Nutrition at 10 months. Baked apple with curd filling. Can I try fast food?

The period that parents are waiting for is coming: the baby’s food becomes more varied every day and more and more similar to “adult food”. And mothers can please themselves and the baby by treating him to new delicacies and admiring how the surprise on his face gives way to pleasure. How to feed and what can you pamper your child with?

Diet for a 9-10 month old baby

Regardless of whether the baby receives breast milk or formula, most children at this age have 5 main meals. It is recommended to adhere to the following feeding regimen:

  1. Early breakfast - mother's milk or formula.
  2. Hearty breakfast: or vegetable puree.
  3. Lunch – meat puree with vegetables or porridge.
  4. Afternoon snack: or porridge.
  5. Dinner - milk - like the first breakfast.

Between meals or immediately after feeding a solid meal be sure to offer boiled water room temperature or slightly (!) warmed up. This is necessary so that the baby can properly digest and assimilate heavy food. It is allowed to give children's tea after eating meat or vegetable puree flavored with vegetable oil. But it is important to remember about the risk of developing allergies, so you should not overuse herbal and berry decoctions. It is better to limit yourself to clean water.

Sample daily menu for a 9-10 month old baby

In just one day, the volume of food is approximately 1 liter. At the same time, twice the baby receives only milk, and three feedings - solid food in the form of obligatory (that is, daily) and also 200 ml. Per day, the volume of porridge and vegetable puree should generally be 180 ml in the 9th month and 190 ml in the 10th month, and meat - 40 and 45 grams. respectively. The missing volume of up to 200 ml is supplemented with milk.

If the eating habits in the family are fundamentally different from the proposed regime, then you can carefully, gradually accustom the child to them. Besides, Depending on the health status and appetite of the baby, other options are possible. For example:

  • The toddler prefers to go to bed early in the evening, but asks for a breast or bottle several times during the night.. In this case, you can feed him porridge before bed and give him milk to drink. When he asks for food at night, offer water first, and milk only if, after drinking, he still remains hungry. This makes it much easier to gradually eliminate night feedings. In such cases, children get up early in the morning, and their first breakfast is milk.
  • The child refuses to eat the full amount of complementary foods in one feeding. Then it can be divided. For example, give 100 gr. porridge with 100 ml of milk for the first breakfast, and another 80-90 grams. porridge - with 40 gr. meat for lunch (with water). Vegetable puree – 100 gr. with milk for second breakfast and 80-90 gr. with milk for dinner, and leave the afternoon snack with milk.

Introducing new foods to the baby's diet

Basic complementary foods - porridge, meat and vegetable purees - can be diversified by adding new products to them during cooking or to the finished dish. They must be introduced in the same way as complementary foods.

Vegetable oil

Daily in vegetable puree. Since they start giving it at 7-8 months of life, the baby has time to get used to it. All that remains is to gradually increase its amount to 1 teaspoon (that’s 45 kcal!).


You can start adding it to porridge in a volume of up to 1 teaspoon (from 20 to 35 kcal). Its main purpose is to increase the energy value of the dish, therefore, if you are overweight, this is not a necessary component. In any case, the butter should be from cow's cream without vegetable additives (not spread, not soft butter or margarine).

Bread and bakery products

For lunch, offer your baby a small piece of crustless black bread. A milk meal, for example, an afternoon snack, can be enhanced with a cracker or a piece of “yesterday’s” slightly dried loaf. It is allowed to “scratch the gums” by drying without flavoring and aromatic additives. You can dilute baby cookies in milk. Important: the baby should chew only under adult supervision, as he may choke on a piece or inhale crumbs, and only while eating. Between meals, any additional snacks, except for supplementing with clean water, disrupt the rhythmic functioning of the stomach, leading to digestive disorders, suppression of appetite, and disrupt the formation of the usual feeding regime.

Porridges made from cereals containing gluten

As a child gets older and their intestinal barriers mature, the risk of developing celiac disease decreases. You can carefully introduce gluten cereals little by little, monitoring the child’s condition: his appetite, stool, tendency to regurgitate and the appearance of colic. If everything is in order, such cereals can be included in the menu along with gluten-free ones.

Fruit juice and puree

If the child (or better yet, his mother) is not allergic, fruit juices and purees can be added to the diet. Their volume per day should not exceed the number of full months of life multiplied by 10, that is, 80 ml in the 9th month and 90 ml in the 10th month. During the fruiting season, it is better to use fresh fruits; in winter and spring, freshly frozen or children's canned fruits.

Fruit puree should not be used as an independent dish, but as an additive to the main complementary foods (porridge). Its purpose in infant nutrition:

  • accustoming the baby to taste diversity;
  • source of fiber;
  • reducing the calorie content of main complementary foods if the child is overweight;
  • replenishment of ascorbic acid and other vitamins (less) from fresh fruits.
  • with mild lactase deficiency;
  • with unstable stool, especially with a tendency to constipation;
  • with rickets;
  • for allergic mood or atopic children;
  • after intestinal or respiratory viral infections.

At 9-10 months of life, combining several products when preparing a dish or decorating it before serving is encouraged. Salads made from fresh vegetables with meat, milk or fruit sauce for porridge, and pureed soups are useful. It is allowed to introduce porridges from 2 or more cereals, fruit or vegetable puddings.

The baby grows, his taste preferences change, the amount of food needed increases, and each meal becomes more varied. Now he is 10 months old, he spends a lot of energy exploring the world. The question arises, what to feed, what should a child’s diet be at 10 months in order to satisfy all the needs of a growing body?

Nutritional Features

Children at 10 months still eat breast milk or formula, which should not be abandoned. WHO recommends continuing breastfeeding for up to 2 years.

  1. Give your baby crushed food as little as possible. Offer foods crushed with a grater or cut into small pieces, especially since by this time the first 2-3 teeth appear.
  2. This is a great time to include crackers or cookies in your diet. Learning to chew is important. This reflex promotes proper digestion and develops jaw muscles, which are important for speech development.
  3. Offer to eat on their own, even if the food does not get into the mouth in sufficient quantities.
  4. From this age, meat does not need to be pureed. You can cook steamed cutlets and souffles.
  5. Feed with dairy-free porridges, which go well with meat, yolk or fruit and cooked with milk, served separately or with the addition of fruit.
  6. Vermicelli and fish are introduced, but no more than twice a week.
  7. It is important to try food you prepare yourself before feeding your child.
  8. Avoid salt or add salt in small quantities.
  9. Prepare single servings only. When reheated, products lose their beneficial properties.
  10. Feed the child from his own container, give liquids to drink from a small cup.
  11. Don't forget to offer your baby something to drink between meals.

You should not overfeed, but it is important to ensure that the child does not go hungry.

Products necessary for a child

  1. The daily diet should include:
  2. Porridge. A source of fiber, protein, vitamins and carbohydrates, which are important for full development. You can add fruits, vegetables, and yogurt to porridge. The main rule is to give preference to gluten-free porridges: buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, corn. Daily volume up to 200 g of porridge.
  3. Meat products. They contain B vitamins and protein, which promote the production of hemoglobin, the development of muscles and brain cells. For a 10-month-old baby, rabbit, chicken, beef, and veal are suitable. Daily volume 70-80 g.
  4. Vegetables. This is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals, contains fiber and prevents constipation. The diet should include potatoes, zucchini, carrots, pumpkin, cabbage (cauliflower, white cabbage, broccoli). Green peas and spinach are introduced. You can offer puree, salad or soup, adding onions and herbs for taste. Every day the baby should eat about 200 g of vegetables.
  5. Dairy products (kefir and cottage cheese). They contain calcium, vitamins A and D. You can add fruits, dried fruits, yogurt to cottage cheese and kefir, and you can make casseroles. The recommended volume of cottage cheese is 50-70 g, kefir up to 200 g.
  6. Egg yolk. Source of vitamins A, B, D, E. No more than half the yolk, up to two times a week.
  7. Low-fat fish (50 g) once or twice a week.
  8. By this age, wheat flour products (vermicelli, crackers, cookies) are added to the diet - 10 g.
  9. Vegetable and butter (5 g daily). Added to porridges and soups.
  10. Drink. Drinking enough liquid helps improve digestion and prevents dehydration. Herbal teas, compotes, jelly, fruit drinks should be on the baby’s menu. After each meal, give up to 100 ml to drink. Don't forget to supplement between feedings.

You should avoid introducing into the diet of a 10-month-old child foods that cause allergies, promote increased gas formation and are harmful to the child’s body. These include:

  • Whole milk
  • Citrus
  • Grape
  • Chocolate and honey
  • Raw eggs and boiled whites
  • Nuts
  • Canned foods, smoked, salted, semi-finished products

Child's diet

For a 10-month-old baby, it is important to follow a feeding schedule and consists of five feedings at intervals of three to four hours. Below is a table that contains general nutritional recommendations and menus for the week.

Day After waking up Breakfast Dinner Dinner Before bedtime
Monday breast milk or formula vegetables + meat + juice fruits + cottage cheese + kefir kefir or breast milk (formula)
Tuesday porridge + fruits + cookies + tea vegetable soup with cereal + bread + egg yolk + berry juice curd pudding with fruit + tea
Wednesday milk vermicelli + fruit juice vegetable soup + meat fruit + kefir + cookies
Thursday porridge + fruit + jelly mashed potatoes + fish + fruit + tea vegetable puree + cottage cheese + fruit drink
Friday cottage cheese casserole + fruit juice vegetable puree + bread + meat porridge + jelly
Saturday porridge + cottage cheese + fruit + tea vegetable soup with meat broth + meat + bread + fruit juice fruit + curd soufflé + tea
Sunday porridge + fruit + fruit juice vegetable soup with cereal + meat + cookies + tea vegetable salad + jelly

The baby’s daily diet consists of “adult” food with a total volume of up to 1100 g. Liquid is not included in the indicated volume.

It is necessary to build the diet of a 10-month-old child in accordance with his weight. So for boys the normal weight is 7.4-11.4 kg, and for girls this figure is less than 6.7-10.9 kg. If there are deviations from the norm, you need to consult a pediatrician and adjust the children's diet.

It is important to maintain a daily routine (getting up, sleeping and eating). This promotes the development of reflexes, proper digestion of food, speeds up metabolism, and helps avoid discomfort and heaviness in the stomach.

Several children's menu recipes

Vegetable soup

To prepare the soup you need to take:

  • potatoes, zucchini, carrots - 70 g.
  • water or milk - 100 ml.
  • salt (as needed)

Grind the vegetables using a grater or finely chop them, boil in water or milk until tender. If necessary, grind with a blender.

Every day, soup can be prepared from various vegetables, combining and alternating them, or diversify them by adding cereal or noodles.

Meat soufflé

For the soufflé you will need:

  • minced meat – 100 g.
  • egg – 1 pc.
  • milk – 30 ml.
  • flour – 5 g.

Pass the minced meat through a meat grinder several times. Mix everything and bake in the oven for about 30 minutes.

Meat cutlets


  • minced meat – 100 g.
  • bread – 10 g.
  • vegetable oil – 5 g.
  • raw yolk – 1 pc.
  • milk – 50 g.

Pass the minced meat through a meat grinder several times. Soak bread in milk. Mix all ingredients. Form into cutlets and steam.

When preparing cutlets, you can also add vegetables chopped with a grater to the minced meat.

Cottage cheese casserole

You will need:

  • cottage cheese - 100 g.
  • egg – 1 pc.
  • milk - 30 g.
  • sugar - 1 tsp.
  • semolina - 1 tsp.

Grind the cottage cheese, add the egg and soaked semolina in milk. Stir, place in the pan and bake in the oven until golden brown.

Each mother decides for herself how much the child should eat, at what time to feed and how many times a day. The above are general nutritional recommendations for a 10-month-old child, following which the child will grow strong and healthy.

By the age of 10 months, both those babies who are breastfed and those children who receive an adapted formula eat the same complementary foods, and recommendations for the volume of complementary foods cease to differ. Let's look at what new things can be prepared for a ten-month-old toddler and how to build a menu for a child of this age.

What additional products can be introduced into the diet?

The main product that a 10-month-old child tries for the first time is fish. Its advantages are its delicate consistency, easy digestion, high content of healthy fatty acids and amino acids.

For the first samples, you should take lean ocean or river fish, for example, pike perch, pollock, hake or carp. Introduce fish puree in small doses (half a teaspoon), observing whether there is a reaction to it, because this product is classified as allergenic.

Calculate your complementary feeding table

Indicate the child's date of birth and method of feeding

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000

Create a calendar

It is best to prepare fish for your baby yourself at the beginning of introducing fish complementary foods. After washing the fish in running water (you should not soak it, as this degrades the protein and mineral composition of the product), thoroughly clean it, removing all the bones. If you bought the fish already in fillet form, before cooking, still check to see if there are any bones left in it. Dip the fish fillet into boiling water, then all the nutrients will remain inside the product.

You can also give your baby ready-made food, in which fish puree can be single-component or combined with cereals, oil, and vegetables. For the first acquaintance with the taste of fish, take canned food for children that contains only fish. Remember that canned fish, which adults eat, is strictly not recommended for children under 3 years of age.

If a child has a predisposition to allergies, the introduction of fish should be postponed until a later date, for example, after a year. For those children who accept the fish normally, this product is usually given twice a week at lunchtime.

Remember that children under one year of age are allergic to fish quite often.

How much should a baby eat?


A child who is 10 months old is advised to eat 5 times a day with pauses between feedings of approximately 3-4 hours. For example, a child who wakes up for the first feeding at 7 o'clock will eat a second time at 10-11 o'clock, then at 14-15 o'clock, at 18-19 o'clock and the last time before bed at 22-23 o'clock.

Breast milk or formula must be included in the baby’s diet at 10 months

Sample menu

A breastfed baby will eat something like this at 10 months:

For a bottle-fed baby, the daily menu at 10 months will look something like this:

Breast milk or formula are no longer the main food for most 10-month-old babies, but pediatricians do not recommend weaning or stopping formula feeding just yet. It is optimal if the child receives such food in the morning feeding and before bedtime.

Recommendations for introducing complementary foods are indicative and must be adapted to your child’s temperament and tastes.

  • Try to chop food less so that the baby gets used to chewing, especially since many children at this age already have several teeth.
  • Encourage your child's desire to eat on his own, even if the porridge or puree from a spoon in the baby's hands does not fall into his mouth in full.
  • Offer meat not only in the form of puree. At this age, you can already try making steamed meatballs or meatballs for your baby, and then knead them.
  • Porridge for a 10-month-old baby is prepared from mixtures of cereals or from one type of cereal. At the same time, you can offer your baby both a dairy-free version of porridge, for example, as a side dish for meat puree, and porridge cooked in milk, to which you can add mashed fruit.
  • To diversify milk porridges, a 10-month-old baby can be offered vermicelli with milk.
  • Try to eliminate distractions during feedings. Let the baby focus only on food.
  • Feed the baby from the baby's personal container, and offer the baby something to drink from a small mug. At the same time, never leave the baby alone with food or drink.

Your child is already very active, so the question of introducing vitamin complexes into the diet of a child up to one year is logical. Is it worth doing this, read in another article.

See the following video about the baby's menu at 10 months.

A ten month old baby still needs breast milk. However, it is not enough to satisfy the baby’s growing needs for nutrients. His diet at this age should be varied. Although the list of products remains virtually unchanged, new dishes appear on the baby’s menu. Let's talk about this in more detail.

How to quench your baby's thirst?

Remember that a sufficient amount of water must enter the child’s body. Even if you give him enough to drink throughout the day, it will not replace regular plain water. The best thing is bottled, which is intended for children. Under no circumstances should you offer your baby carbonated water or drinks from concentrates; they are harmful even for adults, and they act on the child’s body like a bomb explosion.

In addition to water, you can give your baby compotes, fruit juices, and tea is also good for him. Don't limit yourself to black tea; children are great at drinking drinks with the addition of medicinal herbs - fennel or chamomile. Compotes with the addition of rose hips are very useful - you just need to give them enough time to brew. If your baby has not been accustomed to sugar since childhood, he will be happy to drink drinks without it.

List of "allowed" products

At this age, kids already eat many porridges: buckwheat and oatmeal, wheat or corn flour, rice. They can be cooked in diluted milk or water - in any case, they will taste better if you add a tiny piece of butter, natural butter, of course.

Many children have already gotten used to most popular vegetables. They love the sweet taste of pumpkin, hearty potatoes, tender broccoli or carrots and beets. Alternate purees from them throughout the week, and then your baby will enjoy the variety of his menu every time.

The list of meat dishes has also expanded. In addition to mashed potatoes, the diet now includes meatballs, cutlets, and puddings. It is acceptable to cook from veal, turkey or chicken fillet, rabbit. It is better to avoid pork and, as a last resort, choose lean meat. Occasionally, you can give homemade liver pate. Twice a week - fish dishes.

It is recommended to offer cottage cheese regularly, once every 2-3 days, alternating it with yogurt. Children really like the tender cottage cheese with added fruit. In the summer it’s easy to prepare it yourself. Periodically prepare fruit purees and combined purees for your baby - with the addition of vegetables, yogurt or cookies.

Children's cookies are a favorite treat for kids. They love to tease him with their tiny hands, enjoying the opportunity to massage his gums. Don't deprive your children of such pleasure. Only white bread is allowed.

What's prohibited?

The baby is not yet ready to eat fried foods, so you will have to limit yourself to boiled, stewed and steamed. Other categories are also prohibited:

  • smoked meats;
  • food with spicy seasonings;
  • fruits and vegetables of poor quality - rotten, unripe, the skin of fruits and some vegetables (for example, tomatoes) must be removed - a piece of it on the gastric mucosa can cause vomiting;
  • wholemeal bread;
  • all types of salads that contain raw vegetables;
  • sweets - chocolate, confectionery with creams.

Do not experiment with your child, even if your mother friends boast that their children eat from an adult table. Quite often, neglecting advice on feeding young children results in serious digestive problems.

Should a 10-month-old baby be weaned?

Often, women who have fed their baby with breast milk for 10 months begin to experience difficulties with lactation. You can take measures to stimulate it or gradually begin weaning your baby from the breast. Of course, if everything is fine with you, the answer is clear - continue to feed your baby with breast milk.

To make weaning as painless as possible, try to make this process gradual. Reduce the feeding time each time, limit breastfeeding to 1-2 times. What do pediatricians say about this? They advise maintaining at least one breastfeeding for up to a year.

Menu expansion

The baby’s diet changes slightly: portions increase (individually, depending on the baby’s appetite and his physiological characteristics). The menu is expanding with the following dishes.

  • Puddings. Children like them due to their delicate texture. To prepare them, you can take cottage cheese, fruits and berries. Meat or fish puddings are also useful for babies.
  • Kissel- one of the most favorite treats for 10-month-old babies. Of course, under no circumstances buy industrially produced semi-finished products; make jelly from fresh fruits yourself.
  • Meatballs. As you remember, we suggested giving them at 9 months - quite a bit. A 10-month-old baby eats meatballs with pleasure - to improve the taste, you can add a little greens and onions to the minced meat (if the child is calm about it).
  • Cottage cheese casserole- another new dish in the baby’s diet. By adding different fruits to it, you can surprise your baby with a new taste every time. To prevent the cottage cheese from being too watery, you need to add a little semolina to the mixture. Grind the fruits on a fine grater.
  • Vermicelli. You can give your baby noodles in the usual boiled form, or in the form of milk soup.

Pay special attention to the quality of products for preparing children's meals. They must be fresh and natural.

Approximate diet

The meal schedule remains the same. Sometimes, in extreme cases, food intake can be shifted a little, but no more than half an hour:

  • 07:00–07:30 - breakfast, porridge with filler or water, flavored with butter, is suitable. Oatmeal is very healthy, it is filling and has a good effect on intestinal function. You should not give the same porridge two days in a row, optimally - no more than 2-3 times a week.
  • 11:30–12:00 - lunch. Now the baby accepts soup very well, especially with meatballs or chopped meat. In summer, add fresh herbs to first courses, in winter - dried. You can offer borscht 1–2 times a week, and periodically prepare puree soups. Mushroom dishes are too early for the baby.
  • 16:00–16:30 - afternoon snack. Mostly light dishes, cottage cheese, you can also make a casserole or pudding from it. 2–4 times a week it is worth offering fruit purees, sometimes yogurt with fresh berries.
  • 19:00–19:30 - dinner. It's time to try vegetable puree or porridge with water. Complement these dishes with meat or offal pate.

Finish the day with a serving of breast milk or formula.

How to prepare puddings?

The main ingredient (up to 80 g) must be mixed with raw egg yolk and milk (up to 30 ml per serving). To prevent the mixture from spreading, add semolina to it; it can be replaced with grated rice. To improve the taste, you can supplement the dish with a small amount of sugar (no more than 5 g) or honey, as well as pieces of fruit (except for meat or fish pudding). The finished mass must be baked until cooked at a temperature in the range of 180–200? C. To prevent the pudding from burning, grease the pan with butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs.

How to cook jelly

To prepare it, use fresh berries and fruits or ground with sugar (in winter). Strawberries, currants, raspberries, peaches, apricots and other fruits are suitable. It is necessary to wash them thoroughly and squeeze the juice out of them. After that, the remaining berries or fruits should be poured with juice and cooked for 20–25 minutes, then strained with gauze. Need to take? the resulting liquid, add starch to it (6 g per 50–60 ml of juice) and then carefully pour this mixture into the boiled broth (the remaining 3/4). No more than 10 g of sugar is needed.

We hope that these tips will help you delight your baby with delicious and healthy food. Always try to cook for him with soul and pleasure!

The older a child gets, the more “adult” food products are included in his diet. But this does not mean that at 10 months a baby can eat absolutely all adult foods and dishes. In addition, at this age, feeding should be maintained.

In addition to the first morning and last (before bedtime) breastfeeding, for breastfeeding, which may already be decreasing, you can put the baby to the breast during the day. Night feedings are no longer necessary, and if the mother has not yet managed to wean the child off them, then this should be done in the 11th month of life.

The nutrition of infants and artificial infants is no different. When creating a menu at this age, you should take into account the baby’s food preferences. Not only the range of products matters, but also the volume of dishes consumed.

True, there are no universal food standards for feeding a baby at 11 months. For a calmer baby, a small portion is enough to satisfy him. An active fidget, whose energy costs are higher, requires larger portions to replenish them. The approach must be individual.

A properly composed, balanced menu must include:

  • porridge;
  • meat;
  • egg yolk;
  • dairy products;
  • fruits;
  • and butter.

Such nutrition will provide the child’s body not only with nutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, fats), but also with necessary minerals and vitamins.

As before, the baby should be fed 5 times a day. It is important to adhere to a daily routine and feed your baby at approximately the same time. At this age, the baby sleeps twice during the day: after second breakfast and after lunch. The approximate duration of sleep is 1.5 hours.

It is important to maintain a daily routine in order to prevent overwork and ensure sufficient rest, as this will create a calm psycho-emotional mood in the baby. A child who is accustomed to the daily routine adapts more easily later in kindergarten.

Food volume

Ideally, the volume of a single serving of complementary foods for a 10-month-old child should be close to 250 mg.

It is easy to calculate the amount of food both for a day and for one feeding. Portions depend on body weight: it should be divided by 9 - this will be the daily volume. On average, a child needs 1000-1250 g of food per day.

If you divide this volume by the number of feedings, you can get the amount of food for 1 feeding, that is, approximately 250 g. Breast milk or should make up no more than a quarter of the daily volume, that is, 25%. It is not recommended to overestimate the serving size - this can cause digestive problems and the load on internal organs will also increase.

Foods for a 10 month old baby's diet

The baby's menu at the 11th month should include a variety of dishes. It is best to sit the baby on a special chair at the table with adults and teach him to eat on his own, even if not everything works out.

The diet should include:

  1. dairy and non-dairy. It is porridge that serves as a source of carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Cereals for their preparation are used that are previously familiar to the child: corn, buckwheat.

New porridges are also being introduced - barley, pearl barley,... There is no need to rush to introduce your baby to semolina porridge, especially if the child has a tendency to, anemia or.

  1. Vegetables are an obligatory component of the children's menu, as they not only supply the body with vitamins and minerals, but also contain vitamins necessary for normal digestion and intestinal motility.

They are used to prepare borscht and soups for children, and they are stewed as a side dish for meat dishes and fish. You just can’t use the broth in which it was cooked: it releases toxic substances into it. Some children like vegetable purees mixed with porridge.

The child is already familiar with the following vegetables:

  • potato;
  • cauliflower;
  • broccoli;
  • carrot;
  • green pea;
  • beet;

It's time to introduce white cabbage, boiled green beans, etc. into your diet. Vegetable purees can be prepared either monocomponent or multicomponent. It is only important that the baby is already familiar with each vegetable. Greens will help complement and improve the taste of soup or borscht - and. But it’s too early to give fresh green vegetables.

  1. Meat dishes must be included in the daily menu. In addition to the rabbit, chicken, and veal the child previously consumed, the child can cook lean beef.

It is also allowed to eat offal (heart,) and cook the first course in meat broth. Meat can be given to the child with the first course, with porridge, with vegetables. The meat dish can be cutlets, soufflé, pate, meatballs, meatballs.

  1. Fish should not be given on the same day as meat. If the previously introduced cod, hake, pollock, pike perch, and flounder are well tolerated, you can introduce the child to other types of fish: river perch, carp, catfish, and trout. The baby needs to cook only fresh, not frozen fish. You can use it to cook soup, steam cutlets, and soufflé.
  1. Berries and fruits must be included in the baby’s daily diet, because they are a source of minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates, and healthy fiber. Up to 10 months, the child could already use:
  • bananas;
  • green apples;
  • peaches;
  • apricots;
  • all varieties of currants;

Now you can gradually introduce cherry plum, raspberries, watermelon, one by one. You need to carefully monitor your reaction to each new fruit or berry, as they can cause allergies.

It is important to thoroughly wash the fruits with running water and pour boiling water over them before preparing fruit and berry puree. It can be given as a separate snack dish or added to a casserole, porridge or fermented milk products.

It is not recommended to exceed the serving size of puree, as this can lead to indigestion and bloating. Juices from berries and fruits, according to WHO (World Health Organization) recommendations, should not be given for up to a year. You can make jelly and compotes from fresh fruits or dried fruits.

  1. Dairy products will serve as a source of calcium for your baby. You can cook porridge with cow's milk. Whole boiled milk can be given to a child to drink. You should definitely include fermented milk products in your diet - cottage cheese, kefir. They can only be purchased in baby food departments. Drinks and yogurt should be offered from a cup.

Fermented milk products intended for adults should not be given to children. It is optimal for the mother to prepare it herself, for which a yogurt maker is successfully used; Sourdough starters can be purchased at pharmacies. Fermented milk products acquire an original taste in combination with various fruits.

  1. Hard-boiled yolks, which contain important minerals and vitamins, must continue to be given to the child with porridge or vegetables, 1 piece three times a week or ½ daily.
  1. Butter and vegetable oil are added to porridges, soups or vegetable dishes in the same dosage - 5 g. From vegetable oils you can take sunflower, flaxseed, olive (the healthiest option).
  1. Wheat products in the form of biscuits, bread, and homemade crackers are also included in the child’s diet. In addition, you can cook pasta as a side dish for meat cutlets or in the form of milk soups.
  1. As drinks, in addition to water (purified or boiled), you can give your baby jelly, compote, and herbal tea. Drinking regime is very important for a child, especially during the hot season. Compote and jelly are prepared from natural fruits, frozen or dried.

You can diversify the menu with cottage cheese casseroles with fruit additives, puddings, and fruit desserts. But it is advisable to cook them without sugar.

Cooking methods

To teach your child to chew, you should sometimes offer him solid foods - a cracker, a piece of apple, a cookie.

All meals should be given to the baby only freshly prepared. You should not feed your child the same dish twice a day. Vegetables and fruits must be thoroughly washed and peeled. It is gradually recommended to stop grinding foods to a puree consistency and teach your child to chew. The baby himself tries to bite hard foods with his grown teeth: cookies, bread, a piece of apple, a cracker. This promotes the development of chewing muscles.

Products can be baked, steamed, boiled, stewed. A steamer or multicooker can make cooking easier. During cooking, some of the vitamins are lost due to thermal effects.

Frying as a method of preparing dishes for a child is unacceptable: eating fried foods can cause diseases of the digestive organs. Salt, sugar, various seasonings (except bay leaves) are not recommended. As a last resort, it is permissible to add a pinch of salt to borscht/soup or vegetable puree.

Menu for the day

  • 6:00 – breastfeeding or adapted formula.
  • 10:00 – milk or dairy-free porridge (200 g) with butter (5 g) and fruit puree (50 g).
  • 14:00 – vegetable soup or puree (200 g); vegetable oil (5 g); half an egg yolk; meat (or fish once a week) puree or steam cutlet (80 g); bread (10 g); compote (up to 100 ml).
  • 18:00 – cottage cheese (50 g) with fruit puree (50 g); kefir or yogurt (up to 200 g); 2 crackers.
  • 22:00 – breast milk or formula.

The well-known pediatrician E. O. Komarovsky, who enjoys the trust of parents, advises:

  • in the morning, from 6 to 7 o’clock, put the baby to the breast or feed with formula;
  • at 10 o'clock give the baby fermented milk products (cottage cheese and kefir);
  • for lunch, offer the child vegetable soup and a meat dish;
  • at 18:00 – breastfeeding or formula feeding;
  • Before going to bed, give a hearty milk porridge.

Dish recipes

Since a ten-month-old baby is already familiar with almost all natural products, there can be a huge number of food options. Now you can combine products and prepare multi-ingredient dishes, which allows you to diversify the menu for your baby.

The following recipes can help mom with her culinary delights:

Meat soup


  1. Wash and cut into small pieces 50 g of meat (chicken breast, veal or turkey).
  2. Place the meat in a saucepan, add 0.5 liters of water and cook over medium heat for half an hour.
  3. Wash, peel and seed half a small zucchini, cut it into small slices. Wash and cut 5 sorrel leaves and cook it with the zucchini in another bowl with a small amount of water for 10 minutes (until tender).
  4. Remove all ingredients, grind to desired consistency, add 1 tsp. olive oil, stir, dilute with broth, add chopped dill when serving.

Vegetable soup with chicken and rice

Cooking steps:

  • wash the chicken (or quail) breast and remove the skin;
  • pour 1 liter of water into a saucepan, add a pinch of salt, a bay leaf and boil the chicken fillet in it;
  • remove the meat from the broth and leave it on a plate to cool, and remove the bay leaf;
  • rinse until clean water 1 tbsp. l. rice, add it to the broth and cook for 10 minutes;
  • wash, peel and cut into small cubes 2 medium-sized potatoes, 1 small onion; Peel and grate a small amount;
  • add vegetables to the broth and continue cooking for 15 minutes;
  • cut the meat into small pieces and add to the soup;
  • After boiling, remove from heat.

Liver with vegetables


  • wash and cut into small pieces 100 g of chicken liver;
  • peel, wash, finely chop a small onion;
  • wash, peel and chop small carrots using a fine grater;
  • stew onions and carrots in a slow cooker (or in a frying pan) with 1 tsp. olive oil;
  • add liver to vegetables, 1 tbsp. l. , a little water and simmer over low heat for half an hour.

Puree with meat


  • wash the chicken breast and remove the skin from it;
  • cut 100 g chicken fillet into small pieces;
  • wash, peel and cut into small cubes 150 g of potatoes and 150 g of carrots;
  • add meat and vegetables to the multicooker bowl, add a glass of milk and simmer for about half an hour (if you don’t have a multicooker, simmer the food in a saucepan over low heat);
  • If necessary, milk can be added;
  • Once the ingredients are ready, grind them to a puree.

Curd and carrot casserole

Curd and carrot casserole is a tasty and healthy dish for children.


  • wash, peel and boil 80 g of carrots;
  • after cooling, chop the carrots with a blender (or using a fine grater);
  • add 50 g of carrots, 5 g of butter, chicken egg yolk and 20 g of white bread pulp (pre-soaked); to stir thoroughly;
  • Place the resulting mass in a mold greased with butter;
  • bake the casserole in the oven at 160 0 C for about half an hour or steam it.

Instead of carrots, you can use grated apple, mashed banana, chopped boiled pumpkin.

Fish soufflé


  • Boil sea fish fillet (pollock, hake) and grind in a blender or mince twice;
  • add 5 g of butter and 1 raw egg yolk to the minced fish, mix everything;
  • grease the mold with oil and place the resulting mixture into it;
  • cook the soufflé by steaming or in the oven at 160 0 C.

Turkey cutlets


  • grind 200 g of turkey fillet through a meat grinder;
  • add 1 tbsp to the minced meat. l. rice flour, mix;
  • form cutlets and steam them or simmer them with half a glass of water in a frying pan.

Minced meat can be prepared from a combination of different types of meat.

Buckwheat porridge with milk


  • sort through, rinse half a glass of cereal (preferably unroasted) with water and place it in a saucepan;
  • pour 1.5 cups of water into it, bring to a boil and cook the porridge over low heat, covered, for 15 minutes;
  • remove the porridge from the heat, wrap it in a towel and leave for 10 minutes;
  • add 5 g of butter and a glass of boiled milk to the dish.

Liver pudding with carrots


  • boil small (about 20 g) carrots and chop them with a blender (or using a grater);
  • crush a small cracker of wheat bread with a meat grinder;
  • grind 80 g of chicken liver with a blender (or meat grinder);
  • mix the liver with carrots, add 5 g of butter, egg yolk, crushed crackers;
  • Beat the resulting mixture well;
  • grease the mold with oil and place the resulting mixture into it;
  • steam for about half an hour or bake in the oven at 160 0 C.

Apple pudding


  • wash, peel 250 g of green apples and cut into small cubes;
  • Place the apples in a suitable container with a lid in the microwave for 3 minutes;
  • Bring milk (50 ml) to a boil over low heat and carefully pour 1 tsp into it while stirring. flour, that is, prepare custard;
  • mix cream with apples, add 1 tsp. semolina and 1 beaten chicken egg;
  • grease the mold with oil and place the resulting mixture into it;
  • cook the pudding by steaming or in the oven for 20 minutes at 200 0 C.

Curd dessert


  • beat 100 g of cottage cheese until smooth;
  • Finely crumble 2 pieces of baby cookies and add them to the cottage cheese;
  • peel a banana (100 g), cut into slices and add to the blender bowl;
  • Beat the resulting mass and place in a plate.

Summary for parents

There are practically no unfamiliar “adult” products left for a 10-month-old child. These products can be combined for him to prepare multi-component dishes. Portion sizes are also increasing.

Dishes no longer need to be crushed to a puree-like consistency; It is better to knead them with a regular fork, which will help the baby learn to chew. At 10 months there should be 5 feedings, 2 of them with breast milk or an adapted formula.

Nutritionist S.G. Makarova talks about the nutrition of a child at 9-12 months:

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