The hair grows back as before. The desire to defend personal boundaries

"Love is the greatest thing in life"
~ Pablo Picasso

With the passage of time, Picasso's painting style changed - and each such change can be dated to new phase his life. His blue-green period came after the suicide of his friend Carlos Casagemos, and his pink period coincided with his love for the bohemian artist Fernanda Olivier.

When it comes to creation own life, we all become artists, but although we know that love is the greatest gift we can give or receive from someone, over time it begins to fade. The ability to carry it through all the hardships of life without extinguishing its flame is an art that we should all learn.

Once your face and voice are imprinted on a woman's heart, it is not so easy to erase them from there, and often because of this they remain faithful to us much longer than we deserve. We've all seen relationships like this - usually silently shaking our heads and wishing that this intelligent and pretty woman would finally leave that asshole once and for all.

And although most of women are not ready to give up their love without at least trying to save this sinking ship, there are several simple ways to lose the woman you love once and for all:

1. Forget about little things like holding her hand or looking into her eyes.

Often women fall in love with seemingly completely insignificant little things. Having seen enough romantic films, you might think that the way to to a woman's heart lies through grandiose deeds committed on a theatrical scale, but in reality it is much easier for little things to penetrate her soul and stay there. Simply holding her hand - for no reason at all - or looking into her eyes during a conversation can let her know that you really care about her. Touching her hair, your undivided attention during a conversation and a goodnight kiss are the happy moments that she will recall when you are not around. We all know that the most quick way kill love - start taking it for granted, and if you decide to take this path leading to the abyss - start by giving up all the “little things” that mean so much to your loved one. Take this path with her - and she will not remain on it for long.

2. Don’t ask her questions, and especially don’t try to get to know her better.

Well, yes, it is enough that she is beautiful enough to attract you. Really, why do you need to know anything else about her? But as soon as she understands that you really don’t know her at all, don’t understand her at all, and haven’t shared a single secret with her, she will understand that she is completely indifferent to you and will leave you - not now, but later. Yes, you can keep her around for a while with constant compliments on her beauty, but women are smart, and sooner or later she will see the emptiness hidden behind the compliments. Yes, it's important for her to know that you're physically attracted to her, but if that's all you're attracted to about her, why are you better than everyone else she's met? But there was no place for them in her heart.

Since ancient times, women have solved their problems and calmed their nerves through heart-to-heart conversations with those who are ready to listen to them. If you refuse to do this, she will start talking faster and faster, repeating herself over and over again, her words will become more and more emotional, and one day she will simply stop trying to tell you anything. And this silence will become for you sure sign that even if she is still sitting next to you, she is no longer here with her soul and heart.

4. Don't even dare let her get closer to you.

As soon as she starts asking you leading questions and asking about your intentions, bristle like a hedgehog. Don’t even think about remembering that many women, having been burned by milk, now blow on water. When a woman begins to truly fall in love, she will often take a half-step back and carefully examine your words, actions and motives to make sure that you really are the one. And it doesn’t matter how long you’ve been together - a month, a year, ten years - she will never stop testing you. And if you want her to stay with you, you will allow her to do so. And if she asks awkward questions and tests your love for strength - know that it’s not about you, but about the fact that she wants to become even closer to you.

5. Treat any slip of the tongue as a personal insult and treat it like an enemy.

We've all made mistakes, we all have our fears and weaknesses, but if you don't heal yours... mental wounds, then, most likely, you will explode in a stream of anger in response to even the most innocent remarks, looking for a hidden - and always worse - meaning in them. So go ahead, instead of trying to deal with your negativity, throw it out at your loved one as if he were your enemy, whose every word is aimed at insulting and humiliating your dignity. Do exactly this, and soon you will get rid of this “enemy”.

6. Don't think she's special and don't even let her think that she's your woman.

It’s very important not to limit yourself in anything, right? Well, don’t limit it - flirt openly and every day with other women, and try to be connected with your loved one only by regular sex. Intimacy is something that connects only two people, something that cannot be shared with others, a look into the very soul of a loved one. So why tie yourself down like that? Flirt in in social networks, send playful SMS to your friends, in general, make sure that absolutely nothing special connects you with your loved one - just sex from time to time. Over time, she will certainly turn into just another girlfriend who once was not averse to sleeping with you.

7. Make sex your only expression of love.

Stop kissing her just like that. Do this only when you want to get under her skirt - so that she knows that if she is not in the mood, then you don’t have to respond to the kiss. Don't hug her outside the bedroom, and forget about flirting and seducing her every day like you did before - but always expect her to ardent passion in bed.

8. Stop making jokes and making her laugh.

Humor is often the glue that ultimately keeps couples together. So start behaving extremely seriously and take any joke - or even a hint of it - as stupid and childish. Diligently ignore all the funny little things that can make you both smile - the best way to do this is to try to be around her as little as possible. Instead of spending time with your loved one and laughing at his jokes, do something truly important to you - and over time, she will give up and leave, allowing you to devote yourself entirely to necessary, important, and most importantly, serious matters.

9. When spending time with her, keep your eyes on your phone.

Remember - yours free time and attention is much more important than her time and attention. Know that your beloved woman will be very happy to sit quietly opposite you and watch you answer very important SMS messages and make calls that simply cannot wait until tomorrow. Don't forget - she doesn't allow herself to do the same simply because she doesn't have any important things to do. Keep this up and sooner or later she will leave you alone with your phone. Forever.

In many ancient texts, the authors limited lists of important things to the number 9. Perhaps I will follow their example. In any art there comes a time when it’s time to stop thinking about what you really want to create and start creating. Unfortunately, many of us believe that in love it is enough to make an effort at the very beginning, and then let everything take its course, forgetting that in love, like in any art, it is necessary to constantly practice. But everyday practice will allow us to turn our love into a true masterpiece that can be admired forever.

Life often collapses precisely at the moment when you least expect a catch... Could it be imagined that a husband, reliable and unshakable as the firmament of the earth, would leave for his mistress? That a smart daughter would connect her life with a tyrant and tyrant? Why, out of the blue, will luck turn away from you? Fortunately, all problems can be solved - this is what the hereditary clairvoyant believes, best specialist the magic of love and success Larisa Aleksandrovna Gribova.

Larisa Alexandrovna, in one TV show you said that with the help of clairvoyance and magic you can find a way out of any dead end...

I am ready to confirm this now. If a person gets support higher powers, he will forget about the troubles forever!

But there are times when nothing can be changed. For example, a husband falls in love with another woman so much that he can’t even dance on his head, but he can’t get him back!

Well, you really won't achieve anything by dancing on your head. And here magical rituals and talismans will definitely help you. But first you need to find out the real reason Problems. Using the gift of clairvoyance, I accurately determine why a loved one has lost interest in you. Most often this happens due to the fact that a woman loses magnetism - the strength that can keep any man next to her. In such cases, I perform rituals that awaken feminine power, reviving sexuality, feminine attractiveness. After this, not only your husband, but also many other men will admire you! If your lover is a flighty, fickle person, the “Swan Fidelity” ritual is performed - and the man stops looking to the side. When relationships turn into routine, I perform the “A Thousand Roses” ritual - it revives passion, allows you to experience an explosion of bright, strong emotions. After such an extravaganza, a man understands once and for all: his wife is a goddess! How can he leave such a woman? No way in the world!

-- What to do if the years go by and you can’t get married?

This is not a problem at all! After I figure out the cause of loneliness and remove all the obstacles that prevent happiness, I spend powerful ritual to attract your other half and have a successful marriage. Then I make a talisman that protects family bonds from any negativity - both “everyday” and magical. All! You can be sure: soon you will definitely get married and be happy in your marriage.

What if it’s already too many years? It's no secret that women over 50 who have experienced divorce or the death of a spouse find it very difficult to find love again. Can you help them?

Certainly! Widowhood, divorce, advanced age - all this should not interfere with personal happiness. I will say more: often late marriages turn out to be the most harmonious. Another thing is that it is more difficult for older people to find each other - but with the help magical rituals and talismans you can arrange your happiness at any age! The reserves of higher magic are limitless, and I am always ready to help make your dreams come true.

The decision “to give birth or not to give birth” cannot be made by anyone other than a pregnant woman. And that's why:
- we're talking about about the body, life and health of the woman herself. Yes, medicine knows of cases where an embryo that was implanted almost in the liver was able to emerge. However, in most cases, a “problem” pregnancy will simply bring disability or death to the mother. Obviously, on one side of the scale we have full life which he may lose. And on the other side is the possibility of the emergence of this very life. Therefore, there can be no question of banning those abortions that are necessary medical indications. This is truly the murder of a living person.

- we are talking about fate, financial situation and happiness specific woman . All the screaming about bunnies and lawn greyhounds is only on the Internet. But in fact, they have not yet helped a single pregnant woman or woman who gave birth, either with money or living space. They take it upon themselves to simply control someone else's fate - so let them pay for the banquet. They help a woman in labor who refuses an abortion financially. Oh, you don’t have to... What kind of humanists are you then? What kind of raking in heat is this with the wrong hands?

- we are talking about preserving reproductive function throughout the nation. Because an abortion performed in medical institution, in most cases does not leave the woman infertile. Unlike a clandestine abortion with a possible fatal outcome.

- not a single decree or resolution will cover all the many situations in a woman’s life. For example, situations with rape, incest. Even in very prosperous family an emergency may occur - the death of the father of an unborn child, for example. What right do people from the outside, sitting right on their ass, have to decide for a woman what she should do in this case?

- an embryo is not life yet, it is a chance for a new life. For this life to become full, it is required not just to remove the embryo from the vagina. It is necessary, at the very least, to raise him with dignity, provide him with everything he needs and give him an education. In the case when a woman already has children, what is better - to sacrifice the birth of a new life, but give a decent future to those children who have already been born, or to make everyone equally miserable beggars? It seems to me that the answer is obvious.

It would seem, what is there to argue with? A reasonable adult has nothing.

Maybe that's why most opponents of abortion, with the exception of deeply religious people, are simply theorists? Usually these are bored pensioners and militant schoolchildren who know better than anyone on the Internet what a woman should do. Well, let them know. In theory. But in reality, who gives birth and raises, decides.

It is quite possible that you have already heard about the fashion for shaving the face for women. Whether you're skeptical or just terrified of getting cut, shaving can be a great way to exfoliate your skin, but only when done right. What exactly happens when a woman starts shaving? What does the skin look like? Does this affect hair growth? Find out the answers to all these questions!

Your face may get hurt if you don't take precautions.

Always think about safety. To shave your face, you need to use only a new razor. Use only machines, and not an old-fashioned blade - they are much easier to cut yourself with. It is important that the razor is as sharp as possible, in this case you will not get abrasions. If you are not sure that you can do everything correctly, it is better to seek help from professionals. This way the risk of cutting yourself becomes minimal. Be sure to take this into account and familiarize yourself with the technique in detail before you start using a similar procedure in your care.

Your skin will benefit if you use the right tools

It's best to find a razor that is designed specifically for shaving. female face. Men develop stiff stubble on their faces, reminiscent of copper wire. Women have delicate and soft hairs. If you are using a removal tool coarse hair, you are doing wrong. A special razor for fine hair will do a better job of exfoliating. You get rid of accumulations on your face dead cells skin and lose your fuzz. In addition, special tools have additional safety guarantees that help avoid scratches and abrasions on the skin. If you use a regular razor, and not too sharp one at that, you can damage the surface of the epidermis and the result will be extremely negative.

No matter what you shave with, you need to prepare your skin.

You should be sure to clean and exfoliate your skin before shaving to avoid ingrown hairs and other problems. It's best to shave in the shower because the heat from the steam softens the hair and lifts it. It will be easier for you to shave them off. Use a cream that will cover the skin well and allow the blade to get as close to the skin as possible. It is important to remember to use a gentle cleanser before the procedure and an antiseptic after. This will allow you to get maximum result without negative consequences for skin.

You exfoliate your skin

You not only get rid of hairs, but also exfoliate your skin. This process involves removing dead skin cells from the surface of the skin. As a result, the face becomes smooth and soft, and the skin color appears more even. Exfoliation helps skincare products work more effectively. Penetration of such agents as vitamin C, antioxidants, glycolic acid and others are improving. You should definitely exfoliate your skin at least twice a week. This will allow you to achieve optimal results.

You get rid of the fluff

Not all women believe that light fuzz on the face is not aesthetically pleasing, however, its removal can have a beneficial effect on your appearance. Makeup is distributed more evenly because you got rid of upper layers skin. But everyone knows that any hair that is shaved grows back. You will have to constantly repeat the shaving procedure. If you stop, your skin will return to its previous condition. However, her condition will not get worse.

Hair grows back as before

Many people are afraid to start shaving because they are sure that their hair will look worse in the future. However, all experts assure that this is not so. Hair does not become thicker due to shaving, it does not change color. However, it is worth considering that removing them does not provide long-term benefits. We can say that it gives more of a cosmetic effect.

Your skin will look better

You may notice an immediate improvement after shaving your face. This will make your skin incredibly smooth and radiant, Foundation will be distributed perfectly. If you want before important event To get glowing skin, shaving can help you. The condition of the face becomes better and the skin seems more attractive. This is why you may fall in love with this procedure and introduce it into your ongoing care behind the skin of the face.

You will need special care after shaving

As with any procedure, you should take proper care of your skin after you shave to avoid irritation. You should definitely use a moisturizer after shaving. In addition, it is very important to protect your facial skin from sun rays. However, this should be done in any case. Hair is partly needed by the body to protect it from the sun. This is why you need to use sunscreen. Hydration is also very important. Use products with ingredients such as aloe vera, chamomile, allantoin. It is always important to use dermatologically tested cosmetics. If you want to apply makeup after shaving, you should wait about an hour.

Not everyone needs to shave regularly, but consistency will help maintain results.

The results after shaving will not be permanent. To keep your face glowing, you need to shave regularly. However, the frequency may depend on personal characteristics. If you want to shave off fuzz or hairs, the frequency of the procedure will be determined by how long it takes for the hair to grow back. If you shave your face to exfoliate your skin, once a week will be enough. You can shave once every two weeks; for some, even once a month will be enough. If you have sensitive skin, more frequent hair removal can cause irritation and redness. If you have acne, you should not perform the procedure at all until the inflammation is under control.

Shaving alone won't make you look younger.

Shaving should not be used solely for anti-aging purposes. You should know that the anti-aging effect of shaving has not been proven. If this were true, men would look younger. Plus, if you shave incorrectly, you can only cause harm. Some even suggest that shaving reduces the amount of collagen. However, you may notice that your skin appears younger if you constantly shave your face. This is because skincare products work better and penetrate deeper into the skin. If you use anti-aging products and shave your face, you will notice the difference.

There are alternatives with the same result

Exfoliation is important part skin care. If you're nervous about shaving your face, don't worry. Small hairs can be removed in other ways. Shaving is just one of many types of exfoliation, so you just need to choose yours and use it regularly. you can use laser procedures and other options that the cosmetologist will offer you. Shaving won't hurt, but it's not necessary.

Important to remember

If you're planning on shaving your face, it's important to be as careful as possible and do it right. If you use a razor, you need to go in the same direction as the hair growth. Be sure to use fresh blades. Technique and use proper cosmetics- this is the key to success. If you still think shaving is too dangerous, don't worry. You can choose other methods of hair removal or exfoliation.

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Maturity is the love of life without rose-colored glasses. It's not a matter of age, but internal sensations. Mature woman knows the value of himself and others. She lives in harmony with herself, does not spread herself thin and does not try to seem like someone else.

There will come a time in every girl's life when she changes. We are in website decided to illustrate the actions of women who can confidently say what needs to be done so as not to suffer over trifles.

1. Don’t care about the opinions of others

You used to worry about what people would think of you. Now you know exactly what clothes will be appropriate, where it is better to say, where it is better to remain silent. When to show flexibility, and when, on the contrary, to rein in your interlocutor. Most of your actions are correct and beneficial for you, and what other people think is not important.

2. Not being interested in what your ex is doing.

Previously, you could monitor his page and figure out who he was dating. They wanted to become better, just so that he could see and understand who he had lost. Now you have your own life, and it is so interesting that you don’t care about your ex.

3. Stop blindly following fashion

Have you studied before fashion trends and spent a lot of money on the current items of the season, hoarding junk. Now you only buy what suits you and what you like. And if a super trendy metallic makes you look like a woman of not very conscious behavior, you won’t even look in its direction.

4. Love your body

You used to think that loving your body meant accepting it as it is. Fat or thin, fit or flabby, what's the difference - I love him the way he is! Now we understand that loving your body means taking care of it. Feed him correctly, give him physical activity to keep you in good shape, and not litter it with chips, cakes, cigarettes and alcohol.

5. Ignore social stereotypes

Previously, you believed that if you don’t have an iPhone, it means you’re poor; if you haven’t gotten married by 25, there’s something wrong with you. Now your own comfort and satisfaction with your life are important to you. Do you have enough money for everything you want and motivation to further development. Of course, there is such a thing around resilient woman there are smart men.

6. Immediately leave an unpleasant man

Previously, you hoped that you could re-educate a person, now you stop dating if you feel his indifference.

7. Cut off toxic relationships

Previously, you tolerated annoying friends who used you as a vest and never followed your advice. Now you are directly telling them to stop whining, pull themselves together, start working on the problem, or not waste your time.

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