Lesson notes for the senior group in spring. Outline of a lesson on the surrounding world (senior group) on the topic: Outline of a lesson in the senior group on the topic: “Spring has come, brought warmth.” Gymnastics for the eyes “Sunny Bunny”

To form in children an idea of characteristic features spring



Expand and enrich children's knowledge about spring changes in nature;

Foster a sensitive and caring attitude towards nature;

Develop curiosity, memory, sustained attention.


Foster initiative and independence in verbal communication with others;

Enrich lexicon pupils;

Develop the ability to solve riddles.

Artistic creativity:

Develop imagination;

Develop fine motor skills.

Develop skills of accuracy when performing work.

Preliminary work:

Reading fiction, thematic conversations, looking at pictures and photographs, listening to songs, watching natural phenomena, listening to poetry, didactic games.

Direction: cognitive - creative.

Educational area: cognition.

Activities: cognitive, communicative, motor, productive.

Form of organization of children: group.

Integration of areas: cognition, artistic creativity, communication, socialization.

Equipment: thematic pictures with signs of spring, cards with images of birds, pictures with images of primrose flowers, cut-out pictures, a ball, drawing paper, watercolors, brushes, a jar for water.



MBDOU – kindergarten №501


Larionova Maria Vladimirovna

Senior group

Conducted: March 23, 2015

Summary of educational activities

V senior group

"Spring came"

Target joint activities teacher with pupils

To form in children an idea of ​​the characteristic signs of spring



Expand and enrich children's knowledge about spring changes in nature;

Foster a sensitive and caring attitude towards nature;

Develop curiosity, memory,sustained attention.


Foster initiative and independence in verbal communication with others;

Enrich the vocabulary of pupils;

Develop the ability to solve riddles.

Artistic creativity:

Develop imagination;

Develop fine motor skills.

Develop skills of accuracy when performing work.

Preliminary work:

Reading fiction, thematic conversations, looking at pictures and photographs, listening to songs, observing natural phenomena, listening to poetry, didactic games.

Direction: cognitive - creative.

Educational area: cognition.

Activities:cognitive, communicative, motor, productive.

Form of organization of children: group.

Integration of areas:cognition, artistic creativity, communication, socialization.

Equipment: thematic pictures with signs of spring, cards with images of birds, pictures with images of primrose flowers, cut-out pictures, a ball, drawing paper, watercolors, brushes, a jar for water.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, you can name our guest yourself if you guess the riddle:

The snow is melting,

The meadow came to life

The day is coming

When does this happen?

Spring is wonderful and beautiful time the year when nature wakes up and comes to life after long sleep. No wonder poets call spring “the morning of the year.” Are you excited for spring? We have been waiting for spring for a long time, so what kind of spring is it? (Long awaited).

I suggest you guys listen to a fairy tale. How do all fairy tales begin? (Once upon a time, there were). So our fairy tale begins with the words once upon a time - there was a family: a father and four daughters. The father's name was Year, and his daughters' names were Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn. The father loved his daughters very much, even though they were different. The time has come and sister Spring warmed me with the sun and melted the snow. Streams ran, drops rang! Water seeped into the bear’s den, the clubfoot woke up and crawled out of the den to warm up. The birds that flew away from us for the winter have returned. Name them? (rooks, starlings, swallows, cuckoos, geese, swans, nightingales).

Do you want to be in the world of spring? Then close your eyes, spin around...you will find yourself in the world of spring! Imagine yourself in a sunny spring meadow. And here are the signs of spring.

Children find pictures with signs of spring, the teacher hangs them on the board.

Conversation about spring.

What signs of spring are depicted in the paintings?

(The snow melts, the sun shines brighter, icicles appear, birds fly in, streams flow, animals give birth to babies, the first flowers bloom). Children tell stories in a chain based on simple plot pictures.

What other signs early spring did you watch?

(The days are getting longer and the nights are getting shorter, the first migratory birds are arriving, a warm wind is blowing, it has become warmer.)

Name spring months.

March April May -

Don't forget them!

People call the month of March protalnik. Do you know why they call it that? (Children's answers). Thawed patches are where the snow melted and the first islands of land appeared. In the thawed patches the first flowers appear from under the snow. What is the name of the first one? spring Flower? (Children's answers). Why is it called that? (Children's answers). And April has long been popularly called ice breaker and snow blower. Why? (Children's answers). And May is called pollen. Why do you think? (Children's answers).

D/Game “Say kindly.”

D/The game is played in a circle with a ball.

In the spring I just want to talk sweet words. I will say the sun, and you affectionately - sun, branch - twig, leaf - leaf, stream - stream, puddle - puddle, flower - flower, cloud - cloud, tree - tree, cloud - cloud, water - water.

D/Game “Name the signs.”

Select signs for the word spring. What's spring like? (early, ringing, warm, friendly, cheerful, beautiful, blooming, long-awaited).

Didactic game "Fourth odd".

Educator. Look at the birds. Which one do you think is redundant and why?

Children . Extra sparrow. He is a wintering bird, and all other birds are migratory.

Guys, why are they called birds? (the body is covered with feathers, two wings, they can fly, they have a beak, two legs, and a tail).

Which birds arrive first? (rooks).

What are the birds doing? (a picture is displayed - hint: a tree with nests.) (birds make nests).

Why do birds nest and build nests? (in order to hatch chicks).

Sister Spring continues her work on earthorder direct. She decorated everything with flowers, the first tender, green grass.

Why are the flowers that appear in spring called primroses? (because they are the first).

Which flowers bloom first? (snowdrop, mother and stepmother).

How has the life of plants changed with the arrival of spring? (they woke up, young, green leaves appeared on the trees and bushes, the grass turned green).

Guys, tell me, what does spring smell like? (freshness).

Children, we remembered the signs of spring, then you can easily guess all the riddles. Ready?

The snow turns black in the clearing,
The weather is getting warmer every day.
Time to put the sled in the closet.
What a time of year it is.
- spring -


In a blue shirt
Runs along the bottom of the ravine.
- stream -


Housewarming party at the starling's house
He rejoices endlessly.
So that a mockingbird lives with us,
We made...
- birdhouse -

There's someone's house on a branch here
There are no doors or windows in it,
But it’s warm for the chicks to live there.
This house is called...
- nest -

Streams run faster
The sun is shining warmer.
Sparrow is happy about the weather
- Visited us for a month...
- March -

The bear crawled out of the den,
Dirt and puddles on the road,
A lark trills in the sky
- He came to visit us...
- April -


The garden tried on white,
The nightingale sings a sonnet,
Our land is dressed in greenery
- We are greeted warmly...
- May -

The first to get out of the earth
On a thawed patch.
He is not afraid of frost
Even if it's small.
- snowdrop -

On a green fragile leg
The ball grew near the path.
The breeze rustled
And dispelled this ball.
- dandelion -

White peas
On a green leg.
- lily of the valley -

There is a curl in the garden
- White shirt,
Heart of gold.
What it is?
- chamomile -

Guys, riddles about signs of spring you guessed it, showed how Spring is coming how the flowers grow, we remembered the names of spring flowers, we collected the pictures, and now let’s draw together the “Coltsfoot Clearing.”

Educator GBOU Gymnasium No. 1552 City of Moscow Elena Aleksandrovna Kapitanskaya


  • show the knowledge and skills of children acquired in the classroom.


Educational: clarify vocabulary on the topic "Spring" , improve grammatical structure speech in the formation and coordination of possessive adjectives, improve the skills of sound analysis and synthesis, continue to compose complex sentences.

Developmental: develop fine and gross motor skills, phonemic awareness, dialogical speech, auditory and visual attention, thinking.

Educational: cultivate respect for nature, develop experimentation skills, develop cooperation skills, develop initiative and independence.

Integration educational areas: communication, socialization.

Program content: Clarify and consolidate children’s ideas about the changes occurring in nature in the spring. Fix the signs of spring, the names of the spring months. Foster a caring attitude towards the natural environment. Activate the dictionary on the topic: "Spring" .

Materials and equipment: flannelgraph, ball, pictures of animals, birds, flowers, months.

Methodological techniques: riddle, questions, looking at pictures, games, telling a story based on a picture, surprise moment, physical just a minute.

Vocabulary: primrose, drops, thawed patch, birdhouse, early, late, names of babies and birds.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator: Guys, listen to the riddle:

It gets light early in the morning,
Thaws here and there.
The stream roars like a waterfall
Starlings fly to the birdhouse.

Drops are ringing under the roofs.
The bear got up from the snowy bed
The sun caresses everyone with warmth.
When does this happen?

Children: In the spring.

Educator: Correct. And today I will be in the spring. I walked to us for a long time through winter blizzards, cold winds and snowdrifts. Now we will talk about spring. Look at the birch tree I brought with me, but it stands without leaves. Let's put on our birch tree together and see what it will become. For each correct answer about spring, I will give you a green leaf, and you will stick it on a birch tree.

(On the flonegraph, a birch tree trunk with branches. Children attach one leaf for each correctly named sign of spring).

Educator: What spring?

Children: cheerful, red, warm, kind, sunny, beautiful, green, clear... etc.

Educator: Look how green our birch tree has turned. How it became covered with leaves. So you know a lot of words about spring.

Educator: Everyone stand in a circle, we’ll play a game with you "Prompt the word" , only this word must be required "spring" (ball game).

Spring sun... (warms, bakes, caresses)
In spring, icicles under the sun... (melt, drip)
In spring, snowdrifts from the sun's heat... (settle, melt)
In spring there are buds on the trees... (swell, burst)

Streams in spring... (running, murmuring, ringing)
Birds in spring... (return, arrive)
In spring birds nest... (build, build, do)
Ice on the river in spring... (melts, cracks, breaks, floats)

In spring, the first flowers appear in the thawed areas... (appear, bloom)
In spring the grass... (breaks through, grows, turns green)

Educator: Guys, let's sit down on the chairs. Spring has come, let's remember what time of year it was before spring? Will there be after?

What is the first month of spring? Third month?

What month is between March and May?

What month is ahead of April? May?

You know that spring can be early, mid-spring and late spring. What month do you think spring is in? Now we will look at the pictures and try to determine what period of spring they belong to. Why do you think so?

Changes also occur in the lives of animals in the spring. (Look at pictures with images of animals and tell: in the spring animals have babies, winter wool is replaced by summer).

Birds: stork, cuckoo, swallow, starling, rook return from warm countries, build nests, lay eggs and hatch them. (Look at pictures of birds and tell).

In spring flowers appear, they are called primroses. Let's look at the pictures and name them. (On the table there are pictures of different spring flowers - snowdrop, coltsfoot, lungwort, dream grass, corydalis, anemone). Children come up one at a time, take any picture and name the flower depicted on it.

Educator: - Guys, do you know that you can’t pick flowers, you can only admire their beauty.

Children: - Yes, we know.

Educator: Let's play a game: find the extra word.

  1. March, April, May, December.
  2. Coltsfoot, lungwort, chamomile, snowdrop.
  3. Teddy bear, little fox, squirrel, calf.
  4. Butterfly, bumblebee, bee, sparrow.

Educator: -Well done guys! Now let's take a rest.


We walk through the forest together, don’t rush, don’t lag behind
Here we go out into the meadow (walking in place)
A thousand flowers around (hands to the side)
Here is a chamomile, a cornflower,

Lungwort, porridge, clover
The carpet is being laid out
And right and left
Hands stretched to the sky,

Spine stretched (hands up)
We all had time to rest.
And they sat down again.

Educator: Well done, guys! Look at the picture I have, let's make a story. (make up a story).

Children: - In spring the sun shines brightly. Snow is melting. Streams are running. Birds are flying in. People make birdhouses. The first flowers appear. Leaves and flowers are blooming. Beautiful butterflies are flying.

Educator: Well done, who knows poems about spring, flowers, birds. (children read poetry)

1 child:

Snowdrop next to the pine tree
Looks at the sky - light, gentle
What snowflakes are petals!
Don't reach out to him -

Suddenly the petals melt!..

2nd child:

Sparrow ruffled
Alive and healthy
And unharmed.

Catches the March
With every feather

3rd child:

If the snow is melting everywhere,
The day is getting longer
If everything turns green
And a stream rings in the fields,

If the wind gets warmer,
If the birds can't sleep,
If the sun shines brighter,
This means spring has come to us.

4th child:

Waking up from sleep,
Spring with a soft brush
Draws buds on the branches
In the fields there are chains of rooks,

Above the revived foliage -
The first stroke of a thunderstorm,
And in the shade of the transparent garden -
Lilac bush near the fence.

5th child:

The starling lived overseas in winter,
Now he has returned home.
And early in the morning in silence
Sang about the sun and spring.

Educator: Guys, what do you remember about our lesson?

Children: We talked about spring, about animals, birds, flowers.

The birch tree was covered with leaves.

Played with the ball (called signs of spring).

We read poetry.

We made up a story about spring.

Educator: Our lesson is over. Thanks everyone.

Abstract of the openclasses in high school

group on the topic: “Spring”.


Educational:Clarify and systematize children’s ideas about spring changes in nature.

Educational:1. Activate children’s vocabulary with concepts from the topic of the lesson. 2. Develop coherent speech: the ability to express one’s thoughts clearly for others, and to use grammatical structures correctly. 3. Develop dialogical and monologue (explanatory) speech, the ability to correctly construct complex sentences with conjunctions and allied words: what, when, such, because.

Educational: 1. Educate respectful attitude to peers' responses. 2. Contribute to the formation of children’s interest in nature.

Vocabulary work: spring - red, drops, ice drift, flood, streams, making nests, thawed patches, waking up from hibernation.

Preliminary work: observing children in nature, reading fiction, looking at illustrations.

Materials and equipment: flannelograph with a model of a birch tree and leaves, a laptop for displaying signs of spring, a multimedia projector.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator: - Hello, children! It was no coincidence that our conversation began with this word. Saying “hello” according to custom, we wish each other health, goodness, and prosperity. Now guess the riddle:

I have quite a lot to do -

I open the buds, I dress the trees in green leaves, I water the crops, I am full of movement, My name is...

Children: - Spring.

Educator: - That's right, spring has been coming to us for a long time through winter blizzards, cold winds and

snowdrifts. Now we will talk about spring. What is she like?

Look at the birch tree I brought with me, but it stands without leaves.

For every correct answer about spring, I will give you a green one

leaf, and you will “dress” our birch tree, and we will see what it is like

(On the flannelgraph there is a birch tree trunk with branches. Children attach one leaf for each correctly named sign of spring).

Children: – Cheerful, red, kind, sunny... etc.

Educator: - Look how green our birch tree has turned. How it became covered with leaves.

So you know a lot of words about spring.

Educator: - Sit down comfortably, now I’ll show you the coming of spring on the screen, and you

tell me what you saw.

(The laptop turns on and slides about spring are shown)

Children: – Nature and insects come to life.

– The bear wakes up in a den.

- Birds are flying.

– Birds lay eggs and hatch chicks.

– The first flowers appear.

—Bubbling streams flow.

Educator: - Why is spring called red?

Children: - Because she is beautiful and everyone is happy with her.

Educator: - Who can tell me the spring months? What is the name of the first month of spring?

– Listen, guys, what people called the spring months and try to guess why? Mart-dropper, protalnik. April-Aquarius, Birch. May - grass, pollen. Educator: - Now look at the screen.

(Slides are shown for each month with signs of spring)

Educator: – Spring is a holiday of the awakening of nature. All people, animals, plants expect joy and warmth from spring.

F and z m i n u t k a. The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up, didn’t want to sleep anymore, moved, stretched, soared up and flew. ( Repeat 2 times)

Educator: - Now let's play a little. Look at the screen.

(Slides with games and spring riddles are shown)

Educator: - Well done! What time of year were we talking about today? What new have you learned?

Educator: - Our lesson is over, goodbye.

Summary of educational activities

in the older group.

Teacher at MBDOU "Beryozka"

Boslovyak V.V.

Theme of the lesson: “Spring has come.”

Educational areas:“Cognition”, “Communication”, “Reading fiction”, “Music”, “Artistic creativity”,

Goals: consolidate children’s knowledge about spring, improve children’s ability to write a story using pictures, activate children’s vocabulary on the topic “Spring”, practice selecting adjectives, improve the ability to draw with cotton wool using the “poke” method.

Educational: develop children's speech and creative imagination.

Educational: clarify and consolidate children’s ideas about the characteristic signs of spring. Enrich and activate the vocabulary on the topic “Spring”.

Educational: cultivate interest and respect for nature, improve the ability to listen and hear the teacher.

Activating the dictionary: spring, March, April, May, drip, protalnik, winter harvest.

Preliminary work: conversation about spring, looking at paintings, reading and memorizing poems, writing a story about spring using a mnemonic table, solving riddles, observing nature on walks, did. games:

“When does this happen?”, “Find the odd one out”, “What has changed”, “Choose a word”; drawing on the topic: “Spring has come.”

Material and equipment:“Tsvetik - seven-colored flower”, pictures depicting stations, the sun, a cloud, photographs of children's writers: S. Ya. Marshak, I. Tokmakova, Pleshcheev. Mimosa sprig drawing sheets, cotton swabs, gouache paint yellow color, jars of water, napkins.

Progress of educational activities:

Educator: Children, look how many guests came to our lesson. Let's give

give them a kind smile and say hello.

Children: Good afternoon

Educator:(pay attention to the letter on the window)

Someone threw it through our window

Look, the letter.

Maybe it's a ray of sunshine

What tickles our face?

Guys, the letter is addressed to you (I’m reading it).

" Hello guys. Spring is writing to you. I want to check what you know about me. And for this you need to go on a journey and complete all the tasks that I have prepared for you. Please me."

Well, children, let's enjoy spring? (I suggest standing in a circle and preparing for the journey.)

The sun rose a long time ago.

He looked into our window.

I gathered all my friends in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend.

We'll go right now.

And then let's go left.

Let's gather in the center of the circle

Let's smile, wink

Let's go travel!

(Children perform movements according to the text)

Educator: And our journey will be magical. And the extraordinary will help us flower - flower - seven flowers. One day, a mischievous wind scattered the petals of a flower. And on them are the tasks of spring. We need to hit the road and collect everything - all the petals magic flower. You are ready? (reading a poem)

We need to hit the road.

Find all the petals.

Tell me everything about spring.

We will travel by bus. Take your seats, take your seats. (music plays, children sit on chairs)

Educator: And here is the VESELINKA stop. The sun lives here. Children, tell me, what is the spring sun like?

Children: bright, cheerful, radiant, warm, kind, big, joyful.

Educator: Guys, look, a petal. Spring has prepared questions for you.

  1. What seasons do you know?
  2. What time of year is it now?
  3. Name the spring months.
  4. What is the name of the month we live in?

Guys, people say that March usheres in spring. What is it called? (dropper, protalnik, winterbor)

Well done, you answered all the spring questions. And here is another petal (I draw the children’s attention to petal 2). Spring has prepared riddles for you. (I read riddles, the children guess)

Guys, look at another petal. Spring wants us to play a game with you "What's spring like?". And I prepared the ball for the game. Get in a circle quickly. (the children stand in a circle, I throw them a ball, they catch it and say what spring it is.)


Spring is sunny, early, late, joyful, beautiful, green, warm, blooming, etc.


Well done, now take your seats, let's go . Stop "Poetic".

Which beautiful name at this stop. Do you know why it is called that? (I listen to the children’s answers, find another 4 petal)

Many poems and paintings are dedicated to this wonderful time of year - spring. Let's listen to how poets talk about spring. (children read poems about spring)

Well done guys, what poems do you know about spring. (I find 5 petals. I draw the children’s attention to the spring task)


Children, spring has prepared pictures for you and wants to know if you know the signs of spring. You need to talk about the signs of spring and make sentences based on the pictures.

(children look at the pictures and make sentences based on them.)

Spring has come.

Puddles appear on the ground and streams run.

The buds on the trees will swell and green leaves will appear.

The first spring flowers appear in thawed patches.

Birds fly from warm countries: rooks, swallows, starlings, ducks, cranes.


Well done! And you have completed this task of spring. But here is another 6 petal. Spring invites you to play in the game “Name it affectionately.”(playing a game with children)

The sun is the sun, the wind is a breeze, an icicle is an icicle, a stream is a stream, a leaf is a leaf, a thawed patch is a thawed patch, a nest is a nest, a bird is a bird, a branch is a twig, a cloud is a cloud. The color is a flower, the cloud is a cloud, the grass is a blade of grass.


You have completed one more task. Go! (music plays, children sit down)

Stop "SPRING". What else does spring have in store for you?

Guys, here is the last 7 petal. Spring wants us to play the game “Agree on the Proverb.” Well, do you agree? (playing a game with the children)

I saw a rook, welcome spring.

March with water, April with grass.

Spring rain is never too much.

Winter is a strong blizzard, and spring is a drop.

How winter was not angry, but submitted to spring. She was white and gray-haired, but she came green and young.

Rook in the yard, spring on the mountain.

Julia, do you think you coped with this spring task? (I listen). Of course you are great!

Look, there is also a wreath here. We have a spring round dance.

(I put a wreath on the girl, the children perform movements according to the text of the song “Spring Round Dance”)


Well done! Look, what is this? . I show you a branch of mimosa. In spring, the first spring flowers bloom. Look what beautiful branch mimosas. Let's draw it. (Children come to the tables and finish drawing a mimosa branch with cotton swabs)

Don't forget to dip cotton swab in yellow paint, make prints on a sheet of paper.

Which beautiful branches You got mimosas! Well done!

(knock on the door)


Spring has sent you a parcel. Here's the letter.

“Children, you have pleased me with your knowledge. I watched you from the window. And since you did an excellent job with all my tasks, I have a surprise for you. I wish you to continue to be so smart and obedient. Spring."

Spring has sent you candy in a parcel. We'll have tea later. And now it’s time for us to return to kindergarten, to our group. Let's go! (children sit down, music sounds)

And here comes the stop. Kindergarten.

Our journey is over.


Did you enjoy our trip? What did you like most? What task was difficult for you?

Thank you, children. You know so much. They were attentive, smart, and helped each other. This is where our lesson ended.



on the topic of:

“Following the footsteps of SPRING”

TARGET: Summarize and systematize ideas about the signs of spring, clarify ideas about trees, flowers, insects.

Develop observation and curiosity.

Develop coherent speech, the ability to speak clearly and understandably to others.

To consolidate children's knowledge of sound-letter analysis of words and their syllabic composition.

Foster love and respect for nature, a desire to share your knowledge with peers.

PRELIMINARY WORK: Spring observations in nature at different periods of time, conversations about parks in the city of Tambov, observations of trees, birds, insects. A conversation about how to behave when communicating with nature. Reading fiction. Getting to know folk signs.

EQUIPMENT: A set of pictures of trees (birch, rowan, linden, willow, maple); a set of pictures of flowers (coltsfoot, oxalis, lily of the valley, dandelion); set of pictures of insects (beetle, grasshopper, butterfly, ant, ladybug, bee); a set of pictures of birds (starling, rook, nightingale, crow, magpie, sparrow, wagtail); envelopes with a letter, with a set of letters; prohibition signs; audio recording; Spring costume.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: R fuck, look how many guests we have. Let's welcome them.

Good afternoon -we told you

Good afternoon! - you will answer.

How two strings connected -

Warmth and kindness!

Guys, what time of year is it now? (Spring).

Why do you think so? (Children's answers).

What's the first sound? Say it? (V).

Describe this sound. (Consonant, soft).

How many vowel sounds are in the word spring? (2)

How many consonants? (3). Name them. (V, s, n). Well done!

Guys, this morning the postman brought me a letter. Let's find out who it's from.

The teacher reads:

“Hello dear guys. I miss you very much. I invite you to visit me. I want to hear your ringing laugh. And you will find me by my tracks and signs. I wish you success. Spring".

Educator: Guys, do you want to go visit Spring?

Children: Yes!

Educator: Then let's go.

Look, guys, here Spring left us a hint. Let's get a look.

The envelope contains letters (a, k, p, p), from which you need to form a word.

(Arrange the letters in accordance with the indicated numbers).

Educator: Guys, if we can form a word and read it, we will find out where we ended up.

Game: “Make a word”.

Educator: Where did we end up? (In the park).

What parks in our city do you know?

Children: City Park of Culture and Recreation, Friendship Park, Victory Park,

Akhlebinovaya Grove, school park.

What can you do in the park?

Educator: What do all the parks in our city have in common?

Children: There are many trees in all the parks.

Educator: Name what trees grow in our park? (Birch, rowan, linden, willow,).

Name the trees whose names begin with a soft consonant sound (rowan, linden, birch). Name these sounds (ry, l, b).

The name of which tree begins with a vowel sound? (Willow).

Guys, let’s read I. Tokmakova’s poem “Willow” for spring.

Reading the poem “Willow” by I. Tokmakova.

Near the river, at the cliff,

The willow is crying, the willow is crying.

Maybe she feels sorry for someone?

Maybe she's hot in the sun?

Maybe the wind is playful

Did you pull the willow's pigtail?

Maybe the willow is thirsty?

Maybe we should ask her?

Early in the morning, tiny droplets appear on the thin leaves of the willow, and as soon as the wind slightly shakes the willow branches, the drops begin to fall like tears. At this moment, the willow resembles a crying maiden who has let down her long “hair-branches.” That’s why the tree was popularly called “weeping willow.”

Guys, which tree is considered the symbol of our country? (Birch).

Look at the birch and tell me, what kind of birch is it? (White-trunked, curly, beautiful, tall, young, green...).

Educator: Guys, did you know that birch is the only tree in the world that has a cool trunk even in the sun, because it is the only tree with white bark.

Educator: Guys, what traces and signs of spring did you see in the park?

(Young leaves have appeared on the trees, catkins have appeared on the birch, mountain ash begins to bloom, the grass has turned green on the lawns. All this happens in the spring.)

Educator: Guys, traces and signs of spring can not only be seen, but also heard. Want to listen? Sit on the chairs.

We have pictures of birds on our table. Let us divide them into two groups: 1, those who returned to us from warmer climes, and 2, the birds that spent the winter in our park. (Children attach pictures to two easels)

Rooks, nightingales, larks, swallows, starlings - what kind of birds are these? (Migratory).

Crow, magpie, woodpecker, crossbill - what can they be called? (Wintering birds).

Name a bird whose name consists of one syllable? (Rook).

Of two syllables? (Starling).

Three syllables? (Magpie, nightingale, crow).

Educator: How do birds benefit parks?

Children: Our winged friends - birds destroy insect pests that gnaw the foliage of trees, gnaw roots, and wear away the bark of trees.

Educator: Children, how should we treat our feathered friends?

(Take care of birds, bring food, hang feeders, build birdhouses, do not destroy nests...)

Educator: Guys, look, there’s a clearing in the park. Let's find traces of spring on it. Name them. (These are the first spring flowers: coltsfoot, lily of the valley, dandelion, snowdrop). What flowers are located in the upper right corner? Bottom left? Etc.

Educator: And you will find out who else you can see in the clearing in the spring by guessing the riddles:

Moved by the flower

All four petals.

I wanted to rip it off

He took off and flew away. (Butterfly).

Look at the good guys:

Cheerful and lively.

Dragging from all sides

Material for construction.

Without a job, for the life of me

Can't live... (Ant).

Cheren, not a raven,

Horn, not tank.

With wings, not a bird. (Bug).

From the branch to the path,

From grass to blade of grass.

The spring jumps

Green back. (Grasshopper).


Flies over the lawn...

Will fuss over the flower -

He will share the honey. (Bee).

Educator: Guys, what trace has Spring left for us here? (The Trace of Spring is the appearance of insects in nature. They appeared in our region with the onset of warmth that spring brought us).

Educator: What sound is in the word butterfly And bee always soft? (h).

What sound is in the word bug always hard? (and).

What is the first sound in a word grasshopper ? (To).

Where is the sound “a” in a word? ant ? (In the middle of a word). Well done!

Educator: Guys, look, someone is sitting on a dandelion. Who is this? (Ladybug). How many of you know why they call it that? (Children's answers).

They were called cows because they can secrete “milk,” although not white, but orange. Of course, in reality this is not “milk” at all, but blood, acrid and smelling unpleasant. Because of it, neither birds nor lizards eat “ladies.”

What benefits do ladybugs bring? (They eat aphids).

Why are they called migratory beetles? (Children's assumptions).

Educator: It turns out that at the end of summer and autumn, “ladies” fly to winter, and return back in spring and early summer. But not all cows fly away. Many of them remain in our area.

Where do you think they escape from the cold and frost? (Children's answers). (They hide in cracks, in last year’s grass, under clods, in the crevices of tree bark).

Educator: Guys, look, ladybug brought us an envelope. Let's see what's in it? (Children take out the letters e, v.n.a.s)

Game: “Make the word spring.”

(While the children are making up the word spring, the teacher puts on the Spring costume).

Spring: Hello guys! I am very glad that you accepted my invitation and found me following my steps. Well done! I invite you to play with me the Russian round dance game “Like Under Our Gates.”

Round dance game: “Like under our gates.”

Like under our gates

Water was added.

Oh, my viburnum,

Oh my raspberry.

The water was pouring

The grass has spread.

Oh, my viburnum,

Oh my raspberry.

The grass has spread,

Silk grass.

Oh, my viburnum,

Oh my raspberry.

Spring: Well done! I brought you pictures that will remind us of the rules of behavior in nature. I invite you to look at them and tell us what each of them warns us about. (children take turns telling). Now take each one prohibiting sign and match it with the picture.

(You must be very careful when you communicate with nature: do not destroy anthills, do not break tree branches, do not pick too many flowers, do not destroy bird nests.)

And as a parting gift, I want to give you signs that will remind you how to be friends with Mother Nature. Tell your friends about it too.

Educator: Guys, wherever you are: in the forest, in the meadow, in the park, on the river, remember that the nature of our region must be preserved and protected.

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