Folder "Healthy Lifestyle". Folder for raising a healthy child in the family

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To develop a healthy lifestyle, it is necessary to tell your child about disease prevention and provide basic information about medications and diseases. Once a child has been ill, he will learn to compare the state of a healthy and a sick person. A child should know what health is and what illness is. It is useful to give children the opportunity to exchange experiences, tell each other what they know about diseases, how they felt when they had a sore throat, stomach, or headache. You need to tell your child about the many reasons that lead to illness and how to avoid illness. It can be difficult to convince a child to wash his hands before eating, not to put icicles in his mouth, not to eat snow, not to sit for a long time before computer games or in front of the TV, etc. It is difficult for a child to understand the connection between the disease and its causes; teaching him to take care of his body and not harming it is extremely important.

It is useful to introduce the child to the profession of a doctor and talk about how a doctor helps people become healthy.

What to tell your child

You've probably heard adults say: "Doctors are our friends." Explain this expression.

Tell your child about Dr. Neboleyko. He heals people and knows a lot about diseases. Using a microscope, he studies the smallest organisms that are invisible to the human eye - microbes. Using a microscope, you can see many microbes in a drop of dirty water. If you drink this water, you can get sick. Microbes are dangerous because they are found everywhere and, when entering the human body, can cause illness. But, fortunately, our body is able to protect itself from this.

Firstly, our entire body is covered with skin. The skin protects the body from external influences. A lot of germs accumulate on our hands, because we touch objects with them on the street, in places. Where there are a lot of people, we pet our pet animals.

Doctor Nebolyko's rules:

  • do not rub your eyes with dirty hands;
  • do not put your fingers in your mouth;
  • when coming home from the street, wash your hands;
  • wash your hands before eating.

Secondly, the human body has a protective mechanism - immunity. But a weak body also has a weak immune system.

To strengthen your immune system, follow Dr. Neboleyko’s rules:

  • keep a daily routine;
  • maintain hygiene, keep things and your room clean and tidy;
  • temper yourself: take air and sunbathing, in summer, swim in the river, lake, sea; do gymnastics, etc.

Thirdly, a person himself must take care of his health. Dr. Neboleyko warns: when coughing and sneezing, tiny particles of saliva fly out of a person’s mouth. A person with the flu releases a virus (the source of the disease) through their coughs and sneezes, which is transmitted through the air. This is why you should wear hygiene mask to avoid getting infected.

Hygiene rules:

  • Be sure to wash your hands before eating.
  • Wash your face and brush your teeth in the morning and evening.
  • Keep your body clean, harden yourself.
  • Never eat snow or icicles - take care of your throat.
  • Don't eat from someone else's plate.
  • Don’t finish eating or drinking someone else’s food.
  • After handling animals, be sure to wash your hands.
  • Keep your things clean.
  • If you are sick, do not be afraid to call a doctor - he will quickly cure you.
  • If there is a sick person at home, wear a mask.
  • Don't pick anything up from the ground.

Read to your child K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Doctor Aibolit.” Play the game “Heal Your Favorite Toy.” Read poems and solve riddles together.

Poems, riddles about health:

Doctor, doctor, what should we do:
To wash your ears or not to wash them?
If you wash, then what should we do:
Wash often or less often?..
The doctor answers: - HEDGEHOG!
The doctor answers angrily:
- EVERY-EVERY-DAY! (E. Moshkovskaya)

He will cure measles, and bronchitis, and sore throat,
Prescribe pills and vitamins. (Doctor)

Questions and tasks

Have you ever had to see a doctor? Tell me about it. Where does the doctor work? What does the doctor look like and what does he wear? How did he examine you and treat you? What medical instruments did you use?

Think and answer the questions.

Why can't you eat with dirty hands?
- Why should you use a tissue or turn away from those who are nearby when coughing or sneezing?
- Why are flies called disease carriers?
- Is it possible to drink water from a pond?

Each doctor has his own specialization. Continue the sentences:

- The doctor who treats colds, heart disease and others internal organs, called... (therapist).

– A doctor who treats bruises, fractures, and performs operations is called... (surgeon).

– A doctor who treats eye diseases is called... (ophthalmologist).

– A doctor who treats diseases of the ears, nose and throat is called... (ENT).

- A doctor who treats teeth is called... (dentist).

- The doctor is helped by... (nurse).

– A doctor who treats animals is called... (veterinarian).

MBDOU kindergarten No. 3 “Alyonushka”.

Movable folder " Healthy image life."

Prepared by teacher: Papkova N.S.

2016-2017 academic year

Children, as you know, are a product of their environment - it shapes their consciousness and habits. Therefore, a healthy lifestyle must be formed starting from childhood: care about own health as a core value will become a natural form of behavior. So what is health? It would seem that the simplest answer should be that health is the absence of disease. But this is not enough to explain to a child. Health is happiness! Health is when you are cheerful and everything works out for you. Everyone needs health - children, adults, and even animals. In developing concepts about a healthy lifestyle, you need to make it clear to children what they need to do to be healthy? You need to want and be able to take care of your health. If you don't take care of your health, you can lose it. The concept of a healthy lifestyle includes many aspects.

This is, firstly: adherence to the daily routine. IN kindergarten the regime is observed, since this is one of the important conditions ensuring the activities of the preschool institution. But at home, the routine is not always followed; children need to be taught to go to bed early and get up early. Secondly: these are cultural and hygienic skills. Children must be able to wash themselves correctly, know why they need to do it: to be clean, to look good, to feel pleasant and have healthy skin, to be hardened, to wash away germs. To consolidate skills, it is recommended to use artistic expression and dramatizations. game situations.

Wash yourself with soap!

Do not be lazy!

Don't slip out, don't get angry!

Why did you fall again?

I'll wash you first.

About microbes:

A microbe is a terribly harmful animal,

Insidious and most importantly ticklish.

Such an animal in the stomach

He climbs in and lives there quietly.

The scoundrel will climb in wherever he wants

Walks around the patient and tickles him.

He is proud that he is causing so much trouble:

And a runny nose, and sneezing and sweating.

Did you children wash your hands before dinner?

Oh, brother Fox, you look like you have a cold.

Wait a minute, your forehead is hot.

There must be a microbe inside you!

Together with your children, consider situations of protection from germs and draw a conclusion that children should learn well: do not eat or drink outside; Always wash your hands with soap when returning from the street, before eating, after using the toilet. Invite children to count how many times a day they have to wash their hands; eat only washed vegetables and fruits; when you sneeze or cough, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue; eat only from clean dishes. Thirdly: this is gymnastics, motor activity, hardening and outdoor games. If a person plays sports, he will live longer. "Take care of your health from a young age." Children need to know why they say this. Be sure to do gymnastics daily. Fourth: food culture. Playing out the situations “Visiting Mishutka” and “Winnie the Pooh visiting the Rabbit”, looking at and discussing pictures for the games: “Beware of the virus”, “Be healthy!”. Tell children that vegetables and fruits contain a lot of vitamins A, B, C, D, what foods contain them and what they are needed for.

For better memorization You can use a literary word.

I never lose heart

And a smile on your face

Because I accept

Vitamins A, B, C.

It is very important early in the morning

Eat oatmeal at breakfast.

Black bread is good for us

And not just in the morning.

Remember the simple truth,

Only the one who sees better

Who chews raw carrots,

Or drinks carrot juice.

For colds and sore throats

Oranges help.

Well, it's better to eat a lemon,

Although it is very sour.

Games based on the Basics of a Safe Life and the Rules help in creating a culture of a healthy lifestyle Road Traffic. Just talking about the importance of health is not enough; it is necessary to take daily, albeit small, but certainly numerous steps. Then a healthy foundation will certainly be formed on which a beautiful building can be built in the future. human life. So let's start from the very beginning early years teach our children to take care of their health and take care of it! "Movement is the basis of health."

Everyone knows how important movement is in human life. But the distance between knowledge and practice is often very large. Meanwhile, it is also known that people who train their muscular system even if very small, but necessarily through daily activity, they are much less susceptible to accidents and illnesses. Statistical data from the practice of children's doctors, medical commissions and insurance companies indicate the extreme importance of movement and proper nutrition in the lives of children and adults. Very simple, non-boring advice for parents on the problem: “Movement and health” Human brain This is especially true for unconscious thinking, which is saturated with impressions. In the future, 80% of our activities are guided by this unconscious experience. Therefore, educating children about their needs plays an extremely important role. healthy body, education, training, both in kindergarten and in the family. It is necessary to explain to children the significance of not only certain actions and habits, but this is the main thing - to set their own example. Do morning exercises, move more, engage in physical activity and sports, lead a healthy lifestyle, attract active actions children and they will grow up to be healthy and prosperous people. Parents are an unquestioned authority for children, they will accept them as role models. From an early age, teach your children to take care of their health and take care of it. Joint activities unite and unite children and adults. The position of parents largely determines the attitude of children towards physical culture and sports. If adults lead a healthy lifestyle, regularly perform at least the simplest physical exercises with their children, are active and easy-going, this is “fertile soil” on which good seedlings will sprout - strong, healthy, those who love physical education children. Just talking about the importance of health is not enough. We must take daily, albeit small, but certainly numerous steps. Then a healthy foundation will certainly be formed on which a beautiful edifice of human life can be built in the future. Participate more often in physical education and sports activities held in kindergarten. Children enjoy the presence of adults and are proud of their parents. Sports holidays, in which family teams compete, unite the family, bring a lot of joy and are remembered by adults and children for a long time. Organize holidays for your children at home; spare no time or effort. All this will pay off in the health of your child, his active life-affirming position, and further success in life. Better days holding - Saturday, Sunday, holidays, vacations, vacation. Anyone can command: mother, father, grandfather, grandmother, son or daughter, aunt, uncle, etc. You can divide the “periods”, and then everyone is responsible for their own “event”, their own period of time. In the morning, while still in bed, do a few muscle stretching exercises: - Lie on your back, stretching your legs and arms, stretch your whole body; - Tighten your feet and toes; - Moving your hands far behind your head, straighten your palms, stretch out your fingers, inhale; - Then relax, moving your arms along your body, and exhale. It is good to accompany the exercise with thoughts or words, saying them in a whisper or out loud: “ Good morning! How good! I am well! Everyone is healthy! I love my family!" - From the same starting position, placing your arms bent at the elbows under your head, stretching your legs (you can hook your toes on the headboard of the bed or hide them under a folded blanket), do several half-lifts of the upper body, without lifting your legs from the bed. - Lying on your back, arms straight along your body, or elbows bent under your head, raise your legs up several times, trying to make a “right angle.” - Continuing to lie on your back, perform several rotational movements with your palms and feet in one direction and the other. - From a lying position on your back, with your arms and legs stretched out, roll over onto one side, onto your back, onto the other side, onto your stomach. - From the starting position, lying on your stomach, stretching out your arms and legs, make a “boat”, bending in your back, lift your head, upper body, legs. Say: “Okay! Very good!" Stand up. It is worth repeating the exercises from two to four times with a smile and good mood. The general uplifting command coming from the other room is very invigorating, uniting the whole family general idea, common action, common cheerful mood saturate everyone positive emotions. "Hello everybody! Hello everyone!"

Joint gymnastics in a large room or hallway - what could be better?! The exercises are the simplest and accessible to all family members from the smallest to the largest. Improvisations and imitative movements are especially good. Shower! From this morning procedure Everyone, especially children, will enjoy a real fun water holiday. Now for a delicious breakfast! After all, this is the most important meal of the day. That's why we don't eat breakfast on the go. A beautifully set table, favorite dishes, loved ones - how wonderful it is! Over breakfast we have peaceful conversations about the day ahead, including the needs of the body. Then all sorts of calm, active yard games, initiated by all family members. Grandparents will offer to play old folk games, dad and mom - in the games of their childhood, children - in modern outdoor games. It will be interesting and useful for everyone. Play games such as: “Forfeits”, “Don’t say yes and no”, “Loto”, “Burners”, “Salki”, “Kvach”, “Zhmurki”, “Hide and Seek”, “Cossacks-Robbers”, “ Freeze", "Colors". From home to the street, to nature. A walk or excursion, a trip, a hike, a visit to cultural and entertainment institutions, parks, children's attractions, and theaters are required. Talking about the beneficial effects of nature and recreation on health is helpful. You can have lunch at the point Catering. It is pleasant and interesting, and contributes to the social and communicative development of children. Sit on a bench, admire the sky, river, trees, flowers, etc., breathe calmly - it is so peaceful, promotes relaxation, deep rest. You can still move actively. Or visit the cinema. It is important that during the day the child performs various exercises: stretch, and then relax your muscles, and you will have a feeling of warmth throughout your whole body, tense your back muscles, bring your shoulder blades together and spread them apart, stand straight, lower and raise your head several times and you will have beautiful posture. In the evening there is a communal dinner at home, hygiene procedures, calmer game, family reading (better than fairy tales or entertaining stories- everyone loves them). If you can’t watch an interesting program together without TV, but not for long, it’s harmful for children. Children going to bed. " Good night! It’s very good if the children sing a lullaby and sit next to him with kind words– such moments are remembered for a lifetime, they convince the child of his own security and importance for the family, awaken peace of mind in him, improve health, help him to be confident and successful. Be healthy!

The process of maintaining health and strengthening a child’s immunity in preschool age is a decisive stage in the formation of a healthy personality. This is exactly what time is running enhanced formation of organs, on which, in fact, depends future life little man. Therefore, maintaining a healthy lifestyle in kindergarten plays vital role in child development.

Recent research results have clearly shown a trend towards deterioration in physical and mental health children. Children, after kindergarten, come to school unprepared for even minor loads. Surely, you yourself have often come across information in the media about quite frequent cases sharp feeling unwell or even fatal outcome in physical training classes.

In addition, scientists note that children's body should develop to the maximum ideal conditions. Therefore, they strongly recommend buying only high-quality products for them: personal hygiene products, food, toys, dishes, vitamins, medicines.

iHerb online store is a real find in this plan. Millions of parents from all over the world shop there. Me too

Preschool age- one of the shortest in a person’s life. Until the age of 7, a person goes through a large stage of his development, which will never be repeated in his entire life.

TO good habits, preservation and promotion of health are the main tasks of the institution where the child spends maximum amount time - in kindergarten.

The health improvement of kindergarten students should be carried out not only by teachers, educators, and psychologists. This is a large chain where parents must join and work in tandem with teachers.

First of all, their parents should bet on this.

10 health conditions

  1. Staying outdoors.
  2. Variety of food in kindergarten(vegetables, fruits, cereals, dairy products) without any coercion.
  3. Hardening children.
  4. Unlimited movement and cognition of objects.
  5. Personal hygiene skills. Best served personal example(, hand washing, washing, bathing, changing linen).
  6. Physical exercise. Of course, here it is better not to duplicate such forms of activity as running, jumping, etc. This is all inherent in the child himself, without outside help. Exercises, gymnastics, dancing, all kinds of relay races, active games- these are all aspects of a healthy lifestyle used in kindergarten. Therefore, it is extremely bad if such a position is lost on a day off. It is not good to show that rest can consist of lying on the sofa or sleeping for a long time. Physical exercise provide an opportunity to learn how to control your body. They lead to improved appetite and normalization of metabolism.
  7. Planning and maintaining the daily routine in kindergarten. A rational regimen helps all organs work according to the regimen. The day should be spent on natural needs (sleep, food) and involved in various labor processes, help to master skills.
  8. Calm. There are 2 aspects here. Calm should reign in the family and remain in kindergarten. The child must know that he is welcome and loved at home, then he will be able to cope with any task. As for the preschool, for peace and quiet there is a psychologist who will help resolve difficult situations.
  9. Educational games, interesting stories about the good and the bad with a summary. In addition to games for physical development, play .
  10. Love.

Some kindergartens have conversations with parents and jointly choose recreational activities aimed at maintaining health. This really shows the connection and contact in the circuit kindergarten-parents. Do not forget that the preschool institution itself cannot show constant initiative; for many things it requires permission and the approving look of the parents.

Health improvement in kindergarten

  • Morning exercises.
  • Walks and excursions (in the warm season, in nature, use children's organic products from insects).
  • Sleeping on orthopedic mattresses.
  • Vitamin and herbal teas.
  • Thoughtful nutrition, including natural vitamin supplements.
  • Didactic games that promote knowledge of the basics of a healthy lifestyle and its.

The main purpose of such preschool institutions, like kindergartens, is to ensure that children have a correct and careful attitude towards their health, to develop reaction speed, agility, strength and speed, to teach them to regulate their emotional state, to accept correct solution, guarantee qualified diagnosis of the child’s health condition.

The introduction of a healthy lifestyle in kindergarten gives rise to production human values in children, such as health, self-responsibility, choice correct behavior in various life situations.

Nomination " Teacher's methodical piggy bankelementary school"

Educational work on education healthy child in family. Contents of the moving folder.

Appeal to parents

The health of the child is probably the most important desire of every parent, because if child health violated and he is sick, then neither his career nor his money is a joy. How to keep your child healthy? you can read on these pages.

Dear parents, as you know, it is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. In matters of prevention there should be A complex approach. Caring for the development and health of a child begins in the family.

The characteristic feature of diseases called childhood infections is that they are usually contracted in childhood. Acute childhood infections include: measles, rubella, scarlet fever, diphtheria, whooping cough, mumps, chicken pox and polio.

Preventing infections is the main principle of maintaining children's health.

If your child is sick and his behavior changes: he cries, does not play and refuses food. Don't be upset and consult a doctor immediately.

Don't self-medicate! At the first symptomsillness - consult a doctor!

Commandments for parents

  1. Never start educational activities in a bad mood.
  2. Clearly define what you want from your child and explain it to him, and also find out what he thinks about it.
  3. Give your child independence, educate him, but do not control his every step.
  4. Don't miss the moment when your first success is achieved.
  5. Praise your child for every successful step he takes, praise consistently and accurately.
  6. Point out the mistake he made, immediately evaluate the action and pause so that the child realizes what he heard.
  7. Evaluate the action, not the person. The essence of a person and his individual actions are not the same thing.
  8. Let your child feel (smile, touch him), sympathize with him, believe in him, despite his mistakes. Make it clear (but don't have to say it) that when this unpleasant conversation is over, the incident will be over.
  9. The teacher must be unshakable, but kind. Everything has its time. Need to be able to apply different methods in accordance with specific situation. Then education will be timely.

Teaching children to breathe correctly

Significant place in health work must occupy breathing exercises and breathing exercises.

Goals of breathing exercises:

1. Teach children to breathe properly through their nose.

2. Have a positive influence on nervous system, on metabolic processes, improve the drainage function of the lungs and bronchi.

3. Correct spinal deformity and chest, developing as a result frequent illnesses child.

4. Increase the overall tone of the body.

5. Increase lung volume and restore full external breathing.

It is advisable to make complexes of breathing and health exercises the content of awakening gymnastics, morning exercises, introduce physical education classes.

Breathing exercises

1. " horse" Click your tongue (slowly at first, then faster); quiet, louder), 15-30 seconds.

2. " Crow" Exclaim “Car-r-r-r.” Do the same without opening your mouth, silently, loudly (6-8 times).

3. " Ring" Moving the tip of your tongue along the palate, push it as deep as possible. Learn to do it slowly, with closed mouth, up to 30 seconds.

4. " Well-fed lion" Reach your tongue to your chin (6-8 times).

5. “Learn to yawn.” Loud - silent (“o-ho-ho”) (5-6 times).

6. " tube" Fold your lips into a tube, make circular movements clockwise and counterclockwise, reach your nose, your chin.

7. " I am laughing" In front of the mirror, wink at yourself, smile, press the tip of your nose, laugh without opening your mouth (air comes out through your nose).

Immune gymnastics

To perform this gymnastics you need 12-15 minutes, it is advisable perform at home before and after sleep.

1. Place one hand on the forehead, the other on the back of the head - hold for 1 minute.

2. Pinch the edge of the ear, from top to bottom (three times).

3. Lightly stroke behind the ears along the line of the cervical lymph nodes (three times).

4. Breathe through one nasal cavity alternately (three times).

5. “Turning on” - one hand on the umbilical ring while performing the exercises:

a) index finger over upper lip, middle under the lower lip(“Brushing teeth” - 30 seconds, change hands),
b) big and index fingers one hand on the immune points (lower edge of the second rib), massage for 30 seconds, change hands;
c) massage the sacrum with a fist for 3 seconds, change hands.

6. The right palm touches the left thigh, the left palm touches the right (marching) - 8 times.

7. The elbow of the right (left) hand touches the opposite thigh - 8 times.

8. “Shake the dust out from under your knees” with both hands (30 seconds).

Prevention of flat feet

1. It is necessary to carry out general hardening of the body.

2. Walk without spreading your toes too wide.

3. Shoes must fit tightly around the foot and have small heel(1/14 foot length).

4. Walking barefoot on soft ground and on uneven surfaces is beneficial.

5. Walking barefoot on a log, climbing a rope, and balance exercises with support on one leg also contribute to this.

Tips for parents on organizing their daily routine

  1. In order to wake up your child in the morning, you don’t need an alarm clock: scientists are convinced that any melody in the morning creates stressful situation. It is the biological clock that wakes a person up. After getting enough sleep, the child will wake up on his own.
  2. It is important for the moral health of the child that the parents stand up first. Anyone who wakes up his child must use sweet words and adds his kiss to them.
  3. A very important manifestation of parents’ concern for the child’s morning hygiene. The child should come to school washed and with brushed teeth.
  4. Leaving the house in the morning without having breakfast is very harmful; at this time, after rising, all human organs begin to function.
  5. The best way to create positive emotional mood for the day - a kiss and affectionate words: “Good luck to you”, “Goodbye”, etc.

This tradition among adults in the family shows care and mutual respect between family members, instills in the child the same attitude towards the older generation and eliminates fears that in the future the child will not kiss them “once again.”

Dear parents!

There are things in life that cannot be compared in price to anything else. One of them - children's health. It is very important to teach your child to value health and treat their safety accordingly.

1. Do not leave children unattended! Keep your children safe by following the rules safe behavior at home.

2. Develop safe behavior culture skills in children by demonstratingon by example caution when handling fire, gas, water, household chemicals, medications.

3. Take a few minutes to straight Talk with kids. Remember, these minutes are measured at the cost of life. And to prevent trouble from happening, you need to give children clear knowledge and skills on how to act in a given situation.

4. You must know about every step of your child, because you are responsible for her health, upbringing and life.

Do not let children:

  • use matches, open fire, electric and gas appliances;
  • approach broken electrical wires and touch unfamiliar objects;
  • walk independently in the forest, go to bodies of water;
  • take medications yourself;
  • collect and eat wild berries and mushrooms;

Remember! The lives of our children depend only on ourselves!

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