How often do you do combined facial cleansing? Effective removal of sebaceous plugs. Facial cleansing by a cosmetologist: before and after photos

Clean, rosy, radiant healthy skin - this is main secret beauty. At any age, it is important to pay attention to facial cleansing.

This procedure allows you to maintain healthy skin and preserve its youth for a long time. Which facial cleansing is better - this is the question that worries both young beauties and women elegant age.

What types of cleaning are there?

When choosing care, a woman finds herself in a difficult position. What to give preference to - home or salon procedures? And if you go to the salon, what kind of cleaning should you try and apply?

You need to decide which facial cleansing is best based on the condition of your skin. If special problems No, then any option will do. If the skin is problematic, there are deep subcutaneous inflammations, profuse purulent rashes, acne, then for own safety you need to consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist. A specialist knows better what kind of treatment can solve the problem and return the skin to purity and health.

Selection of deep and effective cleansing The top layer of skin is quite large.

Mechanical or manual cleaning is the simplest and most popular method. It is carried out both in the salon and at home. The idea is to first open the pores by steaming, and then manually remove sebaceous plugs or pus from them. This can be done with your fingers or with a special device - a Uno spoon. Disinfection is required.

Brossage, or brushing. New procedure mechanical cleaning, which is carried out with special brush attachments. Despite the mechanical impact, it is much less traumatic compared to manual cleaning, does not cause pain and does not leave marks on the skin. Effectively cleanses skin pores from blackheads, and the epidermis from dead skin particles. It is carried out in the salon or at home, if there is a special device.

Vacuum cleaning is based on creating the effect of drawing out the contents of the pores with a special manipulator. Simultaneously light massage, significantly improving lymph and blood circulation of the face. It is carried out only in the salon.

Ultrasonic cleaning– the most popular salon procedure. The ultrasonic handpiece is completely painless; steaming of the skin is not required, which means that cleaning is allowed for rosacea. The purpose of the procedure is to destroy sebaceous plugs, cleanse the dermis of dead cells and remove decay products naturally.

Laser cleaning is based on the effect of the ray of the same name on the skin of the face. The popular salon procedure is also indicated for solving serious skin problems, and to preserve youthful skin.

Combined cleaning combines mechanical action on separate areas facial and ultrasonic or laser cleaning.

Each procedure has its own pros and cons, as well as indications and contraindications. When we're talking about about beauty and health, details have great value. Important point– regularity of cleansing procedures. How often you can cleanse your face should be determined by a dermatocosmetologist.

Salon cleaning: pros and cons

Regular visits to the salon after 30 years are an investment in your youth and beauty. This is what cosmetologists say, and they are absolutely right. But even at a young age, the help of an experienced specialist is indispensable. Especially when it comes to really serious problems ah: keratosis, acne, subcutaneous inflammation. They are decided individually by a specialist, which determines how often facial cleansing can be done.

Indeed, in the arsenal of a professional cosmetologist there are devices, devices, highly effective cosmetics, without which the success of the procedure will be doubtful. And yet you need to evaluate all aspects of the salon cosmetic care and be sure to understand how often you can cleanse your face.

Permanent advantages:

Several methods of steaming the face before cleansing, including without exposure to hot steam (gel or paraffin masks, vaporizer, etc.);

Safe removal ulcers. At home, even with sufficient disinfection, there is a danger of blood contamination from the contents of the subcutaneous purulent capsule;

Special hardware procedures, which are carried out only in the salon using a laser, ultrasound, vacuum manipulator, are completely safe, and most importantly, painless and atraumatic. In addition to the actual deep cleansing of the skin, they even out the complexion and stimulate the production of collagen fibers, rejuvenate, even out complexion, get rid of wrinkles and swelling, tighten the oval of the face and give a lasting long-lasting effect.

Exactly salon treatments combine cleansing, rejuvenation, and healing. High-quality salon treatments are more effective than home care, providing beauty and health to the skin.

But there are also disadvantages that you need to be aware of:

Cleaning with brushes (brossage) and vacuum are effective procedures, but short-lived. You will have to do them regularly to keep your face clean. Not all girls are ready to pay twice a month for beauty;

Cleaning with ultrasound and laser will cost even more, although the effect will be noticeable longer. At the same time, ultrasound is not always able to deeply clean pores; you will still have to resort to mechanical squeezing;

The salon offers not only hardware procedures, but also mechanical cleaning. In some cases, combined cleaning is indicated, since only manual removal of pore contents will be effective. Mechanical cleaning is painful. In addition, you will have to go through a rehabilitation period: wait until the wounds heal.

We must not forget that salon procedures have contraindications. For example, ultrasonic cleaning cannot be done if there is rosacea, diseases of the kidneys, liver, gall bladder, inflammation in the sinuses, etc. Laser cleaning will have to be abandoned if a tendency to scarring of the skin is detected.

Home cleaning: pros and cons

Deep cleansing of the dermis at home is possible in several forms:

Mechanical cleaning with pre-steaming;

Using an individual brush.

Not all girls are ready to entrust their face to a cosmetologist or regularly pay for the procedure. Some people are not suitable for professional cosmetics due to allergies, while others are simply afraid of professional chemicals on their face, considering it too aggressive.

Home mechanical cleaning- the most popular, simple and obviously affordable to cleanse pores. Advantages home care are obvious:

It's fast and free;

Aggressive ones are not used chemicals professional cosmetics, which means there will be no allergies or harm;

Steam bath It works no worse than a chemical steaming mask. Moreover, steaming can be combined with treatment, hydration and nutrition if you add the necessary herbs;

Properly carried out home procedure Sometimes it cleans better than an expensive ultrasonic cleaner. So which cleaning is best?

Of course, there are pitfalls. First of all, there is a high risk of infection, since creating a home is absolutely sterile conditions impossible. Steamed pores are enlarged and vulnerable; infection can penetrate even if they are completely healthy.

In addition, squeezing out acne on your own is very dangerous. The consequences can be catastrophic, including the development of furunculosis or blood poisoning. Most often, instead of getting rid of a pimple, the next morning a girl gets a scattering of new pimples or extensive inflammation, which in some cases has to be treated with medication.

How often can you cleanse your face?

The answer to this question depends on two factors: the condition of the skin (its type) and the type of procedure. Mechanical cleansing for young skin, oily and acne-prone, is carried out at least twice a month. As soon as the wounds from the procedure heal and the formation of new pustules or sebaceous plugs begins, cleaning should be repeated.

If your skin is dry or normal, your pores need to be cleaned much less frequently. One mechanical cleaning procedure every month and a half is quite enough.

For mature skin Laser or ultrasound cleaning is preferred. After 30 years, the tendency to become fat disappears. Pores are often clogged not with sebaceous secretions, but with cosmetics and dust particles. Mechanical action is carried out in a targeted manner, and ultrasound, laser or chemical peeling.

The frequency of vacuum, laser or ultrasonic cleaning procedures is once a month. To keep your skin clean and fresh for as long as possible, it is advisable to scrub or exfoliate weekly.

Healthy and clean skin– this is the basis attractive appearance. Unfortunately, the skin on the face easily becomes dirty and inflamed, which manifests itself in the appearance of pimples, blackheads, redness and other unpleasant rashes. Therefore, regular facial cleansing is important procedure to maintain youth and health. But the question arises - how often to cleanse? Before determining how often you should cleanse your face, you should understand what techniques are used for this. You should not neglect cleansing procedures for your skin - after all, it is not only your beauty, but, first of all, your health. We will talk about this in more detail in our article.

What methods of skin cleansing exist?

Salon facial cleansing can be divided into several types:

  • Mechanical;
  • Chemical;
  • Hardware.

Mechanical cleaning is a long-used beauty treatment. The pores are cleaned manually - the epidermis is pre-steamed using cosmetics keratinized cells are exfoliated and blackheads, pimples and fat accumulations are squeezed out mechanically. This procedure must be carried out under sterile conditions, otherwise unpleasant inflammatory processes may occur.

Chemical peeling - this technique is based on the use of special acids that remove keratinized surface layer and act on sebaceous deposits, dissolving them. Most often, glycolic acid is used for cleansing, which is applied to the surface of the epidermis. This method is not suitable for everyone. Possible allergic reactions And chemical burns for people with sensitive skin, therefore this procedure it's better to pass only in good professional salon where they work experienced craftsmen.

Hardware cleaning - carried out in salons using special cosmetology equipment. Ultrasonic and vacuum facial cleansing is especially popular.

  • Ultrasonic cleaning. Ultrasound has a beneficial effect on dermal cells, has an anti-inflammatory and cleansing effect, tightens pores, and increases the elasticity of the epidermis. Compared to mechanical cleaning, this is a more pleasant and practically painless technique. Fine suitable for people who do not have serious problems and disruptions in the functioning of the epidermis.
  • Vacuum cleaning. Its essence is that the pores are cleaned using a special vacuum tube, which, under powerful air pressure, draws out sebaceous deposits and removes blackheads. This procedure is well suited for patients with oily and heavily soiled skin.

All of the above methods are quite effective. They can be carried out either individually or in combination with each other, for example, very often mechanical treatment is combined with ultrasonic exposure, which leads to a more effective result. The main thing that is required of you is to find a good, experienced cosmetologist who will select for you the most effective cleansing technique, taking into account the type and condition of your skin.

Facial cleansing at home

Many people wonder whether it is possible to cleanse themselves at home without turning to cosmetologists. At home, you can perform mechanical facial cleansing. After steaming and disinfecting the skin, blackheads, sebaceous deposits and pimples are removed. After which the surface of the dermis is treated with lotion or tonic, and a mask is applied to the face to tighten the pores.

All actions must be performed very carefully, creating the most sterile conditions for the procedure. IN otherwise possible appearance of various inflammatory processes, up to infection or suppuration skin. It is also worth considering that most often home cleaning using folk remedies doesn't give that visible effect like salon procedures and the result lasts for a short time.

How often can you cleanse your face?

The regularity of cleansing activities directly depends on the condition of your skin.

For example, those with dry, thin and sensitive skin to various external influences should not carry out deep cleansing often - 3-4 cosmetology sessions per year are enough, carried out at intervals - 1 session every 3-4 months.

People with normal or mixed type epidermis, it is enough to carry out cleansing sessions regularly once every 2-3 months, while you can give preference to the most gentle methods, for example, ultrasound or combined.

However, for cleaning to give good result and your skin looked good, you need to understand how often you need to cleanse your face.

Important: in the list of cosmetologist services you will find ultrasonic cleaning, manual and combined cleaning faces. Vacuum and laser cleaning are also available.

Manual facial cleansing

Manual facial reading is one of the most popular procedures among cosmetologists. Apply to cleansed skin special mask to open the pores, and then the cosmetologist removes impurities with his hands or a special spatula.

This type of cleansing is suitable for those with oily skin. True, it is extremely important that it works with your skin good master. If the cosmetologist does not completely remove dirt from the pore, you can say “hello” to inflammation.

How often to do it: if you are over 25 years old, you should not do mechanical facial cleansing more than 2 times a year.

Ultrasonic facial cleansing

During this procedure, ultrasound is applied to the skin. This type of cleansing is suitable for everyone and does not cause any harm to the skin.

Of course, acne in one procedure ultrasonic cleaning It won’t clean up your face, but it can even out the texture and improve skin color. In addition, ultrasonic cleaning makes wrinkles and acne marks less visible.

How often to do it: ultrasonic facial cleansing can be done once every one and a half to two months.

Combined facial cleansing

During the procedure, the cosmetologist combines mechanical and ultrasonic cleaning. Where there are no acne, the master works with ultrasound, but in places where there are, he works with his hands.

This - perfect option cleansing for people with combination skin y.

How often to do it: 3 times a year

Vacuum facial cleansing

Vacuum facial cleansing is a procedure with silicone jars. First, the cosmetologist steams your skin and then cleanses it. Essentially, this is - vacuum massage face without using oils.

The procedure is suitable for all skin types. Its advantage is that the vacuum effect stimulates the production of collagen, thereby protecting you from aging.

How often to do it: 2 times a year.

Interesting: laser facial cleansing is a peeling that should only be done if a cosmetologist sees indications for the procedure.

Beautiful skin is not only a gift of nature, but also a consequence of constant attentive attitude And careful care. However, often excessive efforts lead to the skin getting tired and rebellious - rashes and irritation appear on it. This happens because aggressive procedures remove the protective layer and the skin becomes open to various bacteria. One of the most common skin care procedures is. Is it harmful and how often can it be done?

Good skin condition depends on many factors: genetics, lifestyle and complete care. However, everything is good in moderation, and intensive care without indications, it can cause significant harm - the skin becomes thin and sensitive and reacts to everything with irritation.

When caring for your skin, you need to give it only what it needs, without trying to overdo it. Otherwise, care will not give you youth and beauty, but, on the contrary, will age the skin and make it dependent on various procedures.

Very often, seeing that the skin has become dull or covered with rashes, women rush to carry out emergency cleaning at home or in the salon. Although home cleansing is not a powerful procedure, even it can cause harm to the skin.

Manual cleaning, which is the most common type of cleaning, done at home without observing certain hygiene requirements, can lead to severe inflammation and even scarring. In order for cleaning to take place as required, hands and skin are treated with an antiseptic and squeezed with sterile instruments through a sterile disposable napkin. In no case should you clean with your hands, because bacteria can remain under the nails and if they get into a deep open wound, they will increase inflammation.

The best way to make manual cleaning safe is to trust it to professional cosmetologist. He will determine whether the skin needs cleaning or will benefit from gentler treatments.

Is it harmful to have a facial cleansed in a salon?

It all depends on the professionalism of the cosmetologist, the type of cleaning and how often such procedures are used. Most popular types professional cleaning– this is ultrasonic cleaning, dry cleaning, laser cleaning, mechanical cleaning, manual cleaning.

The safest and most harmless methods are considered to be non-contact cleaning methods, laser and ultrasonic. They are practically safe if a professional works: he will choose suitable mode cleaning that will not harm the skin. Thus, during ultrasonic cleaning, the surface of the skin is cleaned, dead cells are removed from it, which prevent the skin from breathing.

During laser cleaning, the top layer is destroyed, which stimulates regeneration processes and makes the skin young and velvety. If this procedure is abused, there will be no harm.

When dry cleaning, the cosmetologist chooses the concentration of acids; if it and the duration of the procedure are chosen correctly, then there will be no harm to the skin, it will become smooth and radiant.

Is mechanical facial cleansing harmful?

Mechanical cleansing, brushing, is when the skin is cleansed using special brushes that gently remove dead epithelial particles from the skin, providing an influx of oxygen from the outside and blood from the inside through massage.

Is it harmful to cleanse your face in winter? The season, of course, affects the safety of the procedure; the fact is that after cleansing, the skin becomes very sensitive to any impact - it can be burned by the sun or frosty air, which threatens the appearance of pigmentation or translucent blood stars. But the skin after the procedure can be protected without appearing on open sun and applying creams with a UV filter, and in winter - applying a layer rich cream and avoiding exposure to the cold for three weeks.

To prevent cleansing from being a beneficial procedure for the skin from turning into a traumatic one, you should not do it more than once every six months for normal and dry skin. If your skin is oily, you can clean it once a month; if you have combination skin, you can clean it once every three months.

If you need skin cleansing, make sure you have no contraindications against this procedure. Cleaning is unsafe in case of inflammation of various organs, infections, skin diseases, tumors, blood diseases, immunodeficiency states and hepatitis, pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is also undesirable to do cleaning during critical days because of hypersensitivity capillaries.

Why do facial cleansing?


To keep the skin soft and elastic, sebaceous glands produce lipid-containing secret. Ideally, it is evenly distributed over the surface of the face, forming a kind of protective film. However, in reality, everything is not so smooth: due to hormonal, seasonal, age reasons, metabolic changes, sebum production may increase, which leads to clogged pores. Exposure to air the sebaceous plug oxidizes, and an ugly black dot appears - comedo. And if in clogged time bacteria enter inflammation begins, and now acne appears on your face. Skin imperfections- this is not a question of hygiene or cleanliness, it is question proper care . Too frequent and aggressive influence on the skin of the face with soap, water, and alcohol-containing products only leads to the fact that the skin, which is regularly deprived of a secretion product, falls into confusion and begins to produce even more fat. The skin cannot get rid of clogged pores on its own. She needs help. Procedure " face cleaning"can be compared with artificial respiration- pores freed from sebaceous plugs with enthusiasm absorb oxygen and moisture, respond effectively to aftercare procedures - masks, massage.

What types of facial cleansing are there?

Consultation with a beauty salon cosmetologist, determination of the level and cause of pore contamination and competent selection effective method cleaning can make you feel comfortable in your skin again. Regular (on average once a month) cleansing of the face from excess production of “overdone” glands using procedures " classic manual facial cleansing", "ultrasonic facial cleansing", "vacuum facial cleansing", "laser facial cleansing" or "dry facial cleansing" will help normalize metabolic processes and restore radiance and health to the skin. All that remains is to choose the best way just for your skin.

One of the most popular cleaning methods remains classic manual (manual) cleaning - expanded using vaporization (a bactericidal mixture of wet steam with ozone), the pores are subjected to pressure from the cosmetologist’s fingers, as a result of which the contents of comedones and pimples are removed. This method is traditionally considered the most effective for problematic and oily skin with multiple defects - since a specialist painstakingly processes each clogged pore by hand, this allows in some cases to achieve the best results.

The main competitor of the long-lived cosmetology - manual cleaning - has become hardware vacuum facial cleansing. Its main difference from the manual one is that the operating object is not the cosmetologist’s fingers, but a special tube connected to a device that creates a vacuum and negative pressure. This tiny vacuum cleans pre-opened pores by drawing out their contents. Vacuum cleaning is practically painless and atraumatic. However, often the vacuum strength is not enough to completely clean particularly difficult areas, then you may be offered to combine vacuum cleaning with subsequent manual cleaning. Vacuum cleaning has a massage and lymphatic drainage effect, helping to renew upper layer epidermis and enrich the blood supply to the facial skin, it is often recommended as a tonic for skin that is beginning to fade. But be careful - in some cases the "vacuum cleaner" affects sensitive skin similar to manual brushing, leaving lasting redness and swelling.

Ultrasonic cleaning - an atraumatic method of influencing the skin using

ultrashort waves. Leather processed tonic based mineral water or special gel, after which it is exposed to a wave generator. The pores open, contaminants come to the surface and are immediately removed. The benefits of ultrasound include its ability to gently exfoliate dead cells, act as an anti-inflammatory and smooth out skin turgor, making wrinkles and scars less noticeable. This cleansing is ideal for maintaining youthful skin that has already begun to fade. Besides, ultrasound procedures help regulate sebum production and tighten pores. Ultrasonic cleaning - quite soft and, despite its undoubted advantages, in the presence of obvious skin defects it is recommended to combine it with a more pronounced method of cleansing the pores, for example, manual. Besides, ultrasonic influence Contraindicated for skin that has undergone gold reinforcement during pregnancy, as well as a number of diseases, including vitiligo and benign formations.

Chemical and laser cleaning , in fact, are peelings (from English to peel - peel off, remove the peel). Their principle of influence is similar - both methods are aimed at removal of the thin top layer of skin and do not work “deeply”. However, they are also classified as cosmetic procedures for facial cleansing, which, however, is fair - they cleanse the surface of the skin from excess secretion and dead cells. In laser cleansing, a cosmetic laser beam is used, as if sliding across the surface of the skin and “eating” its top layer, at the same time leveling the relief. Dry cleaning (can be drug or enzymatic) works on the following principle: substances penetrate the epidermis and dissolve the rods. For preparative cleaning, oleic, citric, malic, glycolic and lactic acids are used. For enzyme - enzymes bromelain and papain. Strictly speaking, dry cleaning does not involve physical impact on the skin. A cleansing mixture is applied to the face (most often with glycolic acid), then cleaning begins with a more “caustic” composition. As a result, the skin warms up, the fat core softens and partially dissolves. Finally, a soft, soothing mask is applied to the skin.

Who needs a facial?

To make it clear why professional facial cleansing is periodically necessary for everyone, we will give several arguments.

Natural skin hydration occurs through special channels that emerge on the surface like pores. Inside each such channel there is a certain “sebaceous sac” that produces fat.

Dry skin- the result of insufficient sebaceous secretion, normal - optimal, and oily - excessive.

Oily skin cosmetologists consider " God's gift"- it is denser, more elastic, and ages later. But this gift, with inadequate care, can turn into a curse. When, under the influence of certain factors, the channel that removes fat becomes clogged (“black spots”), two scenarios are possible.

With low secretion, lipid-removing functions may simply stop (this is typical for dry skin; over time it can become very dry and dehydrated). At high, typical for fatty type skin, irritation occurs around the “clogged” canal. External manifestation - acne. Acne- This is the body's distress signal, ignoring which can be costly. Thus, it is obvious that “plugs” in the pores have a detrimental effect on both dry and oily skin.

It is believed that during puberty acne is a common occurrence. “Pimply youths” is what they sometimes say about teenagers. In fact, “youths” do not have to be “pimply” at all. And this is not a “necessary evil”, but banal neglect. Under the influence of the “hormonal revolution,” the skin often greatly activates sebaceous secretion, the channels cannot cope with the increased pressure, pores become clogged, and acne occurs. It’s enough to simply visit a cosmetologist periodically as soon as a problem arises, and you won’t need to dry out your skin in vain fashionable gels and tonics. And, by the way, the boy or girl will have one less psychological complex.

"Normal" skin Now practically no one has it. There is a tendency to either be oily or dry, to one degree or another. With regular professional cleansing (on average once every three months, if there are no particular problems), the natural functions of the skin are restored. This is true for both women and men, both young and old. Bunch "cleanliness - health - beauty" no one has canceled yet.

How often should you cleanse your face?

It depends on the health of your skin. For fat, heavily contaminated skin should be cleansed once every ten days. For normal skin once a month is enough.

A few indisputable facts.

After professional skin cleaning, all other cosmetic procedures, both salon and home, go “excellent”. Moisturizing, anti-age, lifting... Renewed skin accepts them with gratitude.

On " fresh skin"The tan is incomparable. You can use "auto-bronzant", you can go to the solarium a couple of times - you will be guaranteed the effect of golden resort skin.

Clean face- the basis good makeup. It's not for nothing that makeup artists insist that their clients use the services " salon cleaning". Concealer and powder lie smoothly and naturally on the skin.

Cosmetologists recommend not to stop there and, between cleansing procedures, conduct facial massage sessions with moisturizing or nourishing masks. Such “training” for the face helps improve skin regeneration, and as a result, its self-cleansing.

I wish you health and youth for many years to come!

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