Homemade face moisturizer. Homemade creams for normal facial skin. Cream with rowan

It may seem that making creams yourself is very simple, but in fact it is not. It is important to choose the right ingredients for your skin type and mix them in the right proportions. But, after spending a little time, you will get a natural and safe cream that is not addictive, does not contain any preservatives and has no side effects. They advertise all sorts of products that promise to greatly improve the skin, get rid of acne, and so on. But it is not always the case. Therefore, there is nothing better than homemade cream. Moreover, production does not take much time.

It is worth saying that some men also use these products, so there is even a special men's rating of creams.

How to make face cream at home

Before you cook the cream, you need to purchase all the ingredients. As practice shows, most recipes are not popular, because people are simply afraid of not finding the right component. That’s why some people give up cream making.

This is a false assumption as all the ingredients are easy to find. For example, essential oils, emulsifiers and more can be purchased at the pharmacy. If a recipe requires beeswax, you can find it in beekeeping stores.

You can prepare an anti-aging lifting cream for age spots, glycerin, gelatin, with collagen, and so on at home.

It is better to buy a syringe with divisions in order to remove the required amount of each component. So how can you prepare a magical hypoallergenic cream at home yourself, step by step?

DIY face moisturizer, recipes for dry skin

For dry skin, a cucumber-based cream is perfect. We all know that, for example, a cucumber mask is applied to the eyes, and cucumber extracts are actively used in cosmetology. This vegetable has moisturizing and toning properties that keep the skin youthful and beautiful. In addition, cucumber is a lifesaver for sensitive skin. Therefore, cucumber cream for moisturizing comes in handy. Try also day and night cream with honey, it also perfectly moisturizes the skin.

- Small cucumber;
— Chamomile (decoction) or boiled water 1 glass;
— Beeswax 1 tsp;
— Almond oil 1 tsp.

Melt the butter and wax and mix. To do this, use a water bath, as the fatty base will burn over an open fire. Place the mixture in a container and melt. After the wax has melted, you can add a chamomile decoction. If you don’t know what to replace it with, then use plain water. After this, add the finely grated cucumber. Leave the mixture to simmer for about half an hour. Then mix everything thoroughly again and leave until completely cool. Transfer the finished mixture into a jar and apply to your face for 15 minutes. After this, the cream can be washed off with warm water. You can use the quick-cooked cream only a couple of times a week.

How to make an effective anti-aging face cream for wrinkles at home

Super homemade face cream for wrinkles after 40 years is very easy to prepare and use. Only one condition is important here - you need to use it regularly to tighten the contour.

To prepare you will need:

— Honey 1 tbsp;
— Vaseline 1 tsp;
— Castor oil 1 tsp;
— Iodine 2 drops.

All components are mixed in a clean container, where the finished cream for aging combination skin will be stored. It is desirable that it be made of porcelain or glass.

The cream is easy to prepare. Add a couple of drops of iodine to the bottom of the jar, add all the other ingredients and mix thoroughly. The finished cream should be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than one month. Therefore, attach a label with the date of manufacture to the jar for yourself. You need to use the product twice a week, leaving it for a couple of hours each time, and then rinse with warm water.

The cream perfectly tightens the skin, restores its elasticity and smoothes out wrinkles. It is better to prepare the cream yourself. This is the only way to be sure that it is safe.

You can also prepare a professional cream based on hyaluronic acid that removes tightening, or with other products, for example, sea buckthorn, mumiyo, herbal, oil, honey, and so on. In addition, you can prepare a lifting cream with ginseng or an Ayurvedic summer base cream.

All creams are great for rejuvenating and nourishing the skin, so with them you can please others for a long time.

How to prepare whitening cream

Some women want their facial skin to be whiter. For these purposes, you can also prepare your own cream and not spend a lot of money.

To prepare you will need:

— Yogurt 200 gr;
— Lemon juice 20 g;
— Almond nut 4 pcs.

The base of the cream is yogurt. It contains a lot of lactic acid, which perfectly softens even rough skin. Lemon juice brightens the skin, as do almonds. This cream is a good competitor to expensive products.

First, grind the almonds in a blender. Then mix yogurt and lemon juice. Add almond flour to the mixture and mix again.

To prevent the cream from spoiling, store it in the refrigerator.

Preparing cream for oily skin

This very simple cream for oily skin will transform your face. It will look fresh and fit.


— Mineral water 100 mg;
— Gelatin 6 g;
— Glycerin 80 mg;
— Honey 50 ml;
— Alcohol 10 ml;
— Cucumber juice 20 mg.

Pour water over the gelatin and let it sit for half an hour. After this, strain the mixture and add other ingredients with honey. Heat the resulting mixture in a water bath, let cool and place in a jar.

Recipe for those with problem skin

Peach cream is good for problem skin.

To make it you will need:

— Peach oil 30 mg;
— Calendula decoction 50 mg;
— Ginger oil 5 mg;
— Salicylic acid 5 mg;
— Essential grapefruit oil 10 drops.

First heat the peach oil. While it is still hot, add the remaining ingredients and leave in a water bath until the consistency becomes creamy.

After cooling, the cream can be used.

Problem skin definitely needs anti-tanning sunscreen, a light massage vitamin based on sour cream, and so on. In addition, if you suffer from acne, then any doctor can recommend facial peeling.

Nourishing cream for normal skin

For normal skin, you can make a nourishing cream based on olive oil. The composition contains many valuable components that have a good effect on the condition of the skin.

To prepare you will need:

— Olive oil — 4 tbsp;
— Cocoa — 2 tbsp;
— Peach oil — 1 tbsp;
— Emulsifying wax — 2 tbsp;
— Beeswax 1 tbsp. l.;
— Essential oil — 3 drops.

The cream must be prepared in a water bath, on which a bowl of oil and wax is placed. The components must be brought to a homogeneous mass. After this, remove the mixture from the bath and stir until it cools. In this case, the mixture should be in the form of a cream. Now you can add essential oil for scent. Everyone chooses the scent for themselves. Some people like the smell of coconut oil, while others like jojoba. So pick what you like and add it.

How to store ready-made cream at home (shelf life)

As for storing finished creams, it is different for everyone. It is better to store ready-made creams in the refrigerator, any kind at that. If we talk about deadlines, then everyone has their own. Some creams are stored for only 5 days and therefore must be used quickly, while some can be used for up to one month.

These are not all recipes for creams that can be prepared. In addition to those that we have listed, there is chocolate cream, Ayurvedic, for hair removal, based on cream and aloe vera, with retinol, urea, foundation, with the addition of rosacea, carrots, propolis, soothing and many others. It’s not worth dwelling on these recipes, since they are not suitable for everyone. You always need to look for something new.

Hello dear reader! Today there will be excellent and affordable homemade cream recipes. You will learn how to make homemade face cream - anti-wrinkle, anti-aging, for dry and oily skin - yourself, without spending a single extra penny!

Why do you need to make your own face cream?

It has long been known to everyone that cosmetics purchased in a store are not always beneficial.

At best, it gives a temporary effect. The situation is often aggravated by numerous components that were not created to improve health. At the same time, they are not cheap, and are also tested on animals, which is the worst of all of the above.

Therefore, the question arises: isn’t it better to make your own homemade face cream yourself? At home, from clean, natural and fresh products. And this factor especially plays a role. Is not it?

A few basic cooking principles

Preparing homemade face cream may seem complicated and laborious at first. But take this seriously, because it concerns your skin. If you prepare this remedy once, I'm sure it will be much easier next time.

Here are some little secrets for a successful result:

  1. If you need to melt the product, it is best to use a steam bath. Otherwise, everything may burn.
  2. Instead of water, you can use a herbal decoction, such as chamomile.
  3. Beat the mixture well until it hardens completely.
  4. To make it easier to measure beeswax, grate it.
  5. It is better to use a sterilized jar to store the cream. This way the product will be stored better.

Well, taking into account all these nuances, you will get a brilliant face! Let's move on to .

Homemade cream with beeswax for skin elasticity

Many homemade skin care products contain beeswax. If you want to learn how to choose the right wax, making sure of its quality, we suggest you watch the video.

Here you can see clearly how to prepare a cosmetic product at home, what dishes to use, and after that try to make the cream yourself.

We will need:

  • Cacao butter
  • Beeswax as a thickener
  • Peach oil 8 tsp.
  • Rose water 4 tsp.

Melt cocoa butter and beeswax in a water bath and mix well. You can use it right away.

This cream will be much cheaper than store-bought. You can also experiment a lot by following the recipes below.

Rejuvenating homemade face cream Gentle

A simple recipe for homemade anti-aging face cream, ideal for beginners in this matter.

It only has three ingredients, but it perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin.

We will need:

  • Juice – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Pork internal fat – 200 g.

Mix all this and heat it in a water bath, but do not boil. It is necessary to mix well so that all the elements combine and thicken to the desired consistency. After this, cool and place in the refrigerator.

Warm it up in a water bath each time before applying. If this is not possible, just take a little product and hold it in your hand, it should thaw and then you can apply.

Anti-wrinkle cream Universal

Due to the fact that we can replace one composition in this product, it is suitable for oily and dry skin.


  • Kelp () - 3 teaspoons;
  • Boiling water – 5 teaspoons;
  • A few drops of lemon juice (for oily skin);
  • Oil solution of vitamins A or E (for dry skin);

Mix boiling water until smooth (make sure there is not too much water, as the liquid cream does not adhere well to the skin).

Cover with a saucer and leave for 10 minutes, the seaweed should steam. Then add a few drops of lemon juice or oil, depending on your skin type.

This face cream is best used at night, after application, rinsing with water.

You can substitute kelp. The effect will be even better.

Recipe for anti-aging face cream based on beeswax

This recipe from Galina Grossman will help you look 40, or even 35, at 50.

Miracle cream consists of the following ingredients:

  • Cold pressed olive oil – 50 ml;
  • Coconut oil – 25 ml;
  • Beeswax – 50 g;
  • Vitamin E – 5 drops;
  • Essential oil – 20 drops;

To prepare this amazing remedy for aging skin, simply mix all the ingredients in a water bath, stirring until it hardens completely. Transfer the product into a jar and put it in the refrigerator for preservation.

Recipe for homemade rejuvenation cream Swan fluff

This is a recipe from Marlene Dietrich herself (at least so it is believed), who was famous for her beauty and style.

This cream is perfectly absorbed and does not leave a greasy sheen. Its main advantage is its whitening and tightening effect.

It has a simple but unique composition, thanks to which it fights several problems at once.

  1. Thanks to sour cream, it perfectly moisturizes.
  2. You can use lemon on your body. However, it is not recommended to add citrus if you have very sensitive skin.
  3. The yolk provides an instant lifting effect.

You need to take:

  • Sour cream – 20%;
  • Lemon juice – 100 g;
  • Egg yolk – 1 pc.;
  • Tea tree essential oil;
  • Apricot kernel oil;

Mixing products. All! Very simple and easy. The product can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three weeks. Recommended for use every day, applying to the entire body after showering.

It can also be used as a nighttime product, since it is during sleep that our skin is restored, absorbing all the beneficial substances.

Homemade shea butter cream

Take 4 tbsp. Mix spoons of shea butter with two tbsp. spoons of natural camellia oil. Place in a water bath. The oils need to dissolve.

Then remove from the bath and add a few drops of essential oil – tangerine, jasmine, rosemary, it’s up to you to choose which scent you like best.

If you have very dry skin, add vitamin E for better results.

Mix all ingredients, cool and store in the refrigerator.

This shea butter hand cream with essential oils is very moisturizing for the skin. Also, if your hands are very chapped, you can simply apply shea butter. This amazing cream can also be made with beeswax.

Homemade anti-wrinkle face cream with propolis

Propolis has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect, promotes the healing of ulcers, wounds and injuries on the skin, and copes well with pimples and acne.

But the most important thing that interested me was that propolis in combination with wax acts like an “iron”, smoothing out all wrinkles.


  • 25ml coconut oil
  • 30ml cocoa butter
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon grape seed oil
  • 2 teaspoons beeswax
  • 1 teaspoon propolis
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  1. In order for the wax to melt faster, you need to crumble it, but propolis can be taken as a whole piece.
  2. Place the jar in a water bath. The wax and propolis began to melt, add cocoa butter.
  3. Then add honey and, stirring, melt until smooth.
  4. Add coconut oil, it melts quickly.
  5. Pour in olive and grape seed oil, stir and remove from heat.
  6. Pour into jars.
  7. Place in the refrigerator to harden. You need to pull it out and mix it a couple of times so that the honey does not settle to the bottom, but is evenly distributed throughout the cream.

After an hour, the cream is ready for use.
The jar of cream can be kept in the bath, but if you use little cream, it is better to keep it in the refrigerator.

Today, homemade cosmetics are gaining momentum in polarity. Many women and even young girls prefer natural care, although there are also those who consider ready-made cosmetics produced on an industrial scale to be much more effective than natural ones. This is a deep misconception. Cosmetics made from natural ingredients are as effective as even the most expensive products. If you decide to use such cosmetics, you should know that for each skin type you need to select the ingredients that are optimally suitable for it.

Creams, masks, tonics prepared at home have a completely natural composition, no additives or hormones that can be addictive. Homemade cosmetics have one significant drawback - a short shelf life (no more than two weeks, but there are also those whose shelf life is no more than two days).

To prepare homemade face cream, you will need various ingredients, including non-standard ones, which, in most cases, can be purchased at pharmacies.

Procedure for preparing creams at home.
Typically, the process of preparing homemade cream takes place in four stages:

  • crushed solids (for example, beeswax, cocoa butter) are melted in a water bath;
  • then liquid substances are added to them (lanolin, vegetable or kernel cosmetic oils, glycerin, honey, oil extracts from herbs, etc.);
  • the water component is added to the cream last (drinking water, herbal infusions), after which the mixture is removed from the water bath and whisked intensively;
  • Without ceasing to beat, add essential oils to the cooled mass; beat the mixture until completely cooled.
  • The finished cream is transferred to a clean glass jar with a tight-fitting lid and stored in the refrigerator.
Recipes for homemade creams.

Creams for dry and sensitive skin.
First, you should prepare an infusion of coltsfoot leaves, for which you need to brew a tablespoon of leaves with 200 ml of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Then, in a separate bowl, combine two tablespoons of lanolin and a tablespoon of olive oil, place the resulting mixture in a water bath for ten minutes, then add the strained decoction of coltsfoot and a tablespoon of freshly prepared plantain juice (chop eight plantain leaves and squeeze juice). Keep the mixture in the bathhouse for another minute, then remove and rub thoroughly until the mixture cools completely. Use the cream twice a day.

Melt two tablespoons of margarine and a piece of beeswax in a water bath, add a teaspoon of vitamin A oil solution and a tablespoon of any vegetable oil (apricot, olive). After combining the ingredients, add a teaspoon of a mixture of chopped fresh leaves of parsley, currants, nettles and roses. After this, remove the mass from the bath and beat thoroughly.

Melt a tablespoon of beeswax in a water bath, add 50 ml of almond oil, a tablespoon of jojoba oil. After this, add a tablespoon of rose water and remove from the bath. Whip ten drops of rosemary oil into the cream. The resulting cream is recommended for night use.

Melt 10 g of beeswax in a water bath, combine with 80 g of vegetable oil, 20 g of shea butter, add 100 ml of rose water. After this, remove the mixture from the heat and add grapefruit seed extract and one capsule of vitamin E to it.

Melt two teaspoons of emulsifying wax, four teaspoons of lanolin and five tablespoons of olive or vegetable oil using a water bath. At the same time, in another bowl, heat two teaspoons of glycerin, six tablespoons of water and half a teaspoon of borax until it is completely dissolved. When the wax and oils melt, gradually add the mixture from the second bowl, while continuously stirring with a wooden spoon. The result should be a thick white cream.

First, an oil extract of calendula flowers is prepared, for which add ten tablespoons of vegetable oil to a tablespoon of dried calendula flowers and leave to infuse in a dark place for a while. The infusion must be shaken daily. Next, melt two tablespoons of beeswax in a water bath, then combine with two tablespoons of the resulting oil infusion and a tablespoon of corn oil. Mix everything thoroughly and add a teaspoon of glycerin to the still hot mixture. Beat the cream until it cools completely.

Prepare an infusion of chamomile flowers, for which pour two tablespoons of the raw material into 100 ml of boiling water and leave for two hours, cool and strain through several layers of gauze. Then melt a tablespoon of butter in a water bath, add the same amount of castor oil, half a teaspoon of glycerin, and lastly add four tablespoons of prepared chamomile infusion. Stirring constantly, gradually add a teaspoon of camphor alcohol. If desired, you can add a few drops of aromatic oil that best suits your skin type. The cream is also suitable for normal skin types.

You can also prepare another composition: melt a tablespoon of butter margarine in a water bath, add three teaspoons of any natural vegetable oil (olive, almond, etc.), two teaspoons of castor oil, then add a teaspoon of glycerin, two teaspoons of honey, two egg yolks and two teaspoons of camphor alcohol. At the very last moment, add six tablespoons of chamomile infusion to the mixture (see above for preparation). Grind all ingredients thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Store this cream in a cool and dark place. This cream is especially recommended for sensitive skin.

Grind petals from five rose buds in a water bath with a tablespoon of creamy margarine, then add two teaspoons of pre-melted beeswax, then add a teaspoon of vitamin A oil solution. Grind everything well.

This cream restores skin elasticity and also prevents skin aging. In addition, it is recommended for especially sensitive skin prone to inflammation and irritation. To prepare it, add 20 g of lanolin, 2 g of spermaceti and 10 ampoules of aloe extract to 10 g of peach oil.

Cream for normal skin.
Heat a teaspoon of beeswax and a teaspoon of olive oil in a water bath. Separately, heat a tablespoon of carrot juice and add two pre-beaten egg yolks into it. Gradually add the carrot-egg mixture to the heated oils and grind thoroughly.

Anti-aging face creams.
Melt 15 g of beeswax in a water bath, add 80 g of olive oil, 45 g of cocoa butter, 10 g of royal jelly, mix the components thoroughly for ten to twelve minutes. Then the mixture must be removed from the heat and added one and a half liters of water. It is best to mix using a hand mixer. The result should be a creamy mass, which must be poured into a previously prepared glass jar and stored in a dark place. It is recommended to use this cream once or twice a week.

Place 15 g of wax in a water bath to melt. At this time, chop one small cucumber on a fine grater. As soon as the wax melts, add two tablespoons of almond oil and a mixture of grated cucumber. Place the resulting mixture on the fire and simmer over low heat for an hour. Then cool the composition and use it as a night nourishment for aging skin.

Creams for oily skin.
Soak a teaspoon of gelatin in cool water and leave for a while to swell. Then add a tablespoon of liquid honey, two tablespoons of glycerin, 100 ml of water, in which dissolve an aspirin tablet. Place the resulting mixture in a water bath for fifteen minutes, then remove from heat and whisk until the cream cools completely.

Grind two tablespoons of melon pulp, chopped currants, rowan berries, strawberries, and quince fruits. Add two tablespoons of melted bone fat, two chicken egg yolks, a teaspoon of honey, and a teaspoon of olive oil into the resulting berry mass. Thoroughly grind the ingredients until smooth, gradually, without ceasing to stir, add a teaspoon of camphor alcohol.

First, you need to thoroughly beat 4 yolks with a tablespoon of olive oil, add 200 ml of fresh cream and mix everything thoroughly. Set the mixture aside. Now you should pour the squeezed juice from one lemon and the crushed zest into a glass of hot water and let it brew for an hour and a half. After this, strain the infusion and mix with the juice of another lemon and a tablespoon of liquid honey. Now the resulting liquid should be gradually added to the mixture of butter, cream and yolks. Mix thoroughly until smooth, add two-thirds of a glass of camphor alcohol to the composition. Pour the mixture into a half-liter jar, add hot water to the top and mix everything well. This cream should be stored in a dark and cool place, and be sure to shake before application. The product perfectly nourishes oily skin, tones and tightens pores. It is better to apply the cream at night on the face and neck.

Creams for all skin types.
First, add half a teaspoon of borax to three tablespoons of water and let it swell. Place in a water bath to melt the beeswax. Then add two tablespoons each of olive oil, cocoa butter and almond oil. Now the oils and borax should be combined and rubbed thoroughly.

Squeeze the juice out of two glasses of strawberries. Add four tablespoons of sugar to one glass and put the mixture on fire. As soon as the juice and sugar boil, add two tablespoons of lanolin pre-melted in a hot water bath, the same amount of refined vegetable oil and 2 tablespoons of purified sunflower oil. The last thing you should drink is a glass of strawberry juice. Beat everything well.

Thoroughly stir 5 g of aloe powder in 40 ml of distilled water, but this must be done very carefully so that no lumps form. Then add 20 ml of rose water or infusion of rose petals to this mixture (brew two tablespoons of crushed petals with a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour, then strain) and a teaspoon of honey. Mix all ingredients and place in a water bath. Heat a little and add 100 g of fresh lard. The mixture should not be overheated. Transfer the finished mixture into a glass jar and store in the refrigerator. Use once a day, applying a thin layer to the face and neck.

Melt a teaspoon of emulsifying wax and the same amount of beeswax in a water bath. Separately, heat five tablespoons of lanolin, the same amount of olive oil (sunflower oil) and wheat germ oil in a water bath. Combine both mixtures. Then heat a mixture of half a teaspoon of borax and five tablespoons of water until it is completely dissolved. Then gradually introduce this liquid into the heated mixture of wax and oils. You can add a few drops of perfume. Beat the mixture until completely cooled.

Nourishing eye creams.
Melt a teaspoon of glycerin in a water bath, then add the same amount of liquid honey. Then add a teaspoon of gelatin and four tablespoons of boiled water to the mixture. The mixture should be hot, but not boiling. Then remove the mixture from the heat and let it stand for ten minutes, after which the mixture is thoroughly mixed. Store the cream in a cool place for no more than a week.

Melt a tablespoon of lanolin using a water bath, then add three teaspoons of almond oil into it. Stir everything well and remove from the bath. While beating the mixture, add a teaspoon of lecithin powder and two tablespoons of cold water.

Cosmetic oils that are perfect for nourishing the skin of the eyelids are: almond, olive, peach, apricot, and grape. You can use mixtures of oils. Apply the oil with gentle and light tapping movements an hour before bedtime. Immediately before going to bed, the skin of the eyelids should be blotted with a paper napkin to avoid swelling.

Every year, more and more representatives of the fairer sex are convinced that face cream at home is an excellent alternative to store-bought drugs, after the purchase of which often only fingerprints remain in the wallet. You shouldn’t be upset if you can’t buy an expensive branded product - you can prepare a composition yourself that copes with defects on the skin just as well. Another advantage of homemade creams is that they are completely natural, without chemicals, and therefore practically do not cause side effects and rarely have contraindications. How can you make a useful and effective remedy, what problems can you fight against with it, what are the best components to use?

The best ingredients and their properties

For ladies who are starting to experiment with compositions for the skin for the first time, the main problem is what a cream is made from that can be safely used, without the risk of receiving alarming signals from the dermis. The main thing to remember is that at home you can pamper your epidermal tissue with vitamins contained in the simplest ingredients. The face will not be slow to thank for such attention with a blooming and radiant appearance.

How to make your own homemade face cream? The cream recipe should contain the following natural ingredients:

  • bee products (wax, honey, propolis);
  • oils (olive, jojoba, almond);
  • emulsifiers (purchased at the pharmacy);
  • herbal decoctions (you can cook them at home especially for cream);
  • rose or filtered water;
  • fruits vegetables.

How to mix a cream that is perfect for your face at home? A prerequisite is to choose components in accordance with your skin type. Let's try to understand these subtleties, the peculiarities of preparing the compositions and learn how to use the creams made.

To make face cream at home, you definitely need to know the basic requirements not only for making the mixture, but also how long it can be stored. Even if you cook the product at home according to all the rules, a small mistake is enough for it to completely lose its beneficial properties. How to turn preparing cream into a pleasant pastime and make a face cream that has the effectiveness of an expensive brand-name drug?

Before making a moisturizing or nourishing cream, you should familiarize yourself with simple rules:

  • use only heat-resistant, wooden or enamel dishes (metal objects contribute to the oxidation of the mixture, give the product an unsightly gray tint, and, most importantly, significantly reduce the shelf life);
  • store your ointments in glass containers (at worst, you can use durable plastic);
  • stock up on a syringe, pipette, and measuring spoon in advance (most recipes require a minimum amount of ingredients; a measuring cup will be useless here).

The shelf life of homemade cream is no more than two weeks, but most often after just a few days the prepared composition becomes unusable. In order not to waste food in vain, it is better to prepare a small amount of the product.

Important! Under no circumstances should you experiment with different products, especially if you have no experience, but follow the recipe exactly. At best, amateur activities will result in spoiled food and mood, at worst - harm to the skin of the face.

Natural face cream at home, regardless of the ingredients, is usually prepared according to the same recipe. Even if a multi-component product is brewed, the order of actions does not change. Before you make a face cream, be sure to remember the whole process step by step - this will greatly simplify the work.

Step-by-step home cooking steps:

  1. Melt the solid base of the composition in a bathhouse.
  2. Add thick or semi-liquid ingredients (honey, kernel or vegetable oils, glycerin).
  3. Bring to the desired consistency with water, rose oil, and a herbal decoction.
  4. Stir or beat (recipes must indicate exactly how to combine all the ingredients into a homemade homogeneous cream).
  5. Without stopping stirring, add essential oils.

Important! Immediately after preparation, the product must be cooled and poured into a storage container that can be tightly closed. If there is no cap, you can use film - just wrap it tightly around the neck of the bottle so that bacteria or debris do not penetrate there, the impact of which will affect not only the shelf life, but also the quality of the composition.

Find out the recipe for the most inexpensive face cream at home:

Since ladies most often suffer from dryness and flaking, the question of how to prepare a moisturizing face cream that will successfully help cope with unpleasant blemishes is one of the most important. There are many recipes, and almost all of them consist of the simplest ingredients.

With parsley

  • 30 gr. hypoallergenic wax;
  • 45 gr. margarine;
  • 15 gr. chopped currant leaves, parsley, nettle leaves;
  • 15 ml vitamin A;
  • 25 ml of vegetable oil (it is better to give preference to apricot product).

Melt the bee product and margarine in a bathhouse. After they melt, add vitamins and herbal product. Just before removing, add the herbs and grind thoroughly. A homemade facial moisturizer that uses herbs can be stored for up to 4 days.

With shea butter, grapefruit seed extract, rose water

  • 10 gr. beeswax;
  • 22-25 ml shea butter;
  • 75 ml of olive raw material product;
  • 90 ml rose water;
  • vitamin E capsule;
  • 3-6 ml grapefruit seed extract.

Melt wax and vegetable oil. Add shea butter, vitamin, extract. Stir the mixture thoroughly, do not bring to a boil. Remove the mixture and pour into a container intended for storage.

Moisturizing creams, regardless of ingredients, are recommended to be used every day - only this will allow you to enjoy positive results. You can use different recipes and choose the most effective one specifically for your skin.

A nourishing face cream at home must certainly have any oil or a mixture of them as an ingredient - it is they that help penetrate the tissues of beneficial elements.

With honey and gelatin

  • 20 gr. honey;
  • 12 ml glycerin;
  • 12 gr. gelatin granules;
  • 40 ml filtered water;
  • 10 ml almonds.

Mix honey, glycerin, send to drown. Once it becomes homogeneous, add the granules and stir until they are completely dissolved. Pour in the oil, bring the product to the desired consistency with water (you may need less or a little more liquid - it depends on the thickness of the honey). After removing from the bath, stir vigorously.

Aloe oil mixture and juice

  • 7 gr. wax;
  • one capsule of vitamin A, E;
  • 8 ml raw cocoa butter;
  • juice squeezed from aloe leaf;
  • 13-15 ml almonds.

Before you prepare the cream at home, you need to make sure that cocoa butter does not cause allergies in the skin (it is this product that usually causes unpleasant symptoms). To do this, apply a few drops to your wrist and wait to see if the body gives a signal about intolerance to this product. If there are no unpleasant signs, you can prepare the remedy.

In the bathhouse, combine wax and cocoa. After turning the mass into a homogeneous mixture, add the remaining ingredients, immediately remove from heat and cool quickly. Use ice for cooling - this will speed up the process.

Based on pork lard

  • 35 gr. Vaseline;
  • 40 gr. lard (be sure to take unsalted product);
  • 4 gr. camphor;
  • 2 gr. salicylic acid.

Melt the lard and add the remaining ingredients. Do not keep it on the fire any longer, immediately remove it and stir thoroughly until it cools partially.

With strawberries and bone marrow

The product will perfectly tighten the skin; in terms of effectiveness, a natural face cream can be compared to an expensive lifting in a salon.

  • 50 gr. strawberries;
  • 45 gr. bone marrow;
  • 15 ml honey;
  • 10 ml vegetable oil;
  • 20 ml camphor.

Grind the bone marrow and strawberries into a homogeneous puree. Add the remaining ingredients (add camphor a little at a time, be sure to grind the mixture after each addition). Be sure to use the product within 2-4 days.

Preparing a face cream at home that would suit every woman is quite simple, because most products have only a few products as components.

With viburnum and grapes

  • 5-7 ml of juice squeezed from viburnum fruits;
  • 3-5 ml grape seed oil;
  • 8 ml lanolin.

Send lanolin to warm up, add other ingredients. Grind the mass, cool. It is better to use it within one day and prepare a fresh product the next morning.

This product can be used at home:

  • as a night face cream (use daily);
  • for dry sensitive skin;
  • for combination skin;
  • as a cream for oily skin.

The mixture has practically no contraindications, the only caution is to apply it only once a day, otherwise it will lead to addiction and the effectiveness will be much reduced.

Against rashes on the face, you can make a natural face cream that can quickly relieve inflammatory processes on the skin and get rid of rashes. You can use it up to two times a day, be sure to thoroughly cleanse your face of oil and dirt first.

  • 12 gr. zinc ointment;
  • 7 ml pantothenic acid;
  • 3 ml tea tree oil.

Mix the ointment and acid, stir vigorously, pour in the oil. A prerequisite is that the container in which the mixing process took place must not only be clean, but also completely dry, since the mixture cannot be heat treated and is quite capable of quickly deteriorating. Keeping the bowl clean ensures that the shelf life will be significantly extended. You can store it in an ointment bottle for up to 3 months, be sure to close it tightly.

How to make a homemade face cream that will not only cleanse and enrich the epidermis with nutrients, but also smooth out age-related wrinkles? There is nothing complicated here; simple homemade ingredients will successfully cope with the task assigned to them and will get rid of wrinkles for a long time.

With jojoba oil and starch

  • 7 ml jojoba;
  • 2 gr. starch (be sure to take a rice product);
  • 16 gr. wax.

Melt the wax, add the remaining ingredients, stir until smooth. Use only before bedtime. The secret of application is to place only along the massage lines, this will significantly increase the effect.

With honey and almond oil

  • 30 gr. good honey (it’s better not to take a sugared product);
  • 55 ml lanolin;
  • 30 ml of raw almond oil.

Mix all the ingredients, grind, then send to melt in a water bath. As it heats up, stir more intensively until the mixture becomes fluffy and homogeneous. Even after the mixture is removed from the heat, do not stop stirring. After cooling completely, transfer to a storage container and place in a cool place. The mass is stored for more than half a month. Use it daily, several times – it will only bring benefits. If the skin is too oily, with enlarged pores, you can make a face cream at home based on a product made from olive raw materials - it has a more beneficial effect on the problem.

Natural cosmetics made with your own hands are not just a worthy replacement for expensive drugs, but also an opportunity to feel like a professional cosmetologist. You can combine mixtures, experience the effects of different products, and, most importantly, make sure that it is quite possible, without the help of a specialist, to get rid of defects that look so ugly on the face.

All women dream of prolonging youth and preserving the beauty of their facial skin, but not everyone has found the ideal miracle cure that can help them in this difficult mission. The wide range of caring cosmetics presented on the market and on the Internet does not always meet the requirements of sophisticated shoppers. In particular, you can never be sure of the quality of the products sold. Thus, many of the commercial creams contain a huge amount of substances that do more harm to the skin than good, and some creams have a very short-term effect.

An excellent solution is to prepare face cream at home. This will not take much time, and will also allow you to choose components based on the individual characteristics of the skin. Of course, such creams are stored for less time than factory ones, but you can be absolutely sure that no preservatives are mixed in them, and all their components are of high quality and reliable. At the same time, the nominal cost of a home-made product is much lower than a store-bought one.

This recipe for a cream with an amazing lifting effect will delight lovers of homemade cosmetics, and with systematic use, the result will not take long to arrive. Homemade face cream, my favorite recipe.

Anti-wrinkle moisturizer with oils at home

Based on its ingredients, this product is ideal for those with skin prone to dryness, but those whose skin tends to be oily should not be afraid to try it. The base oils included in the product will help get rid of excess sebaceous secretions and, as a result, enlarged pores. In addition to the wonderful cleansing effect, the oils will moisturize and deeply saturate the skin, stimulate the production of essential proteins, and also improve skin metabolism.

Distinctive features of homemade oil creams

1. The main thing to remember when preparing homemade cream with oils is the risk of an allergic reaction to individual components. Therefore, before introducing an ingredient into the composition, it is necessary to ensure its adequate effect on the body.

2. Before using the cream, it is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the skin. We must not forget that fatty oils are excellent conductors of all kinds of bacteria that can penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and cause unpleasant inflammation.

3. The pronounced aroma of oil-based cream, which is felt immediately after preparation, weakens over time. It depends directly on the smell of those essential and base oils that are included in the composition.

4. The quality of the oil is the main guarantee of the safety of its use. Every oil purchased in a store must be sold with a certificate (don’t forget to ask the seller for it!) Another option for finding excellent products is the Internet, the main thing is to find a reliable supplier with proven products.

5. Oil creams are absorbed more slowly by the skin than store-bought ones, but they nourish and moisturize the skin better, and the effect of their use lasts longer.


The cream meets the hydration needs of dry skin and has a slight lifting effect. With daily use in the morning and evening, the result will not be long in coming.

What you will need:

  • ethyl alcohol to disinfect hands;
  • two glass containers;
  • measuring cup, small plastic spoon, mixer;
  • a container in which you can store the finished product (any jar from a finished cream will do).


Important! Before cooking, do not forget to check all ingredients for the presence of an allergic reaction in the body.

* wheat sprouts (25 ml);
* grape seed (5 ml);
* avocado (5 ml);
* argan (3 ml);
* incense (essential oil, 7 drops).
Beeswax (2 g).
Vitamin E granules (0.5 g).

Cooking method

1. Mix all oils (except frankincense essential oil).

2. Grind the vitamin E granules in a mortar to a powder.

3. Pour the powder into the mixed oils and mix thoroughly until completely dissolved, then add frankincense oil.

4. Gently grate the broken wax on a fine grater, and then melt it in a water bath in a glass bowl (at a temperature of about 60 degrees).

5. Burn the mixture of oils with vitamin E to 35 degrees (you can do this by placing a bowl of oils in a bowl of hot water).

6. Gently and carefully pour the melted wax into the oil mixture, whisking without stopping with a mixer with one (!) attachment. Continue whisking until completely cooled.

7. Pour the prepared cold mixture into a storage container.

Attention! The cream must be stored in the dark and cool and used for no more than 3 months. Apply morning and evening after thoroughly cleansing the skin. Before use, it is necessary to check the body's reaction to all components by applying the composition to the wrist or elbow.

Be beautiful and healthy!

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