Beautiful expressions about men. Aphorisms about men

A real man owes nothing to anyone and is not obliged to prove anything!

A man needs to constantly create some problems for himself, training situations in which he needs to strain. Create and overcome. And then he will be formed as a man. Alexander Ipatov

The ideal man is the one who creates events, and is not their consumer. Alena Akhmadullina

The main rule of a real man: don’t mess up!
Second rule: if you mess up, fix it!

The mark of a real man is not the suffering he has endured. And the lessons he learned from suffering. Rodrigo Borgia

A man with feeling self-esteem and in mind, is never ugly. Jean La Bruyère

For a real man, the wealth of his wallet is not a substitute for the wealth of his soul.

A real man- faithful, gentle, sincere and caring!!! And not a rude cheater - a tyrant... It’s better to constantly surprise and be on top for only one woman than to go to the left and be average in everything and for everyone...

Raise your son the way you would like your daughter's husband to be.

A true gentleman is one who always calls a cat a cat, even if he stumbles over it and falls.

A real man dresses better the worse things go for him.

The ideal man: doesn't drink, doesn't smoke, doesn't gamble, never argues, never makes mistakes, does everything perfectly... and doesn't exist.

There are times in a man's life when he must be a fool. A woman must refuse a man at least once, otherwise there is no feeling of the volume of life. Konstantin Raikin

Action is the most important thing a man can do for a woman. Appreciating this act is the main thing a woman can do for a man. Tatiana Arntgolts

Men experience elation and a surge of strength when they feel needed...
Women feel uplifted and empowered when they feel that there is someone to take care of them. John Gray. "Men are from Mars, women are from Venus"

A real man even in old age bows down to women.

As far as emotions are concerned, women, it should be admitted, know how to paint in oils, and with a full palette. We men usually limit ourselves to meager strokes of wax crayons. Hank Moody

A man thinks in verbs and nouns, and a woman thinks in adjectives. Oleg Roy

Although we men are thought of as unemotional and emotionally stunted creatures, we actually have a surprisingly rich and expressive repertoire of nonverbal communications. We use it especially skillfully in the presence of ladies. Hank Moody

A real man, if, of course, he is truly real and not a wimp, will choose what he personally likes. And this very real man doesn’t give a damn about public opinion, the current fashion. Sergey Tarmashev

With real men who are ready to put their passport under stamp, in our world things are exactly the same as with high-quality and environmentally friendly clean products nutrition. Oleg Roy

Everyone can become a noble husband. You just need to decide to become one.

The most valuable gift for a woman is the time that a man devotes to her, but, on the other hand, it is better to let work be your rival than a bottle or mistress. Oleg Roy

Men think they are protecting women by hiding everything from them. But when you don’t know anything, it only makes things worse. Wilde

Don't drive a man into a corner. Even cornered rats will bite, let alone your pet predator. Oleg Roy

Any normally oriented man is henpecked. You need to show off your actions outside world, at work, at war and so on. What about at home? So, am I going to assert myself at the expense of my wife? Yah! Turchinsky V.E., master of sports in sambo and judo

I like making money. No not like this. First of all, I am a man... I have to earn money. I don’t owe it to anyone, but nature created me this way. Secondly, everyone likes to do what they can do. It seems to me that so far I am succeeding in business. And I like it. Third, I have some goals. For example, having the best children's football school in Russia. Sergey Galitsky

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Men like Russian government. They promise beautifully, and just as beautifully they explain why they didn’t keep their promise.

Any man can get the woman he wants, he just has to try, it’s not a big trick; but only a man who respects a woman can break up with her without humiliating her.

A man's problems don't start when a woman starts taking off her clothes for his money,
and then - when he begins to dress on them.

The perfect gift for the man who has everything yes, woman, who knows what to do with all this.

A man can be happy with any woman. Until he loves her.

Male beauty is in passion!

What can you say about a man who spent a thousand and one nights with a woman, listening to fairy tales?

A real woman is a rare perfection, and a real man is a complete rarity.

Even if you are married, you need to take care of yourself, otherwise you will have to take care of your husband.

A man looks at his beloved in a special way. He's like a baby on his birthday. A woman is like a long-awaited gift for him. He rushes to see what kind of treasure is there inside...

A real man is like a wolf... either alone or with one wolf forever. And running after sheep is the lot of rams.

Wow. And you have a strong handshake. How long have you been living alone?

The richest male fantasy hiding under the shortest women's skirt.

If men are only looking for women for sex, then why are they surprised when they are looking for money?

A polite man will ask: “can I come?”, “can I meet you?”, “can I help you?”... Good man will say: “I will come”, “I will meet”, “I will help”... A real man: he will come, meet, help!

A real man is recognized by a woman.

A romantic man will say something nice to a woman in the morning, and an experienced man will also do it

The best way to get a man to do something is to hint that he is too old for such things.

There is a huge difference between a civilized man and a savage, but it is not noticeable until the man has had breakfast.

All you had to do was ask a man to help wash the dishes - and an automatic dishwasher immediately appeared.

A man, even if he could understand what a woman was thinking, would still not believe it.
Dorothy Parker

I am hard to find, easy to lose and impossible to forget!!!

Love makes an idiot out of a man! I'm an idiot. Beautiful statuses about men, sayings about men and quotes

It is not clear why men so persistently seek a woman’s hand and heart, because subsequently they practically do not use it.

How more generous man on first dates, the less time he needs a woman.

Men are surprisingly illogical: they insist that all women are the same and constantly change one for another...

Sometimes you look at men for whom you previously had sympathy, and you involuntarily begin to doubt your adequacy.

There are men with whom we live... There are men for whom we live... And there are those men, when we are next to whom, we understand... that we are starting to truly live......

The husband in the kitchen says irritably to his wife: “Chicken again!” My feathers will start growing soon! The wife was not at a loss: -What, cook beef so that the horns grow?)))))

A man without money is better than money without a man.

Men cheat more often, but girls are of better quality!

"My philosophy of life is simple: I need to love someone, wait for something and do something."
Elvis Presley

"A man appreciates a woman's legs - and falls towards them. A woman appreciates a man's head - and climbs onto it."

Every man has some virtues, you just need to point them out to him Erich Maria Remarque

Men are more attracted to accessible to women than to be physically attractive.

Nowadays, if a man opens the door for a woman, he is most likely a doorman.

Men usually don't listen to what you say to them - they listen to what they themselves are going to say.

A man wants to be a woman's first, while a woman wants to be a man's last.

A man who needs you will always find a way to be with you!! Even if he is on another planet... and he has no free time at all...

You need to play tic-tac-toe with a man. If you are a zero for him, you need to put a cross on him!!!

One thing reveals a real man: happy girl next to him.

Here's your compass! Go in all four directions!

Yesterday I was in a car store and finally I realized where real men were hiding...

Men say: women are fools! And when they make an important decision, they say: I’ll go and consult with my wife.

Beautiful statuses about men, sayings about men and quotes

50 best phrases, said by famous men:

1. I love work, it fascinates me. I can sit and look at her for hours.
© Jerome K. Jerome.

2. What if the world is an illusion and there is nothing? I definitely overpaid for the carpet then.
© Woody Allen.

4. Many men, having fallen in love with a dimple on their cheek, mistakenly marry the whole girl.
© Stephen Leacock.

5. Boxing is a friendly hemorrhage.
© Emil the meek.

6. The first person to throw a curse instead of a stone was the creator of civilization.
© Sigmund Freud.

7. Freedom of speech is never more precious than when accidentally hit on the finger with a hammer.
© Marshall Lambden.

8. We complete difficult tasks immediately, impossible ones - a little later.
© US Air Force motto.

9. Happiness is pleasure without remorse.
© L.N. Tolstoy.

10. I'm grateful to have two middle fingers, although it would be nice to have a couple more.
© Marilyn Manson.

11. Life is what happens to us while we make plans.
© John Lennon.

12. I don’t always know what I’m talking about, but I know that I’m right.
© Muhammad Ali.

13. Thoughts and women do not come together.
© M. Zhvanetsky.

14. I love Mickey Mouse more than all the women I have known.
© Walt Disney.

15. When sober, make all your drunken promises come true - this will teach you to keep your mouth shut.
© Ernest Hemingway.

16. I was sick for three days, and it had a great effect on my health.
© Sergey Dovlatov.

17. You yourself, like no one else in the entire universe, deserve your love and devotion.
© Buddha.

18. In order to have sex, a woman needs a reason, a man needs a place.
© Billy Crystal.

19. I couldn’t wait for success and set off on a journey without it.
© Jonathan Winters.

20. Marriage is interesting shape a duel, according to the rules of which you must sleep with the enemy.
© Lee Daniel.

21. I'm a vegetarian not because I love animals, I just hate plants.
© A.Whitney Brown.

22. If your wife wants to learn to drive, don't stand in her way.
© Stan Levinson.

23. To get a woman, tell her that you are impotent. She will definitely check it out.
© Cary Grant.

24. After twenty years of marriage, I think I began to understand what a woman wants. The answer to this question lies somewhere between dialogue and chocolate.
© Mel Gibson.

25. There is only one way to happy marriage; As soon as I find him, I will marry again.
© Clint Eastwood.

26. The electronic brain will think for us in the same way that the electric chair dies for us.
© Stanislav Jerzy Lec.

27. Set a goal to do something every day that you don't like. This Golden Rule will help you perform your duty without disgust.
© Mark Twain.

28. Sex is a sitcom.
© Dmitry Khrapovitsky.

29. Most people are as happy as they decide to be happy.
© Abraham Lincoln.

30. The mind speaks - wisdom listens.
© Jimi Hendrix.

31. Beer is another proof that the Lord loves us and wants us to be happy.
© Benjamin Franklin.

32. If you go out in public, come in. © Vasily Turenko.

33. Nothing ruins a target like a hit.
© Attributed to N. Fomenko.

34. A pessimist sees difficulties at every opportunity; An optimist sees an opportunity in every difficulty.
© Winston Churchill.

35. There are only two infinite things: the Universe and stupidity. I'm not sure about the universe though.
© Albert Einstein.

36. Most reliable way remember your wife's birthday - forget it at least once.
© Joseph Kossman.

37. The director is the same person as everyone else, only he doesn’t know about it.
© Raymond Churchel.

38. If your wife cheated on you, then be glad that she cheated on you and not on your fatherland.
© Anton Chekhov.

39. Be the lesser of two evils.
© Ambrose Bierce.

40. God gave man a brain and a penis, but, alas, when one of them works, the second lacks blood supply.
© Robin Williams about Clinton and Lewinsky.

41. They learn from their mistakes and make a career from others.
© Alexander Furstenberg.

42. I remain under the impression I made on a woman for a long time.
© Karl Kraus.

43. I have always said that a woman should be like good film horror: than more space left to the imagination, so much the better.
© Alfred Hitchcock.

44. Love your neighbor as yourself, but do not be close to just anyone.
© Louis Beal.

45. The world is ruled by the young when they grow old.
© George Bernard Shaw.

46. ​​I can live my life without what is necessary, but I cannot live without what is superfluous.
© Mikhail Svetlov.

47. I am never as busy as during my leisure hours.
© Cicero.

48. A bachelor is a person who has a table and a sofa, and the history of the sofa is much richer.
© Henryk Jagodzinski.

49. I'll be back.
© Arnold Schwarzenegger.

50. Love for a woman is something between dialogue and chocolate. And for a man it’s something between sex and beer.
© Mel Gibson.

And the crouton in our restaurant is called crouton. This is exactly the same toasted piece of bread. A crouton just can't cost $8, but a crouton can.

I wasn’t very hungry spiritually, but physically I was just terribly hungry.

But why? Did you drink the same thing, but one stinks in the morning, and the other smells a little?
- It's called: “Inner intelligence”!

No, that doesn't happen.
- Why?
- Because. Because I don't want it that way.

It turns out there are no adults. There are older children.

And Lesha settled in well: he will eat and look like a highly spiritual person.

Maybe you're an asshole?
- Good version. Explains a lot.

When I was 14 years old, I thought that 40 years was so far away that it would never happen. Or it will be, but not for me. But now I’m almost 40, and I understand: it really won’t happen... because I’m still 14.

In general, it began to not coincide: what you want to do and how to do it right. And you want it to be right, but you want it to be the way you want it... And? What to do?

Well, what the hell are smacks? If you want to kiss, kiss, that's all.

Previously, my parents forbade me something, now my wife does. When will I grow up?

And why in a restaurant does she never like what she ordered, and always likes what I ordered? And she starts eating from my plate. I tell her: “Order the same thing for yourself.” She says: “Why? I'm just trying." And eats half of it.

A crisis is when you don't want anything. And when you start wanting to want something.
- That's okay. When you don’t want to want to want something, that’s a crisis.
- This is not a crisis, this is p...t!

Why can only your wife or husband cheat on you? Why can't you cheat on your children? Just imagine, you were seen leaving McDonald's with someone else's child...

I'm already 7 years old. I'm a grown man, stop giving me that pink bow.

If you are so smart, go with her and live.

What is the most stressful thing about being married?
- Lack of other women?
- No. Lack of opportunity for other women.

Tell the truth to everyone except fascists and aged classmates.

I wonder how I could figure out what this is high art, if you hadn’t warned me about this?

Love, love... it is not known at all whether Juliet would have done anything if Romeo smoked, said “rings” and went fishing every Friday.

It seems to me that leftist connections are condemned mainly by those people who cannot have them themselves.

There was no need to eat dumplings after the potatoes. And eat it all with potato pancakes.

You love your wife. And you love sausage. I went, bought 200 g, and ate it. This doesn't mean that you cheated on your wife with sausage.

For example, if a man likes a woman, he must conquer her, and if a woman likes a man, she... she must surrender to him. That is, lose. Loses while winning. We play checkers. They are playing giveaway... Curve feminine logic... It’s always like this with them.

Everything was clear before. I did my homework - well done, got my grandmother across the road - she's a good girl! I broke the glass with a ball - bad. And now he did something good for one woman, but it made another woman feel bad. And you actually did everything for the third one. But she doesn’t care!

She doesn’t have a phone so that she can be contacted, but so that it’s in her purse, ringing, but she doesn’t hear it.

Dreams don't come true at all. IN best case scenario you just reach your goal.

In general, when you’re married, what’s annoying is not that you don’t have other women, but that there are no other women available. I might not have taken advantage of it, but there must be an opportunity... For example, they would forbid you to eat with a fork. And in the wording “never”. “You will never eat with a fork again!” Yes, it would seem, to hell with it, you can do it with a spoon, chopsticks, hands... But they told you - you can’t, and you immediately wanted to use a fork. And, most importantly, here they are, the forks. I opened the box and it was full. Two-pronged, three-pronged, silver, cupronickel... beautiful! Yes, even an aluminum one would do for you if you haven’t had a single fork for three years... But you can’t. And yesterday it was still possible...

There is nothing more offensive for a man than to call him a fool, for a woman to say that she is ugly.

While you are putting off the meeting, wishing for sweet dreams in the evenings, there will be someone who will invite her to meet. And no matter how much she likes you, she will choose reality.

Great luck in life is to find a person who is pleasant to watch, interesting to listen to, not burdensome to remain silent, laughs sincerely and looks forward to meeting.

Your person is not the one who “feels good with you” - a hundred people can feel good with you. To yours - “it’s bad without you.”

Once Stanislavsky was asked to describe with a verb what it means to “love.” They were offered to him various options: giving gifts and flowers, living in the interests of a loved one, devouring with your eyes, singing with happiness and being in euphoria... Stanislavsky replied: “To want to touch...”.

Fall in love with someone who wants you, who will wait for you. Who will understand your madness, who will help you and guide you, who will support you, your hope. Fall in love with someone who will talk to you, even after a fight. Fall in love with someone who will always miss you and want to be with you. But don't fall in love with a body or a face or the idea of ​​being loved.

We are men, the whole world is our toilet.

There are men, when we are next to whom, we understand that we are beginning to truly live.

You can seduce a man who has a wife, you can seduce a man who has a mistress, but you cannot seduce a man who has a beloved woman.

B true loving heart either jealousy kills love, or love kills jealousy.

But when a man thinks too much, another takes his place, who silently takes, pleases and makes him happy.

Indecisive men kill women's hopes. Well, what could be worse than the right man, which seems to be nearby, but does nothing. Who is missing one small step to meet, but you don’t seem to mind, you would try all possible adventures with him, but he is silent and smiles.

Man human male. Adults are called men, a child is a boy, a teenager is a young man. From a biological point of view, male body has a number of anatomical and physiological characteristics, distinguishing it from the woman’s body. These are primary and secondary sexual characteristics. Secondary ones develop at the stage of puberty and appear more developed muscular system, height, size of hands and feet, lower timbre of voice, etc.

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