What clothes are made of: how a shirt grew in a field. Materials for activities with children. What is bast, or what is the fiber for linen thread made from? Wool is sheared from sheep

"I lived before in Norilsk, where there was one market. Everyone wore it. Therefore, my friend and I constantly invented our own outfits and sewed them, trying to be different from our classmates. Previously, I sewed only for myself, but in 2016 I wanted to try it for others.

I have a household sewing machine, where production quality is difficult to achieve. It will do for myself, but for others I want it to be perfect. Therefore, I make a sample at home myself, as I like, and then bring it to production, where a batch is sewn from it. The first were tracksuits from a combined fabric.

I have small batches, 10-20 pieces of each item. You never know what people will like. It's better not to order a large batch at once. Make samples, take photos and see the reaction, what will appeal to potential clients more.

Many people know me as Hydroponka, so for the brand name I translated the stage name into English - it turned out to be WetDuck. I create clothes for people like me: there will always be people who like the same things as me. Many people know me from my songs and follow my work, which is probably why I didn’t have to bother with promotion.

I once did a repost contest, but I wouldn’t say it was effective. People subscribe and repost, there is a competition and they unsubscribe. I took part in markets. If they are visited, you can find your buyer. Even if they don’t buy it at the market, they will come to you later. But there you pay to rent a place.

On initial stage a lot of investments. For example, to make a label with a logo, you will have to order a thousand pieces at once. Let one cost 7 rubles, then you will have to pay 7 thousand, because they don’t accept orders for less. Such expenses make it difficult to start. You invest a lot of money in something that is practically invisible, and in something that does not add much to the cost of the item. My budget was 50 thousand, and I spent it on labels, two rolls of fabric and accessories. If you make a full lookbook, as promoted brands do, then even this money will not be enough. But from one roll of fabric I manage to make five different products.

Photo from personal archive

The minimum sewing batch in production is 50 pieces, this is also a problem for beginners. I was lucky, they meet me halfway, but usually they don’t sew less. By the way, it’s cheaper to sew dimensionless. If you want things with dimensional grid, tailoring will be more expensive. And again, you can’t guess which sizes will be in demand.

I like Korean clothing brands: they have a lot of unusual things that not everyone will wear. But if you dare, you will be visible from afar.

I would like to try my hand at remaking things. I’ve already done it for myself: I clean out my wardrobe this way and at the same time get a new unusual item. If I make it for sale, it will be one piece of clothing. For example, my denim jackets can also be classified as alterations (Claudia collects them from jeans - author's note). The first two were taken immediately, despite the decent price. This suggests that people are understanding about the labor-intensive process.”

Dasha Aniskina, Dasha Dobro

“At the age of 12, I remade my shoes - everyone asked me where I bought them. Needed shoes for a suit Snow Queen, I couldn’t find a suitable one anywhere. Then my mother bought me shoes, from which I tore everything off, repainted them, and glued on a bunch of rhinestones. This is how I made my Louboutins. This is probably my first design experience.

When I was in Italy, I bought unusual transparent shoes. I wore different socks underneath, and it felt like I was changing my shoes every time. This is how the idea of ​​transparent pants was born. But the question immediately arose about how to sit in them - you also need to think about practicality. So far I have not found a solution on how to make them convenient.

When I broke another umbrella, I realized that I needed to make a transparent raincoat. The person in it will also be different - depending on what is under the cloak.

I wanted to make it so that it was not only unusual thing, but also protected from the rain. I started looking for information on the Internet on how to make it airtight. In the end, my seamstresses helped me.

There are people who are good at inventing, and there are those who are good at sewing. I'm not very good at sewing yet. I accidentally found two girls who help me with sewing, they like my ideas. This is how we work as one team. My favorite part of the process is choosing the material. I love touching and examining fabrics.

I immediately wanted to make clothes not for everyone, but whether people in Belgorod would understand this is the question. I introduced the first item - a raincoat - on my birthday. Three raincoats were ordered at once, my sister is waiting for one more, the other is for a little girl. She is going to participate in the Miss School competition in my raincoat. This will be the first time I wear my clothes on stage.

Photo from personal archive

After university I would like to learn to sew. At the World Festival of Youth and Students I met billionaire entrepreneur Igor Rybakov. He said that the most the right decision– do what you like and constantly try yourself in something new. I like my profession, but I don’t mind trying myself in something new. That’s why I wasn’t afraid to make my own brand.

Dasha Dobro's philosophy is to be bright. I don't want to make just clothes. I want people to stand out when they wear my item. I have a friend who says she would never wear something like this in her life. So my clothes are for brave people.

For those who will have rain at their graduation or other special event, I made transparent leather jackets. This way you won’t have to wear clothes over your outfit that will cover it. If with beautiful dress combine an unusual jacket, the girl will immediately turn into a star. To make it, I ripped old jacket, traced all the details and transferred them to transparent oilcloth. Then we adjusted everything with the girls. It’s generally difficult with oilcloth: it lays down differently than other fabrics, so there’s a lot of hassle. Another thing I'm working on is pantsuit from flax: I wet it, crumpled it and left it to dry. It will remain crumpled, and that will be its specialty.

I like Japanese fashion: everything there is unusual, wide, torn, wrinkled. We don't always understand this. I am also inspired by trips to Italy: ordinary Italian women don’t dress in boutiques, but they still look cool. It seems to me that they have a talent for finding suitable clothing. This is what is important in appearance – to have your own style.”

Anastasia Kiseleva, YUPI

“A lot of people around me are interested in sewing and design. In addition, I studied for 12 years artistic creativity. I wanted to combine these two directions - this is how my brand appeared. Friends once called me Yupi: and I thought, why not give the brand this name? Every time it reminds me of friends and childhood. There was also this drink.

I'm just getting started. Now I'm studying at the Institute of Arts and Culture for a master's degree in costume design. IN diploma work my first clothing collection will be presented.

Photo from personal archive

I have experience working in an atelier: I was a seamstress, a designer, and a cutter. But this is not the same – I would like to express myself. I realized that it was time to take off and really say something with my creativity.

Painting on fabric using batik technique (ba in Indonesian languages ​​means “cotton fabric”, and tik means “dot” or “drop” - author’s note) It’s really fascinating: sometimes you don’t even know what the result will be. This kind of painting on fabric - ancient art, many specifically travel to India and Indonesia to see the origins of this trend. In batik, it is important to observe the sequence of actions and caution, since nothing can be changed later. Hot batik is the process of fixing a dyed area of ​​fabric with hot wax. The area where there is already paint is dried with a hairdryer (usually cold so that the adjacent layer of wax does not melt). When the fabric dries, apply hot wax. It should be at such a temperature as to completely saturate the fabric. Then you can move on to the next section and color. Paint will not leak onto wax-impregnated areas. Nothing can be changed either, so you need to carefully think through the drawing and all stages of the process. The technique is complicated, but that's what I like about it.

I often turn to the theme of nature, for me it is a form of rebellion against technocracy. I am also against the production of synthetic fabrics that prevent people from breathing. That’s why I use silk, cotton, chintz, and calico in my products. We must remember about the world around us, that we can recharge from it. For me, clothing like this is a way to be close to nature.

IN Lately It’s easy for me to find my client. All the works are exhibited on Instagram, many write: “Do this for me, you won’t find this anywhere else.” Sometimes they ask for something to order. My ideal client is someone who shares my beliefs and is looking for something original and alive in the almost lifeless world of big cities.”

Natalia Malykhina

Types of fabrics for tailoring

Everyone wants clothes to be attractive, fashionable and comfortable and to suit their purpose: to warm or protect from rain, to fit tightly or to drape beautifully. These qualities largely depend on the material from which coats, dresses, suits, jackets or underwear are made. What types of fabrics are used to make clothes, how they differ from each other, their main characteristics and properties - this is discussed in detail in our article.

The appearance, structure and quality of materials used for sewing clothing determines the composition of the fibers from which they are produced. Based on the type of feedstock, the following groups are distinguished:

  1. Natural. In turn, they are divided into tissues that have vegetable origin: cotton, linen - and animal: silk, wool.
  2. Artificial. They are made by processing natural raw materials, most often wood pulp.
  3. Synthetic. They are a product of the chemical transformation of polymers obtained from oil, coal or gas.

As a rule, the materials from which clothing is made do not consist 100% of fibers belonging to one group. To obtain properties that more fully meet the needs of consumers, mixed or combined fabrics are produced.

Every year the list of materials is replenished with new names. Let's try to understand this diversity by focusing on the most common fabrics from each group and considering their advantages and disadvantages.

Natural materials

Thanks to natural origin fibers natural fabrics are highly valued. They allow the skin to “breathe” freely, do not cause irritation and do not provoke allergic and other diseases. These fabrics are so safe that they are used to sew diapers and vests for newborns, clothes for expectant mothers, bedding sets and underwear.

Cotton fabrics

Light, soft and pleasant to the touch, cotton clothing always remains in demand. This is facilitated by the advantages of the material:

  • breathability;
  • hygroscopicity;
  • high hygienic qualities;
  • strength;
  • ease of care.

Despite their insignificant thickness, cotton fabrics retain heat well, which is achieved due to the hollow structure of the fibers. Products made from them are inexpensive and available to any category of buyers.

Disadvantages include increased creasing, lack of elasticity and low wear resistance. In addition, fabrics are afraid of excessive dampness, which causes mold to form on them, and the fibers become thinner and overheat.

Types of cotton fabrics

To improve the properties of cotton materials, artificial or synthetic fibers are added to them. Some fabrics undergo a mercerization procedure - pre-treatment with a caustic soda solution, due to which they acquire strength and become resistant to premature wear.

The most famous cotton fabrics the following are considered:

It is important to know! Clothes made from cotton materials are not too demanding to care for. It can be washed in a machine, wrung out and twisted, ironed with a hot iron. However, if the fabric contains synthetic or artificial fibers, then before putting the product in the machine, you should carefully read the description on the label.

Linen fabrics

Compared to cotton linen fabrics, which are used for sewing clothes, look denser and sometimes rougher. They also have all the positive characteristics inherent natural materials, namely:

  • good breathability;
  • high thermal conductivity;
  • wear resistance;
  • hygroscopicity;
  • strength.

Interesting fact! It has been proven that flax fibers have antiseptic qualities. They destroy pathogenic microorganisms and are not subject to rotting. It is not without reason that since ancient times flax bandages have always been applied to open wounds.

Unfortunately, during the use of products made from linen fabrics, problems arise: clothes wrinkle, and when wet they shrink significantly. In addition, due to shedding, it is difficult to cut and sew. To reduce negative characteristics, a small amount of polyester is added to pure flax.

Linen materials are classified according to the weaving method:

  • linen. It produces most fabrics for dresses or suits;
  • leno. The result is openwork materials for skirts or summer sundresses;
  • jacquard Large-patterned fabric with raised patterns or ornaments produced on special machines for sewing elegant clothes;
  • translucent. The fabric turns out to be very thin and is used to make individual elements of products - capes, sleeves or inserts.

Items made from pure linen can not only be washed at high temperatures, but even boil. It is best to dry them in a straightened state on horizontal plane. To completely get rid of folds and creases, ironing is combined with steaming.

Wool fabrics

The raw materials for the production of these materials are the wool and fluff of various animals: rabbits, sheep, llamas, camels and others. They have high heat-saving properties and are quite expensive. Nevertheless, it is these fabrics that take precedence among all materials intended for warm clothes, because they have truly unique properties:

  • hypoallergenic;
  • low creasing;
  • aeration;
  • moisture absorption;
  • durability.

The only thing that pure wool lacks is elasticity. This problem is solved by adding 5-10% elastane to the raw material, due to which sweaters, jackets or skirts acquire better fit and elasticity.

Assortment of wool fabrics

In addition to pure wool, half-woolen fabrics are also used for sewing clothes, in which from 25 to 80% are cotton, silk or synthetic fibers. Depending on the composition, the properties of these canvases also differ.

Interesting to know! In order to understand whether the fabric is made of 100% wool or has impurities, there is a simple method. You need to pull the thread out of the canvas and set it on fire. Pure wool fiber will burn for a long time with the characteristic smell of burnt hair and will leave behind a ball that can be easily rubbed with your fingers.

Silk fabrics

Natural silk fabrics look so attractive and sophisticated that they are suitable for clothing worn on various occasions. special events. IN old times Only the wealthiest and most titled people could afford to wear silk items. And even now, fabric made from silkworm cocoons is not a cheap pleasure.

Nevertheless, high price does not scare off those who value not only the beauty of the material, but also its quality. And natural silk has enough positive properties:

  • high hygroscopicity;
  • breathability;
  • thermoregulation;
  • wear resistance;
  • durability.

Important fact! Silk fabrics are uniquely hygienic. They literally repel all microorganisms and bacteria and are endowed with the ability to heal small wounds or abrasions on human skin.

Like all beauties, silk is considered a very capricious material. He can't stand it bright sun, and when wet it forms unattractive stains on the surface. The fabric is very easy to care for. It is best to wash products by hand and dry them away from heating devices. You need to iron silk items with an iron, setting the regulator to the most gentle setting.

Variety of silk fabrics

Since clothes made from natural silk are not affordable for everyone, many manufacturers strive to reduce the cost of their products and add synthetic or artificial fibers. Such canvases are also beautiful, but they can no longer boast of unique properties. They do not have the characteristic iridescent shine, flow less and drape poorly.

When purchasing, you should pay attention to the label, since 100% silk fabrics include the following types:

All types of silk fabrics, with the exception of brocade, are used to make beautiful lingerie. It is decorated with embroidery, guipure or lace inserts. Despite the fact that such things have a significant cost, they are always in high demand.

Interesting fact! Few people know that there is another type of natural fabric - hemp. Made from natural, pure raw materials, hemp clothing is considered the most hypoallergenic and safe. In addition, it is characterized by increased strength, durability and does not “float” the body. Doctors say that wearing hemp underwear helps remove toxins from the body and speeds up metabolic processes.

Artificial fabrics

As mentioned above, materials obtained chemically from natural ingredients. Thanks to this origin, they are environmentally friendly and do not pose a threat to human health. Their characteristics speak for themselves:

  • strength;
  • ease;
  • quick drying;
  • ease of care;
  • wide range of colors;
  • wear resistance.

It is noteworthy that for the production of these materials, not expensive raw materials are used, as is the case with natural linens, but waste from the wood processing industry, that is, ordinary cellulose. Very often, artificial fibers are introduced into many cotton or woolen fabrics to give them greater strength and durability.

Main types of artificial fabrics

Clothing made from artificial materials is always in demand among buyers. After all, these canvases are attractive in appearance and are quite inexpensive. The list of the most common ones includes the following:

Interesting to know! In addition to clothing production artificial materials They are also used as a filler for bedding. For example, bamboo pillows and blankets are considered the most environmentally friendly and hygienic; they are able to follow the anatomical contours of a person and thereby create ideal conditions for relaxation and good rest.

Synthetic fabrics

The beginning of the era of synthetic materials is considered to be 1938, when specialists from the chemical concern DuPont produced the first polyamide fibers - the “progenitors” of the famous nylon and nylon. Technical progress does not stand still, and the number of synthetic fabrics currently known far exceeds the number of natural and artificial ones.

The properties of these materials depend on the source raw materials, but they all have the following undoubted advantages:

  • high strength;
  • abrasion resistance;
  • low wear rate;
  • durability;
  • ease of care.

Of course, synthetics cannot compare with cotton, silk or wool in terms of aeration, hygroscopicity or safety. But it has elasticity, stretchability and is not susceptible to mold and bacteria.

Important to remember! Clothes made of synthetic materials are not recommended to be worn in the summer heat, as they do not allow air to pass through well and can create a greenhouse effect. In addition, some tissues accumulate static electricity and spark, which, according to doctors, causes increased fatigue and irritability in people.

Range of synthetic materials

Low manufacturing costs bring synthetic fabrics to the top of sales. Of the large number of “chemical” fabrics, let’s pay attention to the most popular:

Today, every chemical concern considers it a matter of honor to develop a new synthetic material, which would be in demand not only in textiles, but also in other industries. It is important that the synthesized fibers not only have pre-programmed properties, but also be as environmentally friendly and safe for humans as possible.

Knitted fabrics

Classification of materials used for sewing various items clothing would be incomplete without knitted fabrics. They are knitted on special machines from fibers of various origins: both natural and artificial or synthetic.

Despite the variety of forms, knitted fabrics have General characteristics. To the advantages knitted materials can be attributed:

  • pleasant tactile sensations;
  • elasticity;
  • hygiene;
  • wide range of applications;
  • practicality;
  • ease of care;
  • durability.

However, when using low-quality or cheap raw materials knitted products can quickly lose shape - stretch out or sit down. In addition, the ability to fit the figure tightly is not always welcomed by the owners curvaceous. Nevertheless, knitted items are in every person’s wardrobe.

Variety of knitwear

Most often in production knitted fabrics mixed raw materials are used. The combination of cotton or wool threads with polyester and lycra makes the material durable and wrinkle-resistant, without reducing air exchange and hygroscopicity. The most famous knitted fabrics are the following:

  • diving. This variety is created specifically for sportswear. Due to its special fit and elasticity, the material is often called “second skin”. In addition to swimsuits, leggings, leggings, shapewear and gymnastics suits, even ballroom and evening dresses are made from diving;
  • interlock. Natural dense knitted fabric from which rompers, blouses, baby vests and caps for newborns are made. The material has a double-sided rubber-like structure. Interlock also includes cozy and beautiful tracksuits, T-shirts, pajamas, nightgowns and dressing gowns;
  • Cashkorse. Elastic fabric made of 100% brushed cotton can be plain dyed or melange. Used for sewing children's clothes;
  • cooler The most common knitwear for production underwear And summer clothes. The fabric stretches very well in length and does not stretch in width. Excellent air conductivity and moisture absorption. Available both plain-dyed and equipped with various patterns or prints;
  • mahra. Knitted fabric with looped pile located on one or both sides. Feature– increased hygroscopicity, so the fabric is used for sewing bathrobes and other bathing accessories;
  • ribana. Thanks to a special “rubber” knitting, the fabric stretches well in width and holds its shape perfectly. It is used to make sweaters, turtlenecks, tracksuits and hats;
  • fleece Soft and cozy knitted fabric with a pile, reminiscent of sheared sheep's wool. Consists of 100% polyester. Retains heat well, is pleasant to the touch and does not require special care. Warm sports suits, jackets, shirts, children's overalls, pajamas, women's clothing for home;
  • footer This is a thick cotton knitted fabric with a brush on the reverse side. Very warm, soft and tender. The main application is clothing for the little ones, a variety of sweaters, jackets, dressing gowns and dresses.

It is important to know! To knitwear served as long as possible, they need to be properly looked after. It is better to wash them using liquid products, do not twist, but lightly wring out and dry in horizontal position. It is not recommended to hang knitted items on hangers to avoid stretching. For storage, it is advisable to use special bags in which you should put the moth repellent.

The quality, beauty and comfort of clothing largely depend on the material from which it is made. Various types fabrics produced by the modern textile industry allow you to choose one that will fully correspond to the purpose of the item.

What types of fabrics are there? What are they made of? How to determine what fabric your clothes are made from? How to properly care for it - we will answer these questions in this article.

Fabrics are made up of fibers. Fibers can be of natural origin: vegetable - cotton and flax, and animal - wool and silk, as well as chemical fibers. Man-made fiber is obtained from natural or synthetic polymers(high molecular weight compounds). Depending on the source raw material, chemical fiber can be artificial (from a natural polymer - cellulose, it is obtained from wood) - viscose and acetate silk, staple and synthetic - it is obtained from petroleum products, these include fibers such as nylon, nylon, chlorine, lavsan ( or polyester), polyamide.

How to determine what the fabric is made of?

Use tweezers to take a 5cm piece of cloth and hold it over the flame. Once the fabric catches fire, place it in a fireproof container and watch the combustion process.

If vegetable fibers (cotton, linen, viscose), then the scrap will burn quickly, with a flame, and you will smell the burnt paper.

If fibers of animal origin (wool, silk), then the piece will burn slowly, without a flame, and you will smell the burnt hair.

If the fabric fibers synthetic(polyester, microfiber, etc.), then the shred will melt without a flame and instead of ash, a solid ball will remain.

If you want to check, acetate If there are fibers, drop a piece of fabric into the nail polish solution. These fibers must break down.


This is the fiber that forms around the cotton seeds. The most common and cheapest plant fiber in the world. Cotton fabric is quite durable (especially when mixed with synthetic fibers), comfortable and pleasant to the touch. It absorbs moisture well, so cotton fabrics good for summer clothes.

What is the disadvantage of such fabrics - they hardly warm up, so in winter it will be cold in such things (unless you buy fabric with brushed pile). Also, cotton fabrics wrinkle a lot (so they need to be ironed often) and can shrink when washed.

This must be kept in mind when choosing clothes or underwear; it is better to take a cotton item that is somewhat large, keeping in mind that it will shrink when washed (for example, cotton underwear can shrink by a size, or even two) . True, this applies mainly to cheap, low-quality cotton.

You can wash cotton even at 90 degrees (though it’s better not to do this with colored fabrics, they can fade), you can also iron it with a very hot iron.

It is a fiber obtained from the stems of the flax plant. The properties of linen are similar to cotton in many ways, only stronger and stiffer. It also absorbs moisture well, making it ideal for summer clothing. It wrinkles, but not as much as cotton.

Flax tolerates boiling well, which is why bed linen is often made from it.

It should be ironed with moisture and at the highest temperature.


Wool yarn is made from animal hair (sheep, goats, camels, llamas) - most often it is sheep's wool. Wool fabric is usually thick and retains heat well, making it very suitable for winter clothing.

Wool is good because it gets dirty a little and hardly wrinkles - sometimes woolen clothes Just hang it on a hanger and after a while the wrinkled folds will disappear.

Odors of sweat, food and smoke quickly disappear from woolen fabrics.

Surface wool fabric repels water droplets, but absorbs moisture in the form of steam, so the wool dries slowly. It falls down easily, making it even warmer and more windproof.

It is better to wash wool by hand, using washing powders for thin or woolen fabrics. Maximum temperature water when washing is 30-40°C.

Fabric should be washed in large quantities water (best in the bathroom), when washing it should not be rubbed or twisted. After washing woolen Having taken it out of the water bath, you need to carefully roll it up in terry cloth and lay it out horizontally to dry.

Under no circumstances should it be dried in a dryer, on radiators or in the sun!

You need to iron wool in the “wool” mode with moisture or through a damp cloth.


This is a fiber obtained from the threads of the silkworm cocoon. Silk clothing is pleasant to wear in any weather: it warms in cold weather and cools in hot weather.

Silk fabrics never become wet to the touch; silk quickly evaporates moisture from the surface of the skin.

Depending on the quality, type of weave and finishing of the fabrics, silk can be very light and soft or heavy and stiff. Silk fabrics wrinkle varying degrees, again depending on the quality. High-quality silk practically does not wrinkle.

Items made from taffeta, silk brocade, silk chiffon, silk organza, silk satin and silk crepe georgette must be dry cleaned.

When washed, any silk sheds a lot. Silk should only be washed by hand at 30°C soft. washing powder.

Silk should not be rubbed, squeezed or twisted. Silk should be rinsed well, first in warm water, then in cold water. You can add a little vinegar to the last rinse water, which will refresh the colors of the silk.

Silk should not be dried in a dryer. Wet items are carefully wrapped in cloth, the water is lightly squeezed out and hung or laid out horizontally.

Silk should not be dried in the sun or near heating devices.

Silk should be ironed with a moderately heated iron in the “silk” mode only with wrong side.


It is obtained chemically from a natural polymer - cellulose. The most common artificial fabrics– viscose and acetate. They retain their shape well and hardly wrinkle, retain many of the properties of natural fabrics - they absorb moisture well, they are pleasant to wear. hot weather.


Viscose fabrics are made depending on their purpose; they are given the appearance of silk, cotton, wool or linen due to the shiny or matte surface, thickness and crimp of the fibers.

Viscose absorbs moisture better than cotton, but it is not as durable.

Wash viscose in a machine or by hand. In the machine - on a gentle cycle at 30°C with washing powder for fine fabrics.

Viscose should not be rubbed, twisted or spun in a centrifuge.

Viscose items can be hung to dry without wrung out, or rolled into a sheet and gently wrung out.

Viscose cannot be dried in a dryer.

Iron viscose in the “silk” mode, damp or through a damp cloth.

Acetate and triacetate

They retain their shape well and hardly wrinkle. They do not absorb moisture well and melt under high heat.

Fabrics containing acetate are washed by hand or in a machine at 30°C in a gentle cycle.

These fabrics should not be dried in a tumble dryer. They need to be hung to dry. They dry quickly and require almost no ironing.

If you want to iron them, do it from the wrong side with a warm iron. Triacetate can be ironed in the wool/silk setting.

Synthetic fabrics

These are fabrics made from fibers obtained chemically from petroleum products.

They are very durable, almost do not wrinkle, such fabrics usually have a beautiful appearance, they are easy to wash, almost no need to iron.

Which one is it? main drawback– they do not absorb moisture well and do not retain heat very well, so they will be hot in hot weather and cold in winter.

The most famous synthetic fabrics– polyester (in Soviet time it was called lavsan), polyamide (nylon), elastane or lycra.

These fabrics are washed at a low temperature (30-40 degrees), they need to be ironed carefully, in the “silk” mode (since these fabrics hardly wrinkle, they rarely need ironing).

When writing this article, materials from the site were used:

Muslima (Anya) Kobulova

As you can see for yourself, there is now quite a lot of wide choose yacht clothing, and it is different, as are the purposes for which people go sailing. But it’s easy to understand this diversity!

So, every yachtsman, going to sea, regardless of the weather, must have with him: thermal underwear, fleece clothing and pants with a jacket (waterproof), as well as T-shirts, shorts, shoes, gloves, Sunglasses and a headdress.

As mentioned in the previous article, you need to follow the principles of layering, comfort and functionality.

  • Clothes are divided into 3 layers:
  • Basic (thermal underwear),
  • Medium or insulating (fleece clothing)

Waterproof (pants and jacket).

This article is devoted to a description of the materials from which yacht clothing is made. We will look at them layer by layer:
Base layer clothing

  • This clothing is also called capillary and differs in fabric density into 2 types:
  • The i2 Lite provides good ventilation during exercise and in warm weather. i2 Tec is used when cold weather

and is aimed at maximum heat retention.

Base layer clothing works like a thermos. That is, it retains body heat, removes moisture, protects the skin and keeps out the cold, and all this during heavy physical activity. However, it is worth considering that it is purged. Therefore, it should be worn under mid-layer clothing. In this case it will work 100%
Mid-layer or insulating clothing

Clothing in this layer is made of synthetic thermal insulating fibers (fleece), which ensure the movement of moisture to the outer layer. Due to this, clothes dry quickly and retain heat well. Mid-layer clothing also varies in material density. There are models with external finishing from moisture.

  • Fleece Types:
  • Microfleece (This is the name of the very thin material of the second layer. – 100, – 200, – 300. In thickness and, accordingly, in warmth. The warmest type of fleece clothing is 300.)
  • Wind bloc (This material does not warm, but only protects from the wind.)

Wind active (90% windproof from the wind bloc. This one, accordingly, both warms and protects from the wind.)
Such clothing is designed to protect against wind and water. Clothing is made of membrane (“breathable”) fabric, which allows moisture to escape from inner layers, but does not let her inside. Important: outer layer clothing does not have thermal insulation properties.

Brovka Danila

Research work on making clothes from natural silk



Research topic:

What are clothes made from?

Goals: 1. Research on obtaining natural silk from caterpillars;

2. Acquaintance with the history of clothing;

3. Expanding knowledge about the world of natural science.

2 "A" class

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 110"

Cl. supervisor: Klopertanets Z. N.

2010-2011 academic year

Progress of the lesson:

  1. Puzzles

It's not a tie, it's not a collar,

And I’m used to squeezing my neck.

But not always, but only then

When it's cold. (scarf)

They gave the brothers a warm home,

For five of us to live

Big brother didn't agree

And he settled separately.

(mittens) 3 slide

Pout, don't pout

Go over your head

Dance day after day

And you will go to rest.


One input, three outputs

(sweater, jacket)

Guys, tell me how to call the answers in one word, what are they about?

(about clothes)

Today we will find out what clothes are made from.

  1. History of clothing

Clothing originated in ancient times as a means of protection from cold, sun, and rain. Man used the skins of animals he hunted, tree bark, and leaves of various plants.

Later, when people learned to create the most various fabrics, clothing was divided into women's and men's, as well as by purpose: trousers, a skirt, and an apron evolved from loincloths; from capes - cloak, burka, shirts.

Animal skin and wood bark were used as shoes. In Russia, for example, they wove bast shoes from linden bark. IN Western Europe wore wooden shoes. But these were poor people's shoes; the rich wore leather ones. Nowadays such shoes can only be found in museums.

Over time, each nation had its own National clothes, it is distinguished by a special cut, shape, and finishing.

Modern clothing is extremely diverse. It is sewn from various fabrics at sewing factories.

The textile industry produces different kinds products: fabrics, ribbons, braid, threads, soutache. All these textile materials are made from different fibers.

4 slide Based on their source materials, fibers are divided into 2 groups: natural and chemical. In turn, each of the groups is divided, respectively, into fibers of plant and animal origin, artificial and synthetic.

Natural silkobtained from the cocoons of mulberry, oak and other silkworms. More than 200 species of caterpillars are known that weave a cocoon, but only 6 of them make fiber suitable for industry: the mulberry silkworm, the oak silkworm, the castor bean silkworm (feeds on castor bean leaves, from which eri silk is obtained), and the ailanthus silkworm (feeds on apple and lilac leaves).

From the history. Silkworm breeding began about 5 thousand years ago. For a long time The secret of sericulture was kept in the strictest confidence, and disclosure was punishable by death.

By the way, silkworm

More than a thousand years in a row

Was a military secret.

The secret was sacredly guarded,

And spies from all over the world

The ending was sad.

The price of silk was high. IN Ancient Rome for a pound of silk (Russian unit of weight equal to 409 g) they paid a pound of gold. Over time, the secrets of growing silkworms became known. One merchant finally managed to bring the caterpillars abroad. In Russia, silkworms began to be bred in the 18th century.

How is silk obtained? 5 slide

In the spring, when leaves appear on the mulberry trees, silkworms from the cells (they are called Gren ) hatch caterpillars and feed them leaves. The caterpillar is growing quickly. A few days later, having reached mature age, she starts to twist cocoon in a specially prepared for this cocoonnik. The fiber (thread) is obtained as follows: from two holes located on the head below the mouth, the caterpillar secretes a thick liquid that hardens in air. This liquid is released continuously and forms two threads that stick together using a special substance - sericin , also secreted by the caterpillar. The result is a single thread from which the caterpillar weaves a cocoon. The length of such a thread varies - depending on the development conditions and the type of silkworm, it reaches from 600 to 1800 m, and sometimes up to 2000 m. (This is the distance of 2 stops).

Inside the cocoon, the caterpillar turns into a pupa, which at a certain stage of development must turn into a butterfly, and in order to exit the cocoon, it makes a hole in it, breaking the thread. Therefore, it is important to kill the pupa - for this, the cocoon is subjected to hot treatment with steam or air. The pupa dies. The cocoons are then sent to further processing And silk weaving – winding threads from them and obtaining raw silk. Cocoon thread is very thin, so to obtain industrial thread, several threads are twisted together.

Natural silk fibers are valuable industrial raw materials; various fabrics are made from them, from which women's and children's dresses are sewn, men's shirts, parachutes.

Some of the cocoons are left for breeding. The pupa turns into a butterfly and emerges from the cocoon. Having laid eggs, the butterfly dies, and the silkworm breeders receive eggs (grena) to reproduce as silkworms - and the cycle repeats.

6 slide Silk fabrics have a beautiful appearance. Lightweight, elegant, washable and ironable. Natural silk includes velvet, crepe georgette, crepe satin, crepe de Chine, and satin.

Beautiful clothes are very good, but remember, guys: 7 slide


Another proverb says:

Good clothes are an adornment for the body, and good comrade- a joy for the soul.

How many of you can remember the saying about clothes? How do you understand their meaning?

(They are greeted by their clothes, but they are seen off by their minds.)

(A thread from the world - a naked shirt.)

(Seven times measure cut once.)

  1. Answer the questions slide 8

Which Are fibers divided into 2 groups based on their raw materials?

What is the name of the fabric we talked about today? (silk)

From the cocoons of which insect is it obtained? natural silk? (mulberry, oak silkworms)

What is sericin? (a thick liquid that the caterpillars secrete and it hardens in the air)

What kind of clothes are made from silk? (women's and children's dresses, men's shirts, parachutes)

What makes a person beautiful? (good deeds)

Well done!

  1. Treating all listeners with sweets.

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