Ideas for paper snowflakes for the New Year. #2 Wire and beads. Schemes of beautiful snowflakes from paper bags

Of course, the most popular material for making snowflakes is paper, but with a little imagination and a little ingenuity, you can make this type of decor from other available materials, such as wire, beads, felt fabric, plastic bottles, cotton swabs and much more. Today we will tell you what to make snowflakes from for home decor. Ready-made snowflakes can be used to decorate a Christmas tree, curtain rod, door handles, ceiling chandeliers, and wall sconces.

What can you make snowflakes from or how to make snowflakes with your own hands.

Such snowflakes can be collected from a wide variety of pasta; in this example, shells and bows were used. We place the future snowflake on the table, glue all the pasta together with a hot glue gun or polymer glue, and finally paint the product with acrylic paint. You can read more about making such snowflakes; various examples of pasta snowflakes are also presented there.

Snowflakes made of wire.

We take a long piece of wire, wind one of the ends into a spiral, string a transparent bead, create a loop, followed by two more loops, twist the ends with loops. We proceed to the next part of the snowflake, thread the bead, create a long loop, press it down with our fingers, create two more such loops next to it, twist all three loops one at a time. We do the same with the next parts of the snowflake. From the remaining piece of wire we create a cobweb in the center; to do this, we lead the wire from one ray of the snowflake to another, each time wrapping the ray at the center. You can tie a silver thread to the finished snowflake and hang it on the Christmas tree.

Snowflakes from plastic bottles.

We cut off the bottom of the plastic bottle with a knife, take a thin brush and paint a snowflake on the cut part of the bottle with acrylic paint. Finally, using an awl on top, we create two holes into which we thread a rope to hang the product.

Snowflakes made from paper towel tubes.

Using a stationery knife, cut the slightly flattened paper towel tube into rings 5-7 mm wide. We lay out a snowflake out of them on the table (the product can be supplemented with elements of their paper), glue all the parts with polymer glue or Moment glue. Cover the top of the snowflake with a layer of PVA glue and sprinkle with small sparkles.

Felt snowflakes.

We cut the felt fabric into circles (you can try using cotton pads), use a sewing machine and colored threads to draw out the outlines of the snowflakes, then use scissors to cut out their outlines.

Snowflakes made of beads.

Snowflakes can also be made from beads; the entire process of weaving snowflakes and beads is shown below.

Snowflakes made of beads.

To work, you will need three pieces of wire; they must be soldered or glued together with a glue gun in the center. String beads of different sizes onto the sections of the future snowflake, and so that they do not fall off at the ends, you need to create rings with pliers or treat the last beads with transparent polymer glue.

Snowflakes made from cotton swabs.

We cut out circles from thick colored cardboard, place cotton swabs on them, forming the outline of a snowflake, and glue all parts of the sticks to the base of the circle.

Snowflakes made of woolen threads.

On a sheet of parchment or a piece of film, draw a snowflake with a marker (photo below), grease the surface of the snowflake with rich hand cream. We cut off a short part of the woolen threads, soak it in PVA glue, and apply it to the drawn parts. When all parts of the snowflake are pasted over, use the spout of a bottle of PVA glue to draw the snowflakes piece by piece, covering them with adhesive film. Then we dip the brush into blue gouache and paint the applied layer of glue. We leave the snowflake to dry; when the product is dry, carefully separate it from the parchment or film.

Snowflakes with a hot gun.

We grease a sheet of parchment with rich hand cream, use a glue gun to draw the outline of a snowflake, after the snowflake has hardened, we grease its surface with PVA glue and sprinkle it with glitter. Using a glue gun, glue a string pendant onto the back side.

Snowflakes made from toothpicks.

We lay out two identical lattices from toothpicks, gluing them with PVA glue, then we wrap each of them at the joints with thread. Then we lay one lattice on top of the other, slightly mixing it clockwise, gluing it to each other with transparent polymer glue or Moment.

Snowflake made from matches.

On a piece of paper, draw with a pen and measure out the shape of a snowflake with a ruler. Then we take several boxes of matches and light each match to give them the desired color. Then we glue the matches to the surface of the shape cut out of cardboard. The length of the matches can be adjusted by cutting off the excess with scissors.

Snowflakes made from PVA glue.

Cover a sheet of parchment with a layer of hand cream, then draw the outline of a snowflake with PVA glue, sprinkle the product with fine glitter, and leave to dry completely. Then carefully separate the frozen snowflake from the surface of the parchment (a video is presented at the end of the article).

Volumetric snowflake made of paper.

On a sheet of paper we draw six squares, in each of the squares we draw three more squares. We cut out large squares and bend each one in the middle. Using scissors, we do not completely cut along the lines. We unfold the square, fold the first row of strips, gluing them together with PVA glue or connecting them with a stapler. Turn the square over and connect the next row of strips. Then turn the square over again and connect the next row of strips with glue or a stapler. The same should be done with the next five squares. When all the parts of the snowflake are ready, they need to be connected together, pinned with a stapler.

Snowflake made of textile napkin.

Such a snowflake will greatly decorate the festive table, namely the guest’s plate. We take a square textile napkin, bend all four corners to the center, and also bend the newly formed four corners to the center. Turn the napkin over, bend the corners towards the center, holding it with your hand. We pull the corners out, carefully straightening them with our hands; between the rays of the snowflake we also straighten the corners outwards. Place the snowflake on a plate, and place a large rhinestone or cone in its center.

DIY paper snowflakes.

Paper snowflakes can be glued to the glass of a window, hung on a fishing line from the ceiling, chandelier or sconce, and also used to decorate the New Year tree. To create a snowflake you will need a square sheet of paper, bend it in half, bend the corner of the left formed part to the bottom right, now bend the right corner to the bottom left, fold the resulting part in half. Cut off the excess part with scissors. Well, then you need to cut out the snowflakes using scissors according to the templates presented below.
How to fold paper correctly to create a snowflake.

What to make snowflakes from? Made from PVA glue.

As you can see, making snowflakes with your own hands is not at all difficult, especially since you can use completely different materials to create them. We hope that after this review, the question of what to make snowflakes from will no longer bother you.

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The New Year is very close and in this life hack we will analyze 140 different schemes, and simply. You will also find several video lessons that will help you better understand all the nuances.

Most likely, each of you approximately knows how to make a round paper snowflake(white or color), but since we need them only during the New Year holidays, the subtleties of production are forgotten for the whole year, so it’s easier to google it at the right time and get to our website to remember everything. I think this is what most of you do, but this article will also be useful for those who want to find something new, something interesting and grandiose, for example, here you will find in the form of deer or cats. And so, let's get to the heart of the matter.

How to make a simple paper snowflake

First, let's look at the types of bases for future jewelry and start with the most standard one. Try it make a beautiful paper snowflake step by step and you will definitely succeed.

  • The first thing you need to do is take an A4 piece of paper and cut a square out of it. To do this, take one corner and pull it to the opposite edge, and then bend it, as shown in the figure.
  • We cut off the excess and get a perfect square.Now let's bend it back

  • Then again

  • We turn the resulting triangle upside down, and pull the left edge towards the middle (even a little further)

  • Now we overlap the right one.

  • It's important that the edges end up flush and not protruding from each other, so try it on before making the final fold.

  • We turn the resulting figure over and cut it according to the level of the formed strip.

Second base make New Year's snowflakes out of paper just as simply, the first two steps will be the same, but then, after forming the square, there will be differences.

  • Prepare a pair in advance by folding it from one corner of the square to the other.

  • Now fold the triangle and place it with the top down.

  • Fold the right edge as shown in the picture.

  • We turn it over and do the same procedure with the second edge. The main thing is that everything is symmetrical.

  • Bend the figure in half.

  • The drawing must be applied along the edge where the inner corner is located, otherwise you will not succeed make the most beautiful paper snowflake for the window, because it will simply fall apart.

The last third diagram of the basis in order to how to make an origami snowflake out of paper (sheet) begins like the previous two:

  • From the square.

  • Then we bend the triangle.

  • Fold it again.

  • Once again.

  • Now we drag the vertex of the triangle to the opposite edge. The top of this figure should have several tails, and the bottom should be solid.

  • Cut off the top and base in order to ready to make a snowflake from A4 paper.

Now that we have sorted out all the types of basics, we move on to their design, and for this we have prepared as many as 140 different schemes. You will not see such quantity anywhere in one place. It remains to be reminded that if you want make a small paper snowflake(color for example), and not a large one, then just take a piece of paper of a smaller format, and all other actions are similar.

140 instructions on how to make a paper snowflake

We have collected the largest collection of schemes from all over the world. Here you can find options how to make a regular paper snowflake, how to make an openwork snowflake step by step or hexagonal. There is an ideal holiday type for every taste.

These are not all of them, you can check out the rest on the Pinterest board.

Now you know how to make a large paper snowflake step by step, but if you like to watch a video review, then especially for you we have selected the best videos with instructions for creating and now you can watch:

How to make a paper nezhinka video

How to make a beautiful paper snowflake video

Knowing how to cut a snowflake out of paper can be useful for both children and adults: paper snowflakes are a good basis for many winter crafts and room decor. How to make snowflakes out of paper?

Using interesting templates, you can make the most unusual snowflakes from an ordinary white paper sheet.

Snow... Adults say that this is frozen water, but children know better: these are little stars with the magical taste of the New Year.

Simple paper snowflakes: cutting templates

Choose a suitable pattern, print it out and cut it out along the outline. Print out the templates and cut out the snowflake.

Paper snowflake 4

Paper snowflake using origami technique (fold and cut out)

Before you make it, you need to fold a simple blank out of paper, onto which the cutting pattern will be applied in the future.

To do this, we take a white square sheet. You can use blue, dark blue and even colored paper - depending on what your imagination tells you. We select the density of the sheet taking into account the purpose for which the snowflake is made. Thus, it is better to use thicker paper to create snowflakes - pendants: they will retain their shape well and will not tear from an accidental touch. Thin airy snowflakes are convenient for decorating windows and various crafts.

Carefully fold it diagonally and point the top of the resulting triangle down.

Fold the triangle in half again. We get a smaller triangle, the top of which we again point down.

We align the sides of this triangle with the central line, which divides it in half. We get a narrow triangle with an uneven base, the top of which is directed upward for convenience.

We align the base of the triangle by carefully cutting it with scissors in a straight line.

Watch the video for detailed instructions: how to fold and cut a snowflake out of paper?

That's all! We made a base for cutting out paper snowflakes! Now we will apply the cutting templates to such bases to get different types of snowflakes. For convenience, print out the template and trace it onto a prepared piece of paper. If you get the hang of it, you can print the template on the sheet from which the snowflake will be cut out in the future; to do this, you need to place the drawing in one of the corners of the sheet, choosing the optimal print scale.

By cutting out the paper along the drawn contour and unfolding the base, you will see in front of you an openwork snowflake of a unique shape. To cut out small contours, use the smallest scissors, including those with a curved edge. You can also use a sharp stationery knife; in this case, the workpiece is placed on thick cardboard, a wooden or plastic board, the surface of which you do not mind damaging.

Snowflakes made from paper turn out especially beautiful, the cutting patterns for which are a symmetrical pattern.

Snowflake using origami technique (video):

Snowflakes - ballerinas: templates for cutting

Ballerina snowflakes turn out incredibly delicate and elegant. You can hang them on a lamp, a Christmas tree, or decorate a window with them. We fold a sheet of paper and apply a template on it according to which we will cut.

Cut according to the selected template.

Now we need to cut out the silhouette of the ballerina. Select one or more silhouettes.

Print out the silhouette of the ballerina and cut it out.

We should get a silhouette of a ballerina and a snowflake.

We put the snowflake on the ballerina like a tutu and fix it with glue.

We tie a thread to the ballerina's arm.

An elegant and delicate snowflake-ballerina made of paper is ready!

With a multitude of snowflakes you can turn any room into a real winter fairy tale, and any window into a picture painted by a wizard - frost!

Watch how to make a ballerina snowman in the video:

A voluminous paper snowflake is the best decoration for a large hall or room. It’s not at all difficult to make, you just need to carefully follow our instructions. Medium-thick colored paper is best for crafts.

Cut out a square from paper. We took a square measuring 10*10 cm.

Fold it diagonally.

Then fold the resulting triangle one more time.

On the double side of the triangle we make three cuts at the same distance from each other. Don't cut it all the way.

We straighten the snowflake and glue the first two inner ends together. Can be glued with glue or tape.

Turn over and glue the next two ends of the snowflake.

Turn over and glue the next corners.

Glue the last layer of corners together.

We make six such rays.

First we glue together three rays.

We cover our snowflake with glitter gel.

Volumetric beauties paper snowflakes are ready!

Watch how to make such a snowflake in the video:

Cutting diagram No. 1 - “cobweb”

This snowflake resembles a light cobweb.

Cutting pattern No. 2 - “snowflake with stars”

Scheme for cutting out snowflakes with stars.

Cutting pattern No. 3 - “frosty snowflake”

Cutting pattern No. 4 - “wavy openwork snowflake”

Cutting pattern No. 5 - “snowflake with zigzags”

Cutting pattern No. 6 - “snowflake with herringbone”

Cutting diagram No. 7 - “Santa Claus’s staff”

Cutting pattern No. 8 - “straight arrows”

The larger and straighter the lines of this design, the easier it is to cut it out. This must be taken into account when choosing patterns that will be used by children.

See how to cut an openwork snowflake step by step? The video clearly shows the process of applying a cutting pattern.

Samples of snowflakes for cutting No. 1

Samples of snowflakes for cutting No. 2 - “geometry”

Samples of snowflakes for cutting No. 3 - “round dance”

Samples of snowflakes for cutting No. 4

Samples of snowflakes for cutting No. 5

Stencil for cutting snowflakes No. 1 - “round rays”

Stencil for cutting snowflakes No. 2 - “sharp rays”

Stencil for cutting snowflakes No. 3

Stencil for cutting snowflakes No. 4

Stencil for cutting snowflakes No. 5

Stencil for cutting snowflakes No. 6

Stencil for cutting snowflakes No. 7

Stencil for cutting snowflakes No. 8

Stencil for cutting snowflakes No. 9

Stencil for cutting snowflakes No. 10

Stencil for cutting snowflakes No. 11

Stencil for cutting snowflakes No. 12

Stencil for cutting snowflakes No. 13

This snowflake is decorated with tender hearts.

Snowflakes using the quilling technique turn out very delicate and airy. In order to make such a snowflake, we will need quilling paper and an awl for winding paper curls (rolls). We make loose white rolls from paper.

Flatten the rolls, giving them the shape of droplets.

We make a heart out of paper tape by twisting its edges inward.

We will need six of these hearts.

We glue together “droplets” and “hearts” made of paper.

We make loose rolls from turquoise paper.

Flatten them into a droplet shape.

We glue two turquoise “droplets” at the base.

Glue the turquoise “droplets” to the snowflake.

We make a “lamb” shape from white paper, twisting the edges of the ribbon outward.

We will need six of these “lambs”

Glue the “lambs” to the snowflakes, laying out the outer layer of them. A paper snowflake using the quilling technique is ready!

DIY snowflake garland

You can make a beautiful New Year's garland from paper snowflakes. To do this, cut out a circle from colored paper.

Fold the circle in half.

Fold the workpiece again.

Once again.

We draw markings on the workpiece for future cuts.

We make several of these snowflakes of different colors. We glue them together.

We straighten the paper garland. We got a very elegant New Year's decoration.

Craft ideas with snowflakes

You can decorate a New Year's card - a mitten - with small and large snowflakes! We wish you happiness this winter!

Paper snowflakes are the best decoration for windows. You can make a luxurious New Year's composition from paper snowflakes. Such decoration will bring warmth to the hearts of people both on one and the other side of the window.

Snowflake - window decoration

Another way to make a snowflake is this. There are a great variety of design options, because each snowflake is unique and inimitable.

Paper snowflakes (reviews):

I love making snowflakes))) (Alice)

During the New Year holidays, we all want miracles and magic. Even if at the end of December there is slush on the street and there is no smell of a fairy tale, you can create a unique winter extravaganza without leaving your home. To do this, you need to not only decorate the Christmas tree, but also decorate your apartment with paper snowflakes. There are many ways to create these light and airy beauties.

We do not change traditions!

It is difficult to find a person who, as a child, would not know how to cut a snowflake out of paper. It won’t be the slightest difficulty for you to remember this manufacturing technology or learn it from scratch.

So, to create an openwork decoration you will need:

Paper (this can be either regular white or colored A4, as well as napkins, foil and any other suitable material that you want to use);

Scissors (regular or manicure - it doesn’t matter, since they are equally convenient for cutting out patterns);

A simple pencil (it is advisable to sharpen it well before starting work so that the lines are more accurate);

Now let's get down to business

1. To begin, fold the sheet at the corner so that its narrow side overlaps the adjacent wide one.

2. Now carefully trim off the excess piece of paper. If you did everything correctly, you will get a square folded in half diagonally (that is, a triangle with two identical edges and one longer).

3. How to fold paper for snowflakes - see the picture above.

4. Apply a pattern to the resulting figure.

5. Go along the drawn lines with scissors.

6. Unfold the sheet - and that’s it, one beauty is ready to go out into the world!

We figured out how to fold and cut snowflakes. Now we can proceed to the second, third... and cut out as many of them as your heart desires!

Since there are no two identical crystal princesses in nature, they should also be very diverse in your home.

Come up with your own patterns or use templates to cut out snowflakes - the choice is up to you. In any case, your creativity will give very interesting and beautiful results.

We create 3D at your home!

Now let's figure out how to fold paper for snowflakes, not ordinary ones, but voluminous ones. To make a 3D decoration for a window, chandelier, Christmas tree and any corner of the apartment, you will need:

6 sheets of square-shaped paper (white or colored - it doesn’t matter; you can make either a classic snowflake or with colorful rays);


The most common PVA or glue stick;


To prevent the paper beauty from tearing when you hang it on a thread, it is better to use thick paper to make it (or at least make a beam out of it to which you are going to attach the thread). In order not to have to worry about measuring and drawing the sides of the square, you can bend a regular A4 sheet in the same way as at the beginning of creating a regular snowflake, and simply trim off the excess.

So, all the materials have been collected and are in front of you. Now you can get started. Now let’s figure out how to make voluminous snowflakes with your own hands.

So, let's work!

Step one. Fold the sheet in half diagonally once. We have formed a triangle.

Step two. On the wide side, carefully make cuts in a herringbone pattern, as shown in the photo.

Step three. Expand the sheet.

Step five. Lift the ends of the corners cut out in the center and glue them together.

Step six. Repeat the previous operation for all parts of the square in pairs, starting with those closest to the middle and ending with the outer ones. When all the parts are glued together, you will get the first ray of the future snowflake.

Step seven. Repeat exactly all the steps described above for the remaining five sheets of paper.

Step seven. Connect the resulting rays with a stapler (first fasten them in threes, and then the resulting two halves of the future decoration).

Step eight. We give the product its final shape. In those places where the pieces of paper touch, fix them with glue.

Another voluminous option

If you want to make several types of 3D snowflakes, you can use the origami technique. The world-famous craft by Dennis Walker, which has puzzled many paper art connoisseurs, is unlikely to be suitable for everyone. This, as they say, is aerobatics. To fold it, it will take a lot of time, reinforced concrete nerves, and also a certain skill in how to fold snowflakes.

For those who are not good at origami techniques, but still want to please their family and surprise guests with handmade decorations, we offer a simpler option on how to make snowflakes. Their manufacture is based on a principle similar to the one we described in the previous paragraph.

As easy as pie!

How to fold paper for snowflakes? Let's figure it out now.

1) Cut out a square of any size from paper.

2) Bend it diagonally. Adjacent edges should clearly overlap each other, and the sheet should take the shape of a triangle.

3) Now fold it in the middle so that the shorter sides of the figure touch, and the long side is divided into two identical halves.

4) Draw a barely noticeable line with a pencil that does not completely intersect the triangle. It should go from the fold line and not reach the opposite side a little.

5) Carefully go over the marked area with scissors.

6) Unfold the paper completely. There should be a square in front of you again.

7) Glue together the ends of the corners located in the center.

8) Now connect the outer parts in the same way, but turn them in the opposite direction. That is, they should be like a mirror image of the first fragment. The first ray is ready.

9) Make six more parts in the same way and connect them in the center with a stapler.

10) Fix the elements in contact with each other with glue.

That's it, the beautiful pinwheel snowflake is ready! You can make it white or make each ray from paper of a different color. And decorating the product with paints or felt-tip pens will be great fun for children.

We continue to create New Year's 3D!

Colored paper is an excellent material for creativity. A wide variety of applications and three-dimensional products are created from it. Even a small child can understand how to fold snowflakes. Most often, they are easy to implement and do not require much time. Such crafts look bright, festive, and airy. We present to your attention one of the simplest and most beautiful options.

To make beautiful paper snowflakes in 3D format we will need the following materials and tools:

Double-sided colored paper of light and dark shades in the same color scheme (in our example we use purple and lilac, you can take any other compatible options: blue and cyan, green and light green, red and pink, yellow and orange, etc. );

White list;

Any scissors;

Long ruler;

Simple pencil;

PVA glue.

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions

How to make snowflakes step by step?

Step 1. Prepare materials. Choose colored paper in suitable shades. You can use any colors you like. Ideally, they should be similar to each other, but if you want to use some other combination, don’t hold back your inspiration and do it the way you like best.

Step 2. Preparatory work. Before folding the snowflakes, cut

identical strips of paper (their width should be 1-2 centimeters, and the edge of the sheet will be the guide for the length). How many of these lines will you need? Remember:

Dark shade (we have purple) - 4;

White and light (in the example lilac) - 8 pieces of each.

Step 3. Assembling the first element.

Glue strips of purple paper crosswise. Then, along the edges near each of them, attach a lighter part as shown in the figure.

Step 4. Add a new color.

Fix 4 white fragments in the same way. Thread each strip between those that run parallel to it. If you do everything correctly, the lines will intertwine with each other, like twigs on a basket.

Step 5. We begin to make rays. Bend and glue together the ends of the white strips that are next to each other in pairs.

Step 6. Working with the lilac parts.

Pass the ends of the light colored strips inside the formed white loops, fasten them together and fix them on the “walls” of the beam. How to fold paper for snowflakes correctly - see the picture.

Step 7. Make another similar element separately according to this pattern.

Step 8. Assembling the snowflake. Combine the two resulting parts of the decoration with each other. Fix the purple stripes of one part inside the loops of the other, and vice versa.

That's it, another 3D snowflake is ready! It will be a great addition to the holiday decorations of your home or workplace. And now you know another way to make snowflakes.

Openwork magic from threads

What could be more beautiful and elegant than a Christmas tree decorated in white? Airy angels, curly lambs, shining silver lights of garlands... and how can you do without light, delicate snowflakes? The color of purity, a new beginning, winter and the main holiday of the season. It is impossible to imagine the New Year without white decorations! And if they are also made by yourself, such products become more dear to your heart.

If paper beauties only live for one season, and we often make new ones before the next holidays, then knitted snowflakes will serve you for more than one holiday. You can hang them on the Christmas tree among other decorations or separately assemble them into a stylized holiday tree on the wall - in any case, the result will please both you and your loved ones.

We decorate everything, everywhere!

You can also use your creations to decorate windows. Knitted snowflakes are not only glued to glass, like their paper relatives. Hang these beautiful embellishments on threads of varying lengths along the curtain or even sew them onto it. Stretch them inside an embroidery hoop and use them to decorate any corner of your apartment.

And if you cover Christmas tree balls with such snowflakes, you will definitely get exclusive decorations that no one you know has. This openwork charm will make your Christmas tree sophisticated, delicate and unforgettably beautiful!

What would New Year be without gifts? On December 31, we tell our loved ones how much we love them, wish them a lot of good things, give them a lot of good emotions and little surprises that will remind them of this wonderful night for a long time. To really surprise your loved ones and make the holiday atmosphere even more wintery and fabulous, you can decorate both the packaging of your gift and the card for it with knitted lace snowflakes. A gift in such a wrapper will truly become a New Year's miracle!

Let's remember the basic techniques!

You don't have to be a knitting expert to create your own crochet snowflakes. The pattern for any of them consists of air loops, double crochets and single crochets. By combining these simple techniques, you can create as many wonderful decorations as you like!

Good day everyone!

The most wonderful holiday is approaching - New Year. Many prepare for it already a month in advance. Would you say something is too early? However, it is never too early to purchase jewelry, quite the contrary. Especially if you decide to make some decorations with your own hands, for example. What interesting things can you do? First of all, these are, of course, snowflakes. What do we make them from? From paper.

In this article we will try to make paper snowflakes, as well.

Making snowflakes out of paper is quite simple. All you need is paper and scissors. Take the paper and fold it several times to form a triangle. Like this:

All that remains now is to cut out the patterns. Draw the desired pattern along the edges of the triangle and cut it out. After this, we unfold the paper and get a beautiful patterned snowflake.

Depending on what pattern you draw, the snowflake will be like that. There is no limit to imagination here. For example, you can cut out a snowflake like this:

Or like this:

In addition to ordinary snowflakes, you can make three-dimensional ones. Here the manufacturing scheme is slightly different.

If we are making a six-ray snowflake, we will need six sheets of paper, if we are making an eight-ray snowflake, we will need eight, etc. On each sheet of paper, cut out a square measuring 10x10 cm or more. The larger the size of the sides of the square of the workpiece, the correspondingly larger the snowflake itself will be. Now, at some distance from each other, draw parallel lines to make several squares inside a sheet of paper. Approximately as in the diagram.

The next step is to take scissors and make cuts along the drawn lines (red). We don’t cut it out, but just make an incision so that these squares are secured at two opposite corners.

Next, take the central square (shown with an arrow in the figure) and roll its edges into a tube, towards the center. Glue the ends together. Then we turn the sheet over and on the reverse side we do the same operation with another strip. Then we turn it over again and roll the tube, and so on as many times as you drew squares.

We make all other preparations in the same way. After that, we fasten them to each other and, as a result, we get a snowflake.

Cut out paper snowflakes using printable templates

You can cut out snowflakes not only by folding paper. You can select special templates, print them, and then cut out your craft using them.

Another fairly simple option.

And this snowflake template is a little more complicated.

If you are folding a sheet of paper, but have no idea what design to draw to make a beautiful pattern, then here are a few templates.

Or, for example, like this.

This template is a little complicated, but the result is a beautiful snowflake.

There are several templates at once, some of them are simple, some are somewhat more complex. However, patience and perseverance will help you create a masterpiece. And, of course, children, how to cut out snowflakes without them.

And a few more templates

The patterns are also beautiful, even somewhat lacy.

These are some great templates you can use.

Schemes for cutting beautiful snowflakes

In this section you can see some patterns for making snowflakes, which you can use to cut out beautiful crafts.

Using this pattern, you can cut out a snowflake, following the step-by-step drawings.

And here is another selection of patterns from several beautiful patterns.

Using this pattern, you can cut out several different snowflakes.

Another example of how to bend a sheet of paper and cut out a snowflake.

This diagram shows how to cut out unnecessary pieces of paper (shown in color) to create a beautiful pattern.

Variant of the snowflake pattern with hearts.

And look at this diagram, quite interesting and original drawings.

And according to this scheme, we make a snowflake not only from a square sheet of paper, but also from a round one.

Choose these wonderful patterns for making.

Simple snowflake patterns for beginners in origami technique

Origami is the making of paper crafts without cutting. Snowflakes can also be made using this technique. Here are some diagrams.

This option uses scissors, but only to make cuts.

You can make the following snowflake from paper:

To do this, use the following scheme:

In this option, you make a snowflake from prepared modules.

Then we assemble the snowflake itself from them.

Try this pattern for folding a snowflake.

These were all snowflakes, let's say, in 2-D format. But voluminous snowflakes are also popular.

Video on how to make voluminous paper snowflakes with your own hands (video)

Volumetric snowflakes, of course, look more beautiful and original. And if you make them large, they will look quite impressive.

And here watch a video that clearly explains how to make such a snowflake.

Making snowflakes from paper strips with your own hands

Volumetric snowflakes can be made using colored strips of paper. For example, you could do something like this:

To do this, take colored paper (the colors can be any you choose). Cut strips 29 cm long and 0.5 cm wide. Cut approximately 20 strips.

Now we put stripes in the form of a cross, 4-5 pieces each, alternating colors. We put them intertwined with each other.

First, we glue the outermost strips together (they are yellow in the picture) so we should get something like an auto-detachment on a map.

Glue the remaining strips (white in the picture) to the corners of the opposite yellow petals. As a result, we get a snowflake, as in the example at the very beginning of the description.

An easy way to make 3D snowflakes step by step

Volumetric or 3-D snowflakes look a little better than simple ones. Let's try to make one like this.

Take a square piece of paper and fold it several times until you get a triangle. You need to make six such triangles. And they should all be the same. Now, on each triangle we draw parallel lines at a distance of approximately 1 cm. The number of such lines depends on the size of the triangle and there can be three or more. Now we cut along these strips from one edge to the other, but, of course, not to the very end.

We unfold the triangle back into a square and fold and glue its central part.

We turn the square over to the other side and glue the next cut square in the same way.

Flip and repeat. And so on until we glue all the cut strips together. A similar procedure is carried out with all workpieces. After this, we first fasten three figures together, then the remaining three.

As a result, we get a snowflake like this.

or like this.

Its size depends on the size of the paper. This craft requires a little more time and more painstaking work compared to simple snowflakes. But the result is worth it.

Master class on snowflakes in quilling style for beginners (video)

Quilling is a technique for making crafts from paper that is cut into strips and rolled. After which all these twisted blanks are connected and we get the intended craft. For example, these wonderful snowflakes.

How to make snowflakes using the quilling technique, watch this video

So, we looked at various ways to create New Year's snowflakes. Choose, craft and decorate your homes. Good luck!

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