My child is lying to me about what to do. Why do children tell lies? Bad example of elders

Children sooner or later learn to lie. Everyone lies, but those who are not confident in themselves lie more often than others. A child lies to avoid punishment or to add value to himself in the eyes of his peers or elders. Every problem that a child's lie hides requires parents to special approach. Psychologist Lawrence Kutner, author of five books on child psychology, lists 5 reasons that encourage children to lie.

1. Fear of punishment

Children are afraid that they will be punished. Especially if parents can't let go of unrealistic expectations. For example, a mother wants her five-year-old daughter to neatly fold her clothes and clear the table after eating without being reminded. When asked if she did it, the girl answers “yes,” even though she actually forgot about it.

As a result, the mother complains that the child is lying, but underneath this lies a completely different problem - high expectations for her daughter. The child copes with the situation as best he can. Considering that the girl does not yet know everything and she does not have the right to vote in the family, lying is simply a way of adaptation.

2. Increased self-esteem

Schoolchildren lie to improve their status and look better in the eyes of their friends. For example, they say they met a rock star, famous athlete or actor, or exaggerate their parents' income. If this happens rarely, you don’t have to worry about the child lying: bragging and “playing Superman” are commonplace for children.

But if the child exaggerates his social status, this means that he is seriously dissatisfied with himself. In such a situation, you can find out why he feels worthless or humiliated. Maybe they don't pay attention to him? Maybe they laugh at him and humiliate him?

3. Protest

For many children, lying is a way to go against restrictions, to challenge the authority of their parents. At the age of 10–12 years, they feel that there is no longer any need to tell their parents everything.

Therefore, children may lie in response to a question that they perceive as a manifestation of parental power and pressure.

4. Setting personal boundaries

As the child grows up, he becomes keenly aware of the importance of independence, privacy and personal space. And the more parents try to look after and control him, the more bigger baby lies or doesn't say anything. Often children are also rude, emphasizing the desire to be left alone with themselves.

"Where are you going?" - “Nowhere.” "What are you doing?" - "Nothing". "Who is this?" - "You do not know him".

5. Family problems

When a child lies too much, it is a sign that something is wrong in the family. This is especially true in cases where theft and vandalism are added to lies. If other family members become victims of children's dirty tricks, this deserves special attention- often this is a gesture of despair, a cry for help, much more expressive than words.

This often happens to children whose parents are thinking about divorce. Steal or spoil parent thing- often this kind of behavior hides an attempt to force the parents to unite again, at least for a while. This motivation is not consciously realized by the child, but his actions clearly indicate his needs.

Children's lies. To us adults, she seems so simple-minded and naive. But the reasons that a child begins to lie to his parents cannot be called harmless or insignificant. Does your child fantasize and pass these fantasies off as reality? Or is he telling lies, trying to hide some of his actions and actions from your watchful attention? How to stop a child from lying? Do not rush to expose the toddler and punish him. After all, if you approach the problem from the point of view of psychologists, then, rather, educational work must be carried out, first, with the parents themselves. So that they do not mistakenly begin to fight the investigation, which, in essence, is a lie. But we tried to understand the reasons that prompt children to resort to such an unpopular way of getting out of situations that are uncomfortable for them.

Children lie to their parents because for some reason they feel uncomfortable in their world.

  • This is a balm for mental wounds.
  • This is an internal conflict that has found a way out.
  • This Lifebuoy in a seemingly hopeless situation.

And what are children's lies for parents?

  • This is a distress signal.
  • This is a call for help.
  • This is an indicator that in the world of your beloved baby, not everything is as good as it might seem to you at first glance.

No matter how sad it may sound for you, the fact that the baby began to lie to you indicates a crisis of trust in your relationship. And it is you, the parents, who need to look for ways out of this crisis, as the more experienced, balanced, authoritative ones.

Children lie when they stop trusting their loved ones

Do not rush to expose your child in a lie and scold him for. Try to understand why the baby felt the need to tell you a lie. After all, often, the reasons for children’s lies are not at all those that are visible to you upon superficial examination.

You will not find a single recipe for solving this problem. Everyone will have their own. Depending on the problems of mutual understanding that have arisen between you and your child.

A crisis of trust between parents and children occurs when the older generation chooses the wrong model of relationships and not entirely correct tactics for raising their children.

The baby will not lie to you if his life flows calmly and measuredly, if everything is in order with him. And you shouldn’t think that he allows himself to tell you lies because the little one doesn’t love or respect you.

Try to understand what is really behind his lies. What particular need is the baby trying to satisfy in this way? This will be the answer to the question: “How to wean a child from lying?”

Children lie when they are afraid of punishment and reproach.

Why do children tell lies?

Any parent tries to give their child the best, tries to convey to him their experience and their life wisdom, puts a piece of their soul into their beloved “little blood”. But despite all this, moms and dads are still doing something wrong. I wonder what it could be?

What are the reasons that, sooner or later, our children begin to tell us lies?

  1. Excessive severity. If you punish the little one for the wrongdoings he has committed, then you shouldn’t be surprised that the little one is lying to you, trying to avoid yet another censure for what he has done.
  2. Play on feelings. If you are demonstratively upset, clutch your heart, blame the child for your feeling unwell after his pranks or bad grades, you yourself provoke him to hide his mistakes in every possible way, so as not to upset you.
  3. Lack of attention. If a child invents and tells everyone who is willing to listen to stories about happy family, about how his parents love him, how attentive they are to him, then maybe all this is what he really lacks. And he plays pranks and lies only to attract your attention, which he so lacks.
  4. Inferiority complex. The baby may be dissatisfied with himself. This happens when parents often criticize him, thereby developing little man inferiority complex. Lies in in this case– this is an attempt to change, to embellish a not very rosy reality. Become worthy of respect and admiration in your own eyes and in the eyes of others.
  5. Limitations in the expression of emotions . A child is not a robot. He cannot always have the same, necessarily good, mood. He may be sad and upset, he may be irritated and even furious. And if he is prevented from showing these emotions and giving them vent, he will simply withdraw into himself and begin to lie. For the sake of his parents who always want to see him as a cheerful and cheerful toddler.
  6. Fantasies. Visionaries and dreamers are perhaps the cutest and most attractive of all the little liars. And such a lie is, rather, a manifestation of creativity and too much. The lies of dreamers are quite harmless if you understand them and direct them in the right direction in time. Maybe you have a modern Jules Verne or your own Jacques Yves Cousteau growing up in your family?..

Or maybe your baby is not lying, but just fantasizing? Then you need to direct this feature of it in the right direction.

Well, did you manage to determine its main reasons based on the nature of the child’s lies? If yes, then you have already passed half the way to eradicating this habit in your baby.

Now the main thing is to do correct conclusions and work diligently on own mistakes V .

How to wean a 4-5 year old child from lying to his parents?

It often happens that the child is still very young, but he has already encountered your disapproval.

And, afraid to see him in your eyes once again, afraid to lose your love, he, having done something that, as the little one is sure, will entail this very disapproval, uses lies as salvation, as protection. How to prevent lying, whatever its reasons, from becoming a habit and becoming the norm for a child?

If a child believes in your kind attitude towards him, he will not be afraid to confess to you his wrongdoing.

What should parents do in such circumstances?

  1. Sit down next to your baby so that your eyes are at the same level.
  2. Calmly tell him that you know that the little one lied to you.
  3. Ask your child to tell you the truth, assuring him in advance that you will not be angry with him or punish him.
  4. Be sure to emphasize how much you love the baby. And no matter what he does, you will not love him less.
  5. When your child gains confidence in you and tells you the truth, keep your word - do not blame him.
  6. Help the baby understand the current situation. Explain what the baby did wrong. And be sure to tell us what you should have done in this situation.
  7. End the conversation with one more assurance that you love him and are always ready to help your little one in any situation.

Of course, one such conversation is not always enough to completely restore trust.

Growing up, the child tries to protect his personal space from strangers. And he should be allowed to do this. Within reason, of course

What to do if a teenager (7-9 years old and older) cheats?

When children reach adolescence, very often the reason for their lies is the desire to create a personal space for themselves, a territory independent of adults, where only the child himself will be the owner.

And your task is to provide this territory to your teenager. IN within reasonable limits, Certainly. But in order to give the child a real feeling that he has switched to new level growing up.

Mom and Dad understand this. And we are ready to build relationships with him on a new level. But greater independence is not synonymous with permissiveness. Therefore, it is important here to clearly outline the scope of a teenager’s independence at this age stage.

And it is even more important that the child himself agrees with these frameworks. Discuss and be prepared to compromise. You can even enter into an agreement in writing. An agreement between two parties, when tangible, is more powerful.

If a teenager is sure that his parents love him, that they act only in the interests of his well-being, that they are always ready to listen, understand and forgive, he will not lie even if some agreements are violated.

Mom and dad, create a family trusting relationship, become not only mentors, but friends for your child, and he will simply have no reason to tell you lies!

A child can be honest with his parents

  • When he is not afraid of punishment, anger and loss of love from those closest to him.
  • When he is sure that he will not be humiliated, no matter what happens.
  • When he knows that his parents will support him in any situation.
  • When you don't skimp on praise and encouragement.
  • When there is trust and mutual understanding between you and the child.

And never forget about personal example. How sincere, honest and open you are, the more your children will inherit these qualities from you. Create an atmosphere of agreement and harmony in your family. And then its small members will not seek salvation from adversity and loneliness in lies...

Video “How to stop a child from lying?”

All parents try to instill honesty in their children. This quality is included in the list of standard human values. And what is the surprise of parents when the little one, having barely learned to speak, begins to lie? Adult logic immediately paints bleak prospects for us: first a small lie, then a big one, then a pathological one, what will grow out of this person?

Smart and serious adults, let's not dramatize the situation! A child's lie is a cry for help. Your child needs your support. In addition, a child’s lie always, in all cases without exception, has a positive intention. This sounds a little strange, I understand, but I will try to prove it to you.

And I'll start with us, adults. Tell me, which of us is not lying? According to statistics compiled through a large-scale sociological study by the same notorious British scientists, people for average life deceive each other at least 88 thousand times! An adult thus cheats approximately 4 times a day. This is an average, some people do it more often.

Men are more prone to deception - they cheat more than 5 times a day, women - 3-4 times. Silence of the truth and secrets (of which each of us has a carriage and a small cart) are also forms of lies.

It turns out that humanity is hopeless? No. A lie is a defense mechanism that helps each of us adapt to society. Moreover, lying is quite comfortable not only for those who lie, but also often for those who have been told a lie.

So, if adults lie, what do we want from children? The only difference is that adults know how to use lies as a useful tool for themselves. Children mostly use it as a shield. In addition, lying helps in the development of the child’s psyche.

Types of lies

To this list of the American doctor of psychology, I would add more fantasy. But they are typical for children, harmless in essence, and even beneficial - they develop imaginative thinking.

So what positive intention is hidden in a lie? Justified lies are somewhere nearby and the instinct of self-preservation. This is protection. A “white” lie has the goal of making someone happy; it is a positive intention. Positive and desire to get money, material values, love, respect of others. This is why both adults and children lie. Thus, it is stupid to condemn someone for lying, because the person wanted the best! But under no circumstances should children’s lies be ignored, otherwise the child will truly not grow into a worthy person.

Why does the child lie?

  • Excessive demands are placed on him. And the higher the level of parents’ expectations, the more often and more masterfully the child lies, so as not to disappoint the parents who idealize him with his real actions.
  • The child has a crisis of trust in relationships with loved ones. This is the most common reason childish deception. Usually it is not isolated, but can be traced in all cases when a child tells a lie.
  • The child is brought up in excessive severity. And the kid constantly lies to avoid another punishment for something.
  • The child loves his parents very much. Yes, no matter how strange it may sound, it is tender affection that sometimes pushes a child onto the path of untruth. If you admit to saying that “his pranks will soon lead you to your grave” or clutch your heart at the sight of broken dishes, painted wallpaper and glue spilled on the carpet, the baby will quickly remember this and will hide the truth and tell lies in order to preserve your health and peace of mind.

Do you recognize your child in this list? Then you are already halfway to success in the fight against untruth. After all, knowing the reasons for deception helps eliminate the problem itself.

Age-related characteristics of children's lies

2-4 years

At this tender age, all the little ones are sweet dreamers. Children are still learning to create mental images, and often pass off what they have imagined as real. So, the baby can enthusiastically tell you how he saw a flying cat or a pink elephant in the morning. Don't disturb the dreamer. Don't stop his lies in the bud. After all, it is at this age that the genius in a growing person can be destroyed.

Help him realize his fantasies. Offer to draw a flying cat or a pink elephant and pretend that you believe in their existence.

4-5 years

At this age, children are not yet able to distinguish reality from falsehood. They sincerely believe your lies, and are already beginning to practice theirs. Most often this happens to children who are faced with disapproval or censure from adults. They lie because they are afraid of losing love. For example, when asked if he put the toys away, a child confidently says that he did.

Despite the fact that the bears and cars continue to lie in the artistic mess, the baby does not want to upset his mother, who expects him to help with cleaning. Talk to your child confidentially. Make contact. Try to behave kindly. Promise not to punish him if he tells the truth.

And most importantly, let your child know that he is loved and appreciated by everyone. When he learns this, the need to deceive will disappear by itself.

7 years

At this age, significant changes occur with the child. Boys and girls go to school, and now they need personal space - a place, a room, a corner where they can be masters. If it is not there, the child lies, hiding behind it as a shield. Help your child organize such a space. Naturally, within reason.

And also explain that the independence he has acquired is not at all permissiveness. Most likely, the offspring will repeatedly “test your strength,” including with the help of lies.

8 years

At this age, the child’s desire to be liked by others at any cost is very noticeable. For now, the main thing for him remains the opinion of his parents, so it is his mother and father who will be the target of lies, the purpose of which is to hide his mistakes and failures from his loved ones. This is how students hide the fact of receiving a bad grade from their relatives.

Talk to your child, he is already able to understand that lying is a temporary salvation, and everything secret becomes clear. Don't blame him, don't try to sort things out.

9-10 years

A growing child often begins to lie in order to gain a more socially important place among his peers. He already perfectly understands the difference between truth and untruth. But how inspiredly he tells tales! You will listen!

Children at this age tend to invent stories for their classmates about the wonderful and prestigious work of their parents, luxurious living conditions, the guys boast about non-existent “cool” toys and gadgets and personal acquaintance with movie or sports stars. What to do? Yes, by and large, nothing.

Remember yourself at this age: you probably did the same thing! Just control the situation so that your son or daughter’s lies do not go beyond the bounds of reason and harm others.

11 years

The reason for children's lies at this age usually lies in an advanced crisis of trust in the family. And there may also be a consequence strict education. Lower the bar of demands, think about why the child does not trust you. It’s not too late to correct the situation - on your own or with the support of a specialist.

If the lie is not defeated now, it will be more difficult later, because the teenager requires a certain amount of independence and will try to get it at any cost, even by lying. Don’t delay and sign up with your whole family for a consultation with a psychologist or psychotherapist.

12 years

Your teenager has already set personal boundaries. Now he will persistently expand them. If parents try to force their way into the space of their son or daughter, they will be met with rudeness, aggression and lies.

Remember: a child at this age can only invite you into his personal life. If he doesn't, adjust the level of trust in your family. Do not blame the child under any circumstances. It develops in strict accordance with the laws of nature. And lies are his defense mechanism.

After the age of 12, teenagers usually lie masterfully, and it becomes increasingly difficult for adults to recognize deception. And the reasons why they do this are increasing.

Young liars try to compensate for the lack of attention, protect their friends, defend their position or a big personal secret, strive for self-affirmation and try on the mantle of a leader, are afraid of humiliation, shame, disgrace, hide problems in the team and, as we already know, protect with all their might boundaries of personal space from penetration by adults. Do you see what the load is?

How to stop lying?

With this question, parents often turn to educators, teachers, psychologists, and search for the truth on the Internet. At the same time, they often receive “harmful” advice that can only aggravate the situation. One such tip is to use physical punishment.

A child's lie is not the right time to discuss the benefits and harms of spanking. You just need to take it for granted that you cannot spank a child for lying. This will be a war against windmills. Even without punishment, he knows perfectly well that he is doing wrong. This is why teenagers so often develop depression due to lies. They are afraid of double punishment - both for a bad deed and for the lie with which they disguised the nasty thing they did. At the same time, they experience fear of exposure. This is extreme stress.

Belt and physical strength will not be effective in combating children's lies

Effective methods To wean a child from lying a few times:

  • Search for the cause. This is where you need to start anyway.
  • Overcoming the crisis of confidence. Conversation with the baby or serious conversation(without shouting or insults) - with a teenager.
  • In a great way Reducing the flow of lies may be your proposal to conclude a written agreement. You commit to buy your child something that he has long dreamed of. In return, he undertakes to tell the truth and nothing but the truth. If a lie is detected, the contract is canceled. Hang the completed and signed paper in a visible place.
  • Stop making children's lies a huge problem. If it is not chronic and does not harm others, then by and large there is nothing terrible about it. Remember how many times a day an adult lies, according to statistics...

  • You shouldn’t immediately, as soon as a child’s lie is revealed, start thinking through a plan to effectively punish the scoundrel. Start with yourself. Keep track of how often you tell lies in front of your child, maybe this will help you understand where the root of the problem lies.
  • There is no single recipe for combating children's lies. How many children there are, so many reasons to lie. This means there are just as many ways to eliminate deception.
  • If a teenager is lying, forceful methods are generally useless and can lead to a deterioration in relationships. One of my friends used a strap to treat her son, who had been lying since he was 12 years old. Do you think he's stopped cheating? Whatever the case. By the age of 14, he not only composes “as he breathes,” but also steals money from his mother for personal needs. To prevent such a gap in your relationship, try to communicate confidentially with your teenager.
  • Specialist help is required if a child over 10 years of age lies too often and for any reason. This may indicate violations psychological background, personality development, and in some cases the presence of neurological and psychiatric diseases.
  • If your liar is between 3 and 5 years old, often turn the revealed lie into a joke. Laugh at her together.
  • When you decide to have a conversation, remember that it is better to talk to your child about the dangers of lying in private. Don't make a noisy scene. Don't do this in front of strangers. Sometimes it is better if one of the parents, whom he trusts more, talks to the child. In the absence of another. Tell clearly what a lie can lead to, how unpleasant it is to communicate with a liar, and what consequences may occur. Feel free to provide examples from personal experience when the lie turned out to be extremely inconvenient for you and unpleasant situation. Focus on your feelings at the time of disclosure. Everyone has such examples from life. From me, from you, from the country's top officials, from TV stars. If you claim that you have never lied, you are lying right now.
  • Adults should keep their feelings and emotions under control. Children feel very well when their lies “hit the target.” Don't let lies ruin your relationship.

Remember that there are no bad and good children. All children are good. And even with lies, they try to convey their positive intention to you. The main thing is to recognize in time why the child is doing this, what type of lie he uses (he keeps silent about reality, distorts it, or even invents something that did not happen in reality). And only then, after taking seven deep breaths, as samurai do before making a decision, begin to eradicate the eternal human flaw - lies.

IN next video psychologist, positive psychotherapist Spiridon Oganesyan tells why a child lies and how to wean him from it.

Watch other videos too.

Psychologist Veronika Stepanova talks about the reasons that lead to a child growing up to be a “pathological liar” in the following video.

what to do if a child starts lying at age 10

  1. too late))))))
  2. Lying back to him, at least it had an effect on me at 12
  3. From the age of seven to fifteen, children's lies can either progress or, conversely, be corrected with parental help. Any child psychologist will say that main reason children's lies are parental pressure, excessive demands and strict prohibitions. Trying to avoid punishment for an offense, the child tells a lie, and later, having received retribution for his lie, resorts to increasingly sophisticated methods of deception. This creates a vicious circle.

    Several can serve as competent prevention: elementary rules.

    First, avoid any aggression (even to the point of increased intonation when speaking), second, shame correctly: reprimand for an offense, and do not evaluate a small person.

    Often, parents themselves provoke lies, not adhering to the basic rules of honesty and tact. So, forgotten money or missing keys become excellent occasion to accuse a child who was once caught in insincerity. By blaming a child for the loss, adults unknowingly transfer their mistake onto him. It is a rare adult who, realizing later that the claims were groundless, admits his irresponsibility and apologizes to the child.

    A child acquires a reputation as a liar at the instigation of adults. Therefore, constant suspicions or reminders of once-committed offenses are unacceptable, since on a subconscious level they reinforce the role of a deceiver in the child. Moms and dads should clearly understand that even an inveterate liar always has a chance for rehabilitation.

    From 6 years and older: closer to six years when the logical thinking, children can distinguish truth from falsehood. At this age, the child already understands that lying is bad. According to psychologists, from this moment on, children’s lies reflect the psychological distress of the liar himself.

    Fear gives birth to lies
    To the question Why do children lie? psychologists answer in eight cases out of ten it is deception defensive reaction children's psyche: most children hide the truth out of fear of being punished. Moreover, in the eyes of a child, mother’s disappointment is also considered emotional punishment. Frequent concealment of school progress is the result of a child's fear of not meeting parental requirements. In addition to the statement, lies are born out of fear, there are other explanations.

    Imitation lie: if you ask your child to answer the phone that you are not at home, or you are not shopping child ticket in transport, passing off a seven-year-old child as a five-year-old child is legitimizing a lie. Once having discovered parental deception, the child will unmistakably learn that it is possible to lie, and his further honesty will be of an equally relative nature.

    Lie-manipulation: characteristic of older children (after 6 years), it is a continuation of the lie-saving from punishment. Having successfully deceived his parents out of fear, the child understands that his invented good grades or shifting the blame to his deskmate are more desirable for his mother than the real truth. Having learned to control his mother’s mood with the help of deception, the child gradually practices the technology of lying on everyone around him (peers, teachers), quickly progressing into a chronic liar.

    Lies-bragging: children's boasting about non-existent achievements ( good grades, physical strength) is most often a compensation for the deficiency parental love. According to psychologists, a boastful liar is an underpraised child and a victim of adults’ vanity (mother’s dream of an excellent daughter and father’s desire to have a courageous son).

  4. Explain to him that if you constantly lie, you can simply lose the trust of people. That his lies are unpleasant to others. Ask if he likes to be deceived. Or try to somehow teach him a lesson himself, for example, he will ask about some important thing for him, and you will lie. and then, when everything is revealed, say that they did it on purpose and that there was a reason.

    Well, yes, by the way, maybe, indeed, from the severity of the VRT. Because of this, I also lied when I was 6-8 years old.

  5. The reason why people lie is fear of consequences or fear of what others will think if they tell the truth. It is natural that people want to please others and want to be treated well. However, sometimes this desire prompts them to distort the truth, even just a little, in order to cover up mistakes, omit unflattering details, or create a good impression of themselves.
  6. Children lie because they are often scolded. Try to change your attitude towards them, look at the world through the eyes of a child: the lessons are very difficult, they are pressed at school, they are pressed at home, and they have a loophole: lying.
  7. Be glad that your child’s thinking is developing normally
  8. ...he was late with you; they start earlier... it means there is no faith in you....
  9. Lying is also the experience of a person who is just learning everything. This will also be useful in life. The main thing is to learn to separate lies for good and without, and always be aware of who you are lying to and how it can turn out. This will also come with time. (I'm not an expert, this is my personal opinion). We are all time, and we also learned this a long time ago :)))

At the age of 12, many children begin adolescence, and parents - difficult period, during which they need to show maximum patience. Children often become uncontrollable and stop obeying. How to help them and how should parents behave? We will talk about this in our article.

How to deal with aggression in a child?

Aggressive behavior of a teenager is most often a kind of defense. Children who have problems communicating in groups usually become aggressive. The response to misunderstanding in society is excessive irascibility. The child gets irritated over trifles and splashes out his emotions on others. What should parents do? Of course, do not despair and try to help your child. It is necessary to show him by example how to behave with other people.

If your child is too aggressive, direct his energy in a different direction. For example, give it to sports section, where he can throw out all the negative emotions.

It is better to ignore mild manifestations of aggression altogether: there is no need to pay attention to them.

A 12 year old child has tantrums: what to do

Why does a 12-year-old child constantly cry, how to calm him down? Oddly enough, tantrums at this age occur quite often in children. A teenager may scream, cry constantly, stomp his feet, throw various items, in general, behave like Small child. Why is this happening? Do not forget that the child is in adolescence, and these are simply manifestations of emotionality. In this way, children can attract the attention of their parents and can demand permission from them to do things that are prohibited at their age. In any case, there is no point in focusing close attention on hysterics. Sometimes it can even be helpful to leave your teenager alone to calm down.

What to do if a teenager becomes uncontrollable?

What to do if a child at 12 years old becomes disobedient? Most likely, he is signaling to you that he needs help. Change your attitude towards your teenager and your parenting style. You need to look for the reasons for disobedience in the psyche of a teenager. In this way, a child can assert himself and show that he is old enough. This means that we need to try to reduce excessive parental care. Also, a teenager becomes uncontrollable if there are any problems in his family.

If you are worried about what your, until recently obedient child, out of control, take him to a psychologist. It will help stabilize emotional background teenager and find out why his behavior has changed so much.

How to stop a child from lying?

Children often lie, some less often, others almost constantly. Lying is often a way to avoid punishment or to increase one's value in the eyes of one's peers. Many children lie to challenge their parents' authority or because of family problems. How to deal with lies in children? Change your attitude towards your child, talk to him, show him that you accept him for who he is, with all his shortcomings and advantages. The main thing here is mutual understanding in the family and parental love.

What to do if a teenager is often nervous?

Excessive nervousness in a 12-year-old child may also be a consequence adolescence. But sometimes it is a reflection of reality and can lead to psychological trauma. To find out the cause of a teenager’s nervous condition, it is better to consult a psychologist. This will help to avoid problems in the future, sometimes quite serious ones.

How to wean a child from stealing?

Theft must be stopped, but only if the parents are completely sure that the fact took place. You cannot unfairly accuse a child and start a conversation when there is no evidence. In addition, you need to talk about theft with a teenager in private, without bringing the problem to public discussion.

Stealing, in some cases, is a sign of a disease called kleptomania. This disease is characterized as mental disorder, so it’s best to show the child to a specialist.

Why do children steal? This may occur due to the inability to control one's impulses or in order to attract the attention of parents. A bad environment could also affect the child. Therefore, try to track who he communicates with and exclude unwanted contacts.
Be that as it may, support your child, do not turn away from his problems. Remember that only your attention and love can change a teenager in better side. And be patient - you will definitely need it.

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