Why gold became more expensive than platinum. What is more expensive platinum or gold. Platinum has a wide range of uses

Jewelry made of gold has always been, is and will be held in high esteem, and all thanks to the beauty, strength and durability of this metal. The jewelry industry uses gold alloys with different shades. The most popular among consumers are red, yellow and. As for the latter alloy, it is confused with another precious metal - platinum. What is the difference between platinum and white gold? In fact, there are many differences between these two metals.

Rings in white gold and platinum


Platinum is considered to be the "queen precious metals”, however, its value has been recognized relatively recently. So, in the sixteenth century, Spanish gold miners often looked for an unusual metal that in many ways resembles gold, but at the same time has gray blotches. However, it could not be cleaned of gray impurities, which is why such “gold” was called “rotten”. The name "platinum" comes from the Spanish word "plato", which translates as silver. However, the discoverers of this metal faced a problem - attempts to melt it ended in failure, which is why platinum was immediately attributed to low-quality metals.

Platinum, unlike silver and gold, has never been used as money. Coins were made from this metal, which were not intended for use.

As for the differences between platinum and white gold, there are many:

  1. White gold is not a special type of metal, as many people think, but only with a ligature. Such an alloy, which looks like platinum, is obtained by combining gold with a white ligature (impurities) - silver, palladium, nickel and platinum. Also, rhodium plating is applied to jewelry made of such metal, giving the products a sophisticated look. White gold is graded according to the standard metric system. In most cases, such a metal has, but gold is also found in the jewelry industry with. As for platinum, its silvery gray shade with brilliance is natural, while gold is given this color by the composition of the ligature.
  2. Pure gold is soft, which explains its instability to deformation. As for platinum, this metal is also pure form characterized by excellent wear resistance and toughness. In addition, platinum does not react with other chemical elements and does not oxidize. All these qualities make it possible to use platinum in its pure form (sample 950) for the purpose of manufacturing jewelry. Gold used in the jewelry industry is never used in its pure form, but because of its softness and tendency to warp.
  3. Platinum, in comparison with gold, is characterized by better wear resistance. Jewelry made from this metal can keep its flawless quality for decades. appearance, while White gold may fade and even turn yellow. The latter is due to the abrasion of the rhodium plating. Platinum has attractive appearance throughout the entire period of operation, which cannot be said about gold.
  4. White gold causes allergies in some people, and all because of the content of palladium in its alloy. Platinum is a hypoallergenic metal that does not cause any negative effects when worn constantly in the form of jewelry.
  5. Platinum is an elite metal, which is 3 times, and jewelry from it emphasizes the well-being of its owner. In terms of price, white gold products are available to a wider audience. So, an ounce of platinum is $300 more expensive.
  6. In nature, platinum is found 30 times less often than gold. So, to extract an ounce of this metal, it is necessary to process 10 tons of ore, while three tons are enough to extract the same amount of gold. Because of this, the demand for platinum is many times greater than the supply, which explains the high cost of the metal.

And platinum

Distinguishing platinum from white gold is not easy. This is used by scammers who offer the buyer "platinum", which actually turns out to be white gold, the price of which is 2-3 times lower than that of platinum. In addition, this metal is also being replaced by silver and sold to customers at the price of platinum. Everyone should be aware that platinum, due to its high cost, is not used to make large jewelry. Therefore, if the seller offers to buy a weighty ring made of platinum, then the product is most likely a fake.

Platinum is sold only in elite jewelry stores that have been present on the relevant market for many years and have an impeccable reputation. If there is no certainty in the authenticity of the product, it is recommended to take it for examination, because only an assessment by an expert can guarantee one hundred percent authenticity of the metal.


A list of the 18 most expensive substances in the world that you might find useful. Suddenly, a pack of graphene falls out of someone's pocket, and you won't even know what it is. And most importantly - how much does it cost.

Let's start, as strange as it sounds, with the cheapest substance on this list - gold.

18. Gold - $56 per gram.

Gold has long been considered the most expensive thing on Earth. But its main value was that it could serve as a universal currency, liquid almost all over the world.

Besides traditional use in the jewelry industry, gold can be used as an electrical conductor and to prevent corrosion. Gold is a very heavy metal: density pure gold equal to 19 621 kg/m? (a ball of pure gold with a diameter of 46 mm has a mass of 1 kg).

Among metals, it ranks sixth in density: after osmium, iridium, rhenium, platinum and plutonium. The high density of gold makes it easier to mine. The simplest technological processes, such as, for example, flushing at locks, can provide very a high degree extracting gold from washed rock.

17. Rhodium - About $58 per gram.

Rhodium is used primarily in catalytic converters to reduce car carbon emissions. This metal does not play any biological role.

Rhodium compounds are quite rare in Everyday life and their impact on human body not fully explored. Despite this, they are highly toxic and carcinogenic substances. Rhodium salts can strongly stain human skin.

16. Platinum - about $60 per gram.

Platinum and its alloys are widely used for the production jewelry. Every year, the world jewelry industry consumes about 50 tons of platinum. At present, about 10 million platinum products with a total weight of about 25 tons are sold annually in China.

Russian demand for platinum jewelry is 0.1% of the world level. Platinum, gold and silver are the main metals that perform a monetary function. However, platinum began to be used for making coins several millennia later than gold and silver.

The world's first platinum coins were issued and were in circulation in Russian Empire from 1828 to 1845. The largest currently existing platinum nugget is the "Ural Giant" weighing 7 kg 860.5 g. It was discovered in 1904 at the Isovsky mine. Now it is kept in the Diamond Fund of the Moscow Kremlin.

15. Methamphetamine - $100 per gram.

Methamphetamine hydrochloride was produced in the USSR until the 1970s in the form of 3 mg tablets under the name Pervitin.

Methamphetamine is a psychostimulant with an extremely high additive potential, which is why it is widely used as a drug.

There are known cases of smoking methamphetamine hydrochloride crystals (“ice”, “ice”, “glass”), which are sometimes specially prepared for this purpose in the form of large crystals (rather than fine powder). This is the most additive application.

When properly dosed individually, methamphetamine reduces feelings of fatigue, induces a burst of energy, increases mental and physical performance, reduces the need for sleep, it allows you to work around the clock, which is often used by low-paid workers in Asia) and suppresses appetite.

14. Rhino Horn - $110 per gram

The horn is prized in Vietnam for its supposed ability to cure cancer. His medical application also includes the treatment of fevers and other illnesses.

If a rhinoceros horn is cut off or damaged, the animal will most likely not survive, but in young individuals it may grow back. No one knows what its real function is, although females whose horn has been removed, for some reason, completely stop looking after their offspring.

Rhinos are endangered, and this is primarily due to the huge demand for their horns. African rhinoceros horn is also highly valued in the Middle East, especially in Yemen, both for medical reasons and for traditional dagger hilts. Since 1970, 67,050 kg of rhinoceros horns have been imported into Yemen. With an average weight of 3 kg per horn, this means that 22,350 rhinos were killed.

13. Heroin - $131 per gram

High-quality heroin can cost up to $130 per gram. This opiate is injected, snorted and smoked to alter consciousness.

According to the data presented in the report of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) - at the end of 2009, Russia ranks first in the world in terms of the amount of heroin consumed. On average, the country consumes about 80 tons of the drug per year, which is 20% of the amount of heroin consumed in the world. Physicochemical characteristics: Pure substance - white crystalline powder. The crude product is a bitterish, grayish-brown powder in the form of small crystals with an unpleasant odor.

12. Cocaine - $215 per gram

Cocaine is a methyl ester of benzoylecgonine, a tropane alkaloid with local anesthetic and narcotic effects.

Along with other alkaloids, it is found in plants of the genus Erythroxylum, in particular: Coca bush (Erythroxylum coca), Erythroxylum laetevirens, etc. Cocaine is the second, after opiates, "problem drug", a narcotic substance, the abuse of which is a significant socio-economic problem .

Currently, cocaine is the most commonly used drug.

The popularity of this narcotic substance is due to its stimulating effect, improving mood and increasing efficiency. By itself, cocaine does not have a pronounced taste and smell, organoleptic properties are provided by the impurities present in the mixture.

World consumption of cocaine is estimated by experts at approximately 750 tons per year, and about a third of this volume falls on the United States, which are the largest consumers of this drug.

11. LSD - $3,000 grams

In crystalline form, it costs about $3,000 per gram. A psychoactive substance is legally classified as a drug in Russia.

Like most similar surfactants, LSD does not cause physical addiction. LSD is sensitive to oxygen, ultraviolet light and chlorine (if we are talking about a solution), but in the dark, at low humidity and low temperature, it can be stored for many years.

In its pure form, LSD is colorless, odorless, and slightly bitter in taste. It is usually consumed orally, for example, using a small piece of paper (“stamp”) soaked in a solution of a substance, or a piece of sugar, or in the form of gelatin.

In liquid form, LSD can be taken in the form of drops (hence the English expression"drop the acid" - literally "drop acid") or is administered by intramuscular or intravenous injection.

10 Plutonium - $4,000

Plutonium is a heavy basic chemical element that owes its origin to the "Big Bang" in the Universe.

Heavy brittle radioactive metal of silver-white color. In the periodic table, it is located in the actinide family. It is widely used in the production of nuclear weapons, nuclear fuel for civil and research nuclear reactors, and as an energy source for spacecraft.

Plutonium was very often used in nuclear bombs. historical fact is the dropping of a nuclear bomb on Nagasaki in 1945 by the United States. The bomb dropped on this city contained 6.2 kg of plutonium. The power of the explosion was 21 kilotons.

9 Painite - $9,000

Painite is a representative of rare minerals. For many years there were only three of its crystals.

Until 2005, about 25 crystals were found, most of the rocks were found in Burma. Initially, many of the known Painite crystals were in private collections, and the rest were divided between the British Museum of Natural History, the Gemological Institute of America, the California Institute of Technology and the Gemstone Research Laboratory in Lucerne (Switzerland). Listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the most rare mineral in the world.

8. Taffeite - $20,000

This mineral exists in several colors - from gray-violet to lilac, even colorless specimens have been found. It is a million times less common than diamonds. That is why little has been heard of him.

7 Tritium - $30,000

Industrial tritium is obtained by irradiating lithium-6 with neutrons in nuclear reactors according to the following reaction: It is used in military and civilian devices (compass illumination, lenses for reading maps in the dark), sights, watches, key fobs, emergency inscriptions such as "exit".

6. Diamonds - $55,000 per gram

Diamonds are the third most expensive substance in the world. Diamonds require specific conditions to form, so they can be found on earth in the lithosphere and on meteorites that fall to the ground. Despite the abundance of diamonds, people continue to appreciate it as a rare and expensive mineral.

5 California 252 - $60,000 per gram

Obtained artificially in 1950 by Seaborg's group at the University of California at Berkeley. The first solid compounds of California - 249Cf2O3 and 249CfOCl were obtained in 1958. The isotope 252Cf found the greatest application. It is used as a powerful neutron source in neutron activation analysis, in radiotherapy tumors. In addition, the 252Cf isotope is used in experiments to study spontaneous nuclear fission.

4. Americium - $140,000 per gram

Another transplutonium metal, with a very long half-life that can go up to 8,000 years.

Do not be afraid, americium-241 is most often used in production. It decays in 450 years, although we understand that this does not make it any easier for you. But this metal is extremely useful - equipment with americium-241 is also used to remove electrostatic charges with plastics, synthetic films and paper. It is also found inside some smoke detectors (~0.26 micrograms per detector).

3. Regolith (lunar soil) - $442,500 (per 0.6 g)

Regolith is what covers the surface of not only the Moon, but also all non-atmospheric planets.

Let's say the same Mars. But the Moon is the closest planet to us, which, theoretically, can be reached, and you can send lunar rovers there every week. What is regolith made of? Nothing remarkable: Ilmenite, Olivine, Anorthite, Pyroxene - all this can be found on Earth.

However, in 1993, at Sotheby’s, three “moon pebbles” with a total weight of 0.6 grams, brought to our planet by a Soviet research shuttle, were sold for $442,500. Why so expensive? So from the moon!

2. Graphene - $100 million (per sq. cm)

So you have to measure in centimeters. What it is? Two-dimensional allotropic modification of carbon, millions of times thinner than the thinnest human hair so it's hard to see her.

What the hell is he for? They say that on the basis of graphene it is possible to assemble a ballistic transistor, use it in supercapacitors to obtain rechargeable current sources and manufacture LEDs. Recently, Novoselov told and showed in pictures how you can get graphene at home, so if you want to get rich quick, look for instructions on the Internet.

1 Antimatter - $62.5 trillion per gram

The most expensive substance worth $62.5 trillion is antimatter or antimatter. In fact, its price is not calculable. When meeting with ordinary matter, it explodes, turning into light, so it is practically impossible to save it in anything.

However, during the experiment, scientists created antiprotons at the CERN accelerator and locked them in a vacuum chamber. At the same time, positrons were created using radioactive material, which were placed in another chamber. By combining them, antihydrogen was created.

1 ton of antimatter per year would cover the energy needs of the entire planet. $62.5 trillion is worth one gram of antihydrogen produced by today's methods.

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Many have wondered what more expensive platinum or gold? The answer to this question should be sought in several components. History attributes the discovery of platinum to the Spanish conquistadors.

When gold was mined, grayish inclusions came across in it, which were difficult to separate from the main fraction due to high refractoriness. At first, the material was thrown into the river as unnecessary. Only after a while this admixture was appreciated.

In translation, the word platinum means silver. This is due to the external similarity of both metals. Another name for platinum is bad silver. Incredibly, it was also called rotten gold, because it was considered to be a second-rate unnecessary impurity.

Extraction and use of platinum

The largest deposits of this unique metal are in Russia. It owns 95% of the world's production of the precious metal. Platinum does not occur in its pure form in nature. Production is carried out by processing ore, which contains compounds of platinum with other elements. During technological operations, the rock is divided into fractions. And thus get pure material.

The first developments began in the Urals. Today, industrial mining of a precious mineral continues, which, thanks to unique properties found wide application in various branches of human activity. The properties of the metal - high refractoriness, endurance, hypoallergenicity, strength - made platinum the most demanded precious metal in technology and medicine.

She gained the greatest popularity in electronics. This is due to the high thermal conductivity of this element. The extensive use of rotten gold has found application in industries such as:

  • Technics;
  • medicine (for the treatment of cancer, in dental prosthetics);
  • in the production of fuel as a catalyst for chemical reactions;
  • in the jewelry sector;
  • in the banking business.

The high cost of the material is determined by a number of factors:

TO listed properties it is worth adding that pure metal does not cause allergic reaction. These qualities distinguish platinum from gold.

The small resources discovered by geologists make it necessary to purchase platinum in order to create reserves. Russia became the initiator of the use of this metal in banking operations.

Small deposits in nature and high price created a demand that far outstrips supply. Today, investing in banking platinum (or jewelry) is considered one of the most successful in the world.

However, the habit and the fact that most world currencies are directly related to the value of gold, and not platinum, has led to a situation where gold is considered the main store of value in the world. Most countries create and accumulate their gold and foreign exchange reserves. The latter is also supported by the low demand for industrial production. In fairness, it should be noted that in the world market, platinum more expensive than gold almost 2 times. The latter belongs to only 3rd place in the price ranking, after palladium and platinum.

jewelry sphere

Pure platinum has become a good raw material for making jewelry. This is a 950 sample, which means only 5% impurities in the product. But in the jewelry industry, an alloy of 2 components is often used - platinum with gold. Such a connection is characterized by increased strength. Pure metal has a richer gray tint. The alloy is much lighter, its color can be called almost white. Experts call this metal white gold - this is the most expensive jewelry material.

This is what is used when working with diamonds. handsome noble White color with a metallic sheen favorably sets off exquisite beauty faces precious stones which is essential for any piece of jewelry. This is a significant advantage of platinum over gold, which yellow slightly obscures the beauty of the diamond itself. In addition to the aesthetic side, a practical factor is also taken into account - strength. Such a setting securely holds the diamond, preventing it from falling out even with strong interference, and it is impossible to scratch the product.

The jewelry business actively sells jewelry made of white and yellow gold. Before making a choice - white or yellow gold, it is worth realistically assessing your financial capabilities.

The high cost explains the low popularity of platinum jewelry. Only very wealthy people can afford jewelry from this "silver". And the combination of white and yellow metal makes the jewel more expensive than usual.

Why are “bad silver” items so expensive:

The modern consumer is well versed in the intricacies of the jewelry business. The fact that white gold is more expensive has long been known. True, few people knew the reason for this state of affairs. Information about the formation of prices for precious metals, as well as an understanding of what constitutes white and yellow gold, will help you even better navigate this area and understand which gold is better to buy.

Have you ever wondered what is more expensive than platinum or gold and what this price depends on? What affects it and can it change?
Undoubtedly, both metals are precious and profitable for financial investments, but it is generally accepted that platinum is more expensive. What determines its value and whether it has always been highly valued, we will consider in more detail.

The value of platinum and gold

Interestingly, the value of platinum was not initially recognized. In the 16th century in Colombia, Spanish conquerors discovered strange metal particles that had a grayish tint and were difficult to separate due to their high strength. These particles were called platinum, which means “silver” in translation, silver of dubious quality, not to mention gold. In addition, at that time it was believed that there should be no metal heavier than noble gold, the most expensive at that time. Later, the value of platinum was revised, and it was recognized for those qualities that were previously a disadvantage - refractoriness and strength. Being a pure material, it absolutely does not cause allergic reactions.
To answer that platinum or gold is more expensive, it is worth noting that the prevalence of the metal affects the cost. Platinum, according to official data, is found ten times less often than gold. To extract 30 grams of expensive metal, ten tons of ore will need to be processed, for gold the figure is three tons. 200 tons of white metal and 2500 tons of yellow are mined per year. In addition to prevalence, the cost of production affects the cost of the precious metal. Platinum is higher.

An important criterion that platinum or gold is more expensive is their use. So, white metal, in addition to jewelry, is widely used in engineering, medicine, oil refining and the automotive industry. Platinum-iride electrodes are simply indispensable for maintaining the life of people with diseases of the cardiac system. Gold is used in electronics, but is not as widely and valuable as the white metal. V Lately In China, there is a strong demand for platinum in the automotive industry and this is affecting global consumption.

In order to answer the question of the cost of a precious metal, one should take into account the fact that platinum or gold is heavier? White metal is heavier. Thus, a piece of platinum jewelry weighing 16 grams will be 6 grams more massive than the same piece, but made of gold.
What better gold or platinum for jewelry making? Of course, platinum is the most wear-resistant material. The yellow precious metal can be damaged, scratched, with white - this will not happen. Platinum jewelry is stronger and contains 95% pure metal. However, their processing is harder, which also affects the cost.

Is the price of precious metals constant?

The cost of any precious metals is unstable and depends on many factors.
What is considered to be the basis of pricing? Gold is affected by the London Fixing, which has been performing this task for more than one century. Twice a day the rate for metal changes - in the morning and in the afternoon. The cost is formed on the basis of data on supply and demand of five world banks.
The price of these two metals has always been ambiguous and their value fluctuated constantly, either gold became more expensive, or platinum. There are many reasons and factors contributing to this. Often, when asked what is more expensive than platinum or gold, the answers were different. Sometimes these indicators changed every few years, but there were also more frequent changes in priorities.

What affects the price of precious metals

During the Olympics in Moscow, the cost of platinum jumped up sharply - this was due to the fact that special commemorative coins made from platinum were issued.

Another factor affecting the cost and popularity of precious metals is the gold standard. As you know, it exists in the yellow metal and the reform of the existing long-term system is not yet foreseen.

The white metal market is oligopolistic. About 90% of the total volume is mined in South Africa and the Russian Federation. This is not the case with gold, and for this reason it should by all accounts be less valuable than platinum.

An important factor is financial crisis, which had a strong impact on the value and price ratio of platinum and gold. So, for the first time, a sharp collapse in the cost of white metal, which was almost twice as expensive as yellow metal, occurred during August 2008. He lost 2/3 of the value. Then, platinum took a leading position until 2011, when, due to the highest credit rating of America, there was again a sharp decline in value. In the summer of 2012, the difference between gold and platinum increased dramatically, in favor of the former.

Historically, under the condition of a stable world economy - platinum is more expensive, when crisis situations, it is rapidly falling in price, as it is used mainly in industry.

Price fluctuations for precious metals

The first thing to note as a fundamental factor in price fluctuations for precious metals is seasonal demand. How it works? All kinds of holidays: New Year, Thanksgiving in the USA, the Autumn Festival in India (this country is the largest producer of gold jewelry) - all this gives rise to a seasonal increase in demand and, as a result, an increase in prices.
An unstable exchange rate is also the reason for fluctuations in prices for precious metals. For example, the import of gold into our country is growing every year, and the cost of one gram is determined in dollars. The Central Bank of Russia is forced to include in it the costs of transportation, payment customs duties. In connection with recent events in 2014-2015, when the dollar was rapidly growing upwards, the price of the yellow metal also increased sharply, at the same time exceeding the cost of platinum.

Thus, the price of precious metals is closely related to the dollar exchange rate. He, in turn, often changes, it is influenced by political events, natural disasters and even speeches by party leaders.

Inflation is another factor causing precious metals prices to fluctuate. Experts consider it - basic. What does inflation lead to? To the fact that unsecured money (fiat) is issued. At the same time, the amount of mined metal is preserved, which leads to an increase in its value. The more fiat money is issued, the higher the value of gold and platinum will be.

What is the best investment

The difference between these two precious metals is big, and there are more pluses on the side of platinum. However, it is less used as an investment vehicle. The habit factor comes into play here, the yellow metal is initially associated with wealth and luxury, which is why most people prefer it. Platinum is more industrial than investment. But as practice shows, everything can change.

What is more expensive platinum or gold in 2016

If you follow the course of these metals since the 2000s, you will notice that the price tag of gold is rapidly creeping up, only sometimes deviating from the course, this is especially noticeable during times of crisis. Platinum is less stable in this regard, having peaked in 2000-2008, its value dropped sharply after August 2008 and since then it has held its position at the average level.

Starting from 2014, there has been a significant increase in prices for platinum, this is due to the fact that the demand in the industry for this material is increasing every year, and its reserves, unfortunately, are exhausted. These indicators are influenced by the Eurozone debt crisis and the situation around the world. Experts note that these figures will grow in the future, which makes platinum a profitable investment.

For 2016, the cost of platinum per gram is 2200 rubles, gold costs 2800. Obviously a big difference between metals. It is worth recalling that these are average data that are constantly changing, especially in an unstable world situation. Definitely, it is impossible to answer that platinum or gold is more expensive, a large number of factors affect this value. If we talk about value, then the championship belongs to platinum, and the cost, as practice shows, can change and already white metal will become much more expensive and more profitable for financial investments.

Buying precious metals is one of the best options financial investments. At the same time, one must take into account various factors, to trace the dynamics, the rise in prices for the metal and the demand for it, so that investments are the most profitable and increase capital.

Platinum is a brightly sparkling silver-colored metal that occupies a special place among the precious metals. It is thirty times rarer than gold. To extract one ounce of platinum (31.1 grams), you need to process about ten tons of ore. It takes only three tons to extract the same amount of gold. Even the ancient Egyptians used platinum three thousand years ago to make jewelry.

South American civilizations, even older than the Incas, also knew this metal, from which they made nose rings and other jewelry. Platinum got its name from the Spanish conquerors. They called her platina del pinto. In the seventeenth century, conquistadors found a silver plate (Plata in Spanish) in the Pinto River in Peru. Considering that it was unripe gold, they threw it back into the water.

In the eighteenth century, when scientists discovered that it was a rare precious metal, platinum became the metal of kings and popes. First of all, the Russian tsars adorned themselves with platinum items and minted a large number of platinum coins in the nineteenth century. Today platinum, thanks to its outstanding chemical properties, is used primarily in the automotive industry for the manufacture of catalysts. Therefore, as the economic crisis was overcome, platinum prices went up again steeply.

As the crisis reached its depth, the prices of gold and silver soared, while the price of platinum collapsed due to the recession. Reason: More than half of the yearly production of platinum is bought for the automotive industry, whose turnover has fallen to fifty percent. If in the summer of 2008 the price per ounce of platinum reached more than $2,000, then in October 2009 it was only $800. On November 4, 2010, an ounce of platinum rose to $1,752 and an ounce of gold reached $739. Obviously, platinum is again much more expensive than gold.

However, specialists see a big upside potential for platinum as the economic situation improves.

As sellers of noble metals report, the demand for platinum coins is growing noticeably. With respect to gold and silver coins, platinum - a real exotic. Basically, they are minted in minimum quantities. Due to their rarity, they are of interest both to those who invest in them and to collectors.

One of the first platinum coins to invest in was the Noble from the Isle of Man. With the same motif (Viking ship), the one ounce coin was issued between 1983 and 1990. The most famous coins that are profitable for investment are Maple Leaf from Canada and Eagle from the USA.

How small the circulation of platinum coins is, the example of the Britannia coin from England shows: worldwide there are only 250 half-ounce and one ounce pieces, 500 one-fourth ounce coins and 750 one-tenth ounce coins. A set of four coins is a desirable target for investors and collectors.

Platinum versions also exist among common commemorative coins. The most recent example is Discover Australia, which is inspired by animal world Australia.

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