Read the reading technique for 1 minute. Training plan for the development of reading skills in a child. Simple things for the reader

Considered at a meeting of the pedagogical council

Protocol No.

from "____ _" _____________20

I approve:


MBOU secondary school №10

M.Yu. Morshinin

"____" ______20 g


about checking reading technique in grades 1-7

MBOU secondary school No. 10 of Voronezh

    General provisions

1.1. The regulation on checking reading technique in grades 1-7 was developed in accordance with the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", the Charter of the school.

1.2. This Regulation determines the content, goals, objectives, procedure for testing reading skills in grades 1-7 of MBOU secondary school No. 10 of Voronezh, providing uniform requirements for testing reading skills at school.

1.3 This provision regulates the monitoring and evaluation of the results of the development of reading skills.

1.4 The regulation on checking the reading technique is approved by the principal of the school.

2. Goals and objectives

2.1. Testing of reading technique is organized in order to obtain objective and reliable information about the state of education in the school to control the level of formation of reading skills, track the degree of progress of the student in mastering the technique of reading.

2.2. The tasks of checking reading technique are to identify the students' skills and abilities related to reading activity:

The pace of reading at which the text is understood;

The skill of conscious reading at a certain pace;

Reading without error.

2.3 The reading technique is tested as part of the intra-school control three times a year:

At the beginning of the year (introductory control);

In December (current control);

At the end of the year (final control).

3. Requirements for the level of formation of reading skills

    The way of reading is reading in whole words;

    Correct reading - reading an unfamiliar text in compliance with the norms of literary pronunciation;

    Reading speed - setting to a normal fluency rate for the reader, allowing him to comprehend the text;

    Setting for a gradual increase in reading speed.

4. Classification of errors affecting the lowering of the mark:


    distortion of readable words (replacement, rearrangement, omissions or additions of letters, syllables, words);

    incorrect statement of stresses (more than two);

    reading the entire text without semantic pauses, violation of the pace and clarity of pronunciation of words when reading aloud;

    inability to highlight the main idea of ​​what is read; inability to find words and expressions in the text that confirm understanding of the main content of what was read;

    violation when retelling the sequence of events in the work;

    monotony of reading, lack of means of expression.

Shortcomings :

    no more than two wrong accents;

    individual violations of semantic pauses, tempo and clarity of pronunciation

    words when reading aloud;

    comprehension of the read text for a time slightly exceeding the established one;

    inaccuracies in the formulation of the main idea of ​​the work;

    the inexpediency of using expressive means, insufficient expressiveness when conveying the character's character.

5. Evaluation standards the level of formation of reading skills in grades 1-7 .


for the beginning of the year

at the end of the first half

at the end of the second half

1 class

at least 10 - 15 (20 - 25) words per minute

2 - less than 15 words
3 - less than 15-19 words
4 - less than 20-24 words
for 5 - from 25 words

2 cells

2 - less than 15 words
3 - less than 15-19 words
4 - less than 20-24 words
for 5 - from 25 words

2 - less than 25 words
for 3 - 25-29 words
for 4 - 30-34 words
for 5 - from 35 words

2 - less than 40 words
for 3 - 40-44 words
for 4 - 45-49 words
for 5 - from 50 words

3 cells

2 - less than 40 words
for 3 - 40-44 words
for 4 - 45-49 words
for 5 - from 50 words

2 - less than 40 words
for 3 - 40-49 words
for 4 - 50-59 words
for 5 - from 60 words

2 - less than 65 words
for 3 - 65-69 words
for 4 - 70-74 words
for 5 - from 75 words

4 cells

2 - less than 65 words
for 3 - 65-69 words
for 4 - 70-74 words
for 5 - from 75 words

2 - less than 65 words

for 3 - 65-74 words
for 4 - 75-84 words
for 5 - from 85 words

on "2" - less than 85
on "3" - 85-89
on "4" - 90-100

on "5" - 100 or more

5 cells

on "2" - less than 85
on "3" - 85-89
on "4" - 90-100

on "5" - 100 or more

On "2" - less than 90

On "3" - 90-100

On "4" -101-111

On "3" -112-117

on "2" - less than 95
on "3" - 96-101
on "4" - 102-114

on "5" - 115 and more

6 cells

on "2" - less than 95
on "3" - 96-101
on "4" - 102-114

on "5" - 115 and more

On "2" - less than 100

On "3" - 101-112

On "4" -113-119

On "5" -120-125

on "2" - less than 105
on "3" - 106-112
on "4" - 113-120

on "5" - 121 and more

7 cells

on "2" - less than 105
on "3" - 106-112
on "4" - 113-120

on "5" - 121 and more

On "2" - less than 113

On "3" -113-117

On "4" -118-122

On "5" -122-129

2 - less than 115
for 3 - 115-121
for 4 - 122-129

for 5 - 130 and more

Grade 1: no grade is given, the student "did it" or "did not do it". In the first half of the year, the reading technique in the 1st grade may not be checked.

When checking reading technique at the beginning of the year, the reading speed indicator should correspond to the reading norm indicator of the previous year.

6. The procedure for testing the reading technique

6.1. Checking the formation of reading technique among students is carried out within one day.

6.2. In the room where the reading technique test procedure is carried out, there should be two teachers, one who is assigned the duties of an examiner, and the other is a teacher who does not teach in this class and acts as an assistant during the reading technique test.

6.3. The assistant ensures discipline in the classroom, supervises the order of monitoring.

6.4. The examiner provides the student with the necessary material on a separate sheet without marking and counting the number of words, the second copy of the text is with the examiner (it is on it that the number of words read per minute is counted and errors and shortcomings in the student's reading are tracked).

6.5. Students participating in the test are not allowed to read in advance the text on which the test will be carried out.

6.6. The text proposed for reading, the student reads in full (until the end of the text). The teacher does not stop reading after 1 minute.

6.7. The teacher-examiner, before reading the text, notes the time and gives the student permission to read the text. While reading, the student makes appropriate notes in accordance with the test parameters (Appendix No. 1, Appendix No. 2). After 1 minute has elapsed from the beginning of reading the text, the teacher-examiner marks the last word in his form, on the reading of which the control time (1 minute) has expired.

6.8. After the students have read the entire text, the teacher-examiner asks questions about the content of the text to check the level of comprehension of the information read. When conducting a conversation on the content of the read text, the teacher-examiner can ask leading questions or other questions formulated by him to help determine the degree of mastering the information read.

6.9. At the end of the conversation, according to the content of the read text, the teacher-examiner counts the number of words read by this student in 1 minute, and fills out a table to record the results of testing the reading technique, following the recommendations for assessing the reading technique of students.

7.1. In the course of this monitoring of the formation of the reading technique of students, measurements are taken according to several parameters, reflected in the table of results of checking the reading technique (Appendix No. 1, Appendix No. 2), which is filled immediately after each student who has read the text.

7.2. Options:

    The way of reading (determined during reading) in elementary school students.

    The pace of reading (determined after 1 minute of reading the text).

    Correctness of reading (determined during reading).

    Expressiveness of reading (determined while reading).

    Meaningfulness of reading (determined during the conversation according to the content of the text read).

7.3. In the course of checking the reading technique in the table (Appendix No. 1, Appendix No. 2), it is necessary to put a mark (+ -) to mark the way each student reads. The final mark is placed on the basis of the above criteria for evaluating reading technique.

7.4. The pace of reading is determined by the number of words read in 1 minute. Correct reading is reading without distortion, i.e. without errors affecting reading comprehension.

7.5. Groups of typical errors:

    distortion of the sound-letter composition:

    omissions of letters, syllables, words and even lines;

    permutation of reading units (letters, syllables, words);

    inserting arbitrary elements into read units;

    replacement of some reading units by others;

    the presence of repetitions (syllables and words);

    violation of the norms of literary pronunciation:

    orthoepic errors (wrong stress), which are associated with ignorance of pronunciation norms or with ignorance of the lexical meaning of the words that are read;

    errors associated with the so-called "spelling reading", when reading units are voiced in strict accordance with spelling, and not with pronunciation, as well as errors in the pronunciation of word endings.

7.6. The assessment of the correctness of reading is also noted in the table for recording the results: if there are errors indicated in the table, then in the table their presence is marked with signs (+ -).

7.7. Expressive reading is understood as the correct, meaningful and emotional (if necessary) reading of the text. It is this kind of reading that significantly contributes to the understanding and comprehension of textual material.

7.8. The examiner's conclusion that a given student is characterized by meaningless (mechanical) reading is made on the basis of an analysis of the students' answers if:

    misunderstanding of the general meaning of the text read during the set reading time;

    incorrect answers to questions on the content of the text;

    inability to highlight the main idea of ​​what is read;

    inability to find words and expressions in the text that confirm understanding of the main content of what was read;

    violation in retelling the sequence of events in the text.

8. Teacher's work

Based on appendices No. 1 and No. 2, the teacher analyzes the effectiveness of the reading technique of the class as a whole, identifies students who do not have the skill of fluent conscious reading, formulates tasks and draws up a work plan to improve reading technique indicators. A brief self-analysis of the work is placed by the teacher in Appendix No. 3 (conclusions on whether there was an increase/decrease in % quality and % performance of this work compared to the previous check and what objective reasons preceded this).


* * *

On a forest clearing - heaps of loose earth. Like little garden beds.

But who is digging the earth here?

Suddenly, the grass began to stir up ahead. I froze. And then the earth began to rise.

Two wide paws with claws appeared, a wet nose.

Well, of course it's a mole. I looked out into the white light. I dived into the depths again.

And in the clearing there was a fresh pile of earth. Like a little garden.

Seeds fly from the trees, fall on the plowed land. And a birch or pine will grow here.(71 words.)

(According to E. Shim.)

1. Title the story.

2. Which of the headings is more suitable for this story: “Oh yes, the mole!”, “The indefatigable mole”, “Worker”?

3. What appeared in the clearing?

4. What did the mole look like?

5. What do piles of loose earth look like?

6. What are the benefits of a mole?


On New Year's Eve, Santa Claus gave paint to a very kind boy.

“Only this, my friend, simple paints. But they can become magical if you really want to.

The good boy took out a brush and began to draw.

Many years later. The boy became a real artist.

People looked at his paintings, rejoiced and admired.

What wonderful pictures. What magical colors! - they said, although the colors were the most ordinary. They were simply touched by the hands of a hardworking, persistent person.(72 words.)

(According to E. Permyak.)

1. What did Santa Claus give to a good boy? What did he say about this?

2. How did the boy draw? What has he become?

3. Why did the paints turn out to be magical?

4. What helped the boy become a real artist?


The great storyteller Andersen walked through the forest. In the clearing he saw a lot of mushrooms.

In the evening he returned to the clearing. Under each mushroom, he hid a candy or a ribbon. Under one is a wax flower, under the other is a thimble. Here is a gingerbread, there is an apple.

In the morning the storyteller brought the forester's daughter to the clearing. She was seven years old. Under each mushroom, she found a gift. There was only gingerbread. It must have been taken by a crow.

The girl's eyes blazed with delight. And the storyteller told her that these gifts were hidden by gnomes.(78 words)

(According to K. Paustovsky.)

1. Whom did the storyteller Andersen bring to the forest?

2. How old was the girl?

3. What did the girl find in the clearing?

4. How is it said about the girl's joy?

5. What did the little one believe?

6. Where did you read about the kind dwarf men?

7. What did Andersen write for children?


Grain is stored in elevators. You drive up to the station and see a tall building without windows. The height of the building is twenty floors, the walls are without corners. This is a bean hotel.

This guest will arrive in a car. He will be weighed and lifted on an elevator to the bins. Here it will be cleaned through huge sieves.

The raw grain is dried. The hot air in the dryer will blow over each grain and remove excess moisture.

Clean and dry grain is poured into towers. Grain can be stored in an elevator for years.(75 words)

(According to P. Elizabeth.)

1. What is the elevator for?

2. Why was the elevator called a grain hotel in the article?

3. How is the dear guest - bread - looked after in this hotel?

4. Describe the appearance of the elevator.



Every hollow in the forest is a mystery. A skilled tracker will unravel the hollow dweller by following the tracks.

There are hollow-bedrooms. Squirrels and woodpeckers spend the night in them. The owl spends the day in a hollow, and at night it flies to hunt.

There are hollow pantries. The squirrel hides nuts in them. The marten will put a forest mouse in reserve.

There are hollow bedrooms. All winter the bat sleeps in the hollow. She hibernates upside down. All winter he does not eat or drink anything.

How many hollows, so many mysteries.(74 words.)

(According to N. Sladkov.)

1. Why is the hollow called a mystery?

2. How can you find out for whom and for what the hollow that you find serves?

3. What traces does a forest dweller leave in a hollow or near a tree?

4. For whom are hollows a rooming house?

5. Why is it said about the owl that he “days” in a hollow?

6. Whose pantries are in the hollow?

7. How does a bat winter in a hollow?


The swan, for its beauty and strength, is called the king of all water birds. White as snow, with a supple and beautiful neck, it is beautiful when calmly swimming between green reeds.

Miracles are told about the power of the swan. He can kill a dog with a blow of his wing if it rushes at his children.

Swans are easily made by hand. Hand swans swim in the pond in summer. In winter, they are transferred to a warm place. Swans eat fish, bread, grain.

Many songs were composed by the Russian people about swans. They are called affectionate words: swan, winch.(79 words)

(According to S. Aksakov.)

1. Why is the swan called the king of the water bird?

2. When can a swan kill a dog?

3. What did you learn about tame swans?

4. Describe the swan.

5. Why is swan hunting prohibited?


There were hunters through the taiga. Suddenly they heard screeching and grumbling. The hunters followed the noise cautiously.

A young bear was busy near a large linden tree. There was honey in the hollow. But the linden grew close to the rock. Stones interfered with sticking a paw into the hollow.

The bees sting the thief. He rubbed his muzzle with his paws and shouted in a thin voice. Finally the bear got tired and sat down. He looked at the linden for a long time. Then he climbed to its top.

The bear squeezed between a rock and a tree. He pressed hard on the tree with his paws. The linden crackled and collapsed.

Now it was easy to get honey. The hunter fired into the air. The mouse ran away. The hunters collected a bucket of honey. There was honey for the bear too.

(79 words)

(According to Vl. Arseniev.)

1. Who is called gourmet?

2. Why is the bear called gourmet?

3. About whom, besides the bear, did the writer tell us?

4. What did you learn about the bear?

5. What shows that the bear was quick-witted?

6. What do you think the bear did when the hunters left?


Vitya and I once went to the forest. We had salt, eggs and bread with us. At the edge of the forest they collected saffron milk caps.

We dug a hole in the forest lawn. Eggs were laid there and covered with earth.

At this place, a greenhouse was lit. That's what we call a small fire.

We put mushrooms on twigs and sprinkled with salt. Mushrooms hissed on the fire and quickly baked.

We turned off the heat. And the testicles under it were baked to glory. Oh, and our lunch was delicious!(76 words)

(According to V. Soloukhin.)

1. What is called a "greenhouse"?

2. What supplies did the boys have?

3. How did the guys make a greenhouse?

4. How did they bake the eggs?

5. How did they roast the mushrooms?

6. What did the boys do when they no longer needed the greenhouse?

7. What was lunch like in the forest?


Antarctica lies in the extreme south. A huge ice cap more than a kilometer thick covers Antarctica. Only in some places black and brown hills, covered with rare patches of moss, protrude among the ice.

The fauna of Antarctica is poor. Best of all, penguins were able to adapt to the harsh climate. They inhabit the shores of the Antarctic seas. Whales, sperm whales, dolphins swim in coastal waters.

Antarctica holds many secrets. Already, scientists have mapped huge mountain ranges. There are many valuable minerals in Antarctica. But all this is hidden under the ice.

Scientists around the world are exploring this region.(80 words)

(From the Murzilka magazine.)

1. Where is Antarctica?

2. Why is the animal world of this region poor?

3. How do penguins feel in Antarctica?

4. Who else lives along its shores?

5. What secrets of Antarctica have been revealed by scientists?

6. Explain the expression "ice cap". How to say otherwise?(Thickness of ice, layer of ice.)


Please don't touch me with dirty hands. I will be ashamed when other readers take me later. Don't put your elbows on me when you read. Do not lay open on the table face down. After all, you yourself would not like it if you were treated like that. Don't put a pencil in me either. And then my spine will break. Better put a bookmark in me so that I can rest calmly and comfortably.

Help me stay clean and fresh, and I will help you learn a lot of interesting things.(78 words)

(According to I. Lavrinovich.)

1. What is the book asking its readers to ask for?

2. How do you handle books?

3. Why can't you put a pencil in a book?

4. Explain the title of the text.(Earning request - urgent, persistent.)

5. What does the expression “do not place a book open on the table face down” mean? What face are you talking about?


A red sun appeared in the sky and began to send its golden rays everywhere - to wake the earth.

The first beam flew by and hit the lark. He started up, fluttered out of the nest, rose high, high and sang his silver song.

The second beam hit the bunny. The bunny twitched its ears and hopped merrily across the dewy meadow. He ran to get himself juicy grass for breakfast.

The third beam hit the chicken coop. The rooster flapped its wings and sang. The chickens cackled, began to rake up rubbish and look for worms.

The fourth beam hit the hive. A bee crawled out, flew to collect honey from fragrant flowers.(86 words)

(According to K. Ushinsky.)

1. Why did the sun begin to send out its rays?

2. Who was awakened by the first beam?

3. K how did the bunny meet the new day?

4. How did the chicken coop wake up?

5. How did the hardworking bee start the day?

6. How do you understand the expression “silver song”, “juicy grass”, “the sun came up”?

* * *

Mom poured cookies onto the plate. Grandmother jingled her cups merrily. Vova and Misha sat down at the table.

They scooped out all the cookies on the table and divided them into two piles. Grandma brought tea. The piles of biscuits were shrinking fast.

- Crumbly! Sweet! Misha said.

- Yes! Vova responded. Mother and grandmother were silent.

When all the cookies were eaten, Vova took a deep breath, patted his stomach and got out from behind the table. Misha finished the last piece and looked at his mother - she was stirring the tea she had not started with a spoon. He looked at his grandmother - she was chewing a crust of bread.(82 words.)

(According to V. Oseeva.)

1. Title the story.

2. How did Vova and Misha behave at the table?

3. Can we say that the boys are caring, attentive? Why?

4. What did you not like about the children's behavior?


At night, the wind knocked down the linden. Yesterday people rested under the shade of its spreading crown. They inhaled with pleasure its fragrant honey smell. And now many were passing by, trampling the leaves, breaking the branches, not giving her any help. And only one person said:

“She can be saved.

The trunk of the linden was tied with rags and overlaid with narrow boards. And the long splint is ready. And in three places it was thickly wrapped with wire.

They raised the lime. Cut off excess and weak branches. Watered daily. She now stood as before.

And again, under its spreading crown, people rested.(86 words)

(According to B. Pavlov.)

1. What happened to the linden tree?

2. Who came to the rescue?

3. What does the expression "tumble down the linden" mean?



There were only fir trees across the river. But then small oak trees appeared among the trees. Where are they from? Oak trees grow far from here. Heavy acorns could not fly with the wind. Someone is planting them here. Who?

One autumn I was walking from a hunt. A jay flew low past me. She hid something under a rotten stump. And flew away.

I went to the stump. Between the roots in the hole lie two acorns. Jay hid them for the winter.

So that's where the young oaks appeared among the trees! Jay will hide the acorn and forget where she hid it. He is growing.(85 words)

(According to G. Snegirev.)

1. Why were hunters interested in the appearance of oak trees across the river?

2. What was unusual about the jay's behavior?

3. Who plants oak trees?

4. Explain the meaning of the expression "only trees grew"(Nothing else grew.)


Alyosha heard that there are people with golden hands. But dad called Alyosha's hands wooden. Why?

Alyosha wanted to help everyone. He carried a tray with cups - splinters flew to the floor. The boy undertook to change the light bulb in the chandelier. The stool jumped out, and Alyosha hung down like an aerialist.

Alyosha began to hang the picture on the wall. The first blow of the hammer fell on the glass.

Mom called Alyosha's hands of stone. They hit everything they touch.

But dad brought a big bundle. There lay a chisel, a file, a drill, a chisel.

“These tools will definitely heal your hands,” said father.

(87 words)

(According to N. Elinson.)

1. About whom they say that he has golden hands?

2. What were the names of Alyosha's hands, dad and mom?

3. Why did mom call her son's hands stone?

4. What did Alesha break?

5. Why did he not help, but only spoil everything he took on?

6. What should be done to make the hands dexterous and skillful?


I recently came across a beautiful park. The trees were covered in snow. There were often bird feeders.

Two boys were standing under a pine tree. One of them had a bag of nuts in his hands. I asked for whom so many nuts.

And the boy is so important to me in response:

- We have a friend who lives here. It's called Yashka.

The boy knocked on wood. A squirrel jumped from the top.

The boys greeted Yashka affectionately. One of the friends poured nuts into the palm of his hand. The squirrel boldly took the gifts from his hand.

Then she waved her tail in gratitude and jumped up the tree.(86 words)

(According to L. Savonenkova.)

1. Who was called Yashka?

2. How did the boys gain the squirrel's trust?

3. What did they feed their friend?

4. Who else did the guys feed in this park?


Grandma was celebrating her birthday. We decided to give her peonies. Mom cut large buds in the flower garden. We wrapped each flower with paper.

We traveled by train. At night I heard a rustle. The rustle came from boxes of peonies. Mice are eating our flowers!

I woke up my mother. Everything in the box rustles. Mom wanted to open the box. But passengers were forbidden to let mice into the compartment.

We were ashamed to give grandmother a box of mice. But Grandma boldly opened it. O miracle! Instead of buds, we saw huge, fragrant flowers.

These living buds rustled our papers at night. Here are the mice!(87 words)

(According to N. Pavlova.)

1. What happened to the buds while people were riding in a warm carriage?

2. Why did the paper rustle?

3. What was the rustle of the paper like?

4. How did the writer finish her story?

5. Explain the word "anniversary".

6. What gift did grandmother receive on her birthday?


Borya was swimming in a boat. An old willow hung over the river. He sees: a gray bird darted into a hollow.

Borya moored to a tree. And out of the hollow is the head of a viper. Hisses right in the boy's face. From fear, Borya fell into the water. He was an excellent swimmer and was not afraid of water. And the viper keeps hissing from the hollow.

Suddenly, a large bird flew out of the dark hole in the hollow. She flapped her wings and flew up onto a branch.

Here comes the grandfather. He explained that it was a spinner. When trouble threatens her, she cranes her neck and hisses like a viper.(87 words)

(According to I. Nedolya.)

2. What miracle scared Borya?

3. Whom did the little girl get scared of this time?

4. Why did the bird calm down and fly out of the nest?(Borya was far from her nest.)


In the golden, autumn days, the cranes gathered to fly away. They circled over the river, over their native swamp. Gathered in slender shoals, stretched to distant warm countries. Through the forests, through the fields, through the noisy cities, cranes flew high in the sky. In a dense forest, on the edge of a swamp, we stopped to rest.

Even before dawn, sensitive cranes woke up. The early dawn turns a little pink above the clear black tops. One by one, the cranes rise from the swamp.

Soon the sun will rise over the river and the forest. Cranes will rise high. From a clear sky we will hear their parting voices.

Goodbye, cranes! See you in the spring!(90 words)

(According to I. Sokolov-Mikitov.)

1. How did the cranes get ready for departure?

2. Where did they stop to rest?

3. When did the birds set off again?

4. Think about how you can title the story.

5. Why are autumn days called “golden” in the story?

6. Why do the tops of trees appear black?


Soft snow is falling. It falls in large flakes, falls on the ground, on the roofs of houses, puts branches of trees and bushes in fluffy mittens.

If you go outside the outskirts at dusk and snowfall, there is such silence all around, it seems that all living things have died down, sleeping in deep sleep.

And in the morning everything is white around. It's good on such a quiet day in the forest. You are walking along a narrow forest path. Shaggy white branches of trees hang over it on both sides.

Somewhere not far away, a woodpecker is knocking, knocking winged seeds out of a cone, and squeaking, flying overfrom tree to tree, busy tits.

(85 words)

(According to G. Skrebitsky.)

1. How does the first snow fall on the ground?

2. What does the forest look like after a snowfall?

3. Why are tits called "troublesome"?

4. Why is it said about tree branches that they are hairy, about seeds - winged? What is the difference in the meaning of these words?

5. What does it mean to "beat out the seeds"?


The anthill stood in the most prominent place, near the road to the river. I liked watching the ants. I thought that ants live and work quietly. But... I was wrong.

In the summer, fishermen began to tear open the anthill. They needed ant eggs for bait. The ants were making their home again. And again, someone destroyed the anthill.

One day the anthill disappeared. I look around. Empty. Only the paths are barely visible on the ground. I keep my eyes on them. Is this possible?

The anthill now stands among impassable bushes. The thorns protect the ants from evil offenders.

(According to D. Kleshchev.)

1. What made the writer happy?

2. Who dug up the anthill?

3. What did the ants do that was impossible to save their home from evil offenders?

4. Why does the story have such a title?

5. What is another way to praise ants?


It is joyful to hear the cries of cranes in the sky in spring. The arrival of cranes promises close warmth. Our people love these birds. He composed many fairy tales and songs about cranes.

The crane is very tall on its feet. It has large wings and long feathers. The beak of the crane is strong and sharp.

The crane builds its nest right in the hole in the field. The crane lays two large eggs on dry grass. The young are taken away by their parents into the bushes or into the reeds.

A wounded crane rushes on its back and beats the dog with its legs and beak. One hunter lost an eye while trying to grab a wounded crane.

Now hunting for cranes is prohibited in our country.(95 words)

(According to S. Aksakov.)

1. Why is hunting for cranes prohibited?

2. What is the appearance of a crane?

3. Where do cranes nest?

4. Why is the early crane dangerous?

What text to choose?

When choosing a text for checking speed, I advise you to first of all take into account the degree of compliance of this text with the level of preparation of the person being checked.

Imagine what will happen if we force a first-grader to read the Great Soviet Encyclopedia or a fragment of Tolstoy's Anna Karenina at speed? Brain explosion guaranteed.

The text should not be too primitive if we are testing a high school student, and should not be difficult when testing the reading skills of the youngest.

Criteria for choosing a text for students in grades 1-2:

First of all, the content should be new, unfamiliar;
Legible font, large enough;
Simple short sentences, no adverbial phrases;
Lack of dialogues;
Avoid long adjectives and rarely used words;
Without drawings;
The content should be understandable to the child.
If you don’t want to experiment with the selection of texts, for elementary school you can take Olga Alexandrova’s manual, which contains control texts, comprehension questions, and a test to assess reading speed.

Get your stopwatch or hourglass ready!

Sounds command "Start!" The child collects his thoughts and begins to read (someone turns on faster, some slower). We mark the time as soon as we hear the first word. I made a mistake - we don’t speak out loud, but we write it down. Then we count the number of incorrectly read words. If your child is a primary school student, it will be useful for him to follow the text, leading with his finger or pointer.

We count words

Quickly calculate the number of words read, taking into account the following:

Prepositions and conjunctions are also counted;
Words that have been transferred are counted as 2 words;
Words with a hyphen are also taken as 2 words.
Subtract the number of erroneously read words from the resulting number.

There is no need to panic if today the reading speed is 50 words, and tomorrow only 20. This is normal. This indicator can be affected by both the child's bad mood, fatigue, and the quality of the text. Check the child again, giving him a rest for at least a day.

Norms of reading technique in primary grades

First grade.

Reading in syllables

Second class.

At the beginning of the year
We put the accents right.
We read only big words by syllables

By the end of the year:
We read in whole words, observe stresses and pauses.

Third class.

At the beginning of the year:
Conscious reading.
Accents, intonation.

By the end of the year:

Reading with expression.
Content retelling.

fourth grade

At the beginning of the year:
Understanding what has been read.
Your own point of view.

By the end of the year:
Reading with expression.
Analysis and personal attitude to the reading.
Don't take these numbers too literally - everyone develops at their own pace. Fanaticism is redundant here.

Reading at school is not so much a subject of study as a means of teaching all other subjects. Therefore, one of the main tasks that a primary school teacher faces is to teach children to read consciously, fluently, correctly, work with text and develop the need for independent reading books.

Reading skill includes the technical and semantic aspects of reading.
Reading technique consists of the following components: method, correctness and tempo. The semantic side includes: expressiveness and reading comprehension. One of the problems remains the problem of assessing and monitoring the level of formation of all the main parameters of reading.

Reading Technique: Verification Conditions in Primary School

1. Checking the child's reading technique in a calm and familiar environment.
2. In this case, the child should sit at a desk at a distance of one and a half to two meters from the inspector.
3. The child should read the first few sentences or three or four lines of text without regard to time. This will give him the opportunity to "read" the text.
4. Requirements for the text:
- the absence of incomprehensible, unfamiliar words;
- student-accessible content;
- font corresponding to the font of textbooks for elementary grades.
5. When determining the number of words read per minute, conjunctions, prepositions, parts of words transferred from line to line, parts of a word written with a hyphen, having more than three or four letters, are considered as "separate words". For example, "Quietly quietly" should be considered as two different words, and "Firebird" as one, since there are only 3 letters in the first part of this word.
6. Checking the understanding of the content of the read text is carried out on 2-3 questions. For these purposes, one should not ask to retell the text, since retelling is an indicator of the development of the student's coherent speech, and not reading skills.

Reading technique (Grade 1).

According to the official program requirement, first graders should read 25-30 words per minute. And by the end of the year, they should master the syllable-by-syllable fluent reading without errors, i.e. without substitutions, omissions, repetitions of words, syllables, letters, with the correct stress. At the same time, students should read short words in their entirety, and long ones - syllable by syllable. In addition, after reading, you need to assess the reading comprehension of the questions.

Reading technique (grade 2).

Second-graders, according to the program, at the end of the first half of the year should read 40 words, and at the end of the school year - 50 words per minute. the same: correctness, understanding, expressiveness. The way of reading the text - whole consisting of four or five syllables or more, can be read syllable by syllable.

Reading technique (Grade 3).

Grade 3 students at the end of the 1st semester should read 60 words, and at the end of the school year - 75 words per minute. The evaluation criteria are the same. The way to read the text is in whole words.

Reading technique (Grade 4).

Fourth grade students, according to the program, at the end of the first half of the year should read 70-80 words, and at the end of the school year - 85-95 words per minute.

Reading skills improve from class to class. To make this process interesting and effective, teachers and parents need to use a variety of exercises.

Hello, friends! Surely you know that all elementary school students are periodically tested by reading, the technique of which teachers check twice, or even thrice a year. For many children, this event is a real stress. And from fear and excitement, they simply cannot show their skills in full. How to deal with it? Exercise and train at home!

It is necessary to perform that will help improve performance. And be sure to evaluate the results of your homework. But how to evaluate them correctly? For example, how do you count words when checking reading technique or assessing reading comprehension? I will talk about this in the article.

Lesson plan:

How to check at home?

Technology for checking reading skills at home:

  1. Choose the right time. The student must be in a good mood and feel normal.
  2. Eliminate all distractions: TV, computer, cell phone.
  3. Prepare everything you need: a stopwatch (or a watch with a second hand) and a book.
  4. Seat your son or daughter at the table, put a book in front of your eyes.
  5. Sit next to me and pick up a stopwatch.
  6. Say "Start". At this point, the child begins to read.
  7. Watch the time and at the same time listen carefully, paying attention to expressiveness and possible errors.
  8. Say "Stop" when the stopwatch counts down exactly one minute. At this point, stop reading.
  9. Go to the evaluation of the results.

The evaluation takes into account the following parameters:

  • speed;
  • understanding;
  • expressiveness;
  • right.

How to evaluate reading speed?

The speed is determined by the number of words that the child managed to read in a minute. It would seem that everything is so simple! But for some reason, after counting the words, the results for different people are different. Why is this happening?

The fact is that not every dad and not every mother knows how to count correctly. Let's try with you.

Here's an example for you. Calculate what the student's reading speed is if in a minute he just managed to read the entire text below.

For a very long time, a wizard lived on earth. He once took

a handful of silver coins and tossed them into the sky. Coins scattered there

and there was a star track.

Since then, the star path has been shining at night for travelers. For people to rise

grew up under the roof of their house not in darkness.

I specifically asked three of my friends to do this. Meet our testees: Mikhail, Tatyana, Olga.

Answer options:

  1. Michael - 37 words.
  2. Tatyana - 48 words.
  3. Olga - 43 words.

Well, who is right? And nobody is right. In fact, the speed in this case will be 44 words! What are the mistakes of my comrades?

Mikhail, who counted 37 words, decided that it was not necessary to pay attention to all sorts of conjunctions, prepositions, such as "and", "but", "in", "by". This is mistake! Even such small words count.

Tatyana, who found 48 words, counted not only conjunctions with prepositions, but also semicolons. And it turned out to be wrong. Periods, commas and other punctuation marks do not count.

Olga, she has 43 words, was closest to the correct answer. But still, she made a mistake. She counted the word "returned", the first part of which is on one line, and the second is carried over to the next one in one word. This is not true, if there is a word wrap in the text, then this word is counted as two.

Want another test? Please! Read the passage from the story in the following picture and try to count how many words are in it?

The hare lived quietly and quietly and she had a hare.

Somehow a hare sits under a Christmas tree and right there a hare plays with her.

If the word is written with a hyphen, and there are more than three letters on each side of the hyphen, then these two parts of the word are counted separately. That is, in our example, “quietly and quietly” are two words. And the word "somehow" is one.

How do you know if kids are reading fast enough? Or even speed up? This question is answered by . According to the Federal State Educational Standard, by the time of graduation from elementary school, a student should read about 120 words per minute.

The lowest standards, of course, are in class 1. When a little schoolboy grows up and moves to the 2nd grade, and then to the third, then the standards grow along with him.

Assessing reading comprehension

Evaluate expressiveness and correctness of reading

When a child reads, listen carefully. Pay attention to expressiveness, the presence of intonational pauses, logical stresses, and mistakes made. You can not stop the child during the check and point out these errors to him. You will deal with them after the check is completed. Go back to the "wrong" words and read them again.

Texts for control reading

Parents may also have problems with texts for a control check. No books can be used. For example, take an excerpt from "War and Peace" or, conversely, from a children's book with nursery rhymes, which the child already knows by heart. The evaluation results will be incorrect.

There are very specific requirements for the texts:

  • it must be unfamiliar to the reader;
  • should be age appropriate and understandable;
  • sentences should be short, without too complicated constructions;
  • it is better if there are no dialogues in it;
  • there should be no illustrations;
  • it must fit on one page;
  • it should be printed in large, easy-to-read type.

Where is it, such an ideal one to take? In books, of course! For example, a book from the Firefly series is called Checking Reading Technique. It has both texts and reading comprehension questions.

And here's another book. It was created to help primary school teachers, but I think it will suit you and me. It's called Reading. 1 - 4 classes. Texts to test the technique and expressiveness of reading.

If you are at home, be sure to record the results. Either in a sign that can be hung on the wall in front of the desk, or in a special notebook. Your young reader will see his progress, and this will allow him to work even harder and strive for new heights.

And if you try, try, and new heights remain unattainable, then most likely you are doing something wrong. What exactly? Learn about it at free webinar "Reading is in the zone of special attention!"

And there is something to strive for! How are you reading at 100,000 words per minute? Do you think it doesn't happen? I thought so too until I saw this video. Meet Nikita Boldyrev!

Dear friends, now you know what to pay attention to when reading at home. I hope this will help you avoid mistakes and approach the issue with confidence and knowledge.

If you have something to add, then please write about it in the comments.

All the best to you and your kids!

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich.

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