Municipal service length of service for calculating pensions. Municipal employees retirement

Municipal employees, according to their official duties, perform the functions of the state. They communicate between the population and the authorities, which is why their activities are associated with increased stress and special psychological stress. This is compensated by additional preferences from the state. Thus, pension provision for municipal employees is formed taking into account length of service and amount of earnings. In addition, these people have the right to receive regular old-age subsidies, like all other citizens.

What positions are included in the municipal service?

Professional activity, the purpose of which is the implementation of state policy in a particular region, is called municipal.

  • Its signs are:
  • place of service included in the staff of a local government body;
  • the activity is core;
  • it is paid from the local budget;
execution of legal powers of municipal authorities.

Attention: technical personnel with any education do not belong to municipal employees.

  • Article 9 of Law No. 25-FZ defines the classification of employees. The register of positions contains several provisions, depending on the functions and scope of authority:
  • senior (management);
  • chief (heads of departments and departments);
  • presenters (specialists);
  • elder;
  • juniors.
  • scope of official powers and responsibilities;
  • work experience;

education and more.

The earnings of a municipal employee (MS), and, consequently, subsequent pension benefits directly depend on this parameter.

What types of pensions are entitled to MS?

  • Employees of local government bodies are subject to two laws regarding the formation of pensions:
  • No. 166-FZ of December 15, 2001;

No. 25-FZ of March 2, 2007.

  • In accordance with these regulations, employees acquire the right to:
  • maintenance based on length of service;
  • Part ;
additional payments and one-time subsidies.
  • Important: pensions for municipal employees can be assigned on the basis of regional legislation. Various subjects of the federation have their own additional, but not in conflict with state, laws.
  • federations;

individual regions.

  1. If the established criteria are met, MS may qualify for the following types of benefits:
  2. :
    • in connection with reaching the age limit for compulsory participation in labor activities of citizens:
    • 55th anniversary for women;
    • 60th birthday for men.
  3. Preferential, laid down in the regulatory framework.
Attention: employees can apply for benefits assigned in connection with the loss of a breadwinner according to general principles after dismissal from their position.

Funds for the payment of benefits for service are allocated from the local budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Regions are adopting their own legislative acts aimed at regulating pension assignments for MS. Their goal:

  • specification of general methods;
  • introduction of additional conditions.
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Conditions for assigning pensions to local government officials

Employees are required to comply with the same standards for acquiring the right to a pension as ordinary citizens. However, payments for length of service are subject to additional strict parameters.

In general, the list of criteria looks like this:

  1. reaching the age limit for participation in the relevant work;
  2. Availability:
    • insurance experience of at least 15 years (in 2017 - 8 years, in 2018 - 9 years);
    • pension coefficients - 30 (11.4 in 2017, 13.8 in 2018);
  3. At least 15 years of service experience in local government;
  4. reason for dismissal:
    • in connection with the liquidation of the power structure;
    • on staff reductions;
    • reaching the age limit established for this position;
    • disability.
Important: age and professional experience indicators are gradually increasing.

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Changes in legislation from January 1, 2017

Due to the federal budget deficit, legislators made changes to the criteria for assigning benefits for civil service. They were formalized in Law No. 143-FZ of May 23, 2016 and came into force on January 1, 2017.

The changes concern increasing the following parameters to obtain the right to this type of payment:

  1. Age of retirement:
    • 63rd birthday for women;
    • 65th birthday for men.
  2. Municipal experience - 20 years.

Please note: the numbers will increase gradually. For 2017, the following criteria were in effect:

  • age:
  • for women 55.5 years;
  • for men 60.5 years;
  • professional experience - 15.5 years.
For information: the maximum period for holding positions in local government bodies is up to 65 years. However, in some cases it can be increased to 70 years in agreement with higher structures. Download for viewing and printing:

Who will not be affected by the changes in 2019?

Some officials may receive pensions under the old law.

These include:

  1. dismissed from position before 01/01/2017;
  2. continuing to work on the specified date and having more than 20 years of service;
  3. having 15 or more years of experience who have received the right to pension payments on a general basis:
    • according to the age;
    • on disability.
Important: continuity of service is critical for officials. To receive “special” pay, you must have served at least 12 months before the date of dismissal in the same position.

About the amount of pension assignments

The length of service amounts depend on the following parameters:

  • period of service in government structures;
  • assignment of regular maintenance in old age;
  • surcharges and preferences.

The pension payment is calculated as follows:

  1. with 15 years of experience - 45% of average monthly earnings, which includes:
    • salary;
    • additional payment for the position;
    • allowances:
      • for service;
      • for special conditions;
      • for academic degrees and special achievements;
    • premium;
  2. for each year of service over 15, another 3% is added, but not more than 75% in total;
  3. payments are calculated minus:
  4. pension assigned under civil law (No. 400-FZ);
  5. basic part of the insurance benefit.
Attention: some regional authorities are increasing the base rate of accruals for their officials. Thus, in the Moscow region it is set at 55%. Download for viewing and printing:


In 2010, the official Ivanenkov A. was assigned insurance support due to his age. Its value is 6,500 rubles. (fixed part RUB 3,500). At the same time, in his position he continued to receive an average of 9,500 rubles. (salary 6,500 rub.).

By 2017, his service was 25 years.

The MS pension is determined as follows:

  1. First, average monthly earnings are calculated. The maximum pension amount is calculated from it:
    • it cannot exceed 2.3 salaries: 6,500 rubles. x 2.3 = 14,950 rub.
  2. Now let's look at the experience:
    • over 15 years - 45%. In the case of 25 years of service, another 10×3% = 30% is added, but not more than 75% in total;
    • Ivanenkov’s benefit amount will be 75% of average monthly earnings: 9,500 rubles. x 75% = 7,125 rub.
  3. The restrictions indicate that, in general, pension benefits (two payments) should not exceed 75% of the average monthly salary, that is, 7,125 rubles.
  4. We check whether the calculation did not exceed the criterion of 2.3 times the official salary:
    • RUB 14,950 x 75% = 11,212.5 rub.
  5. Thus, the amount of the length of service pension will be: 7,125 rubles.
  6. But previously assigned benefits should be deducted from it:
    • RUB 7,125 - 6,500 rub. = 625 rub.
  7. This will be an additional payment for length of service.

About additional payments

All retired officials' pensions are increased on the following grounds:

  • increasing the earnings of current employees holding relevant positions;
  • service beyond the prescribed period.

In certain regions, additional preferences may be established, depending on:

  • the amount of earnings in recent months;
  • duration of service and others.
Attention: when determining the type of pension, insurance or length of service, officials are given the right to choose the most profitable one.

Methodology for assigning a pension

All issues related to length of service are dealt with by the personnel department of the municipal government. To assign it, you must contact this department.
As a rule, in addition to the application, the following documents are required:

  • passport;
  • military ID;
  • information about earnings for the last year;
  • a certificate of the type of pension already assigned, indicating the number of the law that gave the basis for this operation.

To receive insurance benefits, you must contact the Pension Fund office within the prescribed time frame. The application is considered within 10 days.

  • After this, the former official is provided with a written response. If refused, the following information must be provided:
  • justification for such a decision;

procedure and deadlines for appeal.

  • Payments of benefits for service are made in any of the following ways at the choice of the applicant:
  • through the services of the Russian Post company;
  • to a bank card;
through a specialized organization that has a certificate for delivering money.

Attention: if desired, the pensioner official can change the method of delivery of benefits. To do this, you need to write a separate application.

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Watch a video about raising the retirement age for municipal employees

June 30, 2017, 23:01 March 3, 2019 13:47 Long service pension in accordance with current legislation, it is provided not only for civil servants, but also for municipalities. And if oh long service pensions

civil servants are talked about quite a lot, but we hear much less often about municipal employees. In this article we will discuss what social guarantees municipal pensioners receive.

There is currently no separate law that would independently define the pension provision of municipal employees. However, in Art. 24 of the Federal Law “On Municipal Service in the Russian Federation” stipulates that employees of this category have the right to receive all social benefits. guarantees provided for state civil servants in the field of pensions. The very right to pension provision for long service is provided for in Art. 23 of the said law. Thus, in order to understand what rights municipalities have in the field of pensions, it is necessary to refer to the legislation on the state civil service.
And if this is done, it will be clear that in order to receive a pension, an employee must have at least 15 years of work experience in the municipality. At the same time, for her appointment directly for length of service, certain additional conditions must be met.

This is possible if the dismissal or termination of the employment contract with the employee occurred:

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  • due to the liquidation of a municipal authority or due to a reduction in the number of its employees;
  • in connection with the end of the employee’s term of office as a municipal employee;
  • upon reaching the age limit for holding the position;
  • in connection with the identification of a discrepancy between the health status of a municipal employee and the requirements necessary for him to perform his official duties;
  • at the employee’s own request in connection with his/her reaching retirement age.

It is also important to say that to apply for long service pension Only those municipal employees who, at the time of dismissal, have worked in their position for at least 12 months are entitled. This rule does not apply only to those persons who were forced to resign due to staff reductions or due to the liquidation of the municipal government in which they served.

How much is the long-service pension paid?

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Let’s say a municipal employee meets all the mandatory criteria that allow him to count on appointment long service pensions. What is its size in this case?

The Law “On State Civil Service in the Russian Federation” establishes a condition regarding the size long service pensions, according to which it is 45% of the average monthly earnings of a municipal employee. Moreover, for each year worked over 15 years, he has the right to receive a bonus in the amount of 3% of earnings. But it should be noted that in any case long service pension cannot exceed 75% of the salary level received by the employee during the period of work.

June 30, 2017, 23:01 March 3, 2019 13:47 in this case, it is calculated based on the monetary allowance, and not on the salary established for him. The official salary, as well as the salary corresponding to class rank, are taken into account in the total amount of salary. This also includes bonuses for length of service, for special conditions of service, monetary incentives provided to the employee on a monthly basis, and a monthly bonus for working with a protected state. secret and the presence of an honorary title or academic degree.

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It is also important to say that long service pension cannot be less than the subsistence level in force in the relevant region at the time of its appointment.

June 30, 2017, 23:01 March 3, 2019 13:47 persons who left municipal service due to assignment of a disability group are paid in the following amount:

  • for 1st and 2nd disability groups - in the amount of 75% of the monthly allowance;
  • for group 3 disability - in the amount of 50% of the allowance.

Officials at the municipal level are interested in what the municipal pension will be from January 1, 2017; municipal employees should really prepare for certain changes that await the pension system in relation to civil servants. Let's look at this in more detail.

Municipal pension from January 1, 2017

From January 1, 2017, the municipal pension, along with the pension for civil servants, begins to change. Finding themselves in a difficult financial situation, government officials regarding pensions for absolutely all Russians, in addition to the lack of funds to increase pensions, are currently faced with a long-standing systemic problem. The fact is that despite the enormous unpopularity of such a decision, there is objectively a need to raise the retirement age in the state.

The number of pensioners in the state is rapidly approaching the number of working citizens, and soon it will even exceed their number, unless something starts to change. In principle, this problem exists not only in Russia, and the same thing is happening in developed European countries, where they have long ago come to raise the retirement age. The Russian authorities understand that sooner or later they will have to do this; they just need to prepare the necessary ground and accustom the population to such an idea.

The best way in this matter is to start with yourself, so for civil servants, starting in 2017, a gradual increase in the age at which they can retire begins. As a result, over the next few years, this age will be raised to 65 years for men and 63 years for women. By the way, the formula for raising the age is such that it will always be higher than the national level. Therefore, if there is an increase in the retirement age for the bulk of Russians, then for municipal employees it will be pushed back even further.

In addition to raising the retirement age, the required length of service will also increase. From January 1, 2017, the municipal pension will no longer be available to those who have worked in the municipal service for 15 years, and along with the retirement age, length of service will be increased to 20 years in the near future.

Of course, all innovations will be introduced only for those who have not yet retired. According to the constitution, a law that worsens the situation of citizens cannot have retroactive force.

These are the main changes that the municipal pension will undergo from January 1, 2017; municipal employees, as representatives of the class of government officials, should come to terms with them and treat them with understanding

What will the new municipal pension give the state from January 1, 2017?

The municipal pension from January 1, 2017 will help you start saving budget funds, and the budget will receive about 600 million additional rubles annually. This money could also be used to increase pensions for all Russian pensioners.

An additional advantage for the state may be that, thanks to the measures taken, the most effective and experienced municipal employees will be able to continue working, which should benefit the management of the country at the local government level.

And, of course, starting with officials, the government will eventually be able to move on to optimizing the pension system in the country as a whole.

Of course, all such measures, even taking into account the understanding of their objectivity and inevitability, cannot but cause regret. The pension system in the country must be stable and unchanged for decades. This is the only way citizens can have confidence in it and desire to more actively participate in the formation of their own pension. When the state begins to frequently change the rules, take away the funded part of the pension from working citizens, calling it a “freeze,” when it cannot specifically say whether the retirement age will be raised, all this undermines confidence in both the pension system and the state as a whole. A huge disadvantage of the political system in the country is the complete lack of public discussion of all such issues. All decisions are made by the authorities in a kind of vacuum, and only final decisions reach us. But this is a slightly different topic, more related to the issue of political and civil culture in the country, which requires time and the ability to work on oneself, without waiting for orders and taking the initiative for changes in the country into one’s own hands.

The assignment of pensions to state and municipal employees is associated with the special working conditions of such persons. Service in state and municipal bodies means the performance of government functions. And the provision of state and municipal services. Employees receive wages from the budget. And the state provides pensions for such persons also from the budget; it is state provision.

Types of pensions for state and municipal employees

Issues of state and municipal service are regulated by the Federal Law “On State Civil Service” and “On Municipal Service in the Russian Federation”. It is these laws that establish the list of positions, conditions of admission and procedure for serving.

As for pension provision, the Law “On State Pension Security in the Russian Federation” is relevant. And the Law “On Insurance Pensions” in parts and. The right to civil servants and municipal employees is fully extended. And law enforcement officers have the right to...

How does an insurance pension differ from a pension for state and municipal employees? That includes a long-service pension and a share of the insurance pension.

It should be noted that in the field of other issues of pension provision, the rights of a state civil servant fully apply to a municipal employee. The only thing is that the amounts of such pensions are established, as a rule, by the laws of the subject of the Russian Federation.

Long service pension

Conditions for granting long service pensions to state and municipal employees

There are several grounds for assigning a long-service pension:

  1. Availability . Moreover, special experience - in a state civil service position. Until 2017, the required duration was 15 years. Now, until 2026, the state increases it annually by 6 months. So, in 2019, the special experience will be at least 16 years and 6 months. In 2020 - 17 years. And so on. Until in 2026 it will be 20 years.

Point 1: Before retiring, such a person must have been a civil servant for at least 12 full months before dismissal.

Nuance 2: The employer must dismiss such a person for one of the following reasons:

  • agreement of the parties, expiration of the service contract, at one’s own request,
  • refusal of the offered position due to a change in the essential terms of the contract, transfer for medical reasons, transfer to another location together with a government agency,
  • inconsistency due to health status, according to the results of certification,
  • reduction of position or abolition of a government agency,
  • due to circumstances beyond the control of the parties: reinstatement of a person who previously held such a position, election to elective positions, emergency circumstances,
  • due to recognition of a civil servant as completely incapacitated (assigned disability) or recognition or by a court decision.
  1. A long-service pension can also be received in the absence of 15 years of public service experience. These are those persons who worked in the position immediately before dismissal for at least 12 months. At the time of dismissal, they must have the right to receive an old-age pension, and they must be dismissed for certain reasons. There are also relaxations for managers (Article 7 of the Law on State Pension Security in the Russian Federation).
  2. Having a total civil service experience of 25 years or more, dismissed at their own request, if they held a civil service position for at least 7 years before dismissal.

The general rule is the arrival of the retirement age established for an old-age insurance pension, or the registration of a disability pension. And not a general age (), but a special one for civil servants.

Pension age

In the Russian Federation, legislation has been approved for civil servants. The law came into force on January 1, 2017. What changes have affected the conditions for assigning pensions to state and municipal employees?

The law changed the retirement age for civil servants as follows. It began to increase annually in accordance with Appendix No. 5 to the Federal Law “On Insurance Pensions”. From January 1, 2017, the age was 55.6 years for women and 60.5 years for men. In 2018, they were given another six months to reach the retirement age requirement. In 2019 – 56.5 (women) and 61.5 (men). And so, until the age for assigning an insurance pension for state and municipal employees is:

  • for men 65 years old,
  • for women 63 years old.

Amounts of pensions for state and municipal employees

The level of pension payments directly depends on the salary before dismissal. And for both civil servants and municipal employees.

The total amount is calculated based on average earnings over the last 12 months. The pension amount is 45% of the average salary, with the deduction of the old-age () or disability insurance pension and a fixed payment to the insurance pension. For each full calendar year over 15 years, 3% is added to the pension of state and municipal employees. But at the same time, the total amount of the pension (including insurance) cannot exceed 75% of the pension for state and municipal employees.

The latest news confirms the latest innovations that will change the significant parameters for calculating pensions for municipal employees in 2018. Officials are expecting a new stage of increasing the retirement age and adjusting the standard length of service required to apply for a pension. At the same time, the authorities intend to carry out a full-scale indexation of pensions, and the government does not rule out the launch of pension reform.

Pensions for municipal employees: latest news and new innovations in 2018

Next year, municipal employees can expect further changes that will have a significant impact on the processing of payments. First of all, there will be another stage of raising the retirement age, which next year will be:

  • 61 years for men;
  • 56 years for women.

This reform started in 2017 and is designed to raise the age limit to 63 years for women and 65 years for men.

The second indicator that will affect your future pension is length of service, which allows you to retire. In 2018, this parameter will reach 16 years, which is 6 months higher than the standards of the current year. In future, the minimum length of service will be 20 years.

In addition, the age limit for being in the civil service is being increased, which will make it possible to retain the most experienced personnel at work. Next year this figure will be:

  • 65 years for ordinary employees;
  • 70 years for senior managers.

As a result, the government apparatus will not lose employees who have significant knowledge and skills.

The principle of calculating the pension of a municipal employee in 2018 will remain without significant changes, which is fixed in the current legislation. The amount of the payment remains tied to the salary and depends on the total length of service. The maximum level of pension cannot exceed 75% of salary, and the minimum level is 45%. An additional year of experience increases this figure by 3%.

Payments to pensioners next year will be indexed in accordance with current legislation. Improving external factors allow officials to increase pensions without significant consequences for the budget deficit.

To be indexed!

In 2018, the authorities plan to increase pensions at the rate of inflation. Officials assure that the February indexation of pensions will fully cover the price increase during 2017. As a result, pensioners' income will be protected from depreciation.

However, the main indicators indicate a crisis in the current pension system. The Pension Fund deficit remains impressive and requires significant injections from the state treasury. In addition, the authorities are using funds accumulated in the savings system, which makes it possible to cover existing gaps, but is a temporary measure.

In such conditions, the real incomes of pensioners will continue to decline, which will affect the real quality of life. As a result, the government needs to accelerate the implementation of changes that will correct existing trends.

The pension reform for state and municipal employees may become a prototype for further reforms of the pension system. Experts expect changes in key parameters of the pension model, which will balance the state treasury.

Pension diseases and treatment methods

High oil prices allowed officials to annually increase funding for the social sector, which ensured a steady increase in the well-being of pensioners. However, the fall in export earnings and the economic crisis exposed the imbalances in the existing social security model. Without changing key parameters, the Pension Fund's budget will remain in deficit, and the full launch of the funded part will be in jeopardy.

Experts insist on the need for an integrated approach that will correct existing imbalances. First of all, it is necessary to adjust the retirement age and length of service. In addition, officials will have to reconsider all benefits that are used when calculating pensions. Similar reforms have already been implemented for municipal employees, and the latest news from the Ministry of Finance allows for the start of similar reforms for all categories of the population in 2018.

The government will focus on a mechanism for increasing key indicators, tested on municipal employees, experts are sure. An annual adjustment of the indicator for 6 months will reduce the negative consequences for ordinary citizens. Only the scale of the future increase in age remains in question.

News about the municipal pension confirms the next stage of changes, which will adjust key parameters for calculating pensions in 2018. The standard length of service and age of employees will be increased by 6 months, which will affect the registration of pensions.

Experts expect the start of a full-scale pension reform next year, implemented along the lines of innovations for employees.

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