Ood development of speech. Synopsis of OOD on the development of speech “Naughty breeze. Topic: "Household appliances"

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Game moments held during the OOD are combined into a single plot and are aimed at motivating children to solve problems in the development of speech.

The game situation was developed for middle-aged children (4-5 years old) and used in a lesson on the development of speech in order to motivate preschoolers to solve problems set by the teacher.

A plan is a script for the plot of a game situation: children receive a “package” and, in order to recognize the hero who sent it, they perform the proposed tasks.

Equipment - a “package”, cut pictures for the game “Collect a snowflake”, a toy Bunny, illustrative material for the game “Where did the Bunny hide”, a Christmas tree toy, a diagram for compiling a story, an audio recording “Waltz of snowflakes”.

Synopsis of organized educational activities for the development of speech for children of the middle group

Topic:"Letter to Santa Claus".

Target: enriching children's vocabulary.


  1. Continue to work on the formation of the grammatical structure of children's speech (understand and correctly use prepositions with spatial meaning in speech (in, on, about, in front of, under), form adjectives denoting the properties of an object).
  2. Develop the ability to write a short story about yourself using a diagram.
  3. Maintain interest in the celebration of the New Year, creating an emotional, friendly atmosphere.

Lesson progress

The teacher brings a “package” to the group.

Educator: Guys, they brought us a "package". It says here: “Guys of the middle group. When you complete all the tasks, you will find out who sent it. Let's see what's in it?

(the teacher takes out a Bunny toy from the parcel)

Bunny wants to play hide and seek with you. Can you guess where Bunny is hiding?

(the child chooses a picture, names where the Bunny is and shows it to the children).

Images ( bunny under the tree, bunny on the stump, between the trees, behind the tree, near the stump).

Well done! Wherever Bunny hid, you found him everywhere: under the Christmas tree, and on the stump, and between the trees.

Educator: And there is also a Christmas tree! How can we decorate our Christmas tree? (toys). Guess what toys are?

Glass toy, what is it? (glass).

Plastic toy, what is it? (plastic).

What is a paper toy? (paper).

Clay toy? (clay)

Porcelain toy? (porcelain)

Wooden toy? (wooden)

You can hang glass, plastic, paper, clay, porcelain and even wooden toys on our Christmas tree. Only they must be small so that the branches are not hard.

The teacher takes out a box from the parcel, and in it is an image of a snowflake divided into several parts.

Educator: Oh, what a wonderful snowflake!

("accidentally" the box turns over and the image crumbles on the table)

To collect a snowflake, you need to compliment her.

Children say what kind of snowflake and collect its image.

(light, fluffy, white, airy, beautiful, patterned, cold…)

Educator: I suggest you take a break and spin to the music like little snowflakes, and when the music ends, close your eyes and tell where your snowflake fell and affectionately call this part of the body (a snowflake fell on my ear, a snowflake fell on my neck, on my palm, on my nose, on my pen, etc.)

Educator: Guys, here in the package is a note ( is reading)

“Dear children! I really wanted to chat with you. I knew that you would quickly cope with my tasks. It's time to tell you about myself.

In a red coat and with a big bag,
With a beard to the waist, I am familiar to all of you,
I’ll lead a friendly round dance under the tree,
I will bring gifts to you on New Year's Eve.
I want to ask you guys a question.
Who comes to you? This ( Father Frost)

Educator: How did you guess that this is Santa Claus? What did Santa Claus tell us about himself in a note? ( he has a bag, he is in a red coat, etc.)

What good fellows you are!

Very soon the most wonderful holiday will come - the New Year, and Grandfather Frost will definitely come to our Christmas tree. I think he will bring us gifts too. But Santa Claus knows nothing about us at all. Let's tell him about ourselves.

Will help us to make a story diagram ( my name, who I live with, what I like to do)

I will write down all your stories on a piece of paper, and we will send a letter to our beloved Santa Claus. Do you agree? ( Several children talk about themselves:

My name is Dima. I live with my dad and mom. I love to draw very much.

My name is Dasha. I live with my father, mother, grandmother. I also have a brother. I love helping my mom, etc.)

Educator: It seems to me, guys, that Grandfather Frost will really like our letter! Were you pleased to receive such an unusual package? What did you like the most? ( children's answers)

The teacher thanks the children for their work.

Target: consolidate knowledge of fairy tales and activate the speech of children.


develop auditory and visual attention, thought processes;

develop memory, thinking, observation, speech;

encourage expressiveness in sketches (pantomime), develop improvisation skills;

To educate in children a careful attitude to books, the skills of cultural communication, cooperation, interaction, independence, initiative;

· educate an emotional response to well-known and favorite fairy tales, friendship.



Synopsis of OOD in the senior group "Fairytale Country"

Integration of educational areas:"Speech development", "Social and communicative development".

Target: consolidate knowledge of fairy tales and activate the speech of children.


  • develop auditory and visual attention, thought processes;
  • develop memory, thinking, observation, speech;
  • encourage expressiveness in sketches (pantomime), develop improvisation skills;
  • to educate in children a careful attitude to books, the skills of cultural communication, cooperation, interaction, independence, initiative;
  • to cultivate an emotional response to well-known and beloved fairy tales, friendship.

Equipment: phonogram of the song “Fairy tales walk around the world” (music by E. Ptichkin, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky, Spanish by V. Tolkunov), a letter from fairy tale characters, pictures depicting characters from fairy tales.

Preliminary work:reading Russian folk tales (“Teremok”, “Cat, rooster and fox”, “Hare hut”, “Fox and thrush”, “Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”). Examining illustrations for fairy tales. Dramatization games and staging of fairy tales.

Working with parents:watching cartoons based on Russian folk tales with children, talking about them.

Lesson progress:

The soundtrack of the song “Tales Walk Around the World” sounds (music by E. Ptichkin, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky, Spanish by V. Tolkunov).

Children enter the group room, sit on chairs, forming a circle.

Educator: Guys, do you like to travel?

Children: Yes, we love.

Educator: Do you want to go on a journey through fairy tales?

Children: We want.

Educator: Before you go on a trip, let's remember what fairy tales are?

Children: Fairy tales that were invented by a whole nation, and fairy tales that were invented by one person - the author.

Educator: Well done. And what are the names of fairy tales that a whole people came up with?

Children: Fairy tales that the people came up with are called folk tales.

Educator: And what are the names of fairy tales that were invented by one person - the author?

Children: Fairy tales that were invented by one author are copyrighted.

There is a knock on the door. The postman enters the group and delivers a letter from the fabulous inhabitants.

The teacher reads the letter:

"Guys! Help! We are completely confused about who lives in what fairy tale. What do we do now? Help us.

Fairy tale characters."

Educator: Guys, do you want to help fairy-tale characters?

Children: Yes, of course we do.

The game "Guess which character, from which fairy tale."

The teacher takes out one card each, which depicts a fairy-tale character, and shows it to the children. Children must guess the fairy tale in which this hero appears.

For instance:

pike (the fairy tale "At the Pike's Command"), Ryaba chicken ("Ryaba Chicken"), Bug ("Turnip"), frog ("The Tale of the Frog Princess"), mouse-louse ("Teremok"), goatling ( “Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”), little Khavroshechka (“Havroshechka”), fox (“Fox and jug”, “Fox-sister and gray wolf”, “Fox with a rolling pin”, “Cat, rooster, fox”, “ Cockerel - golden comb"), cat ("Cat, rooster, fox").

Educator: Well done, you are very kind children. Guys, fairy-tale characters have prepared a game for you. Do you want to play?

Children's answers.

Game "Find a mistake in a fairy tale."

The teacher reads a fairy tale to the children, and changes one word to another. Children on speed must "correct the mistake" of the narrator.

For instance:

- ... The grandmother beat-beat, did not break. Grandfather beat-beat did not break. The cat ran, waved its tail, and the egg broke. (Cat - mouse).

- ... Here comes the grandfather and sees: the gray wolf curled up and lies on the road. Grandfather got down from the cart, went up to the wolf, but he didn’t stir, he lay like a dead man. “Here will be a gift for his wife,” said the grandfather, took the wolf and put it on the cart, and he went ahead. (Wolf - fox).

- ... And the youngest son, Ivan Tsarevich, the arrow rose and flew away, he does not know where. So he walked, walked, reached the swamp, he sees - a mouse is sitting, picked up his arrow. (Mouse - frog).

– … Suddenly an elephant comes along. I saw the tower, heard the songs, stopped and roared at the top of my lungs:

Terem-teremok! Who lives in the terem?

I am a mouse.

I am a frog.

I am a runaway bunny.

I am a fox-sister.

I am a top-gray barrel.

And who are you?

And I'm an elephant.

Come live with us! (Elephant - bear clumsy).

Educator: Well done. Guys, I suggest a little rest, do you agree?

Children's answers.

Educator: Great, and fairy-tale characters will help us.

Fizminutka "At the edge of the forest in a row."

On the edge of the forest in a row

The animals are exercising.

The hare turns its head

Stretches the muscles of the neck.

Makes every movement diligently -

He likes this exercise very much.

Striped raccoon depicts a helicopter -

He swings his paws back and forth

As if going on a long flight.

The gray wolf is a little sleepy,

He does bends.

You little wolf, don't be lazy

Bow left and right

And then back and forth

You will get an energy boost.

Teddy bear sits down

Heels off the floor.

Keeps the back straight

As his mother taught him.

Well, squirrels are like balls

Together they jump and jump.

Children follow the text.

Educator: Well, let's get some rest. Our storytelling journey continues.

Game exercise "Rewrite the fairy tale in your own way."

Educator: Guys, Would you be interested to know what happened to the characters after the end of the fairy tale? For example, what happened to the fox and the wolf from the fairy tale "Sister Chanterelle and the Gray Wolf", what was the fate of Khavroshechka?

Children's answers.

Game fix the mistake.

Educator: Guys, you know so many fairy tales and remember fairy-tale characters. Can you spot the mistake in the title of the story? Let's check?

Children's answers.

The teacher calls fairy tales, deliberately making a mistake, and the children correct.

"Cockerel Ryaba"

"Dasha and the Bear"

"The Wolf and the Seven Lambs"

"Ducks - swans"

"Chanterelle with a saucepan"

"Zayushkin house"

"Princess Turkey"

"Boy with Cam"

Educator: Guys, well done, you can’t fool you, no matter how hard I try, you know the names of fairy tales very well! And now I invite you to become the heroes of the fairy tale "Sister Chanterelle and the Gray Wolf." Do you agree?

Children's answers.

Pantomimic sketch "Woe", "Cunning", "Hunger", "Angry" based on the Russian folk tale "The Little Fox and the Gray Wolf".

Children depict: grandfather is grieving - they put their hands to their cheeks, cover their eyes, raise their eyebrows at an angle, lower their heads; the fox is cunning - they squint their eyes, make turns with their bodies; a hungry wolf - they stroke their stomach, lick their lips with their tongue; the wolf is angry with the fox - one arm is bent at the elbow, the other is clenched into a fist, eyebrows are furrowed, an angry expression on his face.

Educator: Guys, our journey through fairy tales has come to an end. Did you enjoy your trip to the land of fairy tales? And what games with fairy tales did we play? And what did you like the most?

Children's answers.

Educator: Look at our book corner. Here we also have books with fairy tales. In order for them to live well, they must be treated with care: do not tear, do not crush, read carefully.

Synopsis of OOD on the development of speech in the preparatory group. Topic: "Books are our friends"

Purpose: for preschool teachers
1. Continue to develop in children the ability to make reasoning, observing the structure of this type of text. Teach children how to write an advertisement, including a description of the subject.
2. To consolidate the idea of ​​the genres of literary works.
3. Exercise in the ability to understand and explain the figurative meaning of phraseological units.
4. Cultivate a respectful, caring attitude towards books.

A chest with a key, cards with the name of the genre, a large sheet of paper for writing the rules for caring for books, an exhibition of books, an advertising scheme.

Lesson progress:

Pay attention, guys, to this casket. What's in it, I don't know. It's closed. And to open this chest, you need a key. The key is not easy, the key of knowledge. If during the lesson you cope with all the tasks, you will be able to get the key and open the casket and find out what is in it.
"The nut of knowledge is hard,
Well, we're not used to backing down
Help us break it down
Desire: "We want to know everything!"
Let's start with a riddle:
"Not a bush, but with leaves.
Not a shirt, but sewn.
Not a person, but tells.
What is it?" (Book)
- Yes, it's a book. The book is the greatest miracle in the world. You already got acquainted with the history of the appearance of books. You know that each book has come a long and difficult way before getting into your hands. Do you think books should be protected? Why?
- You know, there are guys, and some adults, who don't know how to handle books. I suggest you come up with rules for caring for books and write them down. We will hang them in the kindergarten so that everyone knows how to properly handle books. Guys, each rule is one sentence. (Children make up the rules).
- Guys, what are the books? (For children and adults).
What is the difference between children's books and adult books?
- I know that fairy tales are printed in children's books. And what other literature is printed for children? (Stories, fables, riddles, poems, teasers, proverbs, etc.).
What is the difference between a fairy tale and a story?
How is a story different from a poem?
- What is the difference between a tongue twister and a proverb?
What is the difference between a teaser and a riddle?
- Guys, I will read you excerpts from various works, and you must determine what it is: a poem, a fairy tale or something else. Support your answer with evidence as to why you think so. (Educator, children argue their guesses).
- Well done! I think that you will be able to cope with the next task. I have prepared cards for you. Each card has one word: a fairy tale, a story, a poem, a riddle, a teaser, a tongue twister, a proverb. You need to remember or come up with what you will get.
- Guys, today we have an exhibition of books. The books are all interesting and good. I have read each of them cover to cover. Is it possible to say so: "I read it from cover to cover." (Answers of children).
- Yes, you can say that. This means reading the book carefully from beginning to end.
Let's get back to our book show. Imagine that you are sales representatives of the Press House. You need to profitably sell books, and for this you need effective and interesting advertising. Now we will learn how to come up with advertising books. What do you think needs to be said?
- You need to tell about the title of the book, the author. What kind of binding: soft or hard? What is in the book? (Fairy tale, story or poem). Can you give a short story of who the main character is?
- What words can you start advertising with?
- What words to finish?
- I suggest you choose a book for advertising. Examine her carefully. When advertising a story, you can use a diagram.
I suggest: Book - Title - Author - Binding: M or T - Tales? - About what? - Heroes!
(Analysis of the resulting advertisements).
- Well, you coped with all the tasks, it's time to open the casket. (Children open the chest, there are gifts for children in it - books).

Organization: MKDOU "Skazka"

Location: Krasnoyarsk Territory, Kodinsk


Target:improvement of the grammatical structure of speech.
Integratable educational areas : "Speech development", "Social and communicative development", "Physical development".



    expansion, activation and updating of the dictionary on the topic "Professions at the construction site";

    improvement of the grammatical structure of speech (the use of nouns with prepositions, the formation and use of relative adjectives, the agreement of adjectives with nouns);

    improving the skill of syllabic analysis of words;

    improvement of the syntactic side of speech.


    Develop logical thinking, coherent speech;

    to consolidate the ability to understand the learning task and perform it;

    develop speech hearing, phonemic perception;

    develop coordination of speech with movement. General and fine motor skills.


    to consolidate the ability to carry out independent joint activities;

    to form communicative qualities, friendliness;

    improve teamwork skills.

Types of children's activities: play, speech,

Planned results of the formation of target guidelines for pupils (in accordance with the federal state educational standard for preschool education):

Shows initiative and independence in various activities;

Possesses a positive attitude towards the world, towards other people and oneself;

Actively interacts with peers and adults, participates in joint games; adequately shows his feelings, including a sense of faith in himself;

Has a developed imagination, which is realized in various activities, and above all in the game;

Can use speech to express his thoughts, feelings and desires, build a speech statement in a communication situation;

Form of GCD : subgroup, individual.

Methods and techniques: verbal, visual, logical reasoning, practical activities, clarifications, explanations, instruction, situations of amusement and novelty, encouragement.

Applied pedagogical technologies: information and communication, developing education, health-saving.

preliminary work : A conversation about professions at a construction site, looking at pictures related to construction professions. Reading fiction: S. Baruzdin "We are building a house", G. Lyushnin "Builders", I. Sokolov-Mitkov "Hare's tears", S. Mikhalkov "Three little pigs", a dramatization game based on a fairy tale. Organization of the role-playing game "Building a house". Didactic games: “To whom what?”, “Guess from the description”.

Materials and equipment:

Demo: Multifunctional game guide "Magic Circles", multimedia presentation, projector, computer, screen, tape recorder.

Dispensing: Multifunctional game manual "Housewarming", photo of children of the group, size 4x4, bricks.


Group: senior.

Number of participants: 8

Implementation time: 25 minutes.


I.Organizing time.(Creating an emotionally positive background for the lesson.)

Sounds like a song from the m / f "Three Little Pigs".

Teacher. Guys, did you know from which fairy tale this song is and who sings it?

Children. "Three pigs".

Teacher. What are their names?

Children. Nif-Nif, Nuf-Nuf, Naf-Naf.

Teacher. What did the pigs do in this story?

Children. They built houses to hide from the wolf.

Teacher. Today we will also talk about the professions of people working at a construction site. And first, let's play with piglets and houses.

II. Main part

1. Exercise "Who, where is?"Improving the grammatical structure of speech (the use of nouns with prepositions).

Slide 1 Pig houses.

Teacher. Let's remember what material the pigs built houses from.

Children. In this story, the piglets built three houses. Nif-Nif built a house from straw, Naf-Naf - from branches, and Nuf-Nuf - from stones.

Slide 2. Houses of piglets and piglets.

teacher. Tell us what the pigs are doing.

    1. y child. Nif-Nif stands in front of the house.

      th child. Naf-Naf is hiding behind the house.

      th child. Nuf-Nuf is hiding in the house.

      th child. Now Nuf-Nuf looks out of the house.

2. The game "Magic Circles"(improvement of the grammatical structure of speech (formation and use of relative adjectives)

Children stand around the table, in front of them on the table is the multifunctional manual "Magic Circles". Houses are depicted on one circle, and the materials from which the houses are built are depicted on the other.

Teacher. Let's say again what kind of houses the piglets had. These magic circles will help us. Each of you will turn circles in turn and say what the house is made of.

teacher. Straw house - what?

1st child. Straw.

Teacher..Wood house - what kind?

    th child. Wood.

teacher. What kind of stone house?

    th child. Stone.

teacher. Clay house - what?

4th child. Clay.

teacher. Iron roof - what?

5th child. Iron.

teacher. Brick house - what?

6th child. Brick.

3. Exercise "Build a tower"(expansion of the verb dictionary on the topic "Professions at the construction site").

The teacher takes out a container with bricks

teacher. The piglets built houses, and you will build a tower of bricks. The one who picks up more words that answer the question "What is he doing?" will build the highest tower. For each word you will get a brick and build your tower. Remember how the pigs built houses, choose the right words.

Children choose words (build, weave, dig, fold, cover, paint, nail, plaster, glaze, conduct, whitewash, insulate, cover up, etc.), get bricks, build towers from them, determine the winner.

4. Physical culture breakexercise "painters" from the musical game charge by Yu. Kudinov.The teacher invites the children to come out on the carpet.

5. Clap Loud Game(Development of phonemic perception.)

The teacher asks the children to stay on the carpet.

teacher. Listen to the poem and think about which sound is found in it more often than others.

Danya is building a house for a long time

He is doing good work.

Children. D.

teacher. Right. Sound D. Now listen carefully to me and clap as soon as you hear the sound D.

D, m, k, f, d, r, h, d.

Do, Ta, Mu, Yes, Ko, Du.

Oak, teeth, slippers, Firewood, cotton wool, bones, Kind, light, Long.

6. Game "Housewarming", "Determine the number of syllables"(To develop the skills of syllabic word analysis).

The teacher asks the children to sit down at the tables, on which there are applications of five-story houses with five entrances.. On the plates are photographs of the children of their group the size of a window at home. The task is performed in pairs, one house for two children.

Teacher. Now let's play. You have new houses ready to move in on your tables. We have a housewarming party, you need to resettle your friends. Whose name consists of one syllable to settle on the first floor, from two syllables to the second floor, from three syllables to the third floor.

Teacher. Well done, you did a great job and resettled your friends in a new house.

7. The game "Spin the top, and name who is superfluous"(composing complex sentences with words because, development of thinking)

The teacher asks the children to come to the table with a top and pictures that depict the professions of people.

teacher. I propose to play the game "Spin the top and name who is superfluous." We will spin the top in turn, when it stops, you need to take the picture shown by the arrow, it shows people of different professions, name which profession is superfluous and why.

Doctor, educator, bricklayer, speech therapist.

Children: The bricklayer is superfluous because he works at a construction site. A doctor, educator, speech therapist work in kindergarten.

Painter, salesman, plasterer, architect.

Children: An extra salesman because he works in a store. A painter, plasterer, architect work at a construction site.

Conductor, crane operator, excavator operator, carpenter

Children: An extra conductor, because he works in transport. A crane operator, excavator, carpenter work at a construction site.

Pilot, captain, carpenter, taxi driver.

Children: An extra carpenter because he works at a construction site. And the pilot, captain, taxi driver work in transport.

teacher: Well done! You also completed this task.

III. Summarizing:

Guys, let's remember what we did with you? What construction professions do you know? ( children's responses).

Well done, you worked hard and you succeeded.

MBOU "Educational complex No. 1"

OOD for the development of speech

in the preparatory group

The book is a friend and helper.

Teacher Shmarova T.V.


OOD for the development of speech "The book is our friend and helper"

Purpose: To instill a love of reading .

Tasks: to consolidate the ability to distinguish by ear the sounds of the native language. Distinguish between the concepts of "sound", "syllable", "word", "sentence".

To teach to show independence, initiative in order to acquire new knowledge.

Improve speech as a means of communication.

Cultivate love for the book as a source of knowledge.

preliminary work: excursion to the library, reading books, work on syllabic tables and plot pictures. Learning idioms and tongue twisters. Didactic and educational games: “Who will see more?”, “Name more words”, “Rebuses”, “Name words with a certain sound”.

vocabulary work: letter, syllable, word, sentence, library.

Material: book exhibition, plot pictures, syllabary table, "magic words", circles for determining consonants and vowels in a word, rebuses.

GCD progress

Today is our special day

I will introduce you friends

With an object without which

We cannot live in the world.

A surprise awaits you.


She speaks silently, but clearly and not boringly.

You talk more often with her, you will become four times smarter.

Though not a hat, but with fields

Not a flower, but with a root.

Talks to us

All understandable language.

What is the riddle about? (about the book). How did you guess?

What do you think the book is for? (children's answers)

Who knows the names of the books that are taught in school?

The teacher shows the book and offers to read its title. (FAIRY TALES).

Do you love fairy tales?

Do you remember what a fairy tale is?

A fairy tale is a genre of literary creativity about fictional characters. (an entertaining story, magic, fiction).

What are fairy tales? (about animals, magical, instructive ...).

What genres do you know? (fables, stories, stories, epics, poems - poetry).

What do you think it takes to read a book? (be able to read)

Who remembers what kind of speech happens? (oral, written).

Written - we write or read, oral - we communicate.

In what form can oral speech be? (monologue, dialogue)

What is the difference between letters and sounds? (we write letters, we pronounce sounds).

What is our speech? (from sentences, sentences from words, words can be divided into syllables, syllables are made up of sounds, and sounds can be vowels and consonants). In the word syllables, the stress is on the first syllable.

We read a poem about vowel sounds:

Air moves freely through the mouth

The sound becomes a vowel

Vowels stretch in a voiced song.

They can cry and scream

They can cradle a child in a crib,

But they do not want to whistle and grumble.

l . Game "Unusual Forest"

A picture with the image of various objects is exhibited.

Task: identify short and long words.

ll . Game "Make a proposal".

Task: to make a sentence and a diagram according to the plot picture.

lll . Auditory dictation.

The teacher reads the words and offers to lay out the indicated letter.

BEE- (first) P

FOREST- (second) E

PUMP- (first) N

WASP- (last) A

SNAIL- (second) L

PENCIL CASE- a sound-letter analysis of the word is given.

Dynamic pause:

Up hand and down hand pulled them lightly

Quickly changed hands, today we are not bored

Squat with Claps

Down - cotton, up - cotton

Legs, hands stretch. We know for sure it will be good

We turn - we turn our heads

Stretching the neck. Stop!

lY . "Guess the word."

Task: under each picture of the card, lay out the first letter of the word. Read the received word, check each other.

Y . Word auction.

The syllable table is exposed.

Children form words on the principle of a chain so that the last syllable of the previous word is the beginning of the next:


Yl . Game "Tricky words".

Explain the meaning of words when the stress is reversed.

Exhibited words: CASTLE, FLOUR, HORNS, ATLAS.

Explain the meaning of words that sound the same but have different meanings.

The teacher says the words:

LANGUAGE (at the bell, at the child, at the boot).

HANDLE (by the door, by the child, for writing).

KEY (for a lock, violin - in music, wrench).


Here you have shown your knowledge.

We read the poem "Disciples":

We became students - we are no longer kids,

And we are grateful to the kindergarten from the bottom of our hearts,

We confused the sounds at first. The language did not listen to us at all.

Well, now we are boldly going to school, to first grade!

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