Local anesthetic for the skin. Pain relief during epilation of the bikini area. Is peppermint oil good for pain relief?

The bikini is the most sensitive and delicate area, epilation of which without pain relief terrifies most women, especially if we're talking about about a deep bikini. Cosmetologists offer several options for pain relief during bikini hair removal. At the same time, almost every representative of the fair sex wonders how safe an anesthetic for bikini hair removal is for her skin and the body as a whole. Let’s try to understand this issue and choose the appropriate drug for these purposes. Skin anesthetics are sold in pharmacies and online stores. However, we must remember that online stores usually sell unregistered medicines under the guise of cooling gels and creams, which poses a significant danger to women’s health 31 . There are now 3 drugs available in pharmacies for skin pain relief - Acriol Pro, Emla creams and various lidocaine preparations in spray form.

How to relieve pain from epilation in the intimate area

Painkillers when epilating a bikini with an epilator or wax should be effective and safe, so many women think about the question of how to relieve pain when epilating a bikini, rather than buying the first product they come across at the pharmacy. It doesn’t matter if you are having hair removal done in a salon, or if you are getting rid of hair at home, choosing an anesthetic cream for the bikini area, it is better to give preference to a product with the status of a medicinal product than to deal with the negative effects of an unknown anesthetic after the procedure. It is important to observe doses and not exceed the permitted application area, as this affects the safety of use 26 .

Before you go to the pharmacy and buy a spray or anesthetic cream for the bikini area, you need to find out which drugs can be used for these purposes in order to avoid the following factors:

  • allergic reaction;
  • development of infections;
  • damage to the skin and mucous membranes;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the heart and central nervous system(CNS).

To protect yourself as much as possible from the negative consequences that can be caused by pain-relieving gels for deep bikini hair removal or corresponding creams, you need to carefully study the composition.

Types of anesthetic drugs for external use

You can buy painkillers for bikini hair removal at the pharmacy in different ways. price category, but you must remember that expensive does not mean good. In anesthetic drugs, the main thing is the composition, especially if its use involves interaction with the delicate skin of the deep bikini area. Also, the form of release plays a huge role, since a cream containing a water and fat base (emulsion form) penetrates the skin better than gels and sprays.

There are several products that cosmetologists use for hair removal, and each of them has its own positive and negative sides. Cosmetologists use injection anesthetics and local anesthetics for external use. The second option is safer for the patient’s central nervous system and does not require special knowledge to use before hair removal. Let's get acquainted with them a little and try to decide how to relieve pain during bikini hair removal?

Akriol Pro - anesthetic cream for the bikini area

This is an excellent pain reliever when epilating a bikini with an epilator, wax or other methods known today. Akriol Pro New Product on the market for external anesthetics, but it can confidently be called a worthy anesthetic for the intimate area. In terms of release form, this is not a pain-relieving ointment for bikini hair removal, but a cream that has a number of advantages, namely:

  • Compound. This pain relieving cream for the bikini area contains only 2 active substances a is lidocaine and prilocaine, which mutually reinforce each other 26, reducing the sensitivity of the treated skin area to pain, they also have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties 4, 7,26.
  • Compliance with all production standards medicines 2. This guarantees the quality of the drug, including the absence of harmful impurities that may affect the allergenicity of the anesthetic.
  • Price. Compared to other products, this anesthetic cream for the bikini area has a competitive price 5. When buying Akriol Pro, a woman pays exclusively for the drug and its analgesic effect, and not for the brand name.

Lidocaine spray as an anesthetic for hair removal

Lidocaine is one of the most popular ingredients in anesthetics for external use, both in cosmetology and medicine. It anesthetizes the mucous membrane well, but is inferior in the power of analgesia to the skin to the combined drugs lidocaine + prilocaine 26 . Just like any anesthetic, it requires special care when used, since an overdose of the drug can lead to the following consequences:

  • metallic taste in the mouth, numbness in the mouth, ringing in the ears;
  • decrease in the strength of heart contractions;
  • drowsiness, dizziness, anxiety, etc.

Anesthetic gels for deep bikini hair removal or lidocaine-based creams will become excellent option for the mucous membrane, but if you plan to remove hair all over intimate area, it is better to give preference to combined anesthetics, since they provide better pain relief to the skin 26 .

Anesthetic cream for the bikini area "EMLA"

This is another option for numbing epilation in the intimate area. Its composition is absolutely identical to Acriol Pro cream, but is produced by a different manufacturer.

An anesthetic cream for epilation of the intimate area, certified as a medicinal product, definitely more reliable and safe option for use in cosmetology, and this fact has been proven by numerous studies.

How to relieve pain during bikini hair removal? Cosmetology products

In addition to the above drugs, you can also find on the Internet pain-relieving gels for the bikini area, creams or sprays that are unregistered anesthetics or have certificates cosmetics. As a rule, they contain the same lidocaine, but in combination with one or more components, namely prilocaine, benzocaine or tetracaine.

Manufacturers of cosmetic anesthetics do not adhere to strict ratios of components and often add preservatives. In addition, such painkillers often contain dangerous impurities. All this can lead to negative consequences for the cardiovascular and nervous systems, as well as cause an allergic reaction 31.

Enduring painful sensations during hair removal is not only unpleasant, but also harmful to the body. But, if you use unknown anesthetics before the procedure, then instead of providing comfort, the situation can be aggravated. In order to minimize side effects drugs, it is better to buy painkillers for bikini hair removal from trusted manufacturers and give preference medicines with strict adherence to the composition and availability full instructions by application.

As cosmetology developed, from Cleopatra to the present day, people rapidly invented new ways to care for their skin. Simple washing was supplemented by care with the help of herbs; later the herbs took the form of creams and ointments. The mystery of making cosmetics in ancient Egypt was known only to the priests.

In the modern world, priests are cosmetologists! And every day thousands of women around the world discover the mystery of beauty.

One of the most popular injection procedures today is mesotherapy.

Every woman probably knows about the effectiveness of mesotherapy, but she also knows that it is painful. Many women refuse the procedure out of fear, some have been afraid of injections since childhood, others have a low pain threshold.

This factor plays important role in the work of a cosmetologist!

In order not to lose clients, but only to increase their number, it is important to take care of quality anesthesia for mesotherapy.

A cream with an analgesic effect is the best option for mesotherapy

Invasive pain relief during mesotherapy is not recommended, because As a result, double skin injury will occur. That's why the best option- This is an anesthetic cream with lidocaine.

The active ingredients of the cream with an analgesic effect block impulses that come from the nerves to the brain. As a result of superficial local anesthesia The pain from the punctures is not felt, the client only feels a slight pressure and tension.

Local anesthesia during mesotherapy of the face or body can be used in conjunction with sedative medications. Sedation allows you to relax during the procedure. cosmetic procedure, which reduces the risk of developing stress reactions from the body.

  • · The effect of anesthetics for mesotherapy in the form of creams lasts from 3 to 4 hours.
  • · Time of onset of effect - from 15 minutes. up to 1 hour.

If the client has a low pain threshold, then it is advisable to extend the exposure time to 1 hour, while the active substances will provide a feeling of numbness to the two-millimeter thickness of the skin.

For facial mesotherapy, you must choose a strong anesthetic cream with a high content of lidocaine.

The method of applying all painkillers is identical:

  1. Thoroughly degrease and cleanse the skin
  2. Apply the cream to a cotton pad or cotton swab and a thin layer of 1-2 mm. spread by hand on the target area. (Reuse cotton pad or other instrument is prohibited)
  3. Waiting time from 15 to 1 hour.
  4. Remove the cream and begin the procedure

IMPORTANT: It is necessary to carefully remove the cream from the face before the procedure to avoid its residue getting into the skin during needle insertion.

Surface anesthetics do not cause side effects, except individual intolerance components.

Which anesthetic cream is best for mesotherapy?

As mentioned earlier, an anesthetic with a high content of lidocaine is suitable for mesotherapy.

IMPORTANT: Pharmacy spray "Lidocaine" is not suitable for mesotherapy, because the spray will not be able to penetrate into the deep layer of the dermis. The spray is effective on mucous membranes; for other injections it is useless.

A suitable anesthetic can be found in domestic producers, and imported.

Particularly effective anesthetic creams from South Korea.

Local anesthetic has proven itself well in the domestic market Light dep professional- development of a national research and production center for rejuvenation technologies. Light dep contains lidocaine 5%, but thanks to an effective combination active ingredients, the cream gives very good result! Available in tubes of 30 and 500 ml.

Korean anesthetic creams contain lidocaine up to 10.56% and are especially effective in invasive procedures. Many allow you to anesthetize the skin with fractional mesotherapy over the body (depth from 2 to 4 mm) and thread lifting (depth from 5 to 8 mm).

The average price for pain-relieving cream for mesotherapy when purchased in bulk is 4,200 rubles. for 500 gr. Small volume 30 g. can be purchased for 600 rubles.

Comparative table of anesthetics:

Name Volume Wholesale price
Light dep professional 30 ml 570
Light dep professional 300 ml 4200
J-PRO 30 g 440
J-CREAM 500 g 3300
J-CAIN 500 g 3400
PS cream 30 g 440
Anesten 30 g 580


Mesotherapy is definitely a painful procedure and the client knows this in advance! Therefore, not only quality and results are important to him, but also comfort during the procedure.

The task of a professional master is to debunk the myth that beauty requires sacrifice and to make his client’s stay in the salon as pleasant as possible.

And with properly selected anesthesia, there can be no talk of any casualties!

  • With the right anesthetic, you shorten the procedure, saving time.
  • You relieve the client of fear, and he comes back to you again and again.
  • You do your work with the highest quality possible, without worrying about the client’s pain.

If you find it difficult to choose anesthesia for mesotherapy, then call us at:

7 925-240-33-00

Specialists will be happy to advise you.


Beauty salons, tattoo studios, cosmetology centers and clinics, as well as private artists have access to individual conditions and big discounts!

Every woman strives to be more well-groomed and perfect, so she is ready to endure a number of unpleasant and painful beauty procedures. One of these is hair removal. During this procedure, unwanted hairs are removed from the body along with their hair follicles. Everyone chooses the type of hair removal for themselves.

The threshold of sensitivity varies among people; for some women, the hair removal procedure is unpleasant, but it can be withstood, while for others it is torture, torment. Let's look at how to make hair removal less painful.

Pain relieving creams

Modern pharmacology offers many painkillers for hair removal. The most effective and popular for pain relief:

  1. Cream "Emla".
  2. Cream-gel Light frost.
  3. Cream Dr. Numb (red).
  4. Cream Light dep.

Most often they contain lidocaine, a local anesthetic that suppresses pain impulses.

Cream "Emla"

One of the best means Emla cream is used for pain relief during hair removal. Due to the fact that the composition includes lidocaine and prilocaine, pain is reduced for a long time. It must be applied to the skin or mucous membrane of the area where the procedure will be done, in a thin layer, without rubbing. In order for there to be more effect, you need to wrap the film on top, you can use food film. It is forbidden to apply the cream if there is any damage to the skin, as well as to patients who are sensitive to this composition, you cannot keep the cream on your body for more than five hours. To epilate small areas of skin, you can use the Emla patch.

Light frost

Many cosmetologists recommend using Light frost pain-relieving cream-gel. In addition to lidocaine and prilocaine, it also contains tetracaine and epinephrine. Thanks to its dense texture, the product moisturizes and soothes the skin, does not spread when applied, but it is best to apply it under an occlusive dressing. The effect of exposure depends on the sensitivity of the skin - 20–60 minutes, pain relief lasts about two hours. This product is recommended for many procedures, such as sugaring, waxing, laser hair removal.

1)Dr. Numb (red).

Before epilation, you can use Dr. cream. Numb (red). The composition includes lidocaine, prilocaine, benzocaine, epinephrine. 30–60 minutes before the procedure, you need to degrease the skin with alcohol, apply the cream in a thin layer, about 2 mm, and cover with film. Dr. Numb is one of the best remedies that is used as an anesthetic for many cosmetic procedures, such as tattooing, acupuncture, hair removal and many others. This cream does not enter the bloodstream, it blocks pain signals, “lulls” sensitivity, penetrating 8–10 mm into the skin.

Pain relief during hair removal with Light Dep cream will help everyone endure the procedure more easily and forget about the unbearable pain. Its base is water with the addition of other ingredients. Used in the most sensitive places: on the face, bikini area, armpits. Apply a thin layer to required zones. Depending on your skin type, this product begins to work within 15 to 50 minutes and continues to provide pain relief for about four hours. It does not enter the bloodstream, there is no allergy to it.

Before epilation, it is advisable to steam the skin well, take a shower, wipe dry the area where the procedure will be carried out, you can do a massage to make the procedure easier, remove excess cream with a dry cloth.

Creams have good feedback from clients and cosmetologists. They are convenient to use at home and in salons, thereby reducing our pain during the procedure.

Pain relief with tablets

Painless hair removal is also possible with the use of tablets. Before the procedure, 30–40 minutes before, it is recommended to take the following medications: Tempalgin, Analgin, Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen. The most effective tablets are Diclofenac and Indomethacin.

You can buy them at the pharmacy without a prescription; it is better to take proven drugs to exclude negative impact on the body. Pain-free hair removal can also be achieved at home using these anesthetic drugs. And after the procedure, you can apply soothing, moisturizing, restorative products and enjoy the results for a long time.

1) Menovazin ointment.

A good remedy for pain relief is Menovazin ointment. It contains procaine, benzocaine, menthol. The plus is that this ointment does not need to be wrapped in film, the minus is not very great effect pain relief, dries out the skin. Make sure that the ointment does not get on the mucous membranes, so do not use it in the bikini area and near the eyes.

2) Spray with lidocaine.

Painless hair removal is also possible using lidocaine spray. The spray is sprayed in the areas where the procedure will be performed several hours before it. To prevent the liquid from evaporating, you need to wrap the top with film. The skin will become less sensitive. Uncovered areas will be painful. The spray is convenient to use both in salons and at home.

Most methods of hair removal and depilation are quite painful, not counting the standard shaving procedure. The degree of sensitivity is determined by individual characteristics and the specifics of the chosen method. Decrease discomfort The use of special painkillers of local or general action will help. Compliance with the rules of preparation for the hair removal procedure also plays an important role.

Features of preparing skin for depilation

In order to minimize the sensitivity of skin areas before depilation, it is necessary to devote enough time to preparing the surface. Regardless of whether you use special painkillers, following preparatory measures will ensure that discomfort during the procedure is reduced.

  • Taking a bath or shower a day before depilation will allow you to steam the surface and make hair removal easier by opening the pores.
  • Peeling or scrubbing the corresponding area, performed a day before the procedure, softens the skin and removes the surface dead layer of cells, which affects the comfort of the session.
  • If necessary, treat the area with talcum powder before the procedure. Typically, this rule is followed for sugaring and waxing procedures, since the outcome of the process depends on the quality of adhesion of the material to the hair.
  • Leave the hair at the required length for each method, as too much length will make the session more difficult and painful. For example, for waxing and sugaring, a hair length of no more than 5 mm is required, and for photo- or electrolysis - no more than 2–3 mm.
  • Before the procedure, the surface must be thoroughly dried and treated with appropriate antiseptics (for example, Chlorhexidine) and, if necessary, anesthetics.
  • Do not expose the area sun rays within 48 hours before epilation or depilation. The ban also applies to visiting a solarium, as this will increase skin sensitivity and soreness.

Peeling before depilation softens the skin and opens pores

It is very important not only to properly treat the surface of the area before the session, but also to set the mind for depilation. To do this, try to focus on the result - imagine how your skin becomes smooth and clean, without unwanted hair.

Video: how to prepare your skin for hair removal procedure


After high-quality surface preparation, including softening the skin and opening the pores, you can use special anesthetic agents. Their use will help reduce the sensitivity of a specific area or the entire body during the procedure.

Products intended for surface anesthesia before depilation are divided into: the following types by scope:

  • creams, gels, sprays intended for local use;
  • tablets with an anesthetic effect that affect the entire body.

It is possible to use several methods of pain relief at the same time, but subject to instructions and taking into account contraindications. For example, you can combine applying a cream and taking a pill in case of a low pain threshold.

Applying a numbing cream or gel before depilation reduces skin sensitivity

Creams and gels

The use of creams for pain relief is more effective and safe method than taking pills. This is explained by the fact that creams have a local effect without affecting the entire body. This eliminates the effect of the drug on the gastric mucosa and other important organs, which cannot be avoided when using tablets. The cream or gel penetrates the skin layer and certain time reduces its sensitivity, reducing the transmission of nerve impulses.

The effectiveness of an anesthetic cream is determined by the volume of active substances that managed to be absorbed into the surface when it was applied.

For better penetration of the components into the skin, an occlusive dressing is used. She represents the usual cling film, which is applied to the surface after applying the drug. It can also be made from polyethylene. This material provides insulation of the area from environment and prevents moisture evaporation.

The cream or gel will be better absorbed into the skin if you use an occlusive dressing

Before using any creams, test to see if you have an individual allergic reaction. It is best not to apply a large number of Apply the drug to your wrist or elbow and observe the reaction for 30 minutes. If irritation, redness or other undesirable manifestations do not occur in this area, then you can safely use this cream.

The intensity of the effect of a cream or gel is influenced by the following factors:

  • Surface temperature. Hot skin absorbs the ingredients of creams and gels more easily than cold water.
  • Use of an occlusive dressing. The effectiveness of the active ingredients will increase if you isolate the cream layer with film.
  • Layer thickness. The amount of product used depends on the characteristics of the cream or gel, but the layer must be quite dense so that its substances penetrate into the surface.

Before applying any cream, make sure that there are no wounds, scratches, pimples or other damage or inflammation on the surface. If they are present, you cannot use pain-relieving creams, as well as perform depilation or hair removal procedures.

Please note that most creams and gels contain lidocaine, which is actively used in medicine and cosmetology as effective remedy pain relief. If you are allergic to this component, do not use it and replace this cream with another suitable product.

To identify an allergy to a cream, first test its effect on a small area of ​​skin.

Lidocaine in the form of a cream or spray is often used for home pain relief before a hair removal session. It is distributed over the appropriate area approximately 2 hours before the planned procedure with the obligatory application of an occlusive dressing.

Lidocaine is ideal for treating the bikini area, legs, and armpits. However, it is not recommended for use when removing hair from areas of the face.

Lidocaine is the most common pain reliever before hair removal.

For the cream to have an effective effect on the treatment area, it is necessary in the right way follow the application procedure. After testing the drug, read the instructions for its use, and also follow the following general rules:

  • Cleanse skin thoroughly in the shower and dry. Do not use cosmetic preparations so as not to cause clogging of pores.
  • Apply the cream to the area to be depilated approximately 2 hours before the session. The layer should be thin, but sufficient to completely treat the area.
  • Using cling film, create an occlusive dressing at the site where the layer is applied.
  • Wait for the time indicated in the instructions, then remove the bandage.
  • Remove any remaining product using a lint-free towel or napkin. The sensitivity of the area will be reduced for approximately 3-4 hours.

This product can be purchased without a prescription at the pharmacy, like most other anesthetic creams. Its use is contraindicated for diseases of the liver, nervous system, kidneys, heart, and also in case of pregnancy.

Lidocaine cream is often used for laser, photo- and electrolysis, as well as depilation procedures using wax and sugar paste.

Ordinary cling film can be used as an occlusive dressing.


After traditional Lidocaine, it is the next most popular pain reliever. Among its active ingredients are prilocaine and lidocaine, which increases the effectiveness of this cream compared to the first drug. The product penetrates the skin to a sufficient depth, reducing the sensitivity of nerve endings in the treatment area. To increase effectiveness, the composition should be applied in advance.

The cream is available in the form of 5 gram tubes. This amount is enough for 2-3 procedures, depending on the size of the treated area.

One tube of Emla cream is enough for 2-3 procedures

Instructions for using Emla cream are as follows:

  1. On a thoroughly cleaned and dried surface, spread the cream in a thick layer, sufficient to cover the entire area.
  2. Cover the applied layer with the special tape that comes with the kit. If the procedure is to be carried out over a large area, then large polyethylene or cling film can be used.
  3. After about 1 hour, you can remove the film and begin depilation. The analgesic effect lasts for another 2 hours.

As in the case of Lidocaine, before using this cream it is necessary to check the absence of individual intolerance to its components.

You should also avoid applying the product if there is inflammation, wounds or any other damage to the surface.

For better absorption of the cream, use an occlusive dressing, which is often included in the kit.

It is most often used to numb sensitive areas such as the bikini area as it penetrates deep into the surface. About 1-2 g of product is sufficient to treat this area.

Video: how to use Emla cream

If you are allergic to Lidocaine cream, then Emla cream is also not suitable for you due to the content of a similar component in its composition.

Light Dep

The main ingredients of Light Dep gel or cream are lidocaine, prilocaine, epinephrine and tetracaine, forming a single anesthetic complex of anestoderm. The packaging is a 15 ml tube for individual areas of the face and 30 ml for larger areas, such as legs or arms.

This drug is a combined action agent that reduces the nervous sensitivity of epidermal cells, while maintaining the overall perception of temperature when using hot pastes and materials. Before using it, it is also important to conduct a lidocaine tolerance test.

Light Dep gel contains an anesthetic anestoderm complex

The process of using Light Dep cream includes the following steps:

  1. Using a cotton pad, apply a thick layer of the product to the cleaned area where you plan to depilate.
  2. Cover the surface with film and wait about 1 hour for optimal penetration of the substances.
  3. After the specified time, remove the film and remaining drug using a napkin or cotton pads.

Light Dep cream can be applied without subsequent application of film if you use the product in the face area.

Use cotton pads or napkins to remove gel residues.

Doctor Numb

The composition of the cream Dr. Numb also includes lidocaine, prilocaine, but in addition to them, benzyl alcohol and epinephrine are also added. It works in a similar way to other numbing creams and requires prior testing to determine if there is a reaction to lidocaine.

This product has the ability to constrict blood vessels, which will help quickly stop bleeding if the surface is damaged during depilation. The cream penetrates approximately 0.5–0.8 cm deep. The effect of its use lasts for 4 hours.

Cream Dr. Numb has the ability to constrict blood vessels

When applying the cream, you must adhere to the following sequence:

  1. Before using the product, take a shower and dry the area to be depilated. Additionally, you can treat the surface using alcohol lotion.
  2. Apply the cream in a thick layer to ensure high-quality absorption of the components under the skin.
  3. Use film or plastic bandage to isolate the treated area.
  4. After about 20–30 minutes, remove the bandage and begin the procedure.

In terms of the speed of development of the effect, this cream is superior to its analogues, since it provides significant pain relief to the area within 20–30 minutes after use.

Deep Numb

Creams that contain lidocaine as the main component include Deep Numb cream. In addition to this substance, it also contains epinephrine, which reduces the risk of bruising during the depilation procedure. The consistency is non-greasy cream , produced at. Available in the form of small tubes of 10 ml. The effect of its use lasts for 3–4 hours.

Using Deep Numb cream reduces the likelihood of bruising

Since the active ingredient of the cream is lidocaine, the process of its application is similar to the application of other drugs containing this ingredient, taking into account some nuances:

  1. After thoroughly disinfecting the relevant area, the cream is distributed over the surface in a thin layer. No need to apply too much thick layer, since the product is easily absorbed due to its water base.
  2. Place the film on the resulting layer, leaving it for about 50 minutes to ensure blocking of pain impulses for the duration of the main session.
  3. After the specified time has passed, remove the bandage and any remaining product with a napkin, and then begin depilation.

This cream can be applied to any area of ​​the body except the buttocks and thighs.


The composition of the Depilflax pain-relieving gel includes menthol, as well as natural ingredients as vegetable oils, rosemary and chamomile extracts. Due to the action of menthol, this product perfectly cools the surface being treated, allowing depilation to be less painful, and also has an antiseptic and moisturizing effect. Thus, it facilitates the extraction of hairs by softening upper layer surfaces and prevents them from breaking off and subsequent ingrowth.

The gel in a 500 ml bottle is very economical and easy to use, as it is equipped with a dispenser.

Depilflax gel does not contain lidocaine, so it can be used in case of allergy to this component

The peculiarities of the composition allow it to be applied almost immediately before depilation, without the use of an occlusive dressing. Taking this into account, the procedure for its application is simplified and includes the following steps:

  1. Rub the gel into the cleaned surface with light massage movements until it is completely absorbed.
  2. Wait about 5 minutes and begin depilation.

In terms of analgesic effect, Depilflax gel is less effective because it does not contain lidocaine. It has a cooling effect, which reduces sensitivity and distracts attention from painful sensations. At the same time, the possibility of using the product immediately before the procedure and the large number of herbal components in its composition make the gel more beneficial for the skin.

By virtue of safe operation and predominance natural ingredients this gel can be used on all areas, but to achieve a greater analgesic effect on sensitive surfaces (bikini or armpit area), it is better to use a product with lidocaine.

Depilflax Pain Relief Gel is often included in a kit with other waxing products.

Super Numb

Super Numb in the form of a cream is made on a water basis, which ensures its easy penetration into the deep layers of the skin. It has an analgesic effect for about 4 hours due to the inclusion of lidocaine and other anesthetic substances. Available in tubes of 10 and 30 grams.

It is better to purchase the cream in a smaller package and use the tube as soon as possible after opening, since during long-term storage the product loses some of its properties.

The cream is used as follows:

  1. Apply a small amount of product using a cotton swab to cleansed and dried skin with alcohol lotion. In this case, it is necessary to rub the drug with gentle movements.
  2. Cover the greased surface with film, depending on the size of the treated area.
  3. After 30–60 minutes, remove the protective film and perform the depilation procedure.

The time it takes for the cream to penetrate the skin depends on the characteristics of the surface being depilated. So, for the face area, about 30 minutes is enough, and to anesthetize the bikini area you will need large quantity time - about 60 minutes.

Super Numb cream is easily absorbed into the deep layers of the dermis due to its water base


The AneStop gel contains the anesthetics lignocaine and propitocaine, as well as dexpanthenol and hyaluronidase. It is characterized by its absence of odor and thick consistency, while being easy to apply and helping to moisturize the surface. Since the gel is quickly absorbed into the deep layers, the use of an occlusive dressing is not necessary. The agent has a blocking effect on nerve endings, located at a depth of about 4–5 mm.

This is a strong pain reliever, which is used even during superficial surgical manipulations on the face.

Its application is carried out in the following order:

  1. Apply the first layer of gel to the cleaned surface.
  2. Wait 10 minutes and apply a second layer of product to the same area.
  3. After another 10 minutes, spread the third final layer over the skin.
  4. After 5 minutes, remove the gel using napkins and begin depilation.

The effect of the drug appears immediately after applying three layers of the product and lasts for 3 hours. Test the gel on a small area before use. Since this is a potent product, it is usually used to treat the bikini and armpits.

When applying AneStop gel, the use of an occlusive dressing is optional


The use of Sustaine gel allows not only to reduce the severity pain, but also prevent the appearance of bruises and swelling. Its composition is distinguished by a combination of three active ingredients - lidocaine, tetracaine and epinephrine. The first two substances are known analgesics, and epinephrine acts as a hemostatic component.

The specificity of using this product is that it is effective only when used during a depilation session. Thus, it does not need to be applied in advance.

The active components of Sustaine gel are lidocaine, tetracaine and epinephrine.

Step-by-step instructions for using the gel are as follows:

  1. During depilation, apply the product using a cotton pad or applicator. The layer should be thin and uniform.
  2. Wait 3-5 minutes and remove any remaining cream.
  3. Continue hair removal.

When applying the product, you must use gloves, and after the procedure, you should clean your hands with soap. Avoid getting the gel into your eyes and mouth area.

Sustaine gel is odorless and does not cause a burning sensation, unlike other pain-relieving creams.

Video: cosmetologist on methods of pain relief during depilation

Sprays and solutions

By analogy with creams, sprays and solutions penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and reduce the degree of sensitivity in the area of ​​application. Due to their watery consistency, they are absorbed faster and easier. The sprays are equipped with dispensers, which makes the application process more convenient. So, during one spray, one dose is released. An occlusive dressing may not be used when using sprays, but its presence will enhance the effectiveness of the drugs.

Lidocaine is available not only in cream form, but also in spray form. The latter is distinguished by the presence of a menthol smell. Available in 40 g bottles. To treat a small area, 1-2 sprays are sufficient. After using the product for 1 minute, a burning sensation occurs, which disappears with the appearance of an anesthetic effect.

This spray can be used on all areas except the face due to the risk of product getting into Airways and eye area.

The spray is used in accordance with the following instructions:

  1. After showering and cleansing the surface, apply the spray to the area to be treated, spraying 1-2 times.
  2. For maximum effect You can cover the area with the spray with cling film.
  3. After 15 minutes you will feel cold on the area - you can begin the depilation process.

It must be taken into account that a spray, unlike a cream, can spread over the surface. Therefore, if it is necessary to treat small limited areas, it is better to use a cream.


Carmolis spray contains levomenthol, as well as essential oils cloves, cinnamon, lavender, nutmeg, sage, anise, lemon, citronella and thyme. The drug has a local irritant effect, which reduces pain. It moisturizes and nourishes the skin during the procedure. The composition prevents the appearance of bruises and swelling.

The spray can be used before and after the procedure. It just needs to be sprayed for 5 seconds onto the cleaned area for depilation from a distance of 15 cm. Since the effect of the spray appears literally after 5 minutes, the application of an occlusive dressing is not required.

Spray Carmolis has a beneficial effect on the skin

Golden Rose

Golden Rose solution, used to anesthetize areas before depilation, is available in a 20 ml package. Its action is based on a combination of two painkillers - lidocaine and prilocaine. Penetrates to a depth of about 2–3 mm. The result from using this solution lasts for 50–60 minutes and appears 15 minutes after treatment.

The solution is used as follows:

  1. Moisten a napkin with the product and treat pre-degreased skin.
  2. Wait 15–20 minutes and begin the depilation procedure.

The effect of using Golden Rose solution appears after 15 minutes

To anesthetize small areas, an Emla patch measuring 3.5 cm in diameter is used. It is treated with 1 g of Emla composition. The patch is effective for about 2 hours after application. The product should not be used in the area near the eyes as irritation may occur. Also try not to use more than 3 patches in one session. The drug penetrates approximately 2–3 mm deep.

It is especially convenient to use patches for the armpit area.

Emla patch is often used to relieve pain in the armpit area.


Tablets are an economical method of pain relief and most are available over the counter in pharmacies. The main difference between tablets and creams is that they have a general effect on the body, reducing sensitivity not only in the area of ​​depilation, but also in all areas of the body.

Tablets with an anesthetic effect include well-known drugs:

  • Analgin;
  • Ketanof;
  • Pentalgin;
  • Nurofen;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Andipal.

It is better not to take aspirin before waxing, as it thins the blood.

When using tablets, you must monitor their dosage and take into account possible side effects and contraindications. As a rule, they are used 40 minutes before the session. It is better to give preference to products that have already been used before the procedure. This will reduce the likelihood of unexpected reactions to components.

Folk remedies

Except special drugs, are used as painkillers before a hair removal session. folk remedies. They are not as effective as creams, gels and tablets, but they can also make the process easier and reduce the intensity of discomfort. These methods are quite effective in small areas to remove fine hair.

Among the traditional methods of pain relief are the following:

  • Mint leaves. In order to lightly cool the surface and reduce the severity of pain, mint leaves are used, which are applied to the surface for about 20 minutes.
  • Sea buckthorn oil. It should be applied to the surface approximately 50 minutes before the start of the session, and then carefully removed.
  • Spicy seasonings - chili pepper, mustard, cinnamon. In addition to the fact that these substances help reduce sensitivity due to a burning sensation, they help expand the pores for quick hair removal.

Mint leaves cool the skin and reduce the pain of hair removal

Regardless of whether you use special means pain relief, following general recommendations during the procedure will help reduce the severity of discomfort.

  • It is preferable to plan depilation for 3–5 days after the end of menstruation, since it is at this time that sensitivity drops to its minimum level.
  • For the session it is better to choose evening time from 4 to 6 o'clock, when susceptibility to painful sensations lower than in the morning or late evening.
  • Some people find that heating the surface, such as taking a bath, helps. For others, on the contrary, it is easier to carry out a session after cooling the area with a piece of ice, which is placed in a plastic bag.
  • Massaging the skin before the session will increase blood flow and reduce pain.
  • It is necessary to take into account the individual effect of coffee and alcohol on the body. If you become sensitive when taking these drinks, you should stop using them before waxing.
  • Follow the rules for carrying out a particular method of depilation and hair removal. So, when waxing and sugaring, the strip should be torn off as sharply as possible in the desired direction.
  • When using an epilator, use special attachments to reduce pain.

Video: how to numb your skin when using an epilator

Helps many people during depilation breathing exercises. When removing hair, take a deep breath, which will dull the discomfort.

Most women consider the hairs on their bodies to be an atavism and stubbornly fight against them. For this purpose, various chemical and mechanical methods. It is worth noting that today the procedure for removing unwanted hair is available in many beauty salons, but hair removal can be successfully done at home. IN modern cosmetology New ways and methods of hair removal are constantly emerging that are highly effective.

Epilation- This is a way to get rid of unwanted hair by removing it along with the root. In this case, the follicles are damaged and their growth stops. After several hair removal procedures, you can get rid of unwanted hair forever.

Depilation- This is a method of removing hair only from the surface of the skin. Depilation can be carried out mechanically - shaving, and chemically - applied to the skin special creams. Under their chemical influence, the surface parts of the hair dissolve. Depilation is enough in a simple way getting rid of unwanted hair, but the effect of this procedure does not last long.

Negative side using depilatory creams – very sensitive skin may become chemical burn. If this does happen, then apply moisturizer to the damaged skin.

Features of hair removal in the intimate area

TO intimate hair removal it is necessary to approach it very responsibly. Smooth skin is the dream of all women, but first of all, you need to take care of your health and the painlessness of the hair removal procedure.

There are several ways to remove unwanted hair V cosmetology salon. But if you have limited budget, then the most economical solution would be to remove hair in the deep bikini area at home.

Epilation in the intimate area is divided into two types: classic and deep bikini. A classic bikini is easier to make. This method involves removing only the hair that extends beyond the panties. But making a deep bikini is much more difficult and painful. During hair removal, hair is removed from the pubic area, labia and between the buttocks.

How to reduce pain?

Waxing (waxing) and sugaring (sugar) procedures are now the most popular. Ready mixes for these procedures can be purchased in specialized stores.

At the first stage of the waxing procedure, you need to prepare the mass for hair removal thoroughly in a water bath or in a special heater. It should be comfortable for the body. The next step is to apply a layer of heated mass to the skin in the bikini area. The sticky layer comes off in one sudden movement against hair growth. Most often this is very painful to do, but you will get a long-lasting effect.

If before epilation sensitive area By properly preparing the skin, you can significantly reduce discomfort.

Shortly before epilation, it is necessary to steam the skin by taking a bath or hot shower. After this procedure, the pores on the skin will expand, thereby pulling out hair will not be so painful. This will help make the procedure easier when removing hair with an epilator. Wax and sugar in the bikini area are applied to small areas. Firstly, the sensations will be less painful. Secondly, this way you will not leave bruises and bruises on the skin. To make the procedure less painful, before tearing off sticky layer, stretch the skin. It is necessary to pull not vertically upward, but parallel to the area being epilated.

You can also numb the skin with special medications. To do this, purchase a local anesthetic and apply it to the desired area, following the instructions for use.

Some representatives of the fair sex make common mistakes when removing hair from the bikini area. You should not take aspirin to relieve discomfort before the procedure. It thins the blood, which can lead to bleeding during hair removal. To calm down a little, you can drink green tea with lemon balm. It's very tasty and healthy drink, which has a mild calming effect.

With the opening of the beach season, the relevance of such a procedure as hair removal is steadily growing. Every woman wants to look great in a swimsuit or beautiful dress, and for this you need to have smooth skin without excess vegetation. Naked smooth legs and a perfect bikini area are everyone’s dream. To achieve a perfect look, you can't do without hair removal.

Some women are terrified of carrying out such a procedure. They are afraid of pain. There are ways to make hair removal almost painless. Basic methods and secrets of pain relief:

  1. Choose the most optimal day for yourself. The choice depends solely on individual characteristics women. In the second half of the cycle, the pain is felt much more than in the first. That is why it is better to prescribe the hair removal procedure either in the middle of the cycle, or to implement it immediately after the end of menstruation.
  2. Don't be nervous before the procedure, because when the body is in stressful situation, observed increased level cortisol in the body. This is what can influence a person to feel enough severe pain and burning. If you are still overwhelmed by certain feelings, you can drink a sedative or calm yourself down with any other means, such as candy.
  3. A sense of proportion is very important. If you have a reduced pain threshold, then better procedure hair removal is divided into several stages. No, all hair removal areas should be treated in one procedure.
  4. You can use a special scrub in the areas where hair should be removed. This way you will get rid of the layer of dead cells, thereby greatly facilitating the hair removal procedure.
  5. If you are terrified of hair removal, use more delicate hair removal techniques or apply to problem areas special anesthetic ointment or gel. Anesthesia may be an option if you have a low pain threshold.
  6. How in gym, and during hair removal you should breathe correctly. This way the pain is perceived less acutely.
  7. Cough. As strange as it may sound, if you feel too much pain, you can simply cough. In this way you can divert attention from pain.
  8. Don't tense your muscles. Try to relax, because when you are tense, all sensations are perceived more acutely. If you consciously relax your muscles, then the procedure will pass less painful.

You can take a pain reliever to relieve pain. Use the same as for headaches. Among the tablets are:

  • Tempalgin;
  • Analgin;
  • Ketoprofen;
  • Diclofenac.


Naturally, during hair removal, not only the hair is injured, but also the skin. Various irritations and ingrown hairs may occur. To avoid all these troubles, it is necessary to carefully and regularly care for the skin that is undergoing the hair removal procedure.

The owners are not too sensitive skin It is enough to simply treat the skin with aftershave cream or lotion. Most women need additional care, and most importantly - hydration. There is no such thing as too much moisture, so every morning and evening apply to the skin of your legs, bikini area and armpits moisturizer or special spray.

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