When is Hairdresser Day in Belarus? Hairdresser's Day: the history of the “ancient” profession and the beautiful hairstyles of modern masters. Hairdresser Day: traditions

Date in 2019: September 13th, Friday.

When preparing for a holiday or a business meeting, a vacation or a business trip, we inevitably rush to the hairdresser so that he can help create that unique image that will help create the necessary impression. Even just when you want changes in life, the easiest way is to change your hairstyle. And again he, the hairdresser, will come to the rescue. But how often do we wonder what holidays the master himself has, with inspiration creating masterpieces on our heads. Let's try to figure out when and how to congratulate the hairdresser on his professional holiday.

Every day as a hairdresser, every hairstyle can be safely called a real holiday. But it will still be unfair to the people of this profession themselves. After all, there are those dates when you can give your master a little more than just words of gratitude and congratulations in prose. Let's try to figure out when is Hairdresser Day celebrated in Russia in 2019?

Who is he, the hairdresser: who celebrates the holiday

The main highlight of a person’s image is their hairstyle. Moreover, both festive and everyday occasions are important. After all, you want to look well-groomed and stylish on any day. But you won’t be able to cope with this task without a good haircut. Only a good craftsman with perfect taste can create a real work of art that can perfectly highlight its advantages. And we rush to the artist and designer, who will be able to see the client in various options, with different haircuts, and select the best one.

But it’s not enough to see what the haircut will look like. It is necessary to fit correctly into the client's image. After all, thanks to the right hairstyle, a hairdresser can create the image of an innocent girl or a vamp, a femme fatale or a business lady. Only a real stylist will be able to find the shape, those lines that will emphasize the integrity and uniqueness of the client’s image.

Despite the inevitable influence of capricious fashion, the hairstyle should be appropriate to the time of day, the theme and focus of the event, the style of the woman or man herself, and the personal characteristics of the client, including the shape of the face and figure. Therefore, a good hairdresser always keeps his finger on the pulse, gets acquainted with new products and trends in the fashion world.

Hairstyles are becoming more and more diverse. In the field of hairdressing, new techniques of coloring, extensions, and curls are emerging. And only a true professional who improves his skills can choose the appropriate technique, choose a haircut that suits the hair type, and determine how the hair will behave after a haircut.

Without a good haircut and hairstyle, it is impossible to create the perfect image. It is not surprising that people pay so much attention to caring for their own hair. But it performs not only an aesthetic, but also a hygienic role. Therefore, hairdressers can safely be called doctors and cosmetologists. They will tell you how to properly care for your hair and conduct a series of cosmetic procedures that will revitalize your hair.

And the hairdresser simply must be a psychologist, since often while his hand is creating masterpieces, clients pour out their souls as if they were their best friend. And a good master should support the conversation, and sometimes give advice. Let's bypass those always dissatisfied customers who also have to be served in the best possible way.

And so, when the door closed behind the one hundred and fiftieth client, our artist, stylist, designer, professional, healer, cosmetologist, psychologist will sit down with relief to give a rest to the legs a little tired during the day. But it’s still a holiday in my heart. After all, today everyone left the salon with a sparkle in their eyes, with happiness shining on their face, with the feeling that life is changing for the better. And he, the hairdresser, had a hand in this.

Hairdresser's holidays

Unfortunately, the official holiday calendar does not have a date dedicated to the profession of a hairdresser. But according to tradition, colleagues and clients congratulate barbers on September 13th. Since people in this profession work according to a schedule, and the holiday is not a day off, the celebration is often postponed to September 14.

But if it is not possible to congratulate your friend on Hairdresser Day in Russia on September 13, 2017, send her a cool postcard or SMS on another day. This can be safely done on the 3rd Sunday of March, when the Day of Trade and Consumer Services Workers is celebrated. Or give a gift in advance on September 9. After all, on this day they celebrate Stylist Day.

If you are afraid of making a mistake, find out the master’s date of birth. Giving humorous gifts or funny pictures to a hairdresser on his birthday can become a wonderful tradition.

Happy Hairdresser's Day pictures and cards

To celebrate a fun holiday in a team with colleagues, make an original wall newspaper using ready-made photos from places of work and pictures with professional jokes.

Congratulations in verse

Your mission is to give beauty,

Doing intricate hairstyles

And you can even make your dream come true

Using scissors and a simple comb.

And your hard work will always be held in high esteem,

After all, you can force the image to play,

And you were able to change so many destinies,

What a sin not to congratulate you today.

Let your clients be grateful

And work is always a pleasure,

May they reward you with billions

And a drinking song sounds in your honor.

You can get haircuts, hairstyles

You can make it without difficulty,

Find color and choose paints

No mistakes, as always.

Creative success to you all,

Lots of thoughts and ideas

So that work without flaws

She was livelier and more cheerful.

Larisa, September 1, 2017.

On September 13, Russia celebrates Hairdresser Day. This profession originated in Ancient Egypt. The first barbers cut hair for the pharaohs and used almost the same tools as modern barbers. We tell you what holiday it is today and how one of the most sought-after professions of our time appeared.

What date is Hairdresser Day in Russia?

Hairdresser's Day is not considered an official day off and is not a public holiday.

It doesn't have a clear date. According to the generally accepted version, Hairdresser Day is celebrated on September 13th. However, some groups celebrate it on September 14th.

It is unknown when Barber Day was established. Until the 2000s, representatives of this profession celebrated Trade and Consumer Services Workers Day and International Beauty Day.

History of the “ancient” profession

The origins of the profession go back to Ancient Egypt, where hairdressers dyed hair, made wigs and curled hair using metal rods heated over a fire. Already in those days, the Egyptians had analogues of modern haircutting scissors.

The first hairdressers and beauty salons appeared in Ancient Greece. To beautify yourself was a luxury: only noble ladies could visit such establishments. Ancient Greek hairdressers dyed their clients' hair using herbal infusions, curled fashionable hairstyles, and wove decorative jewelry into their hair.

In the Middle Ages, the fashion for hairstyles and coloring did not go away. However, it was strictly forbidden to dye your hair red - it was believed that it was a devilish color. The fashion for wigs also appeared at this time.

In Russia, interest in hairdressing arose during the reign of Peter I. Serfs were engaged in this craft, and most often they cut their hair “under the pot”. After the emperor's reforms, masters began to create exquisite hairstyles. People began to adopt European fashion trends.

The profession has existed for millennia, but hairdressing began to be taught only at the end of the 19th century in Chicago. The first hairdressing school was opened here.

These days, a hairdresser is one of the most in-demand professions.

Hairdresser Day: traditions

On September 13, graduations are held at schools where professional hairdressers are trained. Also on this holiday, salons organize master classes, seminars and competitions to determine the best specialist.

Sometimes on this day craftsmen offer discounts to their clients, and companies organize corporate parties.

The fact is that in Soviet times, a hairdresser was considered an ordinary service enterprise - something like a dry cleaner or a repair shop. Currently, the situation looks completely different: a modern hairdresser, especially a high-class one, is more of a man of art than a craftsman. Therefore, it is not surprising that they celebrate their professional holiday on Beauty Day.

Today, according to some data, there are about 70 thousand hairdressing and beauty salons in Russia, and their number is constantly growing. And more than 200 thousand people can call themselves hairdressers. This is the result of the development of a profession whose history goes back not even centuries, but millennia.

It is believed that the first professional barbers appeared in Ancient Egypt. They served mainly the pharaohs and their wives: they dyed, cut hair, and created complex hairstyles from it, which can still be seen in surviving drawings. Ancient Egyptian barbers even had special tools that were reminiscent of modern razors and scissors.

And the first “salons” for personal care appeared in Ancient Greece. Noble ladies could get their hair and nails done here. It is interesting that each procedure was carried out by a separate person - a specially trained slave.

The very word “hairdresser” is of German origin, coming from the term Perückenmacher, which meant a wig maker. However, in Germany this word is no longer used and is considered obsolete.

You are the master of scissors and comb!
A skilled magician and a kind sorcerer
You can easily do any hairstyle!
And every day you make people happy!

I congratulate you, hairdresser!
I wish you on your professional day,
May fate help you in everything!
And let all adversity fade into the shadows!

While studying the question of what date is Hairdresser's Day, we must note one curious detail, which is that this profession is very, very ancient. It arose several thousand years ago.

And before answering when is Hairdresser’s Day, let’s dive a little into the history of this wonderful craft. Thanks to ancient frescoes, today you can admire the multi-part hairstyles of Egyptian priestesses and pharaohs; even then people used basma and henna to color their hair, and had various analogues of modern cutting and styling products such as scissors, razors, combs, curling irons, etc.

A little more history

In Ancient Greece, hairdressing received a new round of development. Who else but the Hellenes knew a lot about human beauty, and they tried in every possible way to improve it. Rich nobles wanted the hands of a skilled barber to embellish them in a special way. At first, specially trained people were engaged in this business, but over time the first beauty salons began to be created.

When is Russia Day

For some reason, Hairdresser's Day in Russia is celebrated on two days: one on September 13, and the second on the 14th. There is no exact date, but this does not prevent us from deciding on a day convenient for the team and organizing a solemn celebration of our masters.

Now it becomes generally clear when Barber Day is, but it is unclear where this word gets its name. Some argue that the word "hairdresser" comes from the German term perückenmacher - That's what the wig makers were called. However, in Germany this word is already outdated and has not been used for a long time.


Others believe that it is of French origin: perruque- hairpiece, in the theater this was one of the most expressive means of makeup.

Interesting fact: at different times and in different countries, these people were called differently - barbers, hairdressers, barbers, toupee artists, cuafers, since in addition to styling hair, they could do shaving and manicure, and even took on the duties of doctors, subjecting their clients to various simple procedures. In Russia, hairdressers used to be called barbers.

Hairdresser's Day is not celebrated at the state level, but, of course, this holiday is another reason to rejoice and pay tribute to love and respect to people who are fluent in this craft, without them it would be boring and tedious to live in a world of constant stress and negativity, they seem to paint , but in our own way, our lives.

If you have your own master, then you are very lucky, and if not, look for him immediately, because he will be able to change your destiny, including as a psychologist. Women, as well as men, often leave a beauty salon with increased self-esteem, because they look fresh, beautiful, new, this lifts their spirits and gives them self-confidence.

When is Hairdresser's Day and how is it celebrated today?

By the way, there is another holiday - and the sphere. It is celebrated on July 31, and hairdressers can also consider it theirs.

Almost every company providing these services conducts thematic master classes where hairdressers learn and improve their professional level. Therefore, by Hairdresser’s Day, you can complete some course and combine the presentation of your diploma with the holiday. Then it will be doubly pleasant, significant and symbolic to celebrate this day. And here you can’t do without a festive buffet.

These days, some salons are organizing special promotions for their clients. Well, regular clients usually also like to please their personal masters and will definitely take the moment to congratulate them. In general, everyone will be happy on this day: both the masters themselves and their clients.


The kindest and most positive congratulations on Hairdresser's Day, cool and cheerful, must be heard on this day; they will further emphasize the favorable and festive atmosphere, because it is not for nothing that people say: until you arrange a holiday for yourself, no one will.

At ceremonial collective meetings, you can express all your wishes, discuss the intricacies of the profession, propose some innovations, exchange experiences, present gifts and certificates for the best achievements, for example, “For the largest number of clients served” or “For high professionalism,” etc. d.

Funky and with a lot of heart, these barbers will appeal to those specially trained to please clients with scissors and combs.

Give me scissors, a comb,
The master will do your hair.
Will definitely work hard
Will give you a modern haircut.

Now, next time, when Hairdresser’s Day comes, I think that on their holiday, hairdressers will receive even more good wishes from their clients, because it turns out that they cannot live without others, and as Dostoevsky correctly put it: “Beauty will save the world.”

Hairdresser's Day is a holiday that is not celebrated at the state level and, naturally, is not an official day off. The holiday does not even have a clear date (this is due to the fact that barbers do not have their own international organization that would deal with such issues).

According to the generally accepted version, this is September 13, but some representatives of the profession celebrate their holiday a day later, while others celebrate it for two days in a row.

Moreover, most hairdressers are sure that they have several professional holidays a year. Thus, they also consider International Beauty Day (September 9) to be their day: this is not surprising, because until 2000, it was customary to celebrate Stylists’ Day on September 9. Hairdressers did not limit themselves to two celebrations; they also celebrate as their holiday the Day of Trade and Consumer Services Workers, which falls on the third Sunday in March.

It is unknown when Barber Day was established. We can only say with certainty that this happened after 2000 (since previously barbers celebrated only Beauty Day).

Meanwhile, the profession of a barber itself originated in Ancient Egypt. Back then, hairdressers made wigs, dyed hair (for this they used henna and basma), and curled hair using metal rods heated over a fire. Moreover, the first barbers already had analogues of modern scissors, but the first beauty salons appeared in Ancient Greece. Only noble ladies could afford to visit such an establishment. The clients were served by specially trained people, or rather slaves.

Ancient Greek barbers usually dyed their clients' hair using herbal infusions, and also offered them perms and hairstyles that were fashionable for that time.

In the Middle Ages, complex high hairstyles came into fashion, so a whole group of masters already worked on their creation. Moreover, in the 18th century, tall structures made of hair on the head were a real trend. Thus, the French Queen Marie Antoinette once wore a hairstyle whose height reached 91.5 centimeters.

Over time, the attitude towards hair and hairstyles has become simpler.

By the way, the craft received a new round in development at the end of the 19th century, when the first professional schools of hairdressing appeared, upon completion of which official diplomas were issued. The first such school was created in the USA.

Celebration traditions

The main tradition of Hairdresser Day is associated specifically with schools that train professional hairdressers, as well as improve their skills. Typically, graduation celebrations are held in such educational institutions on September 13th.

In addition, some hairdressing schools organize demonstration master classes, seminars and conferences on this day. On September 13, beauty salons usually organize contests and competitions in which specialists compete, for example, for the title of best stylist. The winners are usually awarded diplomas and gifts.

Also, many salons specially for the holiday hold various promotions and give discounts to their clients, and they organize corporate parties for their employees.

For this holiday, many salons organize various promotions, give away coupons and arrange discounts on the services provided. Conferences and master classes, advanced training courses are also held, and diplomas are issued.

Competitions for mastery of the instrument are held among specialists, but most of the masters spend this day at work.

Although Hairdresser's Day is not an official holiday, on September 13 and 14, hairdressers receive congratulations from grateful clients.

Congratulations on Hairdresser's Day

Recently, the profession of hairdresser has become prestigious; it is glorified by famous stylists who masterfully wield scissors and hair styling devices.

On this holiday, competitions and contests are held all over the world to identify the most gifted and creative artists.

Most hairdressers celebrate their professional holiday at work, creating beauty and receiving congratulations from their clients.

It's great to be a hairdresser
Give beauty to all people.
It's not in vain that everyone loves you
For skill and kindness.

I wish on this day I am idle
Find new clients,
Plenty of work, new colors,
And let your dreams come true.

Congratulations on your professional holiday, Hairdresser's Day! Let your hand be light, your thoughts creative, your ideas stunning. Let your hard work be rewarded with grateful smiles from your clients and, of course, a solid salary. May your scissors be sharp and quick!

I love any coloring, a beautiful haircut,

A hairstyle that no one had ever seen before
It doesn’t matter to whom: a lady, a boy -
You will masterfully do everything without any problems!

I wish you grateful clients,
That they will not be stingy in paying for your work!
And also more pleasant moments,
Which can inspire you!


Happy Hairdresser's Day. I wish you pleasant and grateful clients, creative flights and high professionalism, interesting ideas, a creative approach, personal happiness and prosperity. May life bring true love, daily joy and good luck!

Masters, happy holiday
And a haircut pro
This is what I wish:

More work
And generous clients,
Chic hairstyles,
Have fun!

Good luck, good luck,
Health, love,
To be soul
Always young.

Styling, curling,
Masterpieces, miracles.
So that your guardian angel
Protect you from heaven!

Happy professional holiday to all scissors, combs and gel masters! Congratulations on Hairdresser's Day and wish you interesting clients, pleasant work and, of course, that you can always bring all your creative fantasies to life, creating a unique style for those who sit in your chair.

Get a fashionable hairstyle
With your deft hand
The hairdresser can clearly
He is a world master after all.

Hairdresser's day is glorious
We are celebrating today.
I hasten to congratulate you,
Wish you luck and love.

Let your imagination take flight
To unprecedented heights.
Let your skill increase.
Let the people come to you.

So that with decent payment
Your work has been rewarded.
And in general - live richly.
May you be lucky in everything.


Scissors in your hands, razor, hair dryer, combs -
You are our hairdresser, you are a hairdresser.
I personally congratulate you on your profession day
And I sincerely wish you creative success!
Let the work progress, the clients smile,
And let your cherished dreams always come true!

Happy Hairdresser's Day! I wish you to receive all the most pleasant, amazing and beautiful things from life. Let miracles happen every day along the way, let your clients admire your talent, and let your family appreciate and love you immensely.


To get a luxurious haircut, hairstyle,
You need scissors, hairpins, a comb,
You have the power to create miracles,
You are a wonderful master, what can I say!

I wish you inspiration throughout your life,
Let work bring pleasure
And gives you unprecedented income,
May every moment bring you joy!

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