What is the best way to reduce fever in children? Temperature in a child under one year old: how and when to bring it down? Why you shouldn't pour cold water on a hot child


Provide access fresh air into the room, but do not create a draft.

Start wiping your baby with cool water. You can also use water mixed with vodka or vinegar in equal parts.

Try placing a cabbage leaf on your child's body. First, treat the leaf with boiling water, then beat it and apply it to the body, avoiding the heart area. Secure with film. Change such compresses every half hour.

Try serving to kid raspberry juice Or infuse a tablespoon of dried raspberries in a glass of water, then strain and drink.

Shoots down quite well temperature infusion linden color(Pour 1 glass of dried inflorescences with a glass of boiling water, leave for several hours). Let's drink to kid by adding honey.

Some herbalists offer such a non-trivial remedy as juice from unripe green grapes. Make juice from it and let's to kid, maybe with honey.

Good help to lower temperature citrus. Suggest to kid freshly squeezed juice from oranges or tangerines. Grind the lemon with honey and give this to your baby several times a day.

If the temperature does not decrease, start using antipyretics. These could be candles or. Be guided by the child’s condition: if this is the case, then suppositories will not be effective and it is better to give to kid syrup. If, on the contrary, the child is vomiting, then use.

Be sure to monitor the general condition of the child! If a child stops crying, suddenly freezes, his eyes roll back and begin to tremble, this indicates that he is having convulsions. If you know that your child is prone to seizures, always begin to reduce temperature as soon as you notice its increase. If the doctor hospitalizes the child, do not refuse. A small patient in a hospital will receive more effective assistance.


Typically, the body child responds by increasing body temperature to inflammatory process, viral or bacterial infection. If you notice that your baby has a fever, don't worry. Yours correct actions will help the baby and normalize the situation.


For babies of the first year of life natural temperature body 37 degrees. Subsequently it will drop to 36.6. Remember that fever is not a disease, but only a symptom. In this way, the body produces antibodies, increases protective forces and proliferation of bacteria and viruses. That is why pediatricians recommend knocking down temperature, when it becomes above 38.2 degrees, and for older kids - if it exceeds 38.5.

Start knocking down temperature at child only if it exceeds the permissible level. In this case, it is necessary to carefully examine the baby’s skin. If it's wet, bright red, and the legs and arms are very hot, do a water-vinegar rubdown. To do this, mix water and vinegar in a 5:1 ratio. Helps relieve fever with cool water and cold compress on the forehead.

If child he is chilling and his skin is dry, give him an antipyretic. Dilute water with alcohol, or take it and thoroughly rub the baby’s hands and feet. Then wrap him up and give him hot tea or cranberries. After your child sweats, be sure to change him into dry underwear.

Do not forget that at elevated temperatures the body becomes dehydrated. Therefore, offer your baby to drink as much and as often as possible. Suitable drinks include decoctions, tea, linden, and rose hips. Even if not very extreme heat at child be sure to call a doctor at home. After all, some quite serious diseases can begin in this way. And if the baby’s throat turns red against the background, rashes appear, etc., then the sooner a specialist diagnoses and prescribes necessary treatment, the faster your baby can recover.

Many pediatricians adhere to opinions that a slight increase during the teething period teeth in a child it is normal phenomenon. However, low-grade fever (up to 37-38°C) temperature it is necessary to bring it down, as this temperature is very dangerous infants.

You will need

  • - antipyretic drops or syrups;
  • -bath with cool water;
  • - antipyretic suppositories;
  • - pain-relieving gel for teeth;
  • -children's sedative (if necessary).


To quickly bring down a high temperature over a year old, give him paracetamol (acetameninophen). This is the safest to date. By using it in a single dose of 10-15 mg/kg body weight in solution orally, you will reduce temperature body, by about 1-1.5°C. To reduce the temperature, you can also use Tylenol drops or antipyretic suppositories, such as Calpol. Remember, candles can be used for no more than three days in a row. After 6, you can also use Motrin (drops). Nurofen is very sweet and you can give it to your child without difficulty.

Dial warm bath, the water temperature should be almost cool. Place the child in the water. He should take a bath for several minutes; if you “overexpose” him and he begins to tremble, the temperature will rise even more. Give your baby water to drink regularly room temperature, very small serve or pedialight.

In order for the child to bear temperature a little easier, keep his head cool by placing a wet cloth on his forehead. Don't forget to take pain relief special creams and gels, if necessary, give the baby and sedatives. Do not put extra clothes on your child, and do not wrap or cover tightly under any circumstances. Ventilate the room several times a day. If you use diapers, try not to wear them. If a child’s high body temperature lasts more than 4-5 hours, call your local doctor or ambulance, because in many cases teething teeth accompanied by ARVI, etc.


Never give your child aspirin, as taking it may cause Reye's syndrome (very high mortality rate). Do not rub your baby with alcohol.

Helpful advice

If a high temperature lasts for several days and is accompanied, for example, by an upset stomach, cough or nausea, be sure to call a local doctor or an ambulance to your home. Do not self-medicate unless you are sure that it was teething that caused the fever.

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Tip 4: How to bring down a baby’s temperature during teething

Teething teeth– a long-term process that requires great emotional investment. Few mothers can be glad that their children at they hardly suffered from this. Drooling, pain in irritated gums, insomnia - in addition to all this, babies can also suffer from high fever.


Special attention It is worth paying attention to an increase in temperature when the body is overheated and dehydrated, since treatment should be accompanied by additional measures to replenish the lack of water.

There are three main periods of body temperature fluctuation.

1. Gradual increase in temperature. On at this stage the child’s general condition worsens, headaches and chills may begin. Also, children are characterized by excitability, capriciousness, combined with constant desire sleep, refusal to eat and vomiting. The first thing to do in in this case, cover the child well, give him tea and warm his feet.

2. Period maximum values. The child's condition is deteriorating. Possible dizziness, severe headache and heaviness, a feeling of heat, aching throughout the body. Babies may experience convulsions, hallucinations and delusions, so under no circumstances should you leave the child alone at this stage. Important steps To lower the temperature will be: drinking plenty of fluids, taking emergency measures to cool the body, taking antipyretics, monitoring blood pressure and pulse.

3. Decrease in temperature – period of recovery.

Reducing the temperature of a child without medication

There are three main ways of temperature.

1. Cooling with ice. To carry out the procedure, you need to fill bags or special bubbles halfway with ice. They need to be placed on top of a folded piece of fabric on the groin and the child, as well as on his head. After 20-30 minutes, the ice and temperature must be removed. Its reduction by 0.5°C is considered optimal. If the result is not achieved, the procedure can be repeated.

2. Alcohol cooling. This procedure only over one year of age. To carry it out, you need to moisten cotton swabs in 70% alcohol or wipe them on your temples, neck where the main arteries pass, elbows, knees and inguinal folds. You need to repeat the action every 10-15 minutes. When the temperature drops by 0.3°C, the procedure stops.

3. Vinegar wraps. To lower the temperature in this way, you need to moisten a diaper of suitable size in a solution prepared from one part vinegar and two parts water. The child should be undressed, leaving only underwear and having previously smeared scratches and abrasions on his body, if any, with Vaseline. To carry out the procedure, put the baby in diapers, raise his arms, cover him with one edge of the fabric, lower his arms and lower the second edge. Every 15-20 minutes you should re-soak the diaper with the solution. After two repetitions, it is necessary to control the decrease in temperature, which should be 0.5°C.

Additional measures

As additional measures To prevent overheating of the body, you can use cool air blowing. You can use a fan or a controlled draft to do this. Towels and sheets soaked in ice water are also suitable for wraps.


  • Home care for the sick, N.N. Polushkina, 2005

All colds are caused by viruses and they begin in the same way - in the evening the child’s temperature rises, his nose is stuffy, the next morning a cough appears, a runny nose and then a fever again.

How to measure temperature

The body's protective reaction to the invasion of viruses is an increase in temperature. It controls the number of “enemies”, since bacteria and viruses do not multiply in the heat. “Warming up” mobilizes the body’s hidden reserves to protect against infection. A decrease in temperature leads to a prolongation of the disease.

You can measure your child's temperature different ways, for example, give a pacifier thermometer to suck. Accurate results gives a thermometer with infrared sensors, which is inserted into the ear for a few seconds. Children three years of age and older in the armpit. For children under one year old, if there is no diaper rash, you can place a thermometer in the groin area.

Berry desserts depending on temperature

It is necessary to judge whether it is necessary to reduce the temperature based on the child’s condition. If the baby is playing, the skin is pink, moist and warm, then the body is reacting correctly to the increase in temperature. In such cases, there is no need to resort to antipyretics. They can be replaced by frequent drinking. Natural juices, fruit drinks, rosehip decoction, dried fruit compote, linden tea will replace fluid loss. Raspberries, cloudberries, lingonberries, cranberries in any form are a wonderful dessert.

At temperatures above 38.5°C, the child’s condition can be alleviated by wiping with vinegar water. For 1 liter cool water take 1 tablespoon of 9% vinegar. First, wipe the stomach, chest, back, and then the legs and arms.

At risk - trouble is near

You should not hesitate and self-medicate if, as the temperature rises, the child immediately becomes lethargic and drowsy. If you have dry skin, bluish coloration of nails, or cold nails, you should immediately call a doctor and, before he arrives, bring down the temperature with antipyretic drugs - Nurofen and Paracetamol syrups.

There are children who cannot tolerate even a slight increase in temperature. At risk are babies in the first three months of life and premature babies. If a child has had seizures at least once in his life, even Not high temperature must definitely be reduced. And in any case, even if the cold occurs without complications, you should consult a doctor.

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The most common remedy for reducing elevated body temperature is paracetamol. It is approved for use by both adults and infants. The variety of dosage forms allows you to accurately calculate the dosage of the drug and quickly achieve the desired result. therapeutic effect.


The most convenient dosage form paracetamol for infants are rectal suppositories. The dosage can be calculated both according to the baby’s weight and age. For children in the first three months of life, there are paracetamol-based suppositories with a dosage of 50 mg. They allow you to shoot down temperature a child weighing up to 6 kg. For older children, suppositories are available in a dosage of 100 mg. If your child is under 3 years old and weighs 7-16 kg, these suppositories should be used. For children under one year old (weighing 7-10 kg), it is recommended to administer one suppository; for older children, the drug is calculated individually, depending on the thermometer readings. At low-grade fever One suppository of 100 mg will be enough; persistent fibrillation is an indication for increasing the dosage to 200 mg (two suppositories). Children 3-10 years old (weighing 17-30 kg) will need one suppository of 250 mg to reduce the temperature. At older ages, an increase in dose to 0.5 g is indicated.

The suppository is inserted into the rectum after a cleansing enema or bowel movement. Maximum daily dose paracetamol cannot exceed 60 mg/kg body weight.

Paracetamol in the form of sweet syrup can be used from six months of age. For a six-month-old baby to reduce the temperature, 1/2 scoop of medicine (60 mg) is prescribed. The dose for a one-year-old child is 1 spoon (120 mg). By the age of three, the dose of syrup can be increased to one and a half scoops, and by six - to two. Children 6-12 years old can take 2-3 scoops of medicine. The dosage of syrup for children over 12 years of age is 3-5 scoops (depending on the child’s body weight).

Paracetamol is prescribed for children over 6 years of age. The soluble form of the drug (effervescent) is approved only from the age of 15 years (when the patient reaches a weight of 50 kg). The dosage of the drug is calculated based on the patient’s weight and averages 10-15 mg/kg. The effervescent tablet must be dissolved in 100 ml of water before use, and the regular tablet must be simply washed down big amount liquids.

The drug cannot be taken more than 4 times a day, so if the fever returns earlier than 6 hours after taking paracetamol, you need to choose another remedy (for example, ibuprofen) to normalize the temperature. If the fever does not go away within three days, you should consult a doctor to clarify it and adjust treatment.

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In addition to a sore throat and runny nose, they are almost always accompanied by an increase in body temperature. It's natural defensive reaction organism, indicating that the immune system started to struggle with pathogenic microorganisms– viruses and bacteria. If the baby has a cold, the parent is faced with the question of whether to lower the child’s temperature. To accept the right decision, it is important to understand the causes of fever and closely monitor the well-being of the little patient.

The reason for the rise in temperature in a child with a cold

When an infection enters a child’s body, the immune system is activated. The development of an inflammatory reaction and an increase in body temperature are ways to combat the microorganisms that cause a cold. As a result of the work of the immune system, special biological substances are released, some of which affect the temperature centers in the brain. This is how the body triggers protective mechanisms for increasing temperature. Fever and increased heart rate are also associated with decreased sweating and increased metabolism. In children, the temperature can rise above 38°C very quickly. In some cases, the cerebral cortex does not have time to adapt to the changes occurring in the body, which provokes the appearance of febrile seizures. That is why it is recommended to bring down high temperatures in children in a timely manner.

How to measure temperature correctly

If you suspect that your child has a fever, measure the temperature as quickly as possible. in a convenient way– in the armpit or inguinal fold. If you are using a mercury thermometer, shake it down to 36°C or lower. Before starting the measurement, wipe the skin in the groin area or under the armpit dry. If your child is overstimulated, crying or scared, first let him calm down. Place the baby on your lap, place the thermometer in armpit so that its tip is completely in the fold of skin. When measuring in the groin, first place the patient on his side, do not cover him with a warm blanket - this can lead to an increase in temperature. Use your hand to press the baby's limb (arm or leg) to the body. After 10 minutes, remove the thermometer and record the measurement results.

What temperature should be lowered

It is necessary to bring down a high temperature in a child in the first two months of life if the thermometer reaches 38 °C. For older children with relatively normal health, the temperature should be reduced at 39-39.5 ° C. If the baby has previously had convulsions, an antipyretic should be given already at 37.5 °C. Before quickly bringing down a child’s fever at home, assess the patient’s condition. If your baby is not feeling well and has a severe fever, you should not wait for the thermometer to reach 38 °C. In this case, it is advisable to alleviate the patient’s condition by giving an antipyretic.

Ways to reduce a child's temperature

Creation of an optimal microclimate. If a child has a fever and runny nose, it is important to ensure that the children's room is cool (18-20 °C) and optimal humidity(50-60%). Ventilate the room and put the patient to bed. Wrapping up your baby is dangerous: it can quickly lead to overheating and heatstroke. If the child does not feel cold, dress him lightly and do not cover him with thick blankets.

Drink plenty of fluids. At high temperatures, the body intensively loses fluid through the skin. The baby should be held to the breast or given water from a baby bottle as often as possible. An older child can be offered warm tea, cranberry juice or any other drink that the baby agrees to drink. If you want to bring down your child’s temperature, it is better to give small amounts of water: a few teaspoons every 10 minutes. A large dose of liquid may cause vomiting. If the mark on the thermometer has reached 38 °C, you can use powders to prepare hot drinks, for example RINZASip ® for children. Such drugs simultaneously satisfy the body's need for fluid and reduce fever due to the action of active components.

Physical cooling methods. Various methods of cooling the body are used only if the baby’s fever is not accompanied by vasospasm (the limbs are not pale or cold). Rubbing with cool or slightly warm water helps bring down the child’s temperature. You can carefully wipe your baby’s forehead, feet, knees, elbows, and groin folds with a cloth soaked in water. It is important that the little patient does not freeze during the procedure; this can again lead to an increase in temperature, progression of the runny nose, etc.

Use of antipyretics. One of the safest and most well-studied drugs for reducing fever in childhood is paracetamol. It can be used in the form of candles, tablets, syrups or powder for preparing hot drinks (for example, RINZASip ® for children). To bring down a child’s temperature to 39 °C for 3-4 hours, it is important to correctly calculate the dosage of paracetamol. Always follow the instructions for the product you are using. Typically, for a single dose, a dose of 15 mg of paracetamol per kilogram of the child’s weight is recommended. For a longer-term effect, for example, if you need to reduce a high temperature throughout the night, it is permissible to increase the single dose to 20 mg/kg. To reduce fever in children, drugs based on acetylsalicylic acid and drugs from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are not used due to high risk side effects.

Folk remedies.

  • Tea with raspberries. Acetylsalicylic acid in raspberries and caffeine in black leaf tea sometimes help improve well-being with high fever and runny nose in adults. However, this drink is not recommended for children, since side effects due to inaccurate calculation of the dosage of active substances and the risk of developing allergies outweigh the possible benefits. Besides, in hot water raspberries lose almost all their beneficial properties.
  • Herbal decoctions. IN folk recipes It is proposed to use decoctions of linden inflorescences, rose hips, and coltsfoot leaves to reduce the temperature in children. It is important to remember that substances contained in these and other plants may be allergens. None of folk remedies has not proven effective in clinical trials.
  • Hot milk with honey. Both of these products may cause allergic reaction. In babies under one year of age, the use of honey in any form is not recommended. When dissolved in hot milk, tea or any other drink, honey loses some of its beneficial properties under the influence of high temperatures.

RINZASip ® for children to reduce the temperature of a child

RINZASip ® for children can be used to reduce the temperature at home in a child over 6 years old. This modern antipyretic drug contains active substances in a dosage calculated taking into account childhood. The product helps treat fever and runny nose in a child, while helping to reduce fever and facilitate nasal breathing. RINZASip ® for children can be used to alleviate the baby’s condition after consultation with a pediatrician.

In what cases is it necessary to consult a doctor?

Treat any colds in a child accompanied by fever and runny nose, it is recommended under supervision and in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations. It is necessary to urgently call a pediatrician at home in the following cases:

  • an increase in temperature is accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, and the appearance of a rash;
  • when the baby has a fever, he refuses to drink for several hours;
  • temperature above 38 °C lasts more than three days;
  • the child develops convulsions and disturbances of consciousness;
  • the baby has chronic diseases (kidneys, heart, etc.).

Our expert - pediatrician Maria Sedova.

Why is fever necessary?

Fever usually occurs due to a viral infection. Often the disease begins with an increase in body temperature, other symptoms appear later.

Rules modern medicine It is prohibited to reduce body temperature to below 38.5°C.

In fact, the heat is good sign. After all, an increase in temperature means that the body has begun to fight the infection, and a high temperature means that the body is coping well.

Fever, as a reaction to a disease, indicates a healthy immune system - so this is not a reason for fear, but for joy. An artificial decrease in temperature can weaken protection, so you should not resort to it without sufficiently compelling reasons, at least until the thermometer shows more than 38.5°.

Three degrees, three distinctions

There are three degrees of fever:

  • subfebrile (37.2-38 °C)
  • febrile (38-39.1 °C)
  • hyperthermic (39.1 °C and above).

A body temperature of 37-37.1 °C is considered normal for young children, and up to three years of age you can completely ignore it.

Reducing the temperature becomes relevant when it reaches the hyperthermic degree or approaches it. Whether a child's temperature needs to be brought down above 38.5 °C depends on his condition, since it does not necessarily correspond to the readings of the thermometer. If a sick child does not feel very bad and is quite cheerful, then there is no need to lower the temperature - you just need to monitor how he feels. For a child who cannot tolerate high fever, you need to find a way to reduce it.

We knock it down correctly

To reduce your temperature, it is not necessary to immediately resort to antipyretic medications.

First you need to undress the child (sometimes the temperature can rise by 1-2 degrees simply because the child is wrapped up). If it is a baby, make sure it is not wearing a diaper - this item is absolutely incompatible with elevated temperature bodies.

You can try wiping with warm water with the addition of 9% vinegar (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water).

It is good to give the child a 10-minute bath, preferably with his head, and then, without drying, wrap him in a sheet or towel and bring him to a ventilated room. However, when water procedures and rubbing, it is important that the water temperature is no more than 1 degree below body temperature - otherwise the strong contrast can cause vasospasm. And - attention! - if a child’s fever is accompanied by chills, he should not be bathed or dried.

Important during fever drinking regime. Infants can be put to the breast unlimitedly, and it is useful for older children to drink slightly acidified water, as well as to give natural diaphoretics: linden or raspberry decoction with honey. Sweating also has an antipyretic effect. A sweaty child should be changed into dry clothes, but not dried.

If there is a need for an antipyretic drug, then medications such as paracetamol and ibuprofen are allowed for children. More “adult” drugs can be harmful, of which aspirin is especially dangerous, which is generally prohibited for use in children by the World Health Organization.

In rare cases, when ordinary antipyretics do not help, you have to call an ambulance. The arriving team will give the child an injection of a lytic mixture (analgin-papaverine-diphenhydramine), but this, of course, is a last resort.

Among people prone to self-medication, and, unfortunately, even among some doctors, there are supporters of the unjustified use of antibiotics, including as an antipyretic. This harmful misconception: antibiotics have their own special indications for use and fever is not such an indication. Antibiotics are designed to treat bacterial infections and at viral diseases are not only useless, but also contraindicated.

When to worry

Although fever itself is not a cause for concern, there are some manifestations of it that require urgent contact with your doctor. These are cases when:

  • a child with a fever has cold hands and feet, which may be a sign of a preconvulsive condition;
  • the child is less than 1 year old, and the temperature rises rapidly (risk of seizures);
  • fever is accompanied by pallor and chills or extreme lethargy to the point of confusion;
  • temperature rose above 41 °C;
  • there has been a large loss of fluid (when fever is accompanied by prolonged diarrhea and vomiting);
  • a child constantly cries during a fever;
  • febrile (above 38 °C) temperature lasts longer than 3 days.


In some cases, the temperature must be reduced without even waiting for 38 °C. 

  • When?
  • Children with neurological problems (due to a tendency to febrile seizures). Children with chronic diseases
  • hearts.

Infants in the first three months of life. Dear readers, I welcome you to my blog, Lena Zhabinskaya is with you. It's a slushy wet spring outside. Leva went to the municipal kindergarten

, where there are 30 people in the group, and now regularly brings home various viruses.

Since it is impossible to separate two children within the same apartment, all this “wealth” always falls to Eva. What I haven’t seen and what I haven’t encountered. A temperature of 39.5 - 39.8 will not surprise me at all.

But even when it seemed that nothing was helping, we eventually dealt with it ourselves. They shot down and won without calling an ambulance. Today I will tell you how to bring down a high temperature in a child. The most common reason

(up to 95% of cases) increased body temperature in children is ARVI - acute respiratory viral infections, in other words, viruses. And this cannot be avoided if the baby visits children's group

, be it a kindergarten, a development school, or some kind of circle. Moreover, you can simply ride with your whole family in an elevator where a sick person was previously. And you won’t get sick, because you are already adults and have encountered such a virus before and your experienced combat immunity will immediately neutralize it, and the baby will “catch” the disease, because he is not yet familiar with this particular infection.

Children's immunity is still developing, learning to cope with infections, neutralize and defeat viruses. This is his natural state due to age. All children get sick often. Only those who live in a hut in the taiga or a dugout in the desert, where there are no other people, do not get sick. And the virus is very happy to get into a new one healthy body - of course, 36.6 degrees is ideal temperature

In order to successfully live and reproduce, in such conditions a harmful cell is very pleasant and comfortable. And the body knows this. Therefore, when a malfunction occurs and the immune system detects foreign cells, a whole defense program is activated. One of its manifestations is an increase in body temperature. The more serious the virus and greater danger

, the higher it rises. And the higher it rises, the more the body produces interferon and antibodies - fierce defenders of health, which will ultimately deal with the infection in 3-7 days.

Although an increase in body temperature has obvious positive effect– this is how the body fights infection, you need to be able to knock it down in time.

Everything here is very individual and depends on the specific child and the specific infection. Sometimes with a temperature of 39, children play and ask to eat and go for a walk. And it happens that at 37.5 degrees they lie flat and cry. Therefore, if a child is really unwell, then, of course, you need to be guided by his condition, and not by the marks on the thermometer, and try to help.

The negative effect of a body temperature above 39 degrees is greater than any positive effect. Therefore, it is definitely necessary to lower the temperature above 39 degrees.

How to reduce fever without medications

  • It is necessary to ensure the air temperature in the room is 18-20 degrees, not higher, and the air humidity is 50-70%.

This is necessary so that the body can dump excess heat during breathing. When we inhale air, it is equal to temperature environment. When we exhale it, it is equal to body temperature.

Due to this difference, excess heat escapes and the temperature can drop naturally.

Note that no one says that a sick child needs to be frozen! Dress your baby warmly, ideally in knitted pajamas, cover with a blanket, etc. The baby should be comfortable! We are just talking about the fact that you need to breathe cool air.

The air should be not only cool, but also humid to prevent additional fluid loss from the body. Air humidity is most effectively achieved using an ultrasonic humidifier. And it is controlled using a hygrometer.

  • You need to drink a lot, drink, and drink again.

The child must drink a lot, not according to the principle of whether I want it or not. And according to the principle it is NECESSARY!

This is necessary to replenish the lack of fluid in the body caused by an increase in body temperature, thin the blood and better supply oxygen to all organs and systems of the body, the ability to often go to the toilet in small ways and thereby get rid of large quantity toxins.

You may ask, how much is this - a lot? Here you need to navigate as follows. You need to drink enough for the baby to run to the potty or fill a diaper 1-2 times an hour, and the urine should be almost clear and odorless.

In order to get the effect of drinking as quickly as possible, you need to strive to ensure that the temperature of the drinks is close to 36.6 degrees - the body temperature at which absorption in the stomach occurs.

Most the best option for drinking, especially if you need to act quickly - warm solution for oral rehydration. This special powder, which is sold in pharmacies, contains salts necessary to replenish the water-salt balance.

But in general, you can drink anything as long as you drink. Dried fruit compote, tea, mineral water, fruit drink, plain water etc.

  • It is necessary to limit physical activity.

When the baby moves, additional heat is generated. Now we don’t need it, because our task is to get rid of excess heat.

Therefore, the ideal activity now is reading books with your beloved mother under a cozy blanket and watching colorful cartoons that I had long wanted to see, but never had the time.

  • It is necessary to consciously reduce the volume and concentration of food.

As a rule, during the period of illness, the baby’s appetite is reduced or completely absent. And this is not without reason. Now all the forces of the body are thrown into the fight against an external enemy - the virus.

Digesting food will divert resources and delay recovery.

That is why during the acute period of a child’s illness it is necessary not only not to insist on food, but to consciously limit the child in it. For example, thin porridge instead of thick. Light meat or chicken broth instead of rich solyanka or borscht, etc.

In addition, it is worth remembering that hot food is an extra source of heat, the excess of which we get rid of. Therefore, you need to strive to ensure that the temperature of the food is not too hot.

What medications can lower the temperature

Any medications are secondary in solving the problem of lowering body temperature. If conditions have not been created to effectively lose heat (we talked about them just above), medications will not help.

In this case, the fever may decrease, but only slightly and not for long. And worried parents will wonder why the magic pill isn't helping.

That is why it is imperative to first create conditions for the body to lose excess heat. I can tell you from experience that it often happens that this is enough, and the fever drops to the level at which the child can comfortably tolerate it (about 37.5 degrees), and the use of medications is not required at all.

If not, we add medications, and the right conditions they work really well.

  • Paracetamol

This is the number one medicine that parents will give their child first when the temperature rises, because it has minimal side effects and is usually very well tolerated.

In children's forms it is available in the form of syrups and suppositories.

The active ingredient is paracetamol, but commercial names may vary. These are Panadol, Calpol, Tsefekon D, Efferalgan and many others. The difference may be in the name, manufacturer, color and smell food additives, price, but in the instructions in the column the international name - paracetamol - will indicate to you that this is the same medicine.

What to choose: syrup or candles? Syrup from the stomach is absorbed much faster, especially if it is first warmed up a little to body temperature.

Suppositories are absorbed more slowly, but last longer.

Therefore, if you need to reduce the temperature very quickly, choose syrup.

And if the fever is not very high, and we need to sleep peacefully at night and get enough sleep for everyone, we will opt for candles.

This is what concerns one year old baby, a child at 2 or 3 years old. If your child is old enough and is already able to swallow a pill, you should opt for them. They are cheaper and do not contain a bunch of unnecessary additives for taste and aroma.

The dosage of the drug is always indicated in the instructions, but the recommended single dose is 10-15 mg per kg of child weight. You can repeat the dose after 4-5 hours, but the maximum daily dose should not exceed 60 mg per kg of the child’s weight.

  • Ibuprofen.

Alternative to paracetamol. Also available without a prescription worldwide. It has slightly more side effects and is not used in children during the first 3 months of life.

The active ingredient ibuprofen is presented to us in pharmacies under the commercial names Nurofen, Ibufen, Macrofen, Solpaflex and many others.

Also available in the form of syrups and candles. A single dosage of ibuprofen is 5-10 mg per kg of child weight. You can repeat taking the medicine no earlier than after 6 hours, and no more than 20 mg per kg of weight in total per day.

Paracetamol and ibuprofen are the safest and are approved for use without a prescription in children all over the world. This medications number one, which should be used by parents first (according to the instructions) while waiting for the doctor to arrive.

  • Nimesulide.

In many countries around the world, this drug is prohibited for use in principle as it has many side effects on the liver. However, this circumstance is controversial and causes disagreement among many practicing pediatricians.

Many pediatric doctors actively use nimesulide to reduce fever in children in cases where paracetamol and ibuprofen do not cope, because nimesulide is much more effective than these two drugs, even taken together.

In Russia and Ukraine, recently, orders of the Ministry of Health prohibited the use of nimesulide in children under 12 years of age.

However, due to the prevalence of its use in practice, pharmacies offer this drug in the form of tablets, syrups, and powders for the preparation of suspensions.

In pharmacies, nimesulide can be found under the following names: Nise, Nimesil, Nimulid, Alit-baby and many others.

If you live in another country where the use of nimesulide in children is permitted, keep in mind that the single dose of the drug is 1.5 mg per kg of body weight. You can repeat the dose 2-3 times a day, but in total no more than 5 mg per kg of the child’s weight in total per day.

  • Analgin.

In our country it is used in children as emergency measure to reduce body temperature and only by doctors.

It is an injection of analgin mixed with diphenhydramine (or for example no-shpa, as well as some other drug, if necessary - antiemetic, etc.) directly in a syringe that your baby will receive from an emergency doctor who has come to a call about high blood pressure. temperature.

Why is analgin used only by doctors, and not universally by parents themselves? Because its very serious side effects on the hematopoietic system have been scientifically proven. Hemoglobin levels drop sharply and many important blood cells are destroyed. Rarely, but there are even fatal cases.

Analgin is prohibited for use in many developed countries.

In Russia and Ukraine, this drug is used in children, but strictly as prescribed by a doctor, when other antipyretic drugs have not given any effect, and in the shortest possible courses.

In pharmacies, analgin is offered under the following commercial names: Baralgin, Revalgin, Pentalgin, Spazmalgon - they are all the same thing.

I repeat that ideally any medications should be prescribed by a doctor and taken under his guidance. However, the reality is that more in this matter depends on the parents. The doctor will come and go. And the parents will have to ventilate, give water, calm, change clothes, decide whether to give or not give medicine after a few hours.

Basic rules for the use of antipyretics in children.

  • Paracetamol, ibuprofen and nimesulide are given symptomatically. That is, not according to schedule, but in fact. The temperature rose - they gave it up. If I didn’t get up, they didn’t let me.
  • Be very careful with the dosage of medications! It’s better to recalculate seven times with a calculator until you are 100 percent sure that you have calculated the dose correctly. Do not hesitate to ask your husband, grandfather, girlfriend, or, in general, another person with mathematical abilities and a brain that is not clouded on this topic to double-check.

Why is this so important? The Internet is replete with horror stories about the terrible nimesulide, which supposedly made several children very ill. When you start reading stories like this, the hair on your head stands on end. Moms write: oh, what nimesulide (nimulide, etc.) is bad, we almost died from it - I gave it 1 tablet of 100 mg for seven days, oh, how bad it was for us, a 7-year-old child. I would like to ask these people: excuse me, what? What is 100 mg for a child weighing about 30 kg? What are you about? 1.5 mg x 30 = 45 mg! That's less than half a tablet!

That is, some woman did not bother to turn on her brain to study the correct dosages, and, out of her stupidity, poisoned her child for several days with twice the dose of medicine, and who is to blame? Bad medicine.

In such cases, I would like to remind parents to be very, very attentive. Life and health are in our hands little man, who trusts us and for whom we are responsible. In the wrong hands, even the best weapon in the fight for health can turn into a means of murder.

  • Be very careful about what you give your child. So, if you give Panadol, and an hour later Nurofen, then everything is fine. Because the first is paracetamol, and the second is ibuprofen. That is, these are different medicines.

But if you give Panadol first, and an hour later Efferalgan, then you will get an overdose of paracetamol, because under different names in both cases the same thing is hidden active substance! Paracetamol can be used again no earlier than after 4 hours.

Folk remedies

  1. Rubbing children with alcohol, vodka, or vinegar is unacceptable and dangerous because, without bringing a real scientifically proven result, it can cause severe poisoning small organism what they rub with! Parents should know that alcohol, vodka and vinegar are absorbed and enter the body through the skin and inhaled vapors! Intoxication with acid and alcohol is not at all what the baby needs right now!
  2. Wrapping yourself in wet sheets, bathing in cold water, and other physical cooling methods. In addition to the fact that this is uncomfortable, unpleasant and very cold for an already sick child, it is also very dangerous due to the risk of skin vasospasm. This is the body's protective reaction to cold - it blocks the heat transfer mechanism in order to retain heat. And as a result, the skin becomes pale and cold, but the temperature internal organs rises. The result is a sharp deterioration general condition and a doctor is urgently needed.

Thus, the use of folk remedies, grandmother’s remedies, to reduce a child’s body temperature is not only not useful, but even criminally dangerous for his health.

How to quickly and effectively reduce a high temperature: procedure

As I already wrote, in practice this drug is prescribed and successfully used by most pediatric doctors. In their opinion, the harm from nimesulide is more theoretical and hypothetical.

None of the doctors I know have encountered severe side effects from nimesulide in children when used correctly.

And vice versa - the harm from analgin, which is injected into a child by an ambulance team, is proven and tangible. Therefore, I personally do everything in my power so that I don’t have to call 03, because I know that an analgin injection may be effective in lowering the temperature, but it is also the most harmful and dangerous.

Therefore, I sincerely urge you not to be lazy and actually carry out the activities listed in the article, which will help your child lose heat effectively and allow safe antipyretics to do their job. Love children and get sick easily (I would like to not get sick at all, but we understand that this is impossible)! Lena Zhabinskaya was with you, bye-bye!

You can reduce your child’s temperature using the following methods:

  • use of medications (suppositories, syrups);
  • physical cooling methods;
  • folk remedies.

The World Health Organization recommends lowering the temperature above 39 degrees, as this is the body's reaction to a foreign agent. Viruses die only at this temperature. However, one should take into account the fact that if a child has a convulsive readiness, it should be reduced already at 38 degrees and not wait any longer.

Children are at risk if they are newborns or have:

  • neurological pathology;
  • chronic heart and lung diseases;
  • history of febrile seizures.

These babies should bring their temperature down to 38 degrees.

Types of hyperthermia

It is dangerous to the life and health of the child.

So, white fever You can suspect it if you notice in your baby:

  • cold feet, hands, but the body is hot;
  • lips and skin of legs with a tint of blue;
  • pale skin with marbled pattern;
  • the child is drowsy and lethargic;
  • temperature over 39 degrees.

This condition occurs rarely.

Red hyperthermia

Most common in children.

Characterized by the following features:

  • hot skin covering, including hands and feet;
  • red skin color;
  • the child can behave actively.

How to reduce high temperature?

Help for white fever consists of the following steps:

  • warm your feet - put on warm socks;
  • drink plenty of water;
  • with white hyperthermia, a sharp spasm of blood vessels occurs, so it is necessary to give a vasodilator (Papaverine or Drotaverine) and an antipyretic (they will be discussed below);
  • If convulsions occur, you need to urgently call an ambulance.

How to reduce the temperature of an infant using medication?

Antipyretic drugs are whole class medicines.

Ibuprofen series:

  • Nurofen (suppositories, syrup);
  • Ibuprofen.

Paracetamol series:

  • Panadol;
  • Calpol;
  • Efferalgan;
  • Cefekon.

Rules for taking antipyretics

  1. No more than 4 times a day. There is a danger of overdose and the risk of missing an infection.
  2. No more than 5 days.

Antipyretic drugs have been used since 1971, when the work of J. Wayne first proved their effect on the enzyme, which is activated against the background of inflammation and provokes fever.

Paracetamol does not affect the gastric mucosa and respiratory center, does not disturb the acid-base balance.

Its effect begins within 30-60 minutes and lasts up to four hours.

WHO recommends Paracetamol as the first choice drug for children with fever. The dosage of Paracetamol is calculated from the ratio of 10 - 15 mg/kg. A single dose is also calculated for any drug containing paracetamol.

Ibuprofen preparations

  • Nurofen in suppositories or suspension. Valid for up to eight hours;
  • Ibufen D. A suspension containing 5 milliliters of 100 milligrams of ibuprofen. Has a convenient dosing syringe;
  • Ibuprofen suppositories. It has a dosage of 60 mg. Used in children from 3 months.

Combination drugs

  • Ibuklin. A combination of paracetamol and ibuprofen. Used in children from one year of age.

However, about 50% of parents do not know these facts, and these drugs are still widely used in pediatric practice as antipyretics.

How to reduce a child's temperature at home?

Physical cooling methods

Aimed at the processes of thermoregulation of the body. Used to improve heat transfer and, as a result, reduce temperature.

Cannot be used for white fever.

  • rubdown Take terry towel, moisten it with warm water and wipe the child’s body.

If the water is cold, then, firstly, you will frighten the child and provoke crying. Secondly, the receptors located in the skin, when cooled, will send a signal to the brain, namely to the thermoregulatory center. Blood flow in the skin will decrease, but not body temperature itself;

  • wrapping in a damp sheet or towel. The skin should be dry, the room temperature is about 25 degrees. The procedure should not cause discomfort to the child;
  • Applying a heating pad with ice to the projection of large vessels.

You can find in sources the use of an enema with chilled water to reduce temperature. I consider this a barbaric method, since it will cause a sharply negative reaction and crying in the child, against the background of which the temperature will rise even more;

  • ventilation of the room. Fresh cool air up to 25 degrees will help;
  • air humidification. You can purchase a special humidifier or place containers with cool water.

What and how to drink correctly when you have a fever?

When a child receives an adequate amount of water during illness, then, firstly, it reduces intoxication syndrome by removing metabolic products of bacteria and viruses. Secondly, it promotes heat transfer due to the fact that the baby begins to sweat and urinate more intensely.

You need to drink boiled water without gas at room temperature every 15 - 20 minutes, 2 - 3 teaspoons or sips. Compotes made from dried fruits or cherries are also not prohibited, just not too sweet.

Signs of dehydration:

  1. Dry lips.
  2. Decreased skin turgor (elasticity).
  3. The child is lethargic and sleepy.
  4. The urine is concentrated and has a bright yellow-brown color.

If you notice these symptoms in your baby, then hospital treatment is necessary.

In general, I would like to say that high temperature is just a symptom of a disease. If febrile fever persists for more than 3 days, it is better to consult a doctor.

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