False contractions during pregnancy. Psychological preparation for childbirth and its significance. What should a husband do?

What sensations indicate that labor is approaching?

From the grip before childbirth - periodic spasms of the muscles of the uterus, characterized by increasing dynamics and intensity. Understanding the mechanism of this process and its purpose will help you overcome fear and act consciously during childbirth.

IN modern practice In obstetrics, labor begins precisely with the appearance of rhythmic uterine contractions of increasing intensity. It is important to know the difference between true contractions in order to be in the maternity hospital on time.

As obstetricians note, the behavior and mood of the woman in labor has a noticeable influence on the course of labor. The right attitude gives a woman an understanding of the processes occurring in her body. Contractions are truly one of the most difficult periods in childbirth, but they are the force that contributes to the birth of a child. Therefore, they should be perceived as a natural state.

Training, warning or prenatal contractions

From the fifth month of pregnancy, expectant mothers may feel occasional tension in the abdomen. The uterus contracts for 1-2 minutes and relaxes. If you put your hand on your stomach at this moment, you can feel that it has become hard. Often pregnant women describe this condition as “petrification” of the uterus (stony belly). These are training contractions or Braxton Hicks contractions: they can occur continuously until the end of pregnancy. Their characteristic features are irregular, short-lived, painless.

The nature of their appearance is associated with the process of gradual preparation of the body for childbirth, but the exact reasons for their occurrence have not yet been clarified. In addition, there is an opinion that “training” is provoked by increased physical and emotional activity, stress, fatigue, and they can also be a response of the uterine muscles to fetal movements or sexual intercourse. The frequency is individual - from once every few days to several times an hour. Some women don't feel them at all.

Inconveniences caused by false contractions can be easily eliminated. You need to lie down or change your position. Braxton Hicks contractions do not dilate the cervix and do not cause any harm to the fetus, so they should be perceived only as one of the natural moments of pregnancy.

Approximately from the 38th week of pregnancy, the period of precursors begins. Along with prolapse of the uterine fundus, weight loss, an increase in the amount of discharge and other processes noticeable to the pregnant woman, it is distinguished by the appearance of precursor or false contractions.

Just like training ones, they do not open the cervix of the uterus and do not threaten pregnancy, although the intensity of the sensations is more vivid and may well instill anxiety in first-time women. Premonitory contractions have intervals that do not decrease over time, and the strength of the spasms that compress the uterus does not increase. Warm bath, sleep or a snack can calm such contractions.

It is impossible to stop real or labor contractions by resting or changing positions. Contractions occur involuntarily, under the influence of complex hormonal processes in the body, and are not subject to any control on the part of the woman in labor. Their frequency and intensity are increasing. In the initial phase of labor, contractions are short, lasting about 20 seconds and repeating every 15-20 minutes. By the time the cervix is ​​completely opened, the interval is reduced to 2-3 minutes, and the duration of contractions increases to 60 seconds.

CharacteristicBraxton Hicks contractionsPremonitory contractionsTrue contractions
When do you start to feelFrom 20 weeksFrom 37-39 weeksWith the onset of labor
FrequencySingle reductions. Occur sporadically.Approximately once every 20-30 minutes. The interval is not shortened. Over time they subside.Approximately once every 15-20 minutes in the first phase and once every 1-2 minutes in the final stage of labor.
Duration of contractionsUp to 1 minuteDoesn't changeFrom 20 to 60 seconds depending on the stage of labor.
SorenessPainlessModerate, depends on the individual sensitivity threshold.Increases with the course of labor. The severity of pain depends on the individual sensitivity threshold.
Localization of pain (sensations)Anterior wall of the uterusLower abdomen, ligament area.Small of the back. Girdle pain in the abdominal area.

In order to make sure that real contractions begin, it is worth correctly calculating the interval between them. Usually, false contractions chaotic, the interval between the first and second can be 40 minutes, between the second and third - 30 minutes, etc. While during real contractions the interval becomes stable, and the length of contractions increases.

Description and functions of contractions

A contraction is a wave-like movement of the muscles of the uterus in the direction from the fundus to the pharynx. With each spasm, the cervix softens, stretches, becomes less convex, and, thinning, gradually opens. Having reached a dilation of 10-12 cm, it is completely smoothed out, forming one with the walls of the vagina. birth canal.

Visualizing the process of labor pains can help cope with pain and uncontrollable emotions.

In each stage of labor, spastic movements of the organ are aimed at achieving a certain physiological result.

  1. In the first period, contractions provide opening.
  2. In the second, along with pushing, the function of contractive contractions is to expel the fetus from the uterine cavity and move it along the birth canal.
  3. In the early postpartum period pulsation of the uterine muscles promotes separation of the placenta and prevents bleeding.
  4. In the late postpartum period, spasms of the uterine muscles return the organ to its previous size.

Afterwards, pushing occurs - active contraction of the abdominal muscles and diaphragm (duration 10-15 sec.). Occurring reflexively, pushing helps move the baby along the birth canal.

Phases and duration of contractions before childbirth

There are several types: latent, active and deceleration phase. Each of them differs in the duration of the period, intervals and the contractions themselves.

CharacteristicLatent phaseActive phaseDeceleration phase
Phase duration
7-8 hours3-5 hours0.5-1.5 hours
Frequency15-20 minutesUp to 2-4 minutes2-3 minutes
Duration of contraction20 secondsUp to 40 seconds60 seconds
Degree of openingUp to 3 cmUp to 7 cm10-12 cm

The given parameters can be considered averaged and applicable to the normal course of labor. Real time contractions greatly depends on whether the woman is giving birth for the first time or is it a repeat birth, her physical and psychological readiness, anatomical features body and other factors.

Contractions before the first and subsequent births

Nevertheless, general point, influencing the duration of contractions is the experience of previous births. This refers to a kind of “memory” of the body that determines differences during certain processes. During the second and subsequent births, the birth canal opens on average 4 hours faster than during the first. This occurs because in women giving birth to their second or third child, the internal and external os open at the same time. During the first birth, dilation occurs sequentially - from the inside to the outside, which increases the time of contractions.

The nature of contractions before repeated birth may also differ: women in labor note their intensity and more active dynamics.

The factor that smoothes out the differences between the first and subsequent births is the time period separating them. The likelihood of prolonged dilatation is higher if more than 8-10 years have passed since the birth of the first child.

In articles, dedicated to topics motherhood and pregnancy, there is information that contractions before the second birth often come not before, but after the waters break, and this happens not at 40, but at 38 weeks. Such options are not excluded, but there is no scientifically confirmed data indicating a direct connection between the serial number of births and the nature of their onset.

It is necessary to understand that the described scenarios are only options, and in no case an axiom. Each birth is very individual, and its course is a multifactorial process.

Feelings during contractions

In order to determine the onset of contractions, it is worth paying attention to the nature of the pain: before childbirth they are similar to menstrual pain. Pulls the lower abdomen and lower back. You may feel pressure, a feeling of fullness, heaviness. Here it is more appropriate to talk about discomfort rather than pain. Pain occurs later, as contractions intensify. It is caused by tension in the uterine ligaments and dilatation of the cervix.

The localization of sensations is quite subjective: in some women in labor the spasm has a girdling nature, its spread can be clearly associated with a wave that rolls from the bottom of the uterus or from one of the sides and covers the entire abdomen, in others the pain originates in the lumbar region, in others - directly in the uterus .

However, in the vast majority of cases, women experience the peak of spasm as a contraction, a strong contraction, or “grasping,” as follows from the very name of the contraction.

Is it possible to miss contractions?

Not all women in labor experience tension in the uterine muscles that causes unbearable pain. How a woman tolerates it depends on the threshold of sensitivity, emotional maturity and special training to childbirth. Some people endure the contractions, but for others they are too painful to hold back a scream. But it’s impossible not to feel contractions. If they are not there, then there is no labor activity, which is an essential condition. physiological birth.

Some uncertainty in the expectations of expectant mothers can be introduced by the stories of women who have already given birth, in whom labor began not with contractions, but with the breaking of water. You need to understand that this scenario in obstetrics is considered a deviation. Normally, at the peak of one of the contractions, intrauterine pressure stretches and ruptures the membrane of the amniotic sac, pouring out amniotic fluid.

Spontaneous release of water is called premature. This situation requires immediate medical intervention; waiting for contractions at home is unacceptable.

Mechanism of action at the onset of contractions

It is important to understand what to do at home if contractions begin and labor is approaching. A few recommendations:

  • The first thing is not to panic. Lack of composure and unconstructive emotions interfere with concentration and lead to unreasonable actions.
  • Having felt the onset of contractions, you need to determine their type: are they really contractions before childbirth or harbingers. To do this, you need to use a stopwatch or special applications in mobile phone note the time and calculate the duration of intervals and contractions. If the frequency and duration do not increase, then there is nothing to worry about. The warning signs usually subside completely within two hours.
  • If the spasms have become regular, the pause time between them is clearly defined, you can start getting ready for the maternity hospital. You should plan your departure so that you can be examined by a doctor by the time the frequency of contractions reaches once every 10 minutes. At normal course labor will occur approximately no earlier than 7 hours later. Therefore, if contractions begin at night, you should try to get at least a little rest.
  • You can take a shower, work out hygiene procedures.
  • At repeated births You should go to the hospital immediately after contractions become regular, without waiting for their interval to shorten.

Real contractions before childbirth are involuntary contractions of the muscular layer of the uterus. During contractions, not only the baby is pushed out, but also the birth canal is prepared. At this time, the cervix smoothes out and gradually expands to a diameter of 10-12 cm. There are real contractions before childbirth and false, or training ones. The latter occur in the second half of pregnancy and represent contractions of the uterus, during which it prepares for labor. In this article you will learn how contractions begin before childbirth, what contractions look like, and how to distinguish real contractions from false ones.

How to recognize contractions before childbirth?

Mostly during the first birth, pregnant women wonder how to recognize contractions before childbirth. Quite often, even before contractions begin, women intuitively feel that labor will soon begin. During contractions, pain does not appear immediately; it usually begins with a feeling of discomfort in the abdomen or lower back; some women experience pain similar to menstrual pain. Gradually these sensations become stronger, spread to the entire abdomen and lower back, pain appears, which can vary from quite strong pressure to a twitching sensation.

The pain during contractions is paroxysmal, its occurrence, intensification, reaching a peak and gradual decrease are clearly felt, then a period without pain begins. At first, contractions before childbirth occur with an interval of 15-30 minutes and last 5-10 seconds. The first few hours they bring minor discomfort rather than pain. Gradually, the duration and strength of contractions increase, and the intervals decrease.

Even before contractions begin, the baby begins to move less. If he moves very actively during contractions, this indicates fetal hypoxia. You need to tell your doctor about this.

Before childbirth, bloody discharge appears - this is how the mucus plug comes off. It shouldn't be bright red big amount blood. The plug may come off before contractions begin. Sometimes the water breaks before the contractions begin.

Just before the birth of the child, contractions become so frequent that they turn into one another almost without intervals. Then they are joined by pushing - contractions of the muscles of the uterus, abdominal wall and perineum. At this time, the child presses his head on the small pelvis, and the woman in labor has a desire to push, and the pain moves to the perineum. When the cervix is ​​fully dilated, it begins birth process.

How do contractions occur?

Contractions before childbirth develop gradually, so three stages can be distinguished:

  • The first stage is the initial stage, lasting 7-8 hours. At this time, contractions occur with an interval of approximately 5 minutes, and their duration is 30-45 seconds.
  • The second phase is active. Its duration is about 5 hours, uterine contractions become more frequent and last longer - with an interval of 2-4 minutes, the duration of contractions reaches 60 seconds.
  • The last, transitional phase is from half an hour to 1.5 hours long. Contractions become even more frequent and last longer. They can occur at intervals of a minute and last from 70 to 90 seconds.

If the birth is not the first, the process goes faster.

How to distinguish real contractions from false ones?

False or training contractions, also called Braxton-Hicks contractions, are contractions of the uterus, as a result of which the cervix does not open. They occur long before birth and, unlike real ones, are irregular.

Not every woman feels false contractions; everything is individual - both their presence and absence is a variant of the norm. They are painless, but bring discomfort.

Training contractions are called because during them the uterus prepares for contractions during childbirth. Also, during false contractions, blood rushes to the placenta, which is good for the fetus. False contractions are normal for pregnancy and do not pose any danger. False contractions begin around the 20th week.

Women who are expecting a baby for the first time are often afraid of confusing false contractions with the real beginning of labor. What is the difference between training and real contractions?

  1. False contractions can occur from several times a day to six times an hour. At the same time, they are non-rhythmic, and the intensity gradually decreases. Real contractions before childbirth are regular and repeat at smaller intervals and with greater intensity, and their duration also increases gradually.
  2. The length of actual contractions may vary, but the intervals between them are almost always equal.
  3. False contractions are painless; they cause a feeling of compression in some part of the abdomen or groin. With real pain, sensations spread to the entire abdomen and hip joints.
  4. During real contractions before childbirth, other symptoms are observed: breaking of water, mucus plug, pain in the lower back, diarrhea.

What to do when contractions start?

The start time of contractions, their duration and the size of the intervals between them should be recorded. This information will be useful to obstetricians; in addition, taking notes will help you calm down and take your mind off pain.

You can safely get ready for the maternity hospital. If contractions repeat after 15-20 minutes, the birth of the baby will not happen soon. If there are no pathologies, the pregnancy is not multiple, it is better to spend this period at home: a familiar environment will help you relax better. You can do nice things: listen to music, watch a movie. If they don't do it to you C-section, you can have something light to eat.

During contractions before childbirth, it is useful to move. This reduces pain, allows the child to occupy comfortable position in the uterus, prevents fetal hypoxia. It is useful not only to walk, but also to make swaying movements with your hips. Thus, blood circulation improves, muscles relax, and pain decreases.

When uterine contractions become more frequent and intensified, the first thing a woman needs to do is take a comfortable position and relax. Then the pain will be less. Real contractions before childbirth become increasingly longer, and the intervals between them become shorter. The pain spreads from the abdomen to the lower back and does not subside when changing body position.

Signs of pathology during contractions

Sometimes by various reasons labor activity may be slowed down. The first contractions will not necessarily be followed by labor - uterine contractions may become regular only after a few days. This happens more often in primiparous women. In such cases, the maternity hospital resorts to stimulation of labor.

When is it time to go to the maternity hospital?

If real contractions begin before childbirth, it means that labor is approaching. Don't worry, you have time to calmly collect yourself while contractions occur at intervals of 20-30 minutes. Of course, it is advisable that the bag with things is already collected in advance.

Pregnant women are most afraid of contractions, especially those who have not given birth before and only know about contractions from the stories of “experienced” women. And what do women in labor usually tell about this phenomenon (or, most likely, what do all pregnant women willingly and undeniably believe in)? Firstly, contractions are the beginning of labor - and this is a correct statement (although not completely, since there are so-called “false contractions”). Secondly, almost all women in labor remember the incredible pain during labor (although in fact few people remember this pain, since it is forgotten and cannot be compared with anything) and most importantly, all pregnant women last trimester pregnancy (or even much earlier"!) expect painful contractions. And try to tell them that your contractions were almost painless and that in fact not everything is so scary - they will never believe it. Moreover, already at the beginning of pregnancy they will agree with the doctor about labor pain relief.

Fortunately, there are few such pessimists, and most expectant mothers still expect “tolerable” pain, although they fear the contractions before childbirth. Ignorance is always scary, and, as a rule, contractions certainly do not come of our own free will (unless, of course, we resort to inducing labor). So how do these contractions begin? How not to lose sight of them? And what actually lies in this “terrible word”?

What does it feel like when contractions start?

Contractions are called contractions because they cause a feeling of grasping, sharp compression. When it comes to the upcoming birth, cramping sensations naturally occur in the hip joints.

In fact, contractions are a very complex “biochemical process”, since they involve the baby’s pituitary gland and the placenta itself, which begin to produce special substances, which in turn contribute to the opening of the cervix, which is accompanied by contractions.

During contractions, the uterus contracts, its muscle fibers thicken and shorten, which helps open the cervix to the extent that the baby's head can squeeze through it. Full dilatation is recorded when the cervix is ​​dilated by 12 cm, and the intrauterine pressure also increases, resulting in rupture amniotic sac- and the amniotic fluid leaves.

How to know if contractions have started

When can a pregnant woman expect contractions? We've all heard about the threats premature birth, which also begin with contractions, however, along with these signs upcoming birth the woman also exhibits other symptoms. In any case, cramping pain requires the expectant mother to special attention. Practice shows that the contractions themselves and the sensations during them are different for all women. Even false contractions, which doctors love to talk about, are not noticed by all pregnant women. Moreover, even about real labor pains future mom can only find out when she has the urge to push. We have also heard about rapid labor when contractions can no longer be confused with anything.

Ideally, everything happens something like this: starting from the 20th week of pregnancy, the body begins to “rehearse” the upcoming birth by contracting the muscles of the uterus. The woman feels that something is wrong with the uterus: it turns to stone and relaxes with chaotic frequency. So, a woman can “grab” for a whole minute, then the pain subsides and disappears without a trace, and soon resumes, but the regularity of such contractions cannot be noted. It's about about false contractions - harbingers of the upcoming birth. But not all women experience this condition, and their labor begins on time with real contractions.

How to recognize them? Again, ideally, the first contractions go unnoticed by the woman, except that very little discomfort is felt in the abdomen or lower back, and a strong premonition that childbirth is about to take place (although female intuition It’s hard to find an explanation, but almost every woman subconsciously knows: it’s time!).

Gradually, the second, active, phase of contractions begins, when they occur at a precise interval, which is shortened all the time: contractive attacks are repeated more and more often, last longer, not only the frequency and duration increases, but also the degree painful sensations. This goes on until one contraction lasts more than two minutes, and the second occurs after 60 seconds. At this time, you should already be in the maternity hospital, because in 30-40 minutes the birth itself will begin. The last stage of contractions is the most painful, as the woman has an overwhelming feeling of going big. But if the uterus is not open, she will have to hold back her efforts so as not to harm herself and the baby.

What to do if contractions start

When the first contractions begin, you should stop any activities and try to rest. Many people find it helpful to walk around the room; others sit down and stand up. As soon as the contractions intensify and begin to repeat more often, immediately go to the maternity hospital. Particularly suspicious people may go to the hospital earlier.

Don't worry about anything: the doctor delivering the baby knows exactly what to do and when. If it’s too early to push, he will certainly notify you about it.

The main thing now is to relax as much as possible. No matter how paradoxical it may sound, try to let go of all worries and fears. Panic will not lead to anything good, and, strictly speaking, there is nothing to be afraid of. The birth you've been waiting for so long begins. There are only a few hours left before meeting the baby. Whether you can help him overcome the difficult path into this world now depends on you. Breathe evenly and deeply, trying to relax and “let go” of the pain. Excessive muscle tension will increase painful sensations, and therefore it is important to relax them as much as possible now.

Listen to your body, remember breathing techniques during labor - use them as you go. different periods birth process. Shallow “dog” breathing will help restore strength and not harm the child between attempts. At the doctor's command, slowly dial full breasts air so that in the next minute you can push productively.

Think about the baby, you just have to calm down, tune in to a productive birth and listen carefully to the instructions of the medical staff.

Is the pain during contractions terrible?

So we ourselves scared you by describing the “most painful” last stage of labor. I myself was waiting for it and was afraid of it more than the birth itself, but I was never able to understand why women in labor were crying and screaming so much, because it turned out that the pain was tolerable, moreover, even pleasant. You may not believe it, but the pain during contractions was quenched by the thought that this is how one is born little man, my little blood.

It turns out that my feelings were scientifically confirmed. In fact labor pain is not hidden in the uterus, since its contraction is a natural process, which means that pain receptors (and there are very few of them in the muscles of the uterus) do not give a signal to the brain about any violations (the meaning of any pain is precisely “notification” body about “problems”). But the real feeling of pain arises in the muscles that surround the uterus, and in order to overcome it, it is only important to learn to control their relaxation, since muscle tension interferes with the normal physiological course of labor. Moreover, fear, anxiety and worry aggravate muscle tension. Hence the simple conclusion: a pregnant woman who is afraid of childbirth experiences great pain from the first contractions. But many women do not even know what labor pain and pain during contractions are, so learn to properly tune yourself to the inevitable process - childbirth, namely, know how to relax; do not waste your energy, as you will need it during the period of expulsion of the fetus; talk to your baby; don’t try to overcome the pain, but simply take it for granted.

I think that if you consciously prepare for the process of childbirth, then you will not need information about epidurals, nitrous oxide with oxygen, promedol and other ways to relieve pain from contractions and childbirth.

If contractions don't come

As always, there is also back side medals: a woman waits for contractions, waits, but they never come, even after the pregnancy has expired. We have to stimulate them. Contractions will be artificially induced if they do not appear at 41-42 weeks of pregnancy, and the fetus is found to have any abnormalities that threaten its life. The most common methods of inducing labor: injection of Cerviprost into the cervical canal ( hormonal drug, which softens the cervix); intravenous administration hormonal drug (also promotes uterine contraction); opening of the amniotic sac (after which contractions begin).

Do not rush to “try on” the worst of yourself. Believe that everything will happen for you naturally, without pain, without complications, and most importantly - without fear. A woman ready for childbirth will immediately understand: here they are, contractions! Just a little more - and the most desired treasure will appear!

Especially for Tanya Kivezhdiy

Contractions during childbirth are perhaps the main thing that frightens women. Even the process of giving birth to a child (its passage through the reproductive tract) is not feared as much as “preparing” for it, the opening of the cervix. And this is not without reason, because indeed the period of exile is much less painful. Although, everything is individual. There are women who describe contractions and childbirth as quite tolerable. Many women, especially multiparous women, notice the onset of regular contractions and go to the maternity hospital when the dilation of the cervix is ​​almost complete. In addition, there are medicinal methods pain relief, but it is still better to resort to them according to strict indications, and not just out of fear. So, let's look at all three periods of contractions, how they begin and how you can speed up the opening of the cervix, and accordingly the entire birth process, and make it, if not painless, then quite tolerable.

It usually starts with nagging pain in the lower abdomen, which is often compared to the menstrual area. Some also call them false labor contractions, although they prepare the cervix for dilatation. The sensations are not too painful, the frequency of occurrence is once every 30-60 minutes, the duration is literally a few seconds. Next, in most women, the mucous plug comes off - and this is a sign that the cervix has begun to open. Pressure may be felt in the pelvic and perineal area. Diarrhea and vomiting will also begin. Labor pains cannot be relieved with the help of antispasmodics, as well as changing body position and a warm bath.

Meanwhile, contractions during the second birth can already be quite noticeable, occurring every 5-10 minutes and lasting more than 30 seconds. If you feel more than 10-12 uterine contractions in 1 hour, you should go to the hospital. This is very important point, which needs to be taken into account if contractions begin - when to go to the maternity hospital. The nature of the pain also plays a role. During real childbirth, the pain is not localized, but encircling in nature, which is often compared to a wave. Usually the pain moves from the lower back to the anterior wall of the uterus. This is the first stage of contractions, usually the longest. In first-time mothers, it can last up to 7 hours, and at that time the cervix dilates to 3-4 centimeters. The second stage is 2 times shorter, the opening occurs much faster and reaches 7 centimeters. Moreover, to the question “what are contractions like?” women can answer that they are quite painful and long-lasting (up to 60 seconds), the intervals between them are becoming shorter and shorter - 2-4 minutes. During the third stage, contractions are often joined by pushing. The dilation of the cervix reaches its maximum - 10-12 centimeters, this is enough for the birth of a child.

Some tips on how to speed up the process of cervical dilatation and reduce pain from contractions.

1. Contractions can be experienced in any position, that is, not necessarily lying down. Many women find it easier to stand on all fours, while others find it easier to stand and dance slightly. The main thing is to take a body position in which you can relax as much as possible, then the pain will not be so strong.

2. You can try to sleep, this way you can relax well and pass the time before giving birth.

3. Try not to scream, it’s better to “sing” the contractions; if you attended childbirth preparation courses, then you probably know how to do this. And with prolonged screaming, the child may suffer from hypoxia.

4. Massage of the sacral area will help reduce pain.

5. Correct breathing. It is very important. During a contraction, it is recommended to take deep breaths, short exhalations (3-4 exhalations), and when premature attempts occur, “doggy style” breathing helps a lot.

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