Meat puree for a 6 month old baby. Meat puree for first feeding. Video: introducing meat purees

Starting from 4 - 6 one month old(depending on whether the child is on breastfeeding or IV), the child needs additional nutrition, in other words, complementary feeding. Quite often, young and not yet experienced mothers in matters of complementary feeding are lost. This is especially true for the question of when you can start giving your baby not only vegetable, fruit purees and juices, but also when you can start feeding your baby meat. Meat puree for the first complementary feeding must be chosen carefully, or prepared yourself, guided by some rules; meat is the main supplier of protein, calcium, phosphorus for the rapidly growing baby’s body, so when choosing meat (or ready-made baby food made from meat) must be approached with full responsibility.

At what age should meat feeding be introduced?

As for the optimal period for introducing meat complementary foods into a child’s diet, the opinions of experts are divided: some believe that meat can be given starting from 4-6 months; others are convinced that a more favorable period for input is 8-9 months.

According to the Russian national program aimed at optimizing the nutrition of children in the first year of life, meat puree should be administered from 6-8 months of age of the child. It is at this age that the baby’s body needs protein and a number of other microelements contained in meat (potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus). Timely introduction of meat products into children's menu contributes not only to the enrichment of the child’s body necessary elements, but also its harmonious development.

However, the introduction of meat into a child’s diet depends on several other factors:

individual characteristics of the baby’s development; physical development baby, its height and weight; type of feeding (breastfeeding or artificial feeding).

Thus, children who are on artificial feeding, need earlier introduction of complementary foods, be it juices, fruit, vegetable or meat purees. Children who are on natural feeding, receive the necessary macronutrients through breast milk. Therefore, the introduction of complementary foods for them can be postponed for a couple of months.

Rules for introducing meat into a child’s diet

Meat puree for babies is introduced after vegetable / fruit purees, after juices and cereals.

Before offering meat complementary foods to your baby, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with some rules for first complementary feeding:

Meat (like any other complementary food) should only be given healthy child. It is advisable to refrain from introducing complementary foods into following cases: if the child has been vaccinated or is expected to be vaccinated soon; during the summer heat; if the baby is unwell or capricious. New Product should be introduced no earlier than 2 weeks after introducing the previous product into the child’s diet. The volume of the first complementary food should be 5-10 g (1-2 teaspoons). It is better if the meat puree is added to the vegetable puree the child is already accustomed to. You can also “soften” the meat puree with breast milk or formula. It is necessary to gradually increase daily dose complementary foods so that by 9-12 months the child consumes 60-70 g. When using canned products, you need to pay attention Special attention on the composition, make sure there are no concentrates, GMOs and other substances harmful to the baby. For the first feeding, you should choose a single-component product (rabbit, turkey or chicken are best).

Read in detail about the rules of introduction first complementary feeding (where to start, at how many months).

How to give pureed meat

Baby meat purees should be given warm before breastfeeding or formula feeding. Complementary foods should be offered from a spoon. The child should be in a sitting position.

Meat complementary foods, just like any other, are offered at lunchtime in order to observe the baby’s reaction to the new product during the remaining half of the day.

Meat puree is given to the child once a day.

Complementary meat products

Making puree at home

Despite the convenience of using canned baby food, preparing meat puree at home is considered more reliable and safe.

For preparing meat complementary foods it is recommended to use low-fat varieties meat (chicken, turkey, rabbit). Small pieces of meat are freed from veins, bones, fat and boiled for 1-1.5 hours. For cooking, you can use a slow cooker or a double boiler. After the meat is ready, it is thoroughly chopped using a blender or meat grinder (it is recommended to scroll 2-3 times). Then the resulting mass is passed through a fine strainer. To obtain puree, breast milk, formula, porridge or vegetable puree are added to the ground meat. When cooking meat (as well as directly into meat puree), you do not need to add salt and spices. For each complementary food, only freshly prepared meat should be used.

5 mistakes in introducing complementary foods

Ready-made meat purees

Store-bought canned meat purees have the following advantages over purees that you cook yourself:

high quality baby food; guaranteed composition; chemical safety (no flavors, dyes, preservatives, antibiotics); microbiological safety of canned food; correspondence of consistency to the age needs of the child; careful quality control.

The selection of ready-made baby food products is quite large. The following manufacturers are especially popular:

"Subject". Baby meat purees of this manufacturer differ large selection, high quality, affordable prices. The products are designed for feeding children from 6 months. "Agusha". In baby food products only natural ingredients. Specified trademark has been repeatedly noted by international communities as the best in the production of children's food products. "Granny's Basket". The manufacturer surprises with the variety of baby purees offered - both single-component and multi-component (including meat and various vegetables). "FrutoNyanya". A well-known domestic manufacturer of baby food, popular due to its wide range and reasonable pricing policy. Heinz. The products of this manufacturer include meat, meat and vegetable, fish and vegetable purees. Baby food is developed in accordance with all standards and requirements of GOST.

Parents should take into account that not all children tolerate complementary foods equally, especially vegetable and meat ones. Moreover, each little one has his own preferences: some will like veal puree, others will like tender turkey, and others will like rabbit. Mommies should be completely focused on taste preferences your child.

When introducing meat complementary foods, you need to pay attention to the baby’s reaction, his work digestive system. If some problems occur as a result of consuming purees (constipation, abdominal pain, regurgitation, vomiting), then you should consult your pediatrician. Perhaps the issue is an unsuitable meat product or an excess amount of complementary foods.

Read on the topic of first feeding:

Introducing vegetable purees (rules + 3 recipes). We introduce the first porridges into the diet. 5 questions from moms about shopping baby puree. Add soup with meat broth. We can’t help but tell you about some problems when a child refuses to eat complementary foods (how to deal with it)

Video: introducing meat purees

Features of introducing meat puree into a baby’s diet: which meat is hypoallergenic? How much meat puree should be included in the diet?

On early stage at 5–6 months it is necessary to give homogenized meat and vegetable puree. Meat must be given daily and gradually, over ten days, the amount of serving is increased to 30 g per day. From 8 months of life, a child can already be given up to 50 g of meat puree per day, and from 9 months - 60–70 g. To facilitate the understanding of the tolerance of a certain type of meat, the child is initially given single-component meat purees, and then combined. In a child’s diet, meat can be combined with vegetables and cereals, so it will be easily digestible. Of course, it is convenient to use meat and meat-vegetable purees; they are also distinguished by their balanced composition and usefulness.

Tags: child

The introduction of the first complementary foods is very painstaking work. It is necessary to carefully think through your baby’s first dishes and monitor their quality. Meat is a product containing one of the main building elements, namely protein.

What kind of meat to choose for the first complementary feeding, at what age should meat puree be introduced? Our article is devoted to these and many other questions.

What are the benefits of meat?

Meat for babies is the main source of protein of animal origin. Moreover, plant protein is much inferior to animal protein in its quality characteristics. This complementary food is rich in microelements - phosphorus, copper, iodine. Important! Iron from meat dishes absorbed much better thanfrom plants. When teeth appear, it is important for the baby to develop chewing skills, so meat is the main assistant in this. The high content of vitamins B, PP, E is also important.

After the first six months of life, the child needs additional microelements and squirrel. Of course, breast milk contains all the nutrients listed above, but as the baby's body grows, it requires more than just milk.

The introduction of meat into complementary foods perfectly complements the diet and covers increased energy costs.

At what age can you give meat to babies?

Meat complementary feeding should begin between 6-8 months. This is exactly the age when introducing meat into complementary foods is physiologically justified. Remember that a newborn baby does not need meat.

This is due to the fact that meat for children under one year of age is not the first course, but follows vegetables. As a rule, two months after vegetables, a meat dish is introduced.

Accordingly, at 8 months, meat should be given to children who received their first complementary foods at 6 months. You can start giving meat at six months if the first complementary feeding happened at 4 months.

If the child has low hemoglobin, then this interval can be shortened.

Meat puree for babies under 6 months is contraindicated for several reasons.

Immaturity of the digestive system. Enzymes cannot digest meat protein that is heavy enough. As a result, its digestibility is very low. Small children's kidneys will not be able to withstand a protein load that is too strong for them. There is a danger of allergic reactions.

How to properly introduce meat?

You should start with half a teaspoon, preferably before lunch, before breastfeeding. Increase the amount of meat puree gradually, one teaspoon per day. The quality of the meat dish must be excellent: valid expiration date, served warm, preferably cooked on the day of serving. Important! Until 9 months, while the child still has few teeth, homogeneous meat puree should be given. You can start getting acquainted with deli meats by adding them to vegetable dishes or diluting them with breast milk.

How often and how much meat should I give my child?

From six months to 7 months - up to 20 grams per day. From 10 months - up to 70 grams (that's about 15 teaspoons). After a year, you can give the child one steam cutlet or meatball.

Meat dishes should not be on the child’s menu every day, 4-5 times a week, once a day is enough.

Beef. Rich in protein and iron. A fairly lean variety of meat. According to price criteria, it is affordable for many families. Of course, it is better to start complementary feeding with it. Important! If a child is allergic, it is better not to start with beef; here rabbit or turkey come to the rescue.Rabbit, turkey. They are low in calories, low in fat, and practically do not cause allergies. But they have a fairly high cost, up to 400-500 rubles per kilogram. But rabbit meat is quite difficult to buy in its natural form. Chicken. Important! If your child is allergic to protein chicken egg, then we never start complementary feeding with chicken. It has a fairly low calorie content (in particular, breast), but is no less allergenic. Pork, As is known, it has sufficient fat content and is suitable for babies after one year. Interesting! Allergists during recent years It is recommended that children with allergies start complementary feeding with pork.Horsemeat. Rich in protein, but very difficult to find in the market. Suitable for hypoallergenic menus. Mutton. Very fatty meat, recommended after 10 months. Goose and duck. These meat dishes contain refractory fats that are difficult for a child’s body to digest. For this reason, we exclude goose and duck until they are three years old.

How to cook meat yourself?

Cooking meat for babies is a difficult but completely doable task.

First, choose the type of meat. It is better to buy meat in trusted markets, stores, or purchase homemade meat from trusted suppliers. It should not be weathered and have foreign odors. The meat should be washed under running water, remove films, cartilage, and excess fat. Place in an enamel bowl and boil until tender. On average, beef and pork are cooked for 2 hours, goose and duck - up to 4 hours. Pass the boiled meat through a meat grinder.

How to prepare meat puree for babies?

Boiled meat must be passed through a blender and then through a sieve. Essentially, the algorithm is the same as when preparing minced meat, only the puree should be more uniform in mass.

Up to 10 months, the meat puree should be homogeneous.

You need to add ½-1 teaspoon of vegetable oil to your homemade meat puree.

For babies over 10 months old, you can cook meatballs or steamed cutlets after a year. Ready minced meat can be frozen in the freezer.

It is not recommended to store boiled meat for baby food in the refrigerator for more than a day.

Which meat puree to choose for complementary feeding?

Store-bought baby food has several advantages.

Quality control of baby food. Lack of preservatives, dyes. The composition of microelements corresponds to age needs.

Popular brands of meat purees for children

"Babushkino Lukoshko" has enough low price compared to others. There are multi-component meat purees. Heinz, Agusha, Frutonyanya - many brands that are available on the market, differ only in price. By quality composition undergo careful processing and control.

Meat puree for the first complementary feeding should only be chosen by mother and baby. For the first time, Heinz baby rabbit puree is perfect.

Meat broth, offal

Meat broth contains extractives, nitrogenous compounds, glucose, and lactic acid. Thanks to these substances, appetite improves and the functioning of the pancreas is activated. Broth also has a beneficial effect on development nervous system child.

But it should be well remembered that early introduction meat broth for complementary feeding for a child (up to 1 year) can lead to the following troubles:

the development of allergic reactions; purine compounds can lead to overexcitation of the nervous system; uric acid, after its breakdown, can settle in the form of crystals in the kidneys and joints.

The introduction of meat broth into the diet should occur gradually, starting with ½ teaspoon, then increase the volume to 100 ml. Meat broths can be given for lunch, as a first course option, but not more than 1-2 times a week.

By-products (heart, liver, tongue) have a fairly rich microelement composition. Liver, especially beef liver, contains a lot of vitamin A, B, and iron. It is better to introduce liver after the first birthday, and give it no more than once a week. Before preparing liver pate, it is better to soak the liver in milk, remove the skin and boil.

The heart contains a lot of B vitamins and iron. The heart can be given from 9 months of age.

If you are allergic, it is better to avoid by-products before the age of 2 years.

The meat diet includes big choice dishes. And the baby will undoubtedly like the taste of meat puree, and then meat cutlets. Correct heat treatment will help maintain a healthy digestive system for the baby, thereby ensuring correct height and development.

» Baby 6 months

What meat to start complementary feeding with?

The introduction of complementary foods is an important and responsible period in the baby’s nutrition, because foods must be chosen with extreme caution so as not to harm the baby’s still poorly developed digestive system. There are many questions about what kind of meat to start feeding babies with, at what age can this be done and how to do it correctly?

IN healthy body By the age of six months, the need for additional iron intake increases. The reasons for this deficiency are that the body is constantly growing, but the reserves of such an important microelement are gradually decreasing. A rich source of iron is meat, which, among other things, supplies the developing body with a considerable dose of complete proteins that contribute to normal development brain and baby growth. In combination with vegetables, which are also considered an essential component of complementary foods, meat is well digested, which means the fats, minerals and vitamins it contains are beneficial to the baby.

The benefits of meat for children

Today there are several main types of meat, each of which is beneficial in its own way for growing child's body, and therefore we will try to determine how they differ and what properties they have. So:

Chicken meat is considered the most popular, because it contains a large number of protein, B vitamins, magnesium, zinc, iron, amino acids and optimal quantity fats; Rabbit meat is the safest food for a child, especially since its mineral and vitamin composition is superior to all other types of meat; Turkey meat has a beneficial effect on the functioning of blood vessels and the heart, stimulates increased appetite and does not contain fat. Most often, it is recommended first for introducing meat complementary foods into the diet of children; Beef is a meat rich in iron, which means it is an excellent way to prevent anemia. Contains B vitamins, microelements and amino acids; Veal – contains a considerable amount of proteins, which can cause allergies;

It is best to choose meat complementary foods in special jars intended for baby food

When and how much meat should you give?

According to established pediatric standards, meat as complementary food should appear in the diet of a growing baby no later than six months. Of course, at first it is important to comply with the minimum volumes, that is, for children aged six months daily norm meat should not exceed more than 20-30 grams, for eight-month-old babies - 50 grams, but by the age of one year this norm can be about 80-85 grams.

To avoid an allergic reaction, meat should be introduced into the child’s diet carefully, observing age norms.

Which meat should be introduced into complementary foods first?

Doctors recommend starting to introduce rabbit meat or beef into your baby’s complementary foods first, which are easier to digest, and then over time choosing other meat products. It is important for parents to treat veal and chicken with caution, because these types of meat can cause allergies if the child, for example, has individual intolerance cow's milk protein or chicken protein. In this case, it is best to be guided by the basic principles of choosing meat for complementary feeding, which include:

Minimum use of flavoring additives, that is, meat, which many parents today purchase in baby food jars, should not be salty, sweet or without spices. The same applies to preparing meat for complementary feeding at home; Allergenicity of the selected type of meat, as mentioned above; Choosing only mono-products to start complementary feeding. In other words, you need to start complementary feeding with only one type of meat and in minimal proportions, which will allow you to quickly identify its cause if an allergy occurs. In this case, doctors advise setting aside approximately 1-2 weeks for the baby’s digestive system to get used to the new product, and only then combining it with various vegetable purees and cereal additives.

What meat to start complementary feeding with? video

What meat to start complementary feeding with photo:

What meat to start complementary feeding with?

Meat in the diet of a 6 month old baby

Just recently, your baby was just a tiny baby. Gradually he learned to hold his head up, then roll over, crawl, and now your little one is sitting down and trying to get up! The celebration of the first six months of the baby's life, the first 6 months of the baby's life, is just around the corner.

The baby grows and begins to spend more and more energy on new achievements. And now such tasty, healthy mother’s milk or baby formula for a complete diet a baby is not enough. It is necessary to begin introducing the baby to new foods and start giving complementary foods. At first, complementary foods are given to the child in addition to breast milk (infant formula), you need to start with a teaspoon before breast milk (infant formula), gradually increasing the serving size, leading to a complete replacement of feeding.

The first complementary foods, as a rule, are vegetable and fruit purees, and then dairy-free porridge. Sometimes, if the baby is underweight, pediatricians advise introducing porridge first. Gradually, purees or porridge replace the baby’s one-time meal. And now we come to introducing the baby into the diet first fermented milk products, and then meat. It is better to start feeding meat with purees of proven and famous brands. Well-established companies produce meat purees that can be given to children from 6 months of age. At six months the baby gastrointestinal tract is sufficiently developed, and the meat will be well digested. According to some medical indications, such as anemia, intolerance to cow's milk, underweight, pediatricians advise introducing meat earlier, from 5 months.

Meanwhile, meat is very valuable and useful product, primarily due to the presence of complete animal protein, which, depending on the type of meat, contains up to 24%. Protein is the main material in the construction of tissue cells, enzymes and hormones. Meat in a child’s diet is a source of amino acids that are necessary for the body’s tissues. Amino acids are found in in full force in meat proteins. Meat contains iron, phosphorus salts, zinc, magnesium, potassium, and B vitamins. In addition, meat contains a large amount of saturated animal fats, which the body absorbs quite easily. These fats also have nutritional value. Meat in the diet of a 6-month-old child, of course, should not completely replace one meal. It must be introduced little by little, gradually, from one teaspoon, after mixing it with pureed vegetables or cereals. It is better to start with the vegetable that the baby loves, since initially the baby does not always like the taste of meat. At 6 months, you need to start with tender, lean meats such as beef, veal, rabbit, turkey, and lean pork.

At an early stage, at 5–6 months, it is necessary to give homogenized meat and vegetable puree. Meat must be given daily and gradually, over ten days, the amount of serving is increased to 30 g per day. From 8 months of age, a child can already be given up to 50 grams of meat puree per day, and from 9 months - 60–70 grams. To facilitate the understanding of the tolerance of a certain type of meat, the child is initially given one-component meat purees, and then combined. In a child’s diet, meat can be combined with vegetables and cereals, so it will be easily digestible. Of course, it is convenient to use meat and meat-vegetable purees; they are also distinguished by their balanced composition and usefulness.

Later you can switch to coarsely ground products. It is gradually necessary to introduce fattier varieties of meat into the diet of a 6-month-old child: pork, lamb, horse meat, and mixed canned food from several types of meat. Offal products, such as tongue, liver and brains, are also very useful for feeding a baby in the first year of life. Offal, like meat, is a very valuable and healthy food for the baby. Beef tongue, for example, is not inferior to meat in nutritional value. The liver contains albumin, which has vital importance for growth and development small organism, most Liver lipids are composed of biologically active phosphatides.

Brains also have nutritional value, since they contain a large amount of organic phosphorus compounds, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and vitamins: choline and inositol.

But regarding meat broths, opinions are divided. Some consider it useful and introduce it a little earlier than meat products, and some pediatricians advise refraining from introducing it early, due to the presence of harmful extractive substances in meat broth, boiled from meat. In any case, it is recommended to give the baby the so-called secondary broth.

From eight to nine months, you can try giving your baby fish instead of meat a couple of times a week. Fish is a source of complete protein, it contains required amount polyunsaturated fats required for metabolic processes small organism, vitamins, unsaturated fatty acids. Fish is easier to digest than meat and is absorbed faster.

At the beginning of the second half of life, the child's need for food increases. Breastfeeding or formula feeding no longer provides the baby with the necessary nutrients. Therefore, from 6 months of age, children introducing meat into a child's diet- as the main

Starting from 4 - 6 months of age (depending on whether the child is on breastfeeding or IV), the child needs additional nutrition, in other words, complementary feeding. Quite often, young and not yet experienced mothers in matters of complementary feeding are lost. This is especially true for the question of when you can start giving your baby not only vegetable, fruit purees and juices, but also when you can start feeding your baby meat. Meat puree for the first complementary feeding must be chosen carefully, or prepared yourself, following certain rules. Meat is the main supplier of protein, calcium, and phosphorus for the rapidly growing baby’s body, so the choice of meat (or ready-made baby food made from meat) must be approached with full responsibility.

At what age should meat feeding be introduced?

As for the optimal period for introducing meat complementary foods into a child’s diet, the opinions of experts are divided: some believe that meat can be given starting from 4-6 months; others are convinced that a more favorable period for input is 8-9 months.

According to the Russian national program aimed at optimizing the nutrition of children in the first year of life, meat puree should be administered from 6-8 months of age of the child. It is at this age that the baby’s body needs protein and a number of other microelements contained in meat (potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus). The timely introduction of meat products into the children's menu contributes not only to enriching the child's body with necessary elements, but also to its harmonious development.

However, the introduction of meat into a child’s diet depends on several other factors:

individual characteristics of the baby’s development; physical development of the baby, indicators of his height and weight; type of feeding (breastfeeding or artificial feeding).

Thus, children who are bottle-fed need earlier introduction of complementary foods, be it juices, fruit, vegetable or meat purees. Breastfed babies receive essential macronutrients through breast milk. Therefore, the introduction of complementary foods for them can be postponed for a couple of months.

Rules for introducing meat into a child’s diet

Meat puree for babies is introduced after vegetable / fruit purees, after juices and cereals.

Before offering meat complementary foods to your baby, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with some rules for first complementary feeding:

Meat (like any other complementary food) should be given only to a healthy child. It is advisable to refrain from introducing complementary foods in the following cases: if the child has been vaccinated or is expected to be vaccinated soon; during the summer heat; if the baby is unwell or capricious. A new product should be introduced no earlier than 2 weeks after introducing the previous product into the child’s diet. The volume of the first complementary food should be 5-10 g (1-2 teaspoons). It is better if the meat puree is added to the vegetable puree the child is already accustomed to. You can also “soften” the meat puree with breast milk or formula. It is gradually necessary to increase the daily dose of complementary foods so that by 9-12 months the child consumes 60-70 g. When using canned products, you need to pay special attention to the composition, make sure that there are no concentrates, GMOs and other substances harmful to the baby. For the first feeding, you should choose a single-component product (rabbit, turkey or chicken are best).

Read in detail about the rules of introduction first complementary feeding (where to start, at how many months).

How to give pureed meat

Baby meat purees should be given warm before breastfeeding or formula feeding. Complementary foods should be offered from a spoon. The child should be in a sitting position.

Meat complementary foods, just like any other, are offered at lunchtime in order to observe the baby’s reaction to the new product during the remaining half of the day.

Meat puree is given to the child once a day.

Complementary meat products

Making puree at home

Despite the convenience of using canned baby food, preparing meat puree at home is considered more reliable and safe.

To prepare meat complementary foods, it is recommended to use lean meats (chicken, turkey, rabbit). Small pieces of meat are freed from veins, bones, fat and boiled for 1-1.5 hours. For cooking, you can use a slow cooker or a double boiler. After the meat is ready, it is thoroughly chopped using a blender or meat grinder (it is recommended to scroll 2-3 times). Then the resulting mass is passed through a fine strainer. To obtain puree, breast milk, formula, porridge or vegetable puree are added to the ground meat. When cooking meat (as well as directly into meat puree), you do not need to add salt and spices. For each complementary food, only freshly prepared meat should be used.

5 mistakes in introducing complementary foods

Ready-made meat purees

Store-bought canned meat purees have the following advantages over purees that you cook yourself:

high quality baby food; guaranteed composition; chemical safety (no flavors, dyes, preservatives, antibiotics); microbiological safety of canned food; correspondence of consistency to the age needs of the child; careful quality control.

The selection of ready-made baby food products is quite large. The following manufacturers are especially popular:

"Subject". Children's meat purees from this manufacturer are distinguished by a large selection, high quality, and affordable prices. The products are designed for feeding children from 6 months. "Agusha". Baby food products contain only natural ingredients. This brand has been repeatedly noted by international communities as the best in the production of children's food products. "Granny's Basket". The manufacturer surprises with the variety of baby purees offered - both single-component and multi-component (including meat and various vegetables). "FrutoNyanya". A well-known domestic manufacturer of baby food, popular due to its wide range and reasonable pricing policy. Heinz. The products of this manufacturer include meat, meat and vegetable, fish and vegetable purees. Baby food is developed in accordance with all standards and requirements of GOST.

Parents should take into account that not all children tolerate complementary foods equally, especially vegetable and meat ones. Moreover, each little one has his own preferences: some will like veal puree, others will like tender turkey, and others will like rabbit. Mothers should fully focus on the taste preferences of their child.

When introducing meat complementary foods, you need to pay attention to the baby’s reaction and the functioning of his digestive system. If some problems occur as a result of consuming purees (constipation, abdominal pain, regurgitation, vomiting), then you should consult your pediatrician. Perhaps the issue is an unsuitable meat product or an excess amount of complementary foods.

Read on the topic of first feeding:

Introducing vegetable purees (rules + 3 recipes). We introduce the first porridges into the diet. 5 questions from moms about store-bought baby purees. Add soup with meat broth. We can’t help but tell you about some problems when a child refuses to eat complementary foods (how to deal with it)

Video: introducing meat purees

Features of introducing meat puree into a baby’s diet: which meat is hypoallergenic? How much meat puree should be included in the diet?

Why should you include meat products in the diet of babies up to one year old? Mother's milk gives the baby all the nutrients necessary for the development of the child's body, which are enough to meet the needs of the first months of life. Time is running, the baby grows and requires more and more vitamins and micro-macroelements, and other various nutrients. Breast milk is no longer able to meet these needs. Meat comes to the rescue and is introduced as complementary food.

Meat is a valuable source of protein and vitamins, so it is practically irreplaceable in a baby’s diet.

Useful properties of meat

Responsible parent before entering new food, is obliged to investigate the product itself. Thanks to the consumption of meat puree, the baby saturates its body with amino acids, iron, which is perfectly absorbed, as well as calcium and a number of vitamins. What role do they play? Let's list:

Amino acids. They are an integral part of protein synthesis, that is, they are necessary for the successful growth and development of cells and proper metabolism. The number of synthesized amino acids in the body is 20. If there is a lack of at least one of them, a protein deficiency appears. Iron, easy to absorb. As much as 65% of the iron contained in the product is the main composition of hemoproteins. Thanks to this, it is easily absorbed in the body and saturates cells with oxygen at the highest possible speed. Calcium. Necessary for bone development and muscular system, also helps strengthen nerves. Vitamin A. Helps break down fats, promotes the formation of new cells and is involved in bone formation. Vitamin B12. Its main task is the formation of blood. Promotes the formation of red blood cells and nerve endings. Vitamin D. Promotes the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, and is also responsible for the formation bone tissue and is involved in the prevention of rickets.

There are other nutritional elements present in different types of meat. For example, chicken contains a lot of magnesium, sodium, vitamins B, E1, C. Beef is rich in phosphorus, potassium, vitamin B6, which is responsible for the absorption of iron, and vitamin PP, required for the formation of enzymes.

Another positive point in meat - its structure is elastic, and therefore is excellent for developing chewing skills in a child.

Time to introduce meat complementary foods

According to the recommendations of pediatricians, children receive their first meat complementary foods after six months. It is important to consider that this animal product cannot be introduced before other products. Before feeding meat, the baby should already be familiar with vegetables, fruits and cereals. According to experts, at least 2 months should pass from the start of the first complementary feeding to the introduction of baby meat puree. So, we answer at what age can you enter this type complementary foods:

child on breastfeeding receives vegetable or cereal complementary feeding at 6 months, and meat feeding at 8 months; a baby on an artificial type of nutrition receives vegetable complementary foods already at 4 months, then meat can be introduced closer to six months.

The exception is when the child has anemia, then the 2-month interval rule may not be observed so strictly. Although even in this situation, it is not recommended to introduce meat and combined purees before 6 months of age.

Why can’t you give baby meat puree before the age of six months? Let's list the reasons:

The digestive system is not yet fully formed and is not able to digest heavy foods. There are no necessary enzymes required to digest this food. An excessive amount of animal protein contributes to the appearance of rotting processes in the intestines of babies. An allergic reaction to foreign protein may occur if the baby is under 6 months of age. Animal protein in large doses puts a lot of strain on the kidneys of an infant.
A baby’s body simply cannot cope with meat before six months, so it is better to introduce it in a timely manner.

Meat feeding

How to introduce meat puree for the first feeding? You already know, because this is a continuation of your baby’s testing of “adult” food: everything new is introduced gradually, starting with half a teaspoon. To avoid possible problems With digestion it is possible if you offer meat before lunch. Below we will tell you where to start and how to make the feeding process enjoyable and rewarding.

Feeding rules

How much to give at first? The initial test is small - ½ teaspoon and always precedes the main feeding. The absence of allergic reactions to meat and the positive response of the toddler allows you to gradually increase the volume of complementary foods. Each time add another half spoon. Use freshly prepared puree. Make sure that the consistency is as fine as possible, uniform and pleasantly warm. The meat should be cooked without adding salt and spices, and then chopped using a blender. It is quite possible to combine meat puree with other previously known products - for example, use it in vegetable puree or cereal porridge without milk. Ground minced meat can be diluted with milk or mixture. From the point of view of pediatricians, it is optimal to introduce animal products as part of dishes for plant based at lunch, this will allow you to form correct mode nutrition.
Like other products, meat puree is introduced into the baby’s diet gradually, starting with very small portions.

How much can you give per day?

How much meat can be given to a baby? The amount will depend on age. Below we offer a diagram for calculating the consumption of meat products per day for children:

There are experiments ahead that will allow you to treat your baby to a wide variety of dishes. For example, kids enjoy eating meatballs, meatballs and steamed cutlets. Your little one will try such dishes by the age of one and a half years. How about fried and baked chops and seasoned steaks? Their use is strictly prohibited. We list the most favorable varieties suitable for introducing the first complementary foods: beef, rabbit and turkey. They are low fat, light and hypoallergenic.

Older children are happy to eat steamed meatballs and other dishes. Choice of meat

As your baby grows, subject to the successful introduction of meat complementary foods, the doctor will advise introducing the baby to other types of products. The table below will tell you about the calorie content of each type of meat and their important components: fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Thanks to this data, you can choose which meat to start complementary feeding with.

The nutritional value various types meat:

Calorie content Squirrels Fats Carbohydrates
Beef 200 kcal 19 g 12.5 g 0 g
Pork 397 kcal 16.1 g 27.9 g 0 g
Veal 201 kcal 19.4 g 1.1 g 0 g
Rabbit meat 179 kcal 20.8 g 12.7 g 0 g
Turkey 198 kcal 21.3 g 12.1 g 0.8 g
Chicken 199 kcal 20.7 g 8.5 g 0.4 g
By-products (for example, beef liver) 125 kcal 17.4 g 3.1 g 0 g

Types of meatTurkey and rabbit are the most best views meat for babies. They are low-fat, hypoallergenic, tender and very healthy. Chicken is an excellent dietary product, but compared to turkey, it is digested a little worse. We must not forget that chicken is the most allergic type of meat of all. If you have an existing allergy to egg white You should give preference to quail meat rather than chicken. Lean beef. There is a lot of protein and a large number of microelements. It is these qualities that make beef a priority type of meat as the first complementary food. If you have an existing allergy to cow's milk a similar reaction to beef may occur. In this case, instead of beef, use rabbit or turkey as the first food. Quail meat. Perfect option for little ones with allergies, plus it is very gentle and dietary. Suitable for feeding babies after 7 months of age. There are more calories in it than in rabbit or chicken meat, so for daily use quails are not suitable. Pork. Fattier than other types of meat, pork is also quite suitable for first feeding if you choose leaner parts, for example, tenderloin. The fat content in this case will only slightly exceed the same index for beef. Allergists often recommend pork for feeding children with atopic dermatitis and diathesis. Lamb, duck or goose meat is not suitable for children under 3 years of age due to the fact that the baby’s gastrointestinal tract is not yet able to digest excessively fatty and tough meat.
Rabbit meat is considered the most dietary and suitable meat for children. Frequency and volume of meat consumption per week

Dr. Komarovsky is convinced that meat complementary foods should be given no more than 1-2 days a week. When the baby is already 10 months old, the weekly frequency can be increased to 5-7 times:

at the age of up to 9 months, you can prepare meat or combined puree for your child 1-2 days a week; at 9-10 months, the baby can already eat finely chopped meat in the amount of several spoons 2-3 times (this is also the weekly norm); closer to 10- At 11 months, you can start feeding your baby coarsely chopped product; by the age of one year, steamed meatballs and cutlets will be a good option for meals, which can be given 5-6 days a week or even every day. Meat puree: cook at home

Meat puree for children should be prepared only from high-quality fresh product. You need to do it like this:

purchased meat should be thoroughly washed, all films removed and excess fat cut off; place the meat in a pan, pour cold water and, without adding spices and salt, cook until done; for tough varieties such as beef or pork, it will take about 2 hours of cooking time, but more tender rabbit, turkey or chicken will be ready in a shorter period, as well as quail meat ;as soon as the product is ready, it should be ground (this can be done using a blender), or passed through a meat grinder twice, after which you need to grind it through a sieve; mix the minced meat with pureed vegetables and add a couple of drops of vegetable or olive oil; Give the little one some meat puree that has cooled to a warm temperature.

It is advisable to prepare a portion for one time, because fresh product is always healthier for the child. The amount remaining from the portion can be stored in the refrigerator, but not more than one day.

Popular brands of meat nutrition

Most the best option for babies - puree from meat raised in your own yard (poultry or animal). In the absence of a home-made option, many parents, to the detriment of their wallets, prefer baby food in jars.

Let's look at several popular baby food manufacturers that offer a wide range of delicious purees for babies, including meat options. You can find both pure meat puree and a combination with vegetables or grains. According to mothers, the following manufacturers inspire trust:

“Agusha”, Russia The product line includes beef, pork, rabbit puree, as well as turkey and chicken options; volume – 100 g.


The first complementary food is meat. What kind of meat to start feeding your baby with? When and how to introduce meat into complementary foods for a child. Buy jarred or cook it yourself. How to cook meat properly.

When we begin to introduce complementary foods from 6 months, it is necessary that the child’s diet contain foods high in iron: liver, meat, fish and legumes in combination with vegetables and cereals, or complementary foods fortified with iron. Meat and fish - best sources zinc

Iron deficiency in young children and infants- one of the common problems that can cause serious consequences for the baby’s health. Therefore, attention should be paid to the prevention of iron deficiency.

IN breast milk There is little iron, but its bioavailability reaches 50%, which is much higher than that of other food products. A child up to 6 months has enough iron reserves received from the mother during gestation.

One of the most important reasons development iron deficiency anemia is too early introduction into the diet dairy products and whole cow's milk. Thus, you should not introduce whole cow’s milk as a drink until one year of age, and after introduction, the amount should be increased gradually.

All types of tea (black, green and herbal) and coffee interfere with iron absorption, so they should not be used before 2 years of age. After this age, you should not drink tea with meals.

How to properly introduce meat into complementary foods

Meat goes best with vegetables. Meat contains heme iron, vegetables contain non-heme iron, combining them together, the absorption of iron from vegetables increases by 50%. Thus, the bioavailability of iron contained in a dish containing vegetables or other foods can be significantly improved by adding some meat to it.

What kind of meat should a baby start feeding with?

Preferably lean meat: rabbit, turkey, veal, lamb, chicken.

Some types of meat are expensive, but such as liver are inexpensive, and nutritional benefits have a high The liver contains the following nutrients: zinc, vitamins A, B and D, iron. It is easy to puree, making liver an excellent weaning food after about 7 months.

When to introduce meat into baby's complementary foods

Meat should be introduced after vegetables and cereals, approximately 7-8 months.

How much to enter

If you introduce a large amount of meat into complementary foods early, this will lead to high level protein intake and negative consequences. To increase the amount of iron in the body, you only need a small amount of meat!

Quantity, per day

8 months 5-30 gr
9 months 50 gr
10 months 50 gr
11 months 60-70 gr
12-18 months 70 gr
1.5 - 2.5 years 80 gr
from 2.5 years 120 gr

Approximate scheme for introducing meat into the diet by day

1 day - 130-150 grams of vegetable puree + 1-3 grams of vegetable oil + 1 tsp. rabbit meat

Day 2 - 130-150 grams of vegetable puree + 1-3 grams of vegetable oil + 2 tsp. rabbit meat

Day 3 - 130-150 grams of vegetable puree + 1-3 grams of vegetable oil + 4 tsp. rabbit meat, etc.

Day 7 - 130-150 grams of vegetable puree + 1-3 grams of vegetable oil + 10 tsp. rabbit meat

Increase to 50-60 g (1 tsp - 5 g). It’s better to use scales or a jar to guide you.

Which meat is better for a child: canned or home-cooked?

The pediatrician advised me to start introducing meat from canned food for children industrial production in banks, because It is quite difficult to make fiber-free puree from meat at home for a child who does not yet know how to chew. The danger is that the child can easily choke. Meat from jars has a delicate consistency, is prepared strictly according to GOST standards, and significantly saves time. Currently in Russia it is carried out tight control for the quality of baby food.

This meat is second only to homemade meat, i.e. if you raise turkeys and others yourself or buy from trusted farmers you know.

Which manufacturer of canned children's meat should I choose?

I will give several examples of the composition of turkey meat and the amount of protein and fat per 100 grams.

"Subject" Compound:turkey meat, rice cereal, sunflower oil, water.

Protein: 10.9 g. Fat: 8.1 g.

"Granny's Basket" Ingredients: turkey fillet, rice, vegetable oil, water.

Protein: 8.5 g. Fat: 12 g.

"Heinz" Ingredients: chilled turkey meat, drinking water, rice flour, sunflower oil, lemon juice.

Protein: 12.7 g. Fat: 3.7 g.

"Gerber" Ingredients: turkey meat puree (40%), corn and rice starch (for consistency), rapeseed oil, sunflower oil, drinking water.

Protein: 10.4 Fat: 5.4.

"Fruto nanny" Ingredients: turkey meat,rice flour, vegetable oil, corn oil,water.

Protein: 12 g. Fat: 4 g.

"Agusha"Compound:turkey meat, rice flour, vegetable oil, drinking water.

Protein: 9 g. Fat: 5.5 g.

"Semper" Ingredients: turkey 60%, rice flour, rice starch, vegetable oil, water.

Protein: 13.4 g. Fat: 3.4 g.

How to cook meat for a child

Cook the liver or meat well and grind it in a meat grinder or blender.

For your child’s good perception of a new product (meat), add it to a familiar and favorite dish (vegetables or porridge).

Until the age of 6 months, a baby does not need any other products except mother's milk. However, after six months the baby should receive much more nutrients than it contains mother's milk or an adapted mixture. Starting to try new food, the child gets acquainted with vegetables, cereals, fruits, oils. When is the time for complementary meat feeding? What type of meat should you start with, how to prepare meat for babies and in what quantity should you offer it to babies up to one year old and at an older age?

Some children like the taste of meat, while others always refuse it.


  • First of all, meat and dishes made from it are a source of proteins. Without these nutrients, the cells in a growing baby's body will not receive enough building material.
  • It is also important that the amino acid composition of meat proteins is complete. It includes all the essential amino acids that are not produced in the human body but must be supplied with food.
  • Meat is one of the sources of iron, magnesium, phosphorus, cobalt, zinc, fluorine and many other trace elements. Iron in meat products is presented in the heme form, which is absorbed better than that one forms of iron found in plant foods.
  • Due to the denser structure of meat dishes, after introducing them into the diet, the child will learn to chew.

Harm and contraindications

Are the concepts “Child” and “Vegetarianism” compatible? See Dr. Komarovsky’s program.

Do you have allergies?

Meats such as chicken and beef can cause allergic reactions, so they are not used as the first types of meat that a baby tries. When the child has become familiar with the less allergenic rabbit and turkey, you can carefully begin giving veal and meat. If a child is allergic to cow's milk, the introduction of veal and beef into his diet should be avoided.

Beef and chicken should be introduced into the diet with extreme caution.

At what age should it be introduced into complementary foods?

Introduction of meat complementary foods into more early age are not carried out because:

  1. The baby’s gastrointestinal tract is not yet sufficiently developed and is unable to completely digest meat products.
  2. Maybe bad influence proteins from meat to the baby's kidneys.
  3. The risk of allergies to protein molecules is increased at an early age.

Calculate your complementary feeding table

Indicate the child's date of birth and method of feeding

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000

Create a calendar

Which meat is best for first feeding?

The first type of meat that a child should try is rabbit. The main advantages of such meat are the rare occurrence of allergies and easy digestion. Rabbit meat is rich minerals and vitamins, and since the fat content in it is low, the product is classified as dietary.

The introduction of beef and chicken occurs only after familiarization with rabbit and turkey meat

In addition to rabbit meat, turkey is also suitable for first courses of complementary meat feeding. This is also low-allergenic meat, the fibers of which are quickly digested. Turkey, like rabbit meat, has very little fat.

It is recommended to introduce the baby to other types of meat later and very carefully for the following reasons:

Meats such as lamb, geese and duck for children younger school age It is not recommended to give at all due to the high fat content. Meat broths You should not cook for children under one year old.

How to prepare meat puree?

Take a small amount of meat (10-20 grams is enough for the first tests) and prepare minced meat from it with your own hands. Boil until tender for 20-25 minutes, pass through a sieve to obtain a homogeneous consistency, and then dilute human milk or adapted mixture, then beat with a blender.

Meat puree can be easily prepared using a blender

You can also boil meat cut into pieces for your child. In this case, it is recommended to bring the product to a boil, drain the water, and pour in the pieces of meat. clean water and cook for about 45 minutes.

When planning to let your little one try meat for the first time, consider the following nuances:

  • The meat must be homogeneous, so it is well boiled and chopped, and also diluted to a mushy state with breast milk or a mixture.
  • Meat puree is served warm.
  • The first portion is a maximum of half a teaspoon of the product.
  • It is recommended to give it in morning time to assess your baby's reaction to new food by the end of the day.
  • Next, meat is given at the third feeding, supplementing vegetable dishes with this product.
  • The amount of meat puree at one time is increased gradually, adding half a teaspoon on each subsequent day.
  • Prepared meat puree should not be stored in the refrigerator. Give your baby only freshly cooked meat.
  • When the baby gets used to the new taste, mix the meat with cereals, vegetables, and add to soups.
  • From 10 months, meat is given to the child only 5 times a week, and on the remaining days it is replaced with fish.
  • Closer to the year, offer the baby no longer puree, but meatballs, encouraging the little one to chew.

Children really like meatballs

Ready-made meat purees from the store

Purchasing ready-made baby food products that include meat has its own advantages:

  • Such products are tested, so all components inside ready-made purees useful for children and appropriate for age needs.
  • Ready-made food is easy to heat up and quickly give to your child.
  • Depending on the recommended age for consumption of the product (it is marked on the packaging), the degree of grinding of the meat varies.
  • Purees can contain several components, such as meat and grains or meat and vegetables.

When buying meat purees, analyze their composition

Usage guidelines for infants and older children

The portion of meat is primarily determined by the age of the baby:

What to do if a child does not want to eat, see Dr. Komarovsky’s program.

How to choose fresh and high-quality meat?

  • When choosing beef for baby food, choose the tenderloin, as this is the least fatty part of the carcass. The same part should be chosen when purchasing pork.
  • Buying rabbit meat for the baby, best choice There will be meat from young animals (no older than 3 months). Prepare the little one back carcass, as it is less fibrous.
  • If you want to cook turkey for your baby, buy breast without skin. This is tender, tasty and lean meat that is best digested. Buying breast meat is also recommended if you want to treat your baby to chicken.
  • The meat you buy should smell good, be uniform and elastic. Do not buy unpleasant-smelling product or odorless meat.
  • Also, you should not buy meat with a brown or gray-brown color. Normally, meat should have a certain shade of red, characteristic of a particular variety (for example, pork pink color, and for beef it is red).
  • When buying meat in a store, carefully read the label, check the expiration dates and integrity of the packaging, and also evaluate appearance product. If possible, smell the meat and make sure it does not have any unpleasant aroma.

Chef Vitaly Tikhonov talks about how to choose high-quality fresh meat.

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