3 proverbs on the topic of love. All ages... deserve love. Proverbs and sayings about love. Alexander Dumas son. French writer and playwright, son of Alexandre Dumas, his most famous work is the novel “The Lady of the Camellias”

This is Love

Love is an amazing feeling. Everyone talks about it, writes books, composes poetry, makes movies, but no one can describe or formulate it. For some, love is joy, for others it is tragedy, for others it is self-sacrifice, for others it is pity, so love is a manifestation of selfishness, this is the satisfaction of a natural need, and someone claims that there is no love, that all this is fiction, and that love is only a sexual attraction, an instinct inherent in people to procreate. And this is only about love between a man and a woman. But there is also love for parents, children, the Motherland, books, work, travel, money, power...
The selection of sayings and sayings given below is unlikely to explain anything to anyone, but perhaps it will at least provoke a desire to think.

Following the thoughts of a great man is the most interesting science(Pushkin)

  • Maximilian Voloshin (1877-1932). Russian poet, artist, public figure

    - All positive creative forces of man are in love. With love he brings something new into the world.
    - Freedom and love are inseparable in the soul/But there is no love that does not impose bonds
    - Your God is in you,
    And don't look for another
    Neither in heaven nor on earth:
    The whole outside world:
    Everywhere there is law, causality,
    But there is no love:
    Its source is You!

  • Nikolai Gumilyov (1886 - 1921). Russian poet, intelligence officer, traveler, shot by the Bolsheviks on suspicion of counter-revolutionary activities

    - The best girl can't give/More than what she has
    - Only the tired are worthy of praying to the gods/Only the lover is worthy of stepping on the spring meadows!

  • Yakov Polonsky (1819 - 1898). Russian poet and writer, one of the outstanding poets of the post-Pushkin era

    - Loving does not mean yearning
    - Whoever, sobbing, is ready to fall before a woman / He is not yet ready to call her his
    - There is no love for nature without a sense of beauty
    - The mind looks with thousands of eyes/Love looks with one/But there is no love, and life goes out/And the days float by like smoke.

  • Leo Tolstoy (1828 - 1910). Great Russian writer

    - Any discussion about love destroys love

  • A. S. Pushkin (1799 - 1837). "The Sun of Russian Poetry." Great Russian poet, writer

    - Love for all ages
    - The disease of love is incurable
    - Whoever is destined by inevitable fate/A girl’s heart/He will be kind to the evil of the universe...
    - A woman’s love does not last long/The cold separation saddens/Love will pass, boredom will set in/The beauty will love again
    - The less we love a woman/The more she likes us
    - And the heart burns and loves again - because it cannot help but love
    - He who has loved once will not love again

  • Oscar Wilde (1854 - 1900). English writer, poet, philosopher, in 1895 was convicted of “indecent relations between adult men”, served a year and a half

    - Knowledge is detrimental to love. Only the unknown captivates us

  • Julian Tuwim (1894 - 1953). Polish poet of Jewish origin, translator, prose writer, literary critic and bibliophile

    - Love: a physiological function that has made a dizzying career

  • Nikolai Berdyaev (1874 - 1948). Russian philosopher. In his youth he “dabbled” in liberal ideas, and before the First World War he was persecuted for an anti-clerical article. During the years of Soviet power, he was arrested twice by the Cheka, and in 1922 he was expelled from Russia.

    - Only the lover sees the face of the beloved

  • Marlene Dietrich (1901 - 1992). The most popular American film actress

    - In love it is impossible to distinguish victory from surrender.

  • Alexander Dumas son. French writer and playwright, son of Alexandre Dumas, his most famous work is the novel “The Lady of the Camellias”

    - True love always makes you a better person, no matter who the woman you love is.

  • Giacomo Casanova (1725 - 1798). Italian adventurer, traveler, famous for his numerous love affairs, author of the autobiography “The Story of My Life” that made him famous.

    - Love is three-quarters curiosity.

Where there is love and advice, there is no grief.

It is better not to have a heart than not to have love for the people in it.

He who loves himself too much is not loved by others too much.

With love there is space everywhere, with evil there is cramped space everywhere.

You can’t hide love, fire and cough from people.

Even if you don’t love, look at it more often.

Where there is love and harmony, there is a beautiful yard.

You see less often, you love more.

Old love is remembered.

Love is not a potato - you can’t throw it (you can’t throw it) out the window.

He who loves whom obeys him.

If you get angry, you will stop, but if you start loving, you won’t find the end.

Love is a ring, and in a ring there is no end.

The mind is enlightened by truth, the heart is warmed by love.

All ages are submissive to love (A. Pushkin).

You will force yourself to be afraid, but you will not force yourself to love.

You sew in a bag and you can’t hide love in your heart.

Love is good mutually.

Love us black, and everyone will love us red.

Love is not a fire, but once it catches fire, you can’t put it out.

The sweetest thing is who loves whom.

One heart suffers, and the other does not know.

Where it’s nice, there are eyes, where it hurts, there’s a hand.

Your gift is not dear to me, your love is dear to me.

Only someone who is crazy can love madly.

Those who are not loved are not listened to.

To whom the heart lies, the eye runs.

Love begins with the eyes.

I don’t like to love, but I can’t get rid of it.

Whomever grandfather loves, he gets the bones.

Love and the priest will teach you to dance.

Women know everything about love that they have not been taught.

Where there is harm, there comes dislike.

He loves a stick like a dog.

Like a cat he loves lard.

If you love honey, you also love the cold.

If you love currants, you will also love them.

If you love to ride, you also love to carry sleds.

If you love to visit, love to invite you.

If you love me, then love my dog.

If you like to fight, know how to make peace.

The cat also loves the mouse.

Love is blind.

Whoever likes what, choke on it.

Dear ones scold - they just amuse themselves.

Love or love not, but look more often.

Satan will fall in love instead of the clear falcon.

With a sweetheart, heaven and in a hut.

For a dear friend and an earring.

I don’t see - the soul is dying, but I see - the soul is rushing out.

If I want, I will love, if I want, I will stop loving.

One soul suffers, the other knows nothing.

If he loves it, he will buy a fur coat; if he doesn’t love it, he will peel off the last one.

If you endure it, you will fall in love.

You won't be satisfied with love alone.

You won't be nice by force.

Anyone who didn't love wasn't young.

Nothing warms the blood like love.

The heart is not a stone.

The crown covers everything.

Grass does not grow on the main road.

Getting married means no harm, no matter how married you can get lost.

Out of sight, out of mind.

The eye does not see - the soul does not hurt.

There was love without joy, separation will be without sadness.

To marry money is to hang yourself.

If the guy was a chick, he would be under his thumb.

The first guy is in the village, and there is only one house in the village.

A girl under 20 years old asks “What is he like?”, from 20 to 25 years old “Who is he?”, and from 25 to 30 years old “Where is he?”. That's it, forever.

Love needs will, and the mind needs space.

Love at home what you want, and in people - what they give.

Love your own, remember strangers.

If you loved to joke about Foma, love yourself too.

The wolf also loves the sheep.

The cat loves to lick the cream from above.

The cat loves milk, but its stigma is short.

He loves pop pancakes - and he would eat it alone.

The one who teaches loves.

To love profit is to love profit.

To love warmth - to go to the forest for firewood.

Love the warmth and tolerate the smoke.

If you like to swear, know how to make peace.

If you love to talk, love to listen.

If you love honey, you can tolerate the sting of a bee.

If you love gifts, love gifts too.

If you love warmth, tolerate smoke.

If you like to pull someone else's beard, you also like to expose your own.

I love the guy for his custom.

I love Serk for his custom: he grunts and gets lucky.

I love Serk for his custom: even if he’s unlucky, he laughs.

I love you, but not as myself.

Any way - so to the crown, not love - to the father.

Brotherly love is better than stone walls.

Love conquers all.

Love and peace - no need for treasure.

Love and quarrels are worse than fire.

Love and advice - that's the light.

Love and advice, but no grief.

Money can't buy love.

Love does not know the law, does not count the years.

Love takes small things for great things.

Love makes fools of smart people.

Love can be blind - it reads black as white.

You can't lock up love.

Love is not measured by miles.

Love knows no revenge, and friendship knows no flattery.

Love is not a potato: you can’t cook it in a pot.

Monks love it when they work in the fields for them.

For those who love, spring is also in December.

Where there is love and kindness, there is beauty.

Where there is love and advice, there is a meat eater all year round.

Where there is love, there is attack.

Where there is love, there is advice.

Where there is love, there is harmony.

Where there is love, there is pleasure, and where there is fear, there is coercion.

There are no barriers to love.

Even fear does not come to the lover.

Every love has its beginning.

He who loves whom loves him.

You can't buy love with gold.

Love me as I am, but everyone will love a good person.

Love us, but walk by.

Love, but know who.

She loved me, but didn’t give her anything.

You can love, but carefully.

Loving is hard, not loving is even harder.

Love, even if you don’t love, do my word.

I love the girl for her mockery.

I love a guy for his tricks, and a girl for her tricks.

Love - so to the crown, not love - so to the father.

Love is a ring, and a ring has no end.

Love is nettle.

Love is like glass: if it breaks, it will not grow together.

Love and advice, and no need.

Love makes the smart mad, the meek violent, and the indomitable peaceful.

Love is precious, not a gift.

Money can't buy love.

Love does not look, but sees everything.

Love is better than enmity.

Love is not alms: you cannot give it to everyone.

Love doesn't see anything.

Love is true and strong.

Love is stronger than fear.

Love is blind.

The love of a single man is like spring ice.

Although love is torment, without it there is boredom.

Love is like a mirror: if you break it, you can't glue it back together.

Old love never rusts.

Old love is not forgotten.

Old love is remembered for a long time.

You cannot live without love, like without the sun.

Great love is not quickly forgotten.

There is no greater love than dying for each other.

In love, everything is true and everything is false.

True love neither burns in fire nor drowns in water.

I fell in love like a mouse fell into a box.

I fell in love like soot hit my face.

The night is always short for lovers.

All fear drives out love.

Where there is no love, there is no fun.

A girl without love is like a flower without the sun.

Money is a gainful thing, there is nothing to worry about, but love is another matter: it must be treasured.

Money is dust, clothes too, but love is the most precious thing.

For a lover, even a hundred miles is not a distance.

There are no limits to true love.

A woman's love is like morning dew: the breeze smelled - and it was gone.

Life without love is like a year without spring.

If you love something, your mind will give up.

It is better to suffer and love than to live in the world without loving.

There is no law on love.

Not to love is grief, but to fall in love is twice as much.

Kissing your beloved is like drinking honey.

Love is no joke.

Even though I judge you, I love you.

Other love is like snow: it soon melts and turns into mud.

Love is an inexplicable feeling, you can talk about it endlessly. Proverbs and sayings about love show what kind of relationships exist between people and what love can turn into if you neglect your loved ones. Love is a subtle and sensual feeling in a relationship, which can be destroyed by a careless act or word. Proverbs teach us to seek love, cherish love, and give love.

samovar proverbs

  1. You can’t live without the sun, you can’t live without your sweetheart.
  2. Without you, flowers don't bloom, and oak trees don't grow in red.
  3. The near one is a crow, and the far one is a falcon.
  4. You will force yourself to be afraid, but you will not force yourself to love.
  5. If only there was a friend, he would be found in an hour.
  6. If we were cute, we could live in a hut.
  7. He was nice, but he became hateful.
  8. There are not enough hearts to love everyone.
  9. Every bride is born for her groom.
  10. Where there are two - the third is extra.
  11. Where there is love, there is God.
  12. Where the heart lies, there it runs.
  13. The girl chases the young man, but she doesn’t go away.
  14. Woe is me with you - brown eyes.
  15. Woe is with you, trouble is without you.
  16. Give your heart free rein - it will lead you to captivity.
  17. The girl tormented the guy, brought him under his temper.
  18. The girl is like a shadow: you are behind her - she is from you, you are from her - she is behind you.
  19. For a dear one, it’s not a pity to lose a lot.
  20. Good feelings are neighbors of love.
  21. He won't be cuter when he leaves.
  22. Eat when you are hungry, but love when you are young.
  23. Living apart is worse than torment.
  24. To love an evil person is to destroy yourself.
  25. The young man was withered by someone else's girlish beauty.
  26. To my dear friend, seven miles is not the outskirts.
  27. As soon as I saw it, I didn’t feel like myself.
  28. Whom I love, I give.
  29. He who is not jealous does not love.
  30. Where the heart lies, the eye looks.
  31. It's easy to make friends, hard to separate.
  32. You can’t hide love, fire and cough from people.
  33. Loves like a cat loves a dog.
  34. You can love a friend, but you cannot forget him.
  35. Don't love, but look more often.
  36. Loving is hard; not to love is even harder.
  37. Love is good mutually.
  38. If you love a rose, then endure the thorns.
  39. If you love currants, you will also love them.
  40. Love is rich in joys, and jealousy is rich in torments.
  41. Love conquers all.
  42. Love and advice, but no grief.
  43. Love is blind.
  44. You can't lock up love.
  45. Love begins with the eyes.
  46. Love is not measured by miles.
  47. Love does not look, but sees everything.
  48. Love knows no revenge, and friendship knows no flattery.
  49. Love is not a potato, you can’t throw it out the window.
  50. Love is not alms: you cannot give it to everyone.
  51. Love is not a fire, but once it catches fire, you can’t put it out.
  52. Love is not subject to reason, love is blind.
  53. Although love is torment, without it there is boredom.
  54. Love is a ring, and a ring has no end.
  55. Love is nettle.
  56. God loves those who love.
  57. Love and love, so be it friend.
  58. The sweetest thing is who loves whom.
  59. Darling is not a villain, but dried to the bone.
  60. The goose is not my brother, the pig is not my sister, the duck is not my aunt, but I love my colorful quail.
  61. Lots of good ones, but no sweet ones.
  62. My heart is in you, and yours is in stone.
  63. You won't be nice by force.
  64. Don't tell the truth - you won't get hate.
  65. The gift is not dear to me - your love is dear.
  66. The light is not sweet if there is no dear.
  67. I wouldn’t drink, I wouldn’t eat, I’d still look at my sweetheart.
  68. He's not nice in a good way, but he's good in a nice way.
  69. The beauty is not famous, but who likes what.
  70. I can’t sleep, I can’t lie down, I’m still sad about my dear one.
  71. It is not the good that is good, but the good that comes to the heart.
  72. There are no ugly people - there are unloved ones.
  73. Don't say bad things about the girl.
  74. The one I lament is not there; The one I hate is always with me.
  75. You can't sit for a long time hugging each other.
  76. One heart suffers, the other does not know.
  77. He can't look at her enough.
  78. She won't inhale it.
  79. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.
  80. From love to hate one step.
  81. I endure from the one whom I love most.
  82. That’s why I tolerate it because I love it more than anyone else.
  83. Love us black, and everyone will love us white.
  84. Once you fall in love, you become sad.
  85. An owl will be loved better than a clear falcon.
  86. If you get angry, you will stop, but if you start loving, you will not find the end.
  87. Equal customs - strong love.
  88. You see less often, you love more.
  89. With love there is space everywhere, with evil there is cramped space everywhere.
  90. Love is no joke.
  91. The sweet one will appear in an hour.
  92. With a sweetheart, heaven and in a hut.
  93. The heart is not a stone - it melts.
  94. The heart feels the heart.
  95. The heart gives the message to the heart.
  96. Lawless Heart.
  97. Old love is remembered for a long time.
  98. Let's sit side by side and talk well.
  99. A warm heart is a kind word.
  100. The mind is enlightened by truth, the heart is warmed by love.
  101. What the heart does not notice, the eye will not see.

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meaning of the proverb measure seven times cut once

proverbs about praising a child

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  • Proverbs
  • about love

    I am not on my own, but the strongest and most terrible of all, and everyone loves me and everyone destroys me (fire).

    I love the guy for his custom.

    You can't get along with someone who likes to scold.

    Unhappy in the game, so happy in love.

    When you fall in love and the monkey seems beautiful; when you don’t love, you turn away from the lotus.

    True love neither burns in fire nor drowns in water.

    Love is like a tear: it begins in the eyes and sinks into the heart.

    If you love to visit, love to invite you.

    Love is blind.

    Love is not a hair, you can’t tear it out quickly.

    The sea loves the brave.

    Love and hunger are terrible dissatisfactions.

    Love is evil - goats rejoice.

    Drink wine, but not mash; love a girl, not a woman.

    Brothers' love is stronger than a rock.

379 proverbs about love

Sayings about love. Only the best sayings. The most complete collection of Russian sayings by topic and area. If you are looking for sayings, then you have already found them - Pogovorki.ru

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  • about love

Sayings about love

Day Week Month Year All time

    In love and war, all means are fair.

    The market loves money.

    There are not enough hearts to love everyone.

    Oats love to go into the water at the right time.

    Don’t make love with your friend’s wife, lest they make love with your wife.

    God is love

    There is no value against love.

    Whom I love, I beat.

    Peace and love are the head of everything.

    Love is no joke.

    You have to love fishing.

    Love is blind.

    Love quarrel, love peace.

    Love is the labor of the soul.

261 sayings about love

Without love there is no life, but a howl. Komi
Without a loved one, the world is hateful. Russian proverb
Pain makes you cry, love makes you talk. Turkish proverb
There is only first love! Arabic proverb
In the eyes of a lover, the goose is an angel. Jewish proverb
A toad in love will swim across the sea. Buryat proverb
A lover is stupid, he does not recognize reason. Swahili

All means are fair in love and war. English proverb
Second love is like food reheated for the second time. Russian proverb
Where there is love, there is God. Russian proverb
Where there is no love, there is no joy. Georgian proverb
A head without love is like a barren pumpkin. Persian proverb
An old love, like an old burn, will quickly hurt again. Russian
Gifts will bring even the hateful into love. Russian proverb
For love, the Armenian and the Turk are the same, for the heart - a daughter and a son, for the mind - a noble and a simple one. Armenian proverb
Even a night is not enough for happy love. Russian proverb
If you give your heart, you can't take it back. Persian proverb
If you love her even in rags, your love will live until the end of your life. Russian proverb
If you have become a slave of love, do not whine about its shackles. Russian proverb
Life without love is like a year without spring. Russian proverb
A villain cannot steal love, but love turns many into villains. Russian
And a thousand gold coins cannot buy the desire of the heart. Chinese proverb
And the mute man, courting a woman, wants to say a lot. Korean
Sometimes attachment arises in an instant. Arabic
When love and passion become friends, they sacrifice both heart and soul. Kurdish proverb
When people love each other, then God loves them. Whom people love, God favors. Russian proverb
When the words of the heart and tongue merge, love arises. Pashtun
When two hearts unite, the barn seems like a palace. Gagauz
If you have youth, a spring garden and a beloved, what more could you want? Kurdish proverb
The ring should fit your finger, and your darling should like it. Armenian proverb
He who has withstood the thirst for love will fall asleep on thorns. Russian
Who loves girls - to torment his soul; who loves young girls - to save the soul. Russian proverb
He who loves lives twice. Russian proverb
Buying a dog is the only way to buy love with money. Turkish proverb
You can't buy love with gold. Russian proverb
Love is not an estate: it cannot be bought. English proverb
No potion (herbs) can cure love. English proverb
Love lives well both in a rural hut and in the master's chamber. Russian proverb
You cannot hide love, fire and cough from people. English proverb
Love the one who loves you. Mongolian proverb
You need to consider your beloved not with your eyes, but with your heart. Russian proverb
You can't force someone to love and sing. German proverb
I love the one who loves me, I reject the one who rejects me. Swahili
Love is like a tear: it begins in the eyes and sinks into the heart. Russian
Love is a ring, has no end. Ukrainian proverb
Love is a ring; it has no beginning or end. Arabic proverb
Love is fire: if it doesn’t shine, it’s dark, but if it shines, you can burn out. Persian
Love is a flame, persuasion is the wind. Kurdish proverb
Love is indifferent to pedigree. Russian proverb
Love is rich in both honey and gall. Russian proverb
Love in old age is scary. Tatar proverb
Love leads to union, and deception leads to destruction. Thai proverb
Love understands all languages. Russian proverb
Love turns all five senses inside out. German proverb
Love is hot both in rags and in luxurious clothes. Russian
Love lives in shacks and palaces. English proverb
Love gets under any clothes. Russian proverb
Love does not know the law, does not count the years. Russian proverb
Love makes the world go round. English proverb
Love is blind. Russian proverb
Love and hunger are terrible dissatisfactions. English proverb
Love does not require beauty. Tatar proverb

The love of a petty nature is like a wall of sand. Indian proverb
Love moves the world. English proverb
The love of a silent firefly is hotter than the love of a chattering cicada. Japanese proverb
You can't lock up love. Russian proverb
Love begins in the eyes and continues with a smile on the lips. Kurdish
Love begins with the eyes. Ossetian proverb
Love is not measured by miles. Russian proverb
Love does not look, but sees everything. Russian proverb
Love has no age. English proverb
Love is not a potato - you can’t throw it out the window. Russian proverb
Love is not alms; you cannot give it to everyone. Russian proverb
Love is not a fire, but once it catches fire, you can’t put it out. Ukrainian proverb
Love does not recognize guides. Russian proverb
There is one love, but it lives in two hearts. Assyrian proverb
Love conquers everything. English proverb
To understand love is to waste time in vain. Russian proverb
Love brings beauty, anger brings ugliness. Vietnamese proverb
Love brings love. Crimean Tatars
Love is stronger than death. Kyrgyz proverb
Love is stronger than fear. Russian proverb
Love laughs at castles. English proverb
Love kills time, and time kills love. French proverb
Although love is torment, without it there is boredom. Russian proverb
Love does not discriminate between ranks. Russian proverb
Love is like a disease - the older you get, the stronger it gets. Russian proverb
Love is like dough - it grows by yeast. Russian proverb
Love is like a rice sprout: replant it and it will grow in another place. Malaga proverb
Loving eyes will not go unnoticed. Douala
People pay for love with love. Karelian proverb
The sweetest thing is who loves whom. Russian proverb
It’s easy to get burned on a hot iron and on love. Russian proverb
It is in vain to be afraid of love. Russian proverb
There is no such thing as bad love, just like there is no good prison. French
Don't believe in that love that smiles at everyone you meet. Russian
Don't fall in love at first sight. English proverb
Don't blush, girl, milk the cows; blush, girl, standing with a guy. Russian proverb
You shouldn't love everything your eyes see. Russian proverb
Love will not be hidden like an awl in a sack. Ukrainian proverb
There are many shortcomings where there is little love. English proverb
Insincere love is fragile, like a dry branch. Mongolian proverb
There is no truth truer than love. Tajik proverb
There is no bird easier than the thought of love. Russian proverb
There is no value against love. Russian proverb
No doctor can cure love. Swahili
The usual activity of lovers is silence. Kurdish proverb
There is no cure for falling in love. Japanese proverb
From love or from illness, they lose sleep and appetite. French proverb
Drink wine, but not mash; love a girl, not a woman. Russian proverb
First love is forever remembered. Russian proverb
With a loved one, every bush is a home. Azerbaijani proverb
The sweet one will appear in an hour. Russian proverb
With a dear friend, you will be in two halves of grief. Russian proverb
With a dear friend and on ice I will find bread. Russian proverb
With your dear one, you will find a cell under the fir tree. Russian proverb
Sit opposite the one you love and next to the one you hate. Russian proverb
A heart without love is a garden without flowers. Russian proverb
A heart that has known true love at least once will never forget it. English proverb
Death will not scare love. Russian proverb
First you need to please the eye, then the heart. Armenian proverb
Old love is not forgotten for a long time. Adyghe proverb
Old love will rust when new love blows. Russian proverb
You also begin to love the one who loves. Mongolian proverb
Only first love is real. Arabic proverb
He who eats with gusto is not in love. Amharic proverb
Three things inspire love: faith, modesty and generosity. Arabic
Three things cannot be kept secret: love, pregnancy and driving. Lebanese proverb
Love has no advisers. Arabic proverb
The river of love has no ford. Russian proverb
It is impossible to hide love, cough and poverty. Jewish proverb
Ears fall in love before eyes. Uyghur proverb
Even to live in a forest hut, but to be loved. Russian proverb
The later love is, the more passionate it is. French proverb

Wise sayings and proverbs about love are pearls of thought that are certainly worth listening to. These short and apt statements are the generalized memory of the people, conclusions from life experience. Therefore, they can tell a lot about love.

Proverbs and sayings about love

Love is blind. Love doesn't see anything.

Equal customs - strong love.

A man without a woman is more orphaned than small children.

There is no value against love.

Money is dust, clothes are too, but love is the most precious thing.

Women know everything about love that they have not been taught.

Money can't buy happiness.

It is easier to find happiness than to keep it.

It is better not to have a heart than not to have love in it.

Money is an acquired thing, there is no point in worrying about it, but love is another matter: it must be treasured.

Love doesn't count the years.

Love and the priest will teach you to dance.

If you loved, then get married, but if you don’t love, get rid of it.

Whoever looks at it, the heart is drawn to it.

True love neither burns in fire nor drowns in water.

If you get angry, you will stop, but if you start loving, you will not find the end.

Love is like fire: without food it goes out.

Love makes the smart crazy, the meek violent, and the indomitable peaceful.

Capture your heart with love, not fear.

Dear ones scold - they just amuse themselves.

Sayings and proverbs about love not only praise this high feeling, talk about the importance of love in the life of every person, but can also give useful advice in matters of the heart.

Where there is shame, there is love.

Love is not a fire, but once it catches fire, you can’t put it out.

Love begins with the eyes. They fall in love with their eyes.

Love is a ring, and a ring has no end.

Where there is love and advice, there is no grief.

With love there is space everywhere, with evil there is cramped space everywhere.

Where there is no love, there is no fun.

Love needs will, and the mind needs space.

Where love is unfeigned, there is true hope.

Where there is love, there is pleasing, where there is fear, there is coercion.

Where there is love, there is attack. Once you fall in love, you become sad.

You can’t help but love, and you can’t help but grieve.

The light is not sweet when there is no dear one.

You cannot bind love with the cross.

All fear drives out love.

Loving is hard; It’s even harder not to love.

A girl's no is not a refusal. There is nothing more expensive to eat than girlish food.

To love is to bear someone else's grief; not to love is to crush your own.

You can’t hide love, fire and cough from people.

Whom I love, I beat.

We have selected the best sayings and proverbs on the topic of love. They contain the observations of our ancestors about this great feeling and the norms of folk morality. The strength and eternity of true feeling are conveyed in these wise words about love.

Sayings and proverbs about husband and wife

A wife loves her old husband, if she is not jealous.

Parents protect their daughter until the crown, and the husband protects his wife until the end.

The husband has half and the wife half.

I came to my husband and found what I wanted.

Don't look for beauty in your husband, but look for kindness.

A dear friend is for a month, but a husband is for life.

A husband and wife are like fish and water: what they have together, what they don’t have - in half.

An honest husband only deceives his wife.

The wife does not beat her husband, but leads him according to her own character.

With a good wife, grief is half grief, but joy is double.

Proverbs and sayings, as a rule, do not have an author. This is the case when the author is the people. But it happens that a proverb can become, for example, a line from a song. This is what happened with the saying “If I’m unlucky in death, I’ll be lucky in love.” The song “Your Nobility” from the movie “White Sun of the Desert” has become one of the most domestic melodies. Author of lyrics: Bulat Okudzhava, author of music: Isaac Schwartz. We offer you folk proverbs about love.

How nice it is to hear the words “I love you!” addressed to you! And it doesn’t matter at what age this happens. One person discovers love at the age of 12, another lives without love all his life, and many fell in love for the first time... in kindergarten! After all, all ages are submissive to love! And therefore, we must begin to introduce children to this bright feeling already in kindergarten. And proverbs and sayings about love will help us do this. The ones we have collected for you on this page

Proverbs about love

You can’t live without the sun, you can’t live without your sweetheart.

You will force yourself to be afraid, but you will not force yourself to love.

There was love without joy - there will be separation without sadness.

Baghdad is not far away for the lover.

There is nothing hateful in the sweet, and there is no sweet in the hateful.

Every bride is born for her groom.

There are not enough hearts to love everyone.

True love neither burns in fire nor drowns in water.

You cannot fit two loves in one heart.

All diseases are from nerves, but one is from love.

Where there is love and advice, there is no grief.

Where the heart lies, there it runs.

The girl chases the young man, but she doesn’t go away.

Where there is love and harmony, there is a beautiful yard.

Where there is no love, there is no joy.

Where there is love and advice, there is heaven, there is light; and quarrels and disputes - there are only

A head without love is like a barren pumpkin.

Give your heart free rein - it will lead you into captivity.

For a dear friend and an earring from his ear.

You can’t make compote even from the sweetest love.

A kind wife and fatty cabbage soup - don’t look for any other happiness.

There is no friend - not even the world is nice.

A girl is like a shadow: you are behind her, she is from you; you are from her - she is behind you.

Eat when you are hungry, but love when you are young.

If you leave where you are loved, you will come to where you are hated.

If a husband does not love his wife, what is the use of rouge and whitewash?

If the husband is good, the ugly one will become beautiful.

If the husband loves, and people respect, if the husband beats, then people humiliate.

The young man was withered by someone else's girlish beauty.

And it’s sickening to live alone in paradise.

Living apart is worse than torture.

A married man is bound - tied to a chain.

A woman loves wealth, and a man loves health.

To love an evil person is to destroy yourself.

Getting married means no harm, no matter how married you get.

Where the heart lies, the eye looks.

He who loves himself too much is not loved by others too much.

He who loves whom obeys him.

If the guy was a chick, he would be under his thumb.

When love fades away, you can’t rekindle it in the oven.

If only people hadn’t lured her in, she would have loved her now.

Who loves girls - to torment his soul; who loves young girls - to save the soul.

Those who love you look in your face, those who don’t look at your feet.

It's not the beauty that's beautiful, it's the beloved that's beautiful.

Love is not a hair, you can’t pull it out quickly.

Love is blind.

If you love a rose, endure the thorns.

Love is a ring, and a ring has no end.

Love is not a potato, you can’t throw it out the window.

It's easy to make friends, hard to separate.

Love knows no revenge, and friendship knows no flattery.

Love is not a fire, but once it flares up, you can’t put it out.

Although love is torment, without it there is boredom.

You can’t hide love, fire and cough from people.

Even if you don’t love, look at it more often.

If you like to scold, know how to make peace.

Love and all is well - no need for treasure.

Love and quarrels are worse than fire, love and advice - that's the light.

Love does not know the law, does not count the years.

Love takes small things for great things.

Love does not look, but sees everything.

Love makes fools of smart people.

Love is worse than pain, but it gives no peace.

You need to consider your beloved not with your eyes, but with your heart.

The sheep is for salt, the goat is for freedom, and the girl is for new love.

Brothers' love is stronger than a rock.

People don't like what they don't know.

Love in old age is scary.

Love does not require beauty.

The love of a young man will break the cage, the love of an old man will break the damask steel.

People love it when a relative is rich, a husband loves it when his wife is healthy.

To love is to bear someone else's grief, not to love is to crush yourself.

Love is like war: easy to start, difficult to end and impossible to forget.

Darling is not a villain, but dried to the bone.

The baby is little and the baby hasn’t been washed.

The young man makes a fool, the old man does dirty tricks.

The dear ones scold - they just amuse themselves.

Your gift is inexpensive to me - your love is dear.

There are many good ones, but there are no dear ones.

My heart is in you, and yours is in stone.

There are no ugly ones, there are unloved ones.

The light is not sweet when there is no dear one.

It is unkind to kiss, but unsalty to slurp.

If you don’t see, your soul dies; if you see, your soul is drained.

To marry money is to hang yourself.

Why lie softly if there is no one to sleep with?

The unloved is always the odd one out.

Liked – eight, desired – one.

I can’t sleep, I can’t lie down—everything is sweetly sad.

There's no better game than catching fire.

That’s why I endure it, because I love it more than anyone else.

You can't sit for a long time hugging each other.

The one I grieve about is not there, the one I hate is always with me.

From love to hate one step.

He has his eye to you, and you have your side to him.

One heart suffers, and the other does not know.

She inadvertently dropped a kind word, and even then she calmed down.

Where harm comes from, there comes dislike.

Satan fell in love more than the clear falcon.

Drink wine, but not mash. Love a girl, but not a woman.

Dance and sing while you're single.

Until you sacrifice your soul, you will not find your beloved.

The beloved is beautiful, even if he is cross-eyed.

Equal customs – strong love.

Separation is to love what the wind is to fire: weak love extinguishes, but great love extinguishes


You can't lure with your heart, you can't attract by the ears.

The sweet one will appear in about an hour.

With love there is space everywhere, with evil there is cramped space everywhere.

The crown will brighten up the girl and well done.

Dry wood is easy to dig, feigned love is easy to part with.

You can live in the wild steppe with your loved one.

The family is at war, and the lonely one is grieving.

A warm heart is a kind word.

What the eye does not see, the heart feels.

Three things inspire love: faith, modesty and generosity.

The mind is enlightened by truth, and the heart is warmed by love.

Love has no advisers.

Although the heart burns, love is desired.

A good wife will please her husband, a good husband will please the world.

Khmelinushka is looking for a stamen, and the girl is looking for a guy.

Kissing on the mouth is not fasting.

A person who lies in love does not even deserve hatred.

What does not burn cannot be ignited.

What the heart does not notice, the eye will not see.

To understand parental love, you need to raise your own children.

What pleases the eye lasts until the evening, what pleases the heart lasts a lifetime.

Sayings about love

There is no post for the woman's tail.

Take care of your daughter until the end.

If there was a neck, there would be a clamp.

Together it’s cramped, but apart it’s boring.

The crown covers everything.

He will look at you and scorch him with fire, but he will say his word and give you a ruble.

Woe is with you, trouble is without you.

My head turned.

Eyes are informers of heart secrets.

A good marriage accustoms you to the home, but a bad marriage separates you from home.

Getting married is not putting on bast shoes.

You cannot bind love with the cross.

He loves a mouse like a cat.

Love is blind.

Love doesn't see anything.

He loves like a soul, but shakes like a pear.

Love and remember.

He loves a stick like a dog.

If you love currants, you will also love them.

You can't lock up love.

Love is not measured by miles.

You won't be nice by force.

No sweeter, no more beautiful.

The girl brought dryness.

Neither his mother, nor his father, but a passing young man.

She won't inhale it.

He can't look at her enough.

You won't be satisfied with love alone.

Once you fall in love, you become sad.

You can't fake your temper.

Why is the young man whining so zealously?

The spade and the shovel will separate us.

You can't mend a broken mirror.

May you live happily ever after.

If you endure it, you will fall in love.

With a sweetheart, heaven and in a hut.

Old love never rusts.

Let's sit next to each other and talk well.

Lawless Heart.

The heart gives the message to the heart.

The heart is not a stone.

Love is no joke.

The betrothed is a mummer.

Gray hair in a beard is a devil in a rib.

Out of sight, out of mind.

Third wheel.

You are like a red sun.

You are like a clear moon.

We really want our children to be happy! And they will be happy only when they are surrounded by people who love them and love them! And we, parents, will teach our daughters and sons to appreciate and cherish such a bright feeling! And let proverbs and sayings about love help you and me with this! Like, they help us raise our children to be real people!

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