi-colored balls pressed to the ship's hull and attach them to our panel.
Me and my friends in the yard
They were building a rocket.
We only have fuel
Unfortunately, no.
We couldn't fly
To Mars and Venus.
But we have everything ahead.
I firmly believe in this!

Before starting work, “cosmic warm-up” for fingers:
I'll rub my palms hard,
I'll twist each finger,

I'll say hello to him strongly. Rubbing the palms.
Grab each finger at the base
and with a rotational movement reach the nail phalanx.
And I'll start pulling out.
I'll wash my hands later
I'll put my fingers together,
I'll lock them up
And I'll keep it warm.
Rub your palm against your palm.
Fingers in the “lock”
We suggest children come up with a way to depict the alien guest. You can sculpt a funny face - it turns out to be a Martian. We add legs and an antenna to the UFO.
What a beauty it turned out! Hooray. The spaceships are ready to travel to the planet. It’s time for us, friends, to set off.
Bottom line(reflection).
An analysis of the finished work is carried out.
- A real space fantasy flashes before your eyes! And you guys did this?! What a great fellow you are! What technique did you use to create your works? (non-traditional).
After class
Design of the exhibition “Space Adventure”

Asevova Laila
Summary of the “Rocket” modeling lesson in the senior group

Target:Reinforcement of skills sculpting. Creating Layouts rockets. Usage waste material (capsules from kinders).

1. Development creativity.

2. Repetition of methods and techniques sculpting.

3. Broadening your horizons.


practical. ,visual.

Organizing time.

Children, let's go behind your desks.

1. Organizational moment. - Guys, take your seats at the desk. 2. Introductory conversation. - Guys, guess riddle: “The peas scattered on a thousand roads” (starry sky)- What is space? - Space is a universe where there are many planets similar and dissimilar to our planet Earth. What planets do you know? (Venus, Jupiter, Saturn) We remind you that What: Many people dreamed of flying into space, but the first on planet Earth to fly into space was Yuri Gagarin, a cosmonaut from our country. (1961 April 12); His flight lasted 108 minutes; About 50 years ago, the road to space was opened to people. In 1963, the first woman flew into space, Valentina Tereshkova. And the first from Dagestan to fly into space was Musa Manarov.

3. Subject message classes - Today I will, guys, I invite you on a space journey to the distant planet “Mars” - the red planet, you will learn about where it is and what it is like later. In order to fly to the planet Mars, each of you must build your own from plasticine spaceship Using your knowledge of working with plasticine, you will now become the boss. designers, artists, engineers and designers rolled into one. You've seen what kind of spaceships scientists build, but there are also fabulous spaceships. 4. Explanation of new material 1. In order to build a spaceship, I will take a piece of paper and a pencil. I will draw on a sheet of paper the ship that needs to be built. I determine how many parts my device consists of. I choose the materials and tools that I will need. I'm starting to make it. Those who find it difficult to come up with their own ship can work according to the proposed schemes. Demonstration ship sculpting. 2. Each of you can draw up your own diagram and build your own spaceship. 3. show sequential process sculpting according to pre-prepared schemes 4. - provide an opportunity to show your creativity and imagination 5. Practical work - provide individual assistance in the process of independent work;

6. Summary of GCD - Spaceships are ready to travel to the planet Mars. The planet welcomes guests - Guys, I give permission to land on the planet, pay attention to the accuracy and safety of the landing. - How events will develop further on the planet Mars, we will figure out together with you at the next class.

Publications on the topic:

Goal: To teach children to draw a spaceship, conveying the proportions and shape of the parts. Objectives: Teach children to independently complete the composition.

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Municipal secondary education state-financed organization"Average comprehensive school"Kudrovskaya CO No. 1" Vsevolozhsk district of Leningradskaya.

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