What time are they discharged from the maternity hospital? It is mandatory to include. Birth certificate

The discharge of a newborn from the maternity hospital is an important event in the life of a young family and its close relatives. Everyone is looking forward to meeting a new family member, they are worried and try to organize the meeting with dignity. In order for the discharge to be remembered for many years and to pass without fuss, it is necessary to carefully prepare for it.

When will the statement be released?

After an exciting birth, any young mother wants to be home with her baby as soon as possible. But the maternity hospital has strict rules that determine the timing of the newborn’s discharge from the hospital. Usually a woman in labor is discharged 3-4 days after birth. But there are times when a joyful event can be postponed for a longer period.

The factors that determine the length of stay of the mother and newborn in the maternity hospital are the following:

  • method of delivery (birth took place naturally or by cesarean section);
  • presence/absence of complications;
  • health status of the woman and child.

If there are no complications, then the young mother and baby will leave the walls of the maternity hospital in the shortest possible time. But if a woman had a caesarean section or certain complications arose during childbirth, then discharge is delayed for 7 days or more. There are cases when a newborn, after being discharged from the mother’s maternity hospital, remains in the hospital. This happens when a neonatologist (a pediatrician who deals with newborns) detects any abnormalities in the baby. If not everything is in order with the health of the mother in labor, the baby remains with her to wait for the mother to fully recover. The final decision on discharge is made by the obstetrician-gynecologist and neonatologist.

Indications for discharge

Before the date of expected discharge, the young mother and baby are examined by a doctor. The indications for which a woman in labor will be allowed to be discharged are as follows:

  • the general condition of the woman is satisfactory;
  • the uterus contracts as normal;
  • the relevant analyzes are not in doubt;
  • Ultrasound did not show the presence of remnants of placental parts and large blood clots.

The baby also undergoes certain examinations. Factors that do not allow the discharge of newborn children from the maternity hospital are the following:

  • the presence of an infectious or viral disease;
  • reduction in body weight by more than eight percent;
  • jaundice occurs with changes in tests and is accompanied by bouts of vomiting;
  • diagnosing prematurity;
  • identification of serious pathologies and developmental disorders.

If all indicators are normal, mother and baby are prepared for discharge. It is usually scheduled for the afternoon, when all the papers and test results are ready.


When a woman in labor is discharged from the maternity hospital, she is given a package of documents necessary for the registry office, children's clinic and antenatal clinic.

The child's birth certificate is provided to the registry office, where the mother's full name is indicated. The registry office registers the baby and issues a birth certificate.

Documents for the newborn upon discharge from the maternity hospital, provided to the local pediatrician, are as follows:

  • An extract on the baby’s health, which provides information about the baby’s body weight at the time of birth and at discharge, an Apgar score, all test results, information about the vaccinations given and the general condition of the child. This information is entered into the child’s outpatient record.
  • A birth certificate that every expectant mother receives after 30 weeks of pregnancy. One coupon remains in the maternity hospital, and the remaining two are given to the woman in labor. This document gives the baby the right to free examinations at a local clinic for up to 12 months from the date of birth.

The documentation provided to the young mother is as follows:

  • exchange card;
  • an extract about the progress of labor and the general condition of the woman;
  • sick leave (if there are complications).

All of the above documents are issued to new parents at the maternity hospital. They must be submitted to the clinic at your place of residence within three days from the date of discharge.

Things for the baby and mother to be discharged

It is better to collect all the necessary things for discharge in advance. Some women go to the maternity hospital with two bags - for themselves and for the baby. You can make a list and instruct your husband or close relatives to prepare everything that will be needed upon discharge.

List of necessary things for the baby:

  • pacifier and bottle for formula (if the newborn is bottle-fed);
  • water or mixture;
  • diapers;
  • wet wipes;
  • clothing for a newborn when discharged from the maternity hospital, appropriate for the season;
  • a beautiful envelope or blanket with a bow;
  • baby seat.

List of things for mom:

  • outerwear and underwear;
  • comfortable shoes;
  • cosmetic bag;
  • personal hygiene items (sanitary pads and comb);
  • postpartum bandage.

Young parents must take a very responsible approach to choosing clothes for their newborn at discharge. This will be the baby's first suit, which will cover his delicate skin and help him adapt to the external conditions of his new world.

Useful tips when choosing clothes for a baby are:

  • It is better to give preference to natural fabrics in calm tones (white, pink, yellowish, blue, etc.). Bright fabrics may contain dyes that will irritate your baby's skin.
  • The seams must be external.
  • All tags, price tags and protruding threads must be cut off.
  • Fasteners should be comfortable.
  • The size of clothing should correspond to height (for a newborn it is approximately 52-56 cm).
  • Hats must have ties. It is better to purchase several pieces at once, with a smaller head volume and a larger one (the approximate circumference of a newborn’s head is 35 cm).
  • It is necessary to take into account the weather conditions on the day of discharge (air temperature, precipitation, wind).

All items from the maternity hospital kit for a newborn must be washed in advance with a special baby powder and ironed on the wrong side. It should be remembered that the mother gets dressed first, and then the baby. The ideal option is when the newborn is dressed by medical staff.

Check out in summer

To discharge a newborn from the maternity hospital in the summer, you need to purchase a light, beautiful blanket with a bow or a thin envelope (color corresponding to the gender of the child). Traditionally, pink colors are chosen for girls, and blue or light green for boys. The bandage tape should not be too short. The ideal length is three meters. Clothes for discharge must be appropriate for the weather conditions, beautiful and elegant. A sample list of things to do in the summer season is:

  • thin hat with ties;
  • bodysuit or vest, rompers;
  • diaper

At a temperature of +10 °C, you can wrap your baby in a warm blanket or a slightly insulated envelope. And at +20 °C, a light fleece blanket or a thin envelope would be an excellent option. It should be remembered that a newborn child needs to be dressed in one more layer than an adult. But you can’t wrap it up too much, as you can overheat the baby, which will negatively affect his well-being.

Discharge in autumn and spring

A set of baby clothes for the spring and autumn months differs from clothes for a newborn’s discharge from the hospital in the summer. At this time, the weather is changeable, strong winds blow and precipitation occurs more often. For babies, you can purchase insulated blankets and envelopes with warm padding for discharge. It is better to buy them after the child’s height is known. All items must completely cover the baby's legs and arms to prevent hypothermia. For the spring or autumn discharge of a newborn from the maternity hospital you will need:

  • a vest, romper or one-piece cotton jumpsuit;
  • insulated fleece items or terry overalls;
  • two hats: one thin, the other insulated;
  • warm socks and scratches.

Spring and autumn weather can greet mother and baby with both warmth and cold. Therefore, it is better to prepare several kits for discharge.

Check out in winter

To discharge a newborn from the hospital in winter, you will need even more clothes. But you shouldn’t be too zealous, because usually young parents go home by car at this time. An approximate list of things for a baby’s winter discharge from the maternity hospital is as follows:

  • baby vest, rompers (overalls) and diaper;
  • insulated (terry) overalls;
  • a warm envelope with sheepskin or fur lining, winter overalls or a cotton blanket;
  • two hats (thin and warm);
  • warm socks and mittens.

How to prepare as a mother

It is important for a young mother to prepare herself for discharge. A woman needs to know the requirements for clothing and shoes after childbirth. It should be remembered that clothing sizes have increased by 1-2 numbers, so it is better to purchase looser items. The ideal option would be clothes made from natural cotton. You can give preference to a comfortable sporty style. It is combined with comfortable shoes, and the woman will feel comfortable. There is no need to give up cosmetics and jewelry. A photographer is usually present at the discharge, so it will be better if the young parents are not only happy in the photo, but also beautiful.


How the discharge will proceed largely depends on the wishes of the new parents. It could be a modest meeting with a limited number of people, or it could be a noisy celebration with balloons, photography and photographers. Before discharge, the medical staff talks with the woman about how to care for herself and her baby during the postpartum period. Then the mother is taken to a special room where she gets ready and dresses. The baby is usually prepared for discharge by a health care provider. The first photo session in a child’s life can begin here. After the mother and baby are ready, they are taken out to meet the greeters, the baby is solemnly handed over to the father or grandfather, photographs are taken, flowers are given to the mother and gifts to the medical staff. On average, checkout will take 30 minutes (no more).

What kind of gifts can there be for discharge?

Such an important event involves gifts and flowers not only for the woman and baby, but also for the doctors of the maternity hospital. Usually these are flowers, sweets, cakes or high-quality alcoholic drinks. But the choice of gifts for new parents and baby is quite extensive. The most common options for gifts for discharge from the maternity hospital are as follows:

  • baby monitor, sterilizers, breast pumps;
  • sets for newborns to be discharged from the maternity hospital (diaper cakes, sets of children's cosmetics, sets of children's linen and towels, etc.);
  • toys;
  • cloth.

An excellent gift option for a young mother would be a gym membership or a certificate for the purchase of children's products.

How to meet a wife from the maternity hospital

The young father experiences the most worries and worries. He bears the burden of responsibility for preparing the house for the arrival of his wife and baby. In addition to the fact that you need to take care of flowers and gifts, you should put in order the apartment in which the new family member will live. The young father must prepare the room and purchase items to care for the baby. The list of things needed after a newborn baby is discharged from the hospital is as follows:

  • bath, ladle and water thermometer;
  • humidifier;
  • heater;
  • changing table;
  • stroller;
  • crib;
  • towel;
  • baby soap, foam and shampoo;
  • two oilcloths (one for the crib, the other for the changing table);
  • potassium permanganate;
  • children's first aid kit;
  • wet wipes;
  • nipples, bottles and sterilizer.

You should also create a place where essential items will be placed. Before the expected check-out date, the apartment should be thoroughly cleaned and wet cleaned. It is worth taking care in advance about gifts, flowers for your wife and medical staff, as well as food for guests.

To make the discharge of a newborn from the hospital an unforgettable event, you need to carefully think through everything and use your imagination. Then it will become a bright moment and will be remembered for a lifetime.

The birth is over, and now you want to get home with your baby as soon as possible. Discharge from the maternity hospital is a whole event, joyful and exciting at the same time. But in order to go home, both mother and child must be ready for this. Let's talk about the timing of discharge from the maternity hospital and what sometimes delays it.

What determines the timing of discharge from the hospital?

The timing of a woman and her child’s discharge from the maternity hospital, as a rule, depends from three main factors:

  • method of delivery;
  • condition of mother and child;
  • no complications after childbirth.

If the birth went well, the mother and baby are healthy and there were no complications after childbirth, then discharge occurs on the 3rd day after the birth of the child. After a caesarean section, a woman is discharged later - on the 7-9th day after birth. Everything here will depend on how the mother’s body recovers, how the postoperative period proceeds, and how the stitches heal.

While the mother and baby are in the maternity hospital, they are monitored by an obstetrician-gynecologist and a pediatrician (neonatologist). An obstetrician-gynecologist monitors the course of the postpartum period in a woman, and a pediatrician monitors the condition and development of the baby. And it is these two doctors who jointly make the decision on discharge.

If the mother has any complications after childbirth, the child is left in the maternity hospital until the mother becomes healthy. If the mother is healthy, and for some reason the baby needs additional observation and treatment in a hospital, then the woman is most often discharged, and the child is left in a specialized children's department until recovery.

What do obstetricians look for?

What do obstetricians-gynecologists take into account when deciding whether it is possible to discharge a mother from the maternity hospital and when is the best time to do this? First of all, the doctor evaluates the general well-being of the mother, contraction of the uterus, the nature of postpartum discharge (lochia), and will also check whether the sutures on the genitals or the sutures after a cesarean section are healing well. In addition, the doctor examines the woman’s mammary glands to see if there is an inflammatory process, cracks, etc.

Before discharge, the doctor will refer the woman for an ultrasound of the internal genital organs. True, it is not yet done in all maternity hospitals, but in most modern clinics this study is carried out on all women who have given birth. Ultrasound is performed both after natural childbirth and after cesarean section. With the help of this study, you can accurately find out whether parts of the placenta remain in the uterus and whether there is any large quantities blood clots.

The doctor may also prescribe a woman a general blood test, which can detect anemia, inflammation in the body and simply assess the general condition. A urine test will be done to rule out diseases of the urinary system or gestosis. And only after such a complete examination, the obstetrician-gynecologist decides when to discharge the mother.

What can delay a woman’s discharge from the hospital? First of all, there are some deviations in the birth itself or in the postpartum period. For example, manipulations during childbirth, such as suturing the perineum, vagina, cervix, can delay discharge until the 4-5th day after birth, but only if the doctor believes that the mother still needs monitoring of the condition of the sutures in maternity hospital But if the tears were minor and heal well, then even with stitches, the mother can be discharged within the usual timeframe - on the 3rd day after birth.

Later - on the 5-7th day - they are allowed to go home if there were more serious situations during childbirth: bleeding, curettage or manual separation of the placenta was performed. After all, treating bleeding sometimes requires surgery, donated blood, and various medications.

Sometimes after childbirth a woman experiences some inflammatory processes- the scar after a cesarean section does not heal well or inflammation of the uterine mucosa (endometritis) begins. To treat any inflammation after childbirth, antibacterial therapy is needed, and often also surgery, during which the contents of the uterine cavity are removed (it is washed or scraped).

If for some reason there was significant blood loss during childbirth, then the mother may experience anemia- decrease in the content of hemoglobin and red blood cells (erythrocytes) in the blood. Depending on the degree of anemia, either treatment is carried out with iron-containing preparations and vitamins, or components of donor blood are transfused.

In women with gestosis(the appearance of edema, protein in the urine, increased blood pressure during pregnancy), especially in severe forms, high blood pressure may remain in the first days after birth, and it will take time to reduce it.

What to take from the maternity hospital upon discharge

  • A certificate of birth of a child for the registry office - it will be needed to register the baby.
  • Child exchange card - for a children's clinic.
  • Mom's exchange card - for antenatal consultation.
Also in the mother’s hands is the “remainder” of the birth certificate - two coupons, which she takes to the children's clinic, where the child will be observed in the first year of life.

What do pediatricians look for?

Just like the mother, doctors monitor him the entire time the child is in the maternity hospital. Every day, the neonatologist examines the baby’s skin and umbilical cord, evaluates the baby’s stool and urination, muscle tone, reflexes, and notes changes in weight.

The child is examined: a general blood and urine test is done, and all newborns are given a blood test for the presence of five congenital diseases (hypothyroidism, phenylketonuria, galactosemia, cystic fibrosis and adrenogenital syndrome). Before being discharged from the hospital, the baby is vaccinated against hepatitis B and vaccinated against tuberculosis (BCG). And after this, the pediatrician decides whether the child can be discharged home.

Sometimes the discharge of a newborn is delayed, the following conditions can lead to this:

  • Loss of body weight. Normally, maximum weight loss is observed on the 3-4th day of life and usually does not exceed 6-8% of the initial body weight. If the loss is more than normal, then it is necessary to find its cause and only then discharge the child. This takes some time.
  • Severe neonatal jaundice, for example, in case of a conflict between groups and/or Rh factors of the blood of the mother and fetus ( hemolytic disease). To treat this disease, infusion therapy (intravenous fluids), phototherapy, and sometimes even exchange blood transfusions are performed. In such a situation, the child will have to stay in the maternity hospital until his condition returns to normal.
  • Immature or premature babies. Children born immature or premature are predisposed to large weight losses, heat loss, and often need special living conditions (incubators or nursing incubators). All this requires long-term observation in the maternity hospital in the department for nursing premature babies or in the neonatal pathology department.
  • Consequences of intrauterine hypoxia or hypoxia during childbirth. After oxygen starvation, the child may have some disorders nervous system. If signs of pathology (impaired reflexes, muscle tone) appear on the first day after birth, the baby is left for treatment in the neonatal pathology department.
  • Infectious diseases. Any infectious disease in a newborn, be it a urinary tract infection, a skin infection or cytomegalovirus, requires a course of antibacterial or antiviral therapy. Therefore, in such a situation, discharge is delayed.

If a newborn needs long-term treatment, he is transferred for nursing to specialized neonatal pathology departments. Typically, every major city has several such departments at a children's hospital or maternity hospital.

In conclusion, we will say that most births proceed favorably, and the postpartum period goes the same way for both the woman and the child. This means that most mothers and babies are still discharged from the maternity hospital without delay - in the first three, maximum four to five days after birth.


After giving birth, the ultrasound has not allowed me to go home for 5 days already, 4 times the ultrasound has been repaired, they don’t say prishina

12/26/2018 07:40:16, Gulnar

Comment on the article "Discharge from the maternity hospital: on what day? 10 reasons for the delay for mother and newborn"

Discharge from the maternity hospital after normal labor and caesarean section: timing. If you are worried, go for an ultrasound to a gynecologist. I had a long time.... Usually after a caesarean section the milk comes on the third to seventh day, that is, a slightly “Caesarean” birth. Caesarean: before, during and...

Discharge from the maternity hospital after normal labor and caesarean section: timing. That is, not right away, like my sons 11 and 9 years ago, but 20 hours after birth. In my opinion, the scar forms within a year, and then it doesn’t matter how long it takes.


1000 for a girl, but this is optional

05/11/2017 12:17:46, Tatyana133

I gave birth to my youngest in 2004 and there was 500 rubles in the envelope, they later gave it back to me and said: “If there is no money, don’t offer that amount!”

05/11/2017 10:21:42, Tusya

Pregnancy and childbirth: conception, tests, ultrasound, toxicosis, childbirth, caesarean section, birth. I would go for her, but most likely the ACL is shining, and about the postpartum there is something larger than usual, the amount of After childbirth. Discharge from the maternity hospital and the first days at home - how will it be?


15 RD is famous only for one of the best intensive care units for premature babies. Nothing more so far...

I gave birth to my eldest there almost 15 years ago. It used to be for premature babies, but I gave birth on time by agreement with the doctor. True, this agreement was limited only to the birth process itself, then it was like everyone else. The room was for 6-7 people, the bathroom was just renovated at that time, shared by everyone. They brought the children only to feed them. She was young and inexperienced, there was nothing to compare with.

02/13/2016 14:26:11, 21 weeks

Discharge from the maternity hospital after normal labor and caesarean section: timing. I’m expecting my second child. I would like to know if an extract from the maternity hospital is needed about the course of the first birth and who needs it.


You mean the nurse who just dressed the baby and handed it to dad? And 3-5 thousand. Isn't she fat for this? It was to her that our dad gave that within 1 thousand. Or did I misunderstand something?
I gave birth under a contract plus a personal doctor. In fact, they don’t even feed Oparin for the cost of the contract))) She looked after the child herself. That’s why I didn’t pay anyone extra at the department. Our doctor was brought the standard set - flowers, sweets, champagne. It’s clear that this is unoriginal, but I was not able to be original))) Now I’m thinking, maybe I should have given some kind of certificate...

They didn’t give anyone anything for oparin. Especially under a contract. There are no rumors or conversations about this. Well, if you really want gift tea or sweets. And get ready for a looong time to be discharged; everyone was released almost in the evening. The girls didn’t even thank the doctors when they were free. I know for sure, since I gave 20 rubles to the doctor, my neighbors’ eyes widened at me, like, what’s necessary? Something like this.

Pregnancy and childbirth: conception, tests, ultrasound, toxicosis, childbirth, caesarean section, birth. According to the purchased contract for caesarean section, I collected my things in packages ("prenatal", "postpartum" and "for discharge") and, having given valuable instructions to my daughter and husband, prepared to go to the maternity hospital.

Discharging from maternity hospital. Mom's emotional state. Pregnancy and childbirth. Discharge from the maternity hospital after normal labor and caesarean section: timing. My daughter also received an anti-hepatitis vaccine towards the end of the first day of life.


For example, I don’t call anyone at all. People come in small groups (families) to congratulate them later, not on the day of discharge. No special feasts - just tea with a purchased cake.
As for my parents, mine live in another city and can only come on weekends (and they always discharged me during the week) when dad doesn’t work. My father-in-law is no longer alive, but my mother-in-law is in another country (5000 km from us), I’ve been trying to persuade her to come for eight years now and see her granddaughters - they don’t want to.

My husband’s mother, unfortunately, died and I didn’t even know her. My husband's father hardly goes out and drinks heavily. And in light of the fact that I found out how he got on his wife’s nerves, she actually left so early because of him, I don’t want to see him at all: ((((By the way, he hasn’t seen his granddaughter until now. But that’s us It’s their own fault - they could have brought him to him for an hour or two, shown him - introduced him.
Last time my husband and mother were present at the discharge. This time there will most likely be one husband. I do not accept any “marks”, because... I have no time for guests in the first months with a small child, and even more so with two, I think it will be :) In the family circle, to note - just that - me, my husband, my mom and dad.

Discharge from the maternity hospital after normal labor and caesarean section: timing. The 13th hospital is considered good, although it is old, and the 7th hospital has a children's intensive care unit. Formerly 15th maternity hospital, now at 13th City Clinical Hospital. Section: LCD, maternity hospitals, courses, medical. centers.


Yes, everything is possible, especially under a contract :) which is something I didn’t take with me to the birth :)
What about how to carry it:
1. I had a small bag for the birth - some water, a mobile phone, a charger, and a hair tie.
2. The postpartum package was in the car. Since my husband and I gave birth together, after the birth, while I was lying with ice on my belly, he went into the car and handed over things downstairs in the waiting room for the woman who had just given birth to me) And the midwife turned out to be very nice, and after hearing my conversation with my husband on the mobile phone, that they say, he handed over everything and they will bring it to me soon, she decided to go down and pick up these things for me in the postpartum period - for which I thank her very much! Well, visits were allowed, so literally by the evening he brought me a lot of other things I was missing, incl. from food, gee :)
3. The bags for discharge with things for me and the baby were ready and carefully collected by me at our home. The day before discharge, my husband brought them directly to my room, although, it seems, it’s not customary - like, on the day of discharge they must be brought to the discharge room, and they must remain downstairs.

Can you tell the expectant mother how to care for her baby after a caesarean section? I mean that Look at other discussions: After childbirth. Discharge from the maternity hospital and the first days at home - how it is But she understands what happens to her during labor, the birth of a child and after.


The first 2 weeks after discharge you definitely need help! You will still be too weak, you will need to rest a lot, restore your strength, so that the milk does not leak. And you can’t raise a child. There were cases when the seam came apart. A month after the operation, you can manage on your own, just don’t lift more than 6 kg. By this time, the stitch hardly hurts anymore. We went out for walks in parts. First I took out the stroller, then I took out my daughter. We went in the reverse order. And don’t listen to advice like “you can lift everything, load bricks, nothing will happen, etc.” Be careful for the first month and don’t carry heavy loads for another half a year and everything will be fine.

While I was in the hospital (9 days), the staff did a lot. Then I did everything myself, it wasn’t hard for me, no one helped, I sent my husband to work a week later because... he was just getting in the way. The child (4100) and the household corresponded perfectly(((0 And after a couple of weeks I was already loading boxes with mineral water(((0

Finally, all the worries and worries of nine whole months are over, and the happy parents are solemnly presented with the most expensive, small and wonderful bundle... Festive bustle, and then the first days with a new, tiny and beloved family member.

In the hassle and getting used to the new order in the house, there is not always time to carefully understand the meaning of each of the whole stack of papers issued in the maternity hospital. Meanwhile, the preparation of various documents is a significant and very important part of the worries that appear after the birth of the baby.
What should the mother be given upon discharge, and what is each document intended for?

  1. Exchange card: page about mother's health, page with information about the newborn.
  2. Two coupons from the birth certificate.
  3. Certificate of birth of a child.

Exchange card

Yes, yes, the same card that accompanied the expectant mother for several months. Only now all the information about the course of pregnancy, which has been accumulated for so long, remains in the maternity hospital. And only the last sections remain on the map.

Information about the mother (maternity exchange card)

One of the sections is devoted to childbirth from the moment a woman enters the maternity hospital. All basic data is entered here:

  • date and time of admission to the maternity hospital,
  • date and time of birth,
  • method (spontaneous or by caesarean section),
  • medications and techniques used,
  • features of the postpartum period,
  • date of discharge.

This sheet will need to be taken to the antenatal clinic- within two weeks after discharge, women are recommended to attend an appointment there!

Information about the child (child's exchange card)

Another section contains the first information about the newborn. And just imagine, there are already a lot of them! This includes:

  • condition of the child at birth, Apgar score;
  • his condition at discharge;
  • weight, height, head circumference, chest;
  • blood type;
  • notes on vaccinations, if any, on tests;
  • about procedures and medications, if the child received them;
  • information about audio screening (hearing test),
  • examination by a neonatologist;
  • first recommendations - for example, on the need for consultations with specialists.

This page needs to be shared to the children's clinic. Perhaps the pediatrician will take it during a patronage visit in the first weeks, or the mother will bring it to the first appointment when the baby is one month old.

Birth certificate

This document, which the pregnant woman received at the antenatal clinic and had to present before giving birth, will also partially remain in the maternity hospital. You will be given only two coupons, based on them during the first year of the child’s life at a local children's clinic Free examinations will be carried out: ultrasound of internal organs, ECG, examination by a pediatrician, neurologist, ophthalmologist, surgeon, necessary tests.

Birth certificate

A very important document that gives grounds to receive your child’s main document for the coming years - a birth certificate, after which it will be possible to issue a maternity benefit.
The birth certificate states:

  • date and time of his birth;
  • mother's last name, first name and patronymic,
  • number of the maternity hospital where the baby was born;
  • surname of the obstetrician.
  • Check: the certificate must be signed by the doctor who delivered the child, and it must have the stamp of the maternity hospital on it!

Attention! The certificate is valid for only a month! It's necessary present to the registry office, along with parents’ passports and marriage certificate.

The timing of a woman and her child’s discharge from the maternity hospital, as a rule, depends on three main factors:

Method of delivery;
- condition of mother and child;
- absence of complications after childbirth.

If the birth went well, the mother and baby are healthy and there were no complications after childbirth, then discharge occurs 3-4 days after the birth of the child. After a caesarean section, a woman is discharged later - on the 7-9th day after birth. Everything here will depend on how the mother’s body recovers, how the postoperative period proceeds, and how the stitches heal.

While the mother and baby are in the maternity hospital, they are monitored by an obstetrician-gynecologist and a pediatrician (neonatologist). An obstetrician-gynecologist monitors the course of the postpartum period in a woman, and a pediatrician monitors the condition and development of the baby. And it is these two doctors who jointly make the decision on discharge.

If the mother has any complications after childbirth, the child is left in the maternity hospital until the mother becomes healthy. If the mother is healthy, and for some reason the baby needs additional observation and treatment in a hospital, then the woman can be discharged from the medical institution, and the child is left in a specialized children's department until recovery.

What do obstetricians look for?

What do obstetricians-gynecologists take into account when deciding whether it is possible to discharge a mother from the maternity hospital and when is the best time to do this? First of all, the doctor evaluates the general well-being of the mother, contraction of the uterus, the nature of postpartum discharge (lochia), and also pays attention to whether the sutures on the genitals or sutures after a cesarean section are healing well. In addition, the doctor examines the woman’s mammary glands to see if there is an inflammatory process, cracks, etc.

Before discharge, the doctor will refer the woman for an ultrasound of the internal genital organs. True, it is not done in all maternity hospitals, but in most modern clinics this study is carried out on all women who have given birth. Ultrasound is performed both after natural childbirth and after cesarean section. With this test, you can find out for sure whether parts of the placenta remain in the uterus and whether there are a large number of blood clots in it.

The doctor may also prescribe a woman a general blood test, which can detect anemia, inflammation in the body and simply assess the general condition. A urine test is done to rule out diseases of the urinary system or gestosis. And only after such a complete examination, the obstetrician-gynecologist decides when to discharge the mother.

What can delay a woman’s discharge from the hospital? First of all, there are some deviations in the birth itself or in the postpartum period. For example, manipulations during childbirth, such as suturing the perineum, vagina, cervix, can delay discharge until the 4-5th day after birth, but only if the doctor believes that the mother still needs to monitor the condition of the sutures in maternity hospital But if the tears were minor and heal well, then even if there are stitches, the mother can be discharged within the usual timeframe - 3-4 days after birth.

Later - on the 5th–7th day - they are allowed to go home if there were more serious situations during childbirth: bleeding, curettage or manual separation of the placenta. After all, treating bleeding sometimes requires surgery, donated blood, and various medications.

Sometimes after giving birth, a woman experiences some kind of inflammatory processes - the scar after a cesarean section does not heal well or inflammation of the uterine mucosa (endometritis) begins. To treat any inflammation after childbirth, antibacterial therapy is needed, and often also surgery, during which the contents of the uterine cavity are removed (it is washed or scraped).

If for some reason the blood loss was significant during childbirth, then the mother may experience anemia - a decrease in the content of hemoglobin and red blood cells (erythrocytes) in the blood. Depending on the degree of anemia, either treatment is carried out with iron-containing preparations and vitamins, or components of donor blood are transfused.

In women with gestosis (the appearance of edema, protein in the urine, increased blood pressure during pregnancy), especially in its severe form, high blood pressure may remain in the first days after childbirth, and it will take time to reduce it.

What to take from the maternity hospital upon discharge

1. Certificate of birth of the child for the registry office - it will be needed to register the baby.
2. Child’s exchange card - for a children’s clinic.
3. Mom’s exchange card - for antenatal consultation.
4. Also in the mother’s hands is the “remainder” of the birth certificate - two coupons, which she takes to the children's clinic, where the child will be observed in the first year of life.

What do pediatricians look for?

Just like the mother, doctors monitor him the entire time the child is in the maternity hospital. Every day, the neonatologist examines the baby’s skin and umbilical cord, evaluates the baby’s stool and urination, muscle tone, reflexes, and notes changes in weight.

The child is examined: a general blood and urine test is done, and all newborns are given a blood test for the presence of five congenital diseases (hypothyroidism, phenylketonuria, galactosemia, cystic fibrosis and adrenogenital syndrome). Before being discharged from the hospital, the baby is vaccinated against hepatitis B and vaccinated against tuberculosis (BCG). And after this, the pediatrician decides whether the child can be discharged home.

Sometimes the discharge of a newborn is delayed, the following conditions can lead to this:

Loss of body weight. Normally, maximum weight loss is observed on the 3rd–4th day of life and usually does not exceed 6–8% of the initial body weight. If the loss is more than normal, then it is necessary to find its cause and only then discharge the child. This takes some time.

Severe jaundice of newborns, for example, due to a conflict between the groups and/or Rh factors of the blood of the mother and fetus (hemolytic disease). To treat this disease, infusion therapy (intravenous fluids), phototherapy, and sometimes even exchange blood transfusions are performed. In such a situation, the child will have to stay in the maternity hospital until his condition returns to normal.

Immature or premature babies. Children born immature or premature are predisposed to large weight losses, heat loss, and often need special living conditions (incubators or nursing incubators). All this requires long-term observation in the maternity hospital in the department for nursing premature babies or in the neonatal pathology department.

Consequences of intrauterine hypoxia or hypoxia during childbirth. After oxygen starvation, the child may have some kind of nervous system disorders. If signs of pathology (impaired reflexes, muscle tone) appear on the first day after birth, the baby is left for treatment in the neonatal pathology department.

Infectious diseases. Any infectious disease in a newborn, be it a urinary tract infection, a skin infection or cytomegalovirus, requires a course of antibacterial or antiviral therapy. Therefore, in such a situation, discharge is delayed.

If a newborn needs long-term treatment, he is transferred for nursing to specialized neonatal pathology departments. Typically, every major city has several such departments at a children's hospital or maternity hospital.

In conclusion, we will say that most births proceed favorably, and the postpartum period goes the same way for both the woman and the child. This means that most mothers and babies are still discharged from the maternity hospital without delay - in the first three, maximum four to five days after birth.

The mother of a newborn baby always wants the days that need to be spent in the maternity hospital to pass as quickly as possible. And all the relatives are looking forward to the moment when the mother and newborn baby are discharged from the maternity hospital. Indeed, in our time, the birth of a child and discharge from the maternity hospital is a whole ritual, accompanied by warm congratulations and many gifts. So, after how many days can mother and baby be discharged from the hospital?

On what day are mother and child discharged?

Many expectant mothers are interested in how discharge from the maternity hospital occurs. First of all, you need to understand that mother and child will be discharged only when they are both ready for this. And how many days they stay in the maternity hospital after giving birth depends primarily on the health status of the mother and baby.

As a rule, with a successful birth (when not only the newborn baby is healthy, but also the mother), discharge occurs already on the third day. If a woman experiences any health complications during childbirth, it may happen that doctors extend her stay in the maternity hospital to 10 days.

Also, discharge may be delayed if any health problems arise in the newborn baby.

Thus, the timing of discharge from the maternity hospital depends on 3 components:

  • successful childbirth,
  • mother's health,
  • child's health.

In the maternity hospital, the mother of the newborn baby and the baby himself are under the supervision of a gynecologist and pediatrician. It is the responsibility of the obstetrician-gynecologist to monitor how the woman’s postpartum period progresses, while the pediatrician is obliged to monitor the health and development of the newborn child. The opinions of these two doctors together play a decisive role in determining on what day you are discharged from the hospital after childbirth.

Often, if the mother still needs the help of doctors, the baby remains with her in the maternity hospital until the woman is ready to be discharged. If everything is fine with the mother, and the baby requires regular medical supervision, then there are cases when the mother is discharged, and the child remains under the supervision of experienced doctors.

Documents to be processed

Many parents are concerned about the question, what documents should they have on hand when leaving the maternity hospital? Of course, maternity hospital workers themselves know very well what documents they must give to the family into which the child was born. But most parents prefer to play it safe and educate themselves in this matter.

Upon discharge from the maternity hospital, a woman must be given the following documents:

  • Child's birth certificate. This certificate is necessary for the registry office to issue a tiny important document - a birth certificate. The child's birth certificate contains the following information: the date and time of birth of the child, the gender of the child, as well as the surname and initials of the doctor who delivered the child. A birth certificate will also be needed to receive a one-time state benefit issued at the birth of a child.
  • An extract (exchange card) with a conclusion about the health of the woman in labor (mother). This extract is given to the woman so that she can submit it to the medical institution (antenatal clinic) where she was observed throughout the entire period of pregnancy.
  • An extract (exchange card) with a conclusion about the health of the newborn child. Parents must provide this extract to the children's clinic where the baby will be observed. But most often, medical workers themselves transfer the extract to the children's clinic, without the participation of parents.

It is important that the parents of the newborn baby receive all of the above documents. And on the second or third day of staying at home, the mother of the newborn should expect guests: the pediatrician is obliged to visit the mother and the newborn baby.

First, the doctor must check the conditions in which the child is. And secondly, the pediatrician is obliged to help and advise the young mother regarding the proper care of the child: give useful advice, tell and clearly show how to bathe the baby, how to massage, how to provide first aid. This approach is very important, especially if a woman has given birth to her first child and does not know many of the nuances in caring for children.

Readiness Factors

An obstetrician-gynecologist, when setting a discharge date, is based on several factors:

  • What type of birth was it (easy birth, natural birth or cesarean section, accompanied by heavy bleeding or not). So, with a natural and easy birth, the mother and child will be discharged as expected, on the 3rd day.
  • General health of the mother;
  • Contractions of the uterus;
  • The nature of vaginal discharge;
  • How well do the sutures heal (during a caesarean section or if there are ruptures, incisions made during natural childbirth). The doctor can discharge a woman only after making sure that the sutures are healing well and there are no inflammatory processes;
  • Conditions of the mammary glands. It is important that the woman does not have any prerequisites for mastitis, and that there are no cracks in her breasts.

In any case, before discharge, the woman will need to give blood and urine tests. A blood test will reveal signs of anemia, and a urine test will reveal signs of urinary system diseases. In some maternity hospitals, doctors offer to undergo an ultrasound to finally make sure that there are no blood clots or remnants of the placenta in the uterus of the woman who gave birth. Only after the woman has passed all the tests can the obstetrician-gynecologist accurately set a date for discharge from the maternity hospital.

How to determine whether a newborn baby is ready for discharge?

It would be fair to note that not only the obstetrician-gynecologist, but also the pediatrician is responsible for how long they stay in the maternity hospital after childbirth. After all, it is very important that upon discharge the baby does not have any health problems.

While staying in the maternity hospital, children's doctors monitor the baby every day: they conduct a general examination, check how the umbilical wound is healing, weigh the baby, see if the baby's stool is normal, and if there are any problems with urination. The following types of tests are also taken from babies: a general blood test, a blood test for the presence of congenital diseases, and a urine test. The first vaccinations are given to a newborn baby already in the maternity hospital. These are BCG (tuberculosis vaccination) and hepatitis B vaccine.

Before discharging a newborn baby, the pediatrician must make sure that:

  • The baby is of normal weight. Not everyone knows that 2-3 days after birth, babies lose a little weight compared to the initial indicators. It is considered normal if the child has lost no more than 7% of his original weight. If this indicator exceeds the norm, then doctors will postpone discharge until the reasons are identified.
  • the child does not have infectious diseases. If a newborn baby has any infection (it could be a skin infection, a urinary tract infection, or any other type of infection), then his discharge will be delayed until the appropriate course of treatment has been completed.
  • the newborn did not have oxygen starvation. Hypoxia (oxygen starvation) can lead to disorders of the child’s nervous system. Therefore, if the baby develops hypoxia in the womb or during childbirth, doctors will leave the baby in the hospital for a longer period in order to identify possible abnormalities and provide timely assistance.

It is important to know that premature babies are kept in the maternity hospital longer. This is due to the fact that premature babies have very little weight, and given that on the 2-3rd day the child still loses weight, this can become a threat to life.

Doctors should make sure that a woman who has recently given birth is healing well, and that the general health of the new mother is not cause for concern. The period of stay in the maternity hospital is extended in the following cases:

  • In case of difficult childbirth (for example, after a caesarean section, mother and baby are discharged no earlier than on the 8-10th day).
  • With high blood pressure. High blood pressure in a nursing mother may be accompanied by edema and the presence of protein in the urine. In this case, discharge is delayed until blood pressure normalizes.
  • In inflammatory processes. Sometimes after childbirth, a woman experiences inflammation of the mammary glands (which can lead to mastitis) or inflammation of the cervical mucosa. Both types of inflammation require medical intervention, so the woman will be discharged only after completing the course of treatment - no earlier than on the 8-10th day.
  • If there was bleeding during childbirth. Bleeding itself is very dangerous: the mother’s hemoglobin drops sharply, which can lead to anemia (anemia). Therefore, women who had heavy bleeding during childbirth are discharged no earlier than on the 7-8th day, after making sure that there is no threat to her life.
  • If the stitches heal poorly. If a woman had a cesarean section or had ruptures during natural childbirth, sometimes the sutures applied do not heal well. If inflammation is present, discharge from the maternity hospital will be delayed until the condition improves (approximately until the 6-7th day).

Thus, with a successful birth, when the mother is healthy and the newborn baby is healthy, discharge from the maternity hospital occurs according to the standard procedure, and already on the 3rd (maximum 5th) day the baby and mother are at home.

You should be prepared for the fact that, despite the above information, most births are still a process that occurs favorably, which means that the period of stay in the maternity hospital should not be too long!

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