Homemade cream for dry skin. Recipes for homemade nourishing creams for dry skin. Cream for normal skin

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Contents1.Moisturizing cream with iris2. Moisturizing and protective cream 3. Aloe cream with a moisturizing effect 4. Night moisturizer with linden honey5. Moisturizing and nourishing cream with avocado oil 6. Softening moisturizing cream 7. Apricot Night Moisturizer8. Anti-aging moisturizer9. Cream with a moisturizing effect with shea butter10. Cream with a moisturizing effect for the body Moisturizing cream -. . . .

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Green tea is not only an invigorating drink, but also an excellent cosmetic product that has been used by the fair sex for many years. The face is one of the main charms female beauty, therefore, taking care of the most important things, women use the best. The main benefit of green tea is that it is compatible with any skin type. For this reason. . . .

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With a huge choice cosmetics On store shelves, not every woman will be able to confidently choose what suits her best.

Someone is afraid to use a cream with unknown ingredients; someone's acquaintance with a fashionable novelty ended in an allergic reaction; Some people don’t trust the products of the cosmetic industry at all.

I can recommend one completely reliable one to all of them. The solution is to create your own personal cream.

In this article:

Before you make a face cream at home, the recipes for which were recommended to you, you need to not only thoroughly familiarize yourself with the rules and procedure for their preparation, but also, after making a test dose, test it for an allergic reaction by applying the resulting mixture to the inside of your wrist.

You should always remember that every skin can react differently to the ingredients indicated in the recipe, no matter how natural they are.

Face creams homemade have a number of undeniable advantages:

  • you can rest assured that they are 100% natural: you won’t add preservatives or other harmful “chemicals,” as well as hormones, to your homemade cosmetics;
  • if you choose the right starting materials, the result can be much more pronounced than from using any of the most expensive cosmetic products;
  • If you make homemade face cream in compliance with all preparation rules, it will not be addictive, which often happens with finished products.

When preparing for the process of making your own cream, it is worth keeping in mind that the first experience may not be entirely successful. However, don’t be discouraged, you just need to scrupulously follow all the steps recommended in the recipe.

The technology for making face cream at home is based on heating the components at water bath, ensuring melting of the base.

Such a base can be beeswax or pork fat or vitamins in capsules, or some other ingredients.

Heating by means of steam is also required at the moment when the liquid oils, and then after two or three minutes the fire can be turned off.

If wax is chosen as a solid base, you need to be careful with it: you need to add it strictly according to the recipe. If you overdo it, the entire mixture will turn into a frozen mass, and the desired effect will not be achieved.

During operation, constant stirring of the mixture is required- first with a spoon, then using a mixer. Then the resulting substance is cooled by placing the container in cold water with added ice. Stirring and at this stage necessary, essential oils are added. The process lasts until the resulting drug cools.

Let's prepare the day cream

Natural face cream can be prepared for different purposes and times of use. The recipes for this cosmetic product include the most natural ingredients- fruits, vegetables, herbs, flowers or their juices and oils.


Its solid base is lanolin (5 g), liquid - (2 ml) with water (10 ml). The oils are melted using traditional heating. This mixture is heated to +40 degrees. Then water is introduced there, everything is carefully mixed and cooled.

Homemade cosmetics are placed in a clean, opaque bottle and stored in the refrigerator for no more than a week.

Creamy chamomile

As a nourishing face cream, it is advisable to prepare a well-proven remedy at home from dried chamomile flowers combined with butter. To do this, you must first prepare a chamomile infusion: three large spoons of flowers are poured into a glass of boiling water and infused for half an hour.

By this time the infusion will have cooled down to desired temperature. It is filtered and, after mixing 50 ml of butter and vegetable oil, this oil mixture is added there.

Two night cream recipes


Night face cream at home is no different in production technology from other types. Heating is also used using a water bath, where crushed wax (1 tbsp) is melted with the addition of vegetable oil (three to four times more), boric acid (5 grams).

Also, cool the melted mixture a little and, while stirring, add 1 spoon (large) of glycerin and lemon juice (the same 2 spoons).


It is very good to make a face cream using vegetable juices. From the gifts of nature that you have at home (this could be carrots, cucumbers, pumpkin or eggplant, zucchini or potatoes, cabbage - all together, or just some, or even just one), take 50 g of them, squeeze out the juice and spoons Mix three tablespoons of it with the yolk.

Melt the wax (1 teaspoon) in the manner described, pour into it the same amount of glycerin, a large spoonful of oils, peach and a mixture of vegetable juices and yolk. Heat everything together for two minutes and beat.

When making face cream at home, additional components The future product must be added drop by drop - preferably using a pipette.

Thorough stirring is one of the main conditions of the process. First, this is done with a spoon, and then with a mixer. You should not use a mixer at the beginning of the process - at high speed, the final product may separate.

If the skin fades

The composition of the product necessary for such skin quite logically includes fresh juices. To prepare a face cream at home, focusing on slowing down fading, it is suggested to use the following recipe:

  • collect equal quantities of (fresh) nettle and parsley, currant and rowan leaves, as well as pink and jasmine petals. Use a juicer to squeeze juice out of this raw material;
  • put a teaspoon of wax in a small vessel and, having melted it, add the same amount of vitamin A. Then add vegetable oil, squeezed out and boiling water - in equal volumes (a tablespoon). All this happens with constant stirring. Then remove the dishes from the steam and beat with a whisk or mixer until the drug has cooled.

The same effective recipe includes quince pulp as a vitamin base in the nutritional mixture - a tablespoon of each.

The manufacturing method is no different from others, except that instead of wax, lanolin is taken into this cream for facial rejuvenation at home and melted in equal quantities with honey (a teaspoon) steam bath, after which sea buckthorn oil with quince, yolk and steam are added to the mixture large spoons boiling water Everything is thoroughly mixed, removed from steam and thoroughly beaten until smooth.

Fighting wrinkles

Homemade anti-wrinkle face cream will appear a good helper when smoothing them, as well as nourishing the epidermis. It will take much longer to prepare, but it's worth it.

The active herbal component is a mixture of leaves and grass of various plants, collected in equal parts. Leaves - mint, linden, green tea; Herbs - chamomile, St. John's wort, yarrow are crushed and mixed.

Pour a large spoonful of the mixture (half a glass is enough), close the container tightly and leave for a week. At the end of the period, the extract is filtered. Pine resin (1 teaspoon) is melted over low heat.

Further actions are similar to those already described: wax is melted in a steamer, resin is added to it, two tablespoons (tablespoons) of plant extracts and rose water, a couple of drops of vitamins A, D and E. The thoroughly mixed substance is removed from the water bath and beaten until smooth.

Such anti-aging cream for the face at home, experts advise applying it in the mornings and evenings.

All components of your homemade cosmetic product must be selected correctly, taking into account your skin type, its condition, problems, and your age.

The product should be homogeneous in structure. It must be prepared in small portions to prevent it from spoiling.

Let's help your skin become younger

You can create an anti-aging face cream at home using a wide variety of ingredients.


Warm Vaseline (10 grams) is placed in a vessel, twice as much melted honey and placed on water bath. Gradually stirring, add a couple of drops of iodine and castor oil in a volume of 20 ml. Remove from heat and whisk.


Grind the same amount (all ingredients - 10 g) of birch leaves, chamomile flowers, pine needles. Add warm water, homemade cottage cheese and thoroughly mashed raw yolk to this paste. Beat with a mixer.

Taking care of your skin


What else can homemade cosmetics do? Face cream can help solve the problem. One of the recipes recommends the following composition:

  • gelatin - 1 small spoon;
  • liquid honey - 1 tablespoon;
  • glycerin - 2 of the same;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • aspirin - 1 tablet.

Preparing face cream at home according to the given recipe involves soaking gelatin in water (cool enough) to swell. Then all the components are mixed and steamed for a quarter of an hour. This is followed by beating until the product cools.


You have dry skin. How to make homemade face cream? The recipes are offered in a wide variety, and they include different emollient oils, and plant extracts, given that this type of skin needs additional hydration and nutrition.

It is recommended to make a facial moisturizer at home using the following composition:

  • apple juice - large spoon;
  • juice from white cabbage - two spoons;
  • corn oil - 20 ml;
  • lanolin - 35 g.

Having melted the solid base with butter, the mixed heated juices are quietly added to the substance and mixed.

It is equally useful to use this product when caring for normal skin.


Homemade sour cream with a high fat content (1 teaspoon) is combined with equal amount lemon juice, a tablespoon of cucumber, alcohol solution rose water (2 teaspoons), yolk. Then two drops of vitamins (A and E) and essential oil - jasmine, or - are added to this mixture. All this is whipped and placed in the refrigerator for several hours so that the mass thickens. The product is recommended to be used in the morning and evening. It is also suitable for dry skin.


What will the home doctor suggest - a cream with enlarged pores? It is worth preparing a composition from natural yogurt mixed with wax. Add 7 ml of yogurt to melted wax (10 g) or any other base and beat.


You can tighten your facial skin by preparing a lifting cream at home. I wonder what The recipe bypasses the heating stage in a steam bath. All components are added one by one to the intended bottle and simply mixed. The composition is as follows:

  • a drop of iodine;
  • honey (liquid) and castor oil - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Vaseline - 1 teaspoon.

Let's give you a massage

It is no secret how effectively massage affects the condition of the skin. And its quality equally depends on both the correct execution technique and the cream that is used. It’s also easy to make a cream for facial massage at home.

30 ml each beeswax and unrefined sunflower oil are mixed with 10 grams of lanolin. Stirring vigorously, the mass is heated as usual until it becomes a liquid emulsion. Slowly, 70 ml of distilled water and 10 g of glycerin are added to the substance in a thin stream. When the composition turns white, the dishes can be removed from the steam.

After cooling, the facial massage cream at home is ready for use.

All cosmetics made independently are no less effective than the most expensive store-bought ones.

Experts believe that it is suitable for literally everyone, because every woman knows the characteristics of her skin and will not include substances harmful to it in her cream. Perhaps the only drawback of such cosmetics is that it is very short term storage, which is why recipes indicate such small quantities of ingredients.

Useful video

Recipe natural cream.

In contact with

Do you have dry skin? It peels off, in the cold it quickly turns red and becomes covered with spots, tightens, and looks wrinkled. All these negative points occur due to improper care. And if you care for it correctly, dry skin shows all its advantages. It is delicate and finely porous. To make it look like this, you need to choose a good cream and regularly make masks for dry skin.

Causes of dry facial skin

To get rid of dry skin on the face and have at least some chance of success, you need to know the reasons that lead to dehydration and lack of oil produced by the sebaceous glands.

If these are hereditary factors, the only way out There will be regular care for this type of skin throughout your life.

If you can establish that the cause of dryness is other circumstances that you are able to change and even eliminate, you can turn into the owner of a normal skin type and no longer suffer from premature aging, narrowed pores, sensitivity and peeling.

Causes of dryness can be:


Age-related changes;

Disturbances in the functioning of the sebaceous glands;

Internal diseases of the body: problems at work gastrointestinal tract, nervous system;

Incorrect use and selection of skin care products ( frequent peeling, use of soap when washing);


Prolonged exposure to the sun or frost;

Improper skin care: for example, frequent washing with too hot or chlorinated water can lead to dry skin.

If dry skin is a consequence of one of the factors that can be somehow influenced, you definitely need to do this in order to put the water balance inside the cells in order and stabilize it. In parallel with eliminating the causes, it is necessary to provide the skin with appropriate, competent, very thorough care.

Dry facial skin: care rules

You need appropriate care for dry skin that will help soften undesirable consequences dryness The rules of care read:

Wash your face only in the evenings: if you wash off the fat that has accumulated overnight from your face in the morning, your skin will lose its protective barrier and will be exposed to unwanted external influences;

The temperature of the water you need to wash with should be room temperature;

It is better to wash with settled, filtered or cooled water after boiling;

Use moisturizing creams, tonics, lotions in the morning and evening;

Use 2 times a week special masks for moisturizing;

Choose your cosmetics carefully: none of them should contain alcohol, which will dry out your skin even more.

If you follow these regularly some simple advice, the facial skin will receive sufficient hydration and the problem of dryness will be minimized.

What is homemade face cream?

Cosmetics prepared at home are no worse than store-bought ones, and in some cases much better, since they consist exclusively of natural ingredients and do not cause allergic reactions.

But the shelf life and use homemade cream very limited. It can be kept in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days. Therefore, always cook small portions so that it is completely consumed within this time.

Prepare it, taking into account the characteristics of the skin, namely: for oily, dry, sensitive, mixed (combination). Add oil-based vitamin E to any prepared cream; it promotes rejuvenation, strengthens, and nourishes the skin. The vitamin is sold in pharmacies.

Cream recipes for dry skin

Since ancient times, face cream has always been on every cosmetic table. It has always been done with the aim of prolonging the youth and beauty of the skin. Despite the fact that now the choice of cosmetics is very large, many women prefer to make creams themselves at home, using ancient recipes.

Recipe for almond cream against wrinkles and sagging face

Ingredients: 2 teaspoons almond oil; 1 tablespoon of infusion of comfrey leaves or 1 tablespoon of decoction of comfrey roots; 1 tablespoon lanolin; 2 teaspoons water; 2 teaspoons fish oil. Melt lanolin and almond butter, add water to the melted mass, stir and wait until the mixture cools slightly. Then add fish oil and a decoction or infusion of comfrey to it, stir again. Remove any remaining cream 5-10 minutes after applying it to your face.

Homemade cream from birch and nettle for dry skin

Pour two tablespoons of fresh or a tablespoon of dry nettle leaves and a tablespoon of birch buds with a glass of boiling water, then leave until completely cooled, tightly covering with a lid.

In another bowl, melt a teaspoon of finely grated beeswax in a water bath. Without removing from the water bath, add 3 drops of vitamin A in oil and a tablespoon of butter to the melted wax. Now, to obtain a cream for dry skin, add, without removing from the water bath, a tablespoon of infusion of nettle leaves and birch buds to the resulting mixture, then let the mixture stand in the water bath for another half a minute, then remove from the heat and beat with a mixer. That's it, the cream is ready, all that remains is to put it in a jar and use it.

Soothing cream for dry skin

This cream has a soothing effect on dry facial skin, as well as nourishes and moisturizes it. To prepare it you will need:

Lanolin - 1 teaspoon;

Beeswax - 1 teaspoon;

Almond oil - 2 tablespoons;

Rose water without alcohol - 3 tablespoons;

Rose oil - 3 drops.

First you need to melt the lanolin and beeswax in a water bath, and then add the rest of the ingredients to them. Rose oil is added last, when the cream has cooled slightly. When all the ingredients are mixed together and acquire a homogeneous consistency, the bowl can be removed from the water bath, and the cream should be beaten with a mixer until it cools completely.

Then, as in other recipes, the resulting cream for dry skin should be transferred to a previously prepared jar and stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 weeks.

Cream with sage

Take half a glass of boiling water and pour it over 1 tablespoon of sage herb. Place in a warm place to infuse for 1-2 hours. Then mix 4 tablespoons of infusion with 3 teaspoons olive oil, two yolks, 2 tablespoons of melted margarine, 1 teaspoon of glycerin and 2 teaspoons of camphor alcohol. Mix everything well.

Strawberry cream

This cream will have a moisturizing effect on both normal and dry skin. To prepare the cream, take fresh strawberries (4 tablespoons will be enough) and squeeze them.

Add a teaspoon of glycerin to the resulting consistency and leave the mixture for 10 minutes. Then add a teaspoon of oat flour there. Then thoroughly beat the mixture with a mixer until smooth.

Cream mask

Ingredients: 1 tablespoon apple pulp; 1 tablespoon butter; yolk; 1 teaspoon honey.

Mix until smooth. Beat with a mixer. Apply to skin. Keep it for half an hour. Rinse off with warm water.

Important: This homemade cream can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three days. Otherwise, all its usefulness will disappear, and the cream may cause harm.

Homemade avocado nourishing cream

Mash the avocado pulp thoroughly, first peeling the fruit and removing the pit. Mix 1 tablespoon of the resulting slurry with 2 tablespoons of olive oil, and with 1 teaspoon of glycerin diluted in 2 tablespoons boiled water. It is advisable to additionally beat the mixture with a mixer.

What girls with dry skin should avoid

Firstly, if you constantly go to the sauna, exercise for several hours at a time gym, you will have to give up all this. Excessive sweating exhausts the body, which already needs moisture. If you don’t want to stop training, take a liter of still water with you so that you can take a sip between sets. But under no circumstances drink sweet or simply carbonated drinks, as they do not quench your thirst and only harm your body.

Secondly, do not wash your face with tap water unless special purifiers are installed at home. Bleach not only dries the skin terribly, but also destroys the protective shell. Unfortunately, in our time, not everyone can afford to supply this expensive equipment. Therefore, if there is no other way out, immediately after the morning and evening treatments Apply moisturizer to your face and body.

Also, never use cosmetics that are not suitable for your skin type. For example, if you see slight peeling, you should not run to the store and buy special ointments and creams to remove scales.

You should not apply masks to your face that dry out during the procedure or contain alcohol.

Remember that in most cases, manufacturers indicate all this on the packaging, so always read the instructions.

Natural face cream is an excellent alternative to industrially produced cosmetic products. Anyone can prepare it themselves; it is enough to have a set in your arsenal. necessary tools and choose the ingredients wisely.

Benefits of homemade cosmetics

The main advantage of cosmetics self made– natural ingredients. It contains no formaldehyde, silicones, parabens, urea derivatives and other synthetic preservatives. There are no inorganic oils, acetone, petroleum jelly, chemical solvents, carcinogens, mercury, lead or hormones in the homemade cream, which means that it will bring maximum benefit and no harm.

Another undeniable advantage is individuality. The composition of the homemade cream is selected for a specific skin type, due to which it has unique cosmetic properties. And the shelf life and degree of freshness of the product will never raise questions.

The spectrum of action of homemade creams is incredibly wide. It is enough to combine the suitable ingredients to obtain a remedy for problem skin, home botox, lifting, anti-aging drug, protection or moisturizing.

Recipe for care products own production contains the maximum detailed information about dosages, types for which this or that cream is recommended and the problems that the product can solve. Based on proven recipes, you can come up with unique composition, which will become a real elixir of beauty.

However, you need to remember that the process of preparing cream at home requires time, patience, and sometimes significant financial costs.

Even after the technology has been mastered to perfection, without emulsifiers, stabilizers and preservatives, homemade cosmetics will not be as light, gel-like and airy as cream from a tube purchased in a store.

The concentration of natural ingredients in the composition is quite high, so homemade cream also needs to be tested for an allergic reaction.

The maximum storage period is 10 days. It cannot be used after the expiration date, which means that the preparation procedure will have to be carried out approximately once a week.

Homemade cream production may not only not be cheaper than buying a ready-made one, but on the contrary, it may entail large financial costs.


The basic set of components includes:

Basic vegetable oils are divided into liquid (olive, almond) and solid (mango, coconut). Selected depending on the source data. For dry skin:

  • peach;
  • apricot;
  • olive;
  • macadamia;
  • coconut;
  • avocado oils;
  • oils walnut.

Suitable for oily people:

  • black cumin;
  • grape seed oil;
  • watermelon;
  • corn;
  • almond;
  • milk thistle

Those with sensitive skin should give preference to the following oils:

  • pink;
  • burdock;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • St. John's wort.

Oils account for about 30% of the total composition of the substance.

Animal oils- almost identical to the fat secreted by human skin. Mink oil and lanolin are used in the preparation of creams for skin prone to dryness and aging.

Water, flower hydrosol or herbal decoction. Without these components, any natural cream will be a solid greasy and sticky mass, unsuitable for use. The distillate accounts for 60% of the mass of the finished substance.

Cosmetic wax. Plant, animal, synthetic product; There are fossil waxes, for example, ceresin. All waxes have medicinal properties and are used in emulsion creams.

Emulsifiers and thickeners, combining flower infusion or water with oil to obtain a stable, creamy substance. There are only 2-3% of them. IN home cosmetics sucrose stearate is used - a natural emulsifier with a moisturizing and antibacterial effect, yolk, decoction soap root and other natural ingredients.

Essential oils– medicinal, care, perfume components in the composition natural cosmetics. They contribute to better preservation, participate in the fight against viruses and microbes, and relieve stress. Used in minimum quantity- 2-5 drops.

Plant extracts– these are plant processing products (powders, powders, oil and alcohol extracts) intended for use in cosmetology for rosacea, problems with the functioning of the sebaceous glands, rashes, acne. They nourish the skin, accelerate regeneration, and have an antimicrobial and antiseptic effect.

Active substances: plant extracts, liquid vitamins, dry yeast, bee bread, mumiyo, tinctures. These also include ceramides, collagen, elastin, fruit acids. They add as needed, for example, vitamin E, ceramides for hydration, A and E for nutrition, collagen and elastin for elasticity and anti-aging effect. Total in the composition of the substance – 5-7%.

It is not necessary to use them at the same time. The simplest option is limited to oil and water phases, a preservative or an emulsifier.

Since natural cream cannot be the usual white color by nature, cosmetics are added to it. titanium dioxide white. Additionally, this substance gives a matting effect and works as a filter against ultraviolet rays.

Natural cosmetics are often based on baby cream or pharmaceutical drugs. Some types of creams are more common than others.

With glycerin

For oily skin It is necessary to mix glycerin, zinc oxide, starch, benzoin tincture, distilled water with a whisk or mini mixer. The product is applied before bedtime.

Ingredients of the cream against dryness will include fundamentally different components:

  • cacao butter;
  • wheat oil;
  • jojoba oil;
  • rosehip oil;
  • oat extract;
  • royal jelly;
  • rose water or chamomile decoction.

Solid ingredients must be melted in a water bath, then combine the components, starting with oil and ending with decoction.

For sensitive and problematic a cream with glycerin, egg, honey, castor oil, vegetable oil or butter, chamomile infusion and a small amount of camphor alcohol is suitable.


Removes swelling from the eyelids, eliminates bags under the eyes, smoothes, and prevents the appearance of wrinkles. Also camphor oil improves blood flow and circulation, accelerates metabolism, which helps relieve swelling. The effect is noticeable in the first week or two, and for preparation you only need two ingredients: the oil itself and pork fat.

Solid fat must be melted in a water bath, thoroughly stir in the oil, pour into a small opaque glass container, and store in the refrigerator. You can add a few drops of essential oil to give the mixture a pleasant aroma.


It can be intended for both dry skin and oily, combination, problematic, young and aging skin, with the difference that each type and age will have its own composition.

The simplest and most versatile vitamin cream consists of melted beeswax, pink and almond oils, rose water, and vitamins.

With aloe juice

In cosmetology, aloe vera gel is used, which is easy to obtain at home: you need to cut off the fleshy leaves of the plant, put them in a glass for a quarter of an hour to drain all the excess liquid, then cut the leaf in half and remove the mucous part from the middle and the gel itself - the white part transparent pulp. The two substances must be thoroughly mixed; store in a glass container in the refrigerator.

Aloe is suitable for all skin types, acts as an antibacterial, nourishing, tonic, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging agent.

Homemade aloe cream may contain:

  • base oils;
  • ethereal;
  • biological active components;
  • herbal infusions;
  • natural emulsifiers and preservatives.

How to make it yourself

The technology for making cream at home deserves special attention. You will need the following tools:

  • spacious dishes made of of stainless steel;
  • electronic balance;
  • small glass bowls;
  • spoons different sizes or measuring cup;
  • whisk or mini mixer;
  • thermometer for measuring water temperature, preferably digital;
  • funnel;
  • glass rod;
  • jars for storage. It is better to choose dispensers with a dispenser or use a small volume with a tight lid and disposable spatulas to prevent pathogenic bacteria from getting into the jar.

To prepare the cream at home, you need to follow several steps step by step. The sequence begins with a simple action - disinfection of hands, work surfaces and tools, since homemade creams consist of components, most of which are a favorable environment for the proliferation of microbes. Such a cream will not only be of no benefit, but will also harm the skin. Next, it’s time to weigh and measure the ingredients according to the recipe; If necessary, chop products that require chopping.

The most difficult thing is the process of preparing the base: at the same time the base oils are melted, melted solid ingredients, if they exist, and the distillate (water, decoction or hydrosol) is heated. It is important to know that this should not be done in the microwave; a thermostat or water bath is more suitable.

When the liquids heat up to 60-70 degrees, it is necessary to add an emulsifier and stabilizer to the oil part to ensure viscosity and preserve the structure of the cream.

At this stage, you can add any humidifier. Then, the liquids are mixed in one bowl. During connection, they must be the same temperature (the difference is no more than two degrees).

After pouring water into the oil, remove the mixture from the heat, stir vigorously until smooth, and place in a container with cold water. When it cools down to 35-40 degrees (you can hold the cup without burning yourself), it’s the turn of herbal ingredients, extracts, preservatives, actives and essential oils according to the recipe. They need to be introduced gradually, without stopping stirring the mixture.

When all the ingredients are mixed, the cream must be closed, cooled and only then stored in the refrigerator. It is not recommended to do this right away so that the emulsion does not separate from sharp drop temperatures

Don’t be upset if you don’t get a 100% analogue the first time cosmetic product from the shop. The main thing is to observe the proportions and time when creating a natural cream, then it will turn out to be gentle, stable, fit well on the skin and work perfectly.

Folk recipes


There is no water component in this recipe. Preparation of the cream begins by melting olive, coconut oils and beeswax in a water bath, one-fourth cup for each component. When the mixture becomes homogeneous, you need to stir it thoroughly, remove from heat and cool until room temperature. Then, add one ampoule of vitamin E and 10 drops of essential oil according to your skin type. The product is applied in the morning, after washing, for 15-20 minutes.

There are other recipes for anti-aging natural creams: with cognac, egg, glycerin, petroleum jelly, castor oil, and other ingredients. Such creams make the skin toned, elastic, soften, add velvety, and work great as a lift to tighten the skin of the face and neck.

Homemade Botox

For those who are afraid to expose themselves to experiments, recipes for homemade substitutes have been invented. They contain honey, wheat flour, starch, gelatin, which do not provide a lasting effect. salon procedure, but rejuvenate and significantly tighten the skin.

To prepare, pour a spoonful of gelatin into half a glass of cream until it swells, then heat until completely dissolved, allow the mixture to cool and add a spoonful of honey, olive and almond oils. Apply to problem areas for 20 minutes, rinse with water, and moisturize the skin with cream.

The mask can be stored in the refrigerator and used every other day for a week.

Spring option

Fatty phase: raspberry and green coffee oils, SepiLift amino acid, Montanov 68, emulsifier. Water: water, aloe juice, vitamin B3, ascorbic acid, hyasial. Any actives plus vitamin E, essential oils of myrrh, petitgrain, geranium and carrot and 10 drops of preservative.


Masks based Chinese version skin care products have wide range actions and allow you to choose the optimal one in terms of cosmetic and therapeutic effect compound. Chinese creams get rid of acne, age spots, dark circles under the eyes, wrinkles, signs of fatigue, return light tone and clarity of lines. Homemade masks use herbs (angelica, angelica, bletilla strata), tofu and rice as herbal ingredients.


Universal face gel – aloe vera. Can be added to masks and creams for skin and hair, used in pure form, combine with finished products. It is easy to obtain at home, and the product has a shelf life of almost a year.


Mix 1-2 tablespoons of cane sugar with lemon juice and natural yoghurt, apply to face for 15 minutes, rinse with water comfortable temperature. This peeling is suitable for any skin type and is a gentle procedure due to its low concentration active substances in the composition.


Easy to prepare, pleasant to use, budget-friendly. This mixture is prepared from just two ingredients: for each tablespoon of plant base (almonds, castor oil, olive) 2-3 drops of essential oil (to taste). Before mixing, it is better to warm up the oil for greater fluidity.


Mix 200 grams of country sour cream with lemon juice, add the juice of one small cucumber, 2 yolks, a spoonful of honey, 2-3 capsules of vitamin E, 5 drops each of tangerine and orange oils. Gently add 100 ml of rose water and 100 ml of calendula tincture into the resulting mixture.

The cream is applied to the face until completely absorbed, the residue is washed off with a cotton pad soaked in mineral or boiled water.

If you want to make your own skin creams, this article is for you. In it you will learn how to select ingredients and how to combine them correctly to create a homogeneous emulsion.

The content of the article:

Every woman who takes care of herself uses face cream. Based on the fact that not all products are able to cope with one or another skin defect or such products are not cheap, the owners of the fair sex are thinking about making cosmetics with their own hands. Moreover, this process can easily turn into a hobby.

Walking around the World Wide Web, you can come across blogs and people’s comments about supposedly “miracle healing” remedies made from sour cream, honey, milk, kefir and other food products. But a full-fledged cream should not contain the above ingredients. In order for the mixture of components to be similar to the cream from store shelves and have a shelf life of more than a month, its formulation must consist of aqueous, fatty and active phases.

The fatty phase includes oils, the aqueous phase includes distilled water, hydrolates and decoctions, the active phase includes vitamins, as well as powerful substances that are truly aimed at eliminating skin defects. It should also be understood that oil and water cannot be mixed until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. For this purpose, an emulsifier must be used. And in order for the cream to be stored not for a couple of days, but for a couple of months, preservatives are used.

All the necessary ingredients can be purchased at online cream making stores. To make skin care products, you should also order heat-resistant bowls, jewelry scales and a special thermometer. Don't forget to go to the "inventory" and "cosmetic containers" categories before placing your order.

Before you start making the cream, you need to create its recipe. If this is not done, the prepared product will separate and will be unusable. Then the fatty phase and emulsifier are placed in one container, and the aqueous phase in another. Both phases are heated in a water bath to 65-70 °C, then mixed, stirring thoroughly with a glass rod (about three minutes) or a cappuccino maker (almost 30 seconds). To start adding to the mixture active ingredients, you must wait until it cools down to a temperature of 40 °C. At the end of preparing the cosmetic product, a preservative is added and must be mixed again with other components of the cream. The finished emulsion is placed in a clean bottle. The shelf life of such a product is usually from a month to six months. The cream should be stored in the refrigerator.

What does homemade cream consist of?

Base oils, forming a fatty phase, have the following advantages:
  • Nourishes the skin, saturating it with vitamins, minerals and other beneficial elements.
  • They moisturize the skin well, regulating the water balance.
  • Makes skin softer and smoother.
  • Prevent the occurrence.
  • Reduce inflammation.
  • Promotes rapid healing of wounds and cracks.
  • Improves blood circulation and complexion.
  • Protect skin from negative impact environment.
  • Cleanses pores and regulates skin oiliness.

For dry skin you can take apricot, sesame, olive base oil, shea butter, avocado or walnut oil. If you have oily skin, you oil will do grape seeds, hazelnut, black cumin, sensitive - sea buckthorn, apricot oil, jojoba or black cumin oil. The recipe can include either one oil or several. If you decide to use oils for skin care in their pure form, be sure to take into account their comedogenicity and ability to clog pores. So Coconut oil and cocoa butter are better suited for use as the main ingredients of hair masks or body cream, but not for the face in its pure form.

To make skin care products, you can use liquid oils and butters, that is, solid ones. The second option includes shea butter, cocoa butter, avocado, mango, coconut, etc. When choosing a batter, pay attention to unrefined oils cold pressed.

As for emulsifiers, for dry skin will suit emulsifier in the form of beeswax or guar gum, fatty - sucrose stearate or cetyl alcohol, sensitive - stearic acid or sodium alginate. There are also other emulsifiers, including Olivem 1000, a complex product fatty acids, chemically similar to the lipid composition of the skin. The more emulsifier, the thicker the consistency of the cream. Olivem 1000 is usually taken at a dosage of 5%.

When developing the recipe for the future cream, be sure to follow the correct dosage of ingredients. If you decide to prepare a nutritious night cream for dry skin, the oily phase should be a maximum of 50%, oily or normal - 20%. For day care, use a moisturizer, where the oil phase reaches 5% (for oily skin), 15% (for normal) or 35% (for very dry skin).

Never use tap water as the water phase! The best option- distilled water, purchased at a pharmacy or ordered through an online store. Sometimes hydrolates are added to this phase, that is - flower waters, in the amount of 10–50%. For dry and sensitive skin, hydrosol of rose, celandine, cornflower, calendula, ylang-ylang, cucumber, linden, lavender is suitable; for oily skin - chamomile, mint, parsley, plantain, hibiscus; for normal skin - celandine, calendula, chamomile, linden, mint , currants, roses, jasmine, for a combination - lemon, viburnum, juniper, rosemary, cucumber, parsley.

Face cream can be made without using active ingredients, but if you want to get rid of age spots, acne marks, wrinkles and other skin defects as quickly as possible, such components are simply necessary! There are many assets, here are some of them:

  • For wrinkles: hyaluronic acid, AHA acids, Algo"boost, Bio-remodelant, caffeine, elastin, Relax"rides, royal jelly, ginseng extract, red grape extract.
  • To moisturize the skin: hyaluronic acid, NUF, squalane, Fucocert, Honeyquat, royal jelly, cucumber extract, aloe vera gel, urea.
  • To reduce inflammation and nourish the skin: allantoin, bisabolol, Fucocert, provitamin B5, royal jelly, cucumber extract, Sang du dragon extract, almond milk.
When introducing active ingredients, be sure to follow the dosage. If one oil can be replaced by another in the same quantity, then in the case of assets, this should not be allowed. If you are making cream for a girl under 25 years old, the amount of the active phase should be from 5 to 10%, for a woman from 25 to 35 years old - 10–15%, 35–35 - 12–15%, 45–60 - up to 15%, 60 - up to 17%.

As a preservative you can use Cosgard, Phenonip, Suttocide A, vitamin E, Leucidal. Typically, the dosage of this component in the cream is 0.6-1%. As for essential oils (0.3–1%), they are not an obligatory component in the cream, but create an additional effect and aroma. If you have dry and sensitive skin, the essential oil of blue chamomile, rose, jasmine, lavender, sandalwood will suit you. Dry skin may also be accompanied by rosacea in the form of a vascular pattern on the face; in this case, add essential oils of rosemary, cypress, or verbena to the cream. For oily skin, use grapefruit, lemon, bergamot, and rosemary oils. Clove, chamomile, pine oils are good at fighting acne. tea tree, eucalyptus.

If you plan to seriously engage in cream making, be sure to read the relevant literature. The fact is that effective cream- this is the cream that is balanced in fatty acid composition.

Pros and cons of homemade cream

When making skin care products at home, you may encounter the following difficulties:
  1. If you do not follow the correct dosage, you can get the strongest allergic reactions, especially when it comes to increasing the amount of essential oils and assets used. To prevent this from happening, test the resulting product on your wrist.
  2. Fatty oils can clog the pores of the face, which can lead to acne. acne and blackheads. To prevent this situation, perform regular cleaning procedures.
  3. Do-it-yourself cream can only be stored in a cool place, otherwise its shelf life will be significantly reduced.
  4. To make even one cream, you will need to purchase various ingredients, as well as equipment.
  5. Due to errors in calculations, the cream may separate.
If, despite the difficulties described above, you still want to learn how to make home care products, you have an opportunity to whole line advantages:
  1. You know exactly what ingredients are contained in the cream and how they are useful. What can't you say if we're talking about about the product from the store shelves.
  2. You don’t have to believe the notes written on the packaging of products, because you yourself are the creators of your own cosmetic “masterpieces”. Today you can prepare an anti-aging cream, in two weeks - with a skin whitening effect.
  3. Homemade creams are much cheaper than high-quality store-bought products.
  4. Cream making can become your hobby, and you will probably already know what to give to your friends and relatives.

Homemade anti-wrinkle day cream recipe

Regardless of your skin type, your face needs to be moisturized with cosmetics. Moreover, if there are any problems on the skin (freckles, spider veins, dark spots, peeling, etc.), the choice of ingredients for making a cream should be taken more carefully so as not only not to aggravate the situation, but also to correct defects. Most often, women are interested in how to prevent the occurrence of wrinkles and how to smooth them out if they have already appeared. Read the review.

Ingredients: distilled water (69.07%), mint hydrolate (2%), emulsifier Olivem 1000 (5%), rice oil (12%), apricot oil (4%), relax'rides active (3%), natural moisturizing factor (2%), vitamin E (0.33%), aloe vera gel (2%), Cosgard preservative (0.6%).

Let's say you decide to prepare 50 g of cream. To figure out how much distilled water you need to make your facial moisturizer, multiply 69.07 by 50 and divide by 100 to get 34.54 grams.

  • Rice oil often used to make a daily remedy for dry, rough, dehydrated skin and those that have lost elasticity and firmness, and instead become sagging. This oil does not clog pores, prevents the appearance of wrinkles, and is wonderfully absorbed into the skin.
  • Apricot oil included in products to improve complexion. Vitamin C, which the oil is rich in, makes the skin more elastic, vitamin A is responsible for elasticity and hydration, vitamin F helps accelerate the regeneration of skin cells, and B vitamins have a good effect on the condition of the epidermis.
  • Active relax’rides immediately after application it reduces micro-contractions of the skin without paralyzing the facial muscles. This substance fights wrinkles, reducing their depth and smoothing them out.
  • Natural Moisturizing Factor includes glucose, dextrin, alanine, glutamic acid, aspartic acid, fructose and sucrose. The active protects the skin from moisture loss, improving the properties of the epidermis.
  • Vitamin E fights the aging process and the appearance of wrinkles, tightens the skin and improves blood circulation. This antioxidant also promotes cell regeneration.
  • Aloe vera gel has long been recognized as a miraculous elixir, because it gently and deeply cleanses the skin, protecting it from negative influence environment. Aloe vera gel normalizes metabolic processes, moisturizes, nourishes and restores the stratum corneum. Thanks to lignin, which is part of this ingredient, healing substances penetrate into the deep layers of the skin.
Heat the fatty phase (rice and apricot oil) and the emulsifier, as well as the aqueous phase (distilled water, mint hydrolate) in a water bath to 65-70 °C. Then pour the water phase into the fat phase, constantly stirring the ingredients for about three minutes. After the future cream has cooled to 35-40° C, add actives (relax’rides, natural moisturizing factor, vitamin E, aloe vera gel) and preservative. Mix everything well one by one.

Other homemade skin cream recipes

Big variety ingredients for cream making, presented in online stores, allows you to create products that eliminate various skin problems.

Cream for normal skin:

  • Vanilla macerate - 15%.
  • Emulsifying wax No. 3 - 3.5%.
  • Distilled water - 79.9%.
  • Coenzyme q10 - 1%.
  • Cosgard preservative - 0.6%.
Apply the prepared product daily to previously cleansed facial skin. The cream nourishes the skin and improves its tone, and delicate aroma Vanilla lifts your mood for the whole day.

How to make a cream for combination skin:

  • Prickly pear macerate - 10%.
  • Vegetable oil sea ​​buckthorn - 5%.
  • Emulsifier Olivem 1000 - 5%.
  • Damask rose hydrolate - 30%.
  • Distilled water - 46.7%.
  • Essential oil rosewood - 0,4 %.
  • Blue cypress essential oil - 0.1%.
  • Algo"boost Jeunesse asset - 2%.
  • Vitamin E - 0.2%.
  • Cosgard preservative - 0.6%.
Cream for combination skin gives the face freshness and smoothness; its ingredients have regenerating and rejuvenating properties. The emulsion has slightly orange tint due to the content of sea buckthorn oil in it.

Making cream for oily skin at home:

  • Papaya vegetable oil - 10%.
  • Buriti vegetable oil - 1%.
  • Emulsifying wax No. 3 - 5%.
  • Witch hazel hydrolate - 79.3%.
  • Natural aroma pineapple - 2%.
  • Active Bacti-Pur - 2%.
  • Cosgard preservative - 0.6%.
  • Soda ash - 0.1%.
Use the prepared product daily on cleansed skin. Instead of pineapple flavor, you can use any other flavor you like. Soda ash is present in the recipe to regulate the pH of the cream.

Cream for dry skin:

  • Shea butter - 5%.
  • Sweet almond vegetable oil - 20%.
  • Vanilla macerate - 32%.
  • Emulsifier Olive Protection - 9%.
  • Cetyl alcohol - 4%.
  • Distilled water - 29.4%.
  • Cosgard preservative - 0.6%.
This product will perfectly protect your face from the negative effects of the environment. winter time of the year. Store the cream in a dark and cool place so that its shelf life exceeds one month.

Making your own acne cream:

  • Thyme hydrolate - 15%.
  • Distilled water - 58.48%.
  • Jojoba oil - 10%.
  • Emulsifier Olivem 1000 - 6%.
  • Aloe vera gel - 6%.
  • Cranberry powder - 2%.
  • Lemon essential oil - 0.9%.
  • Manuka essential oil - 0.6%.
  • Rosemary essential oil - 0.3%.
  • Cosgard preservative - 0.6%.
Each ingredient has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and takes part in the fight against such common skin problem like acne. The cream should be applied to the face and neck at night.

Recipe for rosacea cream:

  • Calophyllum oil - 8%.
  • Safflower oil - 10%.
  • Emulsifying wax No. 2 - 7%.
  • Distilled water - 68.8%.
  • Red grape extract - 5%.
  • Essential oil of Italian immortelle - 0.4%.
  • Vitamin E - 0.2%.
  • Cosgard preservative - 0.6%.
This cream helps in the fight not only against spider veins, but also against acne. To eliminate rosacea, also follow proper nutrition and take Ascorutin.

Video tutorials on cream making.

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