Receive pleasant sensations and emotions. Pleasant sensations

Secrets of clairvoyance: how to develop extrasensory perception abilities Kibardin Gennady Mikhailovich

Pleasant sensations

Pleasant sensations

Many of us notice that sometimes it is unpleasant to be around certain people, or after communicating with them, fatigue, weakness, and even headache. This means that the person next to you, voluntarily or involuntarily, takes your life energy, like a vampire.

In addition to health problems, such communication is fraught with another problem. Such a person can impose his opinion on your weakened body and consciousness (at first you may not notice this), and you, like a zombie, will fulfill his whims against your will. And this is already very unpleasant for health and life itself.

It also happens the other way around. Magicians, fortune tellers and other people from this area can have strong energy. When meeting them, almost every person really feels this. Such people can quickly relieve pain in another person’s body, conduct healing sessions, predict the course of events, etc.

However, numerous studies show that energetically strong magicians and the like relieve pain or even relieve health problems only for little time. Their powerful energetic impact associated with low-frequency body radiation. Yes, low frequencies increased power can feed the energy field of a sick person and “hammer” for some time the manifestation of pain and the disease itself. However, they cannot have a real therapeutic effect, since the condition good health inherent only in pure, high-frequency vibrations of light.

Therefore, if you come to a healer and feel a powerful non-contact effect on your body from him, know that such a person can help you, but very soon this healing effect will completely go away. And it will be replaced by the previous pains and illnesses.

A truly clairvoyant person does not influence his surroundings with a strong biofield. Its biofield is very soft, and its power is not noticeable, since the field has high vibration frequencies, close to the vibration frequencies of transparent light.

When communicating with such a person, even at a distance, you will experience a pleasant feeling of warmth and lightness in your body.

At the same time, you may soon want to yawn, this indicates that the subtle vibrations of the clairvoyant’s body have a positive effect on your body and, imperceptibly for consciousness, relieve spasm of blood vessels and capillaries. This leads to increased blood flow in the body, and through yawning, your body tries to increase the oxygen content in the blood.

Remember the external image of Jesus Christ and the enormous strength healing effects on sick people who were instantly healed by touching the body of Christ or his clothing. Christ had a thin figure, but the invisible radiation of his body was high and pleasant. Some people even saw light coming from Christ. This is our unattainable standard of purity of spirit and thoughts. Modern people cannot be like Jesus Christ, this is understandable. However, every person can carry a piece of the purity of Jesus Christ, a piece of his strength and capabilities. In any case, this is what we should strive for.

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For several years now, scientists have been studying this phenomenon - pleasant sounds help people relax. Each of us has at least once experienced this pleasant feeling caused by... easy breathing in the ear, the sounds of a lullaby or the rustling of pages. When you feel a pleasant tingling sensation on the back of your head, back, head, arms. There are many different names for this condition: “brain stroking”, “brain tickling”, “braingasm”. This is ASMR, literally – Autonomous Sensory Meridian Responses. But why exactly does this feeling have a calming effect on us?

The nature of the phenomenon is still unclear and has no scientific explanation. But there are already millions around the world who want to experience it again and again, and their army is only growing. They watch special videos where various sounds are simulated. After all, convey touches and others tactile sensations Via the Internet it is not yet possible, but sound is easy. This is what the creators of ASMR videos take advantage of. The popularity of these videos is phenomenal. Millions of views, thousands of fans and sites dedicated to specific sounds. There are fans of “breath”, fans of “click”, “knock on wood”, etc.

ASMR videos may well replace meditation and become a new anti-stress

New Youtube stars - ASMRists (people who record ASMR videos) use special highly sensitive equipment and binaural microphones to record sound. They tickle the “ear” of the virtual viewer with a fluffy pussy or wrap it in cellophane, imitate the sound of beads knocking against each other or popping bubbles chewing gum. All the characters in the video speak very quietly or in a whisper, move slowly, as if plunging you into a meditative state and making you anticipate those very “goosebumps”.

Surprisingly, such videos really help you relax, this has already been proven by scientific research. So ASMR videos may well replace meditation and become a new anti-stress. They are even recommended as part of therapy for sleep disorders or severe stress.

How it works

Actually, sound is one of many triggers - stimuli that cause a certain reaction: someone is hooked foreign language or words in Russian spoken with a foreign accent. Every fan of ASMR videos has their own thing: someone feels a “tickling of the brain” thanks to an aspirated whisper in the ear. Others melt when they hear the sound of nails tapping on textured objects or the sound of scissors. Still others experience “braingasm” when they become the object of someone’s care – a doctor, a cosmetologist, a hairdresser.

Despite its provocative name, ASMR has nothing to do with sexual pleasure

In the United States, people first started talking about ASMR in 2010, when American student Jennifer Allen proposed calling the pleasant sensations from sound a “brain orgasm.” And already in 2012, this seemingly frivolous topic was discussed scientific conference in London. This fall, a congress dedicated to brainasm was held in Australia. Now a whole group of Australian scientists will study this phenomenon and its impact on people.

Russia has its own ASMRists, ASMR clubs, and websites dedicated to the phenomenon. In the video you can not only hear sounds, but also be in the role of an object that is “touched,” massaged, or read aloud. This creates the illusion that the author of the video communicates only with the viewer and does it especially for him.

Impact on emotions

Despite its provocative name, ASMR has nothing to do with sexual pleasure. This pleasure is caused mainly by visual, auditory and tactile stimuli that “excite” our brain. Such an irritant can occur anywhere: on the street, in the office, on TV. It is enough to hear someone's pleasant voice, and you feel pleasure and peace of mind from hearing it.

Not everyone can experience it

It is possible that your brain will not respond to any of the triggers at all, but it happens that the reaction comes instantly. From this we can conclude that the phenomenon cannot be controlled. What can this feeling be compared to? If you have ever used a head massager, you will be able to understand that the sensations are similar, only in in this case you are “massaged” by sounds.

The most popular sounds: whispering, rustling pages, knocking on wood or on an earphone

Each of us reacts to stimuli differently and with varying intensity. The more sensitive a person is by nature, the more likely they are to enjoy ASMR.

How to find videos on the Internet

We offer a list of keywords that you can easily search for. 90% of videos on English language, accordingly, the keywords are also in English. You need to listen to the videos with headphones to achieve a more vivid effect. You can close your eyes. But some prefer that the sounds be accompanied by video.

Keywords for video:

Whisper/whispering – whisper

Nail tapping clicking nails.

Nail scratching scratching with nails.

Kiss/kisses/kissing/kiss sounds – kiss, sound of a kiss.

Roleplay- role-playing game.

Triggeurs – click.

Gentle – gentle touches to the ears.

Binaural – nails tapping on headphones.

3D sound – 3D sound.

Tickle tickling.

Ear to ear – ear to ear.

Read/reading reading.

Lullaby lullaby.

French, Spanish, German, Italian – words spoken in different languages.

Card trick – shuffling cards.

Cracklings – crackling.

Psychology or pseudoscience?

Psychologists Emma Blackie, Julia Poerio, Tom Hostler and Teresa Veltri from the University of Sheffield (UK) are studying this phenomenon; this year they collected data on physiological indicators that affect ASMR, including heart rate, breathing, and skin sensitivity. Three of the research team experience ASMR, but one of the scientists does not.

“One of our goals is to try to draw attention to ASMR as a topic worthy of scientific research. Three of us (Emma, ​​Julia and Tom) have experienced its effects on ourselves, while Teresa does not recognize this phenomenon, the psychologists explain. – It adds variety. It is no secret that some scientists call these studies pseudoscientific. The fact is that there are those who speculate on a still little-studied topic in order to make a name for themselves.”

But the results of psychologists at the University of Sheffield are quite eloquent. “We finished collecting data, and the first results showed that 69% of respondents got rid of the consequences of moderate and severe depression by watching ASMR videos,” summed up one of the study participants. - And still needed extra work to determine whether ASMR could be a therapy for cases of clinical depression. Be that as it may, this phenomenon is interesting for psychologists, and we plan to study it further.”

Hello Renata.

In fact, similar questions arise in the lives of most women, why, while always experiencing an orgasm during clitoral stimulation, during sexual intercourse they rarely experience an orgasm, or cannot experience it at all. Unfortunately, there is no definite answer; everyone needs to look for their own solution, on their own or in an in-person consultation with a psychologist or sexologist. But I'll try to describe it anyway possible options reasons and solutions.

For starters, age. With all the advantages of youth, your sexuality is just beginning to take shape. This is the time to study your body, your desires and fantasies, experiment and find what will give you the most pleasure. enough a large number of women begin to experience orgasm after 25-30 years, when accumulated sufficient experience, a woman knows what she wants and how she wants to get it.

Another very important point is your relationship. They may be beautiful and cloudless, but can you openly tell each other about the most frank sexual fantasy, without unnecessary “well, you understand,” explain what you need this moment want and how a partner should act. If yes, then usually problems do not arise at all, if not, then learn to trust each other with your most secret things. By the way, intimate games and corresponding toys contribute to this; it is an adventure experienced together, which leaves a lot of memories. You can get oils and creams for a sensual preparatory massage, and then, if desired, you can blindfold one partner, take brushes for stroking, you can arm your partner with a dildo, and together look for the pace and depth at which the sensations are more pleasant, you can add clitoral stimulation so that the partner can It’s good to understand what kind of caresses you like.

You can do gymnastics on your own, this improves blood supply and the condition of the vaginal muscles. For 3-4 weeks, every day, every hour, do 30 contractions of the vagina (together with the muscle anus): pulls the muscle in for 5 counts, holds it for 5 counts, slowly relaxes for 5 counts, rests for 5 counts. There are 30 cuts in total. Takes a minute. You can do contractions while sitting, standing, lying down - and they are invisible to others, so you can do them in any environment. The main thing is to do it regularly, and not leave it for later, so that by the evening you can do everything at once. daily norm. At night - no need, rest. Gymnastics improves the flow of blood (and oxygen) to potentially sensitive areas- their sensitivity will gradually increase. You yourself will feel that the retractions will become more pleasant - it is not known whether from the tenth retraction or from the twentieth day. Plus, the vagina will wrap around the penis more tightly - and this will give additional sensations.

One more thing, why are you not satisfied with clitoral orgasm? After all, if during normal sexual intercourse the partner additionally stimulates the clitoris, the sensations will be more than pleasant. Orgasm may not work the first time with the insertion of the penis and stimulation of the clitoris, but little by little you will get used to the new sensations and learn to experience orgasm in a new way. As an option - first clitoral stimulation, and just before orgasm - insertion of the penis (the first time the penis is inserted, pleasant sensations may disappear, but if you relax and continue, everything will work out). Over time, you will be able to have an orgasm without clitoral stimulation (although the sensations are completely different and you shouldn’t give it up at all).

And don’t delay simulating an orgasm; the longer you remain silent (and your husband is confident that he is acting correctly and you are happy with sex), the more difficult it will be to later tell you that you did not experience pleasant sensations. It’s not even that important whether it’s a clitoral or vaginal orgasm, but sex should be enjoyable. Tell it like it is now and look for a solution together. It would be faster to find an option that suits you during a face-to-face consultation; I hope some of the above will be useful to you.

Good answer 0
Bad answer 0

1. Throw it away uncomfortable shoes after long agony.
2. Put your hand into a bag of buckwheat or rice.
3. Kiss the child on the soft, smooth cheek.
4. “Pop” the bubbles on the wrapping film.
5. Lie with your cheek on a cool pillow.
6. Take a shower at the exact temperature you like.
7. Eat the first bite of your favorite dish.
8. Fall into bed after have a long day or a sleepless night.
9. Kiss your crush for the first time.
10. Inhale the aroma of a new book.

11. Drink your first sip of coffee in the morning.
12. Feel the rays of the southern sun on your skin.
13. Walk along the warm sand of the evening beach.
14. Put on clean, freshly ironed clothes.
15. Take a walk in the summer rain.
16. Dive into cool water on a hot day.
17. Attend a massage session.
18. Run barefoot on the grass.
19. Inhale the smell of ozone after a thunderstorm.
20. Bury your hand in the fur of your favorite cat or dog.

21. Take a sip cold water on a hot afternoon.
22. Touch your hair after cutting.
23. Warm your frozen hands by the fire.
24. Sneeze after a long time without success.
25. Listen and feel the purring of a cat lying on your chest.
26. Smell the garlic that was thrown into a frying pan in heated olive oil a few seconds ago.
27. Touch small beads or seed beads or pass a thin metal chain between your fingers.
28. Brush your teeth with a new toothbrush.
29. Put on your glasses after you've just cleaned them.
30. Feel the suck in the pit of your stomach when you drive down a high hill.

31. Hug someone you miss dearly.
32. Remove the dried layer of PVA glue from your hand, like a second skin.
33. Come home in the evening and take off all your uncomfortable clothes.
34. Wrap yourself up comfortably in warm blanket when it's raining outside the window.
35. Sleep on fresh sheets.
36. Catch nice smell, familiar from childhood.
37. Gently bite the one you love.
38. Smell the kebab that is already fried.
39. Open one eye early in the morning and realize that it is Saturday.
40. Enjoy the first sip of wine and realize that life is a damn pleasant thing.

Surely at least once in your life you have experienced the feeling that what is happening now has already happened before. Or from time to time you are sad that you will not see how your great-grandchildren will live. Do you know the incomparable feeling of comfort and warmth when it’s raining outside the window and you are basking in a warm bed under the covers? All of these have enough complex emotions and feelings have their own names. Most likely, among them there will be something that you often experience, but do not know how to express.


Not to be confused with hard drugs. Opium is a sudden feeling of excitement when alone gaze meets another. Visual contact that provokes a surge of energy. If this is a person you like, you will most likely enjoy it. And if your counterpart - potential threat, such an exchange of glances can send a nasty chill through your skin.

Deja vu

Deja vu is translated from French: deja vu - “seen before.” This is the feeling when you feel like you've been somewhere new before, or when it feels like a new event is actually happening again. Déjà vu is a fairly common emotion, reported by about 75% of respondents to various psychological surveys.


Ellipsism is the sadness that a person experiences from not seeing the future. This emotion is most common among older people who watch their grandchildren grow up and worry that they will not live to see their future. important points in their lives.


The term comes from the Latin chrysalis - “pupa”, denoting one of the stages of butterfly development. This is a feeling of bliss, peace and security - for example, when you are in a warm and dry house, and a thunderstorm is raging outside the window.


This is the name of the feeling of annoyance that you experience after meeting a new person, when you realize that a person is very interesting, but it is almost impossible to get to know him better or it will take a lot of time. This word in Ancient Greece was called male half Houses.


This is the name given to the desire to loosen control over your life and worry less. It’s a liberating feeling when you think, “I wish I could be a kid again and not have to worry about anything!”


People experience this bitter feeling when they receive an answer to a question that has been tormenting them for a long time and want to go back to the past to tell themselves about the future. There is on this topic good proverb: “If I knew where to fall, I would spread straw.”


The name for this emotion is formed by adding to the name of the ancient Greek philosopher Zeno, famous for his reasoning about the impossibility of movement and the immobility of time, the name of Mnemosyne, who personified ancient greek mythology memory. The essence of this feeling is that with each subsequent year it begins to seem that the years are passing faster and faster.


Surely everyone, at least once after an argument or some kind of discussion, has replayed in his head what should have been said and what could have been said in response. These imaginary dialogues are called zhuskaya, and in Russian - “wit on the stairs.”

Fugu condition

No, we’re not talking about fish now, although that’s what’s in the photo. It's about about a state when a person does something, talks, goes somewhere, but is not aware of all this, and then cannot remember that he did all this. This may be the result of drug or alcohol abuse.

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