I want to change the doctor at the antenatal clinic. Women's consultation: your rights

With the onset of pregnancy, your life not only begins new stage, which simply must be happy and joyful, but new rights also appear. Changes legal status women during pregnancy affect almost all spheres of life: the sphere of work, the sphere of healthcare, the sphere social interaction etc. And non-compliance with the rights of pregnant women, which, unfortunately, often occurs, can offend and disappoint the expectant mother, emotional condition which during this period requires the most delicate handling. And, sad as it may be, this lack of respect for the rights of pregnant women can begin right from the doorstep antenatal clinic.

What are the rights of pregnant women in antenatal clinics, and how can they be defended with arguments?

Registration at the antenatal clinic

According to the law, a pregnant woman has the right to register with an antenatal clinic when she herself wishes - but, as a rule, not earlier 5-6 weeks of pregnancy when the presence of a fetus in the uterus can already be determined. As for the upper limit of pregnancy when registering at the antenatal clinic, only your personal consciousness and your desire to receive additional payments(as registered at the antenatal clinic in the early stages of pregnancy). In addition, you need to have time to pass a number of tests and visit the doctor at least 2 times in the antenatal clinic in order to receive exchange card.

By law, you have the right to choose any one, and not just the one that is located at your place of registration or place of residence. You can even register for pregnancy at a antenatal clinic in another city. The main thing is that your compulsory medical insurance policy is valid throughout Russia.

To register at the antenatal clinic, you need to write an application addressed to the chief doctor of the consultation, provide the original and a copy of the relevant pages of your passport, compulsory medical insurance policy, SNILS insurance certificate (if any), and also (if you are registering at a place other than your place of registration ) an extract from the outpatient card of your residential complex and a certificate stating that you have been deregistered there.

And remember the main thing: the antenatal clinic does not have the right to refuse to register you or demand the provision of other documents not specified by law!

If such an embarrassment occurs, you have the right to contact hotline health department of your district, health authority at the subject level Russian Federation which you were denied or even to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Just don’t forget to indicate the names and surnames of the chief physician and doctors who refused to register you. If you do not want to involve serious structures in resolving this situation, try writing a statement of claim addressed to the chief physician of the antenatal clinic that refused you. The text of the application should be something like this:

In accordance with the FUNDAMENTALS OF LEGISLATION OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ON THE PROTECTION OF CITIZENS' HEALTH (as amended. Federal laws dated 02.03.1998 N 30-FZ, dated 20.12.1999 N 214-FZ, dated 02.12.2000 N 139-FZ, dated 10.01.2003 N 15-FZ, dated 27.02.2003 N 29-FZ, dated 30.06.2003 N 86-ФЗ, dated 06/29/2004 N 58-ФЗ, dated 08/22/2004 N 122-ФЗ (as amended on 12/29/2004), dated 12/01/2004 N 151-ФЗ, dated 03/07/2005 N 15-ФЗ, as amended. , introduced by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 24, 1993 N 2288) I ask you to register me as a pregnant woman.

I believe that an unreasonable refusal to register can cause harm to me and the fetus due to non-detection or untimely detection possible factors and pathologies that have harmful effects on the body.

I draw your attention to the fact that in cases of harm to the health of citizens, the perpetrators are obliged to compensate the victims for damage in the amount and manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The damage subject to compensation is determined in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. I also inform you that responsibility for failure to provide medical care regulated by Art. 124 and art. 125 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Full name, date, signature.

Register this application with the secretary of the chief physician and collect from him a copy of the application with a note of acceptance and the indicated date of acceptance. Most likely, they will call you back before you decide to return with a claim to the housing complex.

It also happens that women, having registered with the antenatal clinic, decide to have their pregnancy managed in a private clinic and be observed for a fee. Unfortunately, there have been cases when unscrupulous administration of antenatal clinics called such “defectors” with threats to remove them from the register. If you suddenly find yourself in such a situation, remember: the antenatal clinic has no rights to remove a pregnant woman from the register!

Choosing a doctor and women’s rights when visiting him in the antenatal clinic

The rights of pregnant women in the antenatal clinic include information about choosing a doctor in the antenatal clinic. By law, you have the right to choose any doctor who will monitor your pregnancy, or change a doctor who, according to some criteria, did not suit you. Moreover, such rights of pregnant women apply to both state antenatal clinics and private clinics.

When visiting a doctor in a antenatal clinic, you have the right to receive answers in an accessible form to all your questions regarding your condition, the results of certain examinations, the development of your baby, etc. About all options for medical interventions and the rationale for prescribing certain medications for you medical supplies You also have the right to be informed. And, of course, the doctor has no right to prohibit you from getting acquainted with your medical record and other medical documentation concerning you.

Paid services and antenatal clinics

If you decide to be observed for a fee in your antenatal clinic, manage your pregnancy in a private clinic, or simply take some tests and undergo some additional examinations and on a paid basis, no one has the right to refuse you this. The rights of pregnant women in antenatal clinics include information that any examinations, tests or even full pregnancy management services received on a paid basis are documents and must be accepted by the antenatal clinic and maternity hospital as valid.

Know your rights and know how to defend them, because the scope of rights of pregnant women in antenatal clinics is really impressive - you just need to know how to use them!

I'm 10 weeks pregnant and going well. However, I have a delicate problem. The thing is that I have trouble communicating with the doctor. I don't feel comfortable coming to the appointment. The doctor is rude, not ready to listen, and answers questions reluctantly. It seems to me that if he is inattentive to me, then he is negligent in matters of my pregnancy, and I cannot allow this. But on the other hand, I’m afraid to go to the head of the antenatal clinic and ask for a change of doctor, because I’m afraid of running into even greater misunderstanding and dryness. And also that they won’t change my doctor, and the old one will treat me even worse. What should I do? Anna, 23 years old

Alexandra Moskalenko
Psychologist, Moscow

Your relationship with your doctor during pregnancy is very important. And yet, first of all, when coming to your next appointment, you need to pay attention to other essential details.

First of all, evaluate the cleanliness of the room and the tools used. This is a prerequisite for your physical health And psychological comfort, because you must be sure that no infection will bother you in the doctor’s office.

Then check if everything is running mandatory procedures. The doctor should look at you in a chair, measure your pelvis, weigh you, fill out a chart, give directions for tests and appointments with other specialists. Negligence or failure to perform these actions - warning sign. And the last important point is polite treatment. The doctor leading the pregnancy may be dry and communicate formally, without emotion, but at the same time politely. A completely different matter is the outright rudeness and rudeness of a doctor during pregnancy. It is also an unfavorable indicator if the doctor intimidates the patient with various complications and is generally skeptical about the successful course of her pregnancy.

But to expect a doctor at an ordinary district antenatal clinic to express admiration for the fact of your pregnancy, look for psychological support, there is no point in assurances that the pregnancy will proceed ideally. As well as the willingness to listen to long stories about childbirth from your friends. After all, he is guided by the fact that there are probably still many patients in the corridor, and therefore interrupts conversations that are not relevant to the matter. Also, many doctors themselves do not take the initiative to explain, because they believe that such information may simply be uninteresting to the patient. Therefore, if you have questions, you need to ask them, and, most likely, the doctor leading the pregnancy will try to provide clarification on the topic that concerns you. If you still have doubts, you can go to an appointment with the head of the department. But not for the purpose of necessarily changing the doctor during pregnancy, but to clarify information about whether your pregnancy is being managed correctly.

Where is it usually observed future mom? At the antenatal clinic at your place of residence. And here she often falls into some kind of dependence: she has to go to appointments often, she has to take tests all the time and undergo many examinations, and within a certain period of time! and God forbid you miss any of your appointments! Yes, examinations during pregnancy are necessary, but you should not forget about your rights and comfort. Let's talk about what the expectant mother has the right to in a residential complex.

1 be observed anywhere

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, a pregnant woman can choose any antenatal clinic (GC), and not just the one to which she is attached at the place of registration. This means that you can live in one area of ​​the city, and be seen in a completely different one: for example, near your place of work or simply in a antenatal clinic that you like better. Moreover, you can register for pregnancy even in a residential complex in another city. The main thing is that you need a compulsory medical insurance policy, valid throughout Russia. To register at a location other than your place of registration, you need to write an application addressed to the chief physician of the consultation, bring the original and a copy of your passport, compulsory medical insurance policy, and SNILS insurance certificate.
And even if for some reason you stop visiting the residential complex, for example, you move to private clinic, no one has the right to deregister you from the housing complex.

2 choose a doctor

Also, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, you can choose a doctor who will monitor your pregnancy, or change a doctor who, for some reason, was not suitable for you. To do this, you also need to write an application addressed to the head doctor of the residential complex.
In addition, every expectant mother in the antenatal clinic or maternity hospital has the right to read his medical record or birth history, and look at records of examinations performed. And you don’t need to explain why you need it. If it is not clear to you why some kind of prescription or analysis is needed, then the doctor should explain everything in an accessible form.

3 register at any time

You can register with the antenatal clinic at any stage of pregnancy. True, very short term Neither a doctor nor an ultrasound will be able to accurately confirm pregnancy, so it is still better to register after the 6-8th week. It is at this time that the doctor will be able to reliably establish the fact of pregnancy during examination.
There is another recommendation - to come to the antenatal clinic before 12 weeks of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the first ultrasound is performed at 10-12 weeks and at this time the gestational age can be most accurately determined. By the way, those women who register with a housing complex before 12 weeks receive a cash payment called a “one-time benefit for women registered with a medical institution in early dates pregnancy (up to 12 weeks).” True, they don’t give you much money at all, but it will be useful to someone.
But all this does not mean that you have to register strictly before 12 weeks. No, you can come at any time (even at last trimester), the main thing is to have time to pass necessary tests before giving birth.

4 visit the residential complex at the time you need

If you feel well, your tests are normal and you don’t want to go to the antenatal clinic often, you have the right to refuse regular visits to the gynecologist. Just tell your doctor about this, he should respect your decision. Yes, the doctor will warn you that you are responsible for your choice, but he should not intimidate you or threaten to refuse to issue an exchange card. If something like this happens, immediately go to the head doctor of the antenatal clinic or contact the health department.
But you need to know that there are studies (ultrasound, blood tests for chromosomal pathologies) that must be done within a strictly defined time frame, otherwise their result may be unreliable. Therefore, ask your doctor in advance about the timing of some examinations.

5 select examinations

If you want to do all the examinations you need, you have the right to receive them in full. Every antenatal clinic has a list of tests and consultations required during pregnancy. You can ask your doctor to tell you about them in detail and do everything you need to do. If, on the contrary, you think that a particular appointment is not necessary or is unacceptable for you, you can refuse it. No one has the right to force you to do an ultrasound, screening, or take any medications. Even if you refuse something, you cannot be removed from the pregnancy register or given a birth certificate or exchange card. The doctor will simply record your refusal in the card and write that it was explained to you why this or that study was recommended.
In general, to get an exchange card, you need to pass a series of tests at least once ( clinical analysis blood, urine test, smear, tests for HIV, RW, hepatitis B and C) and visit an obstetrician-gynecologist at least twice. The first time you will come for an initial examination and in order to receive a referral for tests, the second time - to enter the examination results into the exchange card.

6 do as you please

All examinations at the antenatal clinic are carried out completely free of charge. And even if there is no specialist or there is temporarily no research, you should be given a referral to another medical institution where all this is available. The doctor does not have the right to refer you for any additional paid tests or consultations if they can be done free of charge under compulsory medical insurance.
If you want to do some research yourself for a fee and in another clinic (for example, do an expert ultrasound), then its results must be accepted at the antenatal clinic (and not say that we only trust our tests or specialists).

If you want to be observed in the antenatal clinic the way you need, do not be afraid to talk about your preferences. Calmly and confidently remind you of your rights; your job is to choose what you need from medicine and what you don’t.

Find out if you can change antenatal clinics, choose and register at any one. Here you can read expert advice and learn all the intricacies.


The question of choosing a clinic and attending physician arises for any woman preparing to become a mother. Registration at the antenatal clinic is required before 12 weeks. As a rule, the choice should fall on those clinics that are located at the place of registration, but what to do if a pregnant woman is not registered at her place of residence and she wants to register with a specific attending physician? Is it possible to change antenatal clinics if the previous place is not satisfactory for some reason?

If expectant mother If she is not satisfied with her attending physician, or she has to move to another city, then she can change the antenatal clinic to any other one, since Russian law this does not contradict. Currently, there are many antenatal clinics that operate in maternity hospitals and clinics.

The advantages of registering with a residential complex are free service, issuance necessary certificates, but subject to continuous monitoring for 12 weeks. This may include sick leave, maternity leave, birth certificate and so on. However, in such medical institutions There is no modern equipment and no opportunity to choose your own doctor. Therefore, you can always find a better and more convenient option for yourself.

Is it possible to choose any antenatal clinic and register there?

When choosing an antenatal clinic, the expectant mother should know her rights and responsibilities in order to be able to calmly be observed and receive qualified medical service. Is it possible to choose an antenatal clinic if desired? Of course, every pregnant woman has the right to this, but for up to 12 weeks. You should start looking for your attending gynecologist from the very beginning, who will monitor its development throughout your pregnancy.

It is important to understand that any residential complex is required to issue an exchange card and a birth certificate. No one can forcefully prescribe any procedures either. Many intimidated and inexperienced young mothers often wonder: can I register with any antenatal clinic if I have been so insulted or given poor medical care. You can and even writing a complaint against the head physician is also not prohibited. If desired, you can issue a power of attorney to jointly visit all doctors and procedures with any of the desired relatives. It is very important to find good doctor, who will be interested in his patient giving birth to a healthy and strong child on her own, and not unsubscribing and speaking in cliched phrases, without letting the expectant mother understand anything.

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