What is and how is Ayurvedic massage done? Positive effects of massage. Massage oils

Ayurveda massage is known for its benefits for the body and exclusively pleasant sensations procedures. In countries such as India, this type of massage has long become an integral procedure, just like washing and brushing our teeth for us. What attracts people to this event and is it worth learning how to do Ayurvedic massage at home?

The legend of the emergence of Ayurveda

The name “Ayurveda” is translated from Sanskrit as “knowledge of the principle of life.” As the ancient Indian legend says, the god of healing and healing, Dhanvantari, appeared from the waters of the sea with a magic cup filled with amrita, a substance that grants immortality to a person. Since then, it was the god of healing who is considered the founder of the science of longevity of Ayurveda.

The essence of Ayurvedic massage

In India human body viewed as a unified whole of physical body, spirit and mind. Only that person can be healthy and live long life, for whom all three indicators are in harmony. Illness is an imbalance between body and spirit. The body is a sacred temple. Through him the divine spirit is manifested. If the energy source is disconnected, the spirit cannot pass through the physical body. As a result, harmony is disturbed and various diseases. The essence of massaging according to Ayurveda is the restoration of the connection between the human physical body and the source of energy that nourishes it. The session affects both the body and the spiritual shell of the body.

Ayurveda massage is a symbiosis of the ancient Indian healing system with an effective technique for working out the tissues and muscles of the body.

Main advantages of the procedure

During the session, the following results are achieved:

  • relieving stress and tension;
  • production of serotonin;
  • improvement of lymphatic drainage and blood circulation;
  • removing clamps in muscle tissue;
  • healing of joints;
  • stabilization of breathing and heartbeat;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • increased mental activity;
  • increasing immunity.

Specialized aromatic oils used during the procedure soothe and stabilize with their aroma. emotional background, calm the psyche. Due to the above effects, it is normalized general state human body.

Contraindications for an Ayurvedic session

Despite all the advantages of the procedure, there are a number of contraindications:

  • allergy of the body to some of the oils and herbs used;
  • colds;
  • various acute skin diseases;
  • indigestion;
  • oncological diseases;
  • pregnancy period.

If you have not found similar diseases, experts strongly recommend performing Ayurvedic massage at home.

Ayurvedic massage technique

The basis of massaging is the movement of the hands along the main points of the body, which are located according to a certain pattern. Stroking, pressing, and palpating are used. Manipulations are performed using the fingers and the entire surface of the palm. Used for sessions different types oils Each part of the body has its own movements:

  • head - circular.
  • back - longitudinal movements. Their number should be equal for each half of the body.
  • arms and legs - longitudinal and circular movements.

And if in a special salon the cost of the procedure can range from 1,500 to 6,000 rubles, then for at home“events” you will only need to buy massage oil.

Ayurvedic facial massage

A simple and pleasant Indian technique that you can easily do at home. You will need:

  • coconut oil

Follow these instructions:

  1. Apply warm oil to skin faces light movements. Start with the décolleté and oil the skin, moving from the chest to the neck.
  2. After this, oil your chin. Move from the center to the earlobes, smoothly moving to the cheekbones. After this, return to the chin and neck. Make several such circular movements.
  3. After this, oil your nose. Aim from the tip of the nose to the bridge of the nose.
  4. From the bridge of the nose move to the forehead. After this, to the temples and through the cheekbones to the tip of the nose.
  5. Wet your hands in oil and move to the décolleté area again. Use light stroking movements to touch the neck and shoulders. With similar stroking manipulations, you oil the skin and smooth its surface.
  6. Repeat the Ayurvedic facial massage from the beginning. Touch the areas you want. The main thing is that the process itself gives you a pleasant feeling.
  7. Place the fingers of both hands at your temple and, using light rubbing movements, move along the surface of your forehead from one temple to the other. At this time, tension is relieved and fine wrinkles disappear from your face.
  8. Stroke the forehead area with your palms. Use your fingers in circular directions around the eyes and eyebrows.
  9. Using warm palms, make five light circular movements near your temples.
  10. In the same way, move your palms to your cheekbones and make five circular strokes. Massage your cheeks in the same way.
  11. Using the thumbs of both hands, stroke the area of ​​the nasolabial folds 6-7 times. Start from the middle of the skin above upper lip and move towards the corners of the mouth.
  12. Repeat the manipulations you particularly like.

During the sensation, forget about all your problems and enjoy the beauty of your body. The entire event will take 5-7 minutes. You can do it every evening before going to bed.

Ayurvedic body massage

To relieve tension and relax the body after a hard work, we offer Ayurvedic body massage, which you can do at home. Take:

  • jojoba and shea butter (for dry skin);
  • olive or hemp (for joint pain);
  • avocado oil (with decreased tone skin).

The procedure is simple:

  1. Wet your hands in warm oil. Using light but confident movements, massage your legs from the feet to the knee joints, and then to groin area. Then move up to your waist.
  2. Follow the lymphatic paths.
  3. Repeat the manipulation first 4-5 times.
  4. After that, go through your hands. From the hand to the elbow joint, make light translational movements for each arm in turn. Flex and extend your joints for greater efficiency.
  5. An assistant will be needed for the shoulders and back. Ask loved one massage the shoulder and back area. On your back, work from the spine to the sides and from the pelvis to the neck. On the lower back - towards the spine. On the neck - from the hair of the head to the shoulders. Massage the chest gently from the center to the sides, to the armpits.

Tip: Don't worry about doing the wrong moves or doing more circles. The main principle is to enjoy the process. When the Ayurvedic body massage is finished, wait 10-15 minutes and take a warm bath.

Children's Ayurvedic massage

If you notice that your child's skin has become dry, this is a sign of problems internal organs. Children's Ayurvedic massage is not contraindicated, but on the contrary, it is recommended to restore balance child's body. Take:

  • sesame (or any other natural oil).

Ayurvedic massage for children it works like this:

  1. According to the rules, start massaging when the child is in a sitting position. Massage the baby's head. You can even apply the oil to your hair and gently massage it into your scalp. Lower yourself to your shoulders and mid-back using wide movements of your palms.
  2. Place the baby on his tummy. “Treat” your back and shoulders. Back - from the spine to the sides. Shoulders - from collarbones to forearms. Take your time. These areas need to be worked out carefully.
  3. After this, massage your palms and fingers. Your movements may be stronger and the pressure greater.
  4. Walk in circular directions along the wrists, elbows and shoulder joints. Using back and forth movements, work the entire length of your upper arms.
  5. Massage the sides with circular movements. Move to your thighs, then your calves and feet. Pause at the ankles and knee joints.
  6. Rub your feet vigorously, taking each of them in your hands in turn.
  7. Turn the baby onto his back. Massage your feet again, focusing more attention fingers.
  8. From the feet, move in circular motions to the knees and waist.
  9. Massage your stomach in a clockwise direction in the same way.
  10. Work the chest with light pressure.
  11. Return to your shoulders, forearms and palms.
  12. Complete the Ayurvedic massage for children with the direction up the arms, down the chest and down to the feet.

After the “event”, cover the child with a towel and let him rest. This type Massaging can be done every day from the moment your baby is born.

Video: Ayurvedic facial massage - the secret of eternal youth

Ayurvedic massage practice restores the delicate balance between peace of mind and the beauty of facial skin. Impact on certain points during the procedure eliminates negative influence polluted air, unhealthy food and other factors leading to feeling unwell, stress, depression and, of course, affecting external condition epidermis.

Indian facial massage according to Ayurveda

Represents massage technique based on Indian traditional system healing of soul and body. The uniqueness of the technique lies in its beneficial effects not only on the skin, but also on nervous system. The special movements performed by the massage therapist and the oils used turn the procedure into a pleasant and relaxing experience that changes both the face and the inner mood.

Massage biological points responsible for certain organs, has the following positive effects:

  • gives a powerful surge of energy, strength, complete calm;
  • restores blood circulation and heartbeat;
  • relieves internal stiffness and fatigue;
  • smoothes wrinkles and tones the epidermis;
  • returns silkiness and smoothness to aging skin;
  • eliminates swelling and dark circles in the eye area.

During the session you feel incredible relaxation. No painful or tingling sensations. This strikingly distinguishes Ayurvedic massage from most techniques that rejuvenate and smooth the skin of the face. The feeling of lightness, freshness, and lack of tension persists after the session. The mood improves dramatically, nervousness and sleep problems, if any, disappear.

Indications for use

Ayurvedic massage is both a cosmetic and healing procedure. It is recommended to use it for those who want to get rid of dermatological flaws and health problems.

Sessions of this massage are used for the following purposes:

  • take off severe stress and headaches;
  • normalize heartbeat and pressure;
  • strengthen the protective functions of the immune system;
  • get rid of insomnia and sleep problems;
  • improve memory, vision, blood circulation;
  • smooth out wrinkles and give loose skin elasticity;
  • eliminate pimples and acne (acne);
  • remove bags under the eyes.

The procedure also helps people suffering from mental disorders, including neurasthenia. Sometimes this type of massage can be prescribed by a specialist. Ayurvedic massage sessions are useful not only for those who have the problems listed above, but also as a preventive measure.

Indian facial massage, unlike many other procedures, is universal technology, suitable for almost everyone. Unfortunately, there are also exceptions, but they are few in number. However, when deciding to use Ayurvedic techniques, you should be aware of them.

  • oncological diseases;
  • malignant and benign tumors;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • serious mental disorders.

Advantages and disadvantages of massage according to Ayurveda

The main advantages of the technique, which allow achieving the effect of cleansing and rejuvenating the epidermis, are:

  1. Double impact. It is carried out through the simultaneous use of finger movements and oil. The latter remedy has a certain effect on the skin, which enhances the effect of the massage procedure.
  2. Simplicity and ease. Ayurvedic technique is not difficult to master and can be performed not only by a professional massage therapist, but even by a beginner. It is enough to practice for a few minutes and study the movement pattern.
  3. Virtually no shortcomings. The technique has minimal amount contraindications. It can be used without any restrictions on the duration of the course and the number of sessions.

Ayurvedic facial massage has no significant disadvantages, except that the skin should not be damaged, that is, not have wounds or cuts.

Choosing oil for Ayurvedic massage

The effect of the procedure is largely due to the right choice oils Without this tool it is impossible to achieve any result. There are many types of oily products, but only a few are most suitable.

  • kshirabalu;
  • sunflower;
  • triphaladi tailam;
  • sesame;
  • kottamchukkadi tailam;
  • corn

These products are considered most suitable for classical technique, used, as a rule, specifically for rejuvenating and healing facial massage.

Frequency and best time for Indian massage

The effectiveness of the session is largely determined by the state of the body. Experts who practice Ayurvedic massage techniques recommend starting sessions towards the end menstrual cycle, that is, on the third day. This period is characterized by the fact that the body quickly restores its reserves of vital energy, and the rejuvenation processes are significantly accelerated. The procedure is most successful when performed on an empty stomach.

Subsequent sessions are repeated every two or three days. The optimal course duration is about five procedures. For the skin to cleanse, gain elasticity and silkiness, and wrinkles to disappear, just three massages are enough. There are no restrictions on the duration of the course. It all depends on desired result. The effect after two to three procedures lasts approximately four months.

Master traditional scheme everyone can do it. The only difference is that the salon, as a rule, offers several techniques, some of which require the involvement of two people at once. The effectiveness of a home facial massage is equivalent to a salon one. The only nuance is the need to do everything yourself, selecting oils and mastering the technique.

Self-massage is carried out according to one system, since there is no opportunity to pour oil on the “third eye” and carry out some practices suggested by other varieties. A professional session involves the client lying on his back. At home, the easiest way to do a massage is in front of a mirror, that is, while sitting.

Preparation for the procedure

It is necessary to examine the skin for the absence of any mechanical or open damage. When they are present, appropriate treatment is first carried out.

Most oils, especially specific ones, can cause an allergic reaction. To avoid adverse consequences, apply a little product either to the wrist or to the crook of the elbow and wait a couple of hours. If no negative reaction follows, the oil can be safely used. Otherwise, you will have to look for and select another remedy.

A demo is required. It is advisable to steam the skin first. Oil that has passed the allergy test is heated to 37-40 degrees. More high temperatures will cause discomfort. Lubricate your palms with oil.

Ayurvedic massage scheme

The movements are carried out in the following order:

  • from the middle of the forehead to the temple area;
  • from the chin towards the forehead;
  • from the bridge of the nose to the very tip of the nose;
  • from the inner edge of the brow arch and around the eyes.

Patting and pressing are also used.

Session technique

To conduct an Ayurvedic facial massage session correctly, perform the following sequence of actions:

  1. Using the index and middle finger from the center of the forehead, move with stroking movements to the temples, move down, stroke the right facial part, and lower to the chin. When going up, do the same actions, but for the left side. This allows you to get rid of wrinkles in the forehead area.
  2. First, massage the bridge of the nose a little, going down to the tip. Next, stroke the nose on each side. These movements, carried out with your fingertips, help remove nasolabial folds.
  3. Place your fingertips on the central part of the forehead and press on this point. The outer corners of the eyes, the middle of the chin, and the wings of the nose are massaged in the same way. The left palm is pressed to the forehead, and the chin is held with the right palm. Inhale and exhale several times. Thanks to these manipulations, the facial muscles are strengthened.
  4. Fingers are dipped into the oil, and with stroking movements they move from the inner region of the edge of the eyebrow arch to the outer one. Lower and run your fingers from the outer corner of the eyes deep into the lower eyelid. This helps smooth out wrinkles around the eyes.
  5. Perform a circular massage of the point at the outer corners of the left and right eyes. Thus, tension and fatigue are relieved, and the muscle tissue around the eyes is strengthened.
  6. Using pads, massage the area from the center of the eyebrow arch, first to the outer and then to the inner edge. This tones the muscles.
  7. The final movement is patting the area around the eyes, performed three times.

Already after the first session you will feel better, and by the third or fourth time you can see how the skin acquires healthy color, becomes elastic and smooth, bags under the eyes disappear, wrinkles smooth out.


Salon or self-massage of the face according to Ayurveda is an excellent means of preserving and prolonging youth, allowing you to get not only external effect, but also bring your inner world to harmony, getting rid of tension, stress, insomnia, feeling a constant surge of strength and energy.

IN Lately Many women think not only about beauty, but also about health. You can get a 2in1 effect by performing an Indian facial massage. The technique involves deep working of most muscles in the area of ​​impact. The emphasis is on biological active points. Thanks to this, a rejuvenating and healing result is achieved.

Who is the technique suitable for?

Indian facial massage is based on traditional techniques Ayurveda. This A complex approach to treat the whole body. Official medicine classifies Ayurveda practices as manual treatment methods.

Indian facial massage includes a thorough study of the facial muscles. During a comprehensive session, the area is affected hairline heads. When performing a massage, maximum attention is paid not to simple kneading of muscles, but to the impact on biologically active points.

As a result, it is possible to achieve optimal harmony of soul and body. The cosmetic effect of the procedure is in demand along with the therapeutic effect. Resort to use Indian technology kneading recommended in case of:

  • decreased elasticity, skin tone, and the appearance of wrinkles;
  • deterioration of immunity;
  • migraine;
  • sleep disorders;
  • manifestations of muscle flabbiness;
  • stressful conditions.

Note! Often the procedure results in cosmetic and healing effect simultaneously.

Efficiency of the procedure

Thanks to kneading Indian method The skin regains its elasticity and firmness, and wrinkles are smoothed out. The dermis in the affected area becomes toned. Stimulation of blood circulation is achieved. Lymphatic drainage is normalized. During the kneading process, the muscles warm up.

Facial muscles are tightened and wrinkles are smoothed out. The complexion stabilizes: the unnatural grayness goes away and a blush appears. Dark areas under the eyes disappear. The contours are tightened. The effect reduces swelling in the facial area.

Considering normalization internal processes, the normal functioning of the body becomes established: toxins are eliminated, the amount of vital energy. Appearance improves by stabilizing the functioning of many body systems.

Types of Ayurvedic techniques

Varieties of Ayurvedic massage allow you to solve different problems. The choice should be made depending on existing problems, specific expectations.


A traditional technique based on stimulation of blood and lymph flows. Due to this, intracellular nutrition improves. Acupuncture effects contribute to the generation of energy and psycho-emotional stabilization. The Abhyanga technique involves generous use of oils. The base is usually sesame squeeze. Thanks to active “oiling”, the removal of toxins from the body is ensured.

Attention! Massage is often performed simultaneously by two therapists.


An ancient technique of connecting special points of the body with various organs, muscles or tissues of the body. Skillful influence on marmas will help restore lost functions, give vitality, bring different energy flows into harmony. As a result of the massage, natural mechanisms self-healing, self-restoration.


Refers to techniques that provide deep relaxation. Increased impact to the “third eye” is the basis of the technique. The procedure consists of kneading, alternating with pouring heated oil onto the skin. Actions promote relaxation, skin toning, mood formation, and general calm.

Mukha Abhyanga

Carry out in the suprathoracic part of the body. The massage is aimed at relieving tension, rejuvenating, and establishing a sense of harmony. The technique combines classical rubbing with pressure on Marma points. The procedure is characterized by the use of oils.

Kati Vasti

Involves the prevention and treatment of various diseases. These are mainly defective conditions of the back, lower back, and pelvic area. The technique involves exposure to complex herbal decoctions and oils placed in a dough bath.

Netra Tarpana

Aimed at working with the eyes. The impact is carried out in the eyelid area. Massaging is carried out using oils. Vision is restored and intraocular pressure is stabilized.

An excellent cosmetic effect is achieved in this area: wrinkles are smoothed out, swelling and darkening go away. Headaches and nervous disorders disappear.


Affects the body area, completely excluding the impact on the head and face. The procedure uses oil (preferably ghee), heated bags with special herbal infusions. As a result of the session, various diseases are cured.

Massage oils

The vast majority of techniques involve the use of oils. Most often a mixture is used. This base oils:

  • olive;
  • sesame;
  • coconut;
  • cocoa.

Important point! Drops of ethers are added to the base. The composition is composed individually. The choice depends on the skin type, the problem being solved, and the general well-being of the patient.

There are ready-made oil mixtures available for sale. The formulas used have been perfected for centuries. Popular:

  • dhanvantaram tailam;
  • balancevagandhadi tailam;
  • Kalonji;
  • brahmi;
  • cotton wool

Various binders are often added to the oil mixture. Previously they used pea rice flour, talc Now there are specialized cosmetic powders. This helps care for oily, irritated, sensitive skin.

For use in Ayurvedic massage oil mixture heated by steam. Only a temperature that is comfortable for the body is permissible. Application is carried out in a special way: dosed drops or a thin stream. During the procedure, if necessary, the volume is supplemented.

Massage technique

To properly perform an Ayurvedic facial massage, you need to remember the basic pattern of movements. The lines are as follows:

  • from the center of the forehead to the temples, from the bridge of the nose to the middle of the forehead;
  • on the sides of the inner extremity of the eye along the upper eyelid;
  • from the border between the upper lip and nose to the sides, from the chin to the nose;
  • on the head from the temples to the crown;
  • neck along the spinal column from behind, to the chin in front, along the oval of the face to the ear.

Having mastered the basic lines, it is permissible to begin performing the basic technique. For classic version for the face the actions are as follows:

  1. Pressing movements along the lines of the forehead with the pads of the thumbs.
  2. Reducing pressure, move from the upper border of the nose to the temples.
  3. Light stroking movements in the eyelid area.
  4. Intensifying the pressure, apply pressure to the area near the nose.
  5. Intensive work of the head across the hemispheres.
  6. Neck massage with reduced load.

Important! Each area requires at least 5-7 symmetrical movements. The head is massaged for 3–5 minutes.

Contraindications and precautions

You should refrain from treatment using the Ayurveda method in the following cases:

  • acute inflammatory processes;
  • the presence of open wounds;
  • detection of malignant tumors;
  • fever.

It is not advisable for women to use the technique during bleeding, pregnancy, or lactation.

All movements during massage are performed without significant pressure. Excessively intense exposure can cause harm to the body. The pressure force is selected individually. The best way the calculation will be made by an experienced specialist Indian massage. You should not carry out an action on your own if you are not sure of its correctness.

Pros and cons of Indian methods Indian massage generally has a positive effect on the condition, but professional knowledge of the techniques is available to a select few. This is both a plus and a minus of the exposure technique.

At home, it is difficult to correctly reproduce most techniques. Performing a massage on your own will not cause harm, will have a rejuvenating, minor therapeutic effect, but will not relieve significant health problems. To get full results, it is better to contact experienced craftsmen

Indian massage. They are fluent in technology, know the subtleties and secrets.

You can achieve benefits from Indian massage in any case. The potential of the technique is great; it is easier to achieve balance between soul and body when there is a complete immersion in Ayurveda.

Useful videos

Master class on Indian rejuvenating facial massage.

Features and techniques of Ayurvedic facial massage. Ancient medical science , the origin of which is lost in the mists of time. Presumably, it originated in the Tibet region 5 thousand years ago. This ancient system

had a huge impact on modern life, primarily thanks to Avicenna. In the twentieth century, Ayurveda became popular in the West, and by the end of the century it gained recognition in Eastern Europe. Few people really know what Ayurvedic massage is. But the now familiar procedures - douches, enemas, diagnosis by pulse, healing - familiar to everyone, came precisely from Ayurveda.

What it is: why it is carried out and how it is useful Let us clarify right away that Ayurveda is not a semi-legal field of medicine that can be trusted, but can be considered quackery. In the USA and Israel

this type of medicine is studied at the state level. The difference from the Western one is that Western doctors treat the problem that has already arisen. Eastern eliminate the cause.

Translated from Sanskrit, Ayur Veda means “knowledge.” Thus, Ayurveda means “knowledge of life”. This is the essence of ancient medicine. It focuses not on a specific disease, but on the person. Ayurveda's approach is to harmonize the balance in Energy consists of 5 elements: earth, fire, ether. Ether is a substance that ancient philosophers, Hindus, and others tried to define. But there is still no exact concept. Ether, or still represents a mystery in terms of origin and its nature. However, its presence is taken into account in healing and the East, including in Ayurveda. The effectiveness of the Ayurvedic approach to treatment is undeniable; this has been proven by thousands of years of history. There are many methods offered by this eastern system; they are, of course, not fully indicated in the introduction. One such method that is gaining increasing popularity is Ayurvedic massage.

Its purpose is not only physical relaxation, but also an impact on painful areas but mental and emotional peace, as well as ensuring the free flow of spiritual energies throughout the body.

Varieties of this massage

There are many types of Ayurvedic massages. They differ in technique, indications, selection and This procedure is a synthesis of the Indian healing system and the unique methodology of the technique itself. Let's talk about the most popular ones.

  • - most known species Ayurvedic massage. It is advisable to carry it out daily, since it is preventive. Maintains normal balance of elements. Abhyanga is performed using aromatic oils, which are selected individually.
  • is a set of procedures for deep cleansing body. Health-improving and rejuvenating oils are integral part this health maintenance activity. As a rule, these are 5 sessions, during which internal tissues are oiled, the stomach, large and small intestines are cleansed, and the result is cleansing of the entire gastro-digestive tract. Panchakarma is performed once a year.
  • - this is an Ayurvedic massage. A warm oil stream is directed to the head, as well as to the place of the third eye, just above the bridge of the nose. The result is deep relaxation. This type is very effective in the fight against migraines, not to mention the cosmetic bonus for facial skin and
  • Marmas are points on the body, energy centers, influencing which you can influence the state endocrine system, internal organs and even on Ayurvedic massage body in combination with the technique of influencing marmas triggers self-healing mechanisms.
  • - Ayurvedic facial massage, and is done to relieve swelling, achieve the effect
  • - for a technique using a special dough, from which a kind of container is formed in the desired area. Then heated oil is poured into the dough. After the desired area of ​​the body has warmed up, the massage begins. The massage therapist also works with the neck muscles.
  • - for Funnels are made from special dough, placed in front of the eyes and heated oil is poured in. As a result of the procedure, problems are relieved, swelling of the face goes away, dark circles under the eyes are removed, work is normalized. Good for fans
  • Complex impact on the body with the help of hot herbal bags, acupressure and Ayurvedic kizhi massage gives a noticeable anti-stress result.
  • They work on the spine and back muscles against a whole range of diseases and undesirable conditions. A variety - anti-cellulite massage.
  • Segmental-classical The technique is used to work out all parts of the spine.
  • Hot and cold stones are used to achieve relaxation. Hot stones are basalt, their heat penetrates deeply into tissues, up to 4 cm. Cold stones are marble. Treatment of the face and feet is carried out by two massage therapists simultaneously. Ayurvedic foot massage significantly improves tone, relieves tension and fatigue

What oils are best to use

Any Ayurvedic massage is, first of all, an oil massage. And that’s why it’s important to choose an oil that’s right for you. to a specific person and will help you achieve maximum effect. Suitable oil is chosen by the specialist whose services the patient has decided to use.

Types of oils used in Ayurveda:

  • sesame;
  • mustard;
  • sunflower.

These are base oils. In addition to these, there are also specially prepared oils according to Ayurvedic recipes. For interest, here are the names of some of these oils:

  • Balaswagandhadi Tailam;
  • Kshirabala;
  • Trifaladi Tailam;

Did you know? Sanskrit is the basis of all Indo-European languages.

The choice is huge. Moreover, they are combined with various medicinal herbs.


Like any medical procedures, Ayurvedic ones also have contraindications. Massage is not performed for the following problems:

  • Unpredictable allergic reactions for drugs used in massage.
  • Diseases such as ARVI with accompanying cough, fever.
  • Skin diseases, often infectious, in the acute stage.
  • various localizations.

Ancient Indian treatises state that this procedure- This is almost a panacea for all diseases. In any case, according to patient reviews, it is guaranteed to relieve pain of various localizations, improve general health. And in general, it improves the quality of life.

Scheme and technique of execution

Ayurvedic massage is carried out according to certain rules.

  • The procedure is done in the morning
  • The oil must be heated.
In addition, there are 2 techniques.

Technique 1.

  • 1 tbsp. l. oil is poured into the palm and rubbed into the head. The movements are circular.
  • 1 tbsp. l. oil is applied to the face and ears. Hand movements are very careful.
  • The neck is massaged with the palm of your hand.
  • Hands are treated in a circular motion from top to bottom.
  • The chest is massaged in a circular manner.
  • The next area is the back and
  • The legs are massaged from the hips to then from the knees to the feet in a circular motion.
  • Finally, the feet are treated.
  • At the end of the procedure - hot
Don't forget to add oil during the process. Your hands should glide easily.

Technique 2.

  • The navel area is stroked clockwise 20 times, then counterclockwise the same number of times.
  • After this, the upper part is massaged from the navel and back.
  • The next area to be treated is from the navel to the legs and back, first at the front, then at the back.

Is it possible to do it yourself

The procedure can be carried out independently at home. With self-massage, active points are simultaneously involved, which is an additional advantage.

When doing home massage, it is preferable to choose technique 2 described above. It is better to choose the oil for the procedure on the advice of an Ayurvedic specialist.

And you need to take into account the contraindication. If there are problems from the list above, then it is better not to risk it.

According to reviews, home massage is better The relaxing effect will allow you to sleep like a baby.

The species described are just a few of what Ayurveda has to offer to modern man in his struggle for health and vitality. Patients, disillusioned with their possibilities, are increasingly turning to the possibilities of the oldest healing system on Earth. And, I must admit, this approach does not deceive.

Since ancient times, man has constantly tried to find harmony with the world around him. But so much pain and suffering befalling his fate can significantly worsen this search. Modern world causes you to constantly be in a state of stress, lose muscle tone, and self-confidence. If we also remember about nature, which forces the body to age every year, then living conditions seem completely impossibly complex. Massage can correct this course of days. Masseuses in many countries around the world provide services of a special type of procedure. We know it under the name.

Features of the procedure

The name consists of two separate words. The first half means "life" and the second half "science". Massage therapists have been practicing this procedure since ancient times. The first memories concern Ancient India. Only in 1985 she received recognition as The best way alternative medicine. Practitioners indicate that massage techniques create a balance between the outside world and human health. Such processes make it possible not to fight diseases, but to prevent their occurrence.

This condition confirms the fact that there were no pills or injections before, but people remained healthy.

Private advertisements of specialists who practice this type medical procedure, allow each person, for a nominal fee, to receive an effective effect on health through massage. This is emphasized in ancient manuscripts that describe the beneficial effects on soft fabrics human body. In his true meaning, the word “massage” is translated from Arabic as “gentle pressure.”

Hence the conclusion is drawn that such procedures have an effective effect on muscle relaxation.

During the massage process, which is offered at home, a person receives activation of lymph and blood, which stimulates its rapid flow in the body. In this way it is achieved accelerated process improving the functioning of internal organs and elasticity skin.

The muscles of the body get rid of harmful toxins that can accumulate in them during prolonged tension. Experts say that massage helps to enhance energy flows in the human body.

Using essential oils during massage

Ayurvedic massage cannot be performed without the use of special oils that release a specific aroma, allowing a person to achieve spiritual bliss.

Services are often provided by independent women, since it is female hands have the necessary softness and tenderness. In this way, rubbing is achieved more oils into the skin, the effect of use is enhanced medicinal herbs. In each individual case, massage oil is selected at the individual discretion of the client.

Ayurvedic massage technique involves the use of 26 types medicinal oils. Each of them contains from 7 to 30 individual components. These oils do not have any negative impact on the liver, as they are absorbed when massaged into the human blood.

In addition to relaxation, essential oils bring cleansing to the human body. Most of of which are sorbents.

With their help, the process of disinfection of the skin occurs. The effect occurs on the active capillaries of the nose, nerve endings on the body, as well as on biological active points. One of the most ancient techniques used in today's conditions is called abhyanga. In this case, the procedure is applied to the entire body, from the tip of the toes to the top of the head.

Positive effects of massage

Ayurvedic massage affects:

a) the emergence of an improved perception of the world;

b) saturating the body with an additional influx of positive energy;

c) prevents osteochondrosis;

d) the production of the hormone serotonin increases;

e) relieves a person from chronic migraine;

f) prevents the production of cortisol;

g) the patient’s sleep improves;

h) the speed of blood circulation through the vessels increases;

i) the level of fat in skin fiber decreases.

Conditions for massage

They allow you to undergo the procedure at home, which has a beneficial effect on patients. It is the home that becomes the place where the procedure has a more relaxing effect, and the patient experiences increased calm. The best option considered to be a reduction in the flow of light into the room, warmth and the presence of specific music for relaxation.

It is worth remembering that at the end of the procedure, the patient’s body will remain covered essential oil. Ayurvedic massage not only involves the use of additional balms, but also the activation of special points on the human body. In addition, the procedure ensures stretching and normal functioning of the tendons, improving the functioning of the joints.

Our site is specially designed for people for whom it is important to maintain a balance with nature and at the same time receive an influx of energy and health. We guarantee that each of our specialists has certificates that allow them to carry out such procedures.

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