Drawing with graphic materials as a means of developing artistic and creative abilities. State educational institution. Complex of stable personality components

Artistic ability

Development of abilities- this is their improvement.

Creative thinking (creativity)- mental processes that lead to decisions, ideas, comprehension, creation of art. forms, theories or any products that are phenomena. unique and new. There is no exact answer to? Is it possible to develop TM? There are a number of approximate conditions for the development of TM:

1) life experience accumulated in the process of training and education is necessary;

2) you need to consciously educate and develop your TV potential;

3) without a developed education system, the achievements of your thoughts are impossible.

The role of imagination in the TV process is great, TV is closely connected with all psychic. processes (sensation, perception, attention, memory, thinking, speech, consciousness), including imagination. Creating an imagination in the process. something new, which seeks to translate it into reality (in things, drawings, sculpture).

Development of imagination in children:

Through creativity, a child develops thinking. This is facilitated by persistence and expressed interests. The starting point for the development of imagination should be directed activity, that is, the inclusion of children’s fantasies in specific practical problems. The development of imagination is promoted by:

Situations of incompleteness;

Resolving and even encouraging many questions;

Encouraging independence and independent development;

Positive attention to the child from adults.

Artistic ability

Capabilities- individual and psychological characteristics of a person that express his readiness to carry out specific activities. They are revealed in the speed, depth and strength of mastering the methods and techniques of certain activities and are internal mental regulators that determine the possibility of their acquisition.

Artistic s.- creation of objects of material and spiritual culture, production of new ideas, discoveries and inventions, individual creativity in various fields of human activity.

The role of imagination in the mental process is great; it is closely connected with all mental processes. processes (sensation, perception, attention, memory, thinking, speech, consciousness), including imagination. The possibility of TV is, to a certain extent, ensured by the knowledge and abilities available to people. The most important conditions of TV are phenomena. presence of def. experiences that create emotions. tone of your activity.

In addition, it is important to have some perceptual qualities:

1) sense of the whole;

2) sense of proportions;

3) the shape of the object;

4) chiaroscuro;

5) color;

Perception is closely related to our sensations, and their character directly depends on the conditions in which these sensations are felt. are formed: the sensation of color depends on illumination; V. magnitude - from the distance to the object; the perception of shape depends on the plane in which the perceived object is located in relation to the organ of vision.

The role of creativity in the activities of a designer.

The entire professional activity of a designer is creativity. Therefore, it plays an integral role in his life.


It presupposes that an individual has the abilities, motives, knowledge and skills to create a product that is distinguished by novelty, originality, and uniqueness.

Creativity manifests itself in the most various types activity, differs in results, products of creativity, but is subject to uniform psychological laws.

Any creative process presupposes a creative subject, a creator, who is driven to creativity by certain needs, motives, incentives, and who has knowledge, skills, and creative abilities.

The main stages of the creative process are common:

Preparation (the emergence of a plan),

Maturation ("incubation" - gestation of a plan, accumulation of material),

Illumination ("insight")

Checking (checking the finished result).

The peak of the creative process is the stage of insight - insight, when it penetrates into consciousness and is born new idea- scientific, philosophical, technical or artistic. But this often leads to long haul preliminary work.

In the process of creativity, the author expresses his vision, his solution to a certain problem, comes to a unique result, different from others - this is the value of creativity. The stimulus for creative activity is a problematic situation that cannot be resolved on the basis of available data using traditional methods.

Design- thin design and industrial process. producing useful and beautiful things; this is the result of the penetration of aesthetics into technology - it creates a special visual language of form. Signs of this language: proportions, optical illusion, the relationship of light and shadow, void and volume, color and scale.

Emotions in artistic creativity

Emotions- this is psychic. the body's reaction to the surrounding reality.

Emotions play important role in human life and in the implementation of any activity.

Exploring the world of objects and phenomena, a person experiences different feelings and expresses his attitude towards everything. He reacts emotionally to the actions and behavior of other people, as well as to his own statements and performance results.

Emotions happen positive or negative.

Positive: joy, confidence, respect, trust, sympathy, tenderness, love...

Negative: displeasure, sadness, despair, grief, anxiety, fear, pity, compassion, disappointment, resentment, anger, contempt, indignation, envy, anger...

The main emotional states that a person experiences are divided into actual emotions and feelings, affect, stress, passion, and mood.

Feelings are more complex, a constant, established attitude of the individual to what she learns or does, incl. contains a range of emotions. Feelings are more objective in nature. A feeling is associated with a specific, irreplaceable object. Feelings, unlike emotions, develop, educate, and improve.

Having a strong and lasting positive feeling for something or someone is called passion. This is an emotional state found only in humans. Passion is a fusion of emotions, motives and feelings that are concentrated around a certain type of activity or object (person). Poorly amenable to volitional control.

Mood- long-term emotional a state that colors a person's behavior. Mood determines the overall tone of a person’s life. Mood depends on those influences that affect the personality and its core values. Mood, like all other emotional states, can be positive and negative.

Affects- a short-term and strong positive or negative emotion that occurs in response to the influence of internal or external factors

They interfere with the normal organization of behavior and its rationality.

Stress- a nonspecific (general) reaction of the body to a very strong impact, be it physical or psychological, as well as the corresponding state nervous system body.

Creation- activity, the result of which is the creation of new material and spiritual values.

The goal is thin. creativity- creation of new emotions.

Result- works of art.

Personality and its structure

Personality- a relatively stable system of individual behavior, built primarily on the basis of inclusion in the social context.

Characterized by independence in actions;

Able to take responsibility and solve problems;

Controls behavior and has willpower;

Capable of changing over time.

Individual- a person who has characteristics unique to him, both external and internal.

Individuality expresses the specificity of an individual person, the combination of psychological characteristics of people that make up his originality, his difference from others.

Personality attributes:

Will- this is a person’s ability to manage his behavior, to mobilize all his strength to achieve his goals.

Liberty- availability of choice, options for the outcome of the event.

Intelligence- the ability to think universally, the ability of abstraction and generalization, which includes reason.

Feelings- experiencing your relationship to the surrounding reality (to people, their actions, to any phenomena) and to yourself.

In psychology: Personality is a set of developed habits and preferences, mental attitude and tone, sociocultural experience and acquired knowledge, a set of psychophysical traits and characteristics of a person, his archetype that determines everyday behavior and connections with society and nature. Personality is also observed as manifestations of “behavioral masks” developed for different situations and social interaction groups.

Complex of stable personality components:

Temperament- a set of individual mental characteristics. Temperament is the basis for the development of human character.

Character- the structure of persistent, relatively constant mental properties that determine the characteristics of relationships and behavior of an individual.

Capabilities - individual characteristics individuals who are subjective conditions for the successful implementation a certain kind activities.

Motivation- 1) motivation to action; 2) a dynamic physiological and psychological process that controls human behavior, determining its direction, organization, activity and stability;

Personality is the result of the process of education and self-education.

Personality socialization

Personality socialization- process of assimilation by an individual social experience, systems of social connections and relationships. In the process of Social a person acquires beliefs, socially approved forms of behavior that he needs for a normal life in society.

S. should be understood as the entire multifaceted process of assimilation of experience public life and public relations.

S. refers to those processes by which people learn to live together and interact effectively with each other.

S. assumes the active participation of the person himself in mastering the culture of human relations, in the formation of certain social norms, roles and functions, and the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for their successful implementation.

C. includes human cognition social reality, mastering the skills of practical individual and group work.

The concept of S. concerns the qualities that an individual acquires in the process of S., and the psychological mechanisms through which the desired changes are achieved.

Public education is of decisive importance for socialization processes.

The sources of an individual’s S. are:

A) transmission of culture through family and other social institutions (primarily through the system of education, training and upbringing);

b) mutual influence of people in the process of communication and joint activities;

V) primary experience associated with the period of early childhood, with the formation of basic mental functions and elementary forms social behavior;

G) self-regulation processes correlated with the gradual replacement of external control of individual behavior with internal self-control.

The S. process can be characterized as a gradual expansion as the individual acquires social experience in the sphere of his communication and activity, as a process of development of self-regulation and the formation of self-awareness and an active life position.

The family, preschool institutions, school, labor and other groups. A special role in the individual’s social life is given to the development and increase of his contacts with other people and in conditions of socially significant joint activities. Through these contacts, the individual begins to correctly perceive and evaluate himself and others.

In the process of socialization, a person is enriched by social experience and is individualized, becoming a personality.

The process of personality formation, in his opinion, occurs according to three different stages :

Stages of imitation and copying of adult behavior by children;

Game stage when children recognize behavior as playing a role;

The stage of group play, in which children learn to understand what is expected of them by a whole group of people.

Topic: Design as a means of development creativity children preschool age.

Development problem children's creativity is currently one of the most pressing problems, because we are talking about the most important condition for the formation of the individual identity of a person already in the first stages of its formation.

Children's construction is usually understood as a variety of buildings made from building material, making crafts and toys from paper, cardboard, wood and other materials. In its nature, it is most similar to visual activity and play - it also reflects the surrounding reality. Children's buildings and crafts serve to practical use (buildings - for games, crafts - for decorating a Christmas tree, for a gift for mom, etc.), so they must be fit for purpose.

Constructive activity is, first of all, the most powerful means of mental development of a child. During the design process, the relationships between the structural, functional and spatial characteristics of the designed object, with its visible and hidden properties, are modeled. Children construct different structures, models of their building materials and construction kit parts; create crafts from paper, cardboard and waste materials; construct artistic compositions from paper, cardboard and waste material. In artistic design, in addition to the mental development of the child, the development of his artistic abilities is carried out.

When correct organized activities children acquire:

1. constructive and technical skills:

  • construct individual objects from building materials - buildings, bridges, etc.
  • make various crafts from paper - Christmas decorations, boats, etc.

2. generalized skills:

  • look at objects purposefully
  • compare them with each other and divide them into parts
  • see the common and different in them
  • find the main structural parts on which the location of other parts depends
  • make inferences and generalizations.

It is important that children’s thinking in the process of constructive activity has a practical orientation and is creative character. When teaching children to design, planning mental activity develops, which is an important factor in the formation educational activities. When children design a building or craft, they mentally imagine what they will be like and plan in advance how they will be completed and in what sequence.

Constructive activity promotes practical knowledge of the properties of geometric bodies and spatial relationships:

Children's speech is enriched with new terms and concepts (bar, cube, pyramid, etc.), which are rarely used in other types of activities;

  • children practice using concepts correctly. (Tall - low, long - short, wide - narrow, big - small).
  • in precise verbal directions. (Above - below, right - left, down - up, behind - front, closer).

Constructive activity is also a means of moral education of preschool children. In the process of this activity, important qualities personalities:

  • hard work,
  • independence,
  • initiative,
  • perseverance in achieving goals,
  • organization.

Joint constructive activity children (collective buildings, crafts) plays a big role in developing initial teamwork skills:

  • ability to negotiate in advance (distribute responsibilities, select the material necessary to complete a building or craft, plan the process of their manufacture, etc.);
  • work together without interfering with each other.

Making by children various crafts and toys. Gifts to mother, grandmother, sister, or peer foster a caring and attentive attitude towards family. The desire to do something nice for them. It is this desire that often makes a child work with special zeal and diligence, which makes his activity even more fulfilling and brings him great satisfaction.

Finally, constructive activity has great importance and for education aesthetic feelings. When introducing children to modern buildings and some architectural monuments that are understandable to them. Artistic taste develops, the ability to admire architectural riches and understand that the value of any structure lies not only in its practical purpose, but also in its design - simplicity and clarity of forms, consistent color combinations, thoughtful decoration.

Making crafts from natural material Forms in children not only technical skills and abilities, but also a special attitude towards the world around them - children begin to see and feel the beauty of emerald moss and bright red rowan, the whimsicality of tree roots and branches, and feel the beauty and appropriateness of their combinations.

However, constructive activity acquires such a multifaceted significance in raising children only if systematic training is carried out and a variety of methods are used aimed at developing not only constructive skills, but also valuable qualities of the child’s personality and mental abilities.

Children's problem creative design is actual problem, and we solve it at the preschool educational institution.

r.p. Golyshmanovo,

Tyumen region

"The Origins of Creativity"
and the gifts of children - at their tips
fingers" V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Creativity is an important component of the development of a child’s personality, so it is very important to develop the creative abilities of children from an early age.
Domestic psychologists and teachers - L.S. Vygotsky, V.V. Davydov, A.V. Zaporozhets, N.N. Poddyakov, N.A. Vetlugina and others - proved that the creative potential of children manifests itself already in preschool age. This is confirmed by many discoveries, the creation of interesting, sometimes original drawings and designs.
According to S.I. Ozhegov’s definition, creativity is a conscious, goal-setting, active human activity aimed at understanding and transforming reality, creating new, original, previously non-existent objects. Ability - natural giftedness, talent.
Psychologists have proven that it is not the abilities themselves that are innate in a person, but the ability to develop them.
In my opinion, effective means for the development of children's creative abilities is artistic and creative activity, namely artistic design.
In artistic design, children, creating images, not only display their structure, but also express their attitude towards them, convey their character, using color, texture, shape, which leads, in the words of A.V. Zaporozhets, to “the formation of unique emotional images” .
Observing children in design classes and analyzing children's work, an insufficient level of skills, creative imagination, and independence in the means of implementation was identified. While working with children, I thought about the following questions: how to organize children’s construction and how to manage it? How to develop the creative abilities of preschoolers in design, how to ensure that every child becomes a creator? An analysis of pedagogical literature has shown that the problem is that there is no clearly developed system of working with preschoolers on artistic design, where the latter acts as a means of developing the creative abilities of children of senior preschool age.
Formation creative personality- one of the important tasks of pedagogical theory and practice in modern stage. Artistic design, by virtue of its very creative and transformative nature, with a certain organization of learning, has a truly creative character. In its vein, conditions are created for the development of imagination and intellectual activity, experimentation with material, the emergence of bright and “smart” emotions, which allows us to consider this type of activity a powerful tool development of creative abilities in preschool children, and also makes the education and training of children with the help of artistic design relevant.
Therefore, I have developed a system of working with children of senior preschool age, the goal of which is to develop the creative abilities of senior preschoolers through artistic design.

To achieve the intended goal, the following tasks were identified:

Create conditions for the development and realization of the abilities of each child.
To develop the creative potential of preschool children through artistic design.
To develop children’s knowledge, skills and abilities in artistic and constructive activities.
Stimulate co-creation of children with peers and adults in constructive activities.
In my work I use the following forms of organizing teaching artistic design, which, in my opinion, develop creative abilities in preschoolers to a greater extent (according to L.A. Paramonova).

 Design according to sample
(provides transition to independent search activity creative in nature, helps children master a generalized method of analysis).
 Design according to the topic
(children themselves create plans for specific buildings and crafts, choose methods of their implementation, materials.)
 Design by design
(the ability to build a plan, look for a solution, without fear of mistakes)
 Design according to conditions
(design tasks in this case are expressed through conditions and are problematic in nature)

When developing a system of work on artistic design, I became familiar with the issues of theory and practice of such researchers as V.G. Gruba, E.K. Gulyans, A.N. Davidchuk, Z.V. Lishtvan, A.R. Luria, L.A. Paramonova, N.N. Poddyakov, O.A. Safonova, etc. This was the methodological basis my work.
Expected Result. It is assumed that organized work in artistic design will help enhance the development of children’s creative abilities:
- Children will create “images” (constructions) - expressive, original, removed from the original data, endowing the same “images” with different properties.
- They will learn to build “images” on the same basis, to see the whole before the parts.
- Learn to plan your work and achieve results.
- Children will be able to independently experiment with new material.

Basic pedagogical conditions ensuring the implementation of this system:

Joint activities between an adult and a child and children with each other.
Ensuring the relationship between special organized classes and children’s independent activities.
Providing children with a variety of materials and the opportunity to use them as they wish.
The relationship between construction and other activities such as playing, writing fairy tales, etc., and its inclusion in wide range events of children's life.
The system of working with preschoolers in artistic design includes:
- a series of thematic lessons;
- complex didactic games;
- working with parents.
The main form of work with children is thematic classes. Thematic planning contributes to the effective and systematic acquisition by children of knowledge, skills, artistic design, and the development of creative abilities of preschoolers.

The work is planned in the following sections:

Section I - “Samadekino”. Work with waste material. Lesson topics:
Toys for indoors and outdoors. “Gifts for Kids” - nesting dolls made from plastic bottles of different capacities; funny people and funny little animals, caterpillars and butterflies from Kinder Surprise plastic cases. “Toy Store” - works from plastic and cardboard packaging; funny wire men; cameras from cardboard boxes, yogurt cups or caps, etc.
The city – today, yesterday, tomorrow. Multi-storey buildings made from juice cartons; fortresses and castles made of cardboard boxes.
Space. Spaceships made from plastic bottles; robot - a monster made of cardboard boxes, etc.
Zoo. Animal figures made from matchboxes, paper towel tubes, funny animals made from colored wire.
Cars. Models different types passenger and freight transport.
Section II - “ Magic paper" Working with paper, mastering the technique of origami, three-dimensional sculpture. Lesson topics:
Fairytale world. Crafts based on a triangle with corners bent to the corresponding sides. “Teremok” characters from a fairy tale, “The Scarlet Flower”, etc.
Magic cylinders. By twisting a rectangle into a cylinder, and adding details of your choice, you can get beads, a butterfly, ladybug, tree, flashlight, etc.
Magic transformations of a circle. Twisting a circle into a cone (“low”), a semicircle into a cone (“high”)
City of the future. Construction of houses of various configurations.
Section III – “Natural mosaic”. Working with natural materials (cones, branches, shells, sand, etc.) Children create funny toys,
paintings, panels, portraits in decorative frames, toy fairy castles, characters from children's fairy tales. Lesson topics:
We are from a fairy tale; Castle for Cinderella; Bouquet for the Snow Maiden; Cheerful snowman; Portrait of Santa Claus, etc. (2)

To foster independence in older preschoolers in constructive games, to develop their creative abilities, she developed a set of didactic games like “Tangram”, aimed at creating planar images of objects, animals, people, from special sets of geometric constructors. A game of matches can be lively and imaginative. Animals, little people, houses, trees made from matches and counting sticks easily change the position of their components and transform into each other. Sets of geometric shapes in games can replace substitute items (plastic bottle caps, matchboxes, candy boxes, etc.) These games open up new possibilities for children independent activity, the number of items may or may not be limited, and there is no strictly defined scheme (sequence of actions), which stimulates an active independent search for ways to implement the plan and allows you to combine parts into various combinations, develop creativity, imagination, fantasy, modeling and design abilities.
An equally important condition for the development of children’s creative abilities is the active participation in the educational process of parents, who should be the first assistants to their children.
I use children’s crafts in the decoration of the kindergarten, and I organize exhibitions from natural materials for meetings and holidays.
When interacting with parents, I use the following forms of work: consultations, folders - moving, when organizing joint activities, I hold exhibitions with the participation of parents, making crafts, parent-child activities, entertainment, parent meetings. The experience of working on developing children's creative abilities was of great interest to the parents of my students. Children from home bring a variety of crafts made with the help of their parents. For example, Alina's father became interested in our stroller from matchbox and together with his daughter he made a “Victory” car from the same box and paper. Older brother Zhenya really liked the furniture for the dolls, and he made two small telephones.

As practice has shown, children respond with great pleasure to everything new and unusual and, turning into little designers, can compete on equal terms with adults, ahead of the latter in non-standard solutions.
The result of my work was an increase in the quality level of children’s creative development by 12% and constructive skills by 16%.
levels Development of children's creative abilities Development of constructive skills
Beginning of the year End of the year Beginning of the year End of the year
high 12% 24% 17% 33%
average 79% 76% 69% 66%
low 9% - 14% -

Thus, the improvement in indicators in the group is due to the use of the proposed system of working with preschoolers in artistic design. Stable, systematic work in in this direction allowed to increase the level of development of creative abilities of children of senior preschool age.

The positive results of my work indicate: Children have become more active, proactive, capable of accepting independent decision, to create new images based on past experience and to find your own original solutions. I gained greater confidence in myself and my capabilities. Children began to compare more, engage more actively in creativity, and acquired an original way of thinking. They showed a keen interest in knowledge. (3)

Lesson notes on artistic design.
Senior preschool age
Topic: “The Journey of the Goldfish.”

1. Continue to teach how to create a fish figure from sand, convey the expressiveness of the image, and create general compositions (“Aquarium”).
2. In the process of work, develop the imagination of children.
3. Teach to use materials carefully and sparingly.
4. Foster a love for animals.
Material. Sandbox - a wooden box painted blue (“sand sheet”), in it on the sand is a goldfish fashioned from wet colored sand. Wet sand; dry colored sand. Tray with river pebbles. The doll is a puppet. Sandman.
Handout. Scoops, spatulas, colored sand, a tray with river pebbles.
Demonstration material. Aquarium with fish, illustrations with varieties of fish.
Music. P.I. Tchaikovsky.
Preliminary work (in class). Introducing children to the inhabitants of the aquarium.
Progress of the lesson.
The teacher invites the children into the hall. They sit on chairs around a “sand sheet” covered with a cloth.
Educator: Hello, children! I invited you to introduce you to the amazing Sand Country. Here, in the sandbox, lives the keeper of the sand - the Sandman. He is very cheerful, knows a lot of games, stories, fairy tales, but he will share all this only with those who will follow his rules. To get to Sandland, you first need to stand around the sandbox and hold hands. (I perform these actions together with the children). Extend your arms over the sandbox, palms down. Please close your eyes and say a spell after me: “Look into our palms,
Find kindness and love in them.
Sandman, come!”
Music sounds. (The teacher picks up a doll - a Sandman puppet.)
Educator: Please open your eyes. Let's meet the Sandman. Listen to what he has to say.
Sandman: I'll tell you a secret, but you need to know the rules of my country. You can't bite or fight here! And you can’t throw sand! You can build and create: Mountains, rivers and seas - So that there is life around! Don't offend anyone, don't ruin anything! This is a peaceful country. Children, do you understand me?!
The music fades out. The children, together with the teacher, repeat the poem, starting with the words “Here you can’t bite, fight.....”
Sandman (story): My friends, sit down on the chairs. I'll tell you a story about a Goldfish. (Music sounds). In a fabulous Sand Country there lived a beautiful goldfish. All the inhabitants loved her very much, and she loved them too, but the fish did not have girlfriends like her. One day the Goldfish learned that in another country there lived cheerful, kind, skillful children who knew how to create goldfish. “They will definitely help me!” thought the Goldfish and... called our kindergarten. She invites you to Sand Country.
The music fades out. The teacher removes the fabric from the “sand sheet”.
Sandman: Look, there it is, Goldfish! Isn't she beautiful? (Children share their impressions). So, my friends, do you think we can help the fish? (Children's answers). Let's try to mold Goldfish's girlfriends from raw sand.
Music is playing. The teacher sculpts fish together with the children.
Sandman: Which ones different fish turned out. But still, they are not as bright as Goldfish. What needs to be done to make them sparkle, shine and turn into real goldfish? (Children's assumptions). Of course, colored sand will help us. (Children decorate the fish).
Educator: Now all the fish are bright. Let's decorate the pond where they live. Multi-colored pebbles are clearly visible at the bottom. (Put out a tray with river pebbles. Children lay them out on the sand.) There are plants in a fabulous underwater land. Who knows what they are called? (Algae) What color are they? (Green, burgundy.) Let's take colored sand and draw algae.
When finished, Sandman suggests they wash their hands and sit down in their chairs. The music fades out.
Educator: Today we met the Sandman, who taught us the rules of playing with sand, we helped the Goldfish make friends and become truly happy, you and I created a fairy tale, and this is the most beautiful thing - to be a good creator. I have a lot now good mood: I learned a lot of interesting things and had a great time playing with you and the Sandman.
- What did you find out? What's your mood? (Children's answers). Now my dear creators, I ask you to stretch your hands over the sandbox and make a movement as if you were rolling a ball. Now put it to your heart and repeat after me: “We take with us everything important that happened to us today, everything we learned!”

We invite preschool teachers of the Tyumen region, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their methodological material:
- Pedagogical experience, original programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including videos), forms of work with families and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?


Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Tyvin State University"
Kyzyl Pedagogical College
Specialty 050704 – “Preschool education”
(increased level)

Artistic ability visual arts as a means of developing the personality traits of a preschooler

Course work

Completed by: 3rd “B” year student
Preschool department
Togbool O.M.
Scientific supervisor: Leonova A.I.



1.1. Artistic abilities as a means of developing human personality traits
1.2. Abilities for visual arts
1.3.Stages of formation of artistic abilities for visual activity...9...
1.4. Conditions and means for developing artistic abilities
Chapter 2. Empirical research.
2.1. Methodology for studying the artistic abilities of preschool children……………………………………………………………… …?
2.2.Analysis of the research results…………………………………………… ……?
Conclusion…………………………………………………… ………………….?
List of used literature


The problem of developing the abilities of preschool children is today in the focus of attention of many researchers and practitioners working in the field of education. This is evidenced by the large number of published articles, methodological manuals, collections of games and exercises for the development of various mental processes at this age (thinking, attention, memory, imagination, emotions), and in the development of various types of abilities of general (perceptual, intellectual, creative, mnemonic, cognitive, motor) and special orientation (mathematical, design, musical, visual).
With all the variety of topics, two main trends can be identified, characterizing the creative development of the problem of developing the abilities of preschool children and its entry into practice: the first is associated with the study of individual abilities and mental processes, with the introduction into the preschool education system of special training programs for their development (development of memory, speech etc.); the second - with the integration of certain types of abilities in the subsystem ( mental capacity, artistic, aesthetic) and the development of comprehensive methods for their development.
Accordingly, the practical implementation of these approaches differs.
The problem of the development of children's visual creativity was dealt with by A.V. Bakushinsky, D.B. Bogoyavlenskaya, L.A. Wenger, N.A. Vetlugina, T.G. Kazakova, V.I. Kireenko, T.S. Komarova, N.V. Rozhdestvenskaya and others. Research in this area by G.G. is known. Grigorieva, N.A. Dudina, T.V. Labunskoy, T.Ya. Shpikalova and others.
However, the practical aspect of implementing the task of developing the artistic abilities of preschool children by means of visual creativity remains insufficiently disclosed, since many points of view regarding the psychological and artistic conditions for the formation of abilities are rapidly changing, children's generations are changing and the technology of teachers' work must change accordingly.
In modern pedagogical and psychological research proves the need for visual arts for the mental, aesthetic development preschool children. In the works of A.V. Zaporozhets, V.V. Davydova, N.N. Poddyakov established that preschoolers are able, in the process of objective sensory activity, including drawing, to identify the essential properties of objects and phenomena, to establish connections between individual phenomena and to reflect them in figurative form. This process is especially noticeable in various types of practical activities: generalized methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison and contrast are formed, the ability to independently find ways to solve creative problems is developed, the ability to plan one’s activities, and creative potential is revealed.
This implies the need to practice not only fine arts, but also specific types of visual creativity, including drawing.
This problem is relevant, and it is confirmed by the fact that the work of drawing in modern conditions of the pedagogical process is mainly taken outside the classroom and is practiced in the form of joint or independent activities of children, which contributes to the formation and development of children’s basic knowledge, skills and abilities in drawing.
Observations of teaching practice in the older group showed that children love to draw and draw with great pleasure, but children’s technical and visual drawing skills are assessed at an average level. This occurs due to the fact that in kindergarten, due attention is not paid to drawing classes, and in this case, learning is difficult.
Object of study: the process of development of artistic creative abilities in children of senior preschool age.
Subject of research: means of developing artistic creativity in children of senior preschool age.
Purpose of the study: to explore the artistic creativity of children of senior preschool age.
Research objectives:
1.Analyze methodological literature on this issue.
2. reveal the concept and essence of artistic and creative abilities.
3.Develop guidelines for educators to develop artistic creativity.
Research methods: test.

Chapter I. Theoretical foundations of the problem of the role of artistic abilities in visual activity as a means of developing personality traits

1.1. Artistic abilities as a means of developing personality traits.

An attempt to determine the content of abilities has been made repeatedly by different researchers.
In psychology, a solid methodological foundation for the study of general and special abilities has been developed, rich factual material has been obtained, and its meaningful interpretation has been given. The psychology of abilities is one of the most important problems in theoretical and practical terms. psychological science. The relevance of work on diagnosing abilities is determined first of all practical significance this problem. Diagnostic methods are necessary for early diagnosis of capable and gifted children, to identify the expression of their creative artistic abilities.
The main provisions of the theory of abilities are related to the decision the following questions: What are abilities? What is their content? Structure? Correlation with knowledge, abilities, skills? What are the patterns and conditions for the development of abilities? How do abilities relate to inclinations? What is meant by the makings of abilities?
There are many definitions of ability.
1. Abilities are individual psychological characteristics that distinguish one person from another and are related to the success of performing any activity or many types of activities.
2. Abilities - an ensemble of properties human personality, providing relative lightness, high quality mastery of a certain activity and its implementation.
3. Abilities are personality traits on which the possibility of implementation and the degree of successful activity depend.
4. Abilities cannot be considered outside of personality. Abilities are part of the personality structure, which, when actualized in a specific activity, determines the qualities of the latter.
5. Artistic abilities - complete the definitions
6. Creative abilities - ??????
The leader in revealing the content and structure of abilities is the analysis of the psychological requirements placed on a person various types activities. In other words, it is necessary to determine without which properties (qualities, characteristics) of a person it is impossible to perform this (or any) type of activity. Consequently, an analysis of activity in general or its specific type is needed. Performing any type of activity requires a certain system of knowledge, skills and abilities. Therefore, when determining the content of abilities, the question of their relationship with knowledge, abilities, skills comes to the fore.
Experts identify general and special abilities. TO general abilities they include mental functions (processes): the abilities of sensation, perception, memory, thinking, imagination, attention, psychomotor ability. In a specific person, each of the abilities can be expressed in varying degrees. For example, the ability to perceive is assessed according to the following parameters: volume, accuracy, completeness, novelty, speed, emotional richness. The ability of imagination - novelty, originality, meaningfulness, etc. Psychomotor ability - up to the parameters: speed, strength, pace, rhythm, coordination, accuracy and accuracy, plasticity and dexterity.
Thus, we can conclude that artistic creativity, like others, influence the development of personality traits.

1.2. Abilities for visual arts.
In relation to visual activity, it is important to highlight the content of the abilities that manifest themselves and are formed in it, their structure, and the conditions of development. Only in this case is it possible to purposefully develop a methodology for developmental teaching of visual arts.
An attempt to determine the content of abilities for visual activity has been made repeatedly by different researchers. Unlike the content of abilities for other types of activities, the content and structure of these abilities are to a certain extent revealed and presented in psychological and pedagogical literature.
Visual creativity is a reflection of the environment in the form of specific, sensually perceived visual images. The created image (in particular, a drawing) can perform different functions (cognitive, aesthetic), since it is created with different purposes. The purpose of the drawing necessarily influences the nature of its execution.
The combination of two functions in an artistic image - image and expression - gives the activity an artistic and creative character, determines the specifics of the indicative and executive actions of the activity. Consequently, it also determines the specificity of abilities for this type of activity.
IN AND. Kiriyenko considers the ability for visual activity as certain properties of visual perception, namely:
the ability to perceive an object in a combination of all its properties as a stable systemic whole, even if some parts of this whole are this moment cannot be observed. For example, seeing only a person’s head in a window, we do not perceive it as separate from the body (integrity of perception);
- the ability to evaluate deviations from vertical and horizontal directions in a drawing;
- the ability to evaluate the degree of approximation of a given color to white;
- ability to evaluate prospective reductions.
However, the selected abilities only allow one to form a more or less accurate idea of ​​​​the depicted object and do not make it possible to depict it. Moreover, abilities of this kind do not allow one to create an expressive creative image.
B.S. Kuzin identifies only the leading and supporting properties of abilities for visual creativity. At the same time, he considers the leading properties not only creative imagination, but also thinking that ensures the selection of the main, essential in the phenomena of reality, the generalization of the artistic image, visual memory, emotional attitude to the perceived and depicted phenomenon, purposefulness and will, and the supporting ones are the natural sensitivity of the visual analyzer, which allows you to accurately convey the shape, proportions, light-and-shadow relationships, etc., the sensorimotor qualities of the hand of the artist.
In the studies of T.O. Komarova on the problem sensory education preschoolers, the relationship between sensory education and teaching children visual activities was studied, the content was presented, and the possibility of developing a number of them was proven sensory abilities, and personality traits. Essentially, the structure of sensory abilities that are manifested and formed in art creativity in the conditions of developmental education for children has been developed:
- the ability of targeted analytical-synthetic perception of the depicted object;
- the ability to form a generalized representation that reflects the characteristics and properties of many objects that can be conveyed in the image;
- the ability to create an image of an object based on an existing representation in accordance with the material, technique and visual capabilities of this type of activity;
- the ability to perform a complex of movements under visual control;
- the ability to perceive a created and completed image and sensory evaluation of it according to the existing idea;
-the ability to create an image based on operating with representations, i.e. attracting previously accumulated sensory experience and transforming it with the help of imagination.
Although these abilities are called “sensory” by the author, analysis from the content shows that the dominant ability of perception is combined with the ability of thinking, memory, ideas, and imagination. Consequently, in real activity, all abilities are in a complex systemic combination, which is determined by the goals and objectives of visual activity.????
Later T.S. Komarova noted manual skill as a unique complex sensorimotor ability that can and should be developed in preschool age. The structure of this ability has three components:
-drawing technique (methods of correctly holding a pencil, brush and mastering rational techniques for using them, mastering the technique of line, stroke, spot).
-shaping movements (movements aimed at conveying the shape of an object).
-regulation of drawing movements according to a number of qualities (tempo, rhythm, amplitude, pressure force.): smoothness of movements, continuity, maintaining the direction of movements in a straight line, arc, circle, the ability to change the direction of movement at an angle, the transition from one movement to another, the ability to subordinate movements in proportion to segments along the length of images or their parts in size.
The development of all movements affects the formation personal qualities, such as perseverance, independence, discipline, the ability to finish a job, accuracy, etc.
Thus, abilities for visual activity develop with the development of personality.

1.3. Stages of formation of abilities for visual activity

Identifying children's abilities and their proper development is one of the most important pedagogical tasks. And it should be decided taking into account the children’s age, mental development, educational conditions and other factors.
Development of children's abilities to fine arts Only then will it bear fruit when teaching drawing and other forms is carried out by the teacher systematically and systematically. Otherwise, this development will follow random paths, and the child’s visual abilities may remain in a embryonic state.
The development of the ability to depict primarily depends on the cultivation of observation, the ability to see the features of surrounding objects, compare them, and highlight what is characteristic. At the same time, one cannot ignore the age of the children and, therefore, demand a complex plot structure from a 3-4 year old child, even if they start training very early. His thinking has not yet reached the required level to solve a problem that an older preschooler, with appropriate training, can easily solve.
But it is known that children of the same age can be at different stages of development. This depends on upbringing and on the general development of the child. The teacher should not forget about this, because... An individual approach to a child is one of the main conditions for successful upbringing and education.
Pedagogy considers the development of a child not as a simple quantitative process of growth, but as qualitative changes in his physical and mental characteristics under the influence of the environment, primarily upbringing and training.
There is a pre-fine period in the development of abilities.
This first stage in the development of children's artistic abilities begins from the moment when visual material - paper, pencil, crayons, cubes - first falls into the child's hands. In pedagogical literature, this period is called “pre-figurative” because there is still no image of the object and there is not even an idea or desire to depict something. This period plays a big role in the further development of visual abilities. The child becomes familiar with the properties of materials and masters the various hand movements necessary to create graphic forms.
If the material first falls into the hands of children 5-6 years old and 2-3 years old, then, of course, the older children come up with an idea faster, because They have more experience in understanding the world around them. On their own, few children can master all the movements and necessary forms available to them. The teacher must lead the child from involuntary movements to limiting them, to visual control, to a variety of forms of movement, then to the conscious use of acquired experience in drawing. This indicates further development of abilities. Through associations, children learn to find similarities in the simplest forms and lines with any object. Such associations may arise involuntarily when one of the children notices that his stroke or shapeless mass of clay resembles a familiar object.
Usually a child’s associations are unstable: in the same picture he can see different objects.
Associations help move toward work as intended. One of the ways of such a transition is to build the form that he got by chance. Having recognized an object in the drawn lines, the child consciously draws again, wanting to depict it again. Such a drawing begins to speak of a new, higher stage in the development of visual abilities, because it came into being as a result of design.
Sometimes there may not be a complete repetition of the entire image, but the addition of some details to the associated form: arms, legs, eyes for a person, wheels for a car, etc.
A big role in this process belongs to the teacher, who, by asking questions, helps the child create an image, for example: “What did you draw? What a nice round ball! Draw another one like this."
The visual period in the development of abilities is characterized by the emergence of a conscious image of objects. It begins when the child begins to recognize the object in the “doodles”. This will be the beginning of the visual period in the development of abilities. The activity becomes creative. Here the tasks of systematically teaching children can be set.
The first images of objects in drawing and modeling are very simple; they lack not only details, but also parts of the main features. This is explained by the fact that small child Analytical-synthetic thinking is still poorly developed, and therefore the clarity of recreating a visual image, coordination of hand movements is poorly developed, and there are still no technical skills.
At an older age, with properly carried out educational work, the child acquires the ability to convey the main features of an object, observing their characteristic form.
In the future, as children gain experience and master visual skills, they can be given a new task - to learn to depict the features of objects of the same type, conveying the main features, for example: in the depiction of people - the difference in clothing, facial features, in the depiction of trees - a young tree and an old one. etc.
Children's first works are distinguished by a disproportion of parts. This is explained by the fact that the child’s attention and thinking are directed only to the part that he is depicting at the moment, without connecting it with the other, hence its inconsistency with the proportions. He draws each part in such a size that it fits all the important details for him at once. Gradually, under the influence of general development and learning, the child acquires the ability to relatively correctly convey proportional relationships between objects and their parts.
Sometimes children deliberately violate proportions, wanting to convey their own attitude to the image. For example, the commander walking in front is twice as tall as the soldiers. This does not mean that children have already mastered visual skills and can work independently. In this conscious violation of proportions, the first attempt at creativity, at creating an image, is made.???????
At the first stages of development of visual abilities, the child does not think about the arrangement of objects. It places them on its paper space regardless of logical interconnection.
All objects acquire a certain location when their connection is predetermined by the content. For example, a house with a tree growing near it. To combine objects, the earth appears in the form of one line (sometimes the child draws a second line above the first line to fit more objects).
Thus, older preschoolers, having gone through a number of visual stages, begin to try to depict objects and phenomena more realistically, correctly conveying the shape, proportions, color, arrangement of objects, their drawing begins to acquire a creative character.

1.4. Conditions and means for the development of artistic abilities.

By using the phrase “capable children,” we thereby emphasize that there is a certain special category of children who are qualitatively different from their peers. Special literature constantly writes a lot about their exclusivity. Without touching on the substantive side of these discussions, we note that this approach is fair and justified. Indeed, nature does not divide its gifts equally and gives to someone “without measure”, without stinting, but “bypasses” someone.
Man is capable of thinking and acting creatively, and, without a doubt, this is the most wonderful of nature's gifts. Let us note that everyone is marked with this “gift”. But the idea is also obvious that nature rewards some with its gifts more and others less. Capable is usually called someone whose gift clearly exceeds certain average capabilities, the abilities of the majority.
These, at first glance, purely theoretical research ultimately makes it possible to better understand very real practical pedagogical problems. IN pedagogical science At least two practical problems should be associated with the concept of “ability”:
- special training and education of capable children;
- work to develop the intellectual and creative potential of each child.
Therefore, the development of the problem of creative abilities in psychological and pedagogical research should not be considered as a private task aimed at training and educating the child population (2 - 5% according to various estimates) - capable children. This problem concerns the entire public education system.
It is generally accepted that the content determines the forms and methods of work, but in some cases it can be largely predetermined by the organizational approach itself.
General approaches to organizing the education of capable children have this property; all of them can be combined into three main groups:
1. separate education - special educational institutions for capable and gifted children;
2. joint and separate education - special groups, classes for capable children in a traditional educational institution;
3. cooperative learning - an organizational approach in which capable and gifted children are taught in a natural environment, that is, when they are removed from the circle of ordinary peers.
Each of the described strategies has advantages and disadvantages, they are often discussed and widely known.
The first two options are the most popular in modern educational practice due to their logical simplicity and external clarity. But it should be noted that the latter is of great importance. It should be understood that in our country the majority of capable children are traditionally educated in ordinary mass educational institutions. This is happening and will happen not only in rural areas, where other training options are purely physically inaccessible, but also in big cities, where parents theoretically have the opportunity to choose.
On the uniqueness of the manifestation of creative visual abilities in children big influence influences the child’s environment, the conditions of his upbringing and education.
Psychologists have found that a child more often depicts in his drawings the conditions of the environment in which he grows up, what he sees around him. For example, a child growing up in a dysfunctional family depicts only his father, walks with him, etc., because the mother paid less attention than the father or did not pay it at all.
It is very easy to recognize a child’s mood by the way he uses color scheme. In the example above, dull, little variety and even gloomy colors are used more often
A child raised in a happy and wealthy family saw and noticed more thanks to the family and its influence. Consequently, it will create rainbow drawings and, most often, with an enriched plot.
One of the main conditions for the development of a preschooler’s creative personality is a broad approach to solving problems of aesthetic attitude towards the environment. This task must be solved in all areas of a child’s life: in relation to nature, the man-made world, including art - in all types of activities. Of course, the game artistic activity provide great opportunities for this.
The teacher must make the natural process of a child’s life and activity creative, placing children not only in situations of artistic, but also cognitive, moral creativity. And special work in classes, games, etc. should organically enter the child’s life.
Another most important condition for the development of children’s visual abilities is the organization of an interesting, meaningful life for the child in a preschool educational institution and family, enriching him with vivid impressions, providing emotional and intellectual experience, which will serve as the basis for the emergence of ideas and will be the material necessary for the work of the imagination.
This experience is created by the child’s entire system of life activity (observations, activities, games) and serves as the basis for the realization of creativity in artistic activity.
The unified position of teachers and parents in understanding the prospects for the child’s development and the interaction between them is one of the most important conditions for the development of visual abilities.
Another condition for the development of visual abilities is training, as a process organized by an adult of transfer and active assimilation by a child of visual activity as a whole (motives, methods of action, the entire complex system of imagery), i.e. The scope of training includes the formation of the ability to respond emotionally to the world, and the need to express their worldview in artistic form.
Nature in all its diversity plays a major role in the development of a child’s creative visual abilities.
You should take your children on excursions more often: to the forest, to the lake, to the country house. It is imperative to attract the child’s attention to its beauty, wildlife, vegetation, and natural phenomena (snow, rain).
When a child is properly introduced to nature, he develops a positive idea of ​​the world around him, emotions, feelings, and this can very clearly affect his visual abilities for the better. Knowledge about nature, love for it, and interest will encourage the child to engage in visual arts. To fulfill a child’s desire to display the beauty of nature he sees, you will not need much: a landscape sheet, pencils, paints or even a pen.
To enrich the child’s knowledge about nature (animals, natural phenomena), about human behavior in it, etc. should be used: slides, videos, cartoons, illustrations, literary works (fairy tales, stories, poems), visual aids and much more. All these means are of great pedagogical and psychological importance. They develop the child’s aesthetic taste and cognitive side. Bright colors can cause a child psychological attitude, inspiration. It is quite possible that a child’s talents may emerge even in other areas of activity.
Thus, a variety of conditions and means are used to develop creative artistic abilities.

Chapter II. Empirical research.

2.1. Methodology for studying the artistic abilities of preschool children.

The theoretical study of the literature on this issue set us the task of conducting empirical research.
The work was carried out in three stages, representing: ascertaining, formative and control experiments.
The purpose of our research: to identify artistic ability in children of older preschool age.
The study was conducted on the basis of kindergarten No.??????city??? area???. Did (number of children) participate in the experiment?, which group?
To conduct the study, we chose the E. Torrance method.
Purpose of the study: to study creative thinking children senior group manifested in artistic activity.
Exercise 1.


The problem of developing the abilities of preschool children is today in the focus of attention of many researchers and practitioners working in the field of education. This is evidenced by the large number of published articles, teaching aids, collections

The problem of developing the artistic and creative abilities of preschool children is today in the focus of attention of many researchers and practitioners working in the field of education. In psychology and pedagogy, a solid methodological foundation has been developed for studying the development of artistic and creative abilities, rich factual material has been obtained, and its meaningful interpretation has been given.

What are the artistic and creative abilities of preschoolers? There are many definitions of abilities as such. So, B.M. Teplov believed that abilities are individual psychological characteristics that distinguish one person from another and are related to the success of performing any activity or many types of activities.

According to L.G. Kovalev, abilities should be understood as an ensemble of properties of the human personality, ensuring relative ease and high quality of mastering a certain activity and its implementation.

According to the definition of N.S. Leites, abilities are a personality trait on which the possibility of implementation and the degree of successful activity depend.

L.A. Wenger defined that abilities are psychological qualities that are necessary to perform an activity and are manifested in it. Also, understanding abilities as indicative actions, he separated them from knowledge, abilities and skills, relating the latter to the working, performing part of the activity.

B.M. Teplov in his work “Abilities and Giftedness” formulates abilities as individual psychological characteristics that distinguish one person from another, and “not all individual characteristics in general are called abilities, but only those that are related to the success of performing any activity.”

In visual activity, it is important to highlight the content of the abilities that manifest themselves and are formed in it, their structure, and the conditions of development. Only in this case is it possible to purposefully develop a methodology for developmental teaching of visual arts.

An attempt to determine the content of artistic and creative abilities in visual activity has been made repeatedly by different researchers. Unlike the content of abilities for other types of activities, the content and structure of these abilities are to a certain extent revealed and presented in psychological and pedagogical literature.

Visual creativity is a reflection of the environment in the form of specific, sensually perceived visual images. The created image (in particular, clay toy or floral ornament) can perform different functions (cognitive, aesthetic), since it is created for different purposes. The purpose of performing artistic work necessarily influences the nature of its implementation.

The combination of two functions in an artistic image - image and expression - gives the activity an artistic and creative character, determines the specifics of the indicative and executive actions of the activity. Consequently, it also determines the specificity of artistic and creative abilities for this type of activity.

IN AND. Kiriyenko considers artistic and creative abilities in visual activity as certain properties of visual perception, namely:

  • * the ability to perceive an object in the combination of all its properties as a stable systemic whole, even if some parts of this whole cannot be observed at the moment. For example, seeing only a person’s head in a window, we do not perceive it as separate from the body (integrity of perception);
  • * ability to evaluate deviations from vertical and horizontal directions in a drawing;
  • * the ability to evaluate the degree of approximation of a given color to white;
  • * ability to evaluate prospective reductions.

However, the selected abilities only allow one to form a more or less accurate idea of ​​the depicted object and do not make it possible to depict it. Moreover, abilities of this kind do not allow one to create an expressive creative image.

B.S. Kuzin identifies only leading and controversial properties artistic and creative abilities in fine arts. At the same time, he considers the leading properties not only creative imagination, but also thinking, which ensures the selection of the main, essential in the phenomena of reality, generalization of the artistic image, visual memory, emotional attitude to the perceived and depicted phenomenon, focus and will, and the supporting ones, as well as A .G. Kovalev, the natural sensitivity of the visual analyzer, which allows one to accurately convey shape, proportions, light-and-shadow relationships, etc., sensory-motor qualities of the drawing hand.

In the studies of T.O. Komarova on the problem of sensory education of preschoolers, the relationship between sensory education and teaching children visual activities was studied, the content was presented, and the possibility of developing a number of their sensory abilities was proven. Essentially, the structure of sensory abilities that are manifested and formed in visual creativity in the conditions of developmental education for children has been developed:

  • * The ability of targeted analytical-synthetic perception of the depicted object.
  • * The ability to form a generalized representation that reflects the characteristics and properties of many objects that can be conveyed in the image.
  • * The ability to create an image of an object based on an existing representation in accordance with the material, technique and visual capabilities of this type of activity.
  • * Ability to perform a complex of movements under visual control.
  • * The ability to perceive a created and completed image and sensory evaluation of it according to the existing idea.
  • * The ability to create an image based on operating with representations, i.e. attracting previously accumulated sensory experience and transforming it with the help of imagination.

Although these abilities are “sensory” by the author, analysis from the content shows that the dominant ability of perception is combined with the ability of thinking, memory, ideas, and imagination. Consequently, in real activity, all abilities are in a complex systemic combination, which is determined by the goals and objectives of visual activity.

Later T.S. Komarova noted manual skill as a unique complex sensorimotor ability that can and should be developed in preschool age. There are three components in the structure of this artistic and creative ability:

  • * Drawing techniques (methods of correctly holding a pencil, brush and mastering rational techniques for using them, mastering the technique of line, stroke, spot).
  • * Form-building movements (movements aimed at conveying the shape of an object).
  • * Regulation of drawing movements according to a number of qualities (tempo, rhythm, amplitude, pressure force.): smoothness of movements, continuity, maintaining the direction of movements in a straight line, arc, circle, the ability to change the direction of movement at an angle, the transition from one movement to another, the ability to subordinate movements in proportion to segments along the length of images or their parts in size.

Having developed a detailed methodology for developing these complex abilities in children, T.S. Komarova considers them as a means, having mastered which a child will be able to expressively and without much difficulty create any image, express any idea.

Special attention deserve to study this problem N.P. Sakulina due to their completeness, specificity, validity, consistency in revealing key issues and relevance to preschool age. She accordingly distinguishes two groups of artistic and creative abilities in visual activity: the ability to depict and the ability to express artistic expression.

The ability to depict according to N.P. Sakulina consists of:

  • * perception and related ideas. To learn to depict, you need to master a special way of perception: you need to see the object as a whole (perceive content and form in unity), and the form - at the same time, dissected (structure, color, position in space, relative size);
  • * mastery of the means of graphic embodiment of an image (mastery of a complex of skills and abilities of image, form, structure, proportional relationships, position in space).
  • * mastering drawing techniques. Technical skills and abilities are closely fused with graphic ones and are their integral part.

However, N.P. Sakulina identifies them in separate group due to their specificity and subordination to the main ones - graphic.

Artistic Expression Abilities:

  • * aesthetic perception of real world phenomena, i.e. not easy sensory perception, necessary for the image, but an aesthetic assessment of the perceived phenomenon, an emotional response to it, the ability to see and feel the expressiveness of the object. It is this quality that creates the basis for expressing in pictorial form what particularly struck, surprised, delighted, etc.
  • * Intellectual activity. This quality is manifested in the processing of impressions, the selection of what struck the consciousness and feelings, and the child’s focus on creating a new, original artistic and expressive image.

N.P. Sakulina also highlights other properties of artistic and creative abilities: the activity of the imagination, imaginative thinking, feelings, and perception. A necessary condition for this activity is the presence of a conscious goal: the desire to create an original image and master a system of visual skills. The following components are very important for the manifestation of artistic and creative abilities: experimentation (search actions), seeing a problem (image) in new connections, relationships (associative thinking, imagination), updating unconscious experience.

N.P. Sakulina also considered the problem of developing artistic and creative abilities through decorative and applied creativity: "Children of preschool age are close and understandable to many of the works of masters decorative painting, carvings, embroidery, the art of toy makers is clear. Little children perceive them deeper and more fully than large paintings and easel sculpture, and this greatly helps the kindergarten teacher in developing the creative abilities of children." Thus, decorative and applied art is one of the mechanisms for developing the artistic and creative abilities of children.

A preschooler strives to imagine the world as he sees it. To develop creativity, children need certain knowledge, skills and abilities, methods of activity that they themselves, without the help of adults, cannot master. In other words: we are talking about purposeful learning, mastering a rich artistic experience. Academician A.V. Zaporozhets noted: the expressiveness of children's drawings is not always the result of purposeful searches; it may be an intuitive search, driven by vivid impressions. The scientist’s idea was further developed in the research of teachers and psychologists, in particular B.P. Yusova, N.A. Vetlugina, O.M. Dyachenko. ON THE. Vetlugina was able to synthesize and describe the criteria characterizing the level of artistic and creative development of preschool children.

Today, children are faced with qualitatively new living conditions and the need to constantly solve life problems. Prerequisites laid down during the period preschool childhood, give the growing personality a socially valuable vector of development. This explains the attention of both teachers and psychologists to the phenomenon of children’s personality, because preschool education for many years it was focused on providing only cognitive learning.

Preschool age is the beginning of comprehensive development and personality formation. During this period, the activity of analyzers, the development of ideas, imagination, memory, thinking, and speech together lead to the formation of the sensory stage of cognition of the world. Logical thinking is intensively formed, elements of abstract reasoning appear.

Thus, despite the natural ability for creative activity, only targeted training makes it possible to ensure high level development of inherent artistic and creative abilities. The formation of these abilities should begin at early stages personality formation.

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