Facial photorejuvenation procedure: its result and effectiveness. Absolute medical contraindications. What results do home photo-rejuvenation devices provide?

Facial photorejuvenation is a fairly new cosmetic procedure that appeared in the arsenal of beauty salons approximately 5 years ago. It is used to combat age-related changes. The laser photorejuvenation process stimulates collagen synthesis and accelerates cell regeneration, due to which the skin retains its plasticity, produces a general rejuvenating effect and smoothes out the first wrinkles.

What is photorejuvenation?

Photorejuvenation is cutting-edge cosmetology process, which is intended for the skin of the face and some other areas. Despite this name, the procedure has nothing to do with the process of taking photos. Most often, this procedure is done for the face - partially or completely: forehead, cheeks, chin, nasolabial triangle.

The point of the procedure is that the face is irradiated with a special light, from which it becomes beautiful and young again. An intense stream of light affects the pigment, as if absorbing it. At your request, it is possible to rejuvenate the buttocks, bikini area, hands, abdomen, décolleté, neck and other places.

How does the session happen?

Before you begin your session, you will need to prepare for it.

Stages of the procedure.

  1. The patient is placed on the couch.
  2. Glasses and a blindfold are put on the eyes.
  3. A layer of gel is applied to the skin.
  4. Then the master makes flashes with a photo laser.
  5. Sometimes after the session the cosmetologist cools the skin to minimize its reaction.

Often before the procedure, many clients ask: “Does it hurt?” It should be noted that the sensations will depend on the pain threshold. Customer reviews say that the sensations are not painful, but not very pleasant. Especially when rejuvenation occurs in the area of ​​the nose and lips. Photo flashes can be felt even with your eyes closed through glasses. Moreover, a person may feel slightly blinded.

What processes occur in the skin during a session?

The process itself works in several directions. Light areas reflect light. At the same time, dark ones attract and quickly heat up. Pigment spots, freckles and other new growths attract a pulse of light. During the session deep heating of the dermis occurs, heat stimulates collagen formation. This is the essence of the deep rejuvenating effect.

Indications for a photorejuvenation session:

  • freckles;
  • pigment spots that have different origins;
  • rosacea or swollen vasculature;
  • spider veins;
  • redness in the area of ​​the cheeks and nose (during rosacea);
  • post-acne, acne and acne.

With phototherapy you can also:

  • increase tone;
  • significantly improve facial texture;
  • smooth out small wrinkles;
  • reduce skin pores.

The effect can be clearly seen by comparing the photos before and after the session.

Contraindications for the session:

  • self-tanning or weekly tanning (the session can be carried out only after a month);
  • dark body;
  • herpes at the acute stage;
  • dermatological diseases.

In addition to the above, the following contraindications are also relevant: lactation period, pregnancy, any blood diseases, oncology, increased bleeding, and so on.

Since the sun's activity is quite high in summer, It is advisable to conduct this session in spring, winter or autumn. It is best to choose the time so that the weather during this period is cloudy. If you perform photorejuvenation in the summer, the sun will most likely cause unwanted pigment spots to appear.

Facial photorejuvenation: before and after photos

Photorejuvenation: pros and cons

Advantages of photorejuvenation:

Disadvantages of photorejuvenation.

The negative effects of photorejuvenation are often explained by skin sensitivity. Reviews on the forum indicate that the disadvantages of the procedure usually appear on sensitive skin. Namely:

  • peeling.
  • discomfort.
  • redness of the treated area.
  • slight burning sensation.
  • swelling.

Most often, all these negative phenomena disappear within one week.

How many procedures need to be done?

The time required to perform one procedure on the face usually takes 6-11 minutes. The frequency of the session can be up to once a month. As a result of one procedure over the course of a month collagen is produced in the dermis. Photorejuvenation is determined by a doctor within a clearly defined period. The course of therapy consists of approximately 4-7 procedures. The visible result is noticeable in just one procedure.

The procedure for photorejuvenation at home has become available quite recently. This technique simply did not exist before. Today, in various specialized online stores, it is possible to order all kinds of photo-rejuvenating devices. They have exactly the same functions as laser machines found in almost every beauty salon. They differ only in size and power of light radiation. Home photorejuvenation devices are significantly smaller than their professional counterparts and have a very simple control system. Considering all these nuances, it is easy to understand that they are very safe, convenient and effective.

Photorejuvenation is practiced at home on almost every part of the body, with the exception of the area around the eyes, ears, scalp and groin area.

The effectiveness of photorejuvenation

The procedure helps get rid of sagging skin, wrinkles (thanks to flashes of light, accelerating and increasing the production of collagen, thickening and smoothing the skin), freckles or age spots (they begin to turn black and flake off after several procedures, and are replaced with fresh tissue that matches the color of the skin). the skin surrounding it), from the vascular network (vessels narrow under the influence of light and disappear from the skin surface), from acne (inflammations are dried with a laser, after which the production of sebum is reduced and all metabolic processes are accelerated. In this case, of course, the skin becomes healthier and disappearance of acne).

Who needs the procedure?

Photorejuvenation at home is usually performed by those whose skin has a light shade. Those with dark skin cannot benefit from laser rejuvenation because their skin contains too high a percentage of pigment. This will contribute to its strong attraction of radiation, just as freckles or age spots attract it.

The main thing to remember when carrying out the procedure at home is that each photorejuvenation device is different from any other. Therefore, you must always read the instructions that come with it very carefully. Familiarization with it is the key to the user’s health.

Sensitivity test

Before you try to use the device to its full potential, you must conduct a control test - the so-called sensitivity test. To do this, only one flash is made in the exact place where the rejuvenating procedures will be carried out. For testing, the power required for this section is selected. Exactly one day later, you need to assess the condition of your skin. The device is only suitable if the person who has tried it does not experience any peeling of the skin, redness, or tingling or burning sensation. If any of the above is still present, it is worth doing another test (in a neighboring area), but the power should be reduced. The next day it will be possible to accurately assess what and how.

How to do photorejuvenation yourself at home?

Photorejuvenation is performed exclusively on clean skin, and most importantly, dry skin. The instructions, of course, may say absolutely the opposite. In this case, you will have to purchase some kind of active gel. They are sold in beauty salons or in online stores.

Before starting the procedure, under no circumstances should you forget to use protective glasses. When treating leather, it is important not to overdo it. To avoid burns, only one flash should be made in one area.

After the procedure is over, it is necessary to apply a cream to the skin - quite oily and nourishing. Thanks to it, the protective skin barrier is restored in the shortest possible time. The next procedure should be carried out no less than 7-10 days later. But you shouldn’t use such a device more than once a week (even at home). Otherwise, you can get burns and increase skin dryness and sagging, as already, in principle, mentioned.

To obtain the desired result, you need to carry out a course of ten to twelve procedures, which will take about two to three months. The first effect will become noticeable in just a month. The final result can be seen within three months, and it is quite surprising.

If you have completed a whole course of photorejuvenation at home, then you need to take a short break. That is, the next course can be started at least three months after the first one ends.

Features of photorejuvenation

What else do you need to remember? During the photorejuvenation course, as well as for two weeks after its completion, you must be sure to protect yourself from direct sunlight, and also not visit bathhouses, saunas, or, especially, solariums. For the first two days after the session, it is imperative to refrain from any physical activity. The skin should under no circumstances be steamed during the week, and you should also avoid peeling - otherwise the skin will simply be damaged. As a rule, photorejuvenation is carried out either in winter or late autumn.

Benefits of home photorejuvenation

What are the benefits of home photorejuvenation?

  • Firstly, the procedure is performed at home; there is no need to waste time and money visiting a cosmetologist.
  • Secondly, the home appliance is less powerful, meaning there is virtually no risk of causing any harm to yourself.
  • Thirdly, it is savings. A specialist in a salon will require a cost for a course of photorejuvenation that will be almost equal to the cost of a home device, which, by the way, can be used a huge number of times.
  • Well, and, of course, the last “plus” is the accumulation effect. Once the course is completed, photorejuvenation continues to work for a person, because at this time all natural mechanisms of nutrition and skin renewal are launched.

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Modern beauty salons offer women a completely new cosmetic hardware procedure - facial photorejuvenation, which is highly effective with maximum safety. Everyone has heard about the numerous side effects and long rehabilitation period after the manipulations of cosmetologists in their offices, so not all women decide to take such measures to improve their appearance. But today all these fears should be left behind, since the skin rejuvenation procedure using light pulses can now help solve many problems.

What it is

Before deciding on facial skin photorejuvenation, you need to understand what it is and the mechanism of action of the procedure. This will help you overcome all doubts and not be afraid of side effects and all kinds of complications. The main actions are carried out using a special apparatus that emits light pulses. When they come into contact with the skin, they become catalysts for the following processes at the cellular level:

  1. Skin cells colored dark by melanin absorb the light emitted by the device, as a result of which the pigment is destroyed - this is how the face lightens from pigmentation.
  2. The light emitted by the device is able to penetrate the skin to a depth of 2-3 mm and activate the synthesis of fibers there, which gives the epidermis elasticity and youth.
  3. Additional oxygen saturation gives the face a pleasant, even, healthy, natural color.
  4. Beams of light actively push toxins out of cells.
  5. Bacteria are destroyed.
  6. Small capillary vessels disappear, large ones become less noticeable.

By influencing skin cells, the photorejuvenation cosmetic procedure gives it a new life without premature aging. If it is carried out in a good salon by an experienced master, the results usually exceed all expectations and force women to turn to this innovation again and again in the world of modern cosmetology.

Through the pages of history. The first devices for photorejuvenation appeared in 1993 in the West. They appeared in Russia only in 1998.


It is better to find out in advance what results you should expect after facial photorejuvenation, so that the effectiveness of the procedure does not disappoint. Cosmetologists promise:

  • whitening: for pigmentation, you will not find a better technique;
  • slowing down the aging process: smoothing out old wrinkles and preventing the formation of new ones, tightening and lifting, firmness and elasticity of the skin, getting rid of jowls and;
  • improvement of complexion;
  • since the cells are actively saturated with oxygen, photorejuvenation for rosacea is very useful: there are much fewer spider veins on the surface of the skin;
  • cleansing pores of toxins and other harmful substances and impurities;
  • inflammation (acne) becomes much less;
  • narrowing of pores.

Do not forget that the effect of facial photorejuvenation directly depends on the individual characteristics of the patient and the skill of the cosmetologist. In addition, the first results will not be visible immediately, but about a week after the procedure, since it only triggers certain mechanisms at the cellular level. An important role in this procedure is played by the fact how correctly the type of technique used was chosen.

Origin of name. IPL technology stands for Intense Pulsed Light.


Depending on which light sources are used in this procedure, as well as the type of apparatus used, several types of facial photorejuvenation are distinguished.

  • Laser

One of the most popular and effective techniques is laser photorejuvenation of the face, when the light source is a neodymium laser.

This type of facial photorejuvenation is a technique of using fairly intense light sources with a predetermined pulse. That is, the skin is exposed to frequent flashes of radiation of a given intensity.

  • Elos

Elos photorejuvenation is a technique that successfully combines electrical and photorejuvenation of the face, when the device emits light of electrical origin.

  • Collagen

Photorejuvenation using collagen lamps is the exposure of the skin to rays of light of a certain length. Their main task is to stimulate the synthesis of collagen fibers.

So, having decided on this procedure, be sure to check the price list in the salon, which should indicate the types of this procedure. Consult with a cosmetologist what exactly he will offer you depending on the problem that you want to solve with the help of facial photorejuvenation. There are plenty of indications for this procedure.

About the discoverers. Scientists Anderson and Parrish were the first to talk about photorejuvenation. This happened 10 years before the advent of IPL devices.


The following indications exist for facial photorejuvenation:

  • signs of skin aging: wrinkles, loss of skin firmness and elasticity, jowls, double chin;
  • against ;
  • oily skin type;
  • poor, unhealthy complexion;
  • rosacea;
  • from age spots;
  • contaminated pores;
  • Photorejuvenation is often prescribed for acne and post-acne, as this procedure normalizes metabolic processes in cells.

If you are faced with one of these problems and cannot solve it, it makes sense to sign up for facial photorejuvenation at a beauty salon. This procedure, in the absence of contraindications, helps to cope with most of them.


As with any other cosmetic procedure, facial photorejuvenation has its own contraindications, in which the specialist will not allow you to do it. These include:

  • open, not yet healed skin lesions: wounds, scratches, recently applied stitches;
  • dark complexion (4 or 5 phototypes);
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • cardiovascular, endocrine, pulmonary diseases in the acute stage;
  • varicose veins and impaired blood clotting;
  • eye diseases;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • oncology;
  • tan that has not left the skin;
  • photodermatosis;
  • decreased immunity;
  • taking photosensitizing drugs: beroxan, ammifurin, psoralen, psoberan, sulfonamides, griseofulvin, tetracycline antibiotics, antipsychotics;
  • exacerbation;
  • the presence in the body of inserts in the form of metal structures (prostheses, knitting needles);
  • severe form of hypertension;
  • feverish condition;
  • mental disorders;
  • presence of a pacemaker.

Particular attention should be paid to the fact that photorejuvenation during pregnancy is contraindicated, since the effect of light streams on the skin is quite intense and powerful. It is unknown how this may affect fetal development. If everything is fine with your health, you can begin to prepare for the long-awaited procedure.

Stages of the procedure

In order to be calm and not panic during hardware treatment of the skin, it makes sense to find out in advance how the photorejuvenation procedure goes, what the specialist does at one stage or another.

  1. Applying gel to the skin for cooling and good, unhindered conduction of impulses.
  2. Protection: the patient and the master wear dark glasses specially designed for this procedure.
  3. The device is applied to the skin, when you press a certain button on the device, a flash is produced, then it slowly moves to other areas of the face.
  4. Approximate time - from 15 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the area being treated.
  5. Completion: facial treatment with panthenol, which has a calming and wound-healing effect.

If a woman has a good idea of ​​what is happening to her skin at one stage or another, she will not worry in vain and ask the specialist unnecessary questions that will only distract him. In addition, she will be able to prepare for them as psychologically and physically as possible, which will affect the results and the rehabilitation period.

Rehabilitation period

Do you need any skin care after photorejuvenation? Cosmetologists give the following recommendations in this regard:

  1. During the week after photorejuvenation, the skin should be treated with particular care: avoid ultraviolet irradiation (i.e., do not sunbathe) and overheating (do not visit baths, saunas, solariums).
  2. It is not advisable to liberally use aggressive decorative cosmetics, especially powder, for two days. Alcohol-containing lotions can also harm the renewed epidermis.
  3. Some women are interested in whether it is possible to drink alcohol after photorejuvenation: it is highly not recommended, since it actively destroys cell membranes and makes the skin very dry, which has just suffered such severe stress. It is better to wait 5-6 days.
  4. Drink more water.
  5. Do not abuse smoking.

As a rule, in the absence of contraindications and the professionalism of the specialist who performed facial photorejuvenation, the rehabilitation period after the procedure is only a few hours. Yes, yes, exactly hours, and not days or weeks, as after other cosmetic surgeries. If you left the beauty salon during the day, then in the evening you will be able to go out into the world without fear of swelling and redness, since these are quite rare phenomena. If you still don’t trust hardware cosmetology or are simply afraid of side effects, you can try this procedure yourself.

At home

Device for photorejuvenation BlueMoon (Italy)

If you purchase a device for photorejuvenation at home, you can enjoy the effectiveness of this procedure without leaving your home. The advantages of this approach to business are obvious:

  • no need to waste time going to a beauty salon;
  • home appliances have less power, which means the risk of side effects and harm is minimal;
  • savings: a course of salon photorejuvenation is approximately equal in cost to purchasing a home device, whereas you will use it many times.

To ensure that facial photorejuvenation at home pleases and not disappoints, follow these recommendations:

  1. Read the instructions for the purchased device.
  2. Perform a sensitivity test. First, fire only one flash at minimum power on your wrist. Evaluate the result after a day. The device can be used if peeling, redness, burning or tingling sensation does not appear on the treated area.
  3. Carry out the procedure on previously cleansed, dry skin.
  4. Before starting, wear special safety glasses.
  5. Don't overdo the leather. One area of ​​the face - one flash, otherwise you can get burned.
  6. At the end of the procedure, it is applied to the face to restore the protective barrier of the skin.
  7. The next procedure can be carried out only after a week.

As you can see, the procedure is not complicated. Are you afraid of cosmetologists and beauty salons? Then be sure to purchase a similar device for personal use to transform your appearance. But, unfortunately, both home and salon photorejuvenation of the skin do not always end well: sometimes side effects and complications are possible due to violation of the rules of the procedure.


It is not always possible to avoid side effects and complications after this procedure. The main reason is non-compliance with contraindications or the lack of professionalism of the master. The following are the most common undesirable consequences of facial photorejuvenation, which can be encountered immediately after the procedure.

  • Swelling

The most common side effect is after photorejuvenation, which can last 2-3 days after the procedure. In this case, you don’t need to do anything, it should go away on its own (of course, if it’s minor and almost unnoticeable). If more than 3 days have passed and the swelling of the tissues does not subside or, on the contrary, even increases, you need to visit the salon you were in again. The specialist should explain to you the reason for this phenomenon and tell you how to remove swelling from the face after photorejuvenation in the shortest possible time. Effective methods include contrast compresses and lotions made from cosmetic ice and various medicinal herbs.

  • Hyperemia

Sometimes after photorejuvenation, unhealthy redness of the skin appears on the face, which is called. If it is minor and goes away within 2-3 days after the procedure, there is nothing to worry about. However, if the reddened area is painful and extensive, you should immediately consult a cosmetologist. Most often, hyperemia and swelling after photorejuvenation occur simultaneously.

  • Bruises

In rare cases, bruises remain on the skin after photorejuvenation: this means that the power of the light pulse was chosen incorrectly. Another reason for their appearance is taking certain medications for a month before the procedure. These include antibiotics, retinoids, aspirin and ibuprofen.

To relieve redness and get rid of bruises that appeared as side effects, you can use bleaching agents after photorejuvenation with the permission of the cosmetologist who performed the procedure. This could be professional cosmetics for the care of damaged skin, or it could be such well-known folk remedies as sour cream, cream, cucumber juice. One way or another, complications after this procedure occur only in 2% of cases, so you should not bypass it. Moreover, she has so many advantages.


  • minimal trauma (no scars);
  • short rehabilitation period;
  • high efficiency;
  • After the procedure, you can continue to lead your usual lifestyle;
  • painful sensations are eliminated;
  • gentle effect;
  • long-term result;
  • a large number of positive reviews from specialists and clients;
  • Suitable for any area of ​​the face.

An impressive list of indisputable advantages of photorejuvenation will dispel any doubts. But in order not to become a victim of bitter disappointment, be sure to study the possible disadvantages of this procedure.


With such an impressive list of advantages, the facial photorejuvenation procedure still has several disadvantages:

  • a large number of contraindications;
  • slight swelling and redness in the first 2 days after the procedure with a stated absence of a rehabilitation period;
  • feeling of discomfort in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle and nose during the procedure;
  • decorative cosmetics, which, as they say, can be applied immediately after photorejuvenation, still often cause prolonged hyperemia of the treated area;
  • Since several procedures are required, not everyone can afford it financially.

The largest number of questions about facial photorejuvenation arise either before the procedure, when a woman is overwhelmed by doubts about whether it’s worth it, and after it, if any controversial issues arise. So that you do not worry and do not torment yourself, we will give you answers to the most common questions about facial rejuvenation using light pulses.

Question answer

Usually, even after consulting a cosmetologist in the salon, you forget to ask the right questions. To prevent them from swarming in your head, we bring to your attention the “hottest” controversial issues related to facial photorejuvenation.

Which device is better for facial photorejuvenation?

  • EpilMoon Smart involves individual work with the patient: selection of the number of light flashes, intensity and duration of the light pulse;
  • IPL-quantum (USA);
  • Palomar ICON, Palomar Emerge, StarLux 500 (USA);
  • DEKA (Italy).

Is it possible to do photorejuvenation after contouring?

  • Not worth it. The best option is to first carry out a full course of photorejuvenation, then (no earlier than six months later) contour plastic surgery.

When can I do it?

  • Due to the high sun activity in summer, it is recommended to carry out the procedure in autumn, winter or spring, preferably in cloudy weather.

What is better: photorejuvenation or peeling?

  • Photorejuvenation is not so traumatic (the skin will not peel or peel). But the effectiveness of peeling is more obvious.

How many procedures are needed to achieve a lasting effect?

  • Depending on the condition of the skin, you will need from 3 to 7 procedures with an interval of 3-4 weeks.

How often can facial photorejuvenation be done?

  • It is enough to take 1-2 courses per year.

Is it worth doing photorejuvenation?

  • If you have sensitive and thin skin for which peeling is contraindicated, it’s definitely worth it. This is the only way you can renew the top layer of the epidermis without side effects and negative consequences.

At what age can it be done?

  • This procedure is intended not only for rejuvenation, but also to remove rosacea, acne and age spots, so this treatment can be applied at any age. However, cosmetologists recommend - after 35 years.

What is the difference between photorejuvenation and laser rejuvenation?

  • Laser rejuvenation is a more powerful, radical and traumatic procedure than photorejuvenation. The general effect is the effect of light energy on the skin. In everything else (the procedure, the principle of action, the rehabilitation period, the results) they differ significantly from each other. So the question of which is better: photorejuvenation or laser rejuvenation is decided for each patient individually.

What is better: photorejuvenation or fillers?

  • Fillers give a pronounced result, but they are painful and have a large number of side effects, in contrast to the facial photorejuvenation procedure.

What is better: photorejuvenation or mesotherapy?

  • Facial mesotherapy and photorejuvenation have been competing with each other for a long time. The first is characterized by high efficiency and individual selection of the desired cocktail. The second procedure is good because it is painless and low-traumatic.

What is better: photorejuvenation or rf lifting?

  • RF lifting is a worthy alternative to photorejuvenation, since it is suitable for any age, the procedure itself is completely controlled, there are almost no contraindications, and there is no postoperative swelling. So only a cosmetologist can answer this question in each individual case.

Do you want to slow down the aging process and improve the condition of your skin suffering from rosacea, pigmentation and acne? In this case, facial photorejuvenation is exactly what you need. A lasting, guaranteed effect, no recovery period, minimal risks of complications - all this makes this procedure very popular and popular among modern women.

Currently, many beauty salons offer such a cosmetic hardware procedure as facial photorejuvenation, which is highly effective and maximum safety. A rejuvenation procedure using light pulses will help get rid of various skin problems.

What is facial photorejuvenation

Photorejuvenation in the salon is rarely performed as a separate procedure. This is rather one of the possibilities of phototherapy - a whole range of measures that is aimed at solving skin problems and preserving the youth of the face and body.

Phototherapy, in addition to photorejuvenation, includes:

  • photoepilation (if necessary);
  • treatment of rosacea;
  • treatment of pigmentation;
  • acne treatment.

All these procedures are carried out on equipment in which the main working mechanism is a source of pulsed light with different wavelengths. The beam is applied to the problem area. It does not act on all layers of the skin, but only to a certain depth (this became possible when the technology of so-called cutting penetration appeared).

The depth of its penetration into the skin depends on the color of the ray: an ultraviolet ray, for example, acts only on the top layer, while an infrared ray can penetrate to the depth of the subcutaneous layer

What happens when skin is treated with light pulses:

  • if the beam is directed at the top layer (epidermis), it is absorbed by the water molecules contained here. The water evaporates, and the dead cells are burned out along with it. The result is superficial peeling, after which fine wrinkles disappear, complexion is restored and skin quality improves;
  • If the light pulses are directed a little deeper, they are absorbed by melanocyte cells, which are responsible for the production of the color pigment melanin. It is what gives the skin the shade we have. With large accumulations of melanin in the cells, pigment spots appear. The light beam heats the cells and destroys melanin, which is why pigment spots first burn and darken, and as they heal, they lighten and then completely disappear;
  • When exposed to the dermis (middle layer), light pulses warm up fibroblast cells, stimulating them to produce new collagen and elastin. Skin regeneration increases, its firmness and elasticity increases, and over time a pronounced lifting effect appears;
  • if the beam is directed at the capillaries, it is absorbed by hemoglobin and causes the vessels to stick together. This is how cosmetology fights rosacea and spider veins. The vessels will not be visible after the first procedure.

Video: how photorejuvenation technology works

Table: advantages and disadvantages of facial photorejuvenation

Types of devices

Laser equipment or broadband pulsed light (IPL) generators are used as a radiation source. To work at different depths, the equipment is equipped with light filters - limiting attachments that allow you to adjust the wavelength and work with almost all skin types (from I to V according to the Fitzpatrick classification).

Photorejuvenation is suitable for all skin types except type 6

Salons now use two types of devices, both developed by Lumenis (Israel):

Indications for photorejuvenation

Cosmetologists prescribe photorejuvenation when they notice signs of skin photoaging - changes in its structure, deterioration of elasticity and complexion, and the appearance of visible dilated blood vessels. The age of patients can be different - on average from 25 to 60 years. The patient receives a recommendation for photorejuvenation after an initial examination by a cosmetologist. Now this is often done using a diagnostic complex - an automated system that itself assesses the condition of the skin and issues a conclusion that takes into account:

  • degree of skin hydration;
  • expressiveness of pores;
  • the degree of occurrence of the pigment - superficial or deep;
  • hidden skin imperfections.

Taking into account all these criteria, the doctor makes a conclusion about the advisability of phototherapy, and if it is positive, he draws up a treatment plan. As a rule, there are always problems with the skin - somewhere a capillary has burst and redness has appeared, somewhere a pigment spot is visible. Such minor defects can be cured at any age, but phototherapy cannot achieve serious lifting and smoothing of deep wrinkles in one or several procedures. To correct age-related changes, there are more radical hardware and injection techniques.

The optimal age for photorejuvenation is approximately 30–40 years, when regular procedures can maintain the skin, if not in excellent, then in satisfactory condition.

Photorejuvenation is prescribed only after an initial examination by a cosmetologist

How is the procedure done in the salon?

Like any cosmetic procedure, photorejuvenation is performed on cleansed skin. Makeup can only be left on the eyes, because this area is too sensitive and cannot be treated with flashes.

After the skin is cleansed, cotton pads are placed on the eyes, and glasses are placed on top of them to protect from light. Then the skin is lubricated with a cooling gel, sometimes the entire face at once, sometimes in sections: first the forehead, then the cheeks, chin, nose and area around the mouth - so that the patient feels less pain. Photorejuvenation does not require anesthesia - the gel and the cooling system built into the equipment are enough for a comfortable session.

Photorejuvenation is not always a pleasant procedure, during which you feel warmth and tingling. They say that even with a high pain threshold, the sensations were quite unpleasant - something similar to being hit in the face with a stretched rubber band (this is especially felt when the wings of the nose are treated). But the pain subsides after a couple of seconds. Those who have undergone the procedure are not advised to take painkillers. Based on the patient's feelings, the doctor adjusts the intensity of the flash. If it hurts, the power will be reduced. Under the influence of anesthesia, sensations would be dulled: the device settings would be incorrect, and this is always a high risk of severe internal burns.

Photorejuvenation does not involve anesthesia; before the procedure, only a cooling gel is applied to the face

The intensity and depth of flash exposure is selected for each zone, so the doctor can change filter attachments during the session. Since each flash using a particular filter is paid at a different rate, the price for one session may differ greatly from what is stated in the price list. The price tag for photorejuvenation is calculated based on 1 flash.

The entire procedure takes about 20–40 minutes. When the skin is treated, the doctor removes the remaining gel from the face and applies Panthenol or another moisturizing lotion. You can take your own cream to the clinic and use it. If you feel pain after the procedure (this is rare), the doctor suggests an ice compress - you can apply it to your face on both sides and lie down for a while.

But more often than not, the procedure does not cause any unpleasant consequences. The redness goes away within 15 minutes while you are relaxing in the clinic lobby. After a quarter of an hour, you can apply makeup and go about your business, although it is better to do without makeup and go home after the procedure. The only skin care products you will need are Panthenol - cream or foam.

When the redness subsides (on the same day or the next), you will notice how the skin has brightened and the face has refreshed. Pigment spots darken immediately after treatment, then begin to peel off and disappear within about 7–12 days. Couperosis disappears almost immediately. A slight lifting effect appears within 2–3 weeks.

A repeat photorejuvenation procedure is scheduled after a month. The full course of treatment is 3–5 sessions. In between procedures, it is recommended to conduct several sessions of biorevitalization or mesotherapy to moisturize the skin.

Video: facial photorejuvenation

Possibilities of facial photorejuvenation

Experienced doctors consider photorejuvenation a procedure quite effective in maintaining youthful skin. But patients react to it differently. If the procedure is suitable, the result will appear immediately, and will only increase over the next three weeks. Positive reviews, when patients write that they are completely satisfied with everything, can often be found from women with light, thin skin - photorejuvenation suits them more than others. There are people for whom the procedure does not give anything - doctors explain this by the structural features of the skin or the state of hormonal levels. It’s easy to check whether photorejuvenation is right for you or not - just carry out 1 procedure, after which visible improvements should occur:

  • skin lightening;
  • improvement of complexion;
  • disappearance of rosacea and spider veins;
  • lightening pigment spots;
  • disappearance of post-acne marks;
  • feeling of skin tightness.

Only regular phototherapy helps to maintain a clear oval face and control the appearance of wrinkles - one maintenance course of procedures per year, best in the autumn-winter period. Preferably in combination with age-appropriate care cosmetics and other anti-aging techniques.

Photo gallery: patients before and after photorejuvenation

Photorejuvenation is also in demand among young girls - the procedure helps them remove freckles, age spots, traces of acne. With regular photorejuvenation, it is quite possible to achieve a lifting effect, but after 1-2 procedures it will not appear or will be barely noticeable. The very next day after photorejuvenation, the color improves face, the skin begins to glow from the inside. Photorejuvenation evens out the skin texture, making it smoother and more elastic.

Photorejuvenation at home

Photorejuvenation at home has become accessible, and for little money (compared to a procedure in a salon, which will cost from 9 to 25 thousand rubles, depending on the treatment area). The devices are presented in different price categories, but they have one thing in common: low power. Consequently, the effectiveness will be lower compared to the procedure in the salon. It is unlikely that a pronounced lifting effect will be achieved, nor will it be possible to smooth out wrinkles, although almost all manufacturers promise this (but remember the effect of salon photorejuvenation, where the power of the equipment is tens of times higher - even it does not live up to expectations). So from real forecasts:

  • acne treatment;
  • removal of age spots;
  • improvement of complexion;
  • possible increase in skin elasticity and tightening.

The frequency of procedures is on average once every 2–3 weeks, the course is 10–12 sessions.

If there are no problems and you just want to keep your face toned, one session every 2-3 months is enough.

Devices for home use are convenient due to their versatility. More expensive models have several energy sources: thus, photorejuvenation can be combined with other hardware techniques (laser, microcurrents, ultrasound, etc.) for the benefit of the face. The cost of the device is determined by the available resource - the number of flashes. One procedure will require about 100 flashes, so when choosing a device you should look at its power.

Table: rating of portable devices for facial photorejuvenation according to buyers

BrandType of radiationThe result promised by the manufacturerPrice
Portable IPL Machine for Hair Removal, Acne Treatment, Skin Rejuvenation for Home UseBroad spectrum pulsed light
  • prevents the appearance of wrinkles;
  • improves complexion;
  • increases skin elasticity;
  • treats inflammation;
  • removes post-acne, age spots;
  • removes hair on face and body
40,000 rub.
  • radio frequency radiation;
  • laser radiation;
  • infrared LEDs
  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • improves skin texture and complexion
19600 rub.
Complex treatment device LW-012 for face and body skin care
  • photochromic radiation;
  • microcurrents
  • normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • tightens pores;
  • increases skin elasticity
4725 rub.
  • galvanic current;
  • pulsed light blue, red and green colors
  • removes acne;
  • helps narrow pores;
  • relieves irritation;
  • soothes and tones the skin;
  • evens out complexion;
  • lightens age spots;
  • accelerates regeneration
4499 rub.
Hee Magic Booster device for photorejuvenation and micromassage
  • light radiation of the yellow spectrum;
  • vibrating massager;
  • iontophoresis
  • improves the effect of facial care cosmetics;
  • tones the skin;
  • improves complexion;
  • smoothes out fine wrinkles
3250 rub.
  • electromyostimulation;
  • pulsed red light
  • restores a clear facial contour;
  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • accelerates skin regeneration;
  • improves complexion
2999 rub.
Pulsed yellow light
  • relieves irritation;
  • lightens age spots;
  • improves complexion;
  • improves lymph flow and removes swelling
1090 rub.

Photo gallery: devices for photorejuvenation

Gezatone device for face lifting Biolift4 Face Perfect combines photorejuvenation and myostimulation technology Device for facial skin rejuvenation Iluminage Youth Activator smoothes wrinkles and improves skin texture
A portable IPL device removes hair, treats acne, rejuvenates the skin. The yellow color of the spectrum, which is used in the Touchbeauty TB-1611C device, allows you to work with thin and sensitive skin. The LW-012 device normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, increases skin elasticity
The Hee Magic Booster device improves complexion and improves skin tone
Superlifting m356 device, Gezatone treats post-acne and removes age spots

Recovery after the procedure

The rehabilitation period lasts no more than a day. In the first 6–8 hours after the procedure, the face swells a little - this is how the skin reacts to the burn. By morning, the swelling has already subsided, but the increased sensitivity of the face (or other treated area) will persist for another 3-4 days. Any physical impact or temperature changes are unpleasant. After a few days, these sensations will pass, but it is better to take care of the skin:

  • exclude water procedures;
  • do not sunbathe;
  • try to be outside as little as possible, especially on a frosty day;
  • do not carry out “aggressive” cosmetic procedures (peelings, cleansing masks).

It is advisable to add creams with SPF 30+ to your regular cosmetics. In a week, the skin will be completely restored not only externally, but also from the inside.

Contraindications and side effects

Photorejuvenation is contraindicated:

  • patients under 18 years of age;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • patients with heart and vascular diseases;
  • for malignant tumors;
  • for endocrine disorders;
  • during exacerbation of chronic and viral diseases;
  • for skin diseases (photodermatosis, tendency to keloid scars);
  • with an individual reaction to light.

To prevent the procedure from causing complications, 2 weeks before your first visit to the salon you need to protect yourself from the sun: spend less time on the street and do not go to the solarium - a fresh tan is also a contraindication. People with very dark skin will also have to refuse the procedure - see type VI according to the Fitzpatrick classification.

To avoid side effects, it is worth discussing with your doctor the possibility of taking medications that you usually take, as well as facial care during these 10-14 days of preparation. Acid peels and other cleansing procedures that increase skin sensitivity are not recommended.

Possible consequences of facial photorejuvenation

Photorejuvenation is actually nothing more than traumatizing the skin at different levels. But this is a completely controlled process. If the patient immediately after the procedure sees darkened pigment spots, reddened skin and slightly swollen face - these are not side effects, but the norm and a signal that the flash worked as it should.

Negative consequences in most cases arise due to the fact that the patient had contraindications to the procedure.

If you are asked in detail during a consultation about past illnesses, medications you take, and whether you have allergies, then consider that you have found a good specialist. If you doubt anything, ask questions yourself, then you won’t have to deal with the treatment of damaged skin and blood vessels. The consequences may be the following: burns of varying severity, scarring, damage to capillaries.

Immediately after the procedure, pigment spots usually darken, the skin turns red, the face swells slightly - all these are normal consequences of the burn, you should not be afraid

Not all ladies profess the principle “Beauty requires sacrifice.” Such people will not dare to go under the surgeon’s knife or resort to traumatic procedures - for example, chemical peeling.

However, the “barbaric approach” to prolonging youth is gradually becoming a thing of the past, giving way to “gentle technologies” in cosmetology, one of which is photorejuvenation.

What is it, the principle of action, contraindications and results, benefits and harms, as well as the cost of the photorejuvenation procedure for the skin of the face and body, you will learn further.

Photorejuvenation is a type of phototherapy. We are talking about the effect on the skin of light, the source of which is, first of all, the sun, and secondly, special lighting devices that are brighter than lamps used in everyday life, but less bright than the sun.

The effectiveness of this method of healing has already been proven. In particular, this is how dermal diseases, neuropathy, trophic ulcers, non-seasonal depression, late sleep syndrome and jet lag are treated. The technique is used for jaundice in infants.

The method is interesting because it has few absolute contraindications, these include:

  • tuberculosis (ultraviolet radiation, which causes exacerbation, is contraindicated, but irradiation of blood with hard ultraviolet radiation is useful);
  • problems of the organs of vision, with this treatment the eyes become more sensitive to the phototoxicity of bright light;
  • tendency to spontaneously occurring manias or hypomanias;
  • dermatological diseases with increased photosensitivity;
  • taking dermatotoxic drugs, herbal preparations that cause photosensitization of the skin (hypersensitivity to ultraviolet or visible radiation).

Operating principle

Photorejuvenation was introduced into cosmetology relatively recently. The technique is based on high-intensity pulsed light technology, or Intensive Pulse Light, where the source is a flash lamp producing light radiation in the wavelength range of 500–1200 nm. The wavelength of the light beam depends on the result that is planned to be achieved. There are three types of impact: on superficial, middle, deep layers.

Collagen provides elasticity. In youth, it looks like springs, the strength of which is lost with age, and the skin begins to wither. This is why wrinkles and folds form, and some areas sag. Under the influence of rays of the desired spectrum, the springs regain strength. During the photorejuvenation procedure, the beam affects the deep layers of the dermis, as a result of which the production of collagen and elastin is activated, creating a lifting effect.

When melanin hits a pigment spot, it changes its structure under the influence of the ray. With rosacea, blood vessels narrow, thereby evening out the complexion.

After a course of light treatment, middle wrinkles are smoothed out, and deep ones become less noticeable, the skin whitens, spider veins disappear, and elasticity and smoothness are acquired.

Duration of treatment and compatibility

In the interval of 2 weeks before and after treatment, the following is contraindicated:

  • apply traumatic procedures, for example, or;
  • sunbathe;
  • overheat in a sauna, bathhouse;
  • swim in swiming pool.

Also during this period, you should not take medications that have a photosensitizing effect - they increase the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet or visible radiation.

Photorejuvenation should not be carried out in the summer, since at this time of year the susceptibility to ultraviolet radiation increases.

Indications and contraindications

  • wrinkles, loss of elasticity;
  • acne;
  • increased oiliness or dryness, flaking;
  • enlarged pores;
  • spider veins (rosacea);
  • unhealthy complexion;
  • small scars after operations, wounds.

There is another area in which exposure to light beams is extremely effective - tattoo removal, especially if the design contains red color. Therefore, women with unsuccessful lip and eyebrow tattoos often resort to it.

Although light has a fairly gentle effect on the body, photorejuvenation has a number of contraindications, these include:

Not only women, but also men turn to phototherapy.

Description of the procedure

Before the session begins, the area to be treated is cleaned of makeup and dirt with a special tonic, then a light-conducting gel is applied to protect against burns. Glasses are put on the eyes - they will prevent damage to the cornea.

The skin is treated centimeter by centimeter, affecting it in short bursts.

The cosmetologist makes sure that the light does not fall on hair, eyebrows, tattoos and moles - the beam instantly discolors them.

Treatment lasts from 15 to 40 minutes, depending on the size and number of areas being treated. Upon completion, a special cream is applied - it has a healing and protective effect.

At this time, the patient feels warmth and slight tingling.

Sometimes pain occurs, but most often discomfort occurs when treating small vessels on the wings of the nose. But even people with a high sensitivity threshold will not need anesthesia.

Immediately after the end of the photorejuvenation session, the patient can go about his usual activities. There may be slight redness, but it disappears after a few hours. The use of decorative cosmetics is allowed.

Care after treatment involves following simple recommendations:

  • for the first three days do not use tonics or lotions containing alcohol;
  • before going outside apply;
  • During the first three days, thermal exposure is contraindicated - hot baths, saunas, swimming pools, washing with hot water.

A cosmetologist will show you and tell you more about the photorejuvenation procedure in this video:

Features and Benefits

Photorejuvenation has several advantages over other techniques:

  • Cumulative effect. Collagen formation continues even after completing the course. Aging slows down and the skin retains its elasticity for a long time.
  • No need for rehabilitation. The person returns to their normal lifestyle immediately after the session, and they can use decorative cosmetics.
  • Compatible with other procedures. Massage and masks will help consolidate the results and further improve the condition of the skin.
  • Extremely low morbidity.

Many people believe that photorejuvenation is effective only after surgical tightening. This is not true, since light treatment is an alternative to surgery.

The same studies showed that hyperpigmentation decreased by 80%, skin elasticity increased by 60%, wrinkle depth decreased by 70%, and pores narrowed by 65%.

Despite these results, the device is not able to cope with deep wrinkles. After the session, a burning sensation and redness may occur. By the way, cosmetologists note that the stronger the reaction, the more pronounced the effect the patient will receive.

Despite the visible advantages, photorejuvenation also has disadvantages. One of the main ones is high cost. Also, according to observations, in a third of cases the desired effect does not occur. This happens for two reasons: the characteristics of the body and the incorrect selection of a rejuvenation (treatment) program.

We invite you to see photos before and after the facial photorejuvenation procedure:


Modern phototherapy devices have various attachments - for lifting, acne, etc.

Very often they combine several light sources - for example, in addition to IPL, there is also a laser. Also, some models have a diagnostic function, which makes it possible to accurately select the characteristics of the flash for a particular skin phototype.

This avoids burns and makes the procedure as effective as possible. Manual adjustment is convenient because the cosmetologist manually adjusts the program for each specific client. In addition to installations for beauty salons, devices for home use are produced.

Modern devices have a cooling system on the light guide tip; older equipment models do not have it.

Before the procedure, many people ask the question: which device is best to use for photorejuvenation?

To do this, first of all, you need to find out about the “age” of the equipment. On devices older than eight years, the filters do not sufficiently cut off the ultraviolet spectrum, so after the photorejuvenation procedure, burns are likely.

A good installation that you can trust on your skin has a power of at least 30 J/cm2, and the pulse duration is 80 ms. The waveguides must be sapphire.

The price of one photorejuvenation procedure depends on the zone:

  • face – from 5000 rub.;
  • face + neck – from 6000 rub.;
  • face + neck + décolleté area - from 7000 rub.

Despite a lot of positive reviews, experts note that since this technology is new for the CIS countries, no one can guarantee the duration of the rejuvenation effect for longer than 5 years and the long-term effects of this procedure are unknown.

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