What color goes with turquoise in clothes. Combination of turquoise color in clothes

The combination of warm shades with turquoise resembles a breath of freshness on a hot day, but the palette depends on the shades of the color itself. 6 palettes with 16 colors + selection of shoes.

Have you noticed the availability of turquoise clothing in fashion stores? I noticed because this color is hard to pass by. Although those who prefer red or pink often avoid this color. And in vain, since turquoise goes well with both red and pink.

Fashionable women's clothing has often been turquoise. So in the 50s and 60s, a bright shade of this color was in fashion, it was combined with pure pink and yellow, so this combination will be considered retro. Turquoise with gray or silver, as well as with terracotta and light brown, appealed to the taste of Western America. And the combination of clothing colors: turquoise with black and white colors will be in the Art Recor style.

We discussed the meaning of turquoise color, its shades and role in fashion in . In this article, we will consider fashionable combinations with several turquoise shades, who they will suit, as well as the selection of the color of shoes and accessories for them.

Turquoise color matches

Pale turquoise color matches

This color is similar to aquamarine. Delicate, gentle, flowing color of transparent sea water. It cannot be called pale or bright. It will suit any color type.

This color, in its calm bliss, is best worn on vacation and summer celebrations. The relaxation that this color promotes will be superfluous in the bustle of everyday life. Jewelry that will suit a dress or blouse of this shade of turquoise: pink-orange coral, shells, pearls, gold and silver. Pale carnation-colored jewelry, yellow and orange shades of stones or jewelry will suit it. It is advisable to use opaque stones.

Pale turquoise color combination: with peach-pink, carmine, golden yellow, pink coral, orange coral, sea wave, cold shade of green, sky blue, burgundy, lavender, aquamarine, beige, silver, gold, bronze, brown.

Turquoise blue color and combination with it

This color is traditionally considered turquoise. It is bright, but not blinding. Energetic, sociable, this color suits everyone. The color is changeable in combination, it will give you a special personality.

This color is good for both the beach and the office, and will be comfortable at a party or at home. Don't pass by this color: a universal, characterful color that will be ideal in any wardrobe.

Costume jewelry will include gold, silver, pearls, topazes, amber, coral, and turquoise. Any blue shades in stones and jewelry are welcome.

Consider color combinations of turquoise with hot pink, red rose, yellow ocher, pink coral, orange, blue green, cold light green, aquamarine, purple, blue, white blue, white, straw beige, silver, gold, bronze, brown.

Dark turquoise color matches

Topaz blue color goes together

It is also considered turquoise. This is a more sporty option; T-shirts often come in this color. But look, the dresses look great too. This bright blue shade is gentle in its own way and is more suitable for relaxation, holidays, and sports than for the office.

Red coral, gold, silver, pearls, turquoise, topazes, diamonds and amethysts, lilac, yellow, orange and pink stones will look good with it.

What goes with turquoise? Certain, rich colors such as soft pink, dark red, pale yellow, pink coral, orange, green teal, violet blue, regatta blue, pale turquoise, dark lilac, lavender, gray, silver, gold, beige, brown.

The best combination of turquoise color

And at the end of the article, I will highlight the most advantageous combinations with turquoise color.

Turquoise goes very well with the shades of its range: these are various water tones from light aquamarine to dark blue, underwater colors.

Very soft, chic and feminine combinations of turquoise and.

A combination of turquoise and will be profitable, exotic, light and bright.

Catchy and fresh, extravagant, but surprisingly beautiful combination of turquoise and.

Turquoise rightfully belongs to the brightest and most saturated colors. It is he who makes you pay attention, so it is important to understand what colors go with turquoise. Its magnificence is ambiguous, it is multifaceted and interesting because it is obtained from a mixture of blue and in various proportions: dark azure, delicate, thrush eggs and curacao - all these are shades of our favorite color. These noble shades constantly evoke some kind of mysticism, but at the same time they breathe calmness and freshness. Many amulets are made of turquoise.

Turquoise monochrome solo

Close shades of the same color always look great, and since turquoise has a large number of them, you can safely combine suits with trousers, shading them with related tones. Blue-green outfits, in which there are smooth transitions from elegant, sophisticated turquoise to the beautiful depth of viridian, look great on young ladies of any age with dark or light skin.

They make dark-skinned beauties even more romantic and mysterious and spectacular in any environment, emphasizing their tan or the natural beauty of their velvety skin.

White frame of turquoise

Color is not included in Newton's circle. It can be confidently used with any flowers, which is why it frames so beautifully dark azure, giving it even more mystery. You can't go unnoticed in this outfit. He openly declares success and ease in business. Such clothes encourage people to communicate. They never look boring, but you shouldn’t overdo it with snow-white. The classic option is a white blouse with a turquoise bottom or in combination with a turquoise top.

Warm fashionable combinations: turquoise and yellow (orange, brown)

You can endlessly experiment with what color it goes with, but even nature has hardly come up with a brighter and more harmonious combination than this charm in a duet with or its close neighbors orange or. The warmth of the sun ennobles the touching depth of turquoise that air and water give him. In such decoration it is easy to be a star at a party and a friend when communicating with friends.

turquoise and

Cool combination of turquoise

What colors go with turquoise, if not representatives of the cold range! A discreet top in turquoise tones with fashionable jeans of various shades looks very practical and relaxed. It is especially favorably shaded by dark purple. A bright combination for the most daring.


Let's consider fashionable combinations with several turquoise shades, who they will suit, as well as the selection of the color of shoes and accessories for them.

1 Pale turquoise color

This color is similar to aquamarine. Delicate, gentle, flowing color of transparent sea water. It cannot be called pale or bright. It will suit any color type.

This color, in its calm bliss, is best worn on vacation and summer celebrations. The relaxation that this color promotes will be superfluous in the bustle of everyday life. Jewelry that will suit a dress or blouse of this shade of turquoise: pink-orange coral, shells, pearls, gold and silver. Pale carnation-colored jewelry, yellow and orange shades of stones or jewelry will suit it. It is advisable to use opaque stones.

Pale turquoise color combination: with peach-pink, carmine, golden yellow, pink coral, orange coral, sea wave, cold shade of green, sky blue, burgundy, lavender, aquamarine, beige, silver, gold, bronze, brown.

2 Turquoise blue color

This color is traditionally considered turquoise. It is bright, but not blinding. Energetic, sociable, this color suits everyone. The color is changeable in combination, it will give you a special personality.

This color is good for both the beach and the office, and will be comfortable at a party or at home. Don't miss this color: a versatile, characterful color that's ideal for any wardrobe.

Beautiful in combination with gold, silver, pearls, topazes, amber, coral, turquoise. Any blue shades in stones and jewelry are welcome.

Turquoise goes well with bright pink, red rose, yellow ocher, pink-coral, orange, blue-green, cold light green, aquamarine, purple, blue, blue-white, white, straw beige, silver, gold, bronze, brown.

3 Dark turquoise color

This color is similar to sea green. This is not a bright turquoise, it suits everyone, but representatives of the summer color type should especially take a closer look at it. Unobtrusive, discreet, soft color serves you unnoticed. Without focusing attention on itself, the color, first of all, presents you, highlighting your skin favorably, giving your eyes a blue-green shine or creating a beautiful contrast with brown eyes.

Dark turquoise is as versatile as turquoise blue.

For jewelry, transparent stones of any blue, lilac, pink shades are suitable; pearls, amber, agate, garnet, turquoise. Feel free to combine gold and silver with this color.

What color goes with this shade of turquoise? Soft, discreet. You might like combinations of turquoise with coral, lilac-pink, raspberry-coral, green-yellow, light sand, orange, sorbet, blue-violet, lilac, light lavender, burgundy, lavender, thrush egg color, cream, light beige, silver, gold, bronze, brown.

4 Bright turquoise color

Just like coral shades, turquoise has bold tones. But for a bright life you need bright colors. Bright turquoise is an amazingly rare and beautiful color. He attracts the eye and carries him along. A tropical diva, a bird of paradise - this is the definition of the image that this color creates. But not everyone can afford it. For this color, the appearance should have the highest contrast. Representatives of the “winter” and “spring” color types can afford it, provided they wear bright makeup.

Jewelry for clothes of a bright turquoise color should be selected from transparent stones of any blue or green shade. Avoid pale jewelry. Gold and silver, pearls, coral and turquoise will also suit you.

What color goes with turquoise? Just as bright and sonorous. Take a closer look at such combinations as pink, yellow, yellow-green, pink-coral, neon green, dark blue, electric blue, aquamarine, dark pink, purple, regatta, cream, gray, silver, gold, beige brown, old bronze.

5 Turquoise green color

Rare, bright and calm at the same time. He inherited the versatility of turquoise shades and the calmness of dark turquoise. The color will fit into any wardrobe. Combinations with this color can be restrained and modestly intelligent. This color can be present both in a business style and in a casual one for relaxation.

Jewelry made of gold, silver, emeralds will look good next to this color. It is better to choose transparent stones: pink, blue, orange, cold green shades. Wooden decorations will go well with it.

What does turquoise green go with? The combinations are unobtrusive, but with character, can be achieved with soft pink, coral, lilac-pink, pale sand, pink-coral, ocher, regatta, emerald, soft blue, dark pink, taupe, lilac, blue-lilac , beige-pinkish, silver, gold, bronze, brown.

6 Topaz blue color

It is also considered turquoise. This is a more sporty option; T-shirts often come in this color. But look, the dresses look great too. This blue-blue bright shade is gentle in its own way and is more suitable for relaxation, holidays, and sports than for the office.

Red coral, gold, silver, pearls, turquoise, topazes, diamonds and amethysts, lilac, yellow, orange and pink stones will look good with it.

What goes with turquoise? Defined, rich colors such as soft pink, dark red, pale yellow, rose coral, orange, teal, violet blue, regatta blue, pale turquoise, dark lilac, lavender, gray, silver , gold, beige-brown, brown.

Turquoise color today is one of the most attractive colors in clothing. The symbolism of this color is used in many cultures around the world, where it occupies a privileged position. It is the color of healing, truth, compassion, inspiration. Monochrome outfits are not as interesting as winning color combinations. But what to wear with turquoise is not always obvious. Let's look at the most successful combinations in clothes with turquoise color.

The name “turquoise” comes from a semi-precious stone that miraculously combines two of the most beautiful natural colors – blue and green. Adding yellow to them gives a lighter tone. Therefore, it is sometimes called the color of the sea wave, because in its shade it is closest to the surface of the sea. This is the color of the morning sky and herbs. Its naturalness is probably the reason why fashionistas and clothing designers love it so much.

Turquoise color in clothes

The uniqueness of combinations of tones in one color is that it is a successful combination of cold colors (blue) and warm colors (yellow). The warmth of green depends on how much blue or yellow is dissolved in it.

The most striking is the combination of turquoise and blue. This gives energy, so this color will be most advantageous only in individual accents in clothing.

In general, turquoise is the color of nobility, purity, tranquility; it pleases the eye and is always noticeable. Clothing of this color looks very beautiful on a tanned body. This contrast of two colors that complement each other makes a person very attractive.

The versatility of this color lies in the fact that it is good as an independent color background and as a separate accent in combination with contrasting colors. It suits absolutely everyone. Therefore, to choose the required shade of this color, you need to take into account the color of your hair and skin. Find your shade and wear outfits that combine that color with others.

Turquoise color combinations in clothes

Turquoise color and white

This tandem looks very noble in summer clothing sets. Since in the summer everyone wants to show off their tanned body, especially in contrast, this classic combination will further emphasize the degree of tanning and attract the gaze of the stronger half of humanity.

Turquoise and red color

At first glance, it seems that turquoise and white are incompatible colors in clothing. But this is only at first glance. They do not need to be taken in 1:1 proportions, then it will look noble. Make the leading color turquoise and the complementary color red. Wear red shoes and a red bag with a turquoise dress. Since it appeared in fashion back in the 50s of the last century and has stood the test of time, you can safely sew yourself outfits in a retro style, which is always in fashion.

Turquoise with orange

A special contrast is created by the combination of turquoise and orange. The warmth of orange slightly mutes the coolness of turquoise. Recommendations for selecting clothing sets in these colors are the same as for orange and red. For example, try wearing a turquoise blouse and an orange fur vest on top. In winter, you will be warmed by the warmth of an orange sweater, which can be complemented with a turquoise scarf. Yellow or orange jewelry looks great with this shade of clothing.

Turquoise with yellow

A winning summer clothing combination is turquoise and yellow. They remind you of the sea and sandy beach. It is very beautiful, bright and stylish.

If you wear a light turquoise blouse or T-shirt, then yellow shorts and beads will create a sunny mood. A long yellow skirt made of lightweight materials and a turquoise sports-cut shirt will look quite fashionable. In summer, these paints can even be used in manicures.

Turquoise with blue

Close in tone, turquoise and blue complement each other well. The effect of freshness and sea coolness is created. A turquoise suit and a blue cardigan are the best outfit combination for an autumn evening. To create contrast, you need to take an ultramarine shade, which in combination with turquoise will create a noble tandem.

Turquoise with brown

A fairly classic combination - turquoise and brown. The brown color itself is very conservative and discreet. Turquoise brings it to life. Especially if you take a chocolate shade of brown. A brown leather jacket, underneath which is worn with a turquoise dress, skirt or shirt, looks very beautiful.

Turquoise and black color

Traditional classic black color, which always looks amazing in different combinations, with turquoise gives a unique effect of nobility and severity. Nowadays, turquoise jackets are in fashion; they look especially bright if you wear black clothes underneath. A turquoise skirt paired with a black turtleneck will be no less attractive. This turtleneck will decorate a formal women's suit made of black fabric.

Every woman should have plenty of scarves in her basic wardrobe. It is this touch to the image that can attract attention and become a bright accent in clothing. Therefore, a turquoise scarf in combination with a black suit will undoubtedly become a highlight of your image.

Turquoise with gold

If you wear turquoise in clothes with the colors of precious metals - gold and silver, you will get a rather interesting combination, reminiscent of a natural stone in an expensive frame. These colors create harmony.

The third color is perfect for all of these combinations - white; it decorates the clothes in a special way and gives the image elegance.

For the holiday, you can only use turquoise - a dress and shoes. Accessories for this set can be a gold-colored bag and gold jewelry.

Turquoise color is rich in its shades. A lighter tone (light turquoise) gives a feeling of cleanliness and sterility, which is why medical gowns have this particular shade. This gives enormous scope for a variety of options.

If you decide to wear a turquoise dress with white shoes, add turquoise jewelry and a white bag. By changing your shoes and handbag to black ones, you can add a black belt to your dress (if, of course, the cut of the dress allows this).

Such outfits require moderation in the use of cosmetics. It is better to get by with brown mascara, beige shades of eye shadow and soft pink lipstick.

The influence of color on different aspects of our lives has long been known. As psychologists note, green-blue color creates conditions for good brain function, the ability to concentrate and make informed decisions. Therefore, add turquoise-colored clothes or accessories to your wardrobe in different combinations - and your look will become unique.

In ancient times, shades of turquoise were endowed with mystical properties. It was believed that a turquoise amulet could bring good luck; imperial crypts were inlaid with turquoise stones. Today, shades of turquoise are no less mysterious, but how else can one explain the fact that they are almost always at the peak of fashion?

There are many shades of this color, and many times more tones. To make it easier for you to choose the right shade, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the names of the most popular ones.

Harmonious combination

Pale shades are distinguished by their tenderness and translucency. Light turquoise color is the color of summer warmth, carefree relaxation. A combination with turquoise of such colors as orange with a pink tint, coral, dim yellow, gold and silver is considered harmonious. Lightness and tenderness of the image is guaranteed by a mix of light turquoise and cool shades of green and blue.

Dark turquoise, which has several deep tones, unlike light shades of turquoise, is not suitable for everyone. Girls belonging to the summer color type look amazing in clothes of this color. The amazing property of dark shades is that they emphasize the color of the eyes, highlight the skin, and create a good contrast. At the same time, turquoise does not draw attention to itself. The colors that go with dark turquoise are varied. This is coral with a pink-lilac tint, and green-yellow, and unsaturated lavender, and delicate cream, and brownish, and lilac.

As for the bright tones of turquoise, the optimal combination for representatives of the spring and winter color types is shades of pink, green, purple, cream, gray, beige-brown and blue that are the same in saturation and sonority. And don’t forget that this look requires expressive makeup.

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