Increasing the pension service of military personnel for 25 years is a bill. The media learned about a possible increase in the length of service for military pensions. When will the increase in length of service be introduced?

Pension payments for military personnel are good government support for this category of citizens after their dismissal from their home department. However, the advantage of a pension for military personnel is not only that it is higher than that of other citizens of the country, but also that this category of people can retire much earlier than they reach the generally accepted retirement age.

A serviceman has the right to receive a pension after serving 20 years in the armed forces, in other words, to retire based on his length of service. However, recently there has been more and more talk in the Russian government about increasing the length of service by 5 years, that is, the minimum service life will be 25 years. Will this project be accepted and will it come into effect in 2018? Let’s try to understand this issue.

Increasing the length of service of military personnel

It was proposed to increase the lower threshold of length of service back in 2013, and two years later the government of our country even raised the issue of making the length of service 30 years, but such a proposal was not approved.

Then the president's intervention in this issue forced officials to develop a number of amendments, but it is argued that this issue is not being considered in connection with raising the general retirement age. But some publications prove that members of the government who are members of the social bloc suggest that reforming the system, which governs retirement earlier than the generally accepted date, will avoid or temporarily delay the increase in the general age threshold for retirement. This will happen due to the fact that pension payments to military personnel will be significantly reduced.

Specificity of the bill

How will the projects differ? At the moment, for 20 years of service, a serviceman is assigned a pension amounting to 50% of his salary. The annual increase for the 20th length of service is 3% of the allowance described above, but the benefit cannot exceed 85% of the military’s salary.

In the new draft law, 65% is accrued for 25 years of service, and another 3% for each year exceeding the minimum length of service, but the maximum amount of security should not exceed 95% of allowance.

A serviceman may retire from the armed forces on one of the provided preferential grounds, which include:

  • reaching the maximum age to serve in the armed forces;
  • a disease confirmed by a military medical commission;
  • organizational and staffing activities.

In this case, he is provided with a pension for length of service, the amount of which will be 50% of the financial resources described above, subject to 20 years of service, and 3% for each year exceeding it, but not more than 95%.

Indexation of salary and pensions

The federal law, which provides for an annual increase in salaries for positions and ranks, has not been implemented for a long time. Since 2013, the increase in military support has been achieved through a reduction factor. Its annual growth is prescribed in legislative acts (in 2017 it was equal to 72.23%), thanks to which pension benefits increased by 30% over 5 years.

When is the Federal Law planned to be adopted?

It is still unclear when the law will be adopted and the new length of service will begin to apply from 2018 or 2019. It also defines a transition phase, which should last 5 years until 2023. It is necessary to adapt military personnel to the new retirement system. Citizens who are subject to the action described in the legislation of February 12, 1993 have the right to retire with 20 years of service under special conditions that operate until the new project comes into force in 2023.

The Kommersant publication reports that according to information received from a source close to the presidential administration, interdepartmental approvals of the bill on increasing the minimum length of service have been completed. A fundamental decision on this issue has been made, so the likelihood of an increase in the minimum length of service threshold in the near future is very high. However, the submission of the project to the State Duma was planned for September, but it is November, and the project has not been adopted.

Many media outlets claim that the question of how long to serve now will be considered only after the election of the President of the Russian Federation.

Conducted opinion polls show that more than 80% of people surveyed do not support increasing the length of service for military personnel, so it is far from a fact that such a painful event will take place completely calmly. A huge number of military personnel and members of their families do not want to quietly watch how their length of service increases and some of the benefits provided for difficult service in the armed forces are taken away.

If you have any new information about increasing seniority, want to ask a question or comment on an issue raised, welcome to the comments block. We will be happy to discuss the issue raised in the material with you.

Working in the police or serving in the Armed Forces involves risks to health and life. Therefore, when calculating the amount of a monthly pension, persons serving in the army are classified as a separate category. Due to the high level of danger in their activities, they and their family members receive payment under special conditions and principles.

For military personnel and employees of internal affairs bodies, old-age benefits are paid after dismissal (find out also). Disability and survivors' pensions are assigned to their family members regardless of the duration of their activity.

As a pensioner, you can enroll in one of the bodies:

  • Internal affairs bodies;
  • State Fire Service;
  • On control over the circulation of psychotropic and narcotic substances and so on.

However, in this case, the accrual of pension payments during the period of service is suspended. After resignation, monthly payments resume.

Spouses of deceased persons are entitled to receive two benefits simultaneously. The main condition is that he/she must not enter into another marriage. They may receive a survivor's pension or another form of pension payment in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Parents of deceased persons can also receive two pensions at the same time. For example, a pension payment in case of loss of a breadwinner or other benefit in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Brief summary of the Federal Law “On pension provision for persons who served in military service”:

  • Chapter 1 - Describes the general provisions of the Federal Law “On Military Pensions”;
  • Chapter 2 - Describes the provisions for long service pension payments for military personnel;
  • Chapter 3 - Describes the main provisions of the military disability benefit;
  • Chapter 4 - Describes methods for calculating a survivor's/military pension;
  • Chapter 5 - Describes the method of calculating the Federal Law “On pensions for military personnel”;
  • Chapter 6 - Describes the assignment and payment of retirement benefits to military personnel.


The federal law contains 6 chapters and 65 articles. A pensioner is allowed to independently choose the type of pension. Only one pension payment of choice is established. The benefit is paid from the federal budget. However, funding for pension payments is carried out centrally.

Do you want to download the law with the changes, additions and amendments? Go to .

Last changes

On January 1, 2017, changes were made to the latest version of the law. The President of the Russian Federation signed the Federal Law on the suspension of the second part of Article 43. The new legislation provides for repeated budget indexation to increase the amount of pension money for military personnel and other government employees. Such a measure will increase the benefit amount by several percent.

Below are the important points of the articles that were not changed during the last edition.

Article 45

Article 45 describes the main ways to increase pension payments for certain categories of military personnel. The following can count on an increased benefit:

  • Heroes of the Soviet Union;
  • Champions of the Olympic and Paralympic Games;
  • Persons awarded the Order of Labor Glory or the Order for Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR;
  • Participants of the Second World War and others.

Article 50

Article 50 describes the terms for calculating military pensions. Retired persons receive pension payments from the moment of dismissal. Disabled persons also receive benefits for three months from the date of dismissal. The family of the serviceman will receive funds from the date of death of the breadwinner.

The timing of pension accrual may be later. Family members become entitled to military benefits after the death of the breadwinner and upon reaching a certain age or due to disability. In this case, the pension payment is assigned from the moment disability is established or from the day the required age is reached.

Parents or spouses, due to the loss of a source of funds for further existence, also have the right to receive pension funds. Before receiving a military pension, they must apply to a government agency.

Article 55

IN Art 55 describes the period for recalculation of assigned pensions.

The size of a military pension is recalculated in the following situations:

  • In case of loss of a breadwinner;
  • For length of service;
  • Due to disability.

Recalculation is carried out from the first day of the month after the month of the occurrence of circumstances that entailed a change in the size of the serviceman’s pension.

A pensioner may be entitled to an increase in the amount of his pension. Payment in an increased amount is paid from the moment the decision is made. But no more than one year from the date of application for recalculation of benefits.

Article 58

Article 58 describes the amount of a military pension not received on time. Such a pension is paid for the past time. But no more than 36 months before applying for it. A serviceman's pension not received on time due to the fault of a government agency is paid without any time limit.

Article 62

Section 62 describes the grounds for withholding money from military pension benefits. Withholding is made by court decision, decree or sentences. The plaintiff can independently write an application to withhold the pension.

There are cases when the amount paid to a serviceman exceeds the permissible limit. In this situation, it will be withheld from the serviceman’s pension by decision of the relevant pension authority in the amount of up to 20 percent of the total amount.

To independently analyze the changes made to the latest edition, download the law from.

A bill was agreed upon by the departments that provide for military service, providing for an increase from 20 to 25 years of service required for the assignment of a military pension. At the same time, it differs significantly from the bill that we wrote about in ours dated June 15, 2017 and which was prepared by our military lawyers. The most important thing is that it is assumed that this bill will be submitted to the State Duma this fall and should come into force on January 1, 2018, and not on January 1, 2019, as previously proposed. However, the bill itself provides for a transition period until January 1, 2023, during which military personnel with 20 years of service or more will be able to retire from military service with the right to receive a military pension under the same conditions. In addition, it is assumed that in the event of a serviceman’s dismissal on one of the so-called “preferential” grounds (reaching the age limit for military service, health status, organizational and staffing measures, as well as dismissal from military service due to failure to comply with the terms of the contract on the part of of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (another federal executive body in which the law provides for military service), if he has 20 years of service or more, the pension will be assigned on the same conditions as are currently in force. The new bill provides for the minimum pension amount. with 25 years of service, it will be 65% of the corresponding amounts of monetary allowance taken into account for the assignment of a military pension (salary according to military rank, salary according to position (official salary) and a percentage bonus for length of service), and the maximum - 95% of the specified amounts of monetary allowance. in the bill, in contrast to what was promulgated earlier, there is no rule providing for an increase in the amount of the specified bonus for length of service paid to military personnel and which is taken into account when assigning a military pension, it is not reported, apparently due to the lack of money in the budget, to do this already not planned. Some media reported that such a maneuver would give the federal budget a break, as it would free up several billion rubles for a while, which is very important in the difficult economic conditions in which our state finds itself.

At the same time, Kommersant reports that according to information from its source close to the administration of the President of the Russian Federation, "a decision in principle to increase the lower limit of length of service for military personnel has been made." Thus, it can be assumed with a high degree of probability that the minimum length of service required to assign a military pension will nevertheless be increased in the near foreseeable future from 20 to 25 years.

You can use the current military pension calculation here.

Use the current calculation of military pension (mixed) taking into account civil (work) experience.

You can use the current salary calculation here.

What is known about the bill so far and what does it mean for active military and military retirees? Let us explain and bring together all the conflicting information.

Sources claim that a fundamental decision on the issue of increasing the minimum threshold for obtaining the right to a long-service pension has already been made. This is very similar to the truth, because the document was developed by the Ministry of Defense and the heads of the State Duma and Federation Council committees know about them and even spoke out on this matter.

For example, the first deputy chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security, Franz Klintsevich, believes that such a bill will increase the responsibility of those entering the service of law enforcement agencies. “Increasing the lower limit of length of service, which gives the right to receive a military pension, will weed out the “runners” and “swallows” for five years,” he told Kommersant. “That is, they will think before going to work in the law enforcement agencies.”

That is, such a bill exists and talk about it is not idle speculation.

It should be noted that the bill is very significant for both active military personnel and military retirees.

For active military personnel

This is a fundamental question. For example, for those who are deciding whether to sign a new contract or not... The whole point is that the serviceman has a “twenty”, and if he signs a contract and the bill is passed, will he lose the right to a pension, since the minimum length of service will be delayed with 20 to 25 years old. This is what confuses the military when deciding to sign a new contract.

The latest version of the bill also provides for a transition period of five years for military personnel. Persons covered by the law of February 12, 1993 retain the right to retire for long service and to receive a corresponding pension under the conditions “in force before the entry into force of this law until January 1, 2023.”

That is, in theory, for those who have already acquired the right to a pension with 20 years of service, the law should not apply. But in Russia anything can happen...

For military pensioners

In the new bill, the numbers change: for 25 years of service, military personnel will be able to count on 65% of the amount provided for by the same article. 43, and for each year beyond this period - 3%, but not more than 95% of the allowance, that is, not 85% - the maximum, as it was, but 95%

There are no other significant changes in the available document that would affect military pensioners. But…

There is information that the cash bonus for length of service, which directly affects the calculation of military pensions, may change. Now it is calculated as follows:

Amount (calculation procedure) of payment :

from 2 to 5 years - 10%;

from 5 to 10 years - 15%;

from 10 to 15 years - 20%;

from 15 to 20 years - 25%;

from 20 to 25 years - 30%;

25 years or more - 40%;


  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 18, 2000 No. 538;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 21, 2011 No. 1074.

Orders of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation:

  • Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2011 No. 2700.

In the new version, supposedly, there are changes in this regard, according to which the percentage bonus for length of service will return to the old versions and will reach 70%, that is, the gradation of time limits for changing the figures of the percentage bonus will expand.

What can be said with 100% certainty:

  1. The bill has not yet been submitted to the State Duma. There is information that it will be introduced after the 2018 elections.
  2. There will be a law, since a fundamental decision has been made and key approvals have been completed.
  3. The bill can be instantly adopted by the State Duma; we now have no doubt in its abilities...
  4. The bill brings very significant changes for military personnel and military retirees.
  5. We served in the army of Peter I for 25 years, which is very symbolic)))
  6. We're watching!

Pension reform has made quite a splash over the past couple of years. Citizens' opinions differ: some are confident that the pension reform will only worsen the situation of Russian pensioners, while others believe that it is a fairer system and encourages citizens to take care of their old age in advance. However, some workers were more affected by the pension reform. We are talking about civil servants and employees of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In today's article we will try to talk in as much detail as possible about all the news related to this reform. It should be immediately clarified that the bill has not yet been adopted or approved - the issue of its adoption and implementation is still only being considered.

So, in this article we will discuss the pros, cons and consequences of increasing length of service for employees of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. You will learn:

  • how this bill was drafted;
  • what benefits it will bring to Russian society;
  • what are the pros and cons of the bill on increasing length of service;
  • how much longer is it planned to increase the length of service for employees of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • How will this affect the size of the military pension?

What are the reasons for developing a bill to increase the length of service for employees in the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs

Currently, more than fifteen million Russians work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The Ministry of Internal Affairs provides work, wages, and pensions to a huge proportion of our compatriots. However, in recent years this figure has begun to rise. Now there is a trend of active growth in the popularity of the service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Many Russians are eager to get into this area. However, this is not surprising - the Ministry of Internal Affairs offers its employees excellent social benefits, financial assistance, benefits, early retirement and many other pleasant bonuses, not to mention the fact that serving in the Ministry of Internal Affairs is prestigious.

Like any other organization, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has a certain financial balance. If we assume that the increase in the number of employees will continue, then we can predict what will happen to the budget of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It's simple - it will be spent on wages and pensions. That is why it is necessary to increase the “service life” of its employees. The official management part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs states that many employees simply do not work out the money they are paid, doing paperwork that could be done automatically. In particular, Valentin Agarkov argues that total automation of most “paper” processes can save the situation at the moment.

Thus, the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs decided that the payment of wages, as well as pensions to employees who have worked for twenty years, is not the most pleasant expense item, and it should be reduced. And if everything is clear with salaries - simply hire fewer people, reduce existing personnel, that is, reduce the number of personnel by any means - then with pensions everything is somewhat more complicated. The most acceptable option was to increase the length of service for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs by five years.

When will the increase in length of service be introduced?

At the moment, this bill has not yet been confirmed. Thus, there may not be an increase in length of service. However, today there are active discussions on this project, so, most likely, it will be adopted in the very near future.

In its current version, the bill proposes to increase the length of service from 20 to 25 years by 2019. This is quite a significant increase – by a full quarter. However, the government is not going to stop there. This trend is planned to continue. It is possible that by 2025 the length of service before retirement will be 30 years - such a bill has already been drawn up, but has not yet been particularly discussed by the authorities.

It is worth noting that even after the introduction of this bill into force, some preferential calculations of length of service will continue to work. For example, in the regions of the Far North (that is, beyond the Arctic Circle), seniority will be accrued at double the rate. For example, for twenty days of service in the Far North, an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will receive forty days of service.

What will be the consequences of increasing length of service for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

Unfortunately, the consequences of the adoption of this bill are very disastrous. The Ministry of Finance has officially stated that if this bill is adopted, the most important consequence will be an increase in unemployment. About ten percent of people currently employed in the Ministry of Internal Affairs will become unemployed. Moreover, they will be required to pay compulsory health insurance.

Many experts expressed their opinion, calling such government actions unauthorized. However, at the moment there is no talk about canceling the implementation of this bill. In response, the officials who developed this bill argue that “the costs of the social sector in our country are too high,” and the state simply cannot afford such large expenses. This argument is supported by claims that it is not possible to increase GDP without reducing these costs. An additional argument for the adoption of this bill was the notorious crisis that affected all layers of our economy.


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