Knitter of knitwear. Abstract on technology Profession knitter of textiles and haberdashery products Required qualities for a knitter

Lesson summary

Subject: "Technology"
Class: 6
Lesson No. 42

Educational: introduce students to different types of loops;Teach the elements and skills of knitting.

Educational: develop independent thinking,cognitive interests, intellectual abilities.
Educational: cultivate neatness, neatness, and aesthetic taste.


Personal: develop skills of independent work and group work when performing practical creative work.

Regulatory: A The process of cognitive and labor activity is planned in an algorithmic manner.

Communicative: R regulate their own activities through oral speech.

Cognitive: O master algorithms and methods for solving organizational, technical and technological problems; elements of the scientific organization of labor, forms of activity corresponding to the culture of work and technological culture of production.

Planned results

Personal: Intellectual activity - intellectual skills that allow the student to independently and responsibly make decisions in situations of educational and personal choice.Communication skills - mastery of the basic methods of activity necessary for positive communication.Responsibility and adaptability - personal qualities that allow you to act productively to realize your goals in accordance with the rights, needs and goals of the people around you.

Subject: . Making garter and stocking stitch patterns using knitting needles (straight and circular) using technological documentation. Development of cognitive interests and intellectual abilities.

Mastering the skills to work with various sources of information (text, instruction card), organize your own information activities and plan their results.

Metasubject: 1. Cognitive actions - include the actions of research and selection of necessary information, its structuring.

2. Communicative actions - provide the opportunity for cooperation - the ability to hear, listen and understand a friend, plan and coordinately carry out joint activities, mutually control each other’s actions, be able to negotiate, correctly express one’s thoughts in speech, respect one’s friend and oneself in communication and cooperation.

3. Strengthening skills to work with information - find, analyze, manage, evaluate and present information.

Lesson type

Learning new knowledge

Basic Concepts


Interdisciplinary connections

history, literature, mathematics, fine art

Resources: basic additional

instructional and technological cards for knitting knit and purl stitches, yarn of different colors and textures

Lesson steps

Teacher activities

Student activities




Good afternoon guys!.

I ask you to check how your workplace is organized

Marks those present.


2-stage. Updating.

1) What types of yarn do you know?

2) How to choose the right knitting tools depending on the thickness of the thread?

3) How to properly handle knitted items after knitting?


Setting a learning task based on what is already known and mastered, and what is still unknown

3. Statement of the educational problem

Determining the topic of the lesson

The teacher demonstrates knitted items.

Today we have a new topic from the arts and crafts section.Listen to the proverbs and formulate the topic:

The bird is red with its feather, and the knitter with her skill

Wherever the knitter's mind turns, so does the hook.

The knitter knits on a loop, but she is happy

There are plenty of ideas for every knitter.

The knitter had no troubles, but she bought a skein of yarnAnd you try to formulate the purpose of our lesson)

I knitted myself a sweater
a whole month or two.
But, alas, in my work
only the head came through.
I bandaged it again
but I tried, apparently, in vain:
this time I got into it
not one, but three of me.

I dismissed the work again.
It was the last time,
because the thread somehow
all intertwined .

Looking at knitted items. Think about the meaning of proverbs. Determine the educational problem of the lesson.

Formulate the topic of the lesson.

The purpose of our lesson : ABOUTget acquainted with the profession of knitter and the original methods of knitting

Independent identification of a cognitive goal.

The ability to express one’s thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy

4.Learning new material.

Knitters are in demand in factories, knitting workshops, and private workshops of clothing designers. Sometimes knitters are private entrepreneurs working from home.

Main Responsibility knitters at the factory - complete the product in accordance with the technical specifications. The master threads the knitting machine, starts the work and monitors the quality of the yarn. Sometimes during work it is necessary to adjust the density of the fabric, change needles, or introduce additional threads.

Knitting at home is 100% a flight of fancy. The knitter can independently develop the style of the product, select threads and accessories. Or he can fulfill orders based on ready-made patterns.

Important qualities

In the work of a knitter, good finger coordination, attentiveness, the ability to concentrate on details, readiness for monotonous work, accuracy and responsibility are important.


The ability to isolate the necessary information, systematize new material..

Physical education minute

And now they quietly stood up,

We raise our hands up,

And then we lower them.

And then we'll unwrap them

And we’ll quickly press you to us.

Now hurry up, hurry up

Clap, clap more cheerfully.

Carrying out practical work under the guidance of a teacher.

Rules for knitting

First rule.

The first loop is always removed on the right needle without knitting.

Second rule .

The front loop is knitted behind the back wall.

Third rule.

The last stitch of the row is knitted purlwise.

Set of loops.

Knitting any product begins with a set of loops. Now we will try to cast on loops. First, we need to know what length of thread we need to take. For example, for a sample of 10 cm, you need to take approximately 20 cm of thread, this means twice the width of the product.

Visually show a set of loops.

(If the set of loops is not clear, show the video)

Show on slides and show on knitting needles how to cast on stitches correctly .

When casting on loops, we use both knitting needles so that when knitting the first row, the loops do not tighten, but fit the knitting needles freely. We cast on 12 loops. This is approximately 6-7 cm, take a free thread of approximately 15 cm.

See how the girls did their job.

Students look at the diagrams and listen to the teacher’s explanation.

Individual work

Development of practical skills in knitting. Development of practical skills in knitting.

7 - Reflection stage

Organizes a discussion of work results, solutions Organizes a discussion of work results, solving a problem, achieving a goal

- Today I found out(s)___________________________

I managed___________________

It was difficult_________________________

I was surprised by ________________________

It was interesting________________________

Now I can __________________________

I choose the mood in class

Consciously draw conclusions

Express their own opinion about the work and the results obtained

Evaluate the correctness of the actions performed, enter the necessary results and correct them

Carry out final control

Moral and ethical orientation, assessment of assimilated content, ensuring personal moral choice.

Assessment (identification and awareness by students of what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned, awareness of the quality and level of assimilation.


Assigns and comments on homework

They perceive information.

Consciously record information

Nowadays, young people have many opportunities in the professional field. However, to take advantage of these opportunities, you need knowledge and skills in a specific professional environment. In order to become a sought-after professional in your field, you need to choose the most attractive field of activity for a particular person and periodically improve your knowledge in this area, as well as apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in practice.

Recently, many modern specialties have appeared on the market, replacing unclaimed professions. However, there are areas of activity that are relevant at any time and need young and energetic specialists. For example, companies that produce knitwear continue to offer a wide range of products: knitted underwear, linen, gloves, hosiery, as well as outerwear and much more. Of course, such companies use modern equipment to ensure that their products meet modern requirements. The bulk of workers at knitting companies are knitters.

Depending on the range of products produced and the installed equipment at a particular knitting enterprise, the responsibilities of knitters are determined. And although knitters at different knitting enterprises can carry out different operations, there are still general provisions for the knitting profession.

For example, knitters perform the following functions: thread equipment with new yarn, replace bobbins, as well as bobbins, needles, eliminate thread breaks and put broken loops on the needle, control knitting density and thread tension, remove finished products, monitor equipment and the quality of finished products . If we compare knitters at a knitting factory and knitters who knit using knitting needles and crochet, then, of course, the former have the least creative activity, because such a knitter is focused on the production process, and not on searching for modern models in magazines or creative design of the product, etc. d.

Typically, in a textile enterprise, one knitter simultaneously works on several knitting machines, and the number of machines serviced is determined depending on the equipment and the type of products produced. To produce different types of products, different equipment is used, which the knitter prepares for work and, if necessary, adjusts the working mechanisms.

During the working day, the knitter is located in a certain area of ​​the workshop, where the equipment necessary for work is located close to each other. In the process of work, the knitter uses measuring templates to check the dimensions of the produced products, a screwdriver and pliers to replace the needle, scissors, tassels and brushes, so in addition to knowledge and skills in working with equipment, she also has information on how to operate the above tools.

In order for a knitter to cope with her duties at a knitting enterprise, it is necessary to find out whether the willing applicant has such character qualities as imaginative memory, physical endurance and resistance to the same type of work, developed spatial thinking, accuracy in performing certain actions and concentration on the work process. Education as a knitter can be obtained at a higher or secondary specialized educational institution.

Suitable educational specialties: Canvases
Key items: Yarn varieties; Product range; Design of knitting machines and be able to operate them.

Tuition cost (average in Russia): 4800 rubles

Job description:

*Tuition costs are indicated for 1 month of courses.

Knitter of knitwear- specialist in working with a knitting machine

Features of the profession
The knitter, in accordance with the technical specifications, threads and starts the knitting machine, monitors its operation and the quality of the yarn. In the process of work, she adjusts the density of the knitted fabric, changes needles, bobbins with yarn, introduces additional threads, etc. Then he checks the quality of the products and completes them.
Despite all the monotony of work, the knitter often has to perform quick actions (replacing thread, parts, etc.).
The disadvantages of the profession include mechanical noise and vibration.

Knitting workshops, factories.
Highly qualified knitters work in model workshops and, together with a fashion designer, develop samples of knitted weaves and produce models according to sketches.

Important qualities
Quick reaction, good finger coordination, ability to concentrate and distribute attention, despite the monotony of the process.
Problems with the musculoskeletal system, digestive organs, nervous system, vision, and hearing are contraindications to working as a knitter.

Knowledge and skills
It is necessary to understand the types of yarn and know the range of products. Know the structure of knitting machines and be able to operate them.

Where do they teach
The specialty “Knitting knitwear, linens” can be obtained at a college or school with a specialized faculty.

Knitter of knitwear- specialist in working with a knitting machine. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in world artistic culture and work and economy (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

In the process of work, she adjusts the density of the knitted fabric, changes needles, bobbins with yarn, introduces additional threads, etc. Then he checks the quality of the products and completes them. Despite all the monotony of work, the knitter often has to perform quick actions (replacing thread, parts, etc.).

The disadvantages of the profession include mechanical noise and vibration.


Knitting workshops, factories.

Highly qualified knitters work in model workshops and, together with a fashion designer, develop samples of knitted weaves and produce models according to sketches.

Important qualities

Quick reaction, good finger coordination, ability to concentrate and distribute attention, despite the monotony of the process. Problems with the musculoskeletal system, digestive organs, nervous system, vision, and hearing are contraindications to working as a knitter.


Salary as of 06/04/2019

Russia 15000—40000 ₽

Knowledge and skills

It is necessary to understand the types of yarn and know the range of products. Know the structure of knitting machines and be able to operate them.

Where do chat

The specialty “Knitting knitwear, linens” can be obtained at a college or school with a specialized faculty.

Knitter of knitwear- specialist in working with a knitting machine. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in world artistic culture and work and economy (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

In the process of work, she adjusts the density of the knitted fabric, changes needles, bobbins with yarn, introduces additional threads, etc. Then he checks the quality of the products and completes them. Despite all the monotony of work, the knitter often has to perform quick actions (replacing thread, parts, etc.).

The disadvantages of the profession include mechanical noise and vibration.


Knitting workshops, factories.

Highly qualified knitters work in model workshops and, together with a fashion designer, develop samples of knitted weaves and produce models according to sketches.

Important qualities

Quick reaction, good finger coordination, ability to concentrate and distribute attention, despite the monotony of the process. Problems with the musculoskeletal system, digestive organs, nervous system, vision, and hearing are contraindications to working as a knitter.


Salary as of 06/04/2019

Russia 15000—40000 ₽

Knowledge and skills

It is necessary to understand the types of yarn and know the range of products. Know the structure of knitting machines and be able to operate them.

Where do chat

The specialty “Knitting knitwear, linens” can be obtained at a college or school with a specialized faculty.

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