How to choose the right facial care cosmetics. Reading the label: how to choose the right cosmetics. Online with a cosmetologist

In this article I will tell you how to choose the right care. Creams, serums, tonics, lotions, masks, scrubs, peelings - what do you really need to keep your skin healthy for a long time?

Girls, lately you have been writing to me very often in the comments that your head is spinning from all this information. Especially newbies who come from the classic world of cosmetics and try to switch to natural and organic ones are scared of prices and strange, unusual skin care techniques.

But there is nothing to be afraid of, everything is not as difficult as it seems.

Let me share with you simple tips on how to choose the maximum care you need for the minimum amount of money.

First, let's talk about why it is difficult to find the right skin care and how to find it. And then I will give you an approximate program that you can adjust to your skin's needs.

I warn you right away, I am not a cosmetologist or a doctor, but I know a little about natural and organic cosmetics: P (You can read why in the department)

I myself once switched to natural cosmetics after Loreal/Merikeev/Vichy/Laroche, etc. And she helped many people get rid of skin problems (this is proven by daily letters from you, dear girls!).

For example, this:

Why is it difficult to choose the right facial skin care?

The modern cosmetics industry, in my opinion, has greatly distorted the idea of ​​our skin. Every day, from screens and magazine photographs, faces with clean, matte, flawless skin look at us, screaming at us about deep, thorough cleansing, the need for ten products to use just to cleanse the skin.

But we don’t see that behind these “screams” are, firstly, models whose makeup was done over several hours, whose photographs were processed with a certain number of filters. And, secondly, the manufacturers themselves are interested in ensuring that the problems associated with your skin do not end, and that you do not stop buying the coveted jars.

What conclusions should be drawn:

  1. The condition of the skin largely depends on the gene (if your skin is more oily than dry, then you can hurt yourself, but you will NEVER have perfect matte skin 24 hours a day)
  2. The condition of your skin is its current state. The skin can be dry and then suddenly become oily or combination. I am more in favor of the Dr.Hauschka brand philosophy, which divides skin into conditions, not types!
  3. The more skincare products, the better - a fallacy (otherwise you wouldn’t be reading my articles looking for help until nightfall)
  4. Expensive products are not always (oh, not always) the best

There are many articles written on my blog, probably too many on this topic))) I will help you navigate.

My light, mirror, tell me - show me the right care

Personally, I consider proper skin care to have 2 steps:

  1. Proper cleansing (cleansing milk, cream, emulsion)
  2. Proper moisturizing/nutrition (cream or oil)

Other essentials, such as masks, serums, peelings, scrubs, are ADDITIONAL care. This means that if the first two points are incorrect, then you can give up on the rest.

This is where the heart asks for details.

Proper cleansing

It should be:

  • soft
  • effective
  • nourishing

Milk is ideal. Milk cleanses the skin of dust, excess secretions on the skin and makeup due to the fact that fat dissolves fat. Ordinary chemistry. If you've tried it, you'll notice that the oil cleanses your skin surprisingly thoroughly. This is precisely because it dissolves sebum on the surface of the skin and takes it away along with cosmetics.

Why milk and not foam or gel? It does not contain surfactants (tensides), substances that help the product foam. Any surfactant, especially if it is Sodium Lauryl or Sodium Laureth Sulfate, irritates the skin. They take too much sebum and the skin is stripped of its natural protective covering. You can easily feel this yourself, since in most cases the skin becomes tight after washing with foam (or too hard water), and immediately requires cream.

And milk not only very carefully removes exactly as much sebum as needed, but also nourishes the skin due to its high content of vegetable oils.

Some people still prefer to wash their face with gels. Well, there’s no way their skin can adapt to milk! Then I recommend using products with very mild tensides (Glukoside and Glutamate). Just recently I checked the compositions of well-known foams for the content of critical surfactants and other substances.

Proper hydration/nutrition

It should be:

  • suitable for the given skin condition
  • at the right time

No matter what condition your skin is in now, it always needs hydration and nutrition. Those with oily skin are guilty of using light serums or gels to moisturize. And they dream of food in terrible dreams. BUT - it is oily skin that does not have enough NUTRITION. Excessive sebum production is a signal that the skin lacks lubrication. By choosing the right diet with a sufficient amount of vegetable oils, you can bring your skin into balance.

As for the right time, you can experiment and try not to apply the cream at night. I promise you ( especially if you have oily skin with breakouts), you will like the result. In order for the skin to feel comfortable after evening cleansing, so that it does not tighten, so that it does not flake, the first point must be correct (read, cleanse not with foam, but with milk).

Choosing the right care

The condition of your skin determines which products to choose. If your skin is oily and prone to breakouts, pay attention to the presence of light, non-comedogenic oils in your skincare products. For example, hazelnut oil, jojoba oil, grape seed oil.

Now let's move on to practice. I can recommend you a hundred different brands. But I'll stop there Russian manufacturers. First of all, I want to support them. It is very difficult to compete with the competition of world-famous popular brands that invest millions in promotion. Secondly, Russian manufacturers are cheaper. And thirdly, my blog’s partner is an online store that stocks all Russian brands that produce natural cosmetics. Everything I recommend has been checked for the presence of critical ingredients. I didn't find any.

Of course, you can optimize any treatment to suit your needs and the amount of your wallet. In my blog you will find enough information about different manufacturers of natural/organic cosmetics and their products.

Dry skin

  1. Cleansing: Cleansing hydrophilic facial oil Ginger from MiKo
  2. Nutrition/hydration: Cream Morning Queen from Laboratory Popravko(worth a night cream, but we use it in the morning!)
  3. Additional must-have: Alginate moisturizing mask from Zhivitsa

Combination skin

  1. Cleansing: MiKo Lavender Cleansing Milk
  2. Nutrition/hydration: Cream White Waltz from Popravko laboratory
  3. Additional must-have:

Makeup artists always create competent and professional makeup, first of all, according to the shape of the face. After all, this is the only way to advantageously emphasize the advantages and divert attention from the shortcomings. By determining your face type and making just a few right touches, you too can bring your image to perfection.

Determining the shape of the face

Traditionally, all face shapes in people are usually divided into eight types: oval, square, round, trapezoidal, rectangular, triangular, diamond-shaped and elongated. This classification was chosen due to the similarity with geometric shapes and the severity of some parts of the facial contour.

To determine your type, you need to stand in front of a mirror, pull your hair back and trace the similarity of your face shape to a geometric figure.

  • Oval

The oval shape is slightly elongated due to the wide forehead and chin. The chin is not sharp, but smoothly arched.

  • Square

Square is characterized by relatively identical upper and lower halves. A wide forehead and an equally wide, angular chin. The length and width are approximately the same.

  • Round

A round face is distinguished by smooth transitions from a rounded forehead to cheekbones, from cheekbones to chin. No corners, no parts too wide. This makes it appear flat.

  • Trapezoid

The trapezoidal (pear-shaped) shape is characterized by a narrow top and wide bottom. Cheekbones do not stand out.

  • Rectangular

The rectangular shape is elongated, the height of the face exceeds its width. The forehead is quite wide, the cheekbones are not very prominent, the chin is wide and angular.

  • Triangular

A triangular face is: a narrow chin, prominent sharp cheekbones.

  • Diamond-shaped

The diamond type is defined by wide cheekbones, a narrower forehead and chin.

  • Extended

Many people mistake an elongated face for an oval one, but it is more elongated (one and a half times longer than its width). This makes him appear very long and thin.

Choosing cosmetics

Proper makeup for different face types includes color correction of its parts. The main task of correction is to visually remove and bring closer the necessary areas using dark and light shades. For example, raise the eyebrows, make the nose narrow, narrow the forehead, etc. All these effects are achieved with the help of the necessary cosmetic products.

To choose the right makeup for your face type, makeup artists use the following set of cosmetics:

  • cleansing tonic for skin type;
  • day face cream;
  • primer;
  • brightening highlighter;
  • foundation of one or two shades;
  • concealer;
  • powder;
  • blush;
  • good, soft brush.

Learning to work with different forms

Let's try to understand the details of how to choose the right makeup for your face type.

  • Oval

Close to ideal in its proportions. Such a face does not require adjustment unless there are serious defects. You just need to highlight your beauty with blush; Apply them smoothly along the cheekbones to the temples. If your face seems very flat, add more volume. Lighten the central part (middle of the forehead, protruding part of the nose, chin) with a lighter foundation, and darken the contours.

  • Square

The purpose of makeup is to hide rough and angular parts. darken the corners of the forehead and the sharp edges of the lower jaw. Apply dark blush to the cheekbones in the shape of a triangle. To soften their expression, the hollow under the cheekbones can be slightly lightened.

Eye shadow should be one color so as not to draw attention to a wide forehead. Using a pencil, it is better to lengthen your eyes and give them an almond shape.

  • Round

Makeup for a round face should lengthen it by darkening the side contours and edges of the cheeks with a dark foundation or powder with a brush. Reduce the volume of your cheeks by applying blush in the form of a triangle from the cheekbones towards the lips.

You don’t have to change the eye contour, but clearly outline your own. It is better to use two-color shadows. Apply darker shadows to the moving part of the upper eyelid, and let the part under the eyebrows be lighter.

  • Trapezoidal

Makeup for a trapezoidal shape should visually lighten the heavy lower jaw and make the upper third of the head wider. To do this, the chin can be darkened with brown blush, and light ones can be applied to the protruding part of the cheekbones. We use a natural shade to mark the cheekbones closer to the line of the mouth, shading towards the temples.

You can widen the upper part of your face by lengthening the contour of your eyes. It is better not to use very dark shadows; a contour and a natural tone will be enough.

  • Rectangular

For a rectangular type, first darken the forehead at the hairline, using brown powder and a brush to slightly shade the lower jawline. On the contrary, lighten the side part. Apply blush horizontally in an oval shape, blending along the edges.

The lips can be slightly enlarged by applying a contour a little wider than their natural one. Outline the eyes, lighten the inner corner with shadows, and darken the outer corner.

  • Triangular

A triangular face needs to be corrected with a dark shade in the lateral area of ​​the temples and the outer part of the forehead. Apply blush smoothly along a descending line from the temples.

It is important to highlight your lips correctly. They should look round and voluminous. To visually lift low eyelids, eyes can be tinted using a vertical technique.

  • Diamond-shaped

On a diamond-shaped face, soften the pronounced angles. To do this, darken the side contour of the cheekbones and the sharp peak of the chin. It is better to apply blush on the front part, from the lip line up, not reaching the cheekbones.

  • Extended

It is advisable to shorten the elongated oval vertically and expand horizontally. Tint the lower part of the chin and the upper part of the forehead with a dark shade. Horizontal blush can widen the contours.

It is better not to emphasize lips and eyes too much, but to use natural contours and natural shades.

IN When choosing clothes, you are guided by the color, size and style that suits you. But we must not forget about the skin, it also needs protection. After all, your skin is the first to be exposed to adverse environmental influences.

Your face needs protection - cream, tonic, milk. An important role in choosing cosmetics is played by the composition and method of application that is suitable for your skin. When choosing products for daily use, you need to take into account several very important factors. Basic tips on how to choose the right cosmetics for your face are described below.

1. Current skin condition. If you have normal skin, for example, when exposed to cold or ultraviolet rays, it can become very dry.

2. Skin depending on age. Special anti-aging products for facial skin can only be used after 25 - 30 years. At the same time, you need to take into account that dry skin begins to age much earlier than any other skin.

3. Individuality of drug tolerance. It is not advisable to use products and creams that contain components to which you may be allergic. You should also use biologically active creams with caution, as their use can cause facial hair growth.

In winter and when it’s cold outside, it is necessary to nourish and moisturize, cleanse and tone the skin of the face, both in the evening and in the morning. Such procedures need to be done daily. To do this you will need:

1. Alcohol-free toner.

2. Cleanser - gel, foam, milk.

3. Cream. For young skin, a cream that lasts 24 hours is suitable; more mature skin needs day and night creams.

If in the morning you have become a habit of wiping your face with tonic, washing your face with water or soap, or wiping your skin with a piece of ice, then you must remember that after such a procedure, before applying the cream, you must treat your face with tonic. Tonic restores skin balance, which is an important factor. When cold weather sets in, the cream should moisturize the skin, and if the skin is very dry, then the moisture balance should be restored, returning each cell to a healthy life cycle. It won’t hurt if the cream for daily use includes soy proteins, essential oils, phytodermin-C, and marine collagen. These components help restore the natural hydrolipid layer of the skin. To soften and relieve irritation, calendula oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, panthenol-provitamin B5 and hyaluronic acid effectively affect the skin.

Before going to bed, you need to cleanse your skin of cosmetics using foam, gel or milk. This is a necessity, since at night the skin must be saturated with oxygen, restore strength and be saturated with useful substances. But in order for it to be saturated with these very substances, it is necessary to apply a night cream to the skin. For skin with pronounced signs of aging, a special cream is needed. It may contain elements such as hyaluronic acid, provitamin B5, vitamin E - they provide skin renewal and prevent the formation of wrinkles. Marine collagen, wheat germ, algae extracts, jojoba oil, plant ceramides and silk proteins help maintain skin elasticity and soften it. When choosing skin care products, you need to proceed from what type it belongs to. There are four main skin types - oily, normal, combination and dry. Normal and oily skin types are very rare. Common types are dry and combined. According to the condition of the skin, it is divided into sensitive, problematic and healthy. Now let's look at which products are most suitable for the respective skin type. This will help answer the question of how to choose the right cosmetics for your face.

1.Healthy dry skin. In order for her to receive enough hydration and nutrition, it is necessary to use milk (liquid cream). In the composition of such products, it is desirable to contain oil of sprouted wheat grains, which reduce free radicals that age the skin; rosehip extract, which performs the function of moisturizing and protecting; also silk proteins, St. John's wort and chamomile extract, sweet almond oil and vitamin complex.

2. Sensitive dry skin. Cosmetic products that contain algae extract are suitable for it, which quickly and deeply penetrates the skin, creates a homogeneous film, which, in turn, protects and allows it to breathe. Also jojoba oil and calendula extract, which soothe and relieve irritation.

3. Combination skin. For this type of skin, a facial cleansing milk is suitable, which, along with cleansing properties, does not destroy the hydrolipidic mantle of the skin, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and removes impurities and makeup. Milk with cucumber extract optimally maintains skin hydration. Sentella extract increases elasticity and strengthens blood vessels. In combination with this, the tonic should include plant elastin, birch extract, hawthorn extract and plant collagen. Creams should contain fruit acids, they allow the skin to become tender and soft, and increase moisture content.

4. Problematic combination skin. A toner for this skin type should not contain alcohol. The tonic should include sweet almond and avocado oil, fruit acids, extracts of hops, sage, white thyme, vitamins A, E, C.

For oily skin, products that contain alcohol are suitable, for example, fruit alcohol, denat alcohol or any other. For dry skin, on the contrary, the effects of alcohol are categorically undesirable. She needs cosmetics that are based on water or oils.

Skin needs to be cared for in three stages.

First- This is cleansing using cleansing milk, makeup remover or gel.

INsecond stage- toning. A very important stage, with the help of tonic the skin is prepared for moisturizing.

Tthird stage- hydration or nutrition. This is done using cream or special serums.

There are also products such as scrub (or peeling) and various masks. It is recommended to use such products no more than once or twice a week, after cleansing and before toning. And the process of daily skin care ends with mandatory moisturizing.

Well, it’s finally the evening of the long-awaited day off and while our men are finishing cleaning the sauna, the girls are sorting through their cosmetic bags. Each of us shares our finds and acquisitions, commenting in detail on our entire experience of using this or that product, and take turns leafing through the Oriflame catalogue. And while everyone is actively participating in the conversation and sorting through a great variety of cosmetics, I tried to make a few notes and combine all our knowledge and analyze point by point how to choose the right cosmetics for the face. And this is what I got.

First, let's remember what stages there are for proper skin care.

1. Cleansing - this stage cannot be skipped. The skin of the face must be cleansed in the morning and evening, and if necessary during the day, before applying other products. Once a week, it is recommended to carry out a deeper cleansing of the skin - scrubbing or gommage, depending on your skin type. Products suitable for daily cleansing are facial washes, makeup removers, face soap or baby soap.

2. Toning is an optional, but desirable item. It prepares your skin for basic care. This is done using tonics, lotions, and homemade decoctions.

3. Moisturizing or nutrition is the final point of facial care. Depending on your skin type and age, your skin needs to be moisturized or nourished. For a young age, hydration is more suitable, but at a more mature age it is more rational to use nutrients.

Now we need to determine the skin type so that the care cosmetics act at their full potential. This is very easy to do: cleanse your face and do not apply any products afterwards. After a few hours, apply a paper napkin to your face and examine it carefully.

If the napkin remains dry, you have a dry skin type; if the spots are distributed evenly throughout the napkin, you have oily skin; if the spots are only in the T-zone, therefore, you have combination skin. And if there are no stains left on the napkin, but the skin, unlike the first example, does not tighten, you have a normal skin type, but this is rare - only 20% of the population have a normal skin type.

Based on your skin type, we choose cosmetics produced specifically for this type. The only thing is that when choosing cosmetics for oily skin, you need to study the products more carefully, since if they have a strong drying effect, then your skin may become even more oily.

But not all cosmetics are equally useful. In order not to purchase cosmetics with harmful products, we learn to read the ingredients. The main rule: the component that comes first in the list of ingredients is contained in the largest quantity in this product, and then in descending order. The content of the component that is in the very last place in the composition of the product can be 0.01% of the total content!

For example, if your moisturizer lists water first and mineral oil second, you might want to think twice before applying it to your face. Mineral oil is a refined petroleum product, of course, well-refined. It is used in many brands, even very famous ones. But its properties can only be useful for very dry skin, since when applied to the face, mineral oil creates a thin film, allowing it to retain moisture.

The skin gets used to the fact that it does not need to work on its own, the oil does everything for it, and it simply cannot do without it. Mineral oil can be disguised in the composition as paraffin, paraffin oil, petrolatum, propylene glycol. This is the most common ambiguous component included in cosmetic products.

Let's take note of a few more ingredients that should be treated with caution when you see them in the composition:

  • 1,2-Dioxane is a strong carcinogen and promotes cancer of the nasal septum.
  • Components ending in DEA, MEA, TEA cause skin irritation and are carcinogenic.
  • Dioxin is a strong synthetic poison that can penetrate and damage cells.
  • Paraben (Parabene) - destroys skin cells, accumulates in the body, provokes cancer cells.
  • Glycerine – when air humidity is less than 70%, it completely draws moisture from the skin, which leads to its dehydration.
  • Isopropyl Alcohol – promotes the penetration of bacteria into the skin.
  • PEG (petroleum derivatives) promote the activation of cancer cells.
  • Silicone – forms a non-breathable film on the face, leading to clogging of pores.
  • Benzocaine – causes nervous system disorders.
  • Propylene Glikol – causes severe allergic reactions, promotes the formation of acne.

Now, knowing what products you need, your skin type and armed with a list of harmful ingredients, you can safely go shopping for healthy facial cosmetics.

Even the most flawless makeup cannot hide skin imperfections, so it is important to know how to choose the right facial care. This is one of the most unprotected parts of the body. The person is constantly exposed to external negative influences. In addition, any problems in the functioning of the body are reflected, as a rule, in the most visible place.

That is why it is important to take care of thorough and proper facial skin care. This is the only way to restore her healthy and radiant appearance. It is important to remember that home care should be systematic.

We decided to tell you the basics of how to create your own proper skin care system. Read more step by step in the article on how to properly care for your facial skin.

Determine your skin type

There are countless skin care products available today. The most important thing here is to know your skin type and select the right cosmetics according to this. If you have the opportunity to consult a cosmetologist, then this is simply wonderful. It is these specialists who know better than us how to choose facial skin care in each specific case. But you can also do this yourself - the main thing is to figure out how and by what signs to recognize this or that skin type.

Signs of oily and combination skin

Oily skin types are characterized by enlarged pores and an oily sheen. Most often, it is this skin that is susceptible to inflammation, the formation of acne and comedones. Combination skin combines oily skin in the T-zone and dry (or normal) skin in the cheek area. This type is characterized by an uneven structure and heterogeneous coloring: in dry areas the skin flakes, and in oily areas it is prone to the formation of acne and inflammation. Each skin type has its own facial skin care products.

How do you know if your skin is dry and dehydrated?

Dry skin, as opposed to oily skin, is distinguished by corresponding signs: narrowed pores, tightness. It is this type of epidermis that is most susceptible to premature aging and the appearance of the first wrinkles. And dry skin also needs to be carefully taken care of - use suitable products for intensive moisturizing.

It is worth noting that dry and dehydrated skin are two different concepts. Dry skin lacks intercellular lipids, while dehydrated skin needs only a sufficient amount of moisture. To recognize what type you have, observe yourself and the condition of your facial skin. In dry skin, a state of tightness is almost always present. Dehydrated skin can feel tight after washing, which often results in an oily sheen.

How to “get through” problem skin?

External manifestations of problem skin are acne, increased greasiness, unhealthy color, pallor, excessive dryness, itching, age spots, sagging and early wrinkles. At least one of these signs already indicates that you need to think about how to choose the right facial skin care.

Pay attention to age-related changes

It is important to remember that the choice of facial skin care product should be based on your age. Nowadays there is a fairly widespread opinion that it is better to start using anti-aging cosmetics from a young age. In fact, in young girls, the skin is able to independently produce the required amount of collagen, hyaluronic acid and other substances that maintain the tone and healthy appearance of the skin. Various peptides, ceramides and collagens are more needed for mature skin; they can even be harmful for young skin.

If your skin is normal, can you relax?

If you are the happy owner of a normal skin type - you do not have a single defect described above, then you still should not relax. She also needs daily care. And here it is also important to choose the right facial care. Otherwise, various skin diseases can be provoked.

Cleansers should be selected depending on your skin type.

For dry Full-fat milk works great. You can use it only once - in the evening before bed. In the morning, simply rinse your face with clean water. A gentle plant-based moisturizing lotion is also suitable for cleansing dry skin.

For fatty skin, it is better to use a special gel containing bactericidal and anti-inflammatory additives. You need to wash your face with this product twice a day – morning and evening.

For combined skin, you need to pay attention to products that are easily washed off with water. Pay attention to your T-zone. If it is characterized by increased oil content, then it is better to use preparations to cleanse the skin twice a day - morning and evening. Otherwise, one thorough cleaning in the evening will be enough. If you are looking for facial products online, choose cleansing milk.

The use of toners is advisable for cleansing oily skin. In this case, the product must contain anti-inflammatory components, alcohol and substances that narrow pores. The use of toners is also recommended for combination skin, but only in the middle part of the face - where you notice oily shine and excess sebum.

Toner is another familiar item in our daily facial care chain. However, there are some features of its use, which also depend on skin type. For oily skin, the toner should be applied to a cotton pad and wiped over the face. For those with dry skin, apply the product with your fingertips using light massage movements, evenly distributing it over the face.

For those with dry skin, it is better to take a toner that contains chamomile and rose water, which moisturize and soothe the epidermis. For oily and combination skin, you should choose a toner with a low alcohol content.

When caring for your face during the day, you can use serum - it suits everyone without exception. It perfectly soothes the skin, strengthens its resistance to external negative factors and protects against temperature changes.

After cleansing the skin, it is necessary to ensure sufficient hydration. Special creams are great for this. When choosing cosmetics for facial care, we remember several rules. For young skin, an ordinary moisturizer will be enough. For those with mature skin, comprehensive care is provided - nutrition and hydration. As for mattifying cream, it is used for oily and combination skin to eliminate shine.

To moisturize the skin and achieve better results, you can use special masks. But you need to remember that additional skin care is more important, and such products should be used no more than 1-2 times a week. An alginate moisturizing mask from Zhivitsa is perfect for dry and aging skin. For oily and combination skin, it is better to use a mask with algae from Zhivitsa.

Peels, scrubs and gommages are also one of the elements of additional skin care. To know how to choose cosmetics in this case, you need to remember the purpose of these products.

Scrub is the most popular method and product, which consists of a base and small particles. Peeling is a more liquid form, it contains fewer particles and this method is suitable for gentle exfoliation of the skin. The difference between these two products is in the method of application. Peeling should not just be applied and washed off, but kept on the face for several minutes as a mask.

Both of these products have almost the same effect on the skin. With their help, you can remove dead skin particles, cleanse the skin and give it radiance. Gommage is an even more gentle remedy. It is great for sensitive skin as it does not contain traumatic elements. Using this product is quite simple: you just need to apply it to your face, wait for it to dry and remove it from the surface of the skin in a circular motion.

The selection of facial care products must be correct. Bioactive creams and anti-wrinkle creams are best used after 40 years. When choosing a day cream for your face, remember that it must contain ultraviolet protection. UV radiation has a detrimental effect on the skin, causing its premature aging. Pay attention to this when choosing cosmetics.

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