Dark spots under the arms. What it is? Deposition of dead cells

The appearance of pigmentation on the body means 2 things: a reaction to some irritant or a malfunction of the internal organs. Dark spots under the arms are common in men and women aged 30 to 45 years. Such a defect often causes the development of complexes in females. Due to aesthetic problems, they do not allow themselves to wear revealing clothes. Only a specialist can accurately determine the cause of the defect, so before getting rid of dark spots on your own, it is recommended to undergo an examination by a doctor.

Most often they do not pose any danger to human health. This occurs due to the accumulation of keratinized particles, frequent shaving of hair in the area, an allergic reaction to cosmetic products, or friction from clothing. Less often, a defect is a signal that some kind of malfunction has occurred in the body:

    1. Recurrent changes or premature aging of the skin is the most common cause of dark spots. In women over 40 years of age, the process of melanin synthesis is disrupted due to hormonal changes.
  1. Endocrine disorders often manifest themselves in the form of skin pigmentation. People are usually concerned about acanthosis nigricans or "bronze" Addison's disease. In the first case, the epidermis is affected in insulin-dependent people or in obesity. Signs of pathology are changes in skin tone in the folds, sometimes swelling of the integument, an unpleasant odor and itchy sensations. In the second case, the provoking factor is a disruption of the adrenal glands. The first signs are dark spots under the arms and between the legs, then other symptoms appear.
  2. Fungus. When pathogenic fungi are infected, they often change the skin tone to dark or burgundy in the armpit area, since this is the most favorable environment for reproduction. There are several types of fungal infections that appear in the armpits. The symptoms are similar - severe itching, redness or darkening of the dermis, swelling of the tissues and the appearance of an unpleasant odor.
  3. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. If dark spots appear under the armpits, this may mean problems with the liver. This condition is associated with the problem of removing toxins, the accumulation of which causes defects. Another reason is a violation of iron metabolism, its excess accumulates throughout the body and changes the skin tone.

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Meshcherinka Diana

Dermatologist of the first qualification category

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In addition, darkening of the epidermis may be associated with neglect of personal hygiene rules or an incorrectly selected deodorant, which leaves plaque on the armpits. An allergic reaction to shaving or depilatory products affects the condition of the skin. Less often, acne or pigmentation appears in the armpit area after sunbathing. It is important to find out why the skin has darkened in order to get rid of the problem forever.

Whitening methods

To carry out therapy, you must contact a dermatologist. The doctor will conduct an examination and questioning, and then prescribe treatment. If pigmentation was caused by any internal disorder, you should be examined by a therapist, endocrinologist or gastroenterologist. But often therapy consists of using bleaching agents. During treatment, it is better to avoid using cosmetic products (depilatory cream, antiperspirants, shaving foam).

The epidermis in the armpit area is very thin, so you should not immediately resort to too aggressive means. First, you need to conduct an allergy test by applying the product to a small area. If there is no itching or redness, then the entire darkened area can be treated. You can find many skin lightening products in pharmacies, but it is better to consult a specialist. Products based on kojic and glycolic acids, arbutin, hydroquinone and even mercury are considered effective. The most popular products are Achromin and Vitex creams for skin lightening, as well as a line of products from Vighy Idealia PRO. They are aimed at relieving irritation and reducing melanin production. All medications have pros and cons; before use, you need to study the instructions and exclude contraindications.

Traditional medicine recipes

Some cosmetics are expensive; first, you can try traditional methods. The preparation of solutions for treating spots on the skin under the arms is made from available products: lemon and cucumber juice, potatoes, milk or vinegar. As a rule, such homemade medications do not cause an allergic reaction when used correctly.

Regular use of natural whitening juices accounts for more than 50% of successful treatment. You can squeeze them from lemon, potatoes or cucumbers. Grate the vegetables, apply the juice to the affected areas and leave for 10 minutes. It is easy to make homemade skin lightening paste using cucumber. Cucumber pulp is mixed with a small amount of turmeric and lemon juice. The resulting paste is applied in a thin layer to the armpits and left for 30 minutes, and then washed off with warm water. You can wipe dark spots under your arms with a slice of lemon several times a day. The acid contained in citrus fruits removes the stratum corneum, which brightens the skin. It is necessary to use a moisturizer after juice to avoid dryness and irritation.

Whitening with lemon juice

The second important step is to moisturize the skin. Using cosmetics on the body often dries it out, which leads to rapid aging. Using aloe vera juice or lecithin will have a positive effect on the process of getting rid of stains. You need to use the products 2-3 times a day.

The third step on the path to perfect skin is exfoliation of dead particles. For scrubbing, you can use sugar, soda or orange peel. You need to prepare a scrub from sugar and olive oil (3 tablespoons of oil per glass of sugar) and rub the mixture while taking a shower. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a week. Baking soda is an excellent bleaching agent and is easy to make into a cleaning mixture. Prepare a liquid paste from warm water and baking soda and treat the spots on the armpits. Leave the product on for a few minutes and then wash it off. Lemon or orange zest also works well. To do this, the peel must first be dried in the sun or a radiator and crushed. You can mix the dry zest with milk or rose water, massage the resulting mixture onto the skin for 10–15 minutes. After the massage, rinse off the paste and apply a moisturizer. The easiest way is pumice. Using a wet stone, you need to carefully clean the armpit area until it becomes slightly red.

Peels can significantly lighten the epidermis, relieve redness and make the skin smoother. You can make it at home using rice flour and vinegar. Flour will dry out oily skin, and vinegar will remove unpleasant odors and destroy microorganisms. To prepare, you need to mix 2 tablespoons of rice flour with 1 tablespoon of 9% vinegar and mix thoroughly until mushy. Dark spots under the arms and between the legs are washed with soap and water and wiped with a paper towel. Next, apply the prepared product, leave it on until it dries completely and rinse off. Do not apply to mucous membranes, otherwise there will be a chemical burn. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times a week until the desired result is achieved.

It is impossible to achieve a good effect without following certain rules. During therapy, it is better to stop using your usual body cosmetics. Conventional deodorants should be replaced with hypoallergenic ones that do not contain alcohol. It is also better to exclude tight clothes that rub and do not breathe from your wardrobe. In summer, preference is given to lightweight products made from natural materials.

It happens that a young girl can see her t-shirts from under her T-shirt. e many armpits . How to get rid of this cosmetic defect, which instills uncertainty and discomfort, and why does it occur?

Having dark armpits is not very pleasant. Especially when you want to wear a short, fashionable top. It takes a lot of work to even out your skin color.

Why does an unpleasant dirty tint appear?

  • Tan;
  • regular use of low-quality or unsuitable depilatory and shaving cream;
  • shaving with a dirty, dull blade;
  • increased sweating;
  • poor ventilation in the armpit area, body friction on clothing;
  • accumulation of dead epidermal cells;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • smoking;
  • low-quality antiperspirants and deodorants;
  • hormonal imbalance.

How to whiten armpits

A good way to get rid of dark armpits is to tan in a solarium, which will mask all age spots and dark spots.
If you don’t have the means or desire to visit a solarium, you can use whitening products. creams, which are sold in assortment in cosmetic stores and on the Internet. When purchasing, you need to read the instructions and composition.

  • When the substance hydroquinone is added to the product, it is better not to purchase such a cream. This is a whitening component found in creams, gels, lotions, nail polishes and curl straightening products. Studies have shown that hydroquinone is toxic and, accumulating in the body, can cause cancer. For this reason, it was banned in many countries. With frequent use of a whitening product with hydroquinone, pigmentation may occur and the armpits will darken even more. Products containing this substance cause allergies, redness, itching, have a repulsive pungent odor and cause sweating, further aggravating the situation.
  • If the whitening cream contains alpha arbutin, there is no need to worry. This herbal component, included in whitening cosmetics, is not inferior in effectiveness to the poisonous hydroquinone. It is relatively safe, not when used in moderation.
  • Sometimes creams for dark underarms contain kojic acid, the most effective lightening agent available in the fight against hyperpigmentation. It is added to serums, masks, creams, cleansing lotions, toothpastes in combination with vitamins, fruit acids, plant extracts, and oils. But it is not recommended to get carried away with whitening cream with kojic acid. It easily causes allergies.

Folk remedies

Creams with a whitening effect are affordable, easy to use, but not always useful. If you don’t trust them, you can resort to grandma’s recipes. Folk remedies are based on natural ingredients and will never cause cancer, they are effective and have been tested for more than one generation.

Every person has many sweat glands in the armpit area. And to prevent the occurrence of excessive diaper rash, the armpit areas begin to become covered with dark and hard hairs. But most people tend to remove them, since the presence of hairs in this area is considered a sign of uncleanliness. Various antiperspirants, as well as deodorants that reduce the level of sweating, help many people get rid of unpleasant odors. But after a short period of time of using them, strange pigmentation often appears in the armpit area. Dark, red spots and itching may also appear.

Causes of the phenomenon

Red spots under the arms, like dark ones, are not a cause for panic, but they can cause aesthetic discomfort in a person. And besides, others may think of it as poorly shaved hair or mistake it for diaper rash. In the winter and autumn months, this problem is often forgotten, as a person begins to wear warm clothes that cover the body almost completely.

However, during the beach season, warm sweaters are replaced by light T-shirts and dresses, when everyone wants to look perfect and at the same time not draw attention to problem areas.

So, the main factors for changing the color of the armpits are:

  • Allergy to any brand of deodorant or antiperspirant.

Typically, during an allergic reaction, the skin tends to become inflamed, dry, and flaky. Due to weak contact with open air in the axillary area, allergies can last a long time. Therefore, even a small area of ​​irritation may look like a red spot or dark.

  • Depilation using special creams.

Depilation is carried out by applying a special cream to areas of the skin, which in the process injures the hairs and causes destruction of their structure, after which they break and fall out. However, such a negative effect in some cases can affect the skin itself, which can result in allergic reactions.

  • Excessively frequent wearing of underwear made of synthetic material and clothes that are too tight to the body.

The already weak ventilation in the axillary areas is disrupted, the skin constantly becomes dry, begins to itch, and redness appears. When using deodorants, the situation only gets worse, which provokes irritation. As a result, after some time the armpit turns red, and later one solid pink halo appears on it, which then begins to darken.

  • Poor quality razor.

There are special razors for women with smoothly angled blades, unlike men's razors. That is why a woman should have just such a machine and should not use a man’s machine. The hair in the armpits grows in a completely different way, not the way it usually grows on men's faces. They grow at a different angle and have a different structure. Therefore, in some cases, it is quite enough to change the razor and the problem with the appearance of stains in this area disappears.

  • Heavy sweating.

People who suffer from excess weight or diabetes sweat more and more often than a healthy person. Therefore, due to the delicate skin, moisture provokes irritation, resulting in red spots under the arms. After this, the skin constantly itches, which causes even greater irritation, which can penetrate into the very depths of the skin.

Sometimes the causes of spots in the armpits may be some malfunctions in the body:

  • Acanthokeratoderma

This is a genetic type of disease that can occur in the early stages of diabetes. Due to excess insulin levels, abnormal cell growth begins. Dark-skinned people have much more melatonin in their bodies; as a result, dark spots appear on the skin in the ears, armpits and elbows, which may be darker than the base color of the skin.

  • Obesity

Obesity may not always be the result of overeating. If the endocrine system is disrupted, a person begins to rapidly gain weight. At the same time, pigmentation changes in some areas of the skin, including the armpits.

  • Pregnancy

During pregnancy, the female body experiences real hormonal surges. Therefore, this can often provoke a sharp weight gain, the appearance of stretch marks, and changes in pigmentation, including in the armpit areas. Most often, this problem disappears on its own after the birth of the child.

Methods for eliminating the defect

If strange pigment spots appear in the armpit area, you can use the following means to eliminate them:

  • Vegetables and fruits contain many acids that have the properties of exfoliating and whitening dead skin layers. To whiten the armpit area, you need a small piece of lemon, which must be applied to the armpit with the pulp. After five minutes, wipe with a dry towel and then apply a rich cream. The procedure will need to be repeated three to four times a day.
  • A mixture of a glass of sugar and three tablespoons of olive oil will help exfoliate the armpit area of ​​dead cells. It is enough to apply to the skin and rub in for about two to three minutes, after which the scrub can be washed off in the shower. The procedure must be repeated twice a week.
  • Coconut oil is considered an effective natural antiperspirant. It restores the functioning of the sebaceous glands, which prevents excessive sweating. Coconut oil will moisturize the skin as it contains a lot of vitamin E. After a month of regular use, the skin will lighten.
  • Another effective bleaching agent is milk. A milk mask works well to eliminate dark spots in the armpits. To do this, you will need to prepare a mixture of cottage cheese, milk and flour. After thoroughly mixing until smooth, apply the resulting mass to the armpits and leave for ten, maximum twenty minutes. Then the mask will need to be washed off with water, and then wipe the armpits with milk. After two weeks of this procedure, the spots will completely disappear and stop appearing.
  • If a person suffers from a high level of sweating, then a regular chamomile decoction will help him overcome this problem. To prepare it, you will need one tablespoon of chamomile, which should then be poured with a glass of boiling water. The broth should infuse for about twenty minutes, then add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to it and wipe the armpits with the resulting liquid. The procedure will need to be repeated three to four times a day.
  • A decoction of St. John's wort is also a good remedy for skin irritation. To do this, you will need two teaspoons of St. John's wort, which will need to be poured with boiling water (200 ml). The decoction needs to sit for about fifteen to twenty minutes, then wipe the irritated areas at least three times a day. This remedy is also suitable if your armpit itches for a long time. This often happens as a result of constant and long-term carrying of objects under the arm.
  • As a remedy that can control sweating on hot summer days, you can use an infusion of oak bark. It will have a viscous effect on the skin and also stabilize the functions of the sweat glands.
  • As a preventive measure against irritation, you can wipe your armpits with a solution based on sea salt (2 tablespoons per 0.5 liters of water). Before wiping, the solution should be filtered through several layers of gauze.

Dark spots under the arms bother not only women, but also men. For many, this problem seems only aesthetic, but there is also a medical side to this issue. Especially if, along with pigmentation, itching, flaking and other symptoms appear that affect the quality of everyday life. It is important to remember that these may indicate serious health problems that need to be treated.


The first thing you need to understand is that when dark spots appear on your skin, you don’t need to panic. Most often, this is just an individual reaction of the body to exposure to sunlight. White skin is very susceptible to ultraviolet radiation. That is why the most common cause of such spots is sunburn that a person has suffered in the past. However, such pigmentation is more typically located on the face and shoulders.

In addition to exposure to ultraviolet radiation, there are several reasons for the appearance of dark spots under the arms, namely:

  1. Age-related changes.
  2. Endocrine disorders.
  3. Fungal infection.
  4. Liver diseases.
  5. Acne.
  6. Individual intolerance to cosmetics.
  7. Incorrect depilation.

According to statistics, the cause most often lies in fungal diseases and hormonal disorders (especially during puberty and pregnancy).

Age-related changes

The appearance of dark brown spots on various parts of the skin may indicate age-related pigmentation. Most often, this manifestation is observed in people over forty years of age. And it only indicates excess accumulation of melanin.

Experts believe that the cause of this excess is age-related hormonal imbalance, which leads to defects in melanin synthesis in the skin. This explains the frequent appearance of such spots in women during menopause. There is also a theory that age spots occur due to excessive exposure to the sun. It is worth noting here that in most cases, dark spots under the arms and between the legs that appear as a result of aging are completely harmless and cause only aesthetic discomfort.

Endocrine disorders

If there is excess insulin in the body, a pathology such as acanthokeratoderma may occur. This is a pigmentation disorder, which is manifested by the appearance of dark spots that protrude slightly above the skin.

Most often, this disease precedes the development of diabetes mellitus. Overweight people are also prone to acanthokeratoderma. This is due to the fact that, as with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, such people have excess insulin. Dark spots with this pathology are characterized by complete disappearance after treatment of the underlying disease.

Another endocrine disorder that can lead to dark spots is Addison's disease, which is a deficiency of the adrenal cortex. In particular, the synthesis of cortisol is disrupted. This indirectly leads to disruption of melanin distribution. In addition to the appearance of dark spots under the armpits and in the groin in men, a change in the color of the nipples is characteristic.

Fungal infections

A very common cause of dark spots appearing in the groin, under the arms and between the legs. Most often it lies in the following diseases:

  1. Erythrasma;
  2. Inguinal athlete's foot;
  3. Rubromycosis;
  4. Candidiasis.

If you look at the statistics, the first two diseases are most often diagnosed; candidiasis and rubromycosis are usually localized in the area of ​​large folds. However, all of these diseases can provoke the appearance of swelling in the armpits, which may be accompanied by peeling, itching, swelling and hypermia.

Liver diseases

With a disease such as hemochromatosis, dark spots may also appear in the area of ​​the inguinal folds and armpits. In addition to liver damage, there is disruption of the heart and endocrine system, which is why it is so important to seek help from a specialist. There is also a popular name “liver spots”, which speaks for itself.


Acne is an inflammatory skin disease that occurs against the background of changes occurring in the skin. Most often, teenagers suffer from this problem. With growing up, spots of this nature disappear.

It is worth noting that one of the main causes of acne is a violation of the synthesis of sex hormones. That is why manifestations in the form of acne are more typical for young boys and girls who are in puberty. Problems with this disease are dealt with by a dermatologist, who should be contacted if a similar problem arises.

Dark spots under the arms photo

There are several rules that help avoid the appearance of additional dark spots, and also help you cope with existing manifestations:

  1. Correct selection of cosmetics. All deodorants and shower gels should not cause redness or discomfort.
  2. Regular removal of dead skin cells.
  3. Be careful when choosing a depilatory product.

When a symptom such as darkening of the skin appears, it is extremely important to determine what caused it. In the event that there are no physiological factors, it is important to seek help from specialists.

There are many remedies to help get rid of dark spots under the arms. But before we begin this task, let's try to understand the causes of darkening of the skin.

The skin of your armpits also requires care.

Causes of dark spots under the arms

The formation of dark spots under the arms can be caused by various factors. The most common reasons are changes in hormonal levels (usually during pregnancy and after childbirth), as well as age-related changes in the body.

But in addition to the main reasons, the appearance of dark spots under the arms is also associated with the following factors:

Dark spots also appear under the arms due to a combination of several factors. The case is not uncommon, due to the sensitivity of the skin of the axillary part. Darkening of the skin may have shades of yellow, brown or gray.

To prevent dark spots from appearing under the arms...

In order not to return again and again to the question of how to whiten the skin of the armpits, let us familiarize ourselves with the rules for caring for the skin of the body, including its sensitive areas:

If dark spots appear under the armpits due to hormonal imbalance, you will have to contact a specialist. The recommendation does not apply to armpit pigmentation in pregnant women. It goes away 1-2 months after the birth of the child.

How to bleach underarm skin at home

There are a huge number of ways to do this. In addition to folk remedies, you can use armpit whitening cream. The product is designed for body sensitivity in intimate areas and under the arms. You can remove dark spots with its help within 3-4 weeks, according to the indications for use.

Of the entire range of whitening creams, it is advisable to give preference to products that contain alpha-arbutin or kojic acid. While absolutely harmless to health, these components have the highest efficiency.

To lighten the skin, you can purchase an industrial cream

If such a remedy is not suitable for any reason, there are a number of folk methods that help get rid of pigmentation in the armpit area. They are designed for any wallet and are accessible to everyone:

  • lemon;
  • White clay;
  • cucumber;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

Let's take a closer look at each of these methods to find out how to remove dark spots under the arms.

Using lemon juice

Lemon juice can help remove dark spots under the arms. Its lightening properties have been known since ancient times. Whitening your armpits with lemon is easy: you just need to cut a piece of lemon and rub the spots. After a few minutes, the juice should be washed off.

The secret of lemon juice is that by removing dead cells, it whitens dark spots. But this product is only suitable for oily skin, as it has a side effect in the form of drying it out. To avoid this, you can prepare a paste of lemon juice and yogurt, turmeric or honey. After applying the compress to the area of ​​dark spots under the arms, leave the compress for 10 minutes, then rinse off and apply a moisturizer.

Using the properties of white clay

Dark spots under the arms also do not tolerate the action of kaolin contained in white clay on the skin. It is used in the form of masks. Frequency of use: 3 times a week. The usual recipe for making a mask is to dilute the clay with water to the consistency of sour cream.

You can improve the whitening properties of this product by using milk or parsley juice instead of water. Kefir, lemon or cucumber extract are also useful. These folk remedies will help not only get rid of dark spots under the arms, but also prevent their reappearance.

Lighten stains with hydrogen peroxide

There is an easy way to get rid of dark armpits using hydrogen peroxide. To do this, peroxide is diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. After moistening a cotton swab in the solution, wipe the dark spots. The procedure will require patience - it must be completed for at least half an hour. Repeat twice a week.

Using hydrogen peroxide can successfully whiten the skin of your armpits

The remaining peroxide is washed off with water. After this, apply a moisturizing body cream.

Attention! Hydrogen peroxide and lemon should not be used on skin with moles or any damage, including dermatological diseases.

Whiten armpits with cucumber

Cucumber is considered an effective folk remedy against armpit spots. Application is extremely simple: you need to wipe off the discoloration with a fresh cut. You can purchase one of the cucumber extracts available for sale in chain beauty stores or pharmacies. Enhance its effect with a few drops of lemon juice. This is an excellent remedy to lighten the skin of darkened armpits.

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