How to celebrate New Year in Hawaii. New Year's Eve in Hawaii. Principles of preparing an entertainment program

Chinese New Year in Hawaii

Scattered in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, like pearl beads, the Hawaiian Islands are always calm, surprising and colorful, but holidays in winter will be especially pleasant. Just imagine how wonderful it is - in the bitter cold and snowfalls, you will again find yourself in a fabulous summer and, relaxing under the hot sun on a snow-white beach, forget about all the problems and worries and just enjoy life.

Why not give yourself such a gift and go for the New Year and Christmas holidays to a real paradise in the tropics - the Hawaiian Islands?!

Hawaii, consisting of twelve small and eight large islands, is located in the North Pacific Ocean. You can swim here all year round. But in the midst of winter - in December and January in Hawaii, at the time when the New Year's festivities begin - it is especially beautiful: the air temperature on average reaches 26-27 degrees, and the water temperature is about 26 degrees. Limitless sandy beaches from white sand, turquoise ocean waters, active volcanoes, tropical jungles, rapids rivers and waterfalls - you can see all this when you go traveling to the most exotic state America .

Chinese New Year is typically celebrated by Hawaiians in the middle of winter. Congratulating each other local residents usually wish "Happy New Year!" in Chinese: Gung Hay Fat Choy.

New Year in Hawaii according to Chinese traditions

  • In China New Year has existed as a holiday for more than a thousand years. It was most likely brought to Hawaii more than a century ago by the Chinese, who came to make money on plantations.
  • During the New Year's festivities Chinese traditions There are always tea ceremonies, and in addition, daffodil festivals, colorful parades, fireworks on the ocean coast, and a bright and fiery “lion dance” is also certainly organized, during which two people dress in a lion costume and dance to the rhythms of the drums. At this time, all people throw coins to the “lion” so that in exchange for money, happiness, luck and prosperity will come to them in the new year and so that the “lions” will protect their families and homes from evil spirits.

During the New Year holidays, you can choose a holiday program to suit any taste. Can't recommend this to lovers of peace and quiet best place for relaxation! The islands have many quiet and remote spots, and every hotel is sure to have a spa.

Tourists who are accustomed to active holidays will be able to try their hand at surfing and diving Hawaii, which first appeared on these islands. Both young and old people enjoy surfing here. It has become firmly entrenched in the Hawaiian culture and way of life. Experienced instructors on the shore will help you learn how to ride the wave.

Those who cannot imagine their life without fishing will happily go sailing on a boat or yacht with experienced fishermen, who will demonstrate how to hunt fish with a spear, after which they can try hunting on their own. TO festive table you will have a rich catch - the caught fish will be cleaned, cut up and even grilled according to special recipes.

For an unforgettable and unique experience, you should go on a helicopter tour to the Hawaiian volcanoes. For example, on such a trip you can walk along the crater of the Kilauea volcano and watch how lava falls into the ocean waters. By the way, you can also try one of the favorite pastimes of Hawaiians on New Year's Eve - play in the snow and ride along the volcanic slopes on snowboards.

In general, New Year is one of favorite holidays on the Hawaiian Islands. On this day you can taste traditional Hawaiian dish- a pig baked on coals. Expect beach parties, fruit and Hawaiian rum cocktails, fireworks displays, the world-famous fire show and hula dancing, which is fairly easy to learn with just a few lessons. You will also definitely receive congratulations from Hawaiian Santa Claus - Kanakaloka.

From the islands of New Year's trip you can bring unusual and exotic Hawaiian souvenirs for friends, loved ones and loved ones. It is worth noting that it is in Hawaii that it is grown Kona- an elite class of coffee, and island pearls are highly valued all over the world. In addition, very interesting gifts there will be ethnic souvenirs such as Hawaiian shirts, dresses and skirts, as well as sweets, preserves and decorations in the form symbol of Hawaii - plumeria flower.

Travelers who have fallen in love with Hawaii have long called it a paradise. What can you imagine better than celebrating the New Year and Christmas holidays in Paradise!

New Year is celebrated in Japan for almost a whole month. The festivities start at Catholic Christmas, December 25, takes over the New Year and continues until mid-January. Main tradition New Year's Eve - treat each other with rice cakes. They are traditionally baked white and Pink colour. According to Japanese beliefs, these colors bring good luck. It is impossible to see Christmas trees in Japanese homes on New Year's Day. Instead, at the entrance there are Kadomatsu, living compositions made of bamboo, spruce branches and plum branches. They symbolize prosperity, success in business and personal life. On New Year's Eve, the Japanese always visit a Buddhist temple to repent of their sins and ask the gods to send them health, peace and good luck in all their endeavors in the coming year.

As for the holiday itself, the Japanese like to celebrate it in noisy companies, preferably in nature. New Year's days are a time for winter sports, competitions in sculpting figures from snow, and creating ice compositions. Most popular competition- for the best snowman.

New Year in China

The traditional New Year is practically not celebrated on the night of January 31 to January 1 in China. Chinese New Year is a Spring Festival, celebrated according to the Eastern calendar.

New Year in India

It is curious that in India there are several “New Years”. The date of celebration depends on which calendar is used in a particular Indian state. If the traditional New Year is celebrated in India, it is celebrated in a European way. Yes, and they celebrate it, for the most part, foreigners, not locals.

New Year in Hawaii

Hawaii is part of the United States. That’s why the New Year these days is celebrated in a purely American way. Is that all the main events, celebrations, fireworks and parties take place on the beaches, on the ocean coast, among tropical greenery.

New Year in Brazil

New Year in Latin American countries, and especially in Brazil, is another bright and enchanting carnival, which is held on the night of December 31 to January 1. Interestingly, Brazilian New Year traditions are a fiery mixture of European and African customs. Here, in holidays you can see beautifully decorated fir trees and decorated palm trees, try classic New Year's English cuisine and exotic dishes Hawaiian Islands. You can go to an elegant party or celebrate the New Year on the beach, dancing fiery Brazilian dances in national costumes. Of course, the central place in the celebrations is occupied by football competitions, where would we be without them. In a word, those who want to celebrate the New Year in all countries of the world at once can go to Brazil. In this country all the traditions and customs different nations visible at a glance!

As a child, it seemed to me that the New Year was the most fun and positive holiday of all that exists. Many kids probably think so, because New Year's time for children - a Christmas tree with garlands, gifts, funny New Year cartoons and movies (in our childhood they were not as accessible as they are now!), sleds, vacations, fun, Santa Claus, snowflakes, goodies, patterns on the windows... Plus, parents are at home more often than usual - and this is a real holiday for a child!

It’s amazing how things change over the years, because now I no longer look forward to the next New Year with such impatience. Children grow up, parents grow old, another year will not add youth to anyone - everything is clear here. But, it seems to me, it is very important to be able to seize the moment, to appreciate what we have! The world is beautiful just the way it is made. And we should learn to leave all the bad in the old year, thinking only about the good, so that we won’t talk about the sad! 😉

Today I would like to tell you about one of the brightest new years that I have seen in my life. It was in 2003, when we celebrated the New Year 2004 in the company of my host father Doug Brown, my host brother Luong, as well as our mutual friend Duke, who came to visit us in Hawaii for the Christmas holidays.

Taking photos in front of a Christmas tree on the eve of 2004 - Kapolei, Hawaii, USA

Meet (from left to right):

1) Doug Brown- wonderful American man- very smart, purposeful and well-mannered person. His house was my home for a whole year! I am very grateful to him for his hospitality, because my trip to Hawaii greatly influenced me and helped me become who I am. Now Doug still lives in Hawaii, but he no longer accepts exchange students. Sometimes he reads our blog because he knows Russian well. If you're reading this, hi Doug! 😉

2) Duke- a Vietnamese guy who also lived in Doug's house a few years earlier. At the end of 2003, Duke was studying at one of the US universities on the mainland. He flew to Hawaii to celebrate Christmas and New Year with us.

3) Oleksiy(aka Alexey), your humble servant, who, by the will of fate, ended up in Hawaii and lived almost whole year at Doug's house. In the photo I am only 16 years old. 🙂 At that time I didn’t have my own blog yet, but I studied at the American school Kapolei High School, played football, snorkeled on Hawaiian beaches, met local youth, listened to rap music and generally felt great! 🙂

4) Luong is a Vietnamese exchange student who, like me, lived with Doug for a year. As I affectionately called him sometimes, “my Vietnamese brother.” 🙂 At our school, Luong was an excellent student, played the guitar well, knew how to deftly eat rice with chopsticks, and listened to hard rock. We didn’t always live in perfect harmony with him, but we never quarreled too much. Sometimes we went to the pool together, but mostly I had my own entertainment and friends, and he had his. We lived in adjacent rooms! Now I don’t know where he is - it seems that he entered an American university, then probably stayed to live in the USA, although there is a possibility that he returned to Vietnam. I do not know. 🙂 But, undoubtedly, he is a very smart and good guy!

Holiday spirit

Even before the start of the Christmas holidays, a pre-holiday atmosphere was very much felt in Hawaii - much stronger than can be felt, for example, in another tropical country - Thailand. If in Thailand Christmas trees are placed only near hotels and in large supermarkets, then on the Hawaiian island of Oahu there are cheerful Christmas trees New Year's wreaths, garlands on palm trees, glowing figures of Santa Claus and his faithful reindeer... All this indicated the approach big holiday long before the end of December.

Imbued with the atmosphere of the tropical New Year, we managed to soak up the warm sunbathing a few days before Christmas, visiting a new beach for us - Kailua Beach - an incredibly beautiful and cozy paradise.

Getting ready to celebrate New Year 2004 - photo taken on December 20, 2003 on Kailua Beach, Oahu, Hawaii (Kailua Beach, Oahu, Hawaii)

My first Christmas in the USA

Unlike Ukraine, where the most important holiday of the year is New Year, in America December festivities begin with Christmas. Catholics and Protestants celebrate it on the night of December 24-25. Christmas is usually celebrated on family circle or in a circle of close friends - this is exactly what happened with us in 2003.

To start off in the morning we had a great time at Ko Olina Beach where we played football, snorkeled and enjoyed the great weather and calm seas!

One of the last trips to Ko Olina beach in 2003 - Kapolei, Hawaii
Cool field for football and recreation near the Ko Olina beach in the town of Kapolei - December 24, 2003

On the evening of December 24, 2003, our funny company(Doug, Duke, Luong and I) went to visit Doug's friends. We visited the home of a wonderful family, where we were treated to delicious food, and then we played with their active children in a million different games. It was a lot of fun, although there weren't many photos!

We play chess with American child)) In fact, while the men were playing chess and the guys were going crazy, the girl was watching them very carefully, and then she sat down at the table in such a way that I decided it would be a shame not to take a photo with her)))

I had a good hairstyle, huh? 🙂 Few people know that in order to save money, I cut my own hair several times when I lived in Hawaii. :)))

In the morning everyone woke up and the first thing I did, just for fun, was take a picture with Duke sleeping on the floor. 🙂

Then we all looked under the tree and into the Christmas stocking (who goes where))). Santa Claus brought us a lot of things - no one was left without gifts! Unlike Father Frost, who visits Ukrainian families on January 1, Santa Claus drinks whiskey and cola on January 1, so Mr. Claus has to work all Christmas night long! 😉

After the gifts were unwrapped and savored, we had breakfast and went for a morning bike ride around the area. There were only two bikes, so only Duke and I went. We looked at elegant palm trees and chic figurines near the houses of Kapolei residents. Unfortunately, I can’t find a single photo of the figures - apparently, we didn’t take a camera with us, but Doug took a photo of us near his house when we were just leaving him!

“Velo-Santa Clauses” - that’s what I called this photo in 2003! IN)

My first and so far only Hawaiian New Year 2004

The week after Christmas was truly fabulous - we were on paradise island Oahu, we had one more person (after all, Duke came for all the holidays), we didn't have to go to school, and we could hang out and explore the island all day long. However, we didn’t really hang out - after a long semester of school, I just wanted to lie on my favorite beach every day and enjoy the knowledge that it’s the end of December, but on our calendar there’s a year-long tropical summer! We snorkeled, walked through parks, went to the pool, took a bus to the beach, listened to music, met with friends... In short, we had a real Hawaiian vacation!

was approaching New year's night, and very soon Doug invited us to hold it on the Honolulu waterfront near the Aloha Tower. No sooner said than done! Fireworks awaited us over the bay - not as luxurious and long-lasting as in Ukraine, but no less beautiful and memorable! My camera at that time was not very good at taking night photographs, but I still managed to immortalize something!

Aloha Tower - Hawaii New Year 2004 and holiday show!
Honolulu - New Year's Eve 2004 and our trio - one from Ukraine and two from Vietnam. 🙂

Another thing happened to me then Funny case. A few minutes before midnight, a KSSK radio host broadcast live from the Honolulu waterfront. It so happened that I was passing by, and he happened to come up to me so that I could introduce myself and say a few words to live. I said hi and New Year's greetings to everyone who celebrated the New Year in Hawaii and throughout Ukraine! The audience was delighted that I came from such a distant country, and they gave me a T-shirt with the logo of their radio company. 🙂

On January 1, 2004, at about one or two in the morning, as I remember now... We were returning along the wide, almost empty and well-lit highway that took us from Honolulu to the house in Kapolei. It was so calm, quiet and peaceful, and the coolness of the summer night slowly descended to the ground. It was a wonderful feeling - for the first time in my life I was thousands of kilometers and two oceans away from home, and I celebrated a holiday with people whom I had not known recently, but who had become practically family to me. It was cool, although I really missed my parents and my little sister, it was incredibly cool!

We watched the New Year's show on TV for another hour, and then Luong fell asleep right on the floor next to the TV. We couldn't help but mock him!)))

Luong and I were strictly prohibited from drinking alcohol under the terms of the FSA FLEX program. Well, Doug and Duke drank a bottle of wine together to celebrate the date. New Year's show it dragged on, and Luong fell asleep on the floor, and Duke and I did a little dirt on Luong! :))) It was a lot of fun, because he really slept and didn’t wake up! It’s funny to remember now, because we were only sixteen years old! 🙂

My Vietnamese brother fell asleep and dreamed of the New Year and new achievements! 🙂
9 years later...

Here is such an unforgettable Hawaiian Christmas and Christmas story was in my life! Ever since then I dreamed that one day I would return to Hawaii. I have not yet realized this dream, but I really hope that everything is ahead!

Literally, very, very soon, another dream - mine and my beautiful Lenochka's - should come true. 🙂 For a long time I dreamed that one day I would celebrate another New Year in some warm and very beautiful tropical country... - this is truly such a heavenly place, and 9 years after my Hawaiian New Year, our young family will have an equally wonderful one - Thai New Year! 🙂

We wish all readers of our blog that their dreams will come true and give them oceans of joy, happiness and pleasure! Be loved, be happy, and may everything you have in mind come true in the new year 2013! Hooray! 🙂

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The question is rhetorical and very interesting. We will tell you in detail about what you can do in Hawaii and New York on New Year's Eve and everyone can do it for themselves right choice. Although most likely the best option, which can be assumed in such a dilemma is to go to these two places at once, combining them on your American trip.

Hawaiian Islands.

New Year is one of the most beloved and joyful events and is widely celebrated in Hawaii. This is just one of the holidays that provides ample opportunities to feel fully happy. The tropical paradise of Hawaii certainly offers an exquisite range of pleasures for every traveler who has a penchant for unusual meeting dear holiday. New Year's Eve in Hawaii is not just one event, for example, a hearty dinner on the night of December 31st and a crazy party on the beach. Hawaii is the place where you will want and have a great chance to explore and experience the amazing beauty of the exotic islands.

First of all, the climate. You will hardly find a more pleasant climate from the end of December to the first days of January than in the Hawaiian archipelago, which lies on the southern edge of the United States: the weather remains favorably cool along with a mild warmth.

Although almost all islands located within the Hawaiian archipelago will offer great options New Year's celebrations, yet Oahu and the Big Island always take the undisputed places of leaders. Be sure to watch the magnificent Show with Fire - one of the most interesting New Year's traditions in Hawaii.

“Hau"oli Makahiki Hou” - this is what “Happy New Year” will sound like! in Hawaiian. Start with this greeting when you find yourself at one of the festive New Year's celebrations in Hawaii. Luxurious delicacies of Hawaiian cuisine will be available at. best restaurants Oahu and the Big Island. For lovers of noisy and happy parties– a huge number of bars and pubs, as well as clubs.

And opening the New Year 2012 while in Hawaii, you can safely add the following activities to your calendar: a helicopter tour of the islands to volcanoes, snowboarding, surfing or skiing, a cruise around the islands and much more. We are sure that New Year will remain in Hawaii memorable event in your life.


In New York, a city where millions of tourists, careerists, actors, musicians, artists, immigrants, or vice versa, flock to successful people from all over the world, in this seething cocktail of various life stories, styles and cultures, everyone loves the New Year. It logically completes the Catholic Christmas celebrations and is the most in the right way opens the pages of the New Year. In New York, everything is done original and on a grand scale. Therefore, it is in New York in Times Square that people begin to gather around 15.00 and wait until midnight to be in the center of the action. The Times Square party is one of the most famous New Year's parties in the world. Here, due to the number of people, it’s not at all difficult to get lost and not be able to find a place where you can have a delicious dinner and accompany New Year's toast delicious cocktail. American Best Getaways, an experienced tour operator in the USA and Canada, has prepared special passes and instructions for Russian-speaking tourists on how to properly celebrate the New Year in New York, in Times Square in particular. This will help you avoid problems of unfamiliarity with the city and the language barrier.

A crystal ball is lowered into Times Square at midnight to symbolize the coming of the New Year. This is a truly unique pyrotechnic show in terms of beauty and power, followed by performances by the mayor of the city, world-famous celebrities, as well as local crowd favorites - all this will create unique memories in your memory.

I would definitely like to note that New York never sleeps, especially on New Year’s Day. It is in New York that you will find hundreds of the loudest parties with the participation of world celebrities, the best concerts at the best music and theater venues in the world, the most important sporting events and many many others.

Separately, I would like to mention New York New Year shopping and New York stores during the holidays. This is an action of unique beauty and it seems as if the shops are competing with each other in the decoration of their windows. The animated shop windows attract the eyes of tourists, which means they will want to come in and definitely make a purchase. American shopping will pleasantly surprise you with its variety of styles and sizes, as well as its price.

After a busy New Year's celebration in New York, after many excursions around the city (American Best Getaways conducts excursions - sightseeing and special on topics - in New York and other cities of the USA and Canada in Russian), after a dinner cruise around Manhattan, where you'll take your best photos with a panoramic view of Manhattan, after watching a Broadway show or a must-see musical while in New York, after all this, it's time to relax on amazing beauty beach in the rays of warm sun and exotic wonderful atmosphere. Does this remind you of anything?

You will find detailed information about celebrating the New Year in the USA and Canada, in the Caribbean on Cruises, or on skis or request by email: [email protected] or ICQ – 405311785

Have a nice trip!

Half an hour before the start of the holiday, guests gather at the designated place. They are met by girls ( from among your colleagues or invited models) in bright Hawaiian outfits, as well as dark-skinned young men in loincloths who greet everyone in the Hawaiian language and, putting decorative multi-colored flower beads on the newcomer’s neck, kiss the guest ( Hawaiian tradition).

The presenter introduces a guest from the Hawaiian Islands to those present - famous fortune teller. Everyone can sit down at her table during the evening and get their portion positive predictions for the coming year.

Fanfares sound and guests enter the hall, decorated as a tropical island.

The presenter introduces everyone to the comic duties residents island of Hawaii and announces the program of the corporate holiday.

The host draws the attention of the guests that throughout the evening they can approach the dark-skinned pastry chef hiding in the corner of the hall, who will be happy to help everyone taste the sweetness of the streams chocolate fountain.

The floor for greetings and congratulations is given to the company management, officials and guests of honor. The speakers greet all those present and congratulate them on the holiday.

Then the presenter conducts a comic dedication of the head of the company to Supreme Hawaiian Chief . The head of the company appoints two assistants to conduct the initiation ceremony. One of them is awarded leis- flower beads, other rod- fake banana. Under drum beats assistants hand over named leader attributes authorities.

Director of company - leader makes a toast, everyone supports him. It is held right here award ceremony the best employees of the company at the end of the year. The opening ritual of a party in Hawaiian style, that is official part, ends.

A constant feature of all Hawaiian beaches are small bars serving exotic cocktails and drinks. Drinks are on the tables, and here they are Hawaiian bartender show. The bartender's performance consists of cooking in front of the party participants exotic cocktails, tasting of prepared drinks, juggling, dynamic background music.

Now we will try to find out which of the guests knows about Hawaii, if not everything, then at least almost everything. The presenter conducts test quiz "Hawaii", in such a way that, based on the correct answers, it determines the most active company behind common table, and then reveals the winner at that table.

The program will continue dance performance, which is popular both around the world and in Hawaii - billy dance (belly dance) under folk Hawaiian music. Each number of the show program includes interactive elements. First part of the number belly dance- the dancer’s performance, that is, the dance itself. The second part of her speech is to attract party participants to the art of belly control. Particularly spectacular and successful is the involvement of the male part of the company’s employees in this interaction. The dance takes place to live Hawaiian music. A dark-skinned musician plays a synthesizer, another plays a tam-tam.

The host conducts a small dance marathon Dance with coconut . Each couple, performing one or another dance, needs to hold the coconut without using their hands. If the coconut falls, then this couple leaves the race. The winners will be those who complete all three rounds without losing the southern exotic nut.

Since the guests showed themselves excellently in the art of dance, their reward will be a performance Laureates International competitions in dancing. Stunning dancers and sultry macho men will perform national dances (Merengue, Mambo, Sambo, Cha-Cha, Rumba). At the end of the performance, the couples separate. Girls invite men from the audience, and boys invite women.

Next is a competition Karaoke in Hawaiian : phonograms of famous songs are played in the format " minus voice" (backing tracks), groups of tables try to guess the song and immediately sing it; those who manage to do this first receive a winning point from the host and a banana to boot. Several tunes, several rounds, the leader is constantly changing, the leader monitors the score in a given situation. You don't need to sing the whole song, just a verse and a chorus - and then move on to the next version. The winning company is awarded a prize and given the right to perform a song of their choice or the host's choice.

It will be an original surprise exotic black performance music group (your colleagues who have prepared and put on make-up in advance, real Afrostatists on the backup dancers).

After the band's performance there is a short break. During the break, dance music is played for those who want to dance. It is appropriate to organize photo session, especially since the appearance of black artists always causes a certain excitement among the festival participants, and many rush to take photos with them as a souvenir.

Then everyone relaxes and has fun for their own pleasure, no compulsory program . Somebody lights up on the dance floor, some take part in games and competitions, others indulge in eating their favorite dishes at the table...

So-called free Part of the celebration unfolds in three directions: drinking, games, and dancing. An atmosphere of freedom and ease should reign everywhere. In addition, many more Hawaiian competitions and sweepstakes await guests.

In the midst of fun, he suddenly appears dark-skinned Grandfather Heat with a dark fabric bag in which fruits are placed: coconut, banana, pineapple, kiwi, avocado, quince, etc. On the outside of the bag there is a pocket with forfeit tasks. Grandfather will hold a competition" fruit trap ".

The participant, without looking, puts his hand into the bag, takes one of the contents into his hand and guesses the name of the fruit by touch. If he guesses correctly, he takes it as a present. If the participant makes a mistake, he takes out a forfeit task from his pocket and completes it.

For jokes other objects were added to the bag, resembling some kind of fruit in shape and structure (ball, Stuffed Toys, a ball of yarn, a dish sponge, etc.).

The party ends with a final ritual dance Giant Lambada . What's happened lambada and everyone knows how it is performed. Why giant? The host of the party must try to unite all party participants into a single lambada, capturing as much space as possible, that is, dance it not only on the dance floor, but traveling throughout the entire festive space - thus creating a huge snake, embracing everything and everyone. During the lambada, a large explosion explodes above the guests. balloon, and small balls fall under the feet of the dancers.

The perfect final chord to such a bright party will be incendiary fire show (fire show) or colorful fireworks .

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