The child presses a sharp pain on the bladder. Because of what the child puts on the bladder

If the doctor writes "35 weeks, pelvic preview," this means that the childbirth will be impossible. Learn how the fetus should be located at the 35 week of pregnancy.

The day of childbirth is gradually approaching, on your calendar already thirty-fifth week! About a month, and a small miracle will appear. During this period, the future mother may experience discomfort from pain in the lower back and squeezing the chest. The belly is growing, and the baby inside you develops and adds in weight. Breckstone Hicks are becoming increasingly persistent.

On this time it is very important how the kid is located in the uterus. If "35 week of pregnancy, pelvic presence" is written in your card, then this is, of course, not a reason for concern. But you need to prepare for the fact that, most likely, you will have to resort to Cesarean cross section. The child is already very large, and rare cases when it is capable of turning over on this date. And the natural parents in a pelvic prevention, that is, when the baby "sits" in the tummy on the pope, and his legs are below, are very dangerous for both mom and baby.

The fetus at the 35 week of pregnancy continues to postpone fat fiber. The shoulders of the kid are rounded and become soft. Hair cover, which enveloped the child's body, the so-called lano, almost disappears by this time. The approximate weight of the fetus is 35 weeks of two and a half kilograms, and growth is approaching forty centimeters.

Magnarous at night cope with insomnia. The fruit presses on the bladder, and the future mother has to run to the toilet several times overnight.

Yes, and the child feels not as comfortable as before: the places in the uterus for maneuvers remains less and less. The jolts of the baby are accompanied by the appearance of tubercles on the stomach, and now Mom can not only feel, but also see how the fruit is shoved. Try to get enough sleep, gain strength and limit yourself in food. Otherwise, there will be much more difficult to get rid of problems with overweight after pregnancy.

At 35 weeks it is necessary to prepare for childbirth, collect all the necessary documents and things, decide on the hospital. In general, be alert!

It is not known when the contractions begin, and you will have to go to the hospital.

There are no cases when childbirth happens not exactly for a fortieth week, but at the time preceding it. And this is also the norm, so you should not worry much about this.

Fru5 for 35 weeks of pregnancy

This week is the final stage of the penultimate, 8 months of pregnancy. Now the future mother should understand that childbirth can happen in any of the subsequent weeks and with each of them they are becoming more likely. It is very important that the woman is now well and in a timely manifold, providing a baby to all of him necessary and giving him enough forces for a very difficult event that he will have to. Otherwise, the child may be on the light weakened, painful, he will lag behind his peers in growth and development.

If you do not know yet, in which maternity hospital you will give birth, 35 weeks of pregnancy is the time to take care of the choice of this institution. Perhaps you have any complications or other features of the course of pregnancy, in connection with which you need some special maternity hospital specializing in these issues. In order to solve this issue, consult with your supervisory doctor in women's consultation.

Prepare a special bag with which you will go to the maternity hospital. Let it stand in a strictly allotted place, so that you don't have to run around the house in a panic and looking for things and documents. By the way, the documents should be their own special dad, which should be constantly under you. While you still have time, you can think about and slowly collect everything you need.

Fruit at 35 pregnancy week - development

Now your baby goes another stage of its development: this week or a little later, his head will fall into your small pelvis and it will immediately facilitate your well-being. It will be easier for you to breathe and stop persecuting the constant pain under the ribs. On the other hand, it will again cause a rapid, including night urination. After all, now the child begins to put pressure on the bladder. However, it must be said that there are cases when the kid does not go down to the birth, this is also one of the varieties of the norm.

In general, all its systems and organs have already received sufficient development and are quite prepared for independent work. At the same time, they still have the opportunity to improve, which occurs in this final period of pregnancy. Weighs the fetus at 35 week of pregnancy about 2.8 kg, and its growth reaches 47 cm or even a little more.

It continues to form and postpone the layer of subcutaneous fatty tissue, so the handles, legs, knees, shoulders - all this becomes softer, rounded and covered with touching stems. Many children have a rainbow eye sheath now has a blue color, and she will acquire her natural shade after delivery. But there are also such kids who appear on the light with the already designated genetically laid eyes.

Due to the further set of adipose tissue, the leather continues to be smoothed, the remains of the lano covered it are disappeared. The face of the baby is already very much like the faces of his parents, the skin of the feet and palms is covered with dactyloscopic patterns. Every week your baby is now gaining from 200 grams.

The nails of the baby have already reached the length when he may well scratch himself. After all, in the uterus, he is very close and crossed handles, now and then turn out to be pressed to the chest, or even to the face of your crumbs. At the same time, he has not yet purchased the necessary care of movements, so there is nothing surprising that sometimes newborns are here, then there you can notice shallow scratches. Do not worry, this is quite a normal phenomenon, after birth, the baby will immediately wear special mittens, so it does not scratch himself.

Other articles on this topic:

37 weeks

State of the Future Mom
If you do not have the first pregnancy, then somewhere on 37-38 weeks you will feel some relief related to the fact that the baby's head falls below, to the pelvis area, and the pressure on the internal organs weakens are harbingers of childbirth.

It becomes easier for you to breathe and eat. But the uterus presses even stronger on the bladder, and it comes to emptying quite often. At 37 week, the mucous plug can be moved - the separation of mucus with blood, and the fightstone hicks are enhanced.

At this time, you may have a sense of a kind of shooting pain in the legs and the crotch - this is due to the fact that the fruit, dropping into the lower part of the pelvis, presses on the nerves, ligaments and muscles.

The baby continues to grow and his legs are increasingly resting in your breast. From this there is a feeling of some gravity in the chest area, so try not to sit and stand for a long time in one pose.

You probably have already wondered how to feed the baby: chest or with a mixture. Of course, natural feeding is considered to be the most useful. Now there are a lot of information on how to properly establish breastfeeding and apply a child to the chest, therefore, while there is time, the future mother should be familiar with such literature.

Mine gain in weight this week is 11-12 kg. Since the next week there may be an increase in weight, and this means that the time will come soon.

You are lately you do that you think the days before childbirth. Attend a doctor once a week. And most likely, very tired. This is understandable - the term is no longer small, and excitement every day everyone is added: when everything is started, as delivery will be held. Try not to panic, relax. From this you can not get anywhere, everything should be good.

Revengeous women and those that carry more than one fetus can give birth this week.

State condition
Now the child is fully developed and is ready for the long-awaited appearance. But he while is in the womb and continues to grow, develop, gain strength. The process of accumulation of fat is still underway - it is postponed at a speed of up to 14-30 grams per day.
Only now the myelin layer of some neurons of the brain begins to form, which continues its formation after birth. This nerves surround themselves with a protective shell. From these brain changes will depend on the coordination of the movements of the kid, which over time becomes better and better.

In the lungs, the crumbs continues to produce a surfactant. The bodies continue to be improved.

Molds and ear cartilage are becoming mature. Many kids by 37 weeks of pregnancy grow luxurious tever. And some hair is missing at all.

The formation of the sexual system ends. The baby has a pretty good intestinal peristalistic. The intestinal mucosa is covered with tiny vile, and this suggests that the gastrointestinal tract is almost ready for independent food. Reflex sucking is actively developing. At this stage, the maximum is the amount of protective primary lubrication. The child constantly trains the lungs, performing breathing exercises.

The fact that during pregnancy in the body of a woman occur a variety of changes - the absolute norm and even the need. After all, now its main task is to create the most favorable conditions for the baby to wear, so that it is in time and as best as possible. In addition, in the body of the future mother there are changes associated with the growth of the fetus. For example, the child increasing in the amount puts mom on the bladder, often by having delivering her a lot of inconvenience. By the way, let's talk about it more specifically.

A little anatomy

The bladder can be called a bag. It is very elastic and contains smooth muscles. Simple words, the bladder is a tank where it is going. From the bubble urine is derived from the urethra. This becomes possible thanks to special muscles, called sphincters that are functionally connected with the muscles of the bladder. When the muscles of the bladder begin to decline involuntarily, and the sphincters relax, urine is displayed out. Together with her, the body leaves the metabolic products.

Changes bladder during pregnancy

In addition, during pregnancy, a woman occurs changes and other organs relating to the urinary system. This, in particular, the kidneys and ureters.

Oh, this cystitis ...

Separately, I would like to talk about such an unpleasant phenomenon as inflammation of the bladder. This is a disease. It is characterized by strong pain and thumbs during urination, after which there is often a sense of incomplete emptying of the bladder. A woman suffering from cystitis feels frequent urge to urination, but by going to the toilet, understands that this is a false challenge.

As a rule, cystitis bacteria. In addition, the inflammation of the bladder is possible as a result of damage to its inner shell. As an "aggressor" can perform acute uricat, chemicals, as well as as a result of medical manipulations, thermal and chemical burns. During pregnancy, cystitis can be both chronic and sharp, that is, which arose for the first time. If you do not take the necessary measures, inflammation can climb up, hit ureters and kidneys, thereby creating a real threat to life as a fetus and a woman who is carrying it.

For the treatment of cystitis during pregnancy, some measures must be observed. For example, the woman will register peace (not just sex, and with a complete ban to move around the apartment). The next step is a special diet and the reception of drugs (services, antispasmodics and, in particularly severe cases, antibiotics). Pregnant women need to be very closely treating their health, because in the early stages the disease can be defeated with the help of grandmother's recipes: warm bathroom, and brushing plants and so on. It is very important to protect yourself from supercooling so as not to provoke the occurrence and development of the disease. Do not forget that during pregnancy, not every medication is shown to a woman, because it can adversely affect the child's health state. For example, during pregnancy, sulfanylamide drugs or tetracycles cannot be taken. Therefore, it is very important not to engage in self-treatment, but to contact a competent specialist, which will have qualified assistance in a short time.

Especially for - Elena Kichak

Communicate here:

A variety of changes that proceed in the body of pregnant women are vital for the kid. This is because the body creates conditions for the birth of a healthy child, and in consequences and its development. In each trimester, the child develops in its own way, and the body changes in accordance with the needs of the baby, but the most basic changes for the female organism occur with the growth of the fetus. All the relatives of the lying organs begin to move or experience very strong pressure. One of these urinary bubble organs. This body performs the function of the urine collection to collect it in the future to bring it out.

The reasons why bladder hurts:

1. The growth of the uterus and its pressure on the bladder.

2. Hormonal changes may also cause.

3. In the last months of pregnancy, the jolts of the baby can cause periodic pain in the bladder.

4. Overflowing bladder can cause pain. It may be a stupid pain that passes after the withdrawal of urine. During pregnancy, it is impossible to allow overflows, as it is very often the cause of cystitis.

5. Cystitis is considered the main and most common cause of the appearance of pain in the urinary area. This pathology arises for many reasons, but usually this is due to bacteria that can be identified using a special analysis of urine (bacterial sowing). It may also appear along with other pathologies of the urinary system. Possessing the Creative Factors is the sharp food, spice use and other food irritating stomach. The symptoms of cystitis are manifested: in the pain in the bladder, pain at the end of urination and constant urge to the toilet with empty urinary.

6. Cystalgia. The neurotic state in which all symptoms of cystitis occur, but analyzes of this pathology do not detect.

Diagnosis and treatment.

The diagnosis of diseases associated with pain in the bladder are various urine tests:

General urine analysis.
Urine analysis in Nechiphenko.
Bacterial sowing urine.

These analyzes detect, there is inflammation in the bladder or not. The high content of leukocytes confirms that the inflammatory process occurs in the bladder. The combination of high leukocytes and erythrocytes is a sign of urolithiasis.

The doctor can also hold an ultrasound kidneys for a complete picture of the disease.

If no deviations are revealed, they usually make a diagnosis of cystalgia, which is engaged in a neurologist. With a detected cystitis, the doctor may advise drinking various frost, which will not harm the development of the baby, for example, cranberry morse. A canofron is usually assigned from drugs, which is permitted during pregnancy and based on herbs. With serious cases of inflammation, antibiotics are prescribed based on analysis on bacterial sowing, which helps to identify the most suitable antibiotics.

Prevention with pain in the bladder:

1. Do not allow the bladder overflow.
2. Close underwear very often becomes an additional factor for cystitis.
3. Avoid hypothermia.
4. Monitor meals.
The main thing is that a woman should make with the appearances of pain in the bladder, determine the permanent pains or periodic, and are not accompanied by additional symptoms. If there are additional symptoms to consult a doctor for diagnosis and, if necessary, begin treatment.

Material prepared specifically for the site

By the end of the pregnancy, most women get tired of their big abdomen and associated inconvenience. As the deadline approaches you can cover a sense of impatience and alarming expectation. Below are the features indicating the approach of childbirth.
Lowering a child. At some point you may notice that the child in your stomach dropped. This phenomenon is called lowering or relief. The lowering of the child at primible women occurs between two to four weeks before the expected date of delivery, and in women who are not the first child, the lowering can occur only after the start of birth. The change in the position of the child leads to a decrease in pressure on the diaphragm, and it becomes easier for you to breathe. In addition, the pressure on the stomach is weakened, as a result of which the heartburn disappears. But now the child presses on the pelvis organs and especially on the bladder.
Pain in the lower back. This is not the usual pain of tired muscles that you felt during pregnancy. These new sensations are the result of not only the pressure of the child, but also stretching the sacratling and iliac articulation - as the child becomes harder and falls below.
Frequent urination and defecation. Now that the child puts on the bladder, the urinary calls will occur more often. Hormones of labor affect the intestines, which leads to a kind of prophylactic purification; Some women even observe spasms and diarrhea. If at night you almost do not sleep, and all the time run to the toilet, try apply the next tool. Before you go to bed, become on all fours and forty times. Raising the pelvis, as a result of which the child is slightly raised and the pressure on the bladder will weaken. Then, without straightening and not getting up, immediately go on the side and try to fall asleep. This reception will provide you with an extra hour or another sleep before you have to get up and go to the toilet.
Cramps and swelling. Spasms similar to menstrual, serve as a reminder that the child sank into the pelvis area. In addition, the child's head squeezes the nerve fibers passing through the pelvis and blood vessels, which can lead to the worships of the hips, as well as swelling of the legs. In frequent convulsions, a convulsive muscle should be stretched. Instead of jumping and walking, pull the leg on the cool floor. If you have to sit a lot, put a bench under one leg and change the position of the legs from time to time. Periodically, you should get up, squeeze and walk a little.
Flash activity. One fine moment on the change of the usual fatigue and apathy of the last weeks of birth can come to remove, wash and re-decorate the whole house, as if a very important person should come to visit. This is a normal instinct of the "nest arrangement", and similar classes will help dispel the boredom of the last weeks, which stretch infinitely. Just do not overdo it. Severate forces for the most important event. Tired woman is not ready for the beginning of childbirth.
Strengthening the discharge from the vagina. You can notice the more abundant allocations of milky white or pinkish color. They differ from the bloody discharges described below.
Another schedule for experienced mothers
During the first vaginal delivery from the moment you feel the pressure of the child's head on the crotch, it takes half an hour or even more. Then another effort for the shoulders, and the whole body of the child is born quite easily. After a second or third childbirth from the teething of the head to the birth of a child, very little time passes. If the guinea does not lie on a soft surface, a doctor or midwife should be very attentive to catch a slippery baby.
All these signs indicate the approach of childbirth, but do not allow to determine when this happens. At some women, these signs are present for several weeks, others notice them a few days before the start of childbirth. Some do not notice anything at all. The appearance and intensity of these signs may differ in each new pregnancy. Nevertheless, none of them gives an answer to the question when a child is born. However, in addition to them, there are other signs of giving birth, which are more accurate indicators of the time of this event.
When calling a doctor
When to make this long-awaited phone call depends on the situation, but on the ninth month during one of the planned visits to the doctor should ask him the question: "When should I call you?" Perhaps in your case you need to call the doctor earlier than the majority of the fever do. If this is your fourth child, and previous births were quick, you need to call before. It is clear that when anxious signs appear (see below, "if the childbirth is delayed") should immediately cause a doctor. If this is your first child and the first fight, and if nothing is unusual happened to you, and there is no reason for alarms, let the doctor sleep until the morning - even if you do not fall asleep yourself. Doubts are interpreted in favor of the call - you paid for this privilege. You do not need to apologize for a false alarm.
It is very important to be attentive and take responsibility for your own health. Call a doctor and let me know what happens to you. If everything is fine and there are no disturbing symptoms or problems, you must say about the following: "Waters moved to eleven in the evening. The fluid is transparent, and the movement of the child is normal. I am tired and a rest at home until the fight will not be strengthened. Nothing, if I call you at night - if the process becomes rapid or alarming signs will appear? (The doctor can remind you to pay attention to.) Otherwise, I will call at eight in the morning, and we will make a new plan if you consider it necessary. " If you show responsibility and express your preferences, the doctor is more likely to listen to your wishes and will make decisions on the basis of your interests, and not from fear of prosecution.
Before taking a phone tube, make a table of contractions (see further "Sample Fight Table") - a doctor will need this information to prompt you when you should go to the hospital or maternity center. Departure time from the house is a very important point. If you do it too early, then lose the comfort of a familiar setting, which can lead to tightening of labor. If you pull too long, you will have to ride in the whole spirit that is not included in your plan of childbirth. If the doctor did not give special instructions on this score, the original women should go to the hospital or the maternity center when the fights become strong, and the interval between them will decrease to 5 minutes (see section "When to go to the hospital"). If you are not the first to have these birth, it is wiser to go out of the house a little earlier. Upon arrival at the site, the nurse or midwife will examine you, and then call the doctor.
Previous fights. As the date of delivery approaches, the nature of the abbreviations of Brexton Hicks changes (see more detail). From just unpleasant they can turn into painful - especially at the bottom of the abdomen. In addition, they may be more frequent. Passionate expectation of the beginning of childbirth can lead to the fact that you will quit the phone to please inform the doctor: "It began!" We advise before calling, understanding the differences between the premium and generic battles. Many women describe their feelings like this: as if inside the belly they delay the belt, then they let go and tighten again. These reductions can be strengthened, it is weakened within two weeks before the start of delivery, and ultimately they go into real contractions. Use pre-soda contractions to train relaxation techniques to find out which of them bring relief. You may find that it is still strain.
Bloody issues. As the child's head is lowered, the shape of the lower part of the uterus changes with a cone-shaped into a cup-shaped. Previous contractions lead to relaxation and thinning of the cervix - this process is called erasing. There is something. Imagine that you push the ball for baseball or grapefruit through the mouth of the sweater. Please note that as the ball moves the fabric becomes thinner (or erased). The same happens with the cervical cervical. As a result, the mucosa plug, which closed the cervix softened, and the woman notices the selection of mixed with blood mucus (see Next Table. "Brief description of childbirth"). These bleeding indicate that the child has already moved down and childbirth will soon begin. The color of the selection may vary from pale pink to red-brown; Blood flows out of tiny blood vessels that burst when erasing the cervix. The amount of blood can also be different - from several drops to a teaspoon. The consistency of the mucus can be from the tight and adhesive.
In some women, the entire plug leaves immediately, and the others it is slowly dissolved by the usual vaginal mucus. Sometimes she stays on the glove of the doctor after a vaginal inspection, and you can never see it. Usually, after the waste of the mucous plug, no more than three days remains before delivery. However, some women hold a week or even two.
Running a fruit bubble. The most faithful sign of the approaching childbirth is the rupture of the fruit bubble. Only one of the ten pregnant women fell a bubble breaks before the start of childbirth. For most future mothers, this does not happen until the moment of childbirth will not go far enough or until the doctor is a bubble bubble (see your actions when breaking the fruit bubble. Next "What to do if water has moved"). If, at the time of the rupture of the fetal shells, the birth has already begun, we should expect a sharp increase in the bouts. After the mitigating layer of water disappears, the child's head acts as a wedge, expanding the cervix. Now the presence of a child is really felt.
Non-damped shells protect both mother and baby. They prevent infection to the fetus in the first, slow stage of childbirth. In addition, the fluid weakens the pressure of the child's head in the first clock of the cutting of the uterus and helps to more evenly distribute the pressure during the opening of the cervix. Studies have shown that the spontaneous rupture of the fetal shells during disclosure from 2 to 4 centimeters stimulates and speeds up the process of childbirth. Sometimes the rupture of the fruit bubble occurs in a dream - the woman sleeps and does not know that the childbirth has already begun, while there are no strong contractions suddenly. In other cases, the contractions begin only a few hours after the waste of water (or do not begin at all).
Note Martha.Farworous women began the fights can be scared. You never experienced such sensations in life, and, moreover, childbirth rarely pass as you rehearsed on courses. When I gave birth to my first child, the first sign of the approaching childbirth was the waste of water - at three in the morning after visiting the toilet. After about ten minutes, the contractions collapsed. They were not weak and gradually intensified, as written in the books. Fights quickly moved to the active stage of childbirth. Probably, it all started earlier - when I slept. Without having any experience, I considered these fights weak and thought I could not stand when they enhanced, but it did not happen. Since then, I tell women who are engaged in me on the courses that if you have no problems, and the fights have become so strong that you can hardly withstand them, it means that the pain reached a peak. Your body knows its capabilities. Those women who envy my rapid childbirth, I say: "Provide me slow classic childbirth!"
Previous * and generic contractions - how to distinguish them
Birth pains
Follow in a certain rhythm, they are becoming more regular, stronger, longer and more often.
Can be felt like strong menstrual contractions. Sometimes they are accompanied by pain in the lower back, which spreads to the bottom of the abdomen. There is a feeling of pressure inside the abdomen, spreading to the thighs.
Strengthen when walking.
Do not stop when you lie down or change the position.
Inspection shows softening and erasing of the cervix; The disclosure gradually increases.
Usually accompanied by discharges in the form of pinkish mucus
Previous fights
Irregular, do not become stronger, more often or longer.
May not cause unpleasant sensations or cause weak discomfort in the lower abdomen and in groin. The uterus becomes like a solid ball.
Do not enhance or disappear when walking.
Stop when you lie down or change the position. We become weaker or disappear when you take a bath or become under the shower.
Before the start of delivery, some disclosure and erasing of the cervix may be observed, but inspections do not reveal significant changes.
Usually not accompanied by bleeding; Sometimes only brownish mucus.
* We prefer the terms "generic" and "prenatal" contractions, and not "true" and "false". There is no "false" generic battles. Previous contractions (they are also called abbreviations of Brexstone Hicks), which can continue for several weeks, perform useful work: toning the uterus, adjust the position of the child, erase the neck of the uterus, help to prepare birth trips to the beginning of childbirth.
If you are not sure what kind of contractions you have, generic or prenatal, observe them for an hour. In general, if the bouts were six or more, each duration exceeded thirty seconds (see "An example of a tack of kits"), and the intensity was increased, the likelihood is that the childbirth has already begun.
Nevertheless, situations are often found quite often when a woman for two or even four hours feels regular contractions (with an interval of five to ten minutes), which are perceived as light discomfort (pulling in groin) and which then pass. Do not be upset because of this beginning of childbirth, which was for verification turned out to be a faithful fights. The better the cervix will prepare for childbirth, the less work will fall on its share during childbirth.
If you are worried about the progress of childbirth or you worry about yourself and for the child, contact your doctor or midwife, so that they appreciate the situation and confirmed that everything goes fine.
Language of birth
Each profession has its own professional jargon, and obstetrics are no exception. To help you understand people who will take your childbirth, we bring some terms that relate to you and the child and with whom you will most likely have to face.
The child falls into the pelvis area.
Describes the disclosure of the cervix, which either follows erasing (see below), or occurs simultaneously with it. A doctor or midwife measure disclosure in centimeters. At the very beginning, most of the greatest women, disclosure is 1 or 2 centimeters. "Ten centimeters of disclosure" means that the cervix revealed completely. From the point of view of the obstetrician-gynecologist, the beginning of the opening of the cervix means the beginning of childbirth.
The cervical neck becomes thinner, turning from a thick-walled cone into a thin-walled cup, which includes the pretext of the fetus (see below). A doctor or midwife as a result of inspection is evaluated by the degree of erasure. "Zero percent of erasing" means that the cervix has not yet started sinking. "Fifty percent of erasing" means that the process ended in half. "One hundred percent of erasing" means that the cervix is \u200b\u200bcompletely erased.
The prerequisite part of the fetus is at level 0 (see below). The phrase "the head of the child entered" means that she sank into the aperture of the pelvis.
The presets part of the fetus is above the aperture of the pelvis or at level - 4 (see below) and can easily climb up.
Total number of pregnancies
This term together with the term "quantity of labor" (see below) will meet you in the medical card. Recording G1 / P0 means that this pregnancy is your first. The recording G111 / P0 indicates that a pregnant woman had two miscarriages. Very often for women who give birth for the first time, the term "primary" is used.
The position of the child in the uterus is either a longitudinal (vertically relative to the pelvis, which is considered normal and most common), or transverse (horizontally relative to the pelvis, which is rare and is one of the testimony to Cesarean section).
Number of birth
How many times the woman gave birth.
Describes the position of the child's head in the master's pelvis. If the child's head has turned to pubic bones, they talk about the front position. If the head of the child turned to the sacrum, it is about the rear position.
Prepare part
The child partially turn to the cervix. In 96 percent cases, the child will turn head down, that is, is in the "occipient", or vertical preservation. In 3-4 percent cases, the child is in the "buttock" preview (buttocks or legs down). Very rarely, the child bent or folded in half in such a way that the shoulders are first lowered, or the head is thrown back - the so-called facial preview.
Stage of childbirth
There are three stages of childbirth. The first stage, or the disclosure of the cervix, begins when the contractions become regular, and ends with the full opening of the cervix. The second stage is associated with the passage of the child by generic paths; It begins after the full opening of the cervix, and ends with the birth of a child. This stage is real delivery. The third stage is the expulsion of the placenta.
How deeply the predicate part of the fetus fell into the pelvic pelvis. Level 0 corresponds to the middle of the pelvis, where the doctor proves the protrusions of the pelvic bones. Each centimeter is up or down from this position represents a certain level. Level 0 means that the wider part of the child's head entered the aperture of the pelvis. If you are told that the child is at the level of +4, it means that his whole head passed through the pelvis and you can see her.

The bladder is a special compartment in the human body in which urine is going. It falls there after processing the products of life in kidneys through ureters. These organs are associated with the activities of the gallbladder. Urine is excreted from the body due to the availability of sphincters and detrumers. In this article we will tell you about whether it is normal when the blade or bull is hurt during pregnancy, as well as the possibility of their removal.

This organ during pregnancy works quite intensively, because there is a frequent desire to attend the toilet even at night. This process with its frequent repetition delivers a certain discomfort to a woman. In some cases, they argue that it hurts quite strongly with a bubble.

It should be noted that the frequent removal of urine from the body is one of the main symptoms of pregnancy. There are several reasons for this. First of all, the amount of urine, which is produced in the body of a woman, noticeably increases. Also, the sphincter relaxes much more often due to the presence in the body of a large number of progesterone, hormone, which actively begins to be produced in the process of pregnancy. It should be noted that on the last time there is a large pressure not only on the urinary, but also on the bull. This is due to the fact that the uterus increases markedly in size.

In addition to observing a normal situation, various pathologies may arise, which are accompanied by clinically strong pains in the urinary and gallbladder area. That is why it is necessary to carefully refer to the state of their health, but to trace the character of pain, namely before or after urination, pain appears. Even the outcome of pregnancy can sometimes depend on the timely appeal to the doctor.

Why the bladder hurts during pregnancy

If you have severe pain in the urinary bubble area, it can be caused by a number of reasons. First of all, it should be excluded in the absence of infection or inflammation, which can affect the state of the gallbladder. After the survey, cystitis can be detected, as well as other neurotic conditions, such as cystalgia.

It should be noted that quite often pain after urination are observed due to hitting in the urican chopstick or streptococcus. The inflammatory process can be aggravated by the presence of stones in urinary. Also, in the presence of such diseases, sharp spices should not be eaten, especially if the full body is currently. Therefore, doctors advise a pregnant woman as often as possible to visit the toilet. If a bladder hurts during pregnancy, then most often a woman is diagnosed cystitis. This disease is very common and caused by some damage.

The bladder during pregnancy also begins to hurt in the case of cystalgia. This ailment is observed due to the wrong regulatory work of the bladder. At the same time, symptoms arise, which are completely similar to the presence of cystitis in the body of a woman. At the same time, urine analysis will help determine why it is specifically arising from this or that ailment.

It should also be noted that the usual overflow of the bladder can cause unpleasant sensations in the body of a woman. There may be observing pains that can be exacerbated after emptying the bladder. Doctors recommend not allowing such a situation, in which case cystitis or other urolithiasis will not be able to develop.

Symptoms and treatment of urinary bladder disease

First of all, the presence of diseases can be judged with a sharp pain when urinating. In this case, its intensity may be different. Some women record false calls for visiting the toilet, while there is a very small allocation of urine. After emptying, the feeling is not created that the process is communicated to the end and after a certain time the urge is repeated.

In order to put an accurate diagnosis, you should hand over the urine to the diagnosis of the general system and in Nechiphenko. If the number of leukocytes will be noticeably increased, this will indicate the presence of an infection. The state of red blood cells is also carefully studied. It should be noted that during cystalgia all these indicators remain normal.

It should be noted that cystitis is treated with a gynecologist, and for cystalgia you will need a mandatory consultation at the neurologist. These diseases can easily be eliminated with herbs, such as a lingonberry, brush, cranberries. Preparations are also used: Kanefron, 5-Nok. Only in particularly severe cases it is necessary to use antibiotics. During pregnancy, it is very important that this disease diagnose and treated a specialist, since self-treatment can only lead to a deterioration.

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