How to apologize to a guy for the words he said. Forgiveness through telephone messages. Never apologize for nothing

Many girls will now be indignant, quoting the French wisdom: “If a woman is wrong, ask her for forgiveness.”

That is, in any case, in their opinion and the opinion of lovers of frog legs, a man should ask for forgiveness. But, if you consider yourself not against the background Eiffel Tower, but in Russian reality, where a woman is both “into a burning hut” and “a galloping horse,” the rules change. It turns out that we are not only equal in rights, but also equally guilty. This means that we bear the same responsibility for the consequences as men.

The Art of Reconciliation

A short preface. It has long been proven that only strong-willed and a confident person.

For him, admitting his mistake is not humiliation and not a reason to crawl on his knees. He simply admits his mistake, realizing that those who do nothing are not mistaken.

A person obsessed with inferiority complexes will never be able to admit his guilt. He will be afraid to seem funny and weak.

First, convince yourself that you do not admit defeat, do not kneel, but simply realize that you were wrong and want to tell the person who suffered from it. Your goal is to apologize to the guy beautifully, so as not to lose the relationship, without asking, without crying, but by allowing yourself to be forgiven.

Try to explain to him that no one is immune from mistakes, but not everyone can admit them. And you admit it!

Turn the situation around so that you come out of it, if not a winner, then at least not a loser. To do this, you need to be able to ask for forgiveness beautifully.

Beautiful "sorry"

There are two options for the development of events:

  1. You actually feel guilty for deception, for betrayal, for inattention, for rudeness. A feeling of guilt gnaws at you, you understand, you admit that you were wrong. In this case, you won't have to play anything. Your eyes will finish and confirm everything you say. The main thing is not to allow yourself to be humiliated!
  2. You don't feel wrong. Yes, I deceived, but it had to be so. Yes, I was rude, but I brought it out! Your loved one is offended and won’t accept any arguments, but you don’t want to lose him. Most likely, somewhere deep down in his soul he himself agrees with you, but... Play the blame game. Apologize as a joke. For him, who doubts deep down in his soul, this will be enough to smooth out his male pride. It will come to both the right world, and then we'll see.

What ends with a worthy restoration of relationships in any staging and scenery is beautiful.


Sometimes your very apology comes as a surprise to a man. But it is appreciated and happens when you don't ask for forgiveness every day.

Such statements, like declarations of love, cannot be speculated upon, rushed and pronounced without feeling them.

Only then will your surprise make the right impression, only after this unexpected announcement will your man appreciate you. Indeed, any holiday that is repeated every day is first perceived as everyday life, and then begins to irritate.

When your apologies begin to irritate (you can tell by the expression on your face), it means that you have overdone it and it’s time to end the relationship. We wanted the best, and it turned out as always.


It is easier to make peace with your husband than when you are just dating and do not live together. In order for him to forgive, the presence of both of you at one point in the universe is a necessity (although, with the advent mobile phones and on the Internet this is no longer so relevant).

You probably know the tastes and preferences of your man. Prepare this for him, set the table, and let the whole house smell of it until the very end. front door. Be silent for a while and let your “fish” swallow the bait.

And when half of the deliciousness is still left on the plate, come up from behind, hug him, cover his hand with a fork with your hand and whisper: “I realized that I am to blame for (that). Aren’t you angry with me, my love?”

Forgiveness will follow immediately, if only to free your hand and finish dinner.

Box of wishes

You can play up your forgiveness with any surroundings. Each of them will bring positive results. Why? Yes, because all your games are impossible without his presence. And if he participates in this, it means that he himself is waiting and thirsting for reconciliation. If he doesn't want to put up, he won't open any boxes or even eat your dinner.

You can beautifully perform the ritual of reconciliation, in which both are interested, by giving him a box of wishes. Moreover, all desires in her would be reduced to the goal of melting the heart of the offended.

For treason

Explain clearly why this happened. Prove that you could not have acted differently, that you sincerely regret, have drawn conclusions and learned lessons. That you love only him, and there was only... (what took you “to the left”?). State everything convincingly and emotionally. In fact, this is the only offense that a loving person cannot forgive.

For lying

It can be different: for good, for harm, out of harm and out of stupidity. Each of them has a separate resonance.

It’s one thing when you lied that you support Dynamo, another thing when you hid your illegitimate child.

In any case, you cheated for a reason. This was for some reason. The most excuse you have is the fear of losing him. This reason washes away and forgives everything.

For jealousy

If your boyfriend is offended because you are jealous of him, then, alas, he does not love you very much or at all... Jealousy is forgiven a priori. Well, of course, if it is not accompanied by breaking dishes, throwing yourself from the fifth floor and pouring acid on your opponent. If you can't be jealous, then he shouldn't be either. And where is the love?

For insult

For this it is worth asking for forgiveness, receiving it, and then not repeating it. loving person will forgive this sin of yours more than once. Only for you this will not be the best characteristic.

On distance

Today, in the age of the Internet and Mobile communications, all distances have become relative. Turn on the video call and create the complete illusion of a date. Say everything you wanted to say, but... Sometimes one touch or kiss replaces a thousand phrases by correspondence. Therefore, rehearse your speech in advance. Well, in “phone sex” they can make a man believe that everything is real!

If it's my fault

Sorry, but why apologize if it's not your fault? Unless it’s like this: “Sorry, but you’re wrong!”

On the Internet, in Contact

Ask for forgiveness so that the whole world knows about it. Old, like all media. There are relationships between two people that cannot exist without an audience, without an improvised stage. The more your quarrels and reconciliations are talked about and discussed, the greater your importance. All the world's "stars" are guilty of this. This is called PR. If you need it, explain yourself and apologize on the World Wide Web.

By phone, by SMS

The most easy solution Problems. You don't have to look into your loved one's eyes. But keep in mind that you cannot see his eyes either. He answers you: “Yes, of course, I forgive you, dear,” and he frowns and breaks ballpoint pen. However, the result is there, but you won’t know about the pen.

Original ways to justify yourself

In words in verse

If your boyfriend doesn’t understand rhymed works, has never read “Eugene Onegin” and believes that Parsnip is just a plant, he may perceive your poems in two ways. If he is indifferent to you, he will simply laugh and brag to his friends.

A loving guy will be touched and appreciate your work simply because it is yours, and will become proud of you.

In prose, in writing

The epistolary genre has undergone some changes. Today, letters are called messages on the Internet. But no one canceled letters on paper. There is a family in which, after disagreements, only they become a way of communication, as between Sharik and Matroskin. Forgiveness and reconciliation also happen on paper first. It’s also great because it leaves a memory for the rest of your life.


I came to you, suffering and loving
I came to you, hiding my pride:
I'm sorry, not because it's my fault,
But because it’s bad without you.

By deed

Well, what action can a girl show her feelings?! She really shouldn't throw herself in front of a tram! And we won’t save the guy from hooligans either. Do we need a guy like this?!

The most effective and most feminine act is a kiss. Come up, silently hug and kiss. And let him guess for himself what you wanted to say.

If you live together more choice actions. You can wash his car, buy beer for dinner, or finally show him a striptease.

Is it worth it?

We are all so different that no general rules They won’t tell you a panacea for all occasions. In each specific situation Only you can decide what to do right.

Three times you offended a guy and got away with it. The conflict was simply hushed up. I'll have to apologize a fourth time, at least for a change.

You have committed something vile. You understand this yourself. If he turns a blind eye to this because he loves you very much and is afraid of losing you, you risk turning him into a “rag.”

In order to respect your man yourself, and not to humiliate his dignity, you can apologize to the guy.

Despite what the French say, let's treat each other with respect, no matter what gender characteristics nature has given us. But sometimes, in special cases Without abusing it, you can take advantage of the fact that you are so lucky and were born a woman.

Video: Is it possible to prove love

Beloved, dear, dear, the only one! My happiness! Forgive me for being so stupid, for doing bad things and saying the wrong words... I just want everything to be as before, so that we never quarrel, but understand and love each other! Lets be together!

Love makes the world bright and colorful. But separation is quite the opposite – gray and dull. So for me now everything is gray tones, everything seems so dull, because you are not nearby, my beloved. I can no longer live with you in separation, and therefore, I ask you, my beloved, forgive me and come back. Let's enjoy the nectar of love again, let's try to get ours back again tender feelings. It's so hard for us to live without each other. Let this end soon horrible dream, and we will wake up in a beautiful garden of love.

Darling, life is about mistakes, we learn from mistakes! After all, there is no pain stronger than that which lovers inflict on each other. And I stumbled and made a mistake. But the only person who doesn't make mistakes is the one who never does anything. I’m not making excuses, no, I just want you to understand that you are very dear to me, and everything that I don’t do is only because I’m afraid of losing you! The fear of losing you turned my head and I was wrong. And I ask you, beloved, do not judge me strictly, but understand. I apologize for what I did. I love you very much and will do everything for your happiness! Forgive me dear.

I will become a rainbow ray of the golden Sun, because only it can melt the ice of grievances. I will become a little warmth so that you forgive me sooner.

Today you are in no mood at all, you don’t smile and don’t joke like before. The whole reason is only in me and I am aware of it. I offended you today, brought you undeserved pain. Forgive me, please, my beloved and only one. I am so ashamed of my action, but there is no going back. Now all I need to do is earn your forgiveness. Darling, let's forget all the bad things and make peace again. I promise that this will never happen again. Believe me, please, my dear.

My beloved boy, my sunshine, I beg you very much, stop being angry. I am truly sorry that this happened, please forgive me. Let everything return and be as before, let's be happy, no matter what.

Apologies to a guy in your own words

Darling, forgive me generously for everything in which I am wrong. After all, you know that when you love with all your soul, it’s so easy to make mistakes, stumble, succumb to emotions and take the wrong step! Just give me this chance - to fix everything and give you unforgettable moments, blessed moments of joy and adoration!

Love makes people happy, but separation from a loved one makes us the most unhappy. So I now consider myself the most unlucky in the world, because you and I are in a quarrel, my most dear person. I suffer so much being apart from you, I miss you so much. Forgive me, please, that I undeservedly offended you. I promise this will never happen again. Let's keep our love and be together again. I so want to snuggle up to your strong shoulder, hear your ringing laugh, feel the tenderness of your kiss.

Darling, I ask you not to be angry with me. After all, with you I want to live peacefully and in love. I want us to quarrel with you as little as possible. After all, it’s not easy for me without you! Please forgive me for what I did, but you know that I love you. Maybe I was so stupid because I’m so in love with you. So forgive me, please, dear. I need you a lot. I don’t want to lose you and I will do everything so that we fight together. I know that you are very kind heart, and it radiates its kindness every day. Darling, remember that I love you very much.

When our hands are together, I know that I will overcome all obstacles. But now my hand is cold because of my offensive words. Take my hand again, dear.

Again a scandal, again an insult. There's sadness in my heart again. I'm very sorry that I offended you. My only one, excuse me.

My beloved, my dear and best guy, please forgive me. I'm very sorry that I offended you. Let's fix this situation, let's not ruin and spoil the relationship, forgive me, please, let everything be fine with us again, don't be angry, my love.

My dear, the best guy in the world, dear, forgive me. I am truly sorry that everything turned out this way. Don’t be angry, it’s so good when we are together and incredibly happy. Excuse me please. Let's forget all this and put the grudge into the past.

Apologies to a guy in your own words in a letter

To my beloved husband, I want to ask only one thing - that you forgive me! I'm sorry for everything I did wrong, forgive me for every wrong word I said, and I also want us to never be sad or quarrel! Let's make peace quickly and never fight again!

For me, the whole world has become somehow gray and uninteresting, because you are not nearby, my very main man on the ground. There is only emptiness and despair in my soul. After all, I only have myself to blame for everything. Forgive me, please, my beloved. Let's make peace so we can be together again. After all, we felt so good. For me you are like the light in the window, how warm Sun Ray, only with you - I am the happiest. We are separated now, but I love you even more. Let's forget our quarrel like a bad dream.

I'm probably more afraid than anything in the world of losing you. I'm afraid to be alone, without your gentle voice, warm hands. And in general, without you. So, darling, please don’t be angry with me for this stupidity of mine. I did everything out of stupidity, but in reality you know that I love you! And I love it very much! I don’t even want to think that you might disappear! So, as Leopold the cat said in the cartoon, “Darling, let’s live together!” Of course, he said it a little differently, but the essence is the same! I am for peaceful relations with you! Excuse me, stupid.

I want to shed heavenly flowers over you, which will fill your heart with the aroma of bliss, and you will forgive my mistake, beloved.

Sorry for being tired, for Bad mood and whims. I'm sorry that in this crazy world I may not pay enough attention to you. I know how frustrating it is when you want to reach the depths of the soul of a loved one, but he does not listen to you, he is tuned in to his own, different wave. But you should know, my dear, how much I appreciate your support and understanding, your patience, your reliability. I am happy to be with you and with these words of apology I want to tell you: “I love you”!

My incredible, madly beloved one, how can you be angry with me for so long? I admit that I made a mistake, and for that I ask your forgiveness. Forgive me, precious one, I didn’t want my impulse to develop into the situation that has developed. Let's forget this difficult and very unpleasant moment for both of us and continue to enjoy each other. After all, every quarrel is just a small test that lovers overcome together, thereby strengthening their feelings. I promise that I will be more tolerant and restrained. Forgive your little girl who is crazy about you and stop being angry with her.

Poems of apology to a guy

Sorry for yesterday's rudeness -
I couldn't control my fire
And she said something stupid in response to you,
And now I can’t hold back my tears.

I'm sorry for what happened
Write me at least a couple of lines,
So that happiness comes down to us again
For a huge, eternal period!

Forgive me, dear, unlucky one,
Forgive my rudeness and jealousy,
Our quarrel with you is trivial,
Let go of your grudge!

I will bow my head as before,
On the native, male shoulder,
And I will cast aside heavy doubts,
And I won’t regret anything!

Darling, I didn’t understand you then,
And at that moment it didn’t help you.
Resentment has crept into your soul,
And it lit up with a scarlet flame.

I'm sorry, I beg you tearfully,
And I take this seriously.
I love you, dear, dear,
I want you and I to have no quarrels.

I killed you with pride
And she often made me angry with her behavior.
Of course I need to change
And it’s a long time to apologize to you.
I know it's hard to forgive everything right away,
It's even harder to love me.
Only you will understand me,
Forgive me and dial the number.

I offended you, I understand that
And you left sad, like a shadow,
I can’t find a place - I scold myself,
All thoughts about you - night and day...
Oh, if only I could bring that moment back
I would have found it the right words,
And your pain, believe me, has become mine,
Please forgive me! I know I'm wrong...

I undeservedly offended you
Now I apologize!
And you forget all the insults,
Sorry for the disappointment!

Let's make peace soon
After all, we are no longer kids
And if you stay angry for a very long time,
This is bad for the soul!

I ask you to forget
Give me forgiveness
And start from scratch with me,
Guilty, I know!

And I admit my guilt
I ask for forgiveness
You mean a lot to me
I love you very much!

We will forget all the grievances
We won't quarrel with you,
We will always live in peace,
Never swear!

Accept my apologies,
Let me into your heart again,
I will never betray
Sorry, I beg you!

Forgive me, my love,
That I was blind
Threw the word like an arrow,
And I hurt you.

I didn’t understand then
How dear you were to me
When I chopped in the heat of the moment,
I couldn’t contain my ardor.

Let all the grievances be behind you
Disappear forever.
I'll hug you tighter
Whisper, forgive me.

It's very hard for me
And maybe even empty
Everything was as if it were evil...
Everything was very sad...

I told you a lot
Bad unnecessary words
I want to return again
Beaten love!

My beloved, forgive me!
I feel very bad without you.
I realized all my guilt,
And my conscience tormented my soul!

Let's forget about everything
With love we will erase all the blots.
Let's start all over again,
After all, I love you so much!

Quarrels are most often not planned and occur spontaneously, so it is difficult to predict what to say or do at one time or another. But now everything has already happened, a quarrel has occurred and an insult has been caused, what to do next, how to apologize to your husband? Should I withdraw and withdraw into myself or should I still try to ask for forgiveness from my husband and fix everything? You definitely need to apologize! But how to do it right?

Sincerity comes first

There are different ways to apologize to your husband, but first of all, be sincere with yourself and don’t ask for an apology if you don’t feel guilty. When a person himself does not believe in the honesty and seriousness of his apology, then how will another believe in it?

If you yourself do not believe in what you want to say in your apology, then it is unrealistic to convince your husband of this. It’s better to wait a while, understand everything yourself, draw conclusions, and only then apologize. Then your apology will be honest and sincere, and the right words will be found.

Time is very important

Even if you immediately understood and felt everything, do not rush to apologize. Let your husband cool down a little, and cool down the steam yourself. Emotions during any quarrel simply go through the roof and the intensity of passions is very high. It’s better for both of you to move away a little, calm down, and only then start new conversation with a sincere apology.

If this is not done, it may occur new round quarrels over misunderstood words or misinterpreted intonation. You yourself will feel when the moment has come to ask for an apology, but you should not delay it, otherwise even the most sincere apologies can be interpreted as a simple banality.

Find the right environment

Use the time that both of you are cooling down to think through the right environment for an apology. You shouldn’t do this in a hurry, on the run or over the phone. A little romance, silence and comfort, delicious dinner and your “alone” - here best environment for an apology.

Even if your quarrel occurred in front of people (relatives, friends, just acquaintances), the first apology is best said in private. And only then, if you yourself feel the need for this, you can apologize publicly.

Eyes to eyes

Never look away when apologizing - this will be a sign of your directness and sincerity. Shifty eyes will convict you of insincerity, but an averted or downcast gaze will make your man think that you were much more to blame for the quarrel.

And his glance will help you faster than words understand whether you are forgiven or not (or not completely). With your gaze, try to express not your guilt, but your love for your husband - then forgiveness will not keep you waiting!

Your tears are both strength and weakness

Do not try to deliberately squeeze out tears to ask for forgiveness. If you are so sensitive that you simply cannot contain them, cry, but without sobbing or hysterics. But there’s no point in deliberately “squeezing in tears” – men really don’t like that.

Most men are so afraid of women's tears that they are ready to do anything to stop them, but specifically use this " male weakness"- low blow and prohibited technique. It might work the first few times, but then it won't be taken seriously.

Moreover, after several such “hits with tears”, instead of a feeling of guilt and pity, a man will begin to feel a feeling of irritation, and you will achieve the completely opposite effect. And the words “I forgive you” can be a simple “excuse”, but is that why you ask for an apology?

Stopping on time is the main problem of women's apologies

It is advisable to apologize, explain why you did what you did, and say words of love - that’s all! You shouldn’t make excuses, prove something, constantly ask again “what would you do in my place?”, and the like, especially citing one of your friends or relatives as an example. Otherwise, your apology, instead of the long-awaited peace, will bring you not just a new quarrel, but also a protracted “cold war”.

A few words to the point, a gentle kiss and a pat on the hand - and step aside, go about your business (for example, start preparing a delicious dinner). You need to let the man calmly think about your words and draw his own conclusions.

If he begins to drown in the abyss of your excuses, babbling or cute absurdities, a quarrel may break out again. And the second round of the quarrel, as a rule, gains much more momentum and often develops into a scandal with slamming doors! But this can also be avoided if done in a simple way.

Hello dear readers of the Samprosvetbyulleten blog!

“How to ask for forgiveness from your loved one? I did the typical things: I looked into his cell phone, saw a list of women’s phone numbers, and created a scene of jealousy. I should have shown myself and remained silent, but I was carried away and left. He said I was being stupid and disrespectful towards him. All the women on his list turned out to be older than him, married, work colleagues, wives of friends whom I had already heard about. He said I him the only woman and he has no one else, that I myself am destroying our relationship. I see that he is offended. How to apologize to your loved one? — writes Alexandra.

“I don’t know how to ask for forgiveness from my loved one. I offended him very much and now he doesn’t want to talk to me. I don't know, . I apologized, but he still walks around sulking. I say that you still need it, I apologized. And he replied that my “well, sorry” sounded like a favor, and if I loved him, I wouldn’t treat him like that! I don’t know what other ways there are to apologize to your loved one.», — writes Galina.

If you have offended your loved one, you have probably often thought about taking it all back and doing things differently. Unfortunately, you cannot turn back time and fix everything. What's done is done, and you both have to live with the consequences. Now we need to think about how to ask for forgiveness and restore the relationship.

Strange as it may sound, you must first forgive yourself, stop scolding and condemning yourself. Otherwise, you will constantly mentally return to the past, instead of taking concrete steps to correct the current situation. Everyone takes it sometime bad decisions, do things that they later regret. But there is no point in getting stuck in the past and becoming despondent, we must move forward. The sooner you forgive yourself and decide to be constructive, the sooner you can take the next steps: take responsibility and apologize.

Forgiveness is an integral part of relationships. Without forgiveness, it is impossible to create or restore what has been destroyed. There may be situations in life when one “Excuse me!” or “Sorry!” sometimes it’s not enough, your loved one doesn’t seem to hear your apologies. It seems that you admitted your guilt, asked for forgiveness, but you feel that your apology was not accepted.

Every person needs individual approach. From parental family we make our own assumptions about relationships and what is meant by an apology. Doctor of Philosophy G. Chapen in his book identified five languages ​​in which we ask for forgiveness. (You can buy his book.) These are specific patterns of behavior that need to be put into motion in order to reach your offended partner.

5 Languages ​​of Forgiveness by G. Champion

1. Express your regret

Regret is the language of forgiveness that heals mental wounds caused by offense. Regretting what you did, you admit your guilt and are ashamed that you caused pain to your loved one. People who tend to perceive forgiveness in this language want to hear the words "I regret". Regret implies to them that you are sincerely committed to repairing the relationship.

Regret must come from pure heart when you do not look for excuses for yourself and do not try to deny your guilt, but accept responsibility for what you have done. The expression of regret will be more complete if you reinforce what is said with body language: gaze, touch.

2. Admit you were wrong.

There are people who won't take your apology seriously unless you admit that you were wrong and made a mistake. As an apology they want to hear the words "I was wrong)". It is important that when you apologize, you show that you take responsibility for your mistakes.

Some people have a hard time admitting when they are wrong. It hurts their feelings self-esteem. We all make mistakes and the ability to admit them is a sign of maturity of character. To learn to ask for forgiveness in this language, you need to overcome your selfishness.

3. Make amends

There are people who believe that damage must be compensated and carry this attitude into relationships. For them, an apology is a form of reparation. They will believe in the sincerity of your forgiveness if you make amends in some way. In reality, your offended partner just wants to see that you still love him.

There are many ways to make amends. To do this, you need to know what your partner needs to feel loved. G. Chapen described our emotional needs in relationships like: words of encouragement, gifts, specific deeds, time, touch. Let your partner feel that you love him by speaking to him in his love language.

For people who understand apologies in this language, it doesn't matter how many times you say you're sorry and you were wrong. They will never consider such an apology to be sincere until you make an effort to make amends and show that you still love your partner and are willing to make things right.

4. Express remorse

Many people believe that forgiveness is impossible without repentance. To forgive them, they need to see your sincere repentance, desire to improve and avoid similar behavior in the future. The desire to improve must be expressed in words. It is necessary not only to say, but also to outline specific steps for change.

Some people have difficulty repenting; they do not feel that they have violated any moral standards. But in life there are situations that have nothing to do with general ethics and concern the subjective world of a person, his unique perception of the surrounding reality. This must be taken into account in order to maintain a harmonious relationship.

5. Get forgiveness

There are people for whom it is important to see their partner’s desire to receive their forgiveness. When we seek forgiveness, we really just want confirmation from our partner that they love us and the relationship is fully restored. It also shows that we sincerely care about what happened and understand how badly we did it. We place the future of the relationship in the hands of our partner, whom we have offended, leaving final decision behind him: to forgive us or not.

From time to time, each of us has quarrels and conflicts with others. It's good if they don't affect the relationship. But sometimes it happens that misunderstanding or resentment leads to a breakup. To prevent this from happening, you need to apologize and atone for your guilt with deeds.

This is where difficulties arise if the girl herself offended the guy. There is a fear of being laughed at, rejected, humiliated. What is the best way to apologize to a man correctly, and is it necessary to do this in principle? Find out about women's life hacks that are guaranteed to win back your loved one's affection.

How can you apologize to a man?

It seems difficult to say the usual “sorry.” But in reality, not all girls decide to admit they are guilty, even if the situation is petty and everyday. Pride gets in the way, you remember the insults caused by the man, or you think, what if it just works out that way? And if the matter is serious, for example, betrayal or a lie, you will have to repent of all your sins, and no one knows how this will come out in the future. You can find thousands of excuses.

But in reality... any man feels when a woman is hiding something or treats him superficially and frivolously. It is the attitude, and not the act itself, that hurts the most. If a man is dear, it will be right to remain honest with him. Do you feel like you did the wrong thing?

Say: “I'm sorry. I can be unbearable, but I love you very much.” Think about his feelings. It is not necessary to reveal all the cards. If you have done something seriously wrong, the truth can hurt severe pain. In most cases, an expression of regret about what happened and assurances of love are enough.

How to apologize correctly and when to do it

Many representatives of the fair sex are interested in when it is better to ask for forgiveness from a guy so that it is not too late. If the offense is not too serious, then you should apologize right away. A long wait in this case will make the man doubt your feelings, he will think that you consider your behavior normal and will continue to do so in the future. Simply put, he can screw himself up.

If you had a big quarrel, then it is better to postpone the conversation with an apology. Surely at first the guy will be very angry and may rashly say too much. In this case, you can apologize touching sms. In a day or two, when the emotions have subsided, you should meet and have a heart-to-heart talk. It is important to pay attention to some details.

Suitable setting

The place where the conversation with the man takes place is of no small importance. Many people don’t even realize how much the environment influences the way they think and make decisions. If a person feels uncomfortable, he stops delving into the essence of your words, does not penetrate, and strives to quickly end the dialogue and leave.

And vice versa, if there is coziness and comfort around you, it’s warm, it smells nice and there are no distractions, you don’t want to leave this place. Therefore, when trying to apologize for something serious, try to create an environment that will relax and put the guy at ease. For example, it's good to talk:

Avoid talking in a hurry, in the presence of other people, his friends or your parents. Remember that a quarrel is a matter of only two people.

In your own words

Worry before serious conversation quite natural. However, excess anxiety can lead to stupor. At the most crucial moment, all the necessary words can fly out of your head, especially if they do not come from the heart. Therefore, you need to prepare for a conversation with a man. Try to put yourself in the shoes of the offended person. How does he feel now? How can you soften his heart? Feel the situation. Now sit down and write a letter.

When the time will come conversation, try to say everything you wrote while looking into your eyes. If for some reason this cannot be done, give the guy the letter you wrote. Just don’t try to copy the text on the Internet. Exposing plagiarism is easy. If the words are not yours, the guy may suspect insincerity. Better a slightly clumsy, awkward apology, but your own, from the heart, than a beautiful, but copied work.

Words of apology in SMS

The SMS apology option should be considered as an additional option or used when the conflict is minor. In the first case, a short message will show the guy that you repent of your action, but have not yet decided to talk openly. In the second case, the SMS will be a sign that you are bored and want positive communication, and the quarrel occurred due to a common misunderstanding.

So, what can you write to a guy if you have done something wrong:

  1. “Let's forget all the insults so as not to lose love. Let’s just start all over again, because kissing is much more pleasant than swearing and blaming!”
  2. “Let’s make peace quickly, the tea has boiled in the kitchen a long time ago. Let’s drink a little, eat some candy and quickly go to bed!”
  3. “I am so ashamed for offending you. I am very worried and hope you will forgive me."
  4. My prickly hedgehog, stop snorting.

Even though it will hurt, I want to hug you.

All covered in injections and wounds, I will cling to you,

I will ask for forgiveness in a gentle plea.

Hurry up, my love, hide your thorns,

If you feel even a little sorry for my hands"

  1. “The sweetest, most faithful, I acted like a bitch. I don’t know what happened, I’m eating myself! Let's make it up?"
  2. “I love you and miss you. I don't know how to live without you. I’m sending you a text message and I promise to fix everything.”

The main thing is to try not to dramatize events. Girls love it, but boys not so much. Try, on the contrary, to approach the problem with a bit of humor. Good mood- recipe for success.

What not to do during an apology

Many girls and women make the same mistakes. And instead of the cherished forgiveness, they receive a break in the relationship or fall into submission to a man, enduring jokes, humiliation and insults. To prevent this from happening, take note of a few rules:

And of course, you shouldn’t rush the guy. Give him time to think about the situation and your words. He has every right to do this.

Apologizing and making excuses are two different things

Some people don't understand the difference between asking for an apology and trying to justify yourself. To apologize means to admit your guilt, without any corrections or buts. To make excuses is to find an excuse. For example: “Yes, I lied to you, but only because I was afraid of your reaction, you can sometimes be very harsh.” If you want to be forgiven and the relationship to improve as soon as possible, you need to apologize without amendment. You can explain your behavior later. For example: “Sometimes you react too harshly, I become scared to talk about something. Can you be more restrained? I think this will benefit our relationship."

Apologize to your husband to improve family relationships

A successful marriage is one where both are willing to compromise for the sake of good relations. Sometimes the wife has to initiate, apologize and try to strengthen the union. For a positive result, try not just to ask for forgiveness, but also to renew your relationship:

Use your imagination, you know your husband like no one else. Surely there is a loophole that will help win his affection and bring love and understanding back into the relationship.

Is it worth apologizing to a man at all?

Men like proud women who value and respect themselves. But does this mean that there is no need to apologize to them? No. If the offense inflicted is serious, then even the most strong love and worship will not help. Rather, on the contrary, love turns into hatred and the desire for revenge.

Therefore, if you are really wrong, it is better to apologize. But don't forget about women's charms. Come to the meeting dizzyingly beautiful and attractive. A man should look at you and understand that you can’t lose someone like that.

Knowing how to ask for forgiveness is an important social skill that is necessary for deep harmonious relations. It’s good if a woman can admit she’s right calmly, without tears or hysterics. Why? Yes, because it is the woman who sets emotional background. Men are masters in this regard. A comparison can be made with the wind. Women can light a fire or put it out, it all depends on her skills.

As for tips on how to build a conversation, they apply to absolutely any requests for forgiveness. Be sincere, make eye contact, speak in a calm voice. You can hug the man or take his hand. At this moment, think a little more about him than about yourself.

In conclusion, you can justify yourself to the guy, explain your action with a good reason, but he will never forgive you. This is also the ability to forgive and forget grievances. Not all people are capable of this. Take a man’s decision for granted and don’t torment yourself if the answer is not what you wanted. Your person will always understand and find the strength to forgive.

Lada, Moscow

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