When the release of Easter in the year. Easter day and brightly adjacent to him. Easter Cooking Recipe

The beauty of Easter life

... Easter went ... already "outdation" ...

I remember how one bishop said that sometimes the Lord gives Easter grace on the last day, for the outbreak ... Although I did not have any reason to object to this, considering the thought completely correct, but in the heart (Sharpened is strangely) somewhere there was indifferent Malovery ...

Therefore, I even forgot about to ask for something at the resurrected ... But the mercy of God - as it happens, it was often possible - it was unexpected, not according to merit ... the grace is "grace", that is not a deserved gift. And what a wonderful, extraordinary one, the only grace for my whole life ... I don't even want to talk about it, but you need to hide, as a precious treasure, from extraneous eyes and, especially, enemies .. so capturing the cross with the following lines about her ...

Easter Popment

"Embercing the Light Celebration of Easter Sedmice (Saturday), the Church continues him, although with less solemnity (as a periodation), thirty-two days before the Ascension of the Lord (on the Day of Easter Day) and, moreover, remembers the Resurrection of Christ Weekly, in the first Sedmians day. The Jews first day was considered Saturday: and Christians began to be honored by the Day of Resurrection. Let's say about both days.

Before "Detaching" every Sunday, there are (except for a fomient) on the evening "Easter Poems" ("God will resurrect ... Red Easter ..."), with a gloomy of the celebrated week (myrronians and so on.); It also serves Easter canon ("Resurrection day ..."). And every day, any service begins with singing (or reading, on the clock) of the tropar: "Christ is risen ..."

"The Resurrection of Christ ..." on the all-bedic day under Sunday, it is three times, and more than once. Exapostillary (or Svetlen in Canon) First, the Easter "flesh of falling" is then already - a celebrated week.

So clearly celebrated "Poprancy" of the Resurrection of Christ - thirty-nine days! This is a completely unprecedented celebration! Usually, the Popprasnote continues from one to eight days.

Then, on the eve of the ascension, the "separate" of Easter is performed. Services begin with candles, cenil and singing the poem, as in Easter; So, as well as on Sundays, the Easter week; And with the great gloss.

The same service is simultaneously both the absenteeism, therefore the third canon is already considered as the Ascension. On the liturgy - prokimman "This Dean ..."; But the "apostle and the gospel is a day."

And the end - "I am on a pointer to the most Easter ...", "and Taco is given to the feast of the Sundark and the resurrection Christ."

The ship is carried off on Wednesday: the Lord is crazy tomorrow (although this is not specified in the services). But I am remembered all year, every Sunday day; And this day is because the "Lord" day is called. And thus committed, - in essence, all year, by sundays, that is, all fifty-two Sundays.

And, according to the church charter, the service on this day is committed without crankshake. Every Sunday reads on the morning of the Gospel about the phenomena of Christ on the resurrection of his own (eleven readings make up the "pillar", which is repeated again). Soon, according to the Gospel, the "Resurrection of Christ Hosveche ..." and "Survised Jesus from the coffin ...".

The first canon is devoted to the resurrection of Christ, and the second is already a cross and resurrection.

Believers should participate in services.

In terms of great sall, in turn, the trails: "DNEC of salvation ..." or "Wax from the coffin ...".

And this day is also given to the affairs of mercy.

On this occasion, St. John Zlatoust said this: "B The first day of the week each of you let him deposit," according to the command of the Apostle Paul - and saves how much the condition will allow him ... (1 Cor. 16, 2-3).

Why did the apostle appointed this day for donation? Why not said: on Monday, on Tuesday or on other days of the week? Of course, - with the intention so that at the very bottom of the resurrection it is to have an intention to make us more with the beneficiaries.

And why is this day - it will make us to prompt us to alms?

What is more important: we received countless blessings: death is in Popran; Destroyed curse; Power of sin; The gates of hell are crushed; Captive devil: a long-term feud is stopped; On the ground, the world was laid out; The human genus reached the previous one - much more - nobility. Saint Zlatoust is a great preacher of alms. For that, he actually suffered, squeezing the rich!

This alms is poor, he says, very often there is the best "service" to God and the highest beauty of Easter. No wonder our ancestors on days big holidays visited hospitals and prisons; and visited the prisoners; Or sent them gifts ...

After all, on the terrible court, the Lord will ask us about this: did they have uptat? Did you drink? Did you wear? Have you visited? In general, did the love of the Little Brothers of Christ provided? True I tell you: since you made it one of the sizes of my smaller, they made me (Matt. 25, 40). And whether we have a place to be with him on my meal in the kingdom with him, - if we do not have the mercy of his brothers (Luke. 22, 30)?

I don't think! The Word of Christ - Truth! .. And the same Saint Zlatoust so persistently speaks of alms. For example: "... Although you have a lot of sins, but, since the alms of your protector, do not be afraid; None of the highest strength stops her, she demands due, having his own handwriting in his hands. It is a voice of the Lord himself, that who created a united smaller, he created me ... (Matt. 25, 40). Thus, no matter how much other sins do you have, your alms outweighs BCE "(T. 2. P. 327).

"Poor - the doctors of our souls, benefactors and presentations; Because you do not give them so much as you get: you give silver, and you get the kingdom of heaven; Make the poverty, but reconcile yourself with the Lord "(t. 3. P. 308).

"... I have a generous alms and here lives with a good conscience, and when I move away from here, it finds the great mercy of the proud and hear these blissful words together with other other words: take it away from my father's father, inherit your kingdom from the addition of the world ... (MF. 25 , 34) "(T. 43).

"... I do not forbid rich deposits (on the temple): I demand only that you, together with deposits, and even before them, they worked alms. Although God is accepting and deposits, but much better is alms.<…> What is the benefit if Christ's meal is full of gold vessels, and Christ himself languishes hunger? " (t. 7. P. 522).

Alms is more important than the victims: alms, not the victims (OS. 6, 6; 9, 4). She culings heaven: your prayers and alms are your charge for God's memory (Acts 10, 4). "The Apostle Paul said first about the resurrection, and immediately about alms!" (1 Cor.15; 16. See the interpretation of Zlatoust).

Lord! Let us not forget it!

Metropolitan Veniamin Fedchenkov - Easter. About the holidays and worst of the Orthodox Church, Moscow 2007

The Day of the Resurrection of Christ is one of the brightest Christian holidays and the most important in the liturgical year. His "floating" from year to year dates are pushing on the question: what is the number of Easter in 2017 at the Orthodox.

What cooking needs Easter in 2017

Traditionally, it is celebrated on Sunday, and before Easter in 2017 there is a passionate Saturday. This day comes to an end Great postWhich in 2017 lasted 48 days, and all preparations are completed. Another name is quiet Saturday. A person must hold it in abstaining from fun and entertainment, but also the quarrel - Branch and foul language on this day equal to sin.

Also on Saturday are engaged in preparing the painted, so it is still culberry, and baked cakes. However, there are dishes that are preparing on the table, it is still impossible. One who fastens can eat only bread, vegetables and fruits in raw form, and only water drink. We answer the popular question when an Easter basket is going to Easter - on Saturday. The family itself chooses which products it considers it necessary to sanctify, but there must be sharpening and cakes in it. The history of the holiday and his symbolism of the revival of life also requires to embello the house with sprigs of young trees and flowers.

In the evening, believers are sent to the service, where the procession begins at midnight. Upon returning home, they can taste Pask and after going to bed. In 2017, Easter in Russia begins only late Sunday morning. Bans associated with passionate Saturday in 2017 are connected directly with its symbolism and those traditions that act in the preparation or celebration of religious celebrations.

A complete list of prohibitions in the Great Saturday in 2017:

  • thermally processed food;
  • alcoholic beverages, however, it is allowed to hurt a little red wine to those who previously sat only bread and water;
  • dancing and singing;
  • intimate proximity;
  • fishing and hunting;
  • cleaning, washing and ironing;
  • garden and garden work;
  • bathing;
  • needlework.

Easter date in 2017 and why she "floats" every year

The question is, for what number is the Orthodox Easter, does not lose relevance from year to year. In 2015, she was celebrated on April 12, in 2016 he moved on May 1, and easter date in 2017 returned to April, stopping at the 16th . We know that it is always noted on Sunday, but its date is calculated by the formula on the basis of the sunny-lunar calendar.

It was established in 325. On the first universal cathedral, when they decided that Easter would be celebrated on the first Sunday, which follows the full moon after March 21 (day spring equinox). Thus, her date follows after the Jewish Easter, which falls from 14 to the 15th number of the first moon month Aviv, just for the full moon. The lunar and solar calendar does not coincide, which leads to the appearance of "floating" Easter.

However, the coincidence of numbers is not often happening, because in the same 325. The Nike Cathedral was chosen its own system for calculating the Easter day. According to its algorithm, after the spring equinox - March 21, you need to wait for the full moon and the next Sunday after him will be Easter.

Easter basket

From March 22 to April 24 - in these dates, the resurrection of Christ is always celebrated, the discrepancy in days in 45% of cases is not more than seven, less often (30%) - numbers coincide, as in 2017, and about 20% are divided into five Weeks and another 5% - by four.

What traditions are related to the celebration of Easter in 2017

Orthodox Easter in 2017 is celebrated on April 16, which coincides with its celebration of Catholics. We will tell you more about traditions that act for both teachings.

Orthodoxy in Russia received great support and Easter here is noted with the proper home holiday in the liturgical year by scope. In the morning, it is customary to go to the church, consecrating the collected pre-Easter basket. Upon returning home, you need to cover the table, starting a festive lunch, first of all, from the Easter egg, and after - the merchant. Only at the end of the ritual can be processed to other dishes.

It is customary to give each other eggs, and the battle of eggs is considered long standing. Also on this day it is customary to be christy - when you meet with a friend, you need to kiss him, saying "Christ Risen!", And in response he heard "Verily Risen!". Orthodox Easter 2017 is a clean and bright holiday that should not be oversted by quarrels and work (an exception is care of patients). It is not intended for the Panichide on the deceased and visiting the cemetery - for this there is a separate day.

Features of the celebration of Easter Sunday at Catholics in 2017

Traditions catholic Easter 2017 are similar to Orthodox. Here is the main thing the symbol is also performed painted eggs - They are decorated with pre-various drawn colored ornaments. A family dinner with baking, meat dishes and characteristic of this day decor is an integral part of the holiday.

True, the cakes here replaces the Easter hare - it is he, according to the old reference, lays out the houses of treats in Easter baskets. It is both in the form of souvenirs made of clay, plastic, fabrics, and as an edible image placed on candy and baking.

Resurrection of Christ. The fresco of the refectory temple of the Zadonsky Men's Monastery

Easter's submission is performed on Wednesday on the 6th week for Easter. On this day, a forty-day celebration of the bright Christ of the Resurrection is ends, and we last welcome each other with the words of Easter joy: "Christ is risen!" And we are preparing to meet the coming holiday of the Ascension of the Lord.

history of the holiday

The "giving" of the holiday is called the last day of the permanent or two-month holidays, which has its own distinctive features In worship. Easter's poprants continues for forty days, because According to the legend of the Church, the Lord, on the resurrection of his dead, wasted these days on earth and was repeatedly the most Mother and Apostles.

On the phenomena of the resurrected Lord in a forty days from Easter to Ascension, all four evangelists narrate.

Particularly describes the third phenomenon of the Savior to the Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Tiberiaty Holy Apostle John theologian. The Lord not only appeared before the disciples, but also divided me a meal for more assurance that he was risen in the same flesh, in which he suffered on the cross. At the same time, the Lord instructed the apostle Peter Care about the Universal Church Dictionolution:

"When they dinner, Isus says Simon Peter: Simon Ionin! Do you love me more than they? Peter tells him: So, Lord! You know I love you. Isus tells him: My Lamb Pasi. Still says to him the other time: Simon Ionin! Do you love me? Peter tells him: So, Lord! You know I love you. Isus tells him: My sheep is my. He tells him for the third time: Simon Ionin! Do you love me? Peter saddened that he asked him for the third time: do you love me? And he said to him: Lord! You know everything; You know I love you. Isus tells him: My sheep is my. True, truly I tell you: when you were young, I was presented myself and went where I wanted; And when you make up, then you will shoot your hands, and the other presented you and lead you wherever you do not want. It said this, giving to intelligence, what the death of Peter will glorify God " (In 21: 15-19).

The Holy Evangelist Matthew describes the phenomenon of the Lord, when he commanded the eleven apostles to gather in Galilee and commanded them to go to the World Sermon, promising to be inseparable with their followers: "And this, I am with you all the days before the condation of the century. Amen" (MF 28:20).

About the last conversation with students, before the afternoon, the evangelists Mark and Luka are narrated.

The apostle Mark transfers farewell words And the commandments for the apostles that the Savior pointed out to them:

"And he told them: go around the world and preach the gospel of the whole creature. Who will believe and be baptized, will be saved; And who will not believe, will be convicted. We assumed to accompany these signs: my name will be cast by demons; will speak new languages; will take snakes; And if that the deadly bother will not hurt them; We will lay hands on the sick, and they will be healthy. And so the Lord, after triggering with them, ascended to the sky and silent the sledge God. And they went and preached everywhere, with the Lord's assistance and reinforcement of the word with subsequent signs. Amen" (MK 16: 15-20).

Features of worship

Easter church service is made with special solemnity. On this day, three statutory services are combined: the holiday of Easter, a week about the blind and presets of the Ascension of the Lord. The 3rd, 6th and 9th hours, as well as antifons on the liturgy come on the Easter rank. The day is lean, but in Triodi there is a special prescription that "on the meal there is a consolation of breeds": "Poams oil, and fish, and a wine, thanks to God." So believers say goodbye to next year With Easter chants and switch (except for reading the prayer "King Heavenly") to the daily annual prayer charter.

The post-hours of day (from the Holiday of the Ascension of the Lord until the day of Pentecost) have their own relaxation regarding the post of medium and Friday and liberate believers from earthly bows. These are days of spiritual joy when, after the Savior, our rushing heart sight to the incredit Easter of the future lifewhere we get eternal consonation and peace if you work out for the sake of the grace of the Holy Spirit in the rest of the life cross.

Wednesday 6th week for Easter.Easter celebration. The ability of the Ascension of the Lord. Equalupp. Methodius and Kirill, Slovenian teachers.

Schishmch. Mokya. Schishmch. Joseph, Mitr. Astrakhan. SVT. Nicodemic, Archpiece. Serbian.

PS Sofroniya, Restress Pechersk, in distant caves.

The Day of the TesoMenitism of the Holy Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill.

We present the procedure for making a blank service equivalent. Methodius and Kirill, Slovenian teachers, in conjunction with Triodi.

Note. When hosting worship, you can be guided by the 5th Markan Head of Typikon under May 8: "... It will happen to the Holy Apostle John the Theologian on Wednesday before the Ascension, for Easter's Submitting.

Start great Evening - As in the 1st day of Easter. To do in Epitrohil and Felon, Ieria with open tsarist gates with an Easter trisvector and a cross in his left hand, with cench in his right hand, after the initial exclamation: "Slava of the Holy ...", sings: "Christ is resurrected ..." (three times). The singers also repeat the troparps three times. Ieria sings poems easter start: "God will resurrect ...". Singers after each verse: "Christ is risen ...". Then he foots 103 psalm: "Bless, my soul, gentlemen ...". ("Put, bow" does not fit.) Everyone's temple is performed.

According to the preliminary Psalm, the great objects, and the "Blessed Husband" is "Blessed" - the 1st Antifone.

On the "Lord, the Appeats" of the stimit to 10: the holiday of Triodi (about the blind), voice 2nd, voice of the 4th, voice 5th and voice of the 8th - 6, and saints, voice 2nd - 4. " Glory "- Saints, voice of the 6th:" The Apostle is unfulfilled ... "," and now "- the holiday of Triodi, the 8th:" Who is your own strength of your ... ".

Entrance. Sociable day. Parisions of the Saints - 3. The Sectius is pussy: "RSC WSI ...". "Speedback, Lord." Sectolation is leaking: "Fulfill the evening ...", and the prayer of the audience.

On the lithium of the poem of the temple. "Glory" - saints, voice of the 8th: "Yako teachers are nozzles ...", "And now" - the Virgin Sunday, voice is the same: "a demonstrative devo ...".

On the stamp of the stimile, Sunday Triodi, voice of the 5th: "You, embodied the Savior of Christ ...", and the poem of Easter, the same (with their chorus). "Glory" - Saints, Glas 8th: "Rejoice, the border of the sacred ...", "and now" - Easter, voice 5th: "Resurrection day ..." (at the end of "Christ Risen ..." - once, as the end of the stimit ).

According to the trisbit - the tropharnya of the saints, the voice of the 4th (twice) and the "Virgin Mary of Devo ..." (once).

At the exclusion: "The blessing of the Lord on you ...", singers: "Amen". Ieria, by entering the altar and taking a cross, a trisvector and Kadyl into his hands, sorry with hole tsarist gates: "Christ is resurrected ..." (three times). The singers also repeat the troparps three times. Ieria sings poems easter start: "God will resurrect ...". Singers after each verse: "Christ is risen ...". At the end of singing, the tsarist gates are closed, and the reading of six-pin: "Glory in the Verkhny God ...", and so on.

Calendar notes:

Day of the Teso-Generation of the Holy Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill.
When connecting the Easter and Equal-Apostles Methodology Services and Kirill, the 5th Markan Tipic Head of Typika may be guided by the 5th Manda: "... It will happen to the Holy Apostle John the Theologian ... to the Easter's announcement."

The order of readings, according to the calendar:

At morning On the "God of the Lord" - the Tropear Sunday, Glas 5th: "Sobatal Word ..." (twice). "Slava" - the troparch of the saints, the voice of the 4th, "and now" - the Virgin Sundays on the reading of "Glory": "From the century ...".

Cafes 10th and 11th. Small object.

According to the 1st storage facilities - Sunday Salna, Glas 5th (see a week about blind). "Glory, and now" - a Virginian, voice is the same (see a week about the blind).

According to the 2nd storage facilities - the sealer of the holiday Triodi (about the blind), voice of the 5th: "Father and the Ghosts of the Sobannaya ..." (see on the morning of the Easter's 6th week). "Glory, and now" is the same saddle.

Runs. Saints and elected psalm. Saints of the saints on the 1st and 2nd storage facilities (voice 3rd: "Trinity of the smallest ...", and voice 5th: "Yes, you rejoice ..."). "Glory" - Sadalen Saints by Polyel, Glory 4th: "Get, enlighteners ...", "And now" - the saddalen of the holiday Triodya, voice of the 5th: "Father and the Ghosts of the Soban" ... "(see on 2nd stations ). Stephenna - the 1st Annesty of the 4th Glass. Saint Prikimim, voice 4th: "Your priests will enjoy in the truth, and your refreshments will rejoice"; Verse: "Hearing this, WSI of languages, inspire, Wsy, Living in the Universe." Gospel - Saints. "Resurrection of Christ whose ..." (once). In the 50th Psalm: "Glory" - "the prayers of the saints ...". The poem of the saints, voice of the 6th: "The Apostle is unfulfilled ..." (see the Gloor on the "Lord, the Appeats"), or the poem of the saints, the same: "Gulf grace ...".

Canons: Easter (without a Bogorodichnov) on 6 (Irmodos on twice), saints on 4 and triodes (about blind) by 4.

Note. "We sing in any song the tropari about the blind one twice. Glory - Trooked, And now - Virgin ... the pretreatments of [the Ascension of the Lord] canon province is left; And we sing it on Tuesday raised "(Tipikon, May 8, 5th Markova Chapter).

Biblical songs "We sing the Lord ...".

Catavasiya Ascension: "Savior God ...".

According to the 3rd songs - Kondak and Saints Ikos, voice 3rd; Easter Ipaos, voice 4th: "Quick Morning ...". "Glory" - saddalen saints, voice of the 4th, "and now" - saddalen of the holiday Triodod (about the blind), voice 1st: "Hurry up the ESI, Christ ..." (see on Wednesday, the 6th week for Easter).

According to the 6th song - Kondak and Easter Ikos, voice 8th.

On the 9th song "Calesal" we do not sing, but we sing Easter chorus. (A common one is performed.)

Note. To the tropars of the canons of saints and triodes (about the blind) "The verb poems of the song" (Wed: Tipikon, Ch. 50, "On Wednesday, the 6th weeks at Passy").

According to the 9th song, "worthy there is no one. Easter luminaire: "Fallen falling down ...". "Glory" - the saints of the saints, "and now" - the holiday of Triodi, "Small my eyes ..." (see a week about the blind).

"Any breath ..." and phewing psalms.

On the praises (from the mark "on 4") the stimitors of the saints, voice 4th - 4 (the first poem is twice), and the Easter stimit, voice of the 5th (with their chorus). "Glory" - saints, voice of the 6th: "our enlighteners ...", "and now" - Easter, voice of the 5th: "Resurrection of the day ..." (at the end of the "Christ is resurrected ..." - once, as the end of the stimit).

Great Slavor. According to Trisity - the tropear Sunday, Glas 5th: "Sobatal Word ...". "Slava" - the troparch of the saints, the voice of the 4th, "and now" - the Virgin Sundays on the reading of "Glory": "From the century ...". Secttion. Weeking Sunday without a cross: "Sunday from the dead ...".

Clock conventional (three-pixel). On the clock - the trophar is Sunday: "Sobatchable Word ...". "Glory" - the tropharnya of the saints. Kondaki Easter and Saints - alternately.

On liturgy After the exclamation "Blessed Kingdom ..." - easter Beginning (with open tsarist gates).

Great objects.

Antifons are pictorial.

Blessed from the canon Easter, the song 3rd - 4 (with IRMOS), and the saints, the song 6th - 4.

At the entrance: "Purchase, bow ... Sunday from the dead, sowing ...".

At the entrance, the trophar is Sunday, the tropharnya of the saints. "Glory" - the Kondak of the Saints, "and now" - Kondak Easter: "Thickel and in the coffin ...".

Tris wintered.

Prokimen - Easter, voice 8th: "This day, the Yejor Shatvi, the Lord, rejoice and extend in the Ny"; Verse: "Assistant Lord ..."; Both saints, voice 7th: "honest before the Lord ...".

Apostle and Gospel - Day and Saints.

Alliluiairiy - Easter, voice 4th: "You, Risen, Digger of Zion"; Both saints, voice 2nd: "Your priests will enjoy the truth ...".

Holder Easter.

Occasten - Easter: "Body of Christ ..."; And the saints: "In the memory of eternal ...".

The end of the liturgy (after "Budi Name of the Lord ..." (three times) and the 33rd Psalm) - as the Easter. At the exclusion: "The blessing of the Lord on you ...", the priest instead of "glory to you, Christ, God sings:" Christ is risen from the dead, death, death, "singers:" And I have given the belly of the belly. " Easter leaves with a cross and, according to tradition, with a trisvector: "Christ, Sunday from the dead, death actor acting in the tomb of the belly of the belly ..." (with the commemoration of the saints of Equalupp. Methodius and Kirill, Slovenian teachers). The autumn of the cross and the end of the liturgy, as for the Easter.

Note. "On the meadow there is a brotherhood of consolation a great, siren: icy, fishing and wine" (typicon, chulp, "On Wednesday, the 6th weeks at Passy, \u200b\u200bon the uterine").

Wed: Liturgical instructions For 1958 for sacred chickens. M., 1958. P. 153-155; Desktop book of the priest. M.: Ed. Mosk. Patriarchate, 19922. T. 1. P. 110-111.

The holiday of the Sunday Light Christ, Easter, is the main event of the year for Orthodox Christians and the biggest Orthodox holiday.

Easter (Greek άάσχα, lat. Pascha, from the IVR. פסח - "passing by"), also - Resurrection of Christ (Greek. Ἡἡνάστασις τῦἰΣῦΣῦῦΣτςῦῦ) - ancient Christian holiday, the main holiday of the liturgical year. Installed in honor of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Currently, his date for each concrete year is calculated on a lunar and sun calendar, which makes Easter by a passing holiday. On this day, we triumphantly get rid of Christ theater of all mankind from slavery to the devil and giving us life and eternal bliss. As our redemption is committed by our godfather, so the eternal life is given to us.

Resurrection of Christ is the basis and crown of our faith, this is the first and most important truth that the apostles began to gleate.

Easter does not have a constant date, but calculated along the lunar calendar. The celebration begins on the first Sunday day after the full moon, coming after the day of the spring equinox. If the full moon falls on Saturday or Sunday, Easter is celebrated on the next Sunday. Usually the holiday falls on time from March 22 / April 4 to April 25 / May 8.

The gospel tells that on Friday, at the passion week, Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross and was buried in a cave located near the place of execution.

On the night of Saturday, on Sunday, Maria Magdaline, who believed in Christ the sinner, and two women who came to the coffin to wash and diminishing the Body of Christ, found that the coffin was empty. "When they wondered about Sez, suddenly appeared in front of them two husbands in the clothes of the shines. And when they were in fear and tilted their faces to the ground, they told them: What are you looking for a living between the dead? " (Lux. 24: 4 - 5).

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is considered all Christians the greatest event giving salvation to peace and mankind.

Apostle Paul in the first message Corinthians wrote: "If there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ is not risen; And if Christ is not risen, then the preaching is in vain, in vain and belief your "(1 Cor. 15:13 - 14). Old Testament

Easter, like the current festival of Pesach (Jewish Easter), was celebrated in memory of Egypt.

The name of the holiday of Peachs (IVR. פסח) - "MINov", "passed by" connected with the event, when, making the last out of ten executions of Egyptian, God killed in Egypt to all the first on the seniority of children, and in humans and Animals, except for firstborn, Jews, whose home he was distinguished by conventional sign (Blood of the Lamb on the door jacket) and passed by: "And I will go to the same night in the Egyptian land and I am angry with all the firstborn in the Egyptian land, from a person to livestock, and on all the gods of Egypt. I am the Lord. And you will have blood with a sign on houses where you are, and I will see the blood and go past you, and there will be a destructive ulcer between you, when I am astounding the Egyptian land. And yes, you will have this day for the day, and celebrate your Lord in this holiday in all your birth; As the establishment of eternal celebrate it. "Wisch. 12: 12-30.

In memory of these events in Jerusalem, a ritual miscarriage of the annual male lamb was prescribed, without a vice, which should be baked on fire and eat completely, not premining bones, with desalinas (Matsoy) and bitter herbs in a family circle during the Easter Night (Ex. 12: 1-28, n. 9: 1-14).

After the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem, the ritual mortgage was impossible, so in pursuance of the biblical prescription of the Jews in the dogs eat desalcy and bitter herbs.

After the Pentecost, Christians began to make the first services of the Eucharist, dedicated to the memoil of the death of Jesus Christ.

Liturgy was committed as a secret evening - Easter suffering related to the godfather. Thus, Easter became the first and most important christian holidayBy causing both the liturgical charter of the Church and the carriage of Christianity.

In some early sources it is said about weekly celebrations: Friday was the day of the post and grief to the memory of the sufferings of Christ ("Shepherd Erma", III, V: 1), and Sunday - Joy Day (Terertullian, "De Corona Mil.", Ch. 3 ).

These celebrations became more solemn during the Jewish Pescha - the anniversary of the death of Christ in the Multiaziary churches, especially by JewishRistians, in the Republic of I century. e. The holiday was celebrated every year with the Jewish Pesach - 14 Nisan, since the Jews and Christians expected the coming of the Messiah on this day (Blaz. Jerome, sense. On Matt. 25.6 - PL 26,192).

Some churches have transferred the celebration on the first Sunday after the Jewish Pescha, because Jesus Christ was executed on the day of Pescha and rustled on the Gospels a day after Saturday - that is, on Sunday.

Already in the second century, the holiday takes the character of the annual in all churches. Soon, the distinction of the traditions of local churches was notable. It originated. Easter dispute between Rome and Churches of Malaya Asia.

The Christians of Malaya Asia, called by four or quartortodetics (from the 14th of the month of Nisan), strictly kept the usual celebration of Easter 14 Nisan, relying on the authority of the AP. John the Bogoslov. They also naming the Jewish Easter moved to the name of Christian and subsequently spread.

Whereas in the West, who did not experience the influence of the Jewishrystanism, there was a practice of celebrating Easter on the first Sunday day after the Jewish Easter, while calculating the last as a full moon after the day of the equinox.

In 155, Polycarp, Bishop Smyrna, visited the Roman bishop of Aniket, to agree on a joint celebration of Easter, but there was no agreement.

The issue of a single day of the Easter celebration for the whole Christian Okumen was considered at the bishop cathedral convened in 325 in Nica, subsequently called the first universal. At the cathedral, it was decided to coordinate the day of the Easter celebration between the communities, and the practice of orientation was condemned to the Jewish date, which dropped to the equinox Day of Easter was chosen the first Sunday day after the first full moon, which comes no earlier spring equinox. Alexandrian bishop should have computing this day and report it in advance in Rome to provide a single day of celebration.

However, after a while, such a message stopped. East and Rome began to celebrate Easter each in their calculations, often in different days.

Easter tables were created in Alexandria - the Easter calendar, allowing to determine the date of Easter for a long period. The 19-year-old lunar-solar cycle was put in their foundation, and for the date of the spring equinox, it was taken on March 21.

In the VI-VIII centuries, this Pelleria was adopted by the Western Church.

In 1582, in the Roman Catholic Church of Pope Gregory XIII introduced a new Easter, called Grigorian. Due to the change in Polelia, the entire calendar has changed. In the same year, Pope Gregory sent ambassadors to the Patriarch of Jeremia with a proposal to adopt a new Gregorian calendar and the new Grigorian Easter.

In 1583, the Patriarch of Jeremiah convened a large local council, inviting the eastern patriarchs, which was betrayed by Anathema not only by the Gregory Easter, but also the Gregorian calendar.

In 1923, the Constantinople Patriarch of Maleti IV (Metaxakis) conducted t. N. The "unmarried" meeting with the participation of representatives of the Elaladskaya, Romanian and Serbian Orthodox Churches, which adopted the Novyulian calendar, is even more accurate than the Gregorian and coinciding with him until 2800.

Eastern churches condemned this decision, and Alexandria held a local cathedral, resolving that there is no need for a new calendar.

In the Russian and Serbian churches, after an attempt to change the calendar left the former due to the possible troubles of the people.

In March 1924, Constantinople moved to the new style (already under Gregory VII) and the Elalad church. The Romanian Church adopted the "Novoyulian" calendar on October 1, 1924.

The indignation of the clergy and the people of innovations of Meltyo has forced him to resign on September 20, 1923.

On May 20, 1926, MeloTi becomes dad and the Patriarch of the Alexandria Church, where, contrary to the adopted cathedral decision, introduces a new calendar.

In Greek churches, a large-scale church split occurred, not dissected to this day. Several independent old-fashioned Greek synods were formed.

At the 1948 Moscow Meeting, it was decided that Easter and all overgoing holidays Celebrated by all Orthodox churches in the Alexandrian Easter and Julian calendar, and not passing holidays on which this church lives.

In the same year, the Antiochian Orthodox Church was transferred to the Novoyulian calendar. Today, Julian calendar is only Russian, Jerusalem, Georgian, Czechoslovak and Serbian Orthodox Churches, as well as Athos. The Finnish Orthodox Church fully moved to the Gregorian calendar.

The general rule for calculating the date of Easter: "Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday after the spring full moon." Spring full moon is the first full moon, which has occurred after the day of the spring equinox. Both Ekelia - Alexandria and Grigorian - are based on this principle. Easter date is determined from the ratio of the lunar and sunny calendar (lunarly sunny calendar) (Matthew Vastar, Syntagma. About Saint Easter).

The complexity of the calculation is due to the mixing of independent astronomical cycles and a number of requirements:

The appeal of the Earth around the Sun (Date of Spring Equinox);

The appeal of the moon around the earth (full moon);

Established Day Celebration - Sunday;

To calculate the date of the full moon in the year y, it is necessary to find the golden number G - the order of the year in the 19-year cycle of full moon (cycle metones);

In 1 year n. e. The gold number was 2, respectively, in the year Y from R. X. G \u003d (residue from Y / 19) +1;

The base of the moon is a number shown by the age of the Moon on March 1, that is, how many days have passed by March 1 from the previous lunar phase.

The difference between the bases of the subsequent years is 11. The number of days of the lunar month is 30. The base \u003d residue from (11 g) / 30.

New Moon \u003d 30 - base; Full moon \u003d new moon + 14;

If the Easter full moon falls on Sunday, Easter is celebrated on the next Sunday.

Almost everyone easter traditions Arrived in worship. Even the scope of easter folk festivities Related to talking after the Great Post - the time of abstinence, when all holidays, family, including, were transferred to the celebration of Easter.

Easter symbols are all that expresses an update (Easter streams), light (Easter fire), life (Easter cakes, eggs and hares).

In Easter, as in the most important holiday of the church year, a particularly solemn service is performed. It was formed in the first centuries of Christianity as baptic. Most of the disassembled after the preparatory post were baptized in this particular day.

In the church, since ancient times, the tradition of committing Easter worship at night; Or in some countries (for example, Serbia) in the early morning - with dawn.

Starting from the Easter night and the next forty days (before the release of Easter), it was accepted "Christ", that is, welcomed each other with the words: "Christ is risen!" - "Verily Risen!", At the same time, it is trying to closely.

This custom comes from apostolic times: "Welcome to each other with the kissing holy" (Rome. 16:16), also 1. 5:14, 1 Cor. 16:20.

Easter worships are especially solemn. Christ Boy High: Eternal Havor, - Sings the Church in the Canon Easter.

From the ancient, apostolic times, Christians are awake in the sacred and pre-considerable saving night Light Resurrection Christ is the night of a light luminous day, waiting for the time of his spiritual liberation from the work of the enemy (church charter per week of Easter).

Shortly before midnight in all temples served the semicline, on which the Ieria with Deacon rummates, and, having completed it around it, with the words of catatasia of the 9th song, "Wire Bo and glorify" splitting the removal and attribute to the altar. The ruble believes on the holy throne, where she should stay until Easter is given.

Easter morning, "Havor about the resurrection of our Lord from the dead," start at 12 o'clock in the morning.

With the approach of midnight, all the priests in full closure are becoming at the hein of the throne. The clergymen and praying in the temple lay the candles, "Exactly at 12 o'clock local time with closed royal gates, the priests of a quiet voice sing the poem:" The resurrection of yours, Christ, the Angeli sing on Heaven, and we have a Slaviti to the ground with a pure heart. "

After that, the curtains and the clergymen again sing the same stimit to a loud voice. The royal gates opens, and the poem, already a higher voice, he serves the clergy for the third time to half the "Resurrection of yours, Christ Sisse, Angeli sing on Heaven." The singers, standing on the middle of the temple, complete: "And we are on the ground of the way."

Easter fire playing big role In worship, as well as in popular festivities. He symbolizes the Light of God, educating all nations after Christ of the Resurrection.

In Greece, as well as in large cities of Russia in orthodox churches Before the start of the Easter service, believers are waiting Fellow fire From the temple of the coffin of the Lord.

In the case of the successful arrival of fire from Jerusalem, priests solemnly spread it on the temples of the city. Believers immediately lay their candles from him. After serving, many carry a lamp with fire home, where they try to maintain it throughout the year.

During Great Saturday And after Easter service in the temples, cakes, cottage cheese Easter, eggs and everything prepared for the holiday table for talking after the Great Posta are consecrated. Easter eggs Christians give each other as a symbol of the wonderful appearance of the tomb - the Resurrection of Christ.

According to the legend, when Maria Magdalina brought the egg as a gift to the emperor Tiberius Egg as a symbol of the Resurrection of Christ, the emperor, doubting, said that both the egg did not become red, and the dead did not resurrect. The egg in the same moment became red.

Although eggs paint in different colorsTraditional is red, like the color of life and victory.

In the iconographic tradition, the resurrected Christ, as well as during transformation, is surrounded by radiance in the form of an oval. This figure, close to the shaped egg, in Ellinov (Greeks) meant a miracle or a riddle, unlike the correct symmetric circle.

IN orthodox tradition At the Easter is consecrated by Artos - a special sanctification of a special sanctification. Those who could not compete for Easter could feel unity through the taste of common bread. The word Artos is translated from Greek as a "kvass bread" - common bread from all members of the Church, otherwise - the prosfora is all.

Arthos in the continuation of the whole bright Sedmians takes the most prominent place in the temple, together with the icon of the Resurrection of the Lord and, in the conclusion of Easter celebrations, he is heard by believers.

The use of arthos begins from the very beginning of Christianity. In a fortieth day on the Sunday, the Lord Jesus Christ ascended on the sky. Pupils and followers of Christ found a consolation in prayer memories of the Lord, they recalled every word, every step and every action. When they converged on general prayerThey, remembering the secret in the evening, the bodies and blood of Christ came together. Having prepare an ordinary meal, they left the first place at the table in the invisibly present to the Lord and believed to this place bread.

Impactive by the apostles, the first shepherds of the church were installed on the feast of the Resurrection of Christ to believe in the temple of bread, as in the visible expression that the savior suffered for us became a true bread of life.

At Arthos, a cross is depicted, on which only a crown is visible, but there is no crucified - as a sign of the victory of Christ over death, or the image of the Resurrection of Christ.

The ancient church legend is connected to the artos that the apostles left at the table part of the bread, the share of the Mother Mother of the Lord into a reminder of permanent communication with her and after the meal reverently divided this part among themselves. In the monasteries, this custom is called the name of the rank about Panagia, that is, the memory of the Major Mother of the Lord. In the parish churches, this bread is remembered once a year in connection with the fragmentation of Artos.

Arthos is consecrated by a special prayer, sprinkling holy water and every first day of the Holy Easter on the liturgy after a calamon prayer. Arthos relies on salt, against the royal gates, on the table prepared or an analogue. After the consecration of the arthos, the anal with the Artos put in salt in the Savior, where Artos lies throughout the Holy Sedmian. It is retained in the temple the whole bright saddime to the analogue before the iconostasis.

In all days, the Right Sedmians at the end of the liturgy with Artos solemnly the procession of the temple is solemnly committed.

On Saturday, a prayer for the fragmentation of Artos is read on Saturday, Artos is fragmented and at the end of the liturgy, when kissing the cross, he is distributed to the people as a shrine.

Now Artos distribute believing for the storage of the house throughout the year, in emergency cases It is used as an antidor (Ass. (Greek) "Breaker"), it is customary to eat on an empty stomach with diseases, and always with the words "Christ Risen!".

The symbol of unity moved to herbs and Easter (not to be confused with the name of the holiday "Easter"). In the cottage cheese Easter, as a rule, put a seal with the letters "KH".

The Easter symbol is a lamb, in the form of which the cake usually bathes in Russia.

In the southern countries - Bulgaria, Italy, the Balkans for Easter must temper the lamb or at least fries "Cheverma" ((Bulge) "Hip") or "Shish" ((Bulge) "Shablyk" from the lamb). The preparation of the Easter Table is trying to finish in the great Thursday, so that nothing distracts from the service of a passionate Friday, the day of the removal of the holy dressing and prayer.

Immediately before Easter, believers are going to the temple, from where the procession begins at midnight with a loud singing of the elephant of the holiday. This procession of the church towards the resurrect Savior.

The procession takes place around the temple with a continuous sober. In the bright, licking, majestic form, with singing "Resurrection Your, Christ's deasses, the Angeli sing in the sky, and we are on the earth with a clean heart to you of Slaviti," the church, as a spiritual bride, goes, as they say in the sacred chants, "fun legs To the penciling of the outgoing Christ from the coffin, Yako Groom. "

The lantern is lantern ahead, behind him the recent cross, the renovated image of the Mother of God, then go to two rows, pairwise, korugvenos, singers, candles, deacons with their candles and censes and the priests. In the last pair of priests, coming on the right carries the gospel, and the next to the left - the icon of the Resurrection. The procession is completed by the head of the temple with Triswehshnik and the cross in the left hand.

If only one priest in the temple, then on the pelengers the icons of the Resurrection of Christ and the Gospel bear the laity.

Entering the entrance, the procession stops prevised by the Western doors of the temple. Wearing shrines stop near the doors face to the West. The sober stops. The abbot of the temple, accepted by Kadilo from Diacon, commits each and clergy they sing three times: "Christ is resurrected from the dead, death, death, and I admire the death of the belly."

Then the priests sing poems:

"God will resurrect himself, and the guise of him is growing. And yes, beats from his face hate him"

"Jaco disappears smoke, and they will disappear, the wax will be melting from face."

"Tako and the sinners will die from the face of God, and the righteous will be divided."

"This day, the Yejor Shatov, the Lord, rejoice and extend in Ong."

For each verse singers sing the trophar "Christ Risen".

Then the charter or all the clergymen sing "Christ is risen from the dead, death death defense." The singers end "and undergoing the belly in the tombech."

The church doors are crushed, and the procession moves with this joyful news to the temple, as well as the Myrova's wife went to Jerusalem to announce students about the resurrection of the Lord. The worship service of Easter wretches begins. In Russia, as well as other Orthodox countries, after the silence of bells during passionate days, Blagovest is especially solemnly called.

All the bright week, anyone can climb the bell tower and call in honor of Christ the Resurrection.

At the end of the uterine, the priests begin to be Christ, among themselves in the altar during the singing of the poem. According to the Charter, the kissing of the rector with other hyreys and deacons in the Holy Altar is Sita: the verbolec is "Christ's" Risen. "He is recently represented -" truly resurrected. "It should also be made by Christ and Miils.

According to the charter, the priests, hristued among themselves in the altar, they come to salts and here are Christ with each of the praying. But this order could only be observed in an ancient abode, where only a few breeds were located in the temple, or in those houses and parish churches, where there were a little praying. Now, with a huge set of Bogomoltsev, the priest, coming out with a cross in Soletia, says a brief general greeting from herself to the upcoming and ends with his three-year-old launching "Christ Risen!" With an autumn cross on three sides and then returns to the altar.

The custom greet each other in Easter these words is very ancient. Welcoming each other with the joy of the Resurrection of Christ, we like to the students and students of the Lord, who, on the resurrection of him, "said that the Lord is truly risen" (Lux 24, 34).

IN short words "Christ is Risen!" The whole essence of our faith is concluded, all the hardness and unshakability of our hope and hope, the whole full of eternal joy and bliss. These words, annually, the countless number of times repeated, always, nevertheless, are affecting our hearing with their novelty and the value of the highest revelation. As from the spark, from these words, the believer heart flammself the fire of heaven, saint delight, as it may feel the close presence of the glossy Divine light Risen Lord. It is clear that our topics "Christ is risen!" And "truly resurrected!" Must be animated alive faith and love to Christ.

With this Easter greeting is connected and blasting. This is an ancient, coming from the times of the apostolic, the sign of reconciliation and love.

From ancient times it was committed and accomplished on Easter days.

The Saint Lobzania in the days of Easter writes the saint John Zlatoust: "Yes, and those holy kissing, koi, with reverent hugs we give each other."

From ancient times, the pious custom is kept in the Orthodox Church to give the Easter Eggs on the holiday. According to the example of equivalent Mary Magdalene, we now give red eggs in Easter, confessing the life-giving death and resurrection of the Lord - two events that Easter connects in itself.

The Easter egg reminds us of one of the main dogmas of our faith and serves as a visible sign of the blessed Resurrection of the dead, whose pledge we have on the resurrection of Jesus Christ - the winner of death and hell. As from the egg, from under his inanimate shell, life is born, so from the coffin, the dwellings of death, rebelled the life of life, and so rerecmore in eternal life and all the dead.

Easter cake is church-ritual food. Kulich is a genus of arthos on the lower degree of consecration.

How does Kulich come from and why the Easter is baked and sanctified the cakes?

We, Christians, should especially be common on Easter. But since many Orthodox Christians have the custom of taking holy secrets in the continuation of the Great Post, and in the bright day of the Resurrection of Christ, a few, those who are committed by liturgy, are blessed on this day and consecrate in the temple special offering of believers, usually called Easter and herigches to The bumping from them resembled the communion of the true Easter of Christ and combined all those faithful in Jesus Christ.

The use of consecrated Eah and Kulichi in a bright saddemite in the Orthodox Christians can be attached to the taste of the Old Testament Easter, which on the first day the weeks of the Easter people of the Easter people bored family (Ex. 12, 3-4).

Also, on the blessing and consecration of Christian Eah and Kulukhai, believers on the first day of the holiday, having come home from the temples and graduating the feat of the post, in a sign of joyful unity, the whole family starts and bodily reinforcement - stopping the sense, everyone eats blessed cakes and Easter, using them Throughout the bright week.

The conversation on the Easter holiday is usually a family trapez, on which guests did not appear. On a table covered with a white tablecloth, painted painted eggs, cake - high bread from a dough and Easter (Pask) - a sweet dish of cottage cheese with raisins, consecrated in the church in a passionate Saturday.

Red Egg in Representation orthodox man I symbolized the world by the blood of Jesus Christ and through this reviving a new life.

Kulich was associated with the Body of the Lord, to which believers should pass.

Easter holiday from his very beginning was a light, universal, prolonged Christian celebration. IN folk tradition Easter was celebrated as a holiday of updating and the revival of life. This was due not only to the Christian idea of \u200b\u200bthe Resurrection of Christ and the most associated perspective of eternal life, but also a wide existence in the national environment of the pagan ideas about the spring awakening of nature after winter sleep-death, about the death of the old and early new time.

According to widespread ideas, each person had to meet Easter renewed spiritually and physically prepared for it during a long-lasting great post.

Before Easter, it was considered necessary to clean up the house in the house and on the street: wash the floors, ceilings, walls, shops, whitewashing the furnace, update the kyot, repair the fences, put the wells in order, remove the garbage left after the winter. In addition, it was assumed to make new clothes for all family members and wash out in the bath.

In Easter, a person had to discard all the bad, unclean thoughts, to forget evil and resentment, not sin, not to join sophisticated relationshipwhich were perceived as a sin.

With the holiday of Easter, many different believes are connected.

According to the people's ideas, Easter day is so clean and holy that devils and demons with Easter Blagovets fall through the ground, and their screams and moans caused by the evil on the resurrection of Jesus Christ, you can hear during the Easter all-night and the first day of Easter.

The peasants believed that on this day it becomes visible what you won't see on other days, and it is allowed to ask God that I really want. It was believed that during the Easter service, if you flip a candle with a flame down, you can see the sorcerer: he will stand back to the altar, and his heads will be visible on his head. And if you get up at the doors with cottage cheese, it will be easy to identify passing by the witch passing and hooked up.

Easter was associated with Russians with the wonderful performance of the desired. It was believed that on this day you can secure a success in affairs on whole year. If, for example, a person will be the first to come home after Easter service, then for him the whole year will be successful. If the old man on Easter day becomes combing the hair, then he will have so many grandchildren as hair on the head. If, during the liturgy, the girl in a whisper will appeal to God: "Give me a groom good, in boots, yes with Kaloshi, not on a cow, but for a horse," then the groom will quit in the near future.

The idea of \u200b\u200bresurrection from the dead followed the basis of the ideas that the souls of the dead come to the Easter night to the Earth. If desired, people who taste their loved ones can see them in the Church at the Easter service, listen to their requests and complaints. After the Liturgy, the Russian peasants, despite the prohibitions of priests, walked in the cemetery to be sophisticated with the dead.

From the apostolic times, the Christian Easter holiday lasts seven days, or eight, if you count all the days of the continuous celebration of Easter to the Monday Fomin.

Speak Easter sacred and mysterious, Easter of Christ of the deliverer, Easter doors of the paradise to us cuddle, Orthodox Church In the continuation of the entire bright seven-day celebration, the royal gates holes. Tsaric doors in the whole bright saddemic are not closed even during the communion of clergy. Starting from the first day of Easter and before the celebration of the Holy Trinity of the Holy Trinity of the Crankshafts and earthly bows, it does not rely.

In liturgical relationship Light saddimians There is one festive day: all the days of this week the worship is the same as on the first day, with a few changes and changes. Before the beginning of the liturgy during the Easter Sedmians and before the extraction of Easter, the priests read instead of the "King Heavenly" - "Christ Riseline" (three times).

Occasioning the bright celebration of Easter Sedmice, the church continues him, albeit with less solemnity, thirty-two days before the Ascension of the Lord.

Traditional Easter games:

On the floor it is necessary to free the smooth space, install a wooden or cardboard groove from which eggs start. On the way of the eggs lay out all sorts of small toys and souvenirs. Children in turn ride eggs around the groove and pick up the toy with which their egg came across.

All children love to look for surprises. Harvest in advance decorative eggs or chocolate Kinder Surprises All over the entire apartment, home or garden, depending on where you are going to celebrate Easter holiday. Collect children together and prompt them to find an egg-surprise. If the kids are much, divide them into two teams, and let each delete how large quantity Eggs, which then distributes each other. If the kids are looking for separately, try to make every baby to find your surprise and did not stay without a gift.

There is a long time to "smooth" with each other eggs. Eggs take a stupid or sharp end of themselves and hit them about an opponent's egg. Wins what the egg will remain as much.

Invite two players, or if you want a lot, divide them into two teams. Every one hand over a large buttball or a tennis ball wrapped with white paper. At some distance from the place where participants will start, put on a basket, a plate or a basin. Participants must hold the "Egg" between the legs, reach the basket and drop "to demolish" the egg there. Which team or the participant will cope faster with the whole stock of "eggs", he will win.

In the prepastern days of the soul of each of us are filled with spring warmth, waiting for some miracle or holiday. The decoration of the table and the kushans is that this holiday pays special attention, as if the spring joyful herself covers festive tables. Rich easter table He is a symbol of heavenly joy.

The traditions of the celebration of Light Christ Resurrection still have their relevance.

Easter buns


Milk for a pattern of 100 milliliters,

Milk for glaze 100 millilita,

Brown sugar 60 grams,

Dry yeast 15 grams,

Creamy oil 60 grams,

Egg yolks 2 pieces

Salt 1 teaspoon,

Flour for dough 450-500 grams,

Flour for a pattern of 3 tablespoons,

Sugar powder 3 tbsp. spoons

Raisins or currants,

Vegetable oil 1 teaspoon.

Easter buns are in popularity inferior to herbs and curd Easter, however, they are also the symbols of the Light Holiday Easter.

How to pick up?

Drain yeast and sugar (1 h) in warm milk. Mix well and put a warm place before the appearance of bubbles (about 15 minutes). Next add salt, fetown butter, yolks and mix. After add cane sugar (brown sugar). Little parts add sifted flour and knead the soft dough. Wash the raisins, pour boiling water and leave for 15 minutes alone. After dry. Dry raisins mix with a small amount of flour. Next, make a raisin with a test and 40-50 minutes in a warm place, you can in a slow cooker with heat storage mode. After this time expires, the dough will be ready for baking Easter buns. Form the bunches from the approached dough and give and "rest" 15-20 minutes. While the koloboki "rest" proceed to the preparation of a mixture for a pattern. To do this, mix the milk (3 tablespoons), flour and vegetable oil (1 teaspoon). You have a convenient way to draw the crossbars on the surfaces of the buns. Heat the oven to a temperature of 200 degrees and send it back there with buns for 20-30 minutes.

To prepare the glaze you need to mix hot milk with sugar powder. Lubricate with the icing of hot buns, immediately after the oven.

Easter cottage cheese


Cottage cheese (9% and above) 600 grams,

Sour cream (20%) 200 grams,

Creamy oil 100 grams,

Sugar sand 100 grams,

Yolks 4 pieces - vanilla sugar 1 teaspoon,

Raisins 100 grams, - Tsukata 100 grams.

Curd Easter on a par with cake and painted eggs are symbols of Easter holiday. Many people often confuse cottage cheese Easter with herbs, but these two festive dishes are indigenously different from each other. Kulich is a flour product, baking, and Easter is prepared only from cottage cheese.

Festive cottage cheese Easter according to the method of preparation are divided into two types - raw and boiled. In size, raw Easter is less than boiled (raw cottage cheese flies faster). In the form of curd Easter similarity with truncated pyramids.

For the preparation of festive Easter use special forms, sandboxes. Wooden sandboxes are considered the best, but these days only plastic are sold in stores.

Of the above ingredients, Easter is obtained by a height of 15-16 centimeters with a diameter at the bottom of approximately 15-16 cm.

Curd Easter belong to the category of dishes "Sweet Desserts". The taste qualities of cottage cheese Easter will basic from the quality of cottage cheese. Cottage cheese must be fresh, natural with fatty more medium. Most the best way - This is homemade cottage cheese.

Boiled cottage cheese Easter with raisins and Cuccats

Prepare all the necessary ingredients. First of all, wash the candies and raisins. Put on a paper towel so that they are completely dried to use. Next, wipe cottage cheese on colander with fine holes, or on the grid.

For cooking requires a pot with a thick bottom, in otherwise You will have to cook Easter in a water bath. The main thing is that during cooking cottage cheese has not burned down.

Creamy oil cut into small cubes. In a saucepan with wipe cottage cheese, add sour cream, butter, sugar sand, vanilla sugar and yolks. Mix well and put on fire.

On low heat, constantly stirring, heating the curd mass. Curd mass should be liquid and homogeneous. Continue to warm up before the appearance of bubbles. Remember! Before boiling it is impossible to bring. Immediately after the appearance of the first bubbles, take a saucepan from the stove and cool the curd mass to a warm state.

For cooling, you can use a basin with cold water. In the warm curd mass, add raisins with candied eggs and mix. Keep in mind that after filling the sandbox, the serum will flock, so the sandbox is placed in a deep plate.

Soak gauze, serve in two layers and stack this gauze in the sandbox. Marley should be such a sizes so that the edges hang on the sides of the sandbox. Try to set the gauze in such a way that the folds coincide with the sandbox corners.

In the absence of sandboxes can be used plastic bottle. To do this, cut the neck from the bottle, to the middle (where the diameter has the greatest size), And on the bottom, make holes to give the curd mass to be freed from serum. After that, fill the sandbox to the cottage cheese. Weighing the ends of the gauze cover the surface of the curd mass and press the plate. Put the cargo from above, goops (bottle with water or milk package). Together with the load of the sandbox, send to the refrigerator and support there at least 12 hours. Next, take a sandbox from the refrigerator with Easter, remove the load and expand the gauze. Cover the Easter surface with a plate and turn the sandbox. Pull out Easter from the sandbox and carefully remove the gauze. All, custard cottage cheese Easter is ready.

To make Easter it is gentle, you need to replace sugar sugar powder.

Cooking Raw Curd Easter


Cottage cheese 2 kg.

Sour cream 400 grams,

Creamy oil 300 gr.

Egg 4 pieces

Salt to taste.

Wipe cottage cheese through fine sieve, better 2 times. In a separate dish, mix 3 eggs, but a little and sour cream. Put a saucepan on a weak fire and stirring to be brought to a boil.
Fill a hot mass in a saucepan with wipe curd. There, add one egg and spout to taste. Stir until homogeneous mass. Next Shop Sandbox wet marley And pour the cottage cheese, as described above (recipe for cooking cottage cheese Easter with candied eggs and raisins). From above, place the load and send to the refrigerator for 12 hours.

Easter eggs

Today we will introduce you to traditional ways Painting eggs at home. For painting easter eggs You can use not only paints and dyes, but also threads, fabrics, paper, rubber bands and many other remedies.

Briefly O. natural dyewhich are the most important for painting Easter eggs.

Information: Before painting any kind of dye, pretty with soap wash and dry eggs.

Long husk - Tints of brown is the most common and harmless dye of Easter eggs. Using low husk As a dye is the easiest and not time-consuming pattern of painting.

With this method, it turns out different shades Brown, depending on the concentration, the number of husks in the water.

Pour the husk with cold water and boil 30-40 minutes on low heat. The more husk, the time is paint. You can (but not necessarily) strain and further use liquid, without husk. After that, place the eggs in the pan with the dye and weld at 15-20 minutes.

To obtain a marble pattern, add some vegetable oil to a saucepan with a dye.

Nettle - Light green color. Also natural and harmless dye.

To prepare this dye, you can use dried nettles.

The composition of the dye: dried nettle 5-6 tablespoons, water 0.5 liters, vinegar (9%) one tablespoon. The preparation of this dye is similar to a dye from the onion husk. Boil the nettle in the water of 15-20 minutes. Perfect decoction and add vinegar. Dye ready. Insert the eggs into the dye and boil on low heat for 15 minutes. Deliver ready-made eggs and let cool 30 minutes.

When evaporation of fluid during boiling, add water. Eggs must constantly be completely in the liquid.

Turmeric: Golden-yellow color. In the case of turmeric, the dye is not pre-prepared. Add to a saucepan with a 0.5 liter of water 2 tablespoon of turmeric, laying up the eggs in the cinema spoon. Cook on weak heat until eggs. If you want to get orange, add more turmeric.

Beet: one-time color. In freshly squeezed beet Put hot boiled eggs and leave overnight. For a more saturated color, weld the eggs right on the beet juice.

Violet: purple

Soak filia flowers boiled water And let it stand for 30 minutes. Next, put in a saucepan with a dye hot boiled eggs and leave overnight. To get a lavender color, add a little lemon juice into the saucepan.

Red cabbage: Blue colour

Cut the red cabbage and fill with water (0.5 liters), add 5-6 tablespoons of white vinegar and leave it overnight. In the morning, weld in this solution of eggs until readiness. Tip: In order for the egg during cooking, cracks are not formed, they must be prepared for about an hour at room temperature, and add 1-2 teaspoon of salt into the cooking liquid.

Popular Methods for Decoration of Easter Eggs

Method number 1.

In order to obtain patterns or drawings on the surface of the egg, you need to use auxiliary firming materials. To obtain patterns, similar to the leaves, use greens (parsley, kinza) or small leaves and flowers of other plants, if desired. Soak the leaves, attach to the surface of the egg and clog the gauze or wear kapron stocking. Next, paint as ordinary eggs using one of the dyes from the list above. In the photos are shown how to lay out the leaves and the result after coloring.

Method number 2.

Interesting patterns are obtained with the use of conventional banking rubber or insulating tape. Before cooking tight, wrap the egg with several rubber bands or insulating tape. From insulating tape, you can cut the diamonds or other patterns. Perch the eggs into the dye and after staining, pay gum and tape. To get multicolored patterns, remove some of the rubberbar or add others (it depends on your fantasy) and dip the egg to another dye.

Method number 3.

Put chicken egg in the middle of the flap of silk fabric. For this purpose, old men's ties are good. Tightly wrap the egg in the fabric. On the shelca wrap the egg into a cotton fabric (flap of old pillowcase white color). Wrap the tissue tissue or rubber bands so that the egg does not change its position during cooking. Boil wrapped eggs eggs ordinary water With the addition of vinegar. Boil water, add vinegar and weld eggs on low heat for about 20 minutes. After cooking, get wrapped eggs and put on the colander. Wait until a complete cooling and gently free eggs from the fabric. Eggs decorated with this way are incredibly beautiful.

Method number 4.

Soak eggs in water and cut into plates with rice. Rice grains stick to the shell. Gently wrap the egg gauze so that all rice grains remain between the shell and gauze and color one of the above methods.

Method number 5.

To get two-color eggs should be pre-welded and cool. For two-color painting it is better to use food paints purchased in the store. First, the egg is completely painted with one color (observing the instructions for the use of the dye from the cover), and then half down in the container from the paint of another color.

Information: If you painted eggs with synthetic paints, do not use them in food.

Easter cakes

Russia ... Kulich, Palland ... grandmother and Makovnica, Italy ... Palira, Holland ... Pasbrod.

Easter Cooking Recipe

In a large dish, connect 0.5 glasses a little washed milk, yeast, add a tablespoon of flour and a pinch of sugar. Mix everything well and leave for 20-30 minutes to fit in warm place.

Prepare eggs. It will take 8 yolks and 2 eggs entirely. Yolks with eggs are good for a fork. When the opara increases 2 times, add 1 cup of sour cream to it room temperature, whipped eggs, 1.5 sugar glasses, pinch of salt and 2/3 of part of sifted flour.

To knead the homogeneous dough, according to the consistency as on dense pancakes. Cover dough cotton towel And leave to go on a warm place by 1.5-2 hours before an increase in volume 2 times. Then add soft butter into the dough, 2-3 sore rays and gradually introduce the remaining flour. The dough should not be dense. The amount of flour can vary slightly, as it depends on the size of the eggs and the thickness of sour cream. Ready dough Again to approach the increase in volume by 2 times.

In the meantime, we prepare forms. It is necessary to cut out of the parchment of the base and wall. Paper for walls should be above the form by 5-6 cm. For one portion of the test, 4-5 molds for baking, 750 ml, will be needed. Parchment for the bottom and walls lubricate vegetable oil, Insert in forms and fill the forms ready (approached 2 times) with a 1/3 volume test. Then leave them a distance of 10-15 minutes. Put the forms into the oven preheated to 180 ° C, bake 55-70 minutes. Readiness to check with a wooden skewer.

Beat 1 protein, then add ready-made icing and beat to stable peaks - it will be a fondant for lubricating cakes. Warm cakes to lubricate fondant and sprinkle with decorative sugar sprinkle. Easter culish ready.

Many of the Easter holiday visit the cemetery, where there are graves of their loved ones. Unfortunately, in some families there is a blasphemous custom to accompany these visits to the graves of their relatives wild drunk rampant. But even those who do not cope with the graves of their close pagan pedestal TRIZN, so offensive for any Christian feeling, often do not know when it is possible to remember the dead in Easter days.

The first mission of the deceased takes place on the second week, after the Fomina of Sunday, on Tuesday.

The basis for this commemoration serves, on the one hand, the memory of the descent of Jesus Christ to hell, connecting with the fomine resurrection, and on the other - the permission of the church charter to create the usual remembrance of the deceased, starting with the Monday Fomin. For this resolution, believers come to the graves of their neighbors with the joyful news of the Resurrection of Christ, from here and the day of the commemoration is called Radonitsa. Prayer for the deceased is the biggest and most important thing that we can do for those who have departed into the world of others.

By and large, the dead man does not need a coffin, nor in the monument - all this is a tribute to tradition, albeit pious.

But forever alive soul The deceased is experiencing a great need for our constant prayer, because she herself cannot create good deeds, which would be able to die God.

That is why home prayer for loved ones, prayer in the cemetery at the grave of the deceased - the debt of every Orthodox Christian.

But special assistance to those who have been pushing in the church.

Before you visit the cemetery, you should come to the temple to the beginning of the service, to submit a note with the names of the degrades to commemorate in the altar (best, if it is a commemoration on the ambassading, when the depletion is taken out of a special fragment, and then in the ablution of his sins will be empty in the bowl with the saints).

After liturgy, you need to serve a memorial.

Prayer will be more effective if the bodies and blood of Christ himself comes up on this day.

It is very useful to sacrifice to the church, to file alms with a request to pray for the dead.

Having come to the cemetery, you need to light a candle, commit a lithium (this word literally means enhanced prayer. To make a quirger, a priest should be invited by a priest. A more brief rank, which may also make a layman, is given in "Complete Orthodox Prayer for Mijan" And in the brochure "How to behave in the cemetery", issued by our publisher).

Then take the grave or simply silend, remember the late.

No need to eat or drink in the cemetery, especially unacceptably pouring vodka into the grave hill - this is insulted by the memory of the dead. The custom to leave on the grave a glass of vodka and a piece of bread "for the deceased" is a remnant of paganism and should not be respected in Orthodox families. You do not need to leave food on the grave, it is better to give it to the thorough or hungry.

Mitka is also hairstyles and dressed in festive. I am fun to look at his outupy ears and, to show that I have nothing against him, I say to him: - You're beautiful today, and if you didn't stick your hair and if you were not so poorly dressed, everyone would have thought that your mother is not a battle, but noble. Come to me for Easter, we will play in grandmother. Mitka looks incredulously at me and threatens me under the hollow fist.

A. P. Chekhov. "For a passion week"

Easter importance is in the novel "Master and Margarita" M. A. Bulgakov. The effect of the novel occurs during Passionate week And ending before the beginning of the Easter night, when Woland with the retinue and the main characters leave Moscow: "Messir! Saturday. The sun leans. It is time".

Sergey Yesenin

Easter Blagovest

The bell dormant woke the fields,

Smiled the Sleepy Earth smiled.
Stunned strikes to the blue skies

Walledly ran a sharp wave.
A quiet valley distinguishes sleep,

Somewhere for the road freezes the ringing.

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