What to answer when a guy asks. Nice words for a guy: how to melt a man’s heart

Compliment - it would seem so simple thing, but you need to be able to react to it correctly. Beautiful words They can drive you into a dead end and disarm even the most sociable. How to respond to a compliment without getting into trouble or looking stupid? Let's try to figure it out.

There are different types of compliments

It turns out that they are different. It all depends on who said what to whom, with what intonation and subtext.

  1. Sincerely spoken words, from open person- This a real gift. You always feel how he speaks, tensely or simply, easily, from the heart. It is an honest, truthful compliment that is valued most of all; it lifts our spirits, increases our self-esteem, and makes our life brighter.
  2. The compliment is unnatural. Such words are spoken for the sake of it when the speakers have certain goals in mind. This text is easy to recognize, it will be routine, intrusive, thrown out of politeness, perhaps it will praise precisely those aspects that you have always considered weak. No one needs such praise; it humiliates.
  3. Hidden compliment, made by a person who is embarrassed to speak directly, but really wants to tell you something nice.
  4. Business, from the boss to the subordinate. This pleasant event will raise the working spirit, but it still needs to be earned.

Even such a seemingly simple thing requires the ability to answer it. The reaction manifests itself depending on the nature of the words spoken.

How not to react?

It starts with understanding that How not to answer:

  • Many, having heard laudatory speeches, begin to deny what was said to them: “What are you talking about, there is nothing special about this!” These are provocative actions that make you praise you again and again. Which can make your opponent feel awkward. Know how to accept praise with dignity.
  • Don't make excuses. You deserve the approval. And this dress that fits you so perfectly, or quitting smoking, which your friends appreciated, is yours good job and attitude to life.
  • Do not neglect, you may offend the speaker. There must be a reaction, even if you are extremely modest and uptight, respond. Smile, at least say: “Thank you!”
  • Don't go to extremes; excessive enthusiasm looks cute, but stupid. Stick to the middle ground.

Yes, sometimes after accepting a compliment, we don’t know what to do with it. There are too many emotions, and not enough.

Reasons for the wrong reaction

To get rid of the listed unnecessary reactions, we will analyze them causes:

  1. The first and most important of them is poor self-esteem. Are you sure, or maybe someone has made it clear that you are not worthy of admiration. Usually, such problems come from childhood, from a lack of parental attention. The habit of not liking myself has remained since then. But everything has changed, you are surrounded by new people who, perhaps, truly love you. Accept the words with firm confidence in their correctness.
  2. AND back side medals, man so much about myself high opinion that someone else's praise seems insufficient for him, and he is offended, without even trying to hide it. Here you also need to adjust your attitude towards yourself, but only in the opposite direction.
  3. You think that what has been said obliges you - this is not so. You don't have to flatter in return., as the ladies of the court act at the balls, it looks unnatural and not sincere. You have nothing to answer - no need. Just accept what is said.
  4. Your distrust of the speaker may cause the wrong reaction. You look at yourself suspiciously and listen, thinking that you are being flattered too much. Yes, sometimes it's true. An excellent answer to this would be good feeling humor and a sharp phrase.

So, you received a compliment, how to react to it?

How to respond to the compliment “you are beautiful”?

The answer to such a long-awaited compliment should be beautiful. Not all men can speak beautifully, not all girls can answer with dignity. Let's try to give the answer of a woman whose beauty was appreciated with a compliment:

  1. Don't convince him otherwise. Make it clear with your answer that yes, I am a beautiful but modest lady, for example: “ Thank you, I’m glad your words lifted my spirits!“You can spice it all up with a restrained smile, but no more. This tactic will keep him at a distance, but will not scare him away with the cold.
  2. Don't be afraid to make direct eye contact while answering, this will show your openness and interest in the speaker.
  3. If you still recognize rude flattery here, laugh it off: “ You overpraised me...».
  4. Don't be rude, even if these words were said by the person you least wanted to hear them from. For example, the phrase: “ I didn't expect this from you...”, will belittle not only him, but also you. You have to be able to save face.
  5. You are very confused, you don’t know what to say to such long-awaited phrases. Count to yourself to 10, and firmly agree, believe me, you really are like this. But don’t throw yourself on your neck because of the surging feelings, control yourself, phrases like: “ Oh God, tell me something else nice!“may give reason to think that now everything is allowed to him.

What a difficult task it is to answer with dignity male attention. But once you learn this, it will become easier to behave correctly in exciting situations further.

How to respond nicely to a compliment?

There is an art to responding to compliments gracefully. It all depends on the person who decided to “stroke” you psychologically.

  • If this close girlfriend, you can even hug her and say with a smile: “ Thank you!»
  • If business partner, modestly laugh it off " I take your example!»
  • If a man turns out to be generous with praise, do not refuse, nod slightly: “ Yes thank you!“This will make it clear that you know about it and others do too.
  • Not only women love praise, but also men. Why not. The answer should be simple and short: “ Yes, thank you, I like my hairdresser too!" Or jokingly: “ I try to look good, but I can't keep up with you!»

It is much easier to react to words from a friend than from a recent acquaintance. And even if you said something stupid and found yourself in an awkward position, sincerity will always help correct the situation.

How to respond to a compliment with humor?

A sense of humor, as unusual as it sounds, will help here, but how would it be without it. The ability to respond in an original way can often impress your interlocutor more than the compliment itself.

  • “I couldn’t be happier!”
  • “And I can also embroider on a typewriter!”
  • You were rude on the bus, remember that “politeness is a thief’s best weapon”: “What a kind look you have, sorry for making you angry!”
  • You can jokingly be indignant: “Why do you look so good today, I can’t do that!”

Don't forget that responding to compliments is difficult, but giving them is even more difficult. Don’t make the speaker nervous when he “blurted out” the wrong thing in your direction; know how to support the person who was trying to please you - this, sometimes, will show your attitude towards him or her better than any answer.

Let's say nice words to our friend as often as possible so that we don't have to ask the question: “How to respond to a compliment?” and we always knew it.

Video: responding to compliments correctly

In this video, psychologist Denis Kostin will give a short lesson on the topic: “How to respond to compliments” and give some tips and recommendations:

We continue the theme of attractiveness. The attractiveness of a girl can be created, among other things, from the most small parts, and even by reacting to a compliment, a girl can show how low or, on the contrary, how high her self-esteem is.

And in this article we will talk about how to respond to men's compliments correctly and with dignity.

We have already talked about how important it is to demonstrate to men that you value and respect yourself (I advise you to read the articles “” and “”).

Why is it important to be able to respond correctly to men’s compliments?

A girl who refuses compliments and begins to assure a man that she is unworthy of such words demonstrates her low self-esteem:

- You have one beautiful smile!

- What? I have? There is no need to flatter me, my teeth are crooked, and my smile is the most ordinary...

(And the man looks: “Oh, but the teeth are really uneven... And since she says that the smile is ordinary... I guess it really seemed to me...")

-You look amazing!

- I? Well, well, I look terrible, I don’t understand how I’m dressed, bags under my eyes... Don’t embarrass me, this is not true...

(And let the man answer: “No, you’re wrong, you’re beautiful!”, he will think something else: “Wow, there really are bags under the eyes, but I didn’t even notice... And he thinks that he looks bad - there is, apparently, a reason , since she is so unsure of herself").

It turns out that even if a girl’s self-esteem is all right, and in response to a compliment she simply begins to “flirty” (as it seems to her), showing embarrassment and awkwardness, the response thoughts in a man’s head will not be what she expects (although he response words will probably be pleasant).

Remember one important thing: your reaction to compliments also causes one or another response in a man’s head .

Therefore it is important to keep in mind possible reactions men. And you shouldn’t think that if a girl begins to belittle herself in response to a compliment, then the man will think: “Oh, she’s so beautiful and sweet!” - No, this will not happen.

In fact, a man will have a reaction (conscious or subconscious) of searching for and evaluating the shortcomings mentioned by the girl (although if the girl responded to a compliment differently, he would not have noticed these shortcomings at all), as well as the reaction of re-evaluating his vision of the girl, because the brain will set a completely reasonable question: “Hmm, maybe I was really mistaken?..”

Another huge minus wrong reaction to compliments is that the girl demonstrates her unaccustomed attitude towards compliments .

And any man, even if he doesn’t admit it to you, wants a girl so that others would envy him: look, what an amazing girl he got! And if a girl is not used to compliments, then other men definitely don’t think she’s amazing.

So stop reacting to compliments by not accepting them and putting yourself down!

But there is another side: when a girl demonstrates her excessive self-confidence, casually throwing in response to a compliment: “Even without you, I know that I’m beautiful...” or “I shouldn’t have said it, it’s obvious!”

Such a reaction is equally unacceptable, because such a reaction shows that the man’s words mean absolutely nothing to the girl, and also demonstrates the girl’s bad manners, her rudeness and that very excessive self-confidence that men do not like in girls.

What is the correct reaction to compliments from men?

By responding correctly to a compliment, you can show:

  • that you value yourself highly,
  • that you are used to compliments (which means other men find you attractive),
  • that you won't get through in ordinary words, because you deserve much more (unlike girls who melt from any compliments).

How to respond to a man's compliment?

And it’s very simple to respond to a compliment correctly: you just need to smile warmly in response, slightly nod your head and softly say something like: “Yes, thank you)” or better yet, just “Thank you!”, as if completely agreeing with the words of your interlocutor, but still showing that you are pleased to hear such a compliment once again.

Thus, you must show that you have long known about your dignity (which the man talks about in a compliment), and other men also know about it, i.e. you are accustomed to both your dignity and compliments about it .

No: “Oh my God, really? And say something else nice!”, “No one has ever said that to me!”, “Oh, how nice it is to hear this!”, no “This is not true, it sticks out there and it’s crooked here...”, “Why Are you deceiving me?”, “Don’t flatter me” and no: “Well, otherwise!”, “I know!”, “You’re not the first, you’re not the last to tell me this!”

Let the man see that you know your worth and will not melt from his words alone. To conquer standing girl, you need more than beautiful words.

And one more important thing about compliments:

Let me remind you once again that men also love compliments. And compliments to men are good at any stage of a relationship ( and especially in marriage ):

  • to speed up falling in love with you
  • to express that you appreciate him
  • to motivate a man to new achievements
  • to “stroking” the male ego
  • to create a pleasant anchor on you

Don't underestimate the importance of compliments in our lives: they can strengthen relationships even more, open us up, breathe strength into us, make us happier... And it works both ways.

But what’s funny is that most of us girls are dumb when it comes to complimenting a man. And compliments like “you are so beautiful” or “this jacket suits you very well!” don't roll because these compliments are not recognition of him male power, his personal qualities or achievements (and if recognition of our attractiveness is important for us girls, then for men it is much more recognition is more important their own merits).

If you are as stupid with compliments as I was, I can recommend a cool thing. There is a very inexpensive one audio recording “compliments to men”- it is quite long and consists entirely of... compliments to men)

So: I downloaded it, copied it into words into a tablet, and since then, at moments when I want to say something very pleasant to my husband, express my gratitude, or inject him with a charge of motivation for new victories, I resort to this recording every time : I take suitable pieces from it, reshape it, add something of my own.

And this is very cool, because it allows me to express in the right words what I feel (despite the fact that I write well, I had a complete gag with compliments, and no matter what I felt, for some reason it was difficult for me to move beyond the banal “you’re so uuuum”), and my husband’s these compliments - confessions make you even happier and inspired to achieve achievements for the sake of the one who recognizes these achievements.

So don’t forget to please your loved ones with compliments)

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Recently I was asked a very interest Ask, and I remembered examples from personal experience related to this topic: how to answer “uncomfortable” questions from men.

What does "inconvenient" mean? – For example, when you don’t know whether to answer honestly, as it is, or omit some details; questions regarding past relationships and some other intimate moments.

I’m sure many women have found themselves in situations where the relationship with a new partner was just gaining momentum, you tried to get to know each other, to be honest. Below I will give some examples of awkward questions and possible answers to them. The main thing is to understand the basic principle of formulating answers.

“How many men have you had?” - A common question, despite all its absurdity - well, is this the main thing? However, you will have to answer something like this: “There have been men in my life and I am grateful for this experience. But I don't think we should waste time discussing ex-partners right now, okay? There wouldn’t be a long list anyway; I take novels seriously.”

“Why are you still alone?” — Not all men are tactful. A similar question can be addressed to a woman and the answer can be the following: “You know, I’ve never been in a hurry in relationships with men, I don’t want to go down the aisle just for the sake of the process itself. I believe that mine future husband will not cause doubts or contradictions in me regarding our future together, I’m sure you understand me.”

“Have you ever been cheated on?” — The question may sound slightly different, depending on the details of the woman’s past relationship history: “Why did he cheat?”

In the first case, the answer can be formulated as follows: “Fortunately, the relationship with a man in the past was distinguished by fidelity, this was not a reason for quarrels...”.

If there was betrayal: “Yes, it’s sad, but useful experience turned out to be... I don’t blame anyone individually, here we both did something wrong. In any case, there was a lot of good things and the most important thing now is that this person is happy and appreciates love and loyalty, because isn’t this what strong and happy relationships are based on?..”

The next uncomfortable question from a man may concern the sexual sphere. As a rule, they turn out to be inconvenient for those who are completely unprepared to discuss this topic. There can be many options, the main thing you should pay attention to is how appropriate and timely they are, i.e. interest about sexual preferences women are quite justified if the partners’ relationship has already become close and is developing over a fairly long period of time: “How/what do you like about sex? How do you feel about oral sex/anal sex?”

Of course, here a woman must be extremely frank and honest. But the most important thing is that she is well-mannered and tactful. Even if you don’t accept something in sex, you don’t need to distort your face and respond to a man with disgust. IN otherwise a woman runs the risk of causing a man to become distant and closed, and this is detrimental to relationships.

You can answer as follows: “You know, I’ve always been interested in non-standard approaches to sex, but I’m not sure that I’ll like it. I think we should look into this issue together, I’m sure we can’t do it without your help and additional equipment... We can look into a sex shop, but I don’t promise anything yet.. So, I’m thinking about it...”

By the way, what “ awkward questions"Have you been asked? ..

There are representatives of the fair sex who have quite a problem communicating with men. Often girls simply don’t know how to answer the question correctly. It is clear that communication mainly consists of questions and answers to them. If a girl unsuccessfully answers one of the young man’s questions, she may forever lose his interest in her person.

IN human life Communication means a lot, because with the help of words you can reassure and greatly offend, calm or upset. It is through our answers that the interlocutor receives the information he needs and draws appropriate conclusions from what he heard. Of course, everyone would like to have only a positive and favorable opinion about them after a conversation. But to achieve this goal, you need to be able to monitor your speech.

Before you voice your answer to a man, you should think about it carefully. The thing is that sometimes rash answers can frighten and even alienate a young man.

In order to gain a little time for reflection, you can ask a counter question, for example, ask why this particular fact of your biography is so interesting to him. While the man is responding, you can not only think about your response, but also gain a little more knowledge about your new acquaintance.

Basically, you need to consider what kind of reaction might follow your answer. If you want to win over a man, you should answer politely and with restraint; it doesn’t hurt to add a little humor. It is humor that can save you from many uncomfortable situations. It should also be noted that gentlemen adore girls with a sense of humor.

If it is necessary serious conversation, then a humorous manner is unlikely to be suitable; you will have to tell the truth or something close to it. If you still have to resort to lying, then the woman must clearly remember what exactly she came up with. After all, if at one point she goes astray in her lies, this will seriously tarnish her reputation. Not only will she become a liar in the eyes of a man, but he will also lose confidence in her.

It also happens that a representative of the fair sex does not want to answer some question, then she should say so directly. It is better to explain that this topic is unpleasant and not suitable for a particular moment. You can promise to return to her later. You can tactfully get out of it by saying that the story is too long and the mood is not suitable for its telling.

Often young man it becomes interesting what kind of relationship you had before him, and why it ended. When answering such questions, it is better not to go deep into the narrative, but to answer briefly. Under no circumstances should you talk about your former partners Badly. There is no point in calling them names and accusing them of all mortal sins.

Your answer may provoke an idea in a man of how later, in the event of a breakup, you will talk about him. And we should not forget about such a phenomenon as male solidarity.

Answer the question “How are you?” it can be done in different ways. You should not be like your interlocutor and use banal answers or ask primitive questions: “How is life young?”, “What are you doing?”, “How are you doing?” and other boring phrases that will repel your interlocutor. Humor will help turn the conversation in a friendly and interesting direction: “How are you on the personal front?” - “I haven’t killed everyone yet” or “Quiet as in a tank.” You can answer with sarcasm: “The cases are with the prosecutor, but with me it’s just small matters.”

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:“There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow...” Read more >>

Phrases for men

If a girl asks “What do you do in life? "To continue the conversation, a man can choose original and funny answers:

  • “I’m blowing the dust off the gingerbread cookies.”
  • “I teach the cat to talk so that he can answer such questions instead of me.”
  • “I consider record holders for asking stupid questions.”
  • "I'm drying crackers."

Best responses to the phrase “How are you?”:

  • "The prosecutor's office is filing it."
  • “Things are fabulous and mysterious with me. The farther it goes, the darker and scarier it becomes.”
  • “Like a yard dog, I’m sitting on a chain and wagging my tail.”
  • “Like dill - everything in a bunch!”
  • “Things are going well, just passing by.”
  • “Everything would be wonderful, but I don’t sleep well at night, I fall off the mattress, the dollars no longer fit in it...”
  • “I have things to do with a checkered stripe.”
  • “You’ve become interested in my affairs too often, do you really work for the FSB or the FBI?”
  • “Like damp salt. I don’t get enough sleep either.”
  • "The flies would definitely love it."
  • "Mother is pleased with me."
  • “Life is getting shorter every minute, but everything is fine.”
  • “It’s like a taxi – the longer you drive, the more expensive it will cost.”

    How to beautifully respond to a banal “Hello!”:

    • “I greet you too, oh my brightest and most original interlocutor.”
    • "I hear you from hello."
    • “You say hello too? We found each other.”
    • "Please confirm that you are a human and not a robot and enter the captcha in the field below this message."
    • "What erudition, what a broad outlook and enormous lexicon! I am delighted, there are simply no words, only emotions."
    • “Oh, I feel the gift of prediction has opened in me. I can even guess your next phrase: “How are you?”

    If a man wants to continue communicating with a girl, it is important to know fine line and do not step over it by responding with rudeness or writing obscene expressions, because the young lady may be offended and will not write to the guy again.

    Another way to ask about business:

    • “How are you, business, business, tricks and life?”
    • “How are you doing, tests, blood pressure, stool, well-being, mood, pulse, appetite, health. In general, answer how you are, I’m interested in everything in the smallest detail.”
    • “Tell me, how do you live and breathe without me?”

    You can write banal phrases on foreign language and an ordinary greeting will turn into an original message that the girl will try to decipher.

    The phrase "Hello! "different languages:

    • Chinese - nihau, ma;
    • Japanese - konnitiva;
    • Hawaiian - aloha;
    • Hindi - namaste;
    • Georgian - gamarjoba, etc.

    How are you feeling, what should I say?

    Answer options for girls

    To the man’s question, “How did you sleep? ", the girl will be able to give original and funny answers:

    • “Stormy and crowded, I had a 200-pound man with me.”
    • “I’m scared, I’m afraid to sleep alone, will you keep me company so that I can finally get some sleep?”
    • “Today you had a dream, so you woke up in a cold sweat.”
    • "Excellent, but damn little..."
    • “I decided to become a lark. And now I’m a sleep-deprived and angry owl.”
    • “It’s bad, as always. But it’s good, because the main thing in life is stability!”
    • “It would be much more pleasant with a sexy handsome guy.”

    Answers with humor to male question"How are you?" and what are you doing?":

    • “I haven’t given birth yet, as soon as I give birth, I’ll let you know.”
    • "Thank you, regularly."
    • “I wouldn’t mind giving up a suitcase with green rubles to improve things.”
    • “I get another orgasm from questions like this.”
    • “I decided to strike the figure - I’m indulging in buns.”
    • "I'm sitting lying down."
    • "I'm fixing a faucet. Women's occupation? I won’t refuse help."
    • “I am looking for a candidate for the father of my future children.”
    • "Great, my cat is sleeping without hind legs, and now I’m frying a chicken leg.”
    • "I celebrate Tractor Driver's Day (any holiday that is celebrated in different countries peace on this day)."
    • “I’m sad. I’m tired of those who ask such questions.”
    • “What to answer: great - you won’t believe me, bad - you still won’t help.”
    • "There are no cases because there are no bodies."
    • "Ambivalently."
    • "Two days by carriage, a week on foot."
    • “Everything is covered in chocolate, including the keyboard.”
    • "Out of quiet sadness."
    • “I’m not busy today. I’m gone for a while.”
    • "Guess. The H word. It's not necessarily good."
    • “They are going well, but in an unknown direction.”
    • “Are you eager to talk about this topic?”
    • "Growing, blooming and smelling."
    • “I’m dying, drying up, wasting away.”
    • "Life is hard without Persen."
    • "It's okay...just random."
    • “Like a native: I walk naked, eat shit and sleep with just anyone.”
    • "Continuous, equal and compact."
    • “You are businesslike, and I am lazy by nature.”
    • “Excellent, so much so that there’s nothing to tell.”
    • "Dum spiro spero (I hope while I breathe)."
    • "Things ended yesterday."
    • "I'm trying to enslave the world."
    • "I'm meditating on your message."

    What to answer if they ask “How are you on the personal front?”:

    • "I'm in the calm before the storm."
    • "The front is temporarily unavailable as it is under development."
    • "A lot of your men were killed."
    • "No change on the western front, as well as on the eastern, southern and northern."
    • “I’m holding defenses along the entire perimeter.”
    • "I'll surrender soon."
    • "The enemies are attacking, but I am not giving up!"
    • “Personally, everything is happy and excellent for me personally.”
    • “Personal - it’s personal for that reason, it’s indecent to tell.”

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